A miracle of technical progress is an automatic moonshine brewing apparatus. Concept: moonshine still - full automatic

The purpose of moonshine stills is known to everyone. This unique installation allows you to obtain distilled liquid by distilling the feedstock and subsequent purification of the resulting fractions. The quality of the distillate itself largely depends on the quality of the device: strength, level of purification expressed by a characteristic color (cloudy or colorless), the presence of a subtle aftertaste from the original product, as well as the speed of the entire distillation cycle.

When choosing a moonshine still, you should pay attention to the provided equipment, the capacity of the distillation tank, as well as the overall performance of the installation. But even in this case, choosing the ideal device can become a real problem, since among high-quality samples there are, alas, many downright bad models. Therefore, as a recommendation for purchase, we have selected 20 of the best moonshine stills on Russian market and divided them into four main categories. The following parameters were adopted as criteria for selecting products for the rating:

  • reviews from consumers and national experts;
  • hourly productivity of devices;
  • quantity components(equipment);
  • possibility of modernization;
  • durability and build quality;
  • cost level.

All models presented in the list are worthy of your priority attention.

The best inexpensive distillers: budget up to 10,000 rubles.

The category of inexpensive distillers includes all so-called entry-level devices. They are distinguished by their small size and, accordingly, small volumes of the distillation tank, low productivity, quality of the resulting product, as well as extremely simple design. Such devices are unpretentious in maintenance, but are designed for a long service life.

5 Wagner (30 l)

High productivity (7 l/h)
A country: Germany (Russia)
Average price: 7,490 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.5

Strong middle peasant budget series moonshine stills, built on the basis of a 30-liter distillation cube. It is by no means purchased often, but it causes owners exceptional positive emotions. According to them, for the segment of inexpensive distillers, Wagner turned out to be extremely productive, producing up to seven liters of finished product per hour. Moreover, the quality of the resulting distillate is at an acceptable level.

But one of the weakest points of the Wagner device is its safety indicator. Installing automatic pressure relief valves is generally rare for the budget, and this model was no exception. For experienced users, releasing pressure manually will not achieve big problems, but newcomers to moonshine brewing should be especially careful. Fortunately, the reliability of the case is at the proper level - no metal defects or lack of penetration in the seam zone (in all the abundance of models used) were noticed.

4 Schnapser Classic (20 l)

The safest model
Country: Germany
Average price: 7,990 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.6

The distiller with German roots has taken root well among domestic consumers, for which it has earned an honorable place in the ranking of the best. Most the best option For purchase (according to consumer reviews) there was a model with a 20-liter distillation cube, which makes it possible to process large volumes of raw materials at a time.

In the technical part of Schnapser Classic, several remarkable things can be highlighted. Firstly, a small valve for discharging stillage at the bottom of the tank is a logical solution urgent problem, which is not implemented in all competitive models. Secondly, the fact that there is a collapsible steamer, which is by no means often installed on budget moonshine stills, is pleasant. But the most important advantage of the distiller is the automatic release valve overpressure, making the distillation process absolutely safe.

3 Phoenix Dream 8 l

Best performance (3l/h). Optimal equipment
Country Russia
Average price: 5,490 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.6

The classic design of the Phoenix Dream device looks great. Perhaps this is the best distiller in terms of appearance, but this is not all of its features. If you ignore the distillation tank, designed for 8 liters, you can praise the installation for its productivity of 3 liters per hour. The equipment deserves special attention. An important fact is the basic presence of a steam trap, which traps harmful impurities and significantly improves the quality of the finished product. The lack of a thermometer is a little annoying, which is why you have to control the temperature in the chamber “by eye” or by other methods. But overall, the moonshine still is very good, and largely justifies its price.


  • high performance;
  • excellent appearance;
  • the presence of a steam tank;
  • flow cooling;
  • high quality of the resulting product.


  • lack of thermometer;
  • small distillation tank (8 liters).

