A pond is planned on drains from a brick factory - I ask for help.

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ISO14001 certificate

The Vandersanden Group is committed to a sustainable and environmentally friendly business. At the end of 2014, our commitment to environmental management was confirmed by the ISO14001 certification. As a result of internal and external audits, it was found that the Vandersanden Group's environmental management system complies with the ISO14001 standard in all divisions of the company.

Environmentally conscious business

We want to comply with the legislation and the requirements of the environmental license in an organized way, constantly improving the environmental performance of the enterprise. All tasks of the enterprise to achieve these goals are formalized in the form of procedures. The procedures are included in the environmental management system, which also contains an analysis of environmental risks and a plan for their limitation.

The ISO14001 standard sets out the order in which this system should be built. When building a system, we must follow a number of rules. An independent certification body checks whether these rules are observed in practice. Thus, the system becomes official, emphasizing the social significance of environmentally conscious business.

Economic policy for raw materials

Clay is a natural and practically inexhaustible resource. However, this does not mean at all that it should not be used sparingly.

In order to reduce the utilization rate of clay deposits and limit the recoverable area, we also use raw materials that are released during the implementation of infrastructure and construction projects. It also helps to avoid excess soil.

After the completion of the clay extraction, it is a matter of honor for us to return the developed sites to the farmers who allowed us to use their land. We turn clay mining sites and worked-out clay quarries into fertile agricultural land.

Environmentally friendly manufacturing process

In all branches"Vandersanden" we are committed to continuous improvement of energy efficiency and reduction of energy consumption. In this regard, all employees are informed about our energy saving policy. We regularly update the energy reduction plan and adhere to its implementation. We also comply with all laws, regulations and other specified requirements regarding this issue.

Vandersanden is a member of the Limburg Climate Parliament, which is a group of organizations in Limburg (Belgium) that can have a significant impact on limiting CO2 emissions and are actively working to "by 2020 make Limburg climate neutral" .

In Flanders, Vandersanden is part of Do-Tank companies of the European Emissions Trading Scheme Cleantech platforms. These companies are responsible for a large share of CO2 emissions. This means that they are subject to the European Emissions Trading System. European Emissions Trading Scheme Do-Tank companies are looking for solutions that are economically and environmentally beneficial.

Only natural raw materials

Brick "Vandersanden" is a combination of natural elements: clay, sand, water, air and fire. Synthetic products or chemical treatment do not apply.

energy efficiency

Brick firing takes place in energy-saving gas tunnel kilns controlled by computers. With the help of the latest control technologies, we capture hot air, which comes from furnaces, and use it for economical drying of bricks.

Renewable energy source

In 1996, a combined heat and power plant was installed, which produces 50% of the required energy for the factories in Spouven and Lanklaar. The combined heat and power plant is a 16-cylinder gas engine that is connected to a generator. This engine generates electricity.

The hot air that is released is used to dry bricks in dryers and to heat workshops. In fact, there is no energy loss. The CHP plant is also capable of keeping the furnaces and dryers running in the event of a power outage at the main substation.

Since October 1, 2011, the solar panels installed at the plants in Spouven and Lanklaar are another renewable source of energy. The total annual clean energy production from solar panels is 360 MWh. In this way, we produce more of our own energy in order to improve environment and reducing CO2 emissions.

The Guarantee of Origin certificate confirms that the extra electricity we buy comes from wind, water or solar energy.

Small amount of waste

From each kilogram of raw materials, a kilogram of bricks is obtained. Brick production efficiency is 100% with 0% waste. Used ground water circulate in a closed cycle, which means the absence of at least one liter of technical Wastewater. The only source of limited waste is packaging.

Green areas

Thanks to the creation of green areas around factories and warehouses, greenery is preserved as much as possible countryside. To a large extent, this helps to hide the plants from view.

Cleaned air emissions

Increased attention is paid to air quality. Energy-saving tunnel ovens use clean and environmentally friendly natural gas. Filters clean the exhaust flue gases.

Unique rail system

The overhead rail network at Spouwen ensures optimal efficiency during the loading and unloading of brick packages. With this rail system, the bricks are transported from the factory to the appropriate warehouse. This reduces the number of forklifts used, which in turn reduces noise and emissions.

Packaging recycling

Recycling plastic packaging: "clean facility system"

The bricks are wrapped in a very thin plastic film (polyethylene) that holds the bricks together and protects them during transport and storage at the construction site. The entire packaging material for a brick is less than 1% of the weight of a block of bricks. However, despite the fact that the number plastic packaging limited, we collect and process it. According to the "Clean Site System" project in Belgium, contractors are provided with appropriate waste bins. The bins themselves are also collected and recycled.

Pallet recycling: VAL-I-PAC

Bricks are stacked on pallets, which are made from 100% untreated wood. As a member of the association "VAL-I-PAC"(Belgium), we also make sure that pallets are reused after recovery.


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher education

“Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanov"

Faculty of History and Geography

Department of Nature Management and Geoecology



in the direction of preparation 05.03.06 "Ecology and nature management"

The impact of ZhBK No. 2 LLC on the environment

Completed by ______________________________ P.A. Martynov (ZIGF-23-14)

Eligible for defense

Supervisor ______________________ Candidate of Geological Sciences, Associate Professor A.A. Mironov

Department head

nature management and

Geoecology ________________________________ Candidate of Geological Sciences, Associate Professor O.E. Gavrilov

Cheboksary 2017


Chapter 1. The negative impact of industrial enterprises

To the natural environment

atmospheric air………………………………………………………..…….4

  1. Industrial enterprises as a source of pollution

water bodies…………………………………………..............................7

  1. Industrial enterprises as a source of pollution


Chapter 2. Assessment of the impact of ZhBK No. 2 LLC on the state of the environment


2.2. ZhBK No. 2 LLC as a source of environmental pollution

natural environment………………………………………………………….20

2.2.1. Characteristics of sources of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere………………………………………………………………………..23

2.2.2. Characteristics of sources of pollutant emissions into groundwater and surface water………………………………………………..36

2.2.3. Solid household waste at the enterprise………………….……40

Chapter 3. Measures to reduce the negative impact of the enterprise on the environment

3.1. Proposals to reduce the negative impact of the enterprise on the environment………………………………………………………..….41 Conclusion………………………………………… …………………………...……..44


List of used literature……………………………………………...50


The current environmental situation in large cities is not very favorable. Every day, emissions (discharges) of pollutants from the construction industry into the environment are made. Currently, there are approximately 24 thousand enterprises in the country that pollute the environment of our country.

According to GGO them. V.N. Voeikov every tenth city Russian Federation It has high level pollution of the atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere.

Of particular danger are large industrial construction enterprises, where the production of the main products entails serious environmental pollution. Most a large number of waste accumulates in sludge dumps, tailing dumps, landfills and unauthorized dumps. Emission (discharge) of pollutants into the air is not limited to its pollution, but has negative impact on water bodies and soil.

ZhBK No. 2 LLC is one of the largest enterprises in the construction industry in Novocheboksarsk and plays a significant role in shaping the quality of the environment.

The purpose of the work is to determine the negative impact on the environment of an industrial enterprise for the production of reinforced concrete products using the example of ZhBK No. 2 LLC.

To achieve this goal, we have set the following tasks:

  1. Reveal i unfavorable I environmental impact from industry;
  2. Consider the creation and development of ZhBK No. 2 LLC;
  3. Investigate sources of pollution from ZhBK No. 2 LLC;
  4. Develop measures to reduce emissions (discharges) into the environment.

Object of study: enterprises of the construction industry.

Subject of research: environmental pollution of ZhBK No. 2 LLC on the environment.

When writing the work, we used the following research methods: statistical processing, mapping.

The work consists of chapters, figures, tables, applications.

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Course work

The impact of the industrial activities of the Brick Plant LLC "Azhemak" on the environment


In May 2000, a brick factory with equipment from the Spanish company AGEMAG was put into operation for the production of bricks by the plastic molding method.

The plant is located in the Republic of Bashkortostan, in the village. Tolbazy of the Aurgazinsky district, 80 km from Ufa along the Ufa-Orenburg highway. With a small staff of 110 people, the plant produces more than 10 million bricks a year. At present, the plant produces ceramic single hollow bricks in red and light colors.

