Is it important for a person to choose a life path. Human life path and destiny

About the right choice life path not only those who are just starting independent steps along the road of life, but also those who have already traveled a very significant segment of it, are thinking. Someone realized that he was going the wrong way, someone was beckoned by side paths, showing other opportunities for realizing their talents ... What to do? How to determine which path is right for you? How to understand what is the Providence of God about you? What should be done to open the road of life in a clear perspective? And who can help if you're at a crossroads?

Pastors of the Russian Orthodox Church give their advice.

The Lord reveals His will to those who live according to His will

Not a single person is born just like that, as a result of a combination of some random circumstances. Each of us is called into being. We can say that even before the existence of the world, before the existence of this entire universe, each of us was already present in God's plan. And, therefore, in relation to each of us there was a certain Divine plan. And, of course, the Lord wants us to fulfill this plan in our lives, so that each of us, as much as possible, lives a full, happy life. And he realized all those talents with which the Lord rewarded us.

Therefore, it remains for us in everything to ask Him to show us this path. Of course, a person can say: “Here, I pray to God, I ask Him to open this path for me, but I do not receive an answer. Why?" There is always an answer to this question, and the answer is very simple, which, nevertheless, is very difficult to understand. When a person strives to fulfill the will of God in everything in which it is obvious, the Lord reveals His will to him in those situations when it seems to be hidden. If a person does not fulfill the obvious will of God, then it is all the more hidden from him at certain moments when we especially need to know it. And the answer, indeed, turns out to be very clear: if you strive to fulfill the will of God every day in your daily life, then the Lord will surely reveal it to you when you especially need to know it, and will also show you your path.

Turning to the Lord, do not impose your desires on him, but ask him to reveal His will to you

And one more thing: when we ask God for something, at the same time we often conceal such a thought in ourselves: “Here, Lord, I ask about this and that, but in fact I want it to be so that". I ask the Lord to reveal His will to me, but at the same time I have a clear idea of ​​what I myself want. And you need to refuse this and offer yourself to God as if completely naked from all wishes and say: “Lord, as You please, so be it.” And at the same time, understand that in fact, what God pleases may not please us at all, and that we give God the freedom to do with us what He wants, and this can be difficult, unpleasant, and even painful for us. , and painful.

But there is something else that needs to be remembered: if we understand all this and ask for it, the Lord not only reveals His will to us, but also helps us to fulfill it, and He Himself builds our whole life. And the path to this lies through trust - the one that is so difficult to come by and so necessary.

Choosing a path, you must also have the determination to follow it.

When choosing your good path, you must, first of all, take into account the determination of your will to stay on this path irreversibly! It is necessary to pray about this, so that the clarity of what the heart tends to appears in the heart. This can be seen both from the past successful experiences of encounters with this ministry, and from the heartfelt inspiration when you study the possible prospects for your gradual ascent to perfection in it.

A profession may not coincide with a vocation,
but to provide funds for its implementation

If there is an opportunity to learn something new, to learn something else, it is worth taking advantage of it.

I have no answer to this question, other than the general considerations that

  1. the profession should not be contrary to the commandments (a killer, a porn actor, etc. have nothing to do with what we can choose from). That is, before making a positive choice, it would be good to immediately cut off everything that is improper;
  2. a profession may not coincide with a vocation, being a means for the realization of the latter. For example, a person can earn money as a businessman, but invest his soul in the creation of a gallery, which later became known as the Tretyakovskaya;
  3. chance is an alias of Providence, and if you have an unplanned opportunity to gain some skills, learn a language, take part in some good cause (not to the detriment of other things), it is better to try. Because from these seemingly random options, a tree of life can grow that is very different from what we have designed for ourselves;
  4. in some cases, our profession is given to us so that we step over it and move on. How this happens is told by Tolkien's deathbed and very small narration “Niggle's brush sheet”, or “Melkin's work sheet” - depending on the translation into Russian.