2 Magarych Derevensky 20T

The best volume of the distillation cube (20 l)
Country Russia
Average price: 4,750 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.6

An elegant look is not about him. Unpretentious and bulky externally, but very practical internally, “Magarych Derevensky 20T” becomes the decoration of our entire rating. What's good about it: firstly, it is worth noting the volume of the distillation cube, which is 20 liters. Since this model is intended for use not only in urban, but also in rural conditions, the manufacturers decided to equip the installation with a large tank, without resorting to “screwing on” additional components. Heating occurs from electrical and gas stoves, and the temperature inside is controlled by a prudently installed thermometer. According to users, the quality of the resulting product is good, but not standard. However, the distiller itself receives very high marks, for which it is rightfully included among the best moonshine stills.


  • presence of a thermometer;
  • optimal cost;
  • spacious tank;
  • durability of work.


  • "clumsy" appearance.

Due to the sharp increase in demand for moonshine stills, consumers are divided into three camps: some prefer to use standard and well-known distillers, others obtain the product using distillation columns, and others spend a little more and get two units in one. But what is better: a simple distillation apparatus or a rectifier? The answer is found in the comparison table:

Device type




Extremely simple design

Low cost and high availability

Ease of use

A whole collection of recipes for drinks that can be obtained by distillation of (various) primary products

Reliability of the design based on its simplicity

– Low productivity and relatively high costs for heating

– Impossibility of obtaining a distillate with an alcohol content of more than 70%

– Explosion hazard and strict rules of use required

– More fusel impurities and acetone than when distilling using a rectifier


Obtaining a higher quality product with fewer impurities

Low cost

Good reliability

Industrially produced rectifiers for moonshine stills are capable of processing up to 500 liters of raw materials per hour

– Not self-sufficient (for the rectification process it requires raw alcohol - the product of the primary distillation of mash in a moonshine still)

– Low performance (for a separate model)

– More complex design than that of a distiller

1 Malinovka Economy 12BKT

Best price
Country Russia
Average price: 4,190 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

An inexpensive moonshine still for household use that can compete with more famous models. An obvious advantage over other economy-class distillers is the possibility of its modernization. With simple manipulations, you can install an additional set of components, which will have a positive effect on the quality of the resulting product. It is worth noting that the 12-liter tank of the distiller is made neatly and beautifully, with chrome plating, to please the picky half of users. Completes perfect image presence of a thermometer and good price, which the average buyer can afford.


  • spacious tank (12 liters);
  • presence of a flow cooling system;
  • pleasant appearance;
  • good quality the resulting product;
  • possibility of modernization.


  • not detected.

The best distillers: price – quality

As the price increases, the capabilities of the device itself gradually increase: the equipment is expanded, additional elements appear, the number of cleaning operations increases and, as a result, the overall quality of the distillate increases.

5 Finlandia-Extra (20 l)

Balanced moonshine still. High degree of security
A country: Finland (Russia)
Average price: 12,990 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.5

The device is of Finnish origin, which has gained fame as a universal device that can be significantly upgraded thanks to a clamp connection. In this case, all columns and pipes are removed from the distillation cube, which essentially makes it a fermentation container.

From the technical part of Finlandia-Extra, the automatic pressure relief valve stands out in a special way, making the distillation process less dangerous. The pipe that removes unpurified vapor from the cube is equipped with a Panchenkov nozzle for more complete pre-cleaning of the future drink from toxic impurities. As applied elements, we can highlight a tap for draining stillage and stepped fittings for water hoses, suitable for fitting cuffs to prevent leaks. According to consumers, the cost of the device, taking into account all the cumulative advantages, is fair, but optional upgrades require large cash injections.

4 Doctor Guber “Aroma” (21 l)

A find for gourmets. Best column equipment
Country Russia
Average price: 48,123 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

A very expensive, exclusive, not devoid of charm moonshine still, designed specifically for gourmets and amateurs delicious drinks. main feature“Doctor Guber “Aroma”” consists of four collapsible cap plates for adding natural flavors (apples, malt, nuts, etc.). The vapors passing through all levels acquire a unique aroma, which is fully transmitted into the final drink. Otherwise, the design of the model more or less follows market standards.