Fig. 1 Location of the Brick Plant LLC "Azhemak" on the map

Fig. 2 Location of the Brick Plant LLC "Azhemak" on the diagram

1. General characteristics of production

Ceramic bricks are usually used for the construction of load-bearing and self-supporting walls and partitions, one-story and multi-storey buildings and structures, internal partitions, filling voids in monolithic concrete structures, laying foundations, the inside of chimneys, industrial and domestic ovens. It is worth sharing the advantages of ordinary (construction) and face bricks. The latter is used in almost all areas of construction. The front brick is made according to special technology which gives it a lot of advantages. The front brick should be not only beautiful, but also reliable. Facing bricks are usually used in the construction of new buildings, but can also be successfully used in various restoration works. It is used when facing the plinths of buildings, walls, fences, for interior design.

Raw materials used in production ceramic brick, are subdivided into plastic (clay), non-plastic (lean, burnout and floodplains).

Clay materials include clays and kaolins. According to GOST 9169-75, clay raw materials are rocks, consisting mainly of clay minerals (kaolinite, montmorillonite, hydromica).

In the technical sense, earthy rocks are called clays, which, when mixed with water, form a plastic dough, which in the dried state has some strength (cohesion), and after firing acquires stone-like properties.

According to GOST 9169-75, clay raw materials are classified:

By fire resistance;

According to the mineral composition;

By plasticity;

By mechanical strength for bending in a dry state;

By sintering;

The mineralogical composition of clays is represented by kaolinite, montmorillonite, hydromica and other minerals and impurities.

Organic impurities turn the clay black. In firing, they burn out, releasing gases and causing a reducing environment inside the crock. These phenomena can be the source of certain defects (“bubbles”) during the firing of products with a dense shard.

Physicochemical characteristics:

At physical and chemical analysis of raw materials, the following definitions are mandatory: macroscopic characteristics, chemical composition, content and composition of water-soluble salts, mineralogical composition according to the methods of derivatographic and X-ray phase analyses.

A macroscopic description of a sample of clay raw materials is performed in order to determine the appearance, macrostructure, color and density. At the same time, the presence of inclusions and the degree of effervescence of the sample are also recorded when interacting with a 10% hydrochloric acid solution.

Clay minerals are mainly hydrated aluminosilicates of calcium, magnesium, iron, etc. and therefore traditional chemical analysis gives the first general idea of ​​the composition of raw materials and some of the future properties of products. So, by the amount of coloring oxides, in particular, iron oxide, in combination with the content of calcium and magnesium oxides, one can judge the color of the crock from this raw material, by the amount of calcium oxide, magnesium and carbon dioxide - by the amount of impurities of calcite and dolomite, by the amount of oxide aluminum in combination with the content of sodium, potassium and iron oxides - about the melting point of clay, by the amount of calcium oxide, magnesium - about the behavior of a ceramic shard during firing in the temperature range of 700-900 ° C and over 1100 ° C, etc.

The composition and amount of water-soluble salts in clay gives an idea of ​​whether efflorescence will appear on the surface of products and allows you to choose methods for their elimination. There is no need to say how important this analysis is when testing clay raw materials for the production of facing bricks.

Next, you need to know (preferably as fully as possible) the mineralogical composition of the raw materials. What kind of clay minerals form this raw material, what impurities are present in the raw material: the amount of free quartz, feldspars, calcite, dolomite, the amount and form of ferruginous compounds, etc.

Usually, the raw material has a polymineral composition and contains simultaneously several clay minerals with different technological properties. For example, the presence of kaolinite in raw materials increases the fire resistance of products and obliges technologists to pay special attention to the modes of molding and firing products. Compared to kaolinite and hydromicaceous clays, montmorillonite clays have the highest degree of dispersion, the highest swelling, high plasticity, binding capacity, shrinkage, and sensitivity to drying and firing. Hydromicaceous clays occupy a middle position between kaolinite and montmorillonite. In nature, however, clays containing one mineral are rarely found, so they are classified according to the predominant content of one or another mineral.

Data on the mineralogical composition (especially quantitative data) are rather laborious to obtain, and a large number of various expensive physicochemical research methods are involved here. In particular, X-ray phase analysis, which allows you to see the amount of crystalline compounds present in the raw material. These data must be compared with the results of chemical and other analyses. X-ray analysis makes it possible to more definitely and reliably judge the real, always complex, mineralogical composition of raw materials, because it is well known that all the technological and operational properties of ceramic products are determined precisely by the characteristics of the mineralogical composition of the initial clay raw materials. Recall that the X-ray method of research is based on the interference of X-rays from the crystal lattices of minerals and their subsequent interference according to well-defined physical laws. Each crystalline formation has its own specific set (spectrum) of diffraction reflections, by which this compound is reliably identified and the quantitative content in a complex natural or artificial mixture is determined.

However, to identify relatively X-ray amorphous compounds with an imperfect crystal structure, in particular, the clay mineral montmorillonite, X-ray analysis is not enough to obtain a complete picture of the phase composition and it is supplemented by derivatographic analysis.

Derivatographic analysis is based on the determination of various thermal effects when the sample is heated. The DTA curve characterizes the main physicochemical processes occurring in the sample when it is heated.

Endothermic effects that go with the absorption of heat indicate the destruction of the original crystalline or X-ray amorphous compounds; melting processes, etc. Exothermic effects on the DTA curve, which occur with the release of heat, usually indicate the processes of new crystallization, burnout of organics, etc.

We determine the ceramic characteristics of raw materials: contamination with coarse-grained inclusions, activity of carbonate inclusions, particle size distribution, plasticity, sensitivity to drying, critical moisture index, sintering and fire resistance. In addition, the methods of dilatometric and derivatographic analyzes are used to study the thermal properties of clay. At the same stage, the dispersion of lean additives is determined.

The content of coarse-grained inclusions is carried out by washing the sample on a sieve of 0.5 mm, followed by sieving on sieves of 5, 3, 2 and 1 mm. This analysis gives an idea of ​​the content in the sample of large stony inclusions, inclusions of quartz, carbonates, organics, etc. At this stage, the content and activity of large carbonate inclusions are also determined. The results of this analysis are used to decide on the required degree of grinding of the initial clay raw material.

To obtain information about the clay part of the sample, a granulometric analysis is performed using the pipette method, which makes it possible to determine the particle size of the clay raw material. So clay minerals with dimensions of several microns or less will naturally be in such fractions (0.005-0.001 and less than 0.001 mm.), And, for example, free quartz in the largest fractions (over 0.01 mm). To determine the qualitative and quantitative composition of clay raw materials, the data obtained using other analyzes are then compared with the results of granulometric analysis.

The plastic properties of clays are characterized by moisture and vary for the same clay depending on the amount of water. The transition of clay from one consistency to another takes place at certain moisture values, which are called the limits of plasticity. The moisture at which the clay passes from a plastic state to a fluid state is called the upper limit of plasticity, or the yield limit.

The moisture at which the clay passes from a plastic state to a brittle state is called the lower limit of plasticity or the rolling limit. The difference between the upper limit and lower limits plasticity is a characteristic of the plasticity of clays, and is called the plasticity number. This characteristic is determined using the Vasiliev device. Abroad, they use the Atterberg plasticity index.

According to the plasticity number, clays are classified as highly plastic with a plasticity number of more than 25, medium plastic - 15-25, moderate plastic - 7-15, low plastic - less than 7 and non-plastic, which do not give a plastic test at all. The index of plasticity correlates with the granulometric composition of the clay and naturally with the mineralogical composition, i.e., it is determined by the content of the clay substance in the raw material.

The study of the drying properties of raw materials occupies a very significant place in laboratory and technological research. The drying properties of raw material, its formability are directly related to the amount of montmorillonite. The more it is, the higher the sensitivity of the raw material to drying. However, this statement applies to clays with a total clay content of at least 30-40%.

clay hydrocarbon acid plastic

2. Environmental impact of emissions from the Brick Factory LLC "Azhemak"

Emissions to the atmosphere occur during the firing of bricks in special kilns. Emissions occur due to the combustion of fuel to provide the heat required for firing, and from the effect of high temperatures on the clay itself. Dust emissions also arise from open pit clay mining. The following emissions are possible:

* Nitric oxide occurs when carbohydrate fuels are used in firing. This causes air pollution around the facility and is the cause of photochemical smog and acid rain.

