Bath with essential oils. Relax after a hard day and gain energy: bath with essential oil - how to use against cellulite and depression

The bath... how much hope we sometimes place on it. In the morning, it should help you wake up, cheer up, charge your body with energy and vitality. In the evening, a bath will help you relax, relieve fatigue and tension after a hard day. working day. And on weekends you can simply enjoy the bath procedure, relaxing and unwinding.

Meanwhile, in the East they have long learned to use the bath to their advantage, obtaining the desired effect from taking it. That's all... in essential oils. Aroma oils (aka essential oils) are successfully used in alternative medicine and home cosmetology.

At making the right choice When taking a bath, essential oils will help you relax or, on the contrary, invigorate, thereby enhancing the effect of the bath itself.

The effect of aroma baths on the body is determined by the penetration of oil into the open pores of the skin, as well as by inhalation of air. That is, through inhalation, essential oils are volatile substances. Aroma baths are conventionally divided into general (for the whole body) or local (for example, for hands or feet). For shared bath 6-8 drops of the selected oil will be enough, for local ones - 3-4 drops.

How to properly take a bath with essential oil?

  1. Before starting the bath procedure, you should take a shower and do it first, thereby opening the pores and preparing the body for taking a bath.
  2. Next, you should take a full bath of warm, but not hot water. Optimal temperature– 35-36º, at higher temperatures the essential oil will begin to evaporate quickly.
  3. Before adding, the essential oil should be dissolved in the oil base ( oil will do jojoba or olive oil) or dilute in 1 tbsp. spoon of honey or sour cream. Cream, kefir or will also work.
  4. You should not open the door while taking a bath, as this will lead to rapid loss of aroma.
  5. It is not recommended to use shampoo, gel or soap when taking aromatics, as this will significantly reduce the effect of the essential oil.
  6. The duration of the aromatic bath is usually 10-25 minutes. Apply every other day, in a course of 10-15 procedures. For a preventive effect, it is enough to use a bath with the addition of essential oil once a week.

How to choose oil for aromatherapy?

Essential oil is chosen depending on its properties and the desired effect. Essential oils can be combined. But combine wisely.

Do not mix oils that have different opposite properties. For example, tonic oils - myrrh, lemon, rosemary and relaxing oils - cedar, lemon balm, jasmine, lavender, sandalwood.

Moreover, when combining various oils You cannot mix more than 5-6 oils at the same time. So not only will you not achieve desired result, but also risk provoking allergic reactions in the body.

By the way, before using any essential oil, you should test for skin sensitivity and allergies to the selected product.

Properties of essential oils for bath.

So, properties of some essential oils, most often used for bathing:

Lemon – invigorates and promotes increased concentration.

Rosemary – activates vitality body.

In the evening, a bath with essential oil lavender and incense.

Before going to bed, it is good to take with the addition of chamomile and lemon balm oils (3-4 drops each).

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Cosmetology and perfumery have been using essential oils for a long time, because they have a wide range of positive effects. One of the most common and useful options aromatherapy are baths to which essential oils are added. They have a complex effect on the body, since aromatic oils penetrate both the skin and the respiratory system during procedures.


Baths with essential oils have many beneficial effects. Depending on the oil chosen, such a bath will help you relax or, conversely, restore vigor. As a good cosmetic product, it will have a positive effect on the condition of the skin and help cope with cellulite, stretch marks and excess weight.

Some essential oils have an anti-stress effect, the addition of others helps fight wrinkles, and others help cope with colds.

The effect of a bath can be warming, cooling, and even stimulating. It's all about the combinations of essential oils used. Thanks to the sedative effect of certain baths, such procedures help eliminate insomnia and calm down. It is worth lying in a bath with essential oils both for muscle pain or fatigue, and to stimulate sexual function.

Harm, overdose

The harmful effects of aromatherapy baths can be caused by an overdose of essential oils. If you add too many drops, the procedure may result in headaches or skin irritation.


The use of essential oils is not beneficial for everyone. During pregnancy, you should take baths with them carefully. Since some oils can be harmful to pregnant women (mint, geranium, jasmine, orange), it is better to avoid aromatherapy treatments altogether. It is not recommended to carry out such baths for nursing mothers.

Contraindications to taking baths with aroma oils are:

  • oncological diseases;
  • angina pectoris;
  • acute inflammation;
  • epilepsy;
  • some skin diseases;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • chronic liver or kidney diseases;
  • varicose veins;
  • thrombophlebitis.