To stimulate sales, manufacturers have provided the possibility of “live” configuration of the device during the ordering process. So, in order to reduce the price somewhat, buyers can refuse plates (one or all at once) and diopters. However, a similar law also applies in reverse side– if there is an urgent need to give the drink a whole range of aftertaste, especially ardent fans of moonshine can freely purchase additional levels.

3 Thermosphere "Source Classic" 20 l

Optimal design
Country Russia
Average price: RUB 18,390.
Rating (2018): 4.7

The design of this moonshine still is simple and reliable. It combines the features of a distillation column and a standard installation, which allows you to obtain a highly purified distillate. One cleaning cycle in such a model is equivalent to three to four distillation cycles in a moonshine still... but with one small and very interesting condition. When making such a statement, the developers, and many users, had in mind the initial installations, without steamers and other devices. A single distillation in more “sophisticated” moonshine stills gives a qualitatively the same product, which can only indicate the unfoundedness of the statements. In general, the Thermosphere "Source Classic" is a good model, worthy of attention from potential buyers.


  • Digital Thermometer;
  • good design, combining elements of a rectifier and a distiller;
  • cube volume (20 liters);
  • good productivity (2 liters per hour).


  • high price.

2 Phoenix Spartak 35 l

Best price. Best distillation tank volume (35 l)
Country Russia
Average price: 15,700 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Moonshine still "Phoenix Spartak" with a cube volume of 35 liters is ideal model for one-time and trouble-free distillation large quantity raw materials. It is the fact of good capacity that is advantageous for many consumers. Of course, the dimensions of the installation will not allow it to be placed in small kitchens, but in spacious rooms (and if necessary) such problems will not arise. The design of the apparatus was based on the principle of compatibility - the distillation column was combined with a standard moonshine still. As a result, we get a good distiller at an attractive price.


  • spacious tank of 35 liters;
  • optimal cost;
  • presence of an electronic thermometer.


  • not detected.

1 Good heat Triumph 15 l

Best package
Country Russia
Average price: RUB 16,090.
Rating (2018): 4.9

The Dobry Zhar Triumph distiller is a traditional moonshine still, equipped with a mass additional elements. There are two steam traps located in series on the outlet tube, which eliminate even the slightest possibility of a large amount of harmful impurities entering the final product, which significantly affects the taste. Moreover, all steam tanks are equipped with a valve for draining fusel oils that accumulate at their bottom. You can control the heating using an installed temperature sensor, which accurately transmits the temperature inside the tank to the indicator. According to users, this is one of the best and most convenient installations to use, producing a distilled product with a strength of up to 80-85 degrees.


  • several degrees of purification;
  • very high quality of the resulting product;
  • good productivity (3 liters per hour);
  • installed bimetallic temperature sensor.


  • not identified.

The best moonshine stills with rectifier

The rectification column in moonshine stills is an alternative to steam chambers and a system of outlet tubes. The main filter element in them is a Panchenkov nozzle, and as an additional element there is a spiral-shaped barrier refrigerator that precipitates heavy impurity particles. In one distillation in such a system, a high degree of purification of the distillate is achieved, and its strength can be up to 94 degrees.

5 Dr. Huber “Column distiller” (21 l)

High quality workmanship
Country Russia
Average price: RUB 27,873.
Rating (2018): 4.6

Despite the high price tag, this moonshine still is one of the simplest in the Doctor Guber line. But unlike the primitive classical model, it combines both a distiller and elements of a distillation column, which is fully reflected in the quality of the finished drink. In one distillation cycle, the “Column Distiller” allows you to obtain a product with 70-94% ethanol content. In this case, the number of “turns” at the outlet strongly depends on the temperature maintained throughout the distillation process.

The productivity of the Doctor Guber installation was a good five liters per hour, which was achieved by simply replacing the refrigerator at the outlet. It is also worth noting that the system can be upgraded to some extent, but this requires additional cash injections. If not for the fact high cost, if “Column” were to be among the honored leaders.

4 Schnapser X (30 l)

Correspondence between price and quality parameters
A country: Germany (Russia)
Average price: RUB 17,990.
Rating (2018): 4.6

A typical representative of the line of moonshine stills from the Schnapser company, distinguished by a high price tag and good quality of factory assembly. According to long-known safety standards, the model is made of 2 mm sheet of stainless steel with a hermetically sealed fit of body kits to each other. There is also a proprietary automatic pressure relief valve, a red dot crowning the immaculately chromed body.

