Choosing a trowel for laying tiles on the floor. Shapes and sizes of spatula teeth

Often from people who are not familiar with facing work, you can hear questions about the advisability of using a comb when laying. Like, you can spread it with a regular layer, it will be even better, because the contact area will increase. This article will discuss the need to use and choose a notched trowel for tiles.

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Reasons for use

At the beginning, the adhesive is applied to the tile or wall with an ordinary spatula, and then the excess is removed with a comb. This allows you to leave a certain amount of glue on the surface, which will be evenly distributed. After pressing the tile, the adhesive will evenly distribute and fill the entire space. Reliability is quite enough not to get holes when a frying pan falls, but a chip on the enamel is likely to appear.

This achieves:

  • Fitting quality. Since the adhesive layer will be the same, the tile will automatically lie exactly in the plane (if you have a flat base).
  • Work speed. There will be no need to squeeze out and remove excess glue.
  • Connection strength. With an overabundance, it becomes worse.
  • Profitability. The amount of adhesive recommended by the manufacturer will be applied, and there will be no need to overpay for overspending.

It is more convenient to work with a toothed comb with a handle, in which two sides are notched, and the other two are smooth. You do not have to constantly change the usual spatula and notched.

Tooth shape

  • To apply combs from 6 to 10-12 mm, standard square teeth are used.
  • For combs over 12 mm when working with cement mounting mixtures, semi-circular teeth are used. At such a thickness, the path is combed more evenly and does not fall off if it has a semicircle in cross section, and not a square. They are also used for applying synthetic adhesives with strong spreadability, regardless of the layer thickness.
  • Also sometimes there are combs with triangular teeth. They are not suitable for laying tiles, they are used for applying elastic adhesive thin layer(up to 4 mm) for PVC tiles.

Depending on the shape of the teeth, the spatula may be marked with a number letter. The number indicates a group of size parameters, and the letter indicates the shape:

  • A - triangular teeth, without large gaps between them;
  • B - triangular with large gaps;
  • S - triangular without gaps;
  • C - square;
  • R - rectangular (including irregular shape);
  • M - semicircular.

Tooth dimensions

The thickness of the applied adhesive can be adjusted by changing the angle of inclination. Also keep in mind that after pressing the tile, the glue will spread over the voids and settle.

The width of the spatula should be equal to the width of the tile, or slightly more for ease of use.

Approximate dimensions of the teeth depending on the area of ​​the tile:

For a floor or an uneven base, the size of the teeth is selected more.

Rules for applying glue

When working with a notched trowel, it is important to understand how the adhesive will behave so that there are no voids under the tile.

An important rule: with a spatula you need to apply straight parallel grooves, you can not make twists with them, as they will create voids.

The adhesive should be applied with a spatula at an angle of approximately 60 degrees to the substrate. Most often it is applied precisely to the base, but some do it separately for each tile, which reduces the speed of work.

After application, the tile is firmly pressed to the base. Additionally, in order to distribute the glue evenly over it, light blows are made with a rubber mallet. AT Western countries it is used only when laying on semi-dry screeds with carving, in other cases the tile is applied with a slight offset, and then it is moved on the glue, by the width of the tooth. With this method, there are almost no voids left, unlike a mallet. There is a very old but useful video on this topic:

Another way that some craftsmen use to increase adhesion is to lay the tiles “on the strip”. This means that at the beginning, glue is applied to the base under the comb. Then, with an ordinary spatula, glue is applied to the tile itself, and then it is peeled off. The remaining 1-2 mm of glue act as a primer.

In order for the glue to come out less from under the tile and the seams to remain clean, some craftsmen cut off the last tooth at the comb.


You should not save 50 rubles and take a plastic comb, it will be inconvenient to work because of the great flexibility and low strength of the plastic.

Try to immediately wash the spatula from the glue, so that it would be pleasant to work with them later. To make this easier, keep it in a container of water while working.

notched trowel is the tool used to install tiles. Notched trowels are used to smooth and comb out the adhesive that helps hold the tiles to the substrate. It consists of a cold rolled steel blade with a vinyl or wooden handle. The notched trowel is available in V-, U-, and square notches.