Procedures can be carried out:

  • for the whole body;
  • locally in the form of sitz baths;
  • topical for feet;
  • topical for hands.

Aroma baths are often carried out in courses; for example, it is recommended to take a lying bath in a course of 10 to 20 times.

For sitz baths, smaller dosages of essential oils are used - two to three drops. Such procedures are often therapeutic, so they are performed for cystitis, for healing postpartum sutures, for vaginal discharge or hemorrhoids.

Hand or foot baths with aroma oils are used when full procedures are not possible, for example, in cases of high blood pressure or damaged skin. Foot aromatic bath Perfect for relaxing after a hard day. It is recommended for athletes and will also help reduce leg pain.

Hand baths can also relieve pain and improve joint mobility.

If you add lemon oil to your hand bath, you will whiten the skin on your hands and strengthen your nails.

Description of the procedure

For a full (lying) bath with the addition of essential oils you need:

  1. Fill the bath with water.
  2. For 200 liters of water, 15 drops are enough. Since essential oil does not dissolve directly in water, before adding it to the bath it should be mixed in milk, kefir, vegetable oil, honey, alcohol, cream, or mix with sea salt. This essential oil solvent is taken in the amount of 1-3 tablespoons. It mixes with aroma oil.
  3. The resulting mixture is added to water and mixed.

The average duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. It is repeated every day or with a break (every 1-2 days).

To do a sitz bath, 2-10 drops of aroma oil are added to warm water(approximately +37+42 degrees), after dissolving it in cream. Then immersed in water bottom part body to the waist. The first procedure is carried out for 2 minutes, and then the stay in water is gradually extended to 10 minutes.

To make a hand or foot bath, Fill a container with hot water and add 5-6 drops of aromatic oil. Soak your hands or feet in water with aroma oil for 10-20 minutes.


When receiving procedures, follow the rules:

  1. The optimal concentration of aroma oil in the bath is 1 drop per 10 liters of water.
  2. Children and elderly people need to take a bath with a lower concentration (2-3 times).
  3. The first procedures are carried out with minimal dosages - approximately 4-5 drops of essential oil per 150-liter bath. Gradually increasing the amount of added oil by 2-3 drops, bring it to the dosage prescribed in the recipe. By the end of the course, it is recommended to gradually reduce the concentration of essential oils (each procedure by 2-3 drops).
  4. If the bath is intended to be relaxing and also soothing, the water is heated to +37+38 degrees.
  5. In order for the bath to have a tonic effect, it is better to leave the water a little cool (+30+34 degrees).
  6. The adaptogenic effect of the bath appears at a temperature of +32+34 degrees, and for an erotic bath it is recommended to heat the water to +36+38 degrees.
  7. The most high temperature water is used for anti-cellulite baths (+38+40 degrees), as well as procedures after physical activity (over +40 degrees).
  8. Take a bath with aromatic oils not immediately after eating, but after 1.5-3 hours. Before the procedure it is recommended hygienic shower And complete cleansing body from cosmetics and pollution.
  9. Do not use such products during procedures. cosmetics, like soap, shampoo or gel, as this will reduce the effectiveness of the bath.
  10. There is no need to rinse after the aroma bath so that the essential oils continue to affect the skin when the procedure itself is completed. Just pat your body dry with a towel or put on a robe. Do not be active after the procedure, it is better to give your body a little more rest and drink tea.
  11. Use natural essential oils for your bath, because only they have beneficial effects.

Leave synthetic analogues for scenting clothes and rooms. Natural oil you can tell by the high price and dark bottle.



If you have worked a lot physically or actively worked out in the gym, a bath that contains a combination of mint oil with juniper oil, verbena oil with ginger oil, lemon balm oil with cinnamon oil will help to relax your tired body. Take 1-2 drops of each oil.

Another recipe for a bath that promotes relaxation before bed includes sandalwood (two drops), mandarin and chamomile oils (four drops each) mixed with milk (500 ml).

A bath of four drops of verbena oil, two drops of rosemary oil and two drops of tea tree aroma oil will help relieve physical stress after a sports workout. Dissolve these oils in 1 tbsp. spoon of grape seed oil.


Some of the essential oils often used in the fight against cellulite are citrus oils (orange, lemon, grapefruit), which are combined with oils coniferous plants(cedar, pine, spruce, fir and others).