According to the manufacturers, the purchase of this device provides nine different operating modes, which allows you to prepare absolutely any drinks. Consumers slightly refute this fact, but in general do not question the quality of the process and the final product. Due to the possibility of free canopy/removal of structural elements, the productivity of “X” varies from 3 to 7 liters per hour. But even in the case of low returns, the device confidently justifies the investment.

3 Phoenix Crystal (12 l)

Best price
Country Russia
Average price: 8,600 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

The best moonshine still in terms of price, alas, does not perform so well in terms of filtration quality. Despite the fact that the distillation column is equipped with a Panchenkov wire filter, a small part of the impurities manages to pass through it and end up in the final product. In principle, one purification cycle is sufficient to achieve an acceptable result, but to obtain the ideal fraction, repeated distillation must be resorted to. The appearance of the device is not bad, as is the set of things supplied with it. To heat it, you can use gas, electric, and also ceramic types heaters.


  • attractive price;
  • good equipment;
  • reliable material of the tank body.


  • not very good cleaning quality for a rectifier.

2 Good heat Profi Plus

The best ratio of price and quality
Country Russia
Average price: 12,600 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

“Good Heat Profi Plus” is a device that inspires confidence just by its appearance. It is not surprising: the body and its components are made with due care and responsibility. There is also a small drawback here - on a polished and chrome-plated case, small defects are more noticeable and significantly spoil the appearance. As for the functional state, there is a wire filter inside the rectifier, the effectiveness of which has been proven high rate degree of distillate purification.


  • availability in model range devices with a tank of 12, 15, 20 and 30 liters;
  • reliable surface, attractive appearance;
  • good distillate quality;
  • effective filter.


  • on a polished surface it is easy to distinguish even the slightest defects that harm the appearance.

1 Wein (20 l)

Best filtration quality
Country: Germany
Average price: 12,990 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

The entire line of Wayne moonshine stills is distinguished by more stringent filtration methods. As users note, the final product, passing through the Panchenkov filter and refrigerator, is brought to a high degree of purification and does not require re-distillation. In fact, the device combines a distiller and a rectifier, that is, it is universal. Characteristic feature This model is the presence of two thermometers: one determines the temperature directly in the cube, and the second - after the barrier refrigerator to assess the state of the condensed distillate. Moreover, the cube can be equipped with an aroma – a special device for giving the product a unique taste.


  • versatility;
  • reliability;
  • efficient design: presence of thermal and wire filters;
  • cube volume (20 liters);
  • acceptable price;
  • possibility of equipping with aroma.


  • not detected.

The best moonshine stills with a steamer

The dry steamer is an additional device that prevents harmful impurities from entering the final product. Fusel oils, which affect the taste of the distillate, settle to the bottom and can be drained using a tap with shut-off valve. For finer purification of the product, it is enough to increase the number of dry steamers.

5 LUXSTAHL 4 (30 l)

The most popular distillation apparatus
A country: Germany (Russia)
Average price: 18,990 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.5

A moonshine still with a steamer, which has earned enormous popularity among consumers for its complete set, simplicity and durability of use. Nominally, the German model does not have an outstanding appearance, however, it is tailored to completely different needs. To the LUXSTAHL 4 distiller system on basic level includes an alcohol meter, a column with a connected pipe to a needle valve, a tap installed in the lower part of the cube for draining stillage and a lining copper mesh measuring 10x50 centimeters.

The variety is not pampering, but for a “very modest” additional fee (more than 10 thousand rubles for the entire body kit), the consumer can get a good system upgrade, which will inevitably affect the quality of the product. Optionally, LUXSTAHL 4 can include a steam chamber, a drawer (also known as a rectifier), autonomous system cooling and 3 kW heating element for autonomous operation. It's a pity that the final price is beyond reasonable limits.