* Sulfur dioxide is obtained from exposing clay to high temperatures. The amount of sulfur dioxide produced depends on the sulfur content of the clay. Low sulfur clay typically contains less than 0.1% sulfur in its composition. Sulfur dioxide causes local air pollution and causes acid rain. Additional sulfur dioxide emissions are possible if fuel oil is used in kilns.

*Emissions of chlorides and fluorides occur during firing due to the presence of these materials in the clay itself.

* Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide are produced when hydrocarbon fuels are burned. Carbon monoxide causes local air pollution, and carbon dioxide causes global warming.

* Possible release of additional organic components, including toxins such as dioxins, if waste products are used when firing bricks in special kilns.

* Dust and various particles can enter the atmosphere from kilns, appearing during the brick firing process and from the use of fuel oil, coal or reclaimed oil during firing.

*Dust generated by truck traffic on muddy or dirt roads or due to wind can spread outside the clay quarry and cause inconvenience or damage to property or nearby vegetation.

Possible contamination of the rainwater runoff with clay or brick dust particles, which can lead to discoloration or sedimentation if rainwater enters the main stream, which may also contain oil or fuel from motor vehicles.

If glazing salt or fuel is stored on site, there is a risk of soil contamination due to leakage of harmful substances.

When mining clay, there is also a considerable impact.

The main types of impact on the environment:

Withdrawal of natural resources (land, water);

Pollution of the air basin with emissions of gaseous and suspended substances;

Noise impact;

Change in the relief of the territory.

The negative impact on the state of the ecosystem lies in the maximum load of the technological process on each of the components of the environment. Impact on human health, wildlife and vegetation, and recreational areas.

It also has a negative impact on the atmospheric air as a result of dust and gas formation.

At work road transport and special equipment, air pollution in the zone of influence occurs during the operation of engines of road construction equipment and vehicles that emit nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxide, gasoline, carbon monoxide, sulfur oxide and soot.

The main sources of external noise are the engines of road construction equipment.

2.1 Harmful impact on the atmosphere and the environment CO and NO2

The production of ceramic bricks in the tunnel dryer and tunnel kiln uses natural gas as fuel.

Fuel combustion products contain harmful substances CO and NO2, which are removed with flue gases and have a harmful effect on the atmosphere and the natural environment. CO has a harmful effect on the human body (carbon monoxide). When inhaled, carbon monoxide blocks the supply of oxygen to the blood and, as a result, causes headaches, nausea, and, at higher concentrations, even death. MPC CO for short-term contact is 30 mg/m3, for long-term contact - 10 mg/m3. If the concentration of carbon monoxide in the inhaled air exceeds 14 mg / m3, then mortality from myocardial infarction increases. The reduction of carbon monoxide emissions is achieved by afterburning the exhaust gases.

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless gas also known as carbon monoxide. It is formed as a result of incomplete combustion of fossil fuels (coal, gas, oil) in conditions of lack of oxygen and at low temperatures. On average, 25.3758 tons/year was recorded for emissions from the Brick Plant LLC "Azhemak".

Rice. 3 Dynamics of carbon monoxide (CO) emissions

Nitrogen oxides (nitrogen oxide and dioxide) are gaseous substances: nitrogen monoxide NO and nitrogen dioxide NO2 are combined by one general formula NOx. During all combustion processes, nitrogen oxides are formed, and for the most part in the form of an oxide. The higher the combustion temperature, the more intense the formation of nitrogen oxides. The amount of nitrogen oxides entering the atmosphere is 7.2918 tons/year.

Rice. 4 Dynamics of nitric oxide emissions by Brickworks

Azhemak LLC

2.2 Environmental impact of sulfur dioxide (SO3)

Human activity leads to the fact that pollution enters the atmosphere mainly in two forms - in the form of aerosols (suspended particles) and gaseous substances.

The total amount of aerosols entering the atmosphere during the year is 0.214 tons.

Sulfuric anhydride is formed by the oxidation of sulfurous anhydride. The end product of the reaction is an aerosol or solution of sulfuric acid in rainwater, which acidifies the soil and exacerbates respiratory diseases. Plants near such enterprises are usually densely dotted with small necrotic spots formed in places where droplets of sulfuric acid have settled. Acid rain causes severe consequences. Already at pH less than 5.5 freshwater fish feel oppressed, grow and multiply more slowly, and at a pH below 4.5 they do not multiply at all. A further decrease in pH leads to the death of fish, then amphibians, and finally insects and plants: organisms are not adapted to life in acids. Fortunately, the general death is prevented by the soil, which not only filters rainwater through itself, but also chemically cleans it, exchanging H+ cations for sodium and potassium cations. Acid rain also affects the soil, causing its acidification, since the ion-exchange capacity of the soil is not unlimited. Acidification adversely affects the structure, state of aggregation soil, inhibits soil microflora and plants, causes their death. It harms forests and crops.

A feature of acid rains is their remoteness from the place of emission of sulfur and nitrogen oxides and binding to certain geographical zones, which is due to the fact that the conversion of sulfur and nitrogen oxides proceeds relatively slowly, and emissions from factory pipes are carried by winds. Thus, the maximum concentration of sulfuric acid is reached at a distance of 250-300 km from the place of SO3 emission.

Rice. 4 Increase in sulfur dioxide emissions

2.3 Impact of hydrocarbons on the environment

Hydrocarbons are chemical compounds of carbon and hydrogen. These include thousands of different air pollutants found in unburned gasoline, dry cleaning fluids, industrial solvents, and more.

Hydrocarbons - in addition to the fact that hydrocarbons themselves are toxic, they additionally react with nitrogen oxides under the influence of sunlight, forming ozone and peroxides. The latter cause irritation of the eyes, throat, nose, and destroy plants. are the cause of cancerous and precancerous lesions, are very obvious and this class of substances is probably main reason recent increase in the incidence of cancer.

Hydrocarbons move in the atmosphere in the form of microparticles suspended in the air. They are carried by air currents and settle in the form of dry or wet (rain, dew, etc.) deposits. Settling in lakes and rivers, they sink to the bottom. Some penetrate through the soil layer into groundwater.

The toxicity of hydrocarbons to aquaculture and birds ranges from moderate to high. Some damage and kill agricultural and ornamental crops.

2.4 Environmental impact of solid waste

Solid waste enters the atmosphere during the combustion of fuel, as well as as a result of various technological processes. When operating, for example, rotary kilns for roasting, dust removal is 8--20% of dry raw materials.

Soot, like any fine dust, clogs the respiratory tract, irritates them and can cause chronic diseases of the nasopharynx. Once in the lungs, it causes lung diseases. But the main danger of soot is that it can be a carrier of carcinogens.

Rice. 3 Increasing solid waste emissions

2.5 Impact of VOCs on the environment

Volatile organic compounds (VOC) are chemical substances that rise into the atmosphere when paint is sprayed, when solvents evaporate, combining with nitrogen oxide and ozone.

It should be noted that in addition to environmental pollution, volatile organic compounds have an extremely negative impact on human health, causing diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Rice. 7 Increasing VOC air pollution

Z conclusion

The environment is a habitat, which is a combination of all material bodies, forces and phenomena of nature. It includes any human activity that is in direct contact with living organisms. The environment is the sphere of human activity.

The problem of the impact of industry and agriculture on the environment is global in nature, which determined its importance.

Industrial development entails the development of processes: industrialization, urbanization, population growth. This exacerbates the problem:

- damage caused by production to the natural environment;

- growing shortage of raw materials and energy;

- development of urban areas.

Almost any industrial product begins with raw materials extracted from the bowels of the planet or growing on its surface. On the way to industrial enterprises, raw materials lose something, a significant part of it turns into waste.

It is estimated that at the current level of technology development, 9% or more of raw materials go to waste. Therefore, mountains of waste rock are piled up, the sky is covered with the smoke of hundreds of pipes, the water is poisoned by industrial effluents, millions of trees are cut down.

The protection of nature is the task of our century, a problem that has become a social one. Again and again we hear about the danger threatening the environment, but still many of us consider them an unpleasant, but inevitable product of civilization and believe that we will still have time to cope with all the difficulties that have come to light.

