Aichrizon flower of love. Aichrizon care at home: description, photo

There is " Money Tree», « tree of happiness" And … " Love tree". scientifically, Aichryson (Aichryson) . Low strongly branched succulent of the family Crassulaceae (Crassulaceae) decorative, unpretentious, grows quickly and propagates easily. And what interesting bonsai are obtained from the Tree of Love! Forming it is so simple that this plant can be safely recommended to all bonsai lovers, especially beginners.

Small grains of sand often get stuck on the villi of the leaves of the Tree of Love. Wash them off with warm water

Description of aichrizon

Why is aichrizon called the Tree of Love? I don't know any legends or legends about this. Most likely, the shape of the leaves of common species vaguely resembles a heart. Or this is an attempt to give a simple name to an indoor succulent with a scientific name that is difficult to remember the first time.

Aichrizon - low ( no more than 40 cm) a plant with brittle stems. They lignify only at the bases of mature plants. Neat grayish-green or green leaves are smooth or with noticeable pubescence. Their shape (diamond-shaped, heart-shaped, spatulate, etc.) depends on the type of plant. Rosettes of succulent leaves are dense or loose.

The tree of love blooms more often in April - May. On a peduncle tall up to 20 cm there is an inflorescence in the form of loose panicles or corymbs with asterisk flowers, predominantly yellow in color.

Home care (for most species)

A place. Aichrizon is unpretentious, prefers moderation in everything. Such a bright place is suitable for him, where the leaves will not be burned by the burning rays of the sun. With prolonged sunshine, the Tree of Love will “shrink”, but will continue to live. In the shade it will become loose and lose its compactness.

aichrizon love tree in composition with succulents

A flower pot or other container should not be selected "for growth", because. This plant has a poor root system. Drainage should be provided at the bottom.

The soil. This succulent thrives in light nutrient soil (preferably neutral), but without a high dose of nitrogen. It is worth adding coarse sand or crushed brick to it. Suitable soil mixture for cacti. I have one tree for a couple of years living in a glass with hydrogel.

Air temperature. The love tree adapts well to living in a room throughout the year. The ideal conditions for him would be warm summer (+21 … 25°С) and cool winter ( +8 … 12°С). Then in autumn winter time aichrizon will be able to rest, and bloom in spring.

Watering. In order to choose the right watering mode, it is worth once again remembering moderation. Water as needed in summer, rarely in winter. This succulent is able to tolerate temporary drought.

I have aichrizon planted with some indoor plants. Even those that require regular watering. There, the Tree of Love has more juicy leaves than bushes that grow in conditions of moderate watering. Of course, we are not talking about excessive soil moisture, which usually ends in rotting of the stem. If the soil is not watered for a long time, then the lower leaves become smaller, shrink and fall off. At the same time, the stems quickly become bare.

Formation. Aichrizon must be formed. Without this, with an asymmetrical crown, its overgrown fragile branches can break even under their own weight. This is one of the most suitable indoor plants for creating bonsai. The plant can be shaped into a low tree, a fancy silhouette, or made into a ball. Pruning stimulates the appearance of new branches, it has to be done several times a year. The gradual drying and falling of leaves in aichrizon should not be frightening. This phenomenon is normal, which inevitably occurs during growth and during flowering.

Aichrizon can be planted with other indoor plants

Bloom. The love tree blooms by the third year of life, usually in the spring April - May. The inflorescences of most popular species consist of yellow or golden star-shaped flowers. During flowering, aichrizon loses a lot of leaves (sometimes the branches dry out), so many amateur flower growers do not allow it.

If you want to see the flowering of the Tree of Love that lives in the house long years and does not bloom, it is worth "punishing". Transplant to a tighter pot and keep in a cool place in winter.

reproduction. Propagation of aichrizon is not difficult, like many other plants capable of producing aerial roots. Especially if you take for this cut off during the formation cuttings. It is enough to stick them into the ground at any time of the year, and they will quickly take root. I rooted like this in a simple way not only tiny and large twigs, but also adult formed trees. Rooting in water is also possible if pieces of coal are added to it. However, the possibility of decay increases, especially in small cuttings.