4 Cuprum & Steel Galaxy-2 (30 l)

High quality of the finished product
Country Russia
Average price: 24,150 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.6

A very catchy and lordly expensive moonshine still, designed to become not only a supplier of a quality product, but also a kind of decorative piece of room furniture. Indeed, in terms of performance, you can’t find fault with Cuprum & Steel Galaxy-2 - everything structural elements fitted to each other with filigree precision. In addition, the manufacturers thought well about the use of dissimilar materials. So, alembic The distiller is made of stainless steel, and the column and steamers are made of copper, which has much better heat transfer than chromium iron.

The main disadvantage of Cuprum & Steel Galaxy-2 was its low productivity, amounting to only 4.5 liters per hour. However, consumers do their best to offset this disadvantage with the high quality of the resulting distillate and the long life of the installation itself, without being at all embarrassed by the fact of the high cost.

3 Phoenix Host (10 l)

Best price. User selection
Country Russia
Average price: 9,590 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.6

This small but productive model of moonshine still has gained great fame among users. The main reason for this excitement is its durability - in the future, such an installation can last for a decade without resorting to maintenance. major renovation, and limited only to the replacement constituent elements(faucets, thermometer, etc.). Another advantage of the moonshine still is its productivity: within an hour it is capable of producing up to 3 liters of distillate of acceptable quality. Of course, one steamer does a good job of separating the product from impurities and fusel oil, but some of them still end up in the ready-to-drink drink. The only way out of the situation is repeated distillation, which slows down the cooking process by an order of magnitude.


  • durability;
  • simplicity of design;
  • distillate of acceptable quality;
  • quite high productivity (3 liters per hour);
  • low cost.


  • impurities entering the distillate, which leads to the need for re-distillation.

2 Magarych Mashkovsky 20BKDR (20 l)

The best ratio of price and quality
Country Russia
Average price: 9,690 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

An original solution in terms of appearance was presented by the manufacturers of the Magarych Mashkovsky 20BKDR moonshine still. They prudently “wrapped” the tank of the device, as well as the series-connected steam tanks, which made the product chic and expensive. The functionality doesn’t let us down either: the moonshine still produces up to two liters of distillate per hour, the quality of which is close to ideal. This is achieved through steam traps that actively retain the mash inside the distillation tank. In general, this model is almost the best in its price category and rightfully occupies a place in our extended ranking.


  • distillate High Quality;
  • The faux leather case makes the device look expensive – it has a beautiful appearance;
  • cube volume (20 liters);
  • optimal price.


  • not detected.

1 Dobry Zhar Extra Lux (50 l)

The best volume of the distillation cube (50 l). The best package.
Country Russia
Average price: 22,500 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

A serious unit for serious business – this is how one can characterize the Dobry Zhar Extra Luxury moonshine still with a capacity of 50 liters. It is extremely easy to use, does not require special care and can serve for a long time. for long years. To obtain a particularly pure distillate with a minimum amount of impurities, it is equipped with two dry steamers, each of which is equipped with drain tap for fusel oils. The developers enthusiastically approached the configuration of their device: along with the moonshine still, each buyer will receive a 100-gram pack of alcoholic yeast, a book with recipes for beginners, a compact alcohol meter, as well as a case for carrying and storage.


  • high quality product;
  • very large tank (50 liters);
  • presence of a temperature sensor;
  • rich equipment.


  • not detected.

To prepare a high-quality alcoholic drink yourself, you need to carefully select raw materials and devote a lot of time technological process. Moonshine stills simplify this task - their design provides everything necessary to ensure the natural occurrence of fermentation processes and proper disposal of production waste.


By design, moonshine stills are divided into integral and collapsible. Dismountable ones are easier to maintain; each part can be cleaned separately and replaced if necessary. Complete devices are usually equipped with automation, which complicates their operation - if one part stops working, the device can completely fail. In addition, it is more difficult to clean the inside.

Types of moonshine stills

Household moonshine stills are divided into several types: distillers are designed for making drinks based on mash, rectifiers are used to separate liquids with different temperatures boiling and produce pure alcohol, which can then be used in everyday life, and universal distillation systems can make mash and beer.