However, human impact on the environment has taken on alarming proportions. To fundamentally improve the situation, purposeful and thoughtful actions will be needed. A responsible and efficient policy towards the environment will be possible only if we accumulate reliable data on the current state of the environment, substantiated knowledge about the interaction of important environmental factors, if we develop new methods to reduce and prevent the harm caused to Nature by Man.

L literature

1. Bolyatko V. V., Demin V. M., Evlanov V. V., Ksenofontov A. I., Skotnikova O. G. Fundamentals of ecology and environmental protection. M.: MEPhI. 2008-320s.

2. Akhmadeev V.M., Baiburina T.A. Human ecology. Publisher: RIO BashGU. 1999 87 p.

3. Khakhanina T.I. (ed.) Chemistry of the environment. Publisher: Yurayt v.o., 2010 130 pp.

4. Sokolov R. S. Chemical technology. Publisher: Humanitarian publishing center VLADOS, 2000. 370 s.

5. Motuzova G. V., Bezuglova O. S. Ecological monitoring of the soil. M.: Academic project, 2009 - 240p.

6. Zaitsev V. A. Industrial ecology. M.: Binom. Knowledge Laboratory, 2012 - 389s.

7. Dovzhenko I.G. Intensification of sintering of ceramic bricks using a by-product of aluminum production. Journal, No. 12 for 2011 (part 2) - 341- 344p.

8. Nazarenko N.V. , Petin A.N. , Furmanova T.N. Environmental impact. Journal, No. 6, 2012.

9. Melnikov A. A. Problems of the environment and the strategy of its conservation. M.: Academic project, 2009 - 744 p.

10. Gridel T. E., Allenby B. R. Industrial ecology. M.: Unity-Dana, 2012 - 527p.

11. Applied toxicology. 2010, Volume I, No. 1(1). M.: Publishing House "VELT", 2010 - 81s.

12. Tarasov A. V., Smirnova T. V. Fundamentals of toxicology. M .: Educational and methodological center for education in railway transport, 2006 - 160s.

13. Khotuntsev Yu.L. Ecology and environmental safety: Proc. allowance. M.: ACADEMA, 2010. - 480s

14. Orlov D.S. Ecology and protection of the biosphere in case of chemical pollution: Proc. allowance / Orlov D.S., Sadovnikova L.K., Lozanovskaya I.N. - M.: Higher school, 2009. - 334 p.

15. Trifonova T. A., Selivanova N. V., Mishchenko N. V. Applied ecology. M.: Academic project, 2007 - 384 p.

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Protection of atmospheric air from pollution

1 General information about the enterprise

1.2 a brief description of physical-geographical and climatic conditions of the area and the construction site

3 Characteristics of the area where the enterprise is located according to the level of air pollution

4 Characteristics of the source of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere

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2. Protection of surface and groundwater from pollution and depletion

2.1 Characteristic state of the art water body

2.2 Measures for the protection and rational use of water resources

2.3 Water consumption and wastewater disposal of the enterprise

4 Quantity and characteristics of wastewater3

5 Justification of design decisions for wastewater treatment

6 Balance of water consumption and water disposal by the enterprise

2.7 Indicators of the use of water resources in the projected production

2.8 Control of water consumption and wastewater

3. Recovery (reclamation) land plot, use of fertile soil layer, protection of subsoil and wildlife

1 Reclamation of disturbed lands, use of the fertile soil layer

3.2 Measures to protect soil from production waste

3 Subsoil protection

4 Conservation of wildlife




Ceramic is called artificial stone materials made from clays and their mixtures with mineral and organic additives by molding and subsequent firing. In ancient Greek, "keramos" meant pottery clay, as well as baked clay products. Later, "ceramics" began to be called all products from clay masses.

The prevalence of clays in nature, as well as the great strength, significant durability, and beautiful appearance of many ceramic products have become the reasons for the widespread use of ceramic materials in almost all structural elements of buildings and structures. For example, ceramic tiles, which are faced with sanitary facilities and kitchens in residential buildings, operating rooms in hospitals, showers, baths and laundries, workshops food enterprises, metro stations, etc.

Finishing vertical and horizontal surfaces tiles protects surfaces from moisture, mechanical damage, fire, chemicals; provides support for the required standards of cleanliness and ease of cleaning; gives surfaces a beautiful appearance.

At present, the building ceramics industry is one of the leading building materials industries. The industry is based on the extraction and processing of raw materials, and mainly imported raw materials are used.

At the factories of building ceramics, the following methods of production of ceramic products are most common:

extrusion (plastic, semi-rigid, rigid);

compression (semi-dry pressing).

The least common is the casting method (slip).

Mechanization and automation of production, an increase in labor productivity in the ceramic industry were achieved through the use of high-performance machines and units, which provide the possibility of organizing flow-automatic operation of individual production sites. But the impact of these machines and units on the environment is significant.

Each stage of production generates its own emissions. Whether it is gases emitted into the atmosphere from vehicles, during the delivery of raw materials or from furnaces that are needed for the operation of some equipment. Or dust generated during unloading and intra-factory transportation of raw materials, or impurities formed during cleaning of raw materials, etc.

All over the world, the problem of inventorying emissions from the operation of enterprises and technological equipment in particular has arisen. For this, a structure was created, called the assessment of the impact of the enterprise on the environment.

"Environmental impact assessment - a type of activity for identifying, analyzing and accounting for direct, indirect and other consequences of the impact on the environment of a planned economic and other activity in order to make a decision on the possibility or impossibility of its implementation." (Law on environmental protection).

An environmental impact assessment (EIA) is a procedure that includes the identification of possible adverse environmental impacts and their social and environmental consequences, the development of measures to reduce and / or prevent adverse impacts.

The EIA section of the justifications is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the "Temporary instructions for the environmental justification of economic activities in pre-project and design materials", approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia on 16.06.92 (with subsequent changes and additions).

The section "Environmental Impact Assessment" (EIA) is developed at the stage of justification of investments in construction and is based on the materials of engineering and environmental surveys<#"justify">1.Protection of atmospheric air from pollution

The main environmental pollutants are enterprises, vehicles and agricultural activities. The main pollutants (25 billion tons): sulfur dioxide, dust, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons. As a result of their reaction with the components of the natural environment, smog, acid rain, soil degradation, vegetation succession, climate and relief changes occur.

To reduce the amount of emissions, enterprises use treatment plants and control the amount of emissions, and technological lines are being developed with a minimum amount of waste.

1Basic information about the enterprise

Factory for the production of ceramic floor tiles, size 150 ×150 mm. The company is located in Krasnoyarsk, 2nd Bryanskaya st., 42.

It has a pit clay storage of 70-80 m, which is insulated for the winter with shavings, sawdust or mats with insulation. The main production processes are: drying, waste firing, glazing, poured firing.

Basic equipment:

1.Clay ripper CM-1031

2.Feeder SMK-78

.Smooth rollers SMK-102A

.Shaft mill MMT 1300/740

.ball mill

.Sieve Burat SM-237M

.Propeller mixer SM-489B


.vibrating sieve

.Spray dryer SMK-148

.Flow-conveyor line SMK-132

Clay is processed mechanically. This method consists in the fact that the structure of the raw material is destroyed, the raw material is averaged in terms of material composition and humidity due to the action of the working bodies of the mechanisms. The mechanical method of processing is most common in the ceramic industry. From the warehouse, the clay is fed by a multi-bucket excavator to the clay ripper.

Clay ripper SM-1031 is designed for crushing large and frozen clods of clay above the box feeder. We have rotors that, rotating over the feeder and teeth, destroy the clods of clay. Through the grate, the clay is fed to the transporting body of the feeder.

Specifications clay ripper SM-1031B

NameIndicatorProductivity, m3/h25 Hopper capacity, m34.25 Size of pieces of finished material, mm170 Shaft rotation frequency, s-10.15 Diameter of circle described by beaters, mm1100Distance between axes of beaters, mm200Installed power, kW10Overall dimensions, mmlength4574Width1800Height11 80Mass, kg3200

Feeder SMK-78 provides continuous and uniform supply of clay. For each type of raw material, a separate feeder is used, which is tuned to a certain capacity depending on the percentage of this material in the charge.