Branches of the Tree of Love (Aichrizon) take root quickly if they are stuck into the soil.

seed breeding It is difficult, first of all, because of problems with the acquisition of seeds. Seeds are sown superficially in a container with soil mixture (with high content washed sand). They cover it with glass on top, leaving a narrow slot for ventilation, and wait for the emergence of seedlings for about a couple of weeks. The soil should not dry out all this time.

Types of aichrizon

Aichrizon home ( Aichryson domesticum) . This is a hybrid obtained from Aichrizon sinuous and Aichrizon point. A low bush with a rounded crown or a well-formed tree. Green fleshy leaves (up to 1 cm wide) have short pubescence. Leaf sockets are dense. yellow flowers fragrant. There is an interesting variegated form " Variegatum ", in which the edges of the leaves are trimmed with a white border.

Short villi on a leaf of aichrizon

Aichryson prostrate, or loose (Aichryson laxum) . In this species, leaf rosettes are looser than those of homemade aichrizon. Longer and pubescent leaves with a long petiole. Short hairs are white. The leaves have interesting property: The ability to change hue depending on the lighting. In bright light, the leaves appear bronze, and in low light, they appear dark green. It blooms for a long time (up to 6 months) with golden flowers, while losing a lot of leaves, and sometimes twigs.

. This is very interesting view co light green leaves, decorated with longitudinal reddish uneven stripes. Flowers are golden yellow. The bush can grow more than 30 cm high. Waterlogging of the soil is dangerous for this species.

. The height of the bush is more than 30 cm. Dark green leaves have elongated petioles. Flowers are yellow stars.

In this species, leaf rosettes are looser than those of homemade aichrizon. Longer and pubescent leaves with a long petiole. Short hairs of pubescence are white. They have an interesting property: the ability to change color depending on the lighting. In bright light, the leaves become almost bronze, and in low light, they become dark green. It blooms for a long time (up to 6 months) with golden flowers, while losing a lot of leaves.

Aichryson sinuous (Aichryson tortuosum) . Low species - strongly branched shrub with very dense rosettes. The bush usually grows no higher than 20 cm. Fleshy diamond-shaped pubescent leaves on a short petiole have white villi. Flowering lasts up to 6 months.

Aichryson sedifolium (Aichryson sedifolium) . This is a very interesting species with light green leaves, decorated with longitudinal reddish stripes. Flowers are golden yellow. The bush can grow up to almost 40 cm. Waterlogging of the soil is dangerous for this species.

Aichryson point (Aichryson punctatum) . Bush height up to 40 cm. Dark green leaf plate on a long petiole. Flowers are yellow stars.

Aichryson shrub (Aichryson dumosum) . Rare dwarf (up to 15 cm) species. In nature, it is found only in a small area in rock crevices in southern Portugal.

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Due to the peculiar shape of the leaves, reminiscent of small hearts, the houseplant aichrizon has a very romantic name - "tree of love". If you follow simple rules according to its cultivation, this plant will regularly delight with its flowering.


Aichrizon is a small shrub with a height of 15 to 30 cm, typical representative Crassulaceae family, which grows in nature mainly in the Azores and Canary Islands. Its fleshy branching stems are covered with medium-sized leathery leaves that have a slight pubescence and grow oppositely. At the tops of the stems, they are collected in rosettes.

The color of the leaves is mostly light green, with small patches of yellow, gray, white or reddish. Due to their ability to accumulate moisture, leaf blades look like filled pads. If broken, they give off a rather unpleasant odor.

At favorable conditions you can watch how the aichrizon ("tree of love") blooms. Photos of plants covered with modest but very romantic flowers can be seen in this article. They usually appear in April or May and are yellow or cream star-shaped, rarely red.

Types of aichrizon

Among indoor views The most common of these plants are:

- Aichrizon home. It has very small leaves (no more than 2 cm long), which are distinguished by a uniform green color without inclusions. At good care can bloom from spring to late autumn.

-Aichrizon loose. Shrub, whose height is from 15 to 40 cm, with larger leaves. Its feature is the dropping of foliage when the flowering period ends.

- Aichrizon stonecrop. It differs by sticky to the touch leaves with no pubescence on them. The length of the inflorescences does not exceed 7 cm. During the dormant period, partial leaf fall can be observed. Waterlogging of the soil is detrimental to this species.

- Aichrizon spot. The leaf blade with a crenate edge has a light green color. The stem is covered with translucent hairs, forming a denser pubescence on it than on the leaves.