A distiller is a distillation cube into which the finished liquid that has undergone the fermentation process is poured, and a cooling coil into which the steam produced by heating the mash in the distillation cube enters. The steam is then condensed and released as a liquid through a faucet or valve. Some distiller models are equipped with a thermometer and a steamer, which help to obtain higher quality, smooth alcohol. The thermometer shows the heating temperature of the liquid - this way you can track the moment of formation harmful substances in the evaporator. Heavy substances settle in the steamer, spoiling the taste and aroma of the finished drink: fusel oils, methyl alcohol and aldehyde.

The rectifier is a vertical vessel with internal heat exchange devices. When the liquid inside is heated, it is divided into fractions, the lightest ones rise to the top, and the heaviest ones settle at the bottom. This way you can isolate pure alcohol or get good alcohol from diluted with cheap impurities.

The universal distillation system combines both of these devices. The kit includes various attachments with which you can assemble a distiller or rectifier.

Types of products

At home, you can prepare many drinks from the alcoholic range of supermarkets or invent your own, adding spices and flavors during the preparation process.

To get moonshine with a rich aroma, you need to put herbs or berries in the steam chamber of the distiller.

Alambic distillers are used to make cognac or whiskey; they differ from conventional stills in the shape of their dome and copper casings. In addition, raw alcohol can be made in a distiller, which can then be used as the basis for other more complex drinks.

Beer columns (also known as distillers with a reflux condenser) allow you to process pure alcohol into strong alcohol. The net yield of the drink is about 35% of the total volume of raw materials. A more complex distillation column can separate alcohol from impurities, leaving almost no waste. But you cannot prepare aromatic drinks in it, since the smell is lost during deep rectification. In a rectifier you can make cognac, whiskey, Calvados and other high-quality distillates using raw materials.

The distillation system can be used both as a distiller and as a rectifier, connecting or disconnecting different mechanisms. This device is recommended for experienced distillers who plan to prepare not only homemade mash, but also cognac or rum.

Features of choice

Any cube can be filled with mash no more than 80%. Therefore, if you take a 20 liter distiller, you need to expect that you can only use 16 liters, the rest of the space is allocated for steam. You should determine in advance in what volumes you plan to prepare drinks.

The power of the cooler must correspond to the volume - the larger the device, the more powerful it is. If the power is insufficient, the quality of the drink produced deteriorates. All element connections must be tightly soldered to each other. An electrical device must have an emergency power off sensor.

Manufacturing materials

Most inexpensive moonshine stills are made of stainless steel or aluminum. The latter are already becoming a thing of the past, since aluminum releases substances into alcohol that affect taste and color. More expensive models for the production of luxury drinks are made of copper. In devices with a glass body, you can observe the process of preparing drinks.

A reference article based on the author's expertise.

At one fine moment there was a desire to have a moonshine still (entirely correct phrase). No sooner said than done... but not so quickly. A review of stores for the purchase of a ready-made device showed that the prices were high and after understanding what I needed, it finally became clear that without " hand made", or as they say on the collective farm, achieving the desired characteristics is expensive.

I wanted the following:

  1. A small distillation cube (there are no utility rooms - apartment, no goal of distilling 10 liters at a time)
  2. Opening steamer (for flavoring)
  3. Good cooling
  4. Heating by heating element with automation.

The price factor has played out decisive role and the search for components began. At first, as they write on many sites, I, of course, decided to buy a pressure cooker. The thing is good, but 9 liters is not enough, the prices are unrealistic at high prices. In addition, it turned out that a lot of pressure cookers, which are positioned in online stores as being made of stainless steel, are actually aluminum with a stainless steel lid. Those that are entirely made of stainless steel have thin walls (and the original idea was to embed a heating element) and for this reason were not suitable. The toad was choking unrealistically, but in the end it was only accepted in my opinion correct solution- buy a cube for a moonshine still.
Therefore, I purchased a 10-liter distillation cube (optimal for me), 3 1/2-inch fittings, silicone and PVC hoses with a diameter of 10 8 mm. and a 24-turn spiral refrigerator.