The parameters indicated in the table mean the following:

  • A - triangular teeth, without large gaps between them;
  • B - triangular with large gaps;
  • S - triangular without gaps;
  • C - square;
  • R - rectangular (including irregular shape);
  • M - semicircular.

The V-notched trowel is used for applying adhesive when installing hardwood floors and for laying tiles on a vertical surface. It is available in tooth thicknesses of 0.48 cm, 0.32 cm, and 0.64 cm. V-notched trowel with a tooth width of 0.48 cm is most commonly used for wall, ceramic, plastic and metal tiles 15 cm or smaller size. If you want to know more about the types of spatulas, this article talks more about it.

So, choose a notched trowel:

  • Square notched trowels are used for tile, parquet and vinyl flooring. They are available with tooth thicknesses of 0.16 cm, 0.64 cm, 1.27 cm.
  • A spatula with a tooth thickness of 0.16 cm is used to install vinyl floor coverings that require double application of adhesive.
  • A spatula with a tooth thickness of 0.8 centimeter inch is used to spread and comb the thin mortar when laying tiles measuring 20 cm by 20 cm or larger.

To prolong the service life of the notched trowel, it is recommended to rinse it with water immediately after use. If the adhesive dries, it will need to be chipped off, this may damage the spatula, so this is best avoided. Wipe the spatula dry and store it in a dry area to prevent rust formation.

Notched trowel for glue. Key Features

If the substrate surface is horizontal, then a square notched trowel should be used to comb out adhesive solutions and set materials on the surface. A V-shaped notched trowel for glue should be used for combing adhesive and installing materials on vertical surfaces. The spatula teeth go into different depths, depending on the thickness of the applied mortar. The depth of the cut depends on the thickness of the tooth and should be two thirds of the thickness of the tile you are going to lay in your project. positive moment the use of a notched trowel is that when working with it, glue overspending is absolutely excluded. You may be wondering how to lay the tiles with your own hands, then check this information in this one.

Approximate choice of spatula according to the size of the teeth, depending on the site ceramic tiles:

Notched trowels are usually metal, but you can buy cheaper ones made of plastic. Plastic spatulas are useful if you want to use them for a single project. For example, you want to lay a tile on one wall, and then, without a feeling of regret, dispose of it. Metal spatulas must be cleaned after each use in order to be reused already in next project. If you think your project will take days or weeks to complete, then we recommend buying a metal notched trowel and making it part of your tile laying tool.

Applying glue to a notched trowel

The right tool for good result when laying ceramic tiles - this is almost 50% result competent work. Apply fat to the surface of the tile, you must also use a tool that will ensure the distribution of glue in the same way. A notched trowel is the very miracle that helps you get the job done pretty quickly. How to choose a notched trowel for tiles?

If your facing product is made of clay or natural stone, then laying it out with a mosaic will not be difficult. Modern technologies allow you to use various options glue. The glue is so elastic that it allows itself to be stretched as required by the instructions. But it’s not him, but you, who will have to prepare the base, so read carefully about what types of spatulas to use for specific cases.

Notched trowel for tiles: option one

The size of the spatula teeth is different. Which to choose? It is the one that suits your tile, and it depends on its area and type.

The 4x4 notched tool is used on flat bases in the back, and the size of the tile should not be more than 10x10 centimeters. If you have a glass tile, and its thickness is 4 mm, then use a scraper with 3x3 mm teeth.

Glue consumption per square meter- about one and a half kilograms. It may be more or less, but not by much: it depends on its consistency. On the adhesive package you will find the amount of use required.

Notched trowel for tiles: option two

This is a notched trowel with 6x6 slots. It is used when the dimensions of the tile are larger than 15 by 20 cm or 10 by 10, but with an uneven back surface. Such a tool is also great for tiles with a side of 20 cm.