It is necessary to consult with the confessor correctly

If we are talking about doubts about whether an existing profession has been chosen correctly, then we recall that the people say: “They don’t look for good from good.” You have a job, you are satisfied with it, well, thank God. As the saying goes: "The best is the enemy of the good." You have - and have and thank God.

If you are at the beginning of your journey, finished school, college, choose your path in life, then, of course, this is the most important and hardest problem, but for a church person it is resolved in some way easier, because you can consult with a confessor. Of course, parents should also be consulted. And pray, seek. The confessor also needs to be offered options, and not like this: “Tell me, father, what should I do?” - “What do you want to do, what is your soul for?” - “No, you tell me, father!” So, perhaps, you can apply if this is really a spirit-bearing elder, to whom the Lord reveals His will. But are there such elders now? Somehow the Lord hides them from us, or maybe we just don’t know these wonderful people, because the world is held together by the prayers of the righteous, and the righteous will never become scarce with the Lord. Another thing is how to find an old man ...

Well, if you yourself cannot lean towards something specific yet, then think, pray, seek advice, look for options, and if there are several options, choose the best one from them, the one that attracts you the most. Let's say there is more interesting work, but in another place they pay more. You must understand what is more important to you. And although you may be attracted interesting job, but you have a family, you have to support it, it is important to earn money, albeit at a “boring” job, what can you do ... Or, on the contrary, you see that the work is so interesting, you are so eager for it, and there is a chance that you for some time you will achieve success and you will have material well-being ... There are a lot of pros and cons, they need to be weighed and, of course, discussed with people who love you, know you, pray for you and help you. Then you will find correct solution.

A man should do what he likes

I am deeply convinced that a person should do what he likes. Earth life is too short to spend it on activities of no interest to us, unless, of course, you are the head big family and simply must be able to feed her. But in this case, you can look for something to your liking.

People come to the conclusion that they need to do what they want when they find out that they have ... a fatal (or terrible) diagnosis. I had to deal with this many times. Only a person who has been told that he has, for example, oncology, suddenly says to himself: stop! Why am I selling sausage, if all my life I dreamed of taking up photography?! or all my life I wanted to sing, so why not learn now?!

And these people are doing what they love. And often they recover or receive support in illness, because the activity that they like is a huge potential and resource, thanks to which the whole human being is restored and feels better. And I think that it seems that a person in such circumstances intuitively feels what he needs to survive.

It is, of course, easier for a Christian than for an unbeliever to make right choice.

And that's why.

First: we understand that there is, therefore, the acquisition, earning money cannot be an end in itself for us. Already one understanding of this is an incentive to do what you want, and not something more profitable.

Second: the Christian knows (of Holy Scripture), that God measured out his talents and gifts to each of us. And everyone can serve the Church in their own way. The apostle Paul said this beautifully: “The gifts are different, but the Spirit is one and the same; and the ministries are different, but the Lord is one and the same; and the actions are different, but God is one and the same, working everything in everyone. But everyone is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the benefit. To one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom, to another the word of knowledge, by the same Spirit; faith to another, by the same Spirit; to another gifts of healings, by the same Spirit; miracles to another, prophecy to another, discernment of spirits to another, different languages, a different interpretation of tongues. Yet the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He pleases” (1 Cor. 12:4-11).

Each of us has his own gifts, and this is from God! How wonderful that we can implement them

Just think: each of us has his own gifts, and this is from God! How wonderful that we can realize the precious potential that God has given us, and all this is for the benefit of the Body of Christ - the Church and for our salvation!

Therefore, you need to listen to yourself and try to decide what you want to do, what your soul lies in. And try yourself. Even if you don’t guess right the first time, I don’t see anything wrong with that.