All this cost 4500-5000 rubles, plus another heating element - 300 rubles. I decided to do everything in the GLASS-STAINLESS STEEL-SILICONE concept.
With silicone gaskets the right size and the configurations were strained, and besides, a lot of them were required, so it was still torn apart Silicone molds for baking in the oven, but this is cheaper than looking for the necessary gaskets and is incomparable in terms of time.
Here is a photo of what happened, only the automation acquired an additional screen, since it significantly expands the capabilities.

Initially, everything was planned a little differently. There was already another refrigerator in stock and the layout was slightly different:

After the first launch of the prototype and the device entering operating mode, it became clear that:

  1. The refrigerator absolutely does not cope with its function
  2. fittings etch through the threads, even with silicone gaskets

When steam, by the way, comes out of the refrigerator, but it does not cope with cooling - a terrible thing.))) You could only squat in the bathroom. If you stand up, a veil of alcohol vapor covers you... and the smell was everywhere... I don’t know how they didn’t kick me out of the house))). The first distillation straightened my brains out and all the “leaks” were eliminated. I wrapped the fittings on the outside with foam tape. By the way, about the use of brass parts in a moonshine still, as a reason to google and read: you can cover them at home with a layer of copper, this is not particularly difficult to do and the process itself is not expensive.

After this, a 24-turn spiral refrigerator (as large as possible) was urgently purchased, washers were bored into the fittings and wrapped with thread on the outside to seal the plumbing work and tightened with terrible force. A ground-in vacuum cone is installed at the bottom of the refrigerator. The seller repeated several times that it was specifically for vacuum (I probably immediately seemed like a moonshiner to him and he understood where I wanted to put this cone), but what do we need?)))... we take silicone and fix this cone - the result is required))) .
Based on the experience gained (again, out of fear and for reinsurance), I made an additional refrigerator (this is the one on which the collection jar hangs), the idea is this: even if there is something gaseous at the outlet of the refrigerator, then by going down the pipe into the jar, it will you will have to get to the top, which is unlikely))). In practice, this was confirmed and to my satisfaction there is no smell at all, a complete absence of odor from the product. Currently I use this device only for fractional second distillation. During the first distillation, after cutting off the heads, I change the steamer, put in a three-liter jar, turn on the automatic mode and you can relax until the squeaking stops. The program itself adds power and turns off the heating at 98 degrees - then the stink continues. A purchased 24-turn refrigerator can easily cope with cooling steam from a kilowatt heating element, even when it operates constantly, while the consumption cold water small. The top of the refrigerator is hot, the moonshine coming out after passing through the spiral is cooled to 18°C.

Connecting water to the device:

A broken watering can lay under the bathtub for a long time until it was her turn. Water is connected quickly and without leaks. Unscrew the watering can and screw on the hose - 5 seconds.

The design of the device itself has now been established and has proven its viability and performance. There will be improvements to the design, but minor ones.

Time passes, the device worked and works well, but in the end, it was extremely tedious to assemble and disassemble the device, all these tubes, connect here, attach here... it was decided to buy. No sooner said than done.

Modern moonshine stills have greatly simplified the process of producing homemade alcoholic beverages, significantly reducing its duration. And using an automation kit, you can significantly increase the efficiency of the device and improve the quality of the final product. An automatic moonshine still is identical in operating principle and quality indicators of the resulting alcohol to commercial and industrial models. The price of a household automatic moonshine still compares favorably; it is much lower than the cost of the most budget industrial analogues. Have you decided to completely or partially give up purchased alcohol? Company " GreenAlco ” recommends that all other types of equipment for moonshine prefer an automatic moonshine still, buy a household model from the manufacturer for connoisseurs of qualityalcohol-containingdrinks can be found in the online store. You can purchase either an automatic moonshine still with air cooling and/or a distillation column, or a separate automation kit.

Moonshine still with automatic control - what are the features

The automatic moonshine still is classic model device for moonshine, supplemented by a compact set of automation. Its purpose is to automate the moonshine brewing process. The automation kit includes a programmable control unit, stainless solenoid valve and thermoelectric converter (thermocouple). It is important that in order for a regular still to transform into an automatic moonshine still, it only takes 3-5 minutes. This is exactly the time period required to install the automation kit on any of the models of TM moonshine devices “ GreenAlco " The presence of this kit provides the opportunity to vary the heating power, control temperature regime, smooth out power surges in the network.