Here, however, more glue is needed - usually it takes from one and a half to three kilograms.

Notched trowel for tiles: third option 8 by 8

If your tile is 30 by 30 centimeters, then take this particular tool, and it is convenient to work with floor finishing material in it.

Glue is consumed more than 2 kilograms, but not more than four.

Notched trowel for tiles: option four

A notched trowel with 10 by 10 notches is suitable for large and thick tiles: their dimensions start from 30 cm on the side, and the thickness of the product must exceed the ten millimeter level. Such a big format finishing plates requires full coverage of its back.

Glue takes from three to 6 kilograms

There is also a spatula with teeth 12.5 by 20 on sale. The size of the plates is usually such that on the walls, if placed, then on the outside, to give modern look buildings. The tile is used large-format, not necessarily ceramic. Yes, and glue per square meter takes 7 kilograms.

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Wall and floor surface finishing for various purposes ceramics, provides quality coverage having not only beautiful appearance but also a number of other important qualities. The tiled surface has long term service, is not afraid of exposure to moisture and many other aggressive environments, is sufficiently resistant to mechanical stress, it is easy to care for it during operation.

The correct process of laying tiles provides a spatula-comb

But in order for all these properties to be fully manifested, and the floor in the bathroom or in the kitchen does not lose its original form and served for a long time, you need to very carefully approach the choice of basic materials, tools and fixtures that will be used in the facing work. Not the last place in this list is occupied by a notched trowel or, as it is also called, a comb, because it is with this tool that the main work on laying ceramics will be done. And yet, depending on the size of the spatula for laying tiles, the consumption of tile adhesive depends, which ultimately will affect the cost of facing work.

The design and types of combs

The comb, for laying various finishing materials, primarily ceramic tiles, on the floor or wall, has the form of a trapezoidal plate with a handle fixed to it.

Most often made from of stainless steel, which ensures high-quality application of the adhesive composition on the surface and a long service life of this device.

The notched trowel used in the behavior of facing works, according to the way the handle is located, is of two types:

  1. The handle is fixed on the working plane.
  2. The handle is perpendicular to the work plane.

A universal spatula is less common, on its two long sides there is a comb that has different sizes or shapes of teeth, which allows its use with a different adhesive consistency for laying tiles on a floor or wall. Professional finishers do not use this tool in their practice, because a tool of this design does not have a handle, and it is inconvenient and difficult to work with it.

A notched trowel is primarily needed for coating tiles and walls, floors with a primary layer of glue

Another rare specimen is a trowel made of plastic. Also not widely used due to the short service life of the tool, due to the rapid wear of the teeth, as well as the inconvenience of working with it from sliding on the surface of the adhesive.

In addition, the spatula for laying tiles has a wide range of options for the following parameters:

  • Tool size. There are from 10 cm to 45 cm.
  • Tooth shape. There are teeth of a square (rectangular), semicircular or triangular shape. Depending on the shape of the teeth, the comb is appropriately marked with a set of alphabetic and numeric characters. For example, a tool with the designation a1 or a2 has a triangular tooth shape and small gaps between them.

A notched trowel for tiles has proven itself well, with a handle on the working plane of the tool, which has a comb on two sides for distributing glue over the surface, and the other two sides are used to apply glue to tiles or floors.

Choosing the right trowel depending on the shape and size of the teeth

To obtain high-quality laying of ceramics, rational and economical use of expensive glue, you need to choose the right comb, namely the size and shape of the teeth.

The form:

  • Square. They are used for applying a mixture with a thickness of 5 mm to 10-12 mm.
  • Semicircular. Used when working with synthetic compounds, or when distributing glue with a comb height of more than 12 mm from cement mixtures.
  • Triangular. This tooth shape should be chosen when working with mobile mixtures or applying a thin layer no more than 5 mm thick. For example, when laying PVC tiles on the floor, it is convenient to work with an A2 or B1 trowel.