Basic anti-cellulite baths:

  • For an anti-cellulite bath, pour grapefruit, cypress and orange oils (two drops each), as well as juniper oil (1 drop), mixed in 100 ml of dry wine into water.
  • A lemon bath with anti-cellulite effects involves adding lemon (3 drops), juniper (2 drops) and cypress (2 drops) oils.
  • An effective recipe for cellulite, use this citrus bath: lemon aroma oil (take 3 drops) supplemented with grapefruit, tangerine and orange oils (add two drops each). Add all ingredients to almond seed oil (1 tablespoon).
  • Mix two drops of orange aroma oil (can be replaced with grapefruit oil) with two drops of black pepper aroma oil, as well as three drops of juniper oil.
  • Also effective are combinations of essential oils against cellulite, which are represented by mixtures of lemon, juniper and fennel oils or geranium, rosemary and cypress. Take 2 or 3 drops of each oil.
  • Make a bath based on sea ​​salt. Take 100 g of salt and add to it grapefruit oil (4 drops), vetiver, anise and mint oils (1 drop each).


If you want to cheer up, get a boost of strength and energy, get rid of irritability and increase tone, opt for citrus, rosemary, sage and verbena oils. For a toning bath, just 3-4 drops of any of these oils are enough. A bath with the addition of tea tree aroma oil also improves performance.


The oils of neroli, sandalwood, jasmine, geranium, sage, juniper, myrrh, nutmeg, rose, cedar, ylang-ylang, patchouli can tune you into a romantic mood, increase sensuality and give a pleasant aroma to the skin before intimacy. The main thing is, before preparing such an aroma bath, ask your partner’s preferences so that the smell is pleasant to both of you.


Essential oils can tighten the skin and have a rejuvenating effect. This effect has been observed in frankincense, lotus, myrrh, jasmine, geranium, sandalwood and mimosa oils.

For weight loss

Baths for weight loss with the addition of citrus, geranium, and coniferous oils cleanse the skin well, affect cellulite, and help eliminate excess weight. Don’t forget to change the scents so that the weight loss effect is maintained and your body doesn’t get used to it. Dissolve in bath salts (two to three tablespoons) one drop of lemon oil, two drops each of cedar and cypress oils and three drops of juniper oil.

Vanilla, anise and lavender oils have been noted to have the ability to dull the feeling of hunger. Peppermint and lemon oils, as well as patchouli or tea tree oils, will help improve metabolism. Adding ylang-ylang, rose or rosemary scents to your water will improve performance. internal organs. Withdrawal excess liquid A bath with cardamom, geranium, grapefruit or cypress oils will help.

Ylang-ylang, fennel and grapefruit oils have the ability to accelerate the breakdown of fats.

If you add lemongrass, rosemary or black pepper oils to the water, in addition to stimulating weight loss, your skin will also tighten.

From fatigue

Those who are irritated and very tired should lie in a bath with the addition of essential oils of geranium, rose, lavender or sandalwood. To prepare a lavender bath, add 3-4 drops of this essential oil. In this bath you will regain strength and calm down, and after it you will fall asleep easier. Another good recipe for a bath for fatigue includes a mixture of eucalyptus, mandarin and clove oils, taken 2 drops each.

For depression

Oils of bergamot, basil, ylang-ylang, orange, sandalwood or mandarin lift your spirits well and help cope with depression.

Prepare one of these recipes:

1) 4 drops each of basil and lemon oils and two drops of rosemary oil - mix with 2 tbsp. l. bath salts.

2) Add 6-7 drops of rose aroma oil to your evening bath.

3) Try a bath with bergamot and grapefruit oils, taking 4 drops each.

For insomnia

Baths with the following mixtures of essential oils can help eliminate sleep problems:

  • Oils of chamomile (4 parts), neroli (2 parts) and sage (4 parts).
  • Two or three drops of oils were ate and mint, as well as lavender and tangerine.
  • Oils of lavender (4 parts), mimosa (2 parts) and chamomile (3 parts).
  • Two drops each of lemon balm and rose oils, as well as valerian, mimosa, dill and lavender.
  • Five drops each of lavender oil and alpine spruce aroma oil.
  • Oils of lemon (3 parts), rosemary (5 parts) and anise (2 parts).
  • Leuzea aroma oils (3 parts), sandalwood (3 parts) and orange (1 parts) dissolved in 100 ml of red wine.
  • Added to 1 tsp. almond oil chamomile (5 parts) and lavender (10 parts) oils.
  • Three drops each of lavender and marjoram oil.