When choosing a life path, look into your heart

Perhaps the choice of a life path is one of the most difficult and painful. Even in the elementary grades of the school, they are given to write an essay on the topic: "Who am I going to become." But the soul, as a rule, rushes from one to another for many years. For example, for a long time I wanted to become an investigator, to solve crimes, but in the end I became a priest, and now, in a sense, crimes also have to be solved, or rather, people themselves reveal their sins at confession, and my task is not to imprison those who have fallen into spiritual crimes, but, on the contrary, to help them gain true freedom of heart.

The most important thing that I personally would advise is to choose a profession not on the principle of "how much they pay", but on the principle of "how much it inspires and pleases." If you look for a job just for the sake of earning money, you will never be satisfied. In our spoiled soul there is no clear criterion of security. Experience shows that no matter how much a person strives to earn, he still wants more. In fact, the richer is the one who is less attached to money than others, who is least dependent on their accumulation.

Work should be fun and enjoyable. Therefore, I will offer the most elementary advice: think about what you, in fact, would like to do? So try to master it.

The choice of a profession should be approached in the same way as the choice of a life partner. In order not to be mistaken, it is important to feel the kinship in your heart, that this is yours, corresponding to yours. inner world that is dear to your heart. Then you can avoid unnecessary mistakes in advance.

There is also such a thing as vocation. The Lord put some gifts into the soul of every person. After all, someone is called to become a surgeon, and someone is a teacher, someone is a military man, and someone is a chorister on the kliros of a parish church. We can recognize a vocation as a special inner call that tells you what to strive for and what to look for, and is accompanied by a special creative inspiration. This is a new understanding of life, when landmarks appear and you are trying to achieve a goal that has suddenly arisen for you. This is an inner voice that needs to be heard, and this requires sensitivity to what is happening inside.

It is important to look inside your own heart, to listen to its inner call. And let the choice of the life path correspond to the search of the heart, then this choice will not oppress, but nourish and strengthen the soul.

The Lord hears prayers looking for people and always help them

Sometimes a person is still lost and does not know what step to take. At the very least, we can pray that the Lord would enlighten, enlighten, and Himself direct our lives for the good. The Savior said: “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you” (Matthew 7:7). The main thing is not to sit idly by. Whoever seeks nothing will not find anything, but whoever seeks will find it without fail. The Lord hears the prayers of seeking people and always helps them.

Man does not know the will of God unless he acts

One thing can be said: a person does not recognize a he does not follow the will of God, if, firstly, he does not seek with all his heart the fulfillment of God's will, and secondly, if he does not act. Mistakes are not terrible. These are mistakes, not conscious sins. Because when a person really seeks the fulfillment of the will of God and acts, the Lord finds an opportunity to reveal to a person what he is right about and what he is wrong about, what needs to grow and be affirmed, and what to leave. Moreover, perhaps there is no other way. And when a person looks for an experienced confessor to ask him God's will about himself, this is good, of course, and right, but even here much depends on the faith of the person himself, on the intensity of his prayer. Because if a person is serious and prays with faith, the Lord will surely reveal His will to him, and if he remains in carelessness and relaxation, then no elder, even a truly spirit-bearing one, will help him.

Life is a creative process, and the Lord wants us to live to the fullest, creative life, using all his strength to avoid sin and to do consciously the commandments of God. Now, if there is such an attitude, then no matter what we do, the Lord will certainly help us find our place in life, go on our own path.

The main thing is to remain a Christian

You need to carefully consider: can you keep your Christian convictions in this profession?

Standing at a crossroads, you need, first of all, to establish yourself in the decision that you will go along the chosen path as a Christian. First of all you will be a Christian, secondly - a doctor, or a lawyer, or an athlete. You need to carefully weigh and evaluate: can you withstand this prioritization? Will sports, or business, or something else swallow up your Christian beliefs? Will you not be forced in the framework of your professional activities to act contrary to the commandments, as do, say, doctors who perform abortions.

The main thing - after consulting, thinking, praying, make a decision on your own.

And there is also a lot of evidence when people went to a radical change in their lifestyle when they realized that something was going wrong. And they did it! Was a businessman - became an artist. Was a builder - became a livestock breeder. Was a livestock breeder - became a priest! Who doesn't make mistakes? That's right: the one who does nothing.