- Aichrizon sinuous represents ornamental shrub, having the same height of shoots and the diameter of leaf rosettes.

Growing conditions

A representative of the flora of the Mediterranean is the flower aichrizon ("tree of love"). Care at home for him requires more thorough.

First of all, you need to determine the plant appropriate place residence. Due to enhanced gas exchange, it feels best in the open air, so in the summer it is recommended to take the flower out to the balcony or loggia. Growing this plant requires knowledge of required quantity light, suitable temperature, sufficient humidity level.


Aichrizon ("tree of love") needs good lighting, but at the same time, direct sunlight can be detrimental to him. It is best to place it on the windows of the east or west side. In any case, it is recommended to turn the pot from time to time so that the crown develops evenly. By placing a flower on the southern windows, you can cover it from the sun with a thin curtain or put it not on the windowsill, but on a stand or table located nearby.

Temperature regime

IN summer period ambient temperature for aichrizon is not of fundamental importance. It is preferable that it be within + 20-25 ⁰С. But in winter and autumn, the plant needs coolness. The air temperature at this time should be only + 8-10 ⁰С. In a city apartment suitable premises for this period, a closed loggia may become. In its absence, the flower is placed on the windowsill, placing a piece of polystyrene under the pot to reduce heating. If the room is too warm, the aichrizon ("tree of love") acquires elongated shape, becomes emaciated and begins to completely shed foliage. Therefore, placing a flower very close to heating devices is not recommended.


This plant is a succulent, that is, it has the ability to accumulate moisture in the trunk and leaves. Therefore, for him, excessive soil moisture is more detrimental than its drying out. Experienced flower growers used to determine the need for watering a very simple way. You just need to press lightly on the crown. If resistance and elasticity are felt at the same time, then watering is not required. With a lack of moisture, the plant is rather lethargic. In the same way, the need for watering can be prompted by the leaves. Their shriveled, fading appearance speaks of the plant's need for water.

After complete drying of the soil, the aichrizon ("tree of love") does not tolerate strong moisture. Caring for this plant involves frequent watering, but using not a large number water. This is especially true in winter period, since the greatest danger to the flower is waterlogging against the background of low ambient temperature. Excess moisture in the soil can lead to rotting of the root system.

The pubescent leaves of Aichrizon easily collect dust, so the plant must be sprayed periodically. In winter, this procedure should be replaced by wiping the leaves with a semi-moist cloth. In summer, the plant responds very well to a warm shower, which it is recommended to arrange twice a month. To do this, a flower pot is placed in a bath and left there until the leaves are completely dry.

top dressing

Like any indoor flower, aichrizon, the "tree of love," also needs to be fed. How to grow a full-fledged plant at home, what kind of fertilizers should be used so as not to harm it? In these matters, it is best to listen to the opinion of experienced flower growers.

Mineral fertilizers are introduced not only in order to be able to admire the abundant and long flowering. Many of them are also used for crown formation. During the flowering period, the plant is fed at intervals of 2 weeks, using special complex fertilizers designed for succulents. They usually contain phosphorus, potassium and a small amount of nitrogen.


This procedure should not be carried out too often. A sign that the aichrizon ("tree of love") needs to be transplanted is a soil lump densely braided with roots. The pot for aichrizon should not be large, otherwise you can wait a very long time for flowering. It is best to use a clay pot for planting. Due to its high porosity and breathability, it will remove excess moisture and facilitate air access to the roots.

A drainage layer must be laid at the bottom of the tank (expanded clay is usually used). There are no special requirements for the soil. You can fill the pot with a mixture of sod, humus, leaf ground and sand (in a ratio of 4:1:1:1), adding a few pieces of coal and brick chips.

The development of the plant largely depends on how to care for the aichrizon (tree of love) after transplantation. It is necessary to follow all the recommendations above, paying particular attention to watering, which is done only on the fourth day after planting. It is very important to water the plant carefully for the first time, in small portions, so as not to cause root rot.