With oils

With lavender oil

As you noticed from the aroma bath recipes that help with difficulties falling asleep and restless sleep, lavender oil has a calming effect and a beneficial effect on sleep. A bath with this essential oil helps eliminate fatigue, gain strength, ensure deep sleep and is recommended for nervous overload. Lavender oil can be combined with rose, sandalwood and frankincense. Using foot aromatic baths with lavender oil will eliminate the problem of sweating and unpleasant odor legs

Bath oil

The previously unknown word “aromatherapy” has now firmly entered our lives and taken its place there. Aromatherapy products can be found in most different forms– from candles to body care products. Bath oil also falls into this category and is quite popular. After all, a bath with essential oils is an incomparable pleasure:) Simple and always available ingredients and one or several essential oils are enough to prepare your own bath oil either for yourself or as a creative gift.

Bath oil ingredients:

  • Decorative jar or bottle with a lid or stopper;
  • Base oil of your choice (almond, olive, safflower and soy are just a few possible examples);
  • Essential oils of your choice (jasmine, chamomile, orange, lavender and others);
  • Vitamin E capsules;
  • Dried flowers for decoration (optional).

The process of preparing bath oil

  1. Decide what base oil you want to use for the mixture. Also called a “carrier oil,” it should always be used as a base for a bath oil or any other body product. Due to the high concentration of most essential oils, they should not be applied directly to the skin. To start, take about 0.5 liters of base oil - you can take more or less depending on the volume of the dish.
  2. Poke the vitamin E capsules with a needle and squeeze the contents into the carrier oil. Take at the rate of 1 capsule of vitamin E per approximately 60 g of base oil. But if you use an oil high in vitamin E, such as wheat germ oil, as a base oil, you can skip this step.
  3. Choose which essential oils you will add to the mixture. Citrus oils make sense if you want an invigorating bath oil, but chamomile and lavender essential oils will add relaxing properties to the oil. Add essential oils to your carrier oil a few drops at a time and test the scent until you get it just the way you want. Usually it is enough to add 10 drops of essential oils per 20 ml of base oil.
  4. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly until all the oils are combined.
  5. If you put some dried flowers or herbs in the oil container in advance, you will not only decorate the bottle or jar of oil, but also add aroma to the oil.
  6. Pour the bath oil into the prepared container and seal tightly until ready to use.

When making oil for yourself, you can choose the scent that suits you without any problems. But if you decide to make oil as a gift, it is better to inquire about the preferences of the recipient. You can, of course, take a cosmetics catalog and choose a gift from it. Or make a neutral, fresh scent using, for example, citrus essential oil.

Since ancient times, aromatic oils have been used for water treatments. They have a beneficial effect on the skin and nervous system– cleanse, calm, pacify.

The famous Egyptian queen Cleopatra loved such procedures, which gave beauty, youth, and vigor. IN modern world, thanks to technical progress, extracting essential oils has become faster and easier. Now everyone can afford the pleasure of taking a fragrant bath. Relaxing, calming, peaceful.

It is important to decide which oils are best suited and do not cause discomfort or allergic reactions. A correctly selected aroma and composition should be liked and coincide with personal preferences and tastes. Then taking a bath will become a desired, rather than a necessary, everyday process.

Benefits of essential oils

Among all cosmetic procedures, taking a bath is the most pleasant. By adding incense to hot, pleasant water, we get amazing effects:

  • Let's relax;
  • Let's calm down;
  • Relieving accumulated tension;
  • We get a boost of energy;
  • We feel great, great.

By using essential oils, you can significantly improve your health and get an excellent therapeutic effect:

  • Normalize blood pressure;
  • Improve metabolism in the body;
  • Stabilize the nervous system;
  • Relieve muscle pain;
  • Use in combination for the treatment of the genitourinary system, skin diseases and musculoskeletal system;
  • Relieve insomnia;
  • Normalize weight, help fight cellulite.

A bath with aromatic oils is contraindicated:

  • For oncology;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Diabetes;
  • Heart diseases;
  • Chronic hepatitis;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • In case of any viral inflammatory processes.


For a beginner, it is difficult to decide which oil is best needed and which ready-made aromatic mixture to choose. Combining ethereal elements with each other is an art. Not everyone can choose a composition so that it does not cause harm.