1. Our dreams.

2. The world we live in:

A) the person and his environment;

B) the importance of choosing a profession for later life;

C) do good for people.

3. To live life is not a field to cross.

Fatherland, work and love -

That's what you need to be born for.

Here are three pines in which to get lost

And, having found it, get lost again.

R. Kazakova

It is important for every person to find their own way. Only then can he achieve what he dreamed of, only then can he get satisfaction from his work. What will be our life depends not only on us, but we can do a lot. Growing up, we often think about questions about the meaning of life, about the role a person plays on Earth. We dream about happy life We believe that we will achieve a lot. Unfortunately, not all of our dreams come true, but each of us must do everything to make our plans come true.

From birth, we are surrounded by close and dear people who will always support and help us. For us, they are an example, and often we do what they want. But there are times when we consider the opinion of friends more authoritative. Solving different issues, each of us can make mistakes, doubt, regret our actions. Making some decisions affects our future life. In such cases, it can be difficult for us to make a choice on our own, so we cannot do without the advice of adults, because they have more experience, they understand people better. You should always be able to listen to people you trust - parents, teachers, acquaintances. And then make a decision on which your future life depends. Of course, you should always have your own opinion, but it never hurts to listen to another opinion.

The choice of life path depends on what profession we choose. The profession should please the person. If he chooses a specialty not to his liking, he will later regret it all his life. Therefore, this issue must be approached with all responsibility. We need to consult with family, friends and relatives. You need to think about where you can get a job, having this profession whether it will be in demand. And even if you will a good specialist, we should not forget that in life it is important not only who to be, but also how to be.

The worst thing is when a person is alone. He can reach heights in his career, he can know a lot, but suffer from loneliness. M. Gorky believed that "the best pleasure, the highest joy of life is to feel needed and close to people." And in order to be the right people, you need to do something good for people, you need to earn their gratitude. The joy given to people will become your joy. It is a great happiness to do good for people.

People say: “To live life is not to cross a field.” Life is given to a person once, and you need to live it in such a way as not to regret anything. We are constantly faced with a choice: we solve a particular issue and find an answer. Whether he is successful or unsuccessful, life shows. We think, we consult, we doubt. Often the most difficult thing for any person is to make a choice, because our future can depend on this choice. Now we often do not think about the consequences of our decisions and actions. But at any age, we must always be responsible for those issues that may affect our later life.

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Choice of life path

Walt Disney received 302 rejections before finding investors for the cartoon studio. Oprah Winfrey grew up in such poverty that she had no toys as a child. If all great people believed that their life path depended on circumstances, we would definitely not hear their names. But they continued to act “despite”, because they knew that if there is 1% to change their life, it must be changed.

What is a life path

The life path is a multicomponent concept that consists of internal biological (genotype, character, talent and life experience) and external social (upbringing, environment, events) factors. It also includes other concepts: the meaning of life, philosophy of life, life cycle. The description of the life path begins at the moment of birth of a person and ends on the day of his death.

Although there is no exact scientific definition of the life path yet, scientists are studying it. Academician S.L. Rubinstein, back in the 1920s, considered a person from a biographical point of view, since he considered a person’s personality to be inseparable from his personality. personal experience. And Ph.D. Charlotte Buhler at the same time introduced the concept of "personal life path", consisting of five phases of development by years of life.

But while scientists are conducting their research, I want to find answers to the questions for myself: can I choose? Is there anything I can do to change? How does my path fit in with my inner values? how to prioritize your life?

How to determine your life path

Let's start with an example. You love to travel and your friend loves to travel. You choose a tour operator, expensive all-inclusive hotels and excursions along tourist routes in advance. Your friend buys a ticket, packs a suitcase at the last moment, lives in a tent and runs with a camera through abandoned villages.