Technical characteristics of the box feeder SMK-78

NameIndicatorProductivity, m3/h35.5 Number of chambers2 Capacity of chambers, m32.9 Tape speed, m/min2.5 Beater shaft rotation frequency, s-11.5 Installed power, kW4 Overall dimensions, mm Length 6125 Width 2530 Height 1630 Weight, kg 4600

Smooth rollers SMK-102A are used for grinding wet clay and materials of medium strength - feldspar quartz, limestone, fireclay. rollers crush material by crushing, attrition or bending of the roller, rotating one towards the other with different speed. When grinding wet clay, the rollers work with maximum efficiency with a gap between them of 1 mm and at a humidity close to the molding one.

Technical characteristics of smooth rollers SMK-102A

NameIndicatorProductivity (on loosened clay with a gap of 1 mm), m3/h25 Roll dimensions, mm Diameter 1000 Length 1000 Roll rotation frequency, s-1 High-speed 14.66 Low-speed 3.16 Installed power, kW 123.8 Overall dimensions, mm Length 5690 Width 4160 Height 182 0Weight, kg13000 After crushing, the clay enters the shaft mill through a feeder on a conveyor. Shaft mill MMT 1300/740 unit for simultaneous grinding and drying of clay. running mill in the following way: clay after preliminary crushing enters the separation shaft through a chute. She feeds in pieces towards the flow of hot gases moving up the mine. Hot gases from the furnace are sucked into the mill and subjected to crushing. Due to the action of the gas flow, as well as due to the large number of revolutions of the rotor with beaters, clay particles are thrown back into the separation shaft, where small particles are carried away by gases, and large ones are returned to final grinding.

Technical characteristics of the shaft mill MMT 1300/740

NameIndicatorProductivity, t/h25Electricity consumption per 1 ton of clay, kWh2.5-3.5Heat consumption for evaporation of 1 kg of moisture, kcal800-1000

A ball mill or drum is a device, the principle of operation of which is that the grinding bodies, which partially fill the drum, are carried away by friction against its walls to a certain height during the rotation of the latter, then, freely falling, crush the material to be ground (located inside drum).

For the preparation of molding sands, raw materials are divided into fractions, while highlighting the construction of inclusions. Most common mechanical way separation of materials into fractions using sieves and screens. The choice of the type of screening equipment depends on the characteristics of the material, its physical and mechanical properties, particle size and shape, grain composition, humidity, abrasiveness, stickiness. Ability to cake, freeze, angle of repose.

For sifting lean materials and clay, a SM-237M sieve is used, which is a conical drum located horizontally, along the generatrix of which sieves are fixed from fine to large, starting from the base with a smaller diameter. Due to the taper of the rotating drum, the material moves towards the outlet end and is dispersed along the way into the number of fractions corresponding to the number of sieves. The fraction that has not passed through the largest sieve is returned for grinding or is removed for waste.

Specifications sieve-burat SM-273M

NameIndicatorProductivity, t/h1.5 Fraction size Up to 1; 1-3; 3-5 Drum diameter, mm Large 1100 Small 780 Drum length, mm 3500 Drum rotation frequency, s-10.42 Installed power, kW 1.5 Overall dimensions, mm Length 4800 Width 1412 Height 1495 Weight, kg 1185

Clay and lean materials are mixed in propeller mixer SM-489B with the addition of water. It is a pool, usually buried in the ground, with a stirring device in the form of a propeller with a diameter of 200-500 mm or more. The propeller diameter depends on the volume of the pool, which ranges from 1 to 10 m3.

Technical characteristics of propeller stirrer SM-489B

NameIndicator Tank capacity, m38Propeller speed, s-12.67Diameter of the circle described by the propeller, mm900Depth of the tank, mm2500Installed power, kW10Overall dimensions, mmLength2800Width915Height3380Weight, kg1115

The ferrofilter consists of a housing in which a comb electromagnet is installed. The mass is fed into the crow, passes through the combs of the electromagnet and merges through the tray. The ferrofilter has a special valve that shuts off the supply of ceramic mass when the electric current is turned on in the electromagnet coil, which prevents the flow of ferruginous particles from the magnet and back into the mass.

Vibrating sieve consists of a housing on which a sieve is mounted on springs. A vibrator is fixed at the bottom, and a mesh is stretched at the top with a spring tensioner. The ceramic mass enters the grid and, after cleaning, is drained through the nozzle. Impurities are removed from the grid through another nozzle.

Hourly productivity of a sieve - to 2 t of ceramic suspension with humidity of 45%.

To dry the slip, a tower spray dryer SMK-148 is used.

It is a metal cylinder, ending at the bottom with a cone, which serves to collect the finished product. In its upper part there is a nozzle pivotally connected to the slurry line; channels for the inlet of the coolant are arranged in the walls.

Technical characteristics of the spray dryer SMK-148

NameIndicatorProductivity for dry ceramic powder, kg/h4000Initial slip moisture content, %42-45Slip pressure, MPa2.5-3Consumption natural gas, Nm3/h200-300Amount of exhaust gases10,000-12,000Final moisture content of the powder,%7-8Temperature in the drying chamber, º С100-200Installed power, kW34.3Overall dimensions, mmLength15,215Width12,600Height20,200Weight, kg125,000

Conveyor lines for production ceramic plates OK is a complex of various mechanisms and thermal units, united by a system of transport devices that perform all the necessary technological operations: pressing tiles, cleaning them, rearranging, drying, glazing, cleaning after glazing and firing.

These operations are carried out in the process of transporting the tiles along the conveyor. Conveyor lines are fully mechanized.

The main feature of all lines is the arrangement of tiles in one row in height and several rows in width on a roller (mesh) conveyor, which makes it possible to carry out high-speed modes of drying and firing with uniform over the plane and equally intensive two-sided heating of each tile.

Technical characteristics of the automated flow-conveyor line SMK-132

NameIndicatorProductivity, thousand m2/year500Conveyor speed, m/minIn the dryer and waste furnace1.6In the poured furnace1.7-1.9Natural gas consumption, m3/h94Installed power, kW62.7Overall dimensions, mmLength145 800Width6600Height3000Weight, kg229500

Table 1 - Enterprise performance

Production, workshopName of manufactured productsProduction capacity by main types of products (code)Terms of achievementCurrent situationProjected stageFull development1 yearProduction ceramic tiles for floorsCeramic tiles500 thousand m2500 thousand m2500 thousand m2

1.2 Brief description of the physical-geographical and climatic conditions of the area and the construction site

The site of the enterprise is located in the Central District of Krasnoyarsk. Around the enterprise there are buildings under construction, utility buildings and warehouses. On the western side lies the railway and the settlement of Solontsy.

The terrain of the area where the enterprise is located is characterized by the presence of a height difference of more than 50 m and hilly.

The city is located in a zone of increased potential for air pollution, the main sources of air pollution are emissions from stationary sources of pollution, fugitive emissions from industrial and construction sites, emissions from vehicles.

The average July temperature is +18.5 degrees, the average January temperature is -15.6 degrees. Coefficient A, which depends on the temperature stratification of the atmosphere and determines the conditions for horizontal and vertical dispersion of harmful substances in the atmospheric air, is 200.

Average annual frequency of North-Northeast wind - 2%, Northeast - 3%, East - 7%, Southeast - 3%, South 4%, Southwest - 44%, West - 26%, Northwest - 26 %. The dominant direction is the South-West.

The average annual wind speed is 2.3 m/s. In the conditions of Krasnoyarsk low speeds winds are accompanied by the formation of surface inversions in 38% of cases on average.

The repeatability of the wind from the enterprise to residential areas is 47%, these are southwest and southeast winds.

1.3 Characteristics of the area where the enterprise is located according to the level of atmospheric air pollution

For each specific enterprise, environmental authorities establish MPE based on its location, the presence of other sources of pollution, the location of settlements, water bodies and other features of the area. These ELVs must ensure compliance with all sanitary norms and MPC in the area. When determining MPE, pollutant concentrations are calculated in accordance with technological regulations, and the results are also used experimental studies. In Krasnoyarsk, the level of atmospheric air pollution is very high, the meteorological features of the city contribute to the accumulation of harmful substances in the surface layer of the atmosphere, the largest amount of emissions of substances of hazard classes 1 and 2.

At the ceramic slab factory, monthly air sampling and quantitative analysis nitrogen oxides, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, benzo(a)pyrene. Sampling is carried out on different distances from a point source of emissions.