Based on the aromatic components they contain, all essential oils for bathing are divided into several types:

  • Tonic (ginger, nutmeg, rosemary);
  • With a relaxing, calming effect (orange, rose, neroli, mandarin);
  • Moisturizing (patchouli, avacado, chamomile);
  • With anti-cellulite effect (grapefruit, cedar, lemon);
  • To relieve cold symptoms ( tea tree, eucalyptus, fir);
  • With a rejuvenating effect (jasmine, lotus, geranium, rose);
  • Stimulating (sage, ylang-ylang, patchouli, juniper).
  • Children's, for bathing babies (Mommy Care with calendula and chamomile, Baby Teva, Natural Sensation).

Bath oils can be purchased in solid form, vegetable-based. They are either rubbed into moisturized skin with massage movements (soaped), or dissolved in small quantity water.

We open the catalog, look at photos of ready-made essential oils, aromatic compositions for the bathroom, and choose. Afterwards, we wrap ourselves in a soft, warm robe and prolong the pleasure.

How to use essential oils

To get maximum effect, we follow a set of simple rules in the bathing process:

An overdose of aromatic oils leads to a deterioration in well-being, irritability, and headaches (it is optimal to start with 3-4 drops, gradually increasing to 6-10. Observe the skin reaction.)

For babies, two drops per teaspoon of milk is enough during bathing. From the age of two, add 4-6 drops of aromatic oils.

Before taking a bath, mix essential oils with a base: a handful of salt, milk, kefir, honey. Then add it to the water.

We take a shower, cleanse our skin of sweat and dirt, and get into the bath with incense—clean.

We do not add aromatic oils when the water is filled, the jacuzzi is running, or the hydromassage mat is on. We do not use gels, soaps, shampoos, foam. The water should not be too hot to cause increased sweating.

At least two hours must pass before taking a bath with aromatic oils. At least one day, if similar procedures have been carried out previously.

To prolong the effect, do not wipe yourself. We wrap ourselves in a terry towel or robe, or wait for the skin to dry naturally. We relax and drink a cup of our favorite tea.

We use natural essential oils (sold in dark glass bottles).

You can take a bath while sitting. You don't have to be completely immersed. Simply dip your hands and feet in hot, aromatic water. Everyone has the right to choose for themselves how to use aromatic oils. For some, it is enough to rub them into a clean body after a shower. This will not diminish the benefits of essential oils.

Photos of bath oils

Many people like to pay attention to comfortable and pleasant water procedures. Particularly a lot of time is spent taking a bath. For this purpose, various foams, oils or other means are used to increase the comfort of the procedure. Great solution purchase of essential oil for bath is considered. It is presented in numerous forms, so it is possible to choose the optimal remedy that can promote relaxation, arousal, relief from fatigue, or even weight loss. High-quality bath oil always has a pleasant aroma and a relaxing effect, so you can use it constantly.

Benefits and harms

Using essential oils for a bath has numerous benefits if you choose them wisely, and also if you actually purchase them from trusted manufacturers:

  • fatigue accumulated during the working day is relieved;
  • is improving appearance skin, as it becomes more elastic and firm, and the appearance of peeling is prevented;
  • the hormonal background of the body is normalized, which is especially important for women, therefore, after taking a bath with suitable oil, your well-being improves and you gain confidence in your attractiveness and strength;
  • pain in the legs or other parts of the body is relieved;
  • immunity increases, since every quality essential remedy includes antibacterial and anti-inflammatory additives;
  • libido improves, for which special oils that contain aphrodisiacs are used.

Bath oil is not addictive, so it can be used for a long time to improve well-being and health. However, its use also has some negative points. This refers to the fact that there are many oil manufacturers that produce low-quality products that are not safe to use regularly. Therefore, it is recommended to buy products exclusively from proven and reliable manufacturers. It should be stored in a cool place, protected from sunlight.

High-quality bath oil cannot have a low cost, so you should initially focus on high price means.

Even high-quality products may be contraindicated for people suffering from hypertension. It is not advisable for breastfeeding women to use them.

Types of bath oils

These products are available in numerous forms, differing in composition and purpose, rules of use and other parameters. Therefore, before purchasing a specific product, it is recommended to first decide what exactly it will be used for.


The most often chosen are special oils that can relax. Taking a bath with this product will be a real pleasure, as a person will be able to relax well and enjoy the pleasant aroma. As a result, the relaxation process begins, and a person’s internal energy awakens.