This is how it is with life: consciously or unconsciously, we choose roads, routes and ways of moving, we get different emotions from this. And we choose the way to understand our life path ourselves. Someone goes to fortune-tellers and astrologers, someone is looking for a spiritual mentor, someone is trying to figure out the issue with the help of books and self-awareness.

Religious figures, astrologers, philosophers, historians, ethnographers and doctors of social medicine are working on the definition of the life path. Geneticists are also struggling with this. And according to their research, 57-60% of us are our genes. So, we can change the rest ourselves. And the first thing to do is to determine your life priorities.

How to prioritize life

Don't get too carried away with prioritization. There is a risk of becoming another superman, looking at his watch even during sex. But even without conscious priorities, life becomes chaos, and things go downhill. Therefore, let's try to choose the golden mean in order to keep up with everything, but at the same time remember the taste of the salad eaten at lunch.

Understand and realize how priorities in life are placed today

Even if you have never drawn a priority scale, you have them. Everything that we have at this moment is the result of prioritization. Consciously or unconsciously, it doesn't matter. Everything we want or dream about is a theory. All we have right now is practice and our real priorities.

unconsciously we prioritize not on what is needed or useful, but on what is important. If we lie on the couch, it is important for us to lie on the couch. If we get up in the morning for a run, it is important for us to run in the morning. We lie on the couch and think about jogging - it is important for us to lie on the couch, depicting concern for our health.

Recognizing your priorities "as they are" is to start an honest conversation with yourself. Do not step aside, do not make a smart face, do not think. Honestly describe what you own at this moment: family, work, earnings, health, habits. This is your starting point.

Check how priorities correspond to internal values

Values ​​are the desires of the soul, they come from within. Priorities are often imposed from the outside. And that's the whole problem. When values ​​and priorities are at odds, nothing good happens. The gap between “what is important to me” and “what SHOULD be important to me” leads to bad mood, anxiety and depression.

Children, especially small ones, are the first indicator of our values. If parents do not read, no amount of persuasion or instruction will force the child to read. The same goes for sports proper nutrition and goals in life. If you want to know your true values, watch your children.

The second indicator of our values ​​is our energy. When the energy of priorities and values ​​works in one direction, what happens is what scientists call resonance, and we call it a white streak in life. Follow your energy instead of fueling it with caffeine or entertainment.

Understand that the list of priorities is not dimensionless and accept

Imagine that the list of priorities can only consist of 10 items and you have already added all 10 to it. Thinking about adding another one to the list? So something has to be given up. Because it is impossible to combine health with smoking, comfort with a career, high earnings with eternal rest in the Maldives in one life.

Letting go of something will help. right goal. Before posting it, think about how you want to feel. Do you want to be in harmony, in peace or in eternal running with obstacles? Set goals that will help you achieve the desired state. Then they will come from the heart, and not from the concept of "it's necessary." Who really needs it?

Correct prioritization will help their breakdown into urgent and non-urgent. Urgent tasks take a lot of energy, but are rarely important. Tasks that do not have a deadline are more likely to lead to the intended goal. This prioritization will help determine what we want to spend time on and what we must spend it on.

Don't live for a resume or a feature

Why do we constantly live in conflict between external success and inner dignity? The external “must, must, must” pollutes the ether so much that own feelings no more chance to get through. This is probably why, even alone with ourselves, we talk about life in such words as if we were going through an interview with a strict personnel officer.

Need distinguish personal qualities and your virtues. The former help win a place under the sun in the labor market. Second, they make us human. How we build a family, relationships with friends, live outside of work - is it much more important? Then why do we devote so little time to these qualities, and, often, are even ashamed of them.

The New York Times held a competition for the best essay on happiness. The results were amazing: many dream not of accomplishments, but of a “small happy life.” Of course, this life is not for everyone. But there is something inexpressibly beautiful and reliable about it, something that brings us back to our true values.

Prioritize rest and hobbies

Hobbies are often listed last on the priority list. But these are the things that make us happy. Do you want to be happy, not just efficient? Be sure to include a hobby on your list and make time for it every day.