1.4 Characteristics of sources of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere

Sources of emissions can be organized and not organized.

Organized ones include a chimney or a ventilation shaft into which flue gases are supplied with fuel.

Unorganized emissions include the emission of harmful substances during the combustion of diesel fuel in car engines, dusting during unloading, storage, processing and transportation.

During the production process at the enterprise, there may be unplanned emissions as a result of equipment malfunction and technology imperfections. Such emissions will correspond to salvo emissions - single emissions that exceed the allowable (permitted) emissions at the enterprise. Volley emissions are characterized by a sharp increase in the content of harmful substances in flue gases. In this case, the cause of the emissions must be found and eliminated.

Production, workshopSources of emission of pollutantsSources of pollutant emissionsGas-air mixture parameters at the exit from the source of emissionDesignationQuantityDescriptionQuantityHeight H,mDiameter of the mouth of the outlet section D,mVelocity W0,m/sVolume V1m3/sTemperature T,°СCeramic plant, furnace departmentfurnace1Ventilation shaft1100 ,250,250,98325

The production of building materials are complex technological processes associated with the transformation of raw materials into different states and with different physical and mechanical properties, as well as using a variety of complexity of technological equipment and auxiliary mechanisms. In many cases, these processes are accompanied by the release of large amounts of polydisperse dust, harmful gases, and other contaminants.

The preparation of press powder for semi-dry pressing of ceramic products is impossible without significant dust formation, therefore dust and gas cleaning and dust disposal are urgent tasks. Furnace flue gases containing harmful impurities also require cleaning. These tasks are solved by using the ShL-310.06 cyclone and the ShL-315 scrubber.

Production, workshopGas treatment plantsEmissions and emissions of pollutantsNameSubstances for which treatment is carried out Gas cleaning availability factor, %Average operational degree of purification, %Maximum purification degree, %Before eventsDuration, h/yearFrequency, times/yearAfter eventsg/smg/m3t/yearCeramic plant, furnace departmentCyclone ShL -310.06 Scrubber ShL-315Clay Fireclay Silicon dioxide Dolomite--99%---

Production, workshopProductsProduction capacityHarmful substancesNitrogen oxideNitrogen dioxideCarbon oxideBenz(a)pyreneGross emission, t/yearSpecific emission per unit. productsGross emission, t/yearSpecific emission per unit of productionGross emission, t/yearSpecific emission per unit of productionGross emission, t/yearSpecific emission per unit of productionCeramicsCeramic plates500 thous. 09 ∙ 10-6

1.5 Substantiation of emission data

Calculation of emissions from vehicles.

The calculation is made according to the Methodology for conducting an inventory of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere for motor transport enterprises, developed by order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

The calculation of pollutant emissions is carried out for: carbon monoxide - CO, nitrogen oxides - NOx, in terms of nitrogen dioxide, benzo(a)pyrene and for vehicles with diesel engines.

Emission of the i-th substance of one cars groups per day when leaving the territory of the enterprise M "ik, and returning M" "ik is calculated by the formulas:

M "ik \u003d (mnik tn + mnpik tpr + mgvik tgv1 + mxxik txxl) 10-6, t (1)

M ""ik = (mgвik tgв2 + mxxik txxl2 10-6, t (2)

where mnik is the specific emission of the i-th substance by the starting engine, g/min;

mnpik is the specific emission of the i-th substance when the engine of the k-th group car is warmed up, g/min;

mgvik is the specific emission of the i-th substance when the vehicle of the k-th group moves across the territory at a conditionally constant speed. g/min;

mxxik is the specific emission of the i-th component when the engine is idling. g/min:

tn, tpr - time of operation of the starting engine and engine warm-up, min;

tn, tpr - 1,2;

tgv1, tgv2 - the time of movement of the car through the territory when leaving and returning, min;

tgv1, tgv2 - 1.2;

txx1, txx2 - engine idling time when leaving and returning = 1 min.

When calculating emissions from DM with an engine started from an electric starter, the term mnik tn from formula (2.31) is excluded

Since CO, CH and C emissions decrease as the engine warms up, the value mnpik is an estimate of the average specific emission over the warm-up time tpr.

The values ​​of mnik, mnpik, mgvik and mxxik are given in tables 2.1 - 2.4. The data given in the tables were obtained on the basis of statistical processing of the results of actual measurements of emissions from internal combustion engines and reflect the category of the engine in terms of power, and also take into account temperature conditions that characterize different seasons.

Periods of the year (cold, warm, transitional) are conditionally determined by the average monthly temperature.

Months in which the average monthly temperature is below -5°C belong to the cold period, months with an average monthly temperature above +5°C - to the warm period, and with temperatures from -5°C to +5°C - to the transition period.

For companies located in different climatic zones, the duration of the conditional periods will be different.

The influence of the period of the year is taken into account only for moving equipment stored at ambient temperature.

The calculation of emissions for DM stored in closed heated parking lots is made according to the indicators characterizing the warm period of the year for the entire calculation period.

The starting time of a diesel engine using starting engines and installations tn also depends on the ambient temperature and is taken from table 2.5.

The time spent by the DM when moving through the territory of the enterprise tgv is determined by dividing the path traveled by the car from the center of the site allocated for the parking of this group of cars to the exit gate (when leaving) and from the entrance gate to the center of the parking lot (when returning) by the average speed movement within the enterprise.

Average entry and exit speeds are shown in the table

Table Specific emissions of pollutants DM KAMAZ 53229-02 with a power of 240 kW.

Vehicle categoryRated power of diesel engine, kWSpecific pollutant emissionsSpecific pollutant emissions, g/minCOCHNO2SO2C(ash)6161-260(mnik) mgvik)3.371.146.471.13-6161-260(mxxik)6.310.791.270.2500.17

When calculating emissions from DM with an electric starter engine, the mnik · tn term is excluded from the formula for the transition period.

Table Emission of the i-th substance of one vehicle of the k-th group per day, a KAMAZ 53229-02 vehicle with a capacity of 240 kW for the transition period.

No. Name Specific emissions of pollutants, g / min COCHNO2SO2C1 Emission of the i-th substance of one car of the k-th group per day when leaving the territory of the enterprise M "ik, 22.954 10-64.53 10-67.152 10-62.236 10-60, 51 10-6Emission of the i-th substance of one car of the k-th group per day when returning M""ik10.354 10-62.158 10-69.034 10-61.746 10-60.17 10-6

M "ik \u003d (mnik tn + mnpik tpr + mgvik tgv1 + mxxik txxl) 10-6, t

(CO)M "ik \u003d (57 1 + 6.3 2 + 3.37 1.2 + 6.31) 10-6 \u003d 22.954 10-6 t,

(CH)M "ik \u003d (4.7 1 + 1.24 2 + 1.14 1.2 + 0.79) 10-6 \u003d 4.53 10-6 t,

(NO2)M "ik \u003d (4.5 1 + 2 2 + 6.47 1.2 + 1.27) 10-6 \u003d 7.152 10-6 t,

(SO2)M "ik \u003d (0.095 1 + 0.26 2 + 1.13 1.2 + 0.25) 10-6 \u003d 2.236 10-6 t,

(С)M "ik \u003d (0.17 2 + 0.17 1) 10-6 \u003d 0.51 10-6t,

(C) M "" ik \u003d 0.17 10-6t,

Emission of the i-th substance of one car of the k-th group per day car loader DZ-24A with a capacity of 132 kW for the transition period.

No. Name Specific emissions of pollutants, g / min COCHNO2SO2C1 Emission of the i-th substance of one car of the k-th group per day when leaving the territory of the enterprise M "ik, 14.2184 10-64.638 10-613.034 10-61.02 10- 60.3 10-62 Emission of the i-th substance of one car of the k-th group per day when returning M "" ik6.418 10-63.55 10-65.592 10-60.7 10-60.10 10-6 "ik = (mnik tn + mnpik tpr + mgvik tgv1 + mxxik txxl) 10-6, t

When calculating emissions from DM with an engine started from an electric starter, the term mnik · tn is excluded from the formula for the warm period.