Aichrizon can be propagated by seeds or cuttings. In the first case, the seeds are sown in prepared bowls filled with a mixture of leaf earth and sand (2: 1), and covered with glass. Periodically, crops must be ventilated and sprayed with water. After two weeks, the first sprouts appear. They dive into boxes at a distance of 1 cm from each other. The soil mixture changes and already consists of two parts of leafy soil and one part sod land and sand. After picking, the plants are placed closer to the light. As the seedlings grow, they are placed in separate pots 5-7 cm in size, filled in equal parts with leafy, soddy soil and sand. Temperature for further cultivation flowers should be + 15-18⁰С, and watering is done daily.

Now about how to grow an aichrizon ("tree of love") using cuttings. This method is the simplest. Cuttings obtained by pruning, or specially cut for this purpose side shoots first you need to dry it by placing it in a dry, dark place for several hours. Then the stalk is placed in a glass of water, where it is, until small roots appear on it. To speed up the process, some coal is added to the water. You can immediately put the cuttings in a container filled with a moist substrate suitable for succulent plants or vermiculite. After rooting, they are planted separately in pots.

The soil mixture is the same in composition as it is transplanted into. mature plant aichrizon ("tree of love"). How to care for him in the future, what conditions must be provided for full growth - all this is not much different from the above rules for caring for the described indoor flower.


Aichrizon can be grown in the form of a bush or tree, the trunk of which is cleared of leaves. For creating beautiful crown pinch the tops of the shoots, and also remove the weakest of them. During a warm winter, the plant often stretches, forming an irregular skeleton. In this case, its renewal is required, which can be carried out by pruning, as well as rooting cuttings. To form a tree with a smooth trunk and a spreading crown, you just need to periodically clean part of the trunk from shoots, and twigs from weak shoots, pinching the tops. Then the aichrizon plant - the "tree of love" - ​​will fully justify its name (photos of such forms of this indoor flower are posted in the article).

Difficulties in growing

For beginner flower growers in the process of growing aichrizon, a number of problems often arise, the solution of which requires knowledge and experience. First of all, frequent fall of leaves can cause concern. This phenomenon can be caused by various factors. This may be a consequence improper watering(overmoistening or, conversely, overdrying of an earthy coma), exposure of the plant to direct sunlight, deficiency of nutrients.

As a result of warm wintering, flower stems may become too bare. In this case, rejuvenation of the plant by rooting the top can help. The lack of moisture causes wrinkling of the leaves, and low lighting leads to the stretching of the stems, due to which the decorative effect of the flower is lost.

Insect pests for aichrizon are not terrible, only rot that occurs during excessive watering is dangerous.

Careful observation of indoor plants will help to see in time the signals indicating their uncomfortable condition and take timely measures to protect the flowers. With good care, aichrizon, the “tree of love,” can serve as a home decoration for many years. How to grow, expert advice on creating the necessary conditions for this, and all the recommendations described in this article, you just need to take into account when purchasing such a wonderful plant.

What does it look like. Aichrizon home or love tree is probably one of the most attractive ornamental foliage plants with large oval dark green leaves, densely pubescent on both sides. Its many slender, forked branches bear spoon-shaped leaves on short petioles. The leaves form rosettes at the ends of the stem. The inflorescences are branched, rising high above the foliage, star-shaped flowers appear in the center of the rosette of numerous pubescent buds, the petals are lemon yellow. The plant loses foliage and may even die after flowering. The color of the leaves varies depending on the exposure to sunlight. In the shade they are green, and in direct sunlight they become brownish green or khaki. There are variegated varieties with white stripes along the edge of the sheet.

Height. Up to 50 cm tall.

1. Aichrizon - home care

1.1. Reproduction

The plant remains ornamental only for 1 - 2 years, but produces abundant self-sowing after flowering. Propagation by cuttings is quite easy - rooting occurs within 2 to 4 weeks. Small cuttings take root in spring or summer, after preliminary drying of the cut site for several hours. Take shoots 8 - 10 cm long, cut off the lower leaves and plant them in slightly moist soil from equal parts peat, moss and coarse sand or perlite. Provide bright light and sufficient watering. Rooting will take three to four weeks. Seeds are sown in moist and nutritious soil under a glass cover - in the spring. The crops are aired daily and sprayed if necessary.

1.2.How to care, trim

A fast growing plant, but the lower part of the stem tends to become bare with age. This succulent is easy to care for. Timely removal of inflorescences will help prevent leaf fall and increase the lifespan of the plant. Regular pinching of young shoots causes the plant to branch profusely. Try not to place the plant near heating appliances during the winter months.