How to find your hobby if there is nothing interesting? Start looking. Visit master classes, go to exhibitions, even if at the mere mention of painting you want to lose consciousness. Communication with enthusiastic people will help you understand that you can also earn money on a hobby.

A hobby should not be treated as an occupation for life. In the same way, it is impossible to predetermine whether it is possible to build a career on passion later. Man is a guide. He needs to receive emotions from the beautiful and splash them out in the form of creativity. Perhaps then it will really be possible to earn money on a hobby, but there are no guarantees for this.

Fatalists believe that everything is determined at birth, optimists hope for the best. But realists know: it is impossible today to determine the path of life, and tomorrow to wake up absolutely happy man. The path is a process, it can be corrected at every stage of life. There would be a desire.

Famous psychologist Mikhail Litvak writes that happiness is the maximum development of all one's abilities and their realization.

Realization of abilities, of course, is possible not only in professional activities; Therefore, the search for a profession should be understood as something more extensive than the selection of the right university and vacancies.

Thinking about the future should start as early as possible. Achieve good results easier themes whose inclinations and abilities are revealed in childhood, when the brain is most active.

We offer a brief synopsis of parenting mistakes that almost everyone makes, and the right actions that will help you consciously approach the choice of your future path.

7 main phrases that interfere with a conscious choice of profession:

  • A profession is for life!
  • Prestigious profession - it's cool!
  • I give in to the wishes of my parents
  • "For company"
  • Like the person - like the profession
  • Easy profession
  • Like school subject- like the profession

How can you help your child make a choice? Where to begin?

It is necessary to choose not educational opportunities, but the future business. Education is the key, not the door.

A correctly chosen profession is a unity of "I want, I can and I must." Between these three components, it is necessary to find a balance


Brief algorithm of actions of parents:

  • Determine what your child loves and what is important to him (his wants and interests)
  • Assess the strengths and weak sides(his abilities and talents)
  • Choose a cluster of professions
  • Find out more about these professions
  • Give the opportunity to try their hand at this profession.

Concrete steps

  1. The development of thinking in the early stages. The choice of a life path depends not only on abilities, inclinations and skills, but also on the characteristics of thinking: how a child thinks, how he solves problems, relates to difficulties. In our child development center, children from 2 to 17 years old develop the basic structures of thinking.
  2. Psychological help. The psychologist will help the child understand himself, get rid of fears and doubts that interfere with the formation of a healthy personality.
  3. Career guidance testing allows the child to calmly understand their interests. Such tests help the child to look at himself from the outside, to answer for himself what activities he is more drawn to.
  4. case method. High school students can imagine some specialties in a very abstract way. To help the child figure out what the case method helps to do - a teaching technique that uses a description of real economic, social and business situations. Participants must investigate the situation, understand the essence of the problems, offer solutions and choose the best. Cases are based on real factual material or are close to the real situation. This is an opportunity to “try on a profession”. This summer, at the ART Personality Professions camp on the Design/Marketing shift, three groups of our students will be working on a large design project. See what other cases we come up with.
  5. Communication with professionals. People who have achieved success in something are able to talk about professional reality without embellishment and give specific practical advice. We actively practice this method. Elena Isinbayeva spoke about sports with our pupils, Sergey Yursky spoke about the profession of an actor, and Irina Prokhorova discussed the activities of an editor and publisher with the children.

Parenting Mistakes

  1. One-sided development. A child can love and have time for different things, for example, to understand physics and play the guitar at the same time. Interests, no matter how different they may be, together make up the unique baggage of the individual.
  2. Realization of your dreams through the child, and not his desires and inclinations. Often parents force their children to study law because everyone in their family is a lawyer. A similar situation: a mother sends her child to English at the age of two, when she herself does not know him at all.


It is necessary to take into account the demand for the profession today and tomorrow. By 2020 the world will change. Many professions become obsolete, they are replaced by others. Today more than ever conscious choice affects a person's place in the future.