Depending on the size and thickness of the tile, tools with different sizes teeth

The size:

  • With teeth from 0.6 -1.2 mm are used to apply the least thin layer of the mixture.
  • Having teeth dimensions of 0.3x0.3 cm, they are used for mounting mosaics.
  • With teeth parameters of 0.4x0.4 cm, it is used when installing ceramics having a size of 10x10 cm.
  • With teeth 6x6 mm suitable for laying fragments with dimensions of 15x20 cm or 20x20 cm.
  • ceramics with sides 30x30 cm, fit with a tool with teeth 0.8x0.8 cm.
  • When installing large formats on the floor, or tiles having a thickness of more than 12 mm, you need to choose a spatula with comb parameters of 10x10 mm or 12x12 mm.

Sometimes when laying tiles of the same format, different types spatulas. So, if the floor has significant irregularities and depressions, an a2 spatula is used in convex places, and in recessed areas, choose a tool with teeth parameters of 10x10 mm or even 12x12 mm.

You can choose a comb for applying glue, focusing on the recommendations of the glue manufacturer. The package indicates the size of the spatula that is needed for use with this material. For example, on the container it is written that you need to choose a comb a2 or b1.

The width of the trowel should be the same width as the element to be laid or have a slightly larger size.

Adhesive technology

Having dealt with the question of which tool to use in a given situation, consider the installation technology finishing material. The process of laying tiles using a comb trowel consists of the following operations:

  • A small amount of adhesive is applied to the floor or wall. For this procedure, a conventional flat trowel is used.
  • The mixture is distributed with a spatula, thus forming a kind of ridges with the specified parameters.
  • Mounted elements are applied to the surface and lightly pressed until the excess mixture and the air contained in it are displaced.
  • In the next 12-25 minutes, the tile can still be corrected and its position on the surface can be changed.
  • After the final setting, the joints are processed and sealed with a fugue.

After completing all the work, carefully clean the tools used during the installation process from the remnants of the material, because the same trowel, a reusable device and with proper care will last more than one year.

It is difficult to imagine the performance of repair and construction work without the use of a spatula. This tool is really versatile. It is used for wall and floor tiling, painting, puttying, wallpapering and other activities. This article will focus on a notched trowel. Is it possible to make it with your own hands, how to choose and apply the tool in practice.

Notched trowel - an indispensable tool for a tiler

The right choice of tools is the key to high-quality repair and construction work. Reliable fixation of decorative mosaic, artificial stone and porcelain tiles largely depends on the adhesive used and the technology of its application. Along with the improvement of building materials, practical and handy tools. A notched trowel has become indispensable for tilers.

It would seem that a slight modification of a conventional straight spatula changes its purpose so much. If the adhesive solution is applied with an even tool, then to remove excess adhesive, you will have to press the tile strongly. As a result, the new cladding may crack, and adjacent tiles may rise. In addition, with a continuous application of the solution, it is difficult to determine areas with voids.

Working with a notched trowel has significant advantages:

  • uniform distribution adhesive composition throughout the area;
  • solution saving;
  • reducing the time of execution of facing works.

To perform high-quality tile laying, it is necessary to choose the right notched trowel for glue, taking into account the composition of the mortar, the thickness and size of the facing plates.

Classification of comb spatulas

The main criteria for choosing notched trowels are the shape and size of the comb.

Professional tilers have in their arsenal at least three spatulas with teeth of different sizes:

  • 10 mm teeth - the trowel is suitable for laying large-sized tiles, different types stone and floor cladding. As the work progresses, the combs grind down to 8 mm - this value is enough to perform the listed work.
  • Teeth 5-6 mm - such a tool will be required for facing walls with medium-sized tiles. When laying slabs 30 * 30 cm by hanging, you will need a spatula with 6-7 mm combs.
  • Teeth 2-3 mm - a spatula is necessary when laying mosaics.

Approximate dimensions of notched trowels for tiles are shown in the table.