For a bath with a relaxing effect, the most often chosen are:

  • orange - a bath with orange oil helps to calm and relieve stress. It has a beneficial effect on the skin, so it saturates it with vitamins and eliminates inflammation. It has a good effect on mood and mental balance. An orange oil bath is great for headaches or muscle and joint pain;
  • Ylang-Ylang - is considered not only relaxing, but also increases sexual energy. It is good for the heart and also reduces blood pressure. Relieves tension and normalizes hormones. A bath with this remedy is recommended for people suffering from chronic fatigue;
  • lavender - this product contains many useful elements. Ideal for insomnia and stress, and also relieves overexcitement. A bath with lavender oil has a calming effect;
  • incense - has antidepressant properties and also calms the body and soul of a person. Counts ideal solution during times of stress or overexertion.

Lavender oil

A few drops of yang-ylang oil will help you relax

Frankincense oil



These oils contain aphrodisiacs. They are substances that increase sexual desire for opposite sex. Promotes high sexual activity.

Such remedies work quite simply, since a pleasant aroma affects the human brain, after which it affects the pituitary gland, which secretes hormones. Endorphin is released into the blood, causing euphoria and sexual desire. With the help of such oils, you can not only tune in to a pleasant time with your significant other, but also relax well and relieve stress.


For people suffering from cellulite, oils that combat this problem are considered the most preferable. They remove excess water from the body, and also burn calories while taking such a bath.

The most effective against cellulite are products made from orange, juniper, grapefruit or rosemary.


This also includes oils that contain aphrodisiacs. Selected for these purposes different types oils:

  • bergamot provides relaxation of the body and stimulation of erotic fantasies;
  • jasmine makes every woman feel attractive and desirable;
  • cedar helps to add freshness to any relationship;
  • nutmeg increases sexual desire;
  • Myrrh is used by women to increase sensuality.

Erotic substances are usually used before an evening out with a loved one. In addition to taking a bath with this product, it is advisable to install an aroma lamp in the room itself.


It is important for every woman that she maintains her youth and attractiveness for as long as possible, which is why special anti-aging bath oils are in high demand. The most commonly used means for this are:

  • dandelion - promotes skin rejuvenation and also nourishes it a large number vital moisture;
  • honey is considered an excellent anti-aging agent, and can be included in different compositions, and also directly used in its pure form;
  • citrus fruits - this includes orange, lemon or grapefruit. Oils from these fruits have an excellent rejuvenating effect.

Citrus oils will help give you energy

For weight loss

For people suffering from overweight, the optimal choice is considered to be essential oils that help burn calories or reduce appetite:

  • baths with lavender oil dull the feeling of hunger;
  • anise and vanilla oil reduces stress, so it will not “eat up” with large amounts of food;
  • compositions of mint and patchouli help normalize metabolism;
  • To speed up the breakdown of fats, a bath with fir oil, as well as rosemary or tangerine, is used. The most commonly used oil is fir oil.

Thus, depending on the existing reason excess weight the optimal oil is selected to eliminate this cause.


From fatigue

If a person is very tired at work or school, he needs a relaxing bath. For this we use:

  • lavender, which has excellent calming properties, therefore improves sleep and relaxation;
  • Roman chamomile has a delicate, pleasant aroma and also has good relaxation properties;
  • the cedar composition has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, and also promotes good relaxation and tranquility;
  • Valerian is ideal in case of sleep disturbance due to fatigue.

For depression

If a person fails Bad mood and depression, then we can talk about prolonged depression. To combat it, various essential oils are effectively used, and the most often chosen for this are:

  • lavender;
  • orange;
  • mint or lemon balm.

Each product has a pleasant aroma and also helps establish peace of mind, peace of mind. A warm bath reduces stress, depression, and also provides an opportunity to fully relax and gain strength. The Mustela company produces many high-quality oils, so you can choose best option for any occasion.

Peppermint and lemon balm oils have a calming effect

Terms of use

If you use different essential oils for your bath, it is important to understand how to use them correctly to achieve the desired results. To do this, consider the following tips:

  • It is not allowed to take a bath immediately after eating, so at least two hours must pass after eating;
  • It is recommended to wash thoroughly in the shower before immersing yourself in the bath so that the skin absorbs different useful substances from water;
  • it is not advisable to be in hot water for too long, as this can lead to exhaustion of the body;
  • can't be taken for long periods of time water treatments people suffering from diabetes or heart failure;
  • During the procedure, you don’t need to think about extraneous things or problems, as you need to relax and forget about all the bad things.

Thus, bath oils come in numerous forms. Each type has its own properties and characteristics, so it is important to choose the product wisely. It is also necessary to carefully study the rules for its use so that this process provides a truly positive result for the person taking the bath.


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