Some disappearing professions:
print media journalist, packer, travel agent, notary, janitor, lecturer, seamstress, conductor, postman, cashier, archivist, parking attendant, call center operator.

Some in-demand professions for 2020:

  • IT specialists
  • Specialists in the field of innovation - nanotechnology
  • civil engineers
  • Representatives of intellectual professions - creative economy
  • Sales staff
  • Experts from the field of ecology and environmental protection
  • Production workers (engineers, technologists, workers technical specialties different levels)
  • Professional skilled workers
  • Medicine, health management
  • Education
  • Agriculture

Brief postulates about the main trends of the labor market

  • Business internationalization
  • A foreign language is necessary in any profession
  • Higher education does not guarantee good employment
  • Universal Professions
  • multitasking
  • The development of new technologies - an increase in the share of robotic labor
  • We are being taken over by the web! Less personal contact!
  • Healthy lifestyle. Run from old age!

It is necessary from childhood to learn to objectively evaluate your desires, opportunities and the world around. It is important to remember that a profession is not necessarily chosen for life. The most important thing is that the child learns to understand himself, knows what he wants, can quickly solve problems, be mobile and ready to learn new things. Such a person will always be in demand.


Goals, actions, attitude towards others, conduct of personal life, formation of relationships, participation in professional field. These areas relate to the individual and in science are united under one term - the life path of a person. Since people during their existence affect many areas, philosophers, psychologists, ethnographers, and sociologists study the life scenario. But, psychology is closer to the life path. This science studies the formation of personality, setting goals, achieving what was planned. What is the life path of a person?

The concept of a person's life path

What is hidden under these three words? The life scenario of a person proceeds along individual scheme. There are no identical or similar stories. A person differs from other beings on the planet in a way of life. A person not only exists and goes through stages of development in relation to the time period, but also lays the foundations of personal formation.

The concept of a person's life path includes many aspects and depends on the person's habitat. So the law establishes the norm to complete secondary education, society - or get married, continue the family. To these concepts, the society sets the deadlines for graduating and starting a family. Norms put pressure on a person and force him to adhere to the settings. It is not customary to become a student at 40 or get married at 50. Whether a person wants it or not, but subconsciously he builds a life path taking into account established norms. Small deviations and differences are an individual life scenario.

It turns out that the development of a person's life path is influenced by psychological, age, social, social factors and personal desires.

The problem of the life path of the individual

AT scientific world This question was first puzzled by S.L. Rubinshtein. It is to him and his work "Man and the World" that are referred to when studying the subject in higher institutions and interpretation of the problem of the life path of the individual. In his writings, the author refers to the personal life of a person, which influences the development of a life path. Each person has his own views on relationships, life and other areas. The totality of these concepts forms the human life world. From this follows the motivation of the individual and builds an individual scenario. The quality and depth of the relationship affects the development of the life path. When they change, the actions of a person are corrected, and the scenario changes.

Personality develops depending on actions, decisions, responsibility. Participation in the development of relationships form the subject of life. It turns out that the individual changes and develops in the course of life. The author called this phenomenon activity mediation.

A number of specialists dealt with the problem of the life path of the individual:

Leontiev A.N. His theory is based on the fact that the life of people consists of the actions that they practice. Based on this, an individual scenario is formed. Consequently, the life path consists only of those activities that a particular person performs.
Ananiev B.G. The main emphasis is on the incidents that a person encounters in life. They form the individual life of the individual. The author divides incidents into two groups, which are interconnected. The first concerns the environment and environment. This is natural factors, social change. The second group is formed against the background of life circumstances, in other words, it comes from a behavioral factor.
Abulkhanova-Slavskaya K.A. The theory is based on the fact that a person is dependent on many factors: social norms, living conditions, structures. Personality relies on conditions, conducts comparative analysis. the main task individual is to compare yourself with established norms and find a place in life. At the same time, society is interested in the development of the individual. But, a person independently creates conditions for obtaining professional skills, forms family relationships makes social connections. This is where the main idea comes from. It is necessary to realize the path of life as a problem, not allowing spontaneous development, but connecting efforts and intelligence.

life position - a person's choice of how to lead his life, which is reflected in life manifestations;
life line - the possibilities and potential of people who are born in the present and move into the future;
the meaning of life - includes the awareness of a specific person of life as an integral machine.