Fully automatic moonshine still - advantages of a model with an automation kit

1. No need for professional skills and close supervision. Automatic moonshine still air cooling easy to use, its controls are intuitive. You don't need any experience or special knowledge to work with it.

2. Accuracy of compliance with the specified parameters. By setting the programmable control unit in accordance with necessary requirements, and by starting the device, you can do more important matters. There is no doubt that the temperature you set will not change by a single degree.

3. Impeccable product quality. Highly purified alcohol is an ideal base for most strong alcoholic drinks, from liqueurs and liqueurs to cognacs and brandy. By choosing an automatic moonshine still with a cleaning system, you will have the opportunity to create alcoholic drinks with different tastes and smells.

4. Unlimited service life. Any of the device parts that have exhausted their working life can be replaced with a new one. The steel used by the manufacturer is durable. It is distinguished by its resistance to corrosion and deformation. It is important that only food grade and stainless steel is used.

Online store of the company “ GreenAlco ” provides everyone with the opportunity to purchase a high-quality automatic moonshine still, buy in St. Petersburg An automation kit is also possible. Regardless of whether you prefer an automatic moonshine still with a distillation column, a still, or any other type of moonshine device, each of our products will be backed by a multi-year warranty. warranty (10 years).

There are several reasons (sorted by weight):
- the quality of alcohol sold at retail cannot be criticized, the price of a bottle of strong drink, which is pleasant and tasty to drink, starts from 3,000 rubles, and those drinks that, to my inexperienced taste, I would like to see on my table and treat them to friends are even more expensive;
- the desire to try drinks that you can never buy anywhere (for example, horseradish with natural honey, cranberry or cherry liqueur);
- alcohol is the most popular and safest solvent and antiseptic, constantly needed in the household, but, alas, it is impossible to buy it now;
- Well, I was just curious.

As a result of long and thorough research into the moonshine still market, a model was chosen that, in my opinion, was as versatile and easy to use as possible. The budget was around 20-22 thousand rubles for everything - the apparatus itself, hoses, a pump for cooling the coil (planned to be used in the country), measuring instruments, fermentation accessories.

Already with one foot in the store, but with one eye on the Internet, I came across the development of Moscow engineers - an alcohol vending machine. I was really hooked - I sat down to read and figure it out, I had to remember my physics course.

At first I doubted: the developer and manufacturer claimed the yield of 0.8-1.0 liters of alcohol 92-94% in automatic mode within 24 hours without external source heat, without water cooling, from a regular outlet.

However, remembering physics, I decided to buy the device, bought it and never regretted it: it’s convenient, simple, not troublesome, and if you take into account the economic aspect, it’s also profitable - the costs were recouped for summer season 2015 (based on the amount drunk by friends and relatives, in terms of the cost of quality alcohol.

What is a spirit machine:

1 - evaporator tank with heating element and temperature sensor;
2 - evaporator cover;
3 - connector for connecting the evaporator to the control unit;
4 - control unit;
5 - container for collecting head fractions;
6 - ascending spiral of the coil;
7 - downward spiral of the coil;
8 - silicone cuff with temperature sensor;
9 - stand for mounting the condenser coil;
10 - locking plate of the evaporator cover;
11 - power cord;
12 - silicone tube for draining the finished product;
13 - cherry tincture.

So, the facts:
1. The device exists and really works;
2. My real performance alcohol machine about 800 ml of alcohol with a strength of 94%.
3. From this amount of alcohol you can get 3 bottles of 0.5 or 2 bottles of 0.7 drinks with a strength of 40-45°. At the same time, the costs consumables will be:
- sugar 2 kg - 100 rubles;
- alcohol yeast 40 gr. - 40 rubles;
- electricity 5 kW - 24 rubles.
Total: 164 rubles or 55 rubles for a half-liter bottle of strong alcohol.
4. I won’t drink factory drinks (except for those mentioned above) anymore... I can, but I won’t.

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