1.3.When it blooms

In spring - summer, the flowering period can last up to six months. How to make aichrizon bloom? Flowering can be caused by prolonged drying of the soil. A flowering succulent loses a lot of strength in this process, so flower stalks are often removed.


The planting substrate should be sandy, well-drained with mild acidity (6.1 - 6.5 pH). Drainage material should be 30 - 50 percent of the total volume. Aichrizon tolerates nutrient-poor soils well.

1.5.Aichrizon transplant

Since the bush has a small root system, it does not need large pots, it is enough to transplant into a pot with a diameter of 10 - 13 cm. If necessary, move the plants of the second year of life into pots one size larger in spring. The size of the pot for it directly affects the size of the plant itself - in cramped conditions, the bush often remains compact. Try to use transshipment - the plant does not like damage to the root system.

1.6. Diseases and pests

Leaves often fall off after flowering. If too many leaves fall off, move the plant to a cooler room in partial shade. Rotting occurs with too abundant watering and the constant presence of moisture in the pan. The bush does not bloom in the absence of a dormant period in coolness or insufficient lighting.

1.7. Watering

During the period active growth watering liberally, completely soaking the earthen ball, but allowing the top half of the potting mix to dry out between waterings. With excessive watering, the plants are stretched. During the dormant period, if any, water rarely, only so that the soil does not dry out completely. It is advisable to use lower watering so that moisture does not linger in the pubescence of the plant.

1.8.How to spray

These plants will thrive in humid environments, but they are well adapted to dry environments. Abundant spraying, especially in cloudy weather, causes the plants to rot.

1.9. Fertilizers

If the succulent is given a winter dormant period, apply standard liquid fertilizer every two weeks only during the period of active growth. With year-round warm content, you can feed year-round with half-concentration fertilizer.

1.10 Temperature

The plant tolerates a wide range of temperatures well. Under normal room conditions grows continuously. If you keep the plant indoors where the temperature drops below 13 ° C and in the shade - it will fall into a dormant period and stop growing, but will bloom profusely next season.

1.11.Containment conditions - light

The plant prefers light partial shade during the daytime, however, in poorly lit places the plant does not bloom and becomes lanky and elongated. Provide the plant with direct sunlight in the morning and evening for 3 to 4 hours daily.

1.12. Purpose

Enough rare view in culture, maybe because of its potential short life. An attractive bonsai can be formed from the plant.

1.13. Note

The life expectancy of this species is 1 - 2 years, the succulent may die after flowering - but not always. The second name - "Tree of Love" is possibly given to the plant because of the shape of the heart-shaped leaves. Among the signs associated with these plants, there is a belief that couples who successfully grow the plant for a long time become happier.

2. Types of aichrizon:

2.1. Aizrizon prostrate - Aichryson laxum

A small succulent shrub with large, spoon-shaped, slightly concave dark green leaves. Semi-deciduous appearance. Flowering is long and abundant.

Aichryson tortuosum

A small perennial evergreen succulent shrub up to 20 cm high with winding stems. The stems are woody from below and covered with bark, and young shoots from above often have pubescence. The leaves are thick, juicy, covered with sparse and long pubescence, collected in rosettes. Leaf shades include light green with a bluish waxy coating, purple, pinkish, cream, brown.

2.3. Aichryson variegated - Aichryson x domesticum "Variegatum"

An evergreen shrubby succulent that forms leaf rosettes at the ends of branched shoots. Leaves have pink, cream or white stripes along the edge. sheet plates. Blooms with small yellow flowers.

2.4. Aichryson laxum - Aichryson laxum

It is a low succulent with numerous branched, fragile shoots.. The leaves are green or with a pinkish edge, small, rounded, covered with chic pubescence, the leaf blade is glossy. Branched inflorescences can carry up to 50 - 60 golden yellow flowers up to 1.5 cm in diameter. The flowers are small, yellow, collected in few-flowered inflorescences. Often plants of this species lose a lot of strength to bloom and die after flowering.