According to the shape of the comb, triangular teeth with and without gaps, semicircular, square and rectangular teeth are distinguished. Features of their application:

  • square teeth - application adhesive solution thickness 6-12 mm;
  • models with semicircular ridges - for laying slabs on cement mortar with a comb thickness of more than 12 mm or when working with spreading synthetic adhesives;
  • triangular teeth - used to distribute a thin layer of elastic adhesive.

Notched trowels for tiles have a specific marking. Letter designation indicates the shape of the tool, and the numeric indicates the size parameters.

Making a do-it-yourself notched spatula: step by step instructions

Of course, a notched trowel can be bought at any hardware store. However, some craftsmen prefer to make their own tools.

To create a simple comb spatula, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • a tin plate about 10 cm wide and about 15 cm long ( any will do flexible metal)
  • wooden slats for the manufacture of the holder;
  • metal scissors;
  • glue and screws;
  • drill and grinder.

First you have to make a spatula with a flat base, and then cut out the ridges right size and forms. The algorithm for performing the work can conditionally be divided into several stages:

  1. On a sheet of tin, draw a trapezoidal shape of the future spatula. Optimal Width blades - at least 8.5 cm.
  2. Cut out a blank for a spatula according to the sketch.
  3. Holder manufacturing. Wooden slats attach to each other and fix with screws. Give the future handle the desired shape - cut off the excess wood with a jigsaw.
  4. From the end part of the holder, where the blade will be placed, make a cut about 4 cm deep.
  5. Separate the prepared rails and lubricate them with inner sides with PVA glue.
  6. The working part of the spatula, which will be inserted into the holder, should also be covered with PVA and installed between the rails.
  7. Pull the wooden plates with self-tapping screws and clamp with strings.
  8. Leave the product to dry for one day.
  9. For more reliable fixation, the spatula can be strengthened by tightening the bolts through the tin and wooden slats.
  10. Mark the spatula with chalk or a simple pencil marking under the teeth.
  11. Using a grinder or metal shears, cut out the ridges.

As a blank for a spatula blade, you can use plywood, thick rubber or a polyurethane sheet - these materials are easier to process than metal. However, these tools have a limited lifespan. In addition, when applying glue with a “plywood” spatula, creases in the teeth and poor-quality filling of the surface with a solution are possible.

How to make a spatula with your hands: video

How to work with a comb spatula

Immediately before starting work with a notched trowel, it is necessary to prepare an adhesive solution. The composition is mixed according to the instructions on the package. Mixing is carried out with a construction mixer in two passes, the break between kneading is 5 minutes.

In addition to a notched trowel for laying tiles, you will need:

  • rubber mallet;
  • plastic crosses and wedges holding tile joints;
  • building level and tape measure.

Apply the adhesive to the tile (approximate volume of the solution is about the size of a palm), the layer thickness is 3-4 cm. Spread the composition over the entire width of the tile and 2/3 of its length with a comb spatula. Holding the tile firmly, tilt it over the container with glue and “stretch” the mortar through the entire length of the facing material with the teeth of the spatula. Excess adhesive composition return to the bucket. If the applied adhesive was not enough for the entire area of ​​the tile, then the procedure with applying and “pulling” the solution should be repeated.

Important! When leveling the layer of the working solution, it is necessary to carry out with a spatula so that it “combs” the surface of the tile with combs.

Tile adhesive is also applied to the base of the wall, after which it is distributed over the surface with a trowel with teeth. Next, the tile is applied to the wall, pressed and tapped with a rubber mallet.

How to extend the life of a spatula

At the end of the working day, the spatula must be cleaned. In addition, before a long break (more than 30 minutes), you should also clean the tool. If these measures are neglected, then subsequently the ingrained glue will have to be “knocked down” with a grinder or cleaned with sandpaper, and this will lead to the formation of scratches and cracks on the blade. In the furrows, the solution will accumulate faster and the quality of the work will be significantly reduced.

Properly made or selected ready-made comb trowel greatly facilitates the work of the tiler. In addition, the tool contributes to the formation of the correct thickness of the adhesive solution and, as a result, a strong and durable fixation of the tile.

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