(CO)M "ik \u003d (3.9 2 + 2.09 1.2 + 3.91) 10-6 \u003d 14.2184 10-6t,

(CH)M "ik \u003d (0.49 2 + 2.55 1.2 + 0.49) 10-6 \u003d 4.638 10-6t,

(NO2)M "ik \u003d (0.78 2 + 4.01 1.2 + 0.78) 10-6 \u003d 13.034 10-6t,

(SO2)M "ik \u003d (0.16 2 + 0.45 1.2 + 0.16) 10-6 \u003d 1.02 10-6t,

(С)M "ik \u003d (0.35 1 0.10 1) 10-6 \u003d 0.30 10-6t,

M ""ik \u003d (mvik tgv2 + mxxik txx2) 10-6t,

(С) M""ik = 0.10 10-6t,

Emission of the i-th substance of one car of the k-th group per day KAMAZ 53229-02 car with a capacity of 240 kW for the warm period.

No. Name Specific emissions of pollutants, g/minCOCHNO2SO2C1Emission of the i-th substance of one car of the k-th group per day when leaving the territory of the enterprise 10-6Issue of the i-th substance of one car of the k-th group per day upon return

M "ik \u003d (mnpik tpr + mgvik tgv1 + mxxik txxl) 10-6, t

(CO)M "ik \u003d (6.3 2 + 3.37 1.2 + 6.31) 10-6 \u003d 16.654 10-6 t,

(CH)M "ik \u003d (1.24 2 + 1.14 1.2 + 0.79) 10-6 \u003d 3.398 10-6t,

(NO2)M "ik \u003d (2 2 + 6.47 1.2 + 1.27) 10-6 \u003d 11.034 10-6t,

(SO2)M "ik \u003d (0.26 2 + 1.13 1.2 + 0.25) 10-6 \u003d 2.006 10-6t,

(C) M "ik \u003d (0.17 2) 10-6 \u003d 0.34 10-6t

M ""ik \u003d (mvik tgv2 + mxxik txx2) 10-6t,

(СО)M""ik = (3.37 1.2+6.31)10-6=10.354 10-6 t,

(CH) M ""ik \u003d (1.14 1.2 + 0.79) 10-6 \u003d 2.158 10-6t,

(NO2) M ""ik \u003d (6.47 1.2 + 1.27) 10-6 \u003d 9.034 * 10-6t,

(SO2) M ""ik \u003d (1.13 1.2 + 0.25) 10-6 \u003d 1.746 10-6t,

(C) M "" ik \u003d 0.17 10-6t,

Emission of the i-th substance of one car of the k-th group per day car loader DZ-24A with a capacity of 132 kW for the warm period.

No. Name Specific emissions of pollutants, g / min COCHNO2SO2C1 Emission of the i-th substance of one car of the k-th group per day when leaving the territory of the enterprise M "ik,9.318 10-64.04 10-66.372 10-60.86 10- 60.2 10-62 Emission of the i-th substance of one car of the k-th group per day when returning M ""ik6.418 10-63.55 10-65.592 10-60.7 10-60.1 10-6

M "ik \u003d (mnik tn + mnpik tpr + mgvik tgv1 + mxxik txxl) 10-6, t

(CO)M "ik \u003d (3.9 2 + 2.09 1.2 + 3.91) 10-6 \u003d 9.318 10-6t,

(CH)M "ik \u003d (0.49 2 + 2.55 1.2 + 0.49) 10-6 \u003d 4.04 10-6t,

(NO2)M "ik \u003d (0.78 2 + 4.01 1.2 + 0.78) 10-6 \u003d 6.372 10-6t,

(SO2)M "ik \u003d (0.16 2 + 0.45 1.2 + 0.16) 10-6 \u003d 0.86 10-6t,

M ""ik \u003d (mvik tgv2 + mxxik txx2) 10-6t,

(СО)M""ik = (2.09 1.2+3.91)10-6=6.418 10-6t,

(CH) M ""ik \u003d (2.55 1.2 + 0.49) 10-6 \u003d 3.55 10-6t,

(NO2) M ""ik \u003d (4.01 1.2 + 0.78) 10-6 \u003d 5.592 10-6t,

(SO2) M ""ik \u003d (0.45 1.2 + 0.16) 10-6 \u003d 0.7 10-6t,

(C) M "" ik \u003d 0.1 10-6t,

Gross annual emission of the i-th DM substance is calculated for each period of the year according to the formula:

Gross annual emission of the i-th substance DM transitional period.


М1=(70.5924 x10-6+39.822 x10-6) x793 x 10-6 = 110.4144 x 10-6 x1898 x 10-6 =0.209 x10-6 t/year

Gross annual emission of the i-th substance DM warm period.


M1 = (70.5924 x10-6 + 39.822 x10-6) x1196 x 10-6 = 110.4144 x 10-6 x1196 x 10-6 = 0.209 x 10-6 t/year;

where Dfk - the total number of days of work of the DM of the k-th group in the billing period of the year;

fk = Dp Nk, = 61 x13 = 793 days transitional period fk = Dp Nk, = 92 x13 = 1196 days warm period

where Dp is the number of working days in billing period; - the average number of DMs of the k-th group entering the line daily.

g/min g/min

The number of working days in the billing period (Dp) depends on the mode of operation of enterprises and the duration of periods with an average temperature below -5°С, from -5°С to 5°С, above 5°С. The duration of the calculation periods for each region and the average monthly temperature are taken from the Climate Handbook

To determine the total gross emission M°i, gross emissions of substances of the same name by periods of the year are summed up:

°i = Mti + Mti + Mti, t/year

KAMAZ 53229-02 DZ-24A

(СО) M°i = 60.316 t/year (СО) M°i = 36.372 t/year

(CH) M°i = 12.244 t/year (CH) M°i = 15.778 t/year

(NO2) M°i = 36.254 t/year (NO2) M°i = 30.59 t/year

(SO2) M°i = 7.734 t/year (SO2) M°i = 3.28 t/year

(С) M°i = 1.16 t/year (С) M°i = 0.7 t/year

The maximum one-time release of the i-th substance Gi is calculated for each month by the formula:

where txx is the engine idling time during departure and return (average is 1 min.); N "k - the largest number of DMs leaving the parking lot within one hour. The value of tpr is almost the same for different categories of cars, but varies significantly depending on the air temperature (table 2.7).

The total gross and maximum one-time emissions from mobile sources are determined by summing the emissions of pollutants of the same name from all groups of cars and road-building machines.

=(57 1+6.3 2+3.37 1.2+6.31) 13/3600=0.082 t;=(4.7 1+1.24 2+1.14 ) 1.2+0.79) 13/3600=0.016 t;=(4.5 1+2 2+6.47 1.2+1.27) 13/3600=0.025 t;=( 0.095 1+0.26 2+1.13 1.2+0.25) 13/3600=0.08 t;=(0.17 2+0.17 1) 13/3600 =0.0018 t.

Gross and maximum single emission of carbon monoxide

Gross emissions of carbon monoxide (CO):

MCO=CCO × m ×(1- )×10-3, t/year

ISO =8.95×25920(1- =230.8 t/year

where, q1 - heat loss due to mechanical incompleteness of combustion,%; q1=0.5

m is the amount of fuel consumed, t/year;

CCO - output of carbon monoxide during fuel combustion kg/h;

CCO=q R ×× qi

CCO =0.5×0.5×35.8=8.95

where q2 - heat loss due to chemical incompleteness of fuel combustion,%; q2= 0.5

R - coefficient taking into account the share of heat loss due to chemical incompleteness of fuel combustion; R=0.5 - for gas;

Qi - lower calorific value of natural fuel.

The maximum single emission of carbon monoxide is determined by:

GCO= , g/s

GCO= =0.285, g/s

m - fuel consumption for the coldest month, t;

Gross emissions of nitrogen oxides are determined (NO):

M=mi × Q × KNO(1- β )×10-3×(1- β )×10-3, t/year

M=25920 =0.00298 t/year

where, KNO is a parameter characterizing the amount of nitrogen oxides generated per 1 GJ of heat, kg/GJ; KNO2=0.115

β- coefficient depending on the degree of reduction of nitrogen oxide emissions as a result of the application technical solutions. For boilers with capacity up to 30 t/h, β=0;

The maximum one-time release is determined by the formula:

GNO= , g/s

GNO= =0.13, g/s

n is the number of days in the billing month.