The influence of the age of the individual on the life path of the individual

Age expectations affect the life scenario. Man adapts to established norms, sometimes deviates from them. Changes related to advancing the next age stage cause admiration among others. Thus, the individual gains authority. In turn, lagging behind age settings causes the public. A person reacts painfully to such condemnations. From this, a direct connection is visible, how the age of the individual affects the life path of the individual.

It remains to find out what age is considered when attracting a person to social norms. There are the following concepts:

biological age. Does not always match the number in the passport. To determine the state of human health is taken, it is taken into account how the metabolism proceeds. The data obtained are compared with the average statistical indicators of a similar individual.
Psychological age. Human development, emotional and psychological components are considered. Then a comparative analysis is carried out, focusing on mental indicators recognized as the norm for a particular age. From such studies, conclusions come: a hyperactive, infantile or too smart person.
social age. The skills that a person possesses on this moment. The activity of the individual is compared with the generally accepted norms that the average person should have.

The life path from sociology is considered taking into account programs, attitudes,. Psychologists, on the other hand, study the formation of a person's outlook on life, a real representation of oneself in the future. Sociology includes the level of optimism and the representation of the future by a person, taking into account certain social groups and specific life circumstances.

Personal development and life path

Considering this issue, the study of Buhler Sh. is taken as a basis. To determine the concept, the life scenario of a person was considered taking into account the lines of development (97 species were found). The lines relate to different areas: social, psychological, professional, family, labor. Based on the research, 5 phases were derived that determine the development and life path of the individual:

The first phase is not included in a person's life scenario. It is believed that from birth to the age of 16-20 years, a person has not yet created a family and has not started professional activity.

The second period is devoted to the search for a soul mate, attempts to make contacts. From 16–20 years old and up to 30 people try different kinds activities. During this period, the first dreams, goals, outlines of a future life appear. The second phase is characterized by a thirst for action and distraction.
The third phase includes the mature age of a person. The maximum threshold is from 25 to 50 years. The beginning of the third period is determined by the creation of a family or a permanent profession. A person sets realistic goals and achieves them. Thanks to these actions, it is formed.

The fourth step is from 45 to 70 years. There is a gradual decline in vital activity. Professional activity ends with retirement, children grow up and leave the family nest. This is the time of results and introspection. For many, a difficult period, since aging processes are turned on, biological decay occurs. Old man prone to nostalgia, reminiscing, . Future plans are built taking into account the summed up results and today's circumstances.
Fifth phase. At the age of 65, people say goodbye to work. Goals set in youth become irrelevant. Human thoughts remain in the past, social activity is reduced. Personality focuses on hobbies, travel, recreation. I don’t want to think about the future, because the imminent end of life is obvious. The final line of the life path is being summed up. A person who has achieved goals feels satisfied. A person who does not achieve his goals is disappointed.

Choice of a person's life path

A person is so arranged that life's mistakes and failures are attributed to the insidiousness of fate. And he assigns luck to his own account, telling what titanic efforts were made to achieve the goal. Start to analyze the mistakes, understand why this happened. This is where a person's choice of his life path begins. Analysis and understanding of what will follow after the commission of actions or deeds.

A person's life path includes income, success, professional activity and worldview. The attitude to the surrounding world forms the life path of the individual. What will you choose destruction or creation? To avoid disappointment, set achievable goals and do not live your life in vain, getting annoyed, angry and offended by others. A person chooses and forms a life path.

March 18, 2014

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