3. Summing up - 7 secrets of success:

  1. Growing temperature: it is fashionable to keep the whole year with room temperature in the range from 18 to 24 ° C.
  2. Lighting: daily sunbathing in the morning and evening hours for 3-4 hours.
  3. Watering and humidity: regular watering with drying of the top layer of soil with a thickness of about 2 - 3 cm, any air humidity.
  4. pruning: pinching young shoots for better branching and removing fading inflorescences.
  5. Priming: Slightly acidic and well drained.
  6. top dressing: Highly diluted fertilizer for succulent plants throughout the year.
  7. reproduction: stem cuttings, fallen seeds often form self-seeding.

On the windowsills of many residents of Russia, you can find small plants that look very similar to crassula or Money Tree. This decorative flower is called aichrizon, but the people dubbed it "the tree of happiness and love." The plant deserved such an unusual name thanks to unusual voluminous leaves, resembling small hearts in their shape.

To date, aichrizon is very common among lovers of indoor flowers. Such popularity is quite justified: it does not need complex care, is not capricious and is great for decorating any interior. This is a fairly flexible plant, it can be used to create compositions or planted singly in small pots. With the help of a pruner, the crown of the tree of love can be given almost any shape. At the moment, botany knows 15 species of this wonderful decorative flower.

Houseplant - the tree of love has spread around the world from Portugal. It is this hot country that is the birthplace of Aichrizon. In their vivo it prefers to grow in cool, shady places. Most often, this plant can be seen in mountainous and rocky areas, hiding from the heat between large stones.

IN wild nature such flowers can be found not only in Portugal, but also in the following territories:

  • Canary Islands.
  • Northern part of Africa.
  • Madeira Island.
  • Azores.

In apartment conditions, the flowering period of the tree of happiness begins in mid-spring. Some varieties of this plant can surprise with a very long flowering, in some cases it can last about six months.

In order for a pet to please you with its flowering, in winter you should provide it with all necessary conditions, namely lighting and suitable air temperature. A slightly cramped pot can also stimulate the plant to start flowering.

The first flowering of aichrizon occurs no earlier than two years after planting. During and after this period, some types of love tree can shed up to seventy percent of their foliage. This is done so as not to waste moisture and energy on the leaves, when they are more required by the inflorescences.

Gallery: aichrizon plant (25 photos)

Most popular types

Among the huge variety of different types of aichrizon, which differ in color of flowering, leaves and sizes, only five of them are considered by plant breeders for keeping in room conditions:

  • Aichrysonlaxum - Aichryson prostrate, or loose.
  • Aichrysonpunktatum, or point.
  • Aichrysonsedifolium - stonecrop, or aeonium.
  • Aichrysontortuosum, or sinuous.
  • Aichrysondomesticum - home.

Many beginner flower growers are confused by such a number decorative species and they don't know which one to choose. Let's figure out how these aichrizons differ from each other.

Spread, or loose

Aichrizon prostrate is a compact shrub with a cubic crown. Such a plant grows up to a maximum of 40 cm. It has small diamond-shaped leaves covered with white fluff. They are attached to the stem with cuttings. middle length. Leaves are 1 cm wide and 3 cm long.

The flowering period of this species lasts about 6 months. Yellow flowers cluster together to form small clusters. Aichrizon prostrate tends to drop foliage after the last flowers wither.

Aichrizon spot

This is a miniature shrub capable of growing up to 40 cm in height. It has shoots covered with white down, which are painted in green color with a slight brownish tint. The presence of white hairs on twigs and stems is a distinctive feature of this species, since other Aichrizons can only boast of down on the leaves.

Aichrizon dotted - the owner of rhombus-shaped leaves covered with a very rare fluff. These so-called rhombuses do not grow alone, with the help of long petioles they are combined together and form rosettes.

The inflorescences of this species look like small stars and are painted in a sunny yellow.

Aeonium (Aichrizon stonecrop)

Aichrizon stonecrop resembles a small semi-bush with straight shoots and very short but wide leaves. Their length is a maximum of 15 mm. In groups, they are attached to the petioles and form rosettes with a diameter of about 6 cm. The leaves can be colored green or green with a yellowish tint. Some leaves often have pale red stripes. They are needed to release a special sticky substance that covers the entire surface of the plant.

Aeonium can reach 40 cm in height. It has small racemose inflorescences, which consist of yellowish small flowers.

Aichrizons, belonging to the tortuous species, look like small modest bushes that can only grow up to 30 cm in height. They have diamond-shaped leaves of light green color, the entire surface of which is covered with white short hairs. The leaves are held in small groups and form rosettes, they are attached to the stem with the help of petioles.

The main feature of the winding aichrizon is its short shoots. The length of the leaves is 1 cm, and the width is 1.5 cm. The flowering period of such a plant begins in early spring and it goes on pretty long time sometimes until July - September.

This is a small bush that can grow up to 30 cm. The diameter of the crown of this plant is equal to its height. This species was obtained by crossing the dotted and winding aichrizon, so it is considered a hybrid. It has small leaves, resembling clubs in their shape, their width rarely reaches 1 cm, and their length is 2 cm. The leaves do not grow singly, they are combined together with the help of twigs and form small rosettes. All leaves home aichrizon covered with short white down.

The crown is painted in rich and bright shades, always from green color palette. Inflorescences in their shape look like small suns. They are yellow in color and have a rather tart aroma. When kept at home, this species blooms for a very long time, sometimes the flowering period can be delayed up to 6 months.

Reproduction methods

To propagate a decorative flower - a tree of love, flower growers use three different ways. young plant can be grown from leaves and cuttings of an adult aichrizon or obtained using seeds.

To propagate mature tree, you will need to cut off several healthy and dense leaves from it, and then leave them for several hours in a dark place at room temperature. That way they can dry out a bit. After that, dried leaves should be planted in a pot with low sides filled with sand and vermiculite.

Propagation by cuttings occurs in the same way. Cuttings are cut from the mother plant with sharp knife or secateurs. They are left to dry, after which they are planted in wet sand mixed with vermiculite.

When your planting material will give roots, it will need to be transplanted into a larger pot.

If you have chosen the breeding method using aichrizon seeds, then adhere to the following rules:

With the help of such simple ways you can grow new aichrizons. Even beginners and inexperienced flower growers will cope with this.

How to care for a tree of happiness

To begin with, choose a suitable place for the aichrizon with a favorable environment for it. It is not recommended to place such plants near heating devices and household appliances. These decorative flowers need good lighting, but direct sunlight has a detrimental effect on them, which can lead to burns and wilting. Therefore, it is best to place a pot with a love tree on an east or west window.

If this is not possible, the southern window sill will also do, but it will definitely need to be curtained with thin gauze or tulle. Thus it is possible to avoid negative consequences ultraviolet radiation and provide the plant with diffused sunlight. In order for your bush to keep its shape well and grow evenly, periodically turn it towards the sun with all sides in turn.

Since the southern countries are the birthplace of aichrizon, he loves warmth very much. Optimum temperature for the maintenance of such a flower will be 20-25 degrees above zero. In winter, a high temperature is not required, even 10 degrees of heat will be enough for him.

The tree of love is not capricious plant, therefore, it can easily adapt even to unfavorable conditions for itself. But if it gets too hot, get ready for the fact that your pet will gradually begin to shed foliage.

Planting and soil

Aichrizon has a very weak and rather thin root system. Therefore, do not plant it in tall pots and rough soil, otherwise it will lead to root rot. Pots with low sides are suitable for placing such decorative bushes. Line the bottom of the pot with a good layer of drainage before planting. It can be prepared from broken brick, vermiculite and crushed foam.

Before you start landing, you should purchase suitable soil. You can cook it yourself using the following ingredients:

  • Expanded clay or gravel.
  • Turf land.
  • Peat land.

These components should be mixed in equal proportions. You can add birch embers to them, aichrizon will really like this supplement.

When planting or transplanting, follow these rules:

Every spring and summer don't forget to fertilize your love tree. Top dressing helps aichrizon to bush well and give a healthy splendor to the crown. Fertilize once every two weeks. Give preference to top dressings with a low nitrogen content. In winter, there is no need for fertilizers.

Watering an aichrizon flower

Before you start watering, you should determine if your plant needs additional moisture. To do this, pay attention to the condition of his crown. If the leaves are elastic, then the flower does not need water. If they are sluggish or dry, Aichrizon needs urgent watering.

Such ornamental plants feel good even in dry rooms, but at the same time they are big fans warm shower. It should be carried out at least once a week, excluding winter time.

Excess moisture in the soil can lead to rotting of the root system. The lack of water is bad for the aichrizon, the plant may begin to shed its foliage.

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