Gross nitrogen dioxide (NO2) emissions:

MNO 2=0.8× MNO =0.8×0.00298=0.00238 t/year

GNO 2=0.8× GNO =0.8×0.13=0.104 g/s

Gross benzapyrene emission

Gross emission of benzo(a)pyrene, t/year, is determined by the formula:

Mbp \u003d Sbp ∙ Vv ∙ T ∙ 10-12

Concentration of benzapyrene mg/nm3 in dry combustion products of natural gas from industrial heat and power boilers low power is determined by the formula:

Sat(a)n= KDKrKst \u003d 0.17 ×10-3

T is the operating time of the asphalt mixing plant, h/year; T = 1224 h/year;

Vв - volume flue gases, m3/h, is calculated by the formula:

Vv \u003d (273 + tux) Vg / 273,

where: tux - flue gas temperature, °С;g - volume of fuel combustion products, m3/h, is found by the formula:

r = 7.8 α V E

Where α - excess air ratio α=1.15;

B - fuel consumption, kg/h;

E - empirical coefficient for natural gas; E = 1.11;

Mbp = 0.5 ∙ 7900.59 ∙ 1224 ∙ 10-12 = 4.83 ∙ 10-6 t/year.

The maximum one-time release of benzo (a) pyrene, respectively, is equal to:

bp = 4.83 ∙ 10-6 ∙ 106 / 3600 ∙ 1224 = 1.09 ∙ 10-6 g/s.

1.6 A set of measures to reduce emissions into the atmosphere

Planning activities include: designing the location of the enterprise relative to residential areas, taking into account the wind rose, building fences for the enterprise from the residential area.

Technological: cooperation with other enterprises that can use the waste of this production, use of improved cleaning and production technologies, replacement of fuel with a cleaner one, reuse of flue gases, change in technology.

In the production of ceramics, energy is primarily spent on firing, in many cases semi-finished products or molded blanks also turn out to be energy-intensive.

Reduced energy consumption (energy efficiency).

The choice of energy source, firing mode and method of using residual heat are key to the design of kilns and one of the most important factors influencing the energy efficiency and environmental performance of the production process.

Below are the main methods of reducing energy consumption discussed in this document, which can be applied either together or separately.

· Modernization of furnaces and dryers

· Using the residual heat of the oven

· Co-generation of heat and power

· Replacing solid fuels and heavy fuel oils with low emission fuels

· Workpiece Shape Optimization

Emission sourceProductionWorkshop, equipment State educational institutionSubstances for which gas cleaning is carried out Gas cleaning ratio, %Design degree of cleaning Emissions of harmful substances without cleaning Emissions of harmful substances taking into account gas cleaning Stages of implementation Furnace Ceramic plant Furnace department CO NO NO2 B (a) p - - - - - - -0.28 0.13 0.104 1.09 10-6- - - -

Reuse of sludge by installing recycling systems or using it for other products.

Solid production waste/technological losses:

· return of unexposed mixed raw materials

· return to the technological process of fighting products

· use of solid waste in other industries

· automated control of the firing process

· cage optimization

1.7 Characteristics of measures to control emissions during periods of particularly unfavorable meteorological conditions

Dangerous weather conditions, for example, the formation, above the source of an elevated inversion, the lower limit of which is at a height directly, at the height of the mouth of the exhaust fan, surface concentrations of harmful substances can exceed the maximum by 1.5-2 times. In the absence of wind near the ground, the concentrations of harmful substances can be almost 2 times higher than the maximum concentrations. If these extremely unfavorable conditions in the region of emission sources do not coincide, the concentrations of harmful substances can increase by 3-6 times.

To prevent air pollution, GGO them. Voeikov established the rules by which enterprises should operate during adverse weather conditions.

The rules provide for the preparation of forecasts of the possibility of unfavorable conditions, which are necessary for the implementation of enhanced control over the technological process. Before the onset of dangerous weather conditions, enterprises must reduce emissions and improve the degree of purification of gases. If there is a fear that the concentration will exceed an excessively dangerous level, then all possible measures are taken to reduce emissions, up to a temporary shutdown of the enterprise.

After receiving a warning about adverse weather conditions, control over the production technology is strengthened, work that is accompanied by dusting is limited, the operation of the rotary kiln is switched to low productivity mode, and the operation of transport is optimized (or stopped).

1.8 Calculation and analysis of surface concentrations of pollutants

Pollutant Hazard class MPC in the air of populated areas Concentration in fractions of MPC At the border of the sanitary protection zone in a populated area -5

To analyze surface concentrations from a point source of emissions, the dispersion of pollutants is calculated according to the “Methods for calculating concentrations in the atmospheric air of harmful substances contained in emissions from enterprises. OND - 86". The calculation is made for a point source - a chimney with a round mouth.

The maximum surface concentration of harmful substances Cmax (mg/m3) under unfavorable meteorological conditions at a distance xm (m) from the source should be determined by the formula:

where A is a coefficient depending on the temperature stratification of the atmosphere;

M is the mass of a harmful substance emitted into the atmosphere per unit time, g/s; is a dimensionless coefficient that takes into account the rate of sedimentation of harmful substances in the atmospheric air;

m and n are coefficients. taking into account the conditions for the exit of the gas-air mixture from the mouth of the source of emission;

H is the height of the emission source above ground level, m;

η - a dimensionless coefficient that takes into account the influence of the terrain, in the case of flat or slightly rugged terrain with a height difference not exceeding 50 m per 1 km, η=1;

Δ T is the difference between the temperature of the ejected gas-air mixture Tg and the temperature of the ambient air Tv, °C;

V1 - flow rate of the gas-air mixture, m3/s, determined by the formula:

where D is the diameter of the mouth of the release source, m;

ω 0 - the average speed of the exit of the gas-air mixture from the mouth of the source of emission.

Δ T \u003d Tg - TV,

Δ Т=350-25=325С

The value of the dimensionless coefficient F is taken equal to 1 for gaseous substances, and 2.5 for fine aerosols with at least 75% purification.

f=1000*(w02*D)/(H 2*Δ T)

f=1000 12.82 ∙ 0.8/142 ∙ 64.5 = 10.36

υ m =0.65 3√V 1 Δ Т/Н = 0.65 3√6.4∙64.5/14=2.1

ύ m = 1.3 ω0 D / H \u003d 1.3 12.8 0.8 / 14 \u003d 0.5e \u003d 800 m)3 \u003d 800 (0.95) 3 \u003d 100

The dimensionless coefficient m is determined depending on the parameter f by the formula:

For f<100

m = 1/0.67+0.1√10.36+0.34³√10.36=0.74

Parameter n according to the formula:

1 at υ m ≥2

Dangerous wind speed um (m/s) at the level of the vane (usually 10 m from ground level) at which the highest value is reached, in the case of f<100 определяется по формуле 2.16 в:m = υ m(1+0.12√f) υ m ≥2; um = 2.007(1+0.12√10.36)=2.5

Parameter d (according to formula (2.15b))

The maximum concentration of harmful substances is determined (according to formula (2.1))

(CO)=0.06 mg/m3

(NO2) =0.023 mg/m3

(NO)=0.028 mg/m3

B(a)p =0.24×10-6 mg/m3

The maximum value of the surface concentration of a harmful substance

Smi=rSm, mg/m3

Cmi= 0.3×0.06=0.018 mg/m3

Cmi= 0.3×0.028=0.008 mg/m3

Cmi= 0.3×0.023=0.0069 mg/m3

Cmi= 0.3×0.24×10-6=0.72×10-7 mg/m3


at u/um ≤ 1 r=0.67(1.64)+1.67(1.64)2-1.34(1.64)3=0.3

The distance xm from the emission source at which the surface concentration c (mg/m3) under adverse meteorological conditions reaches its maximum value cm is determined by formula (2.13)

xm \u003d (5 - F / 4) d H \u003d 231 m

The coefficient s1 is a dimensionless coefficient, determined depending on the ratio x / xm for the distance x (m) (according to the formula (2.23a), (2.23b))

x=150m, x/xm=150/231=0.65

x=200m, x/xm=200/231=0.87

x=250m, x/xm=250/231=1.08

x=300m, x/xm=300/231=1.30

x=350m, x/xm=350/231=1.5

s1 = 3(х/хм)4 - 8(х/хм)3 +6 (х/хм)2 for х/хм ≤ 1

s1 \u003d 1.13 / 0.13 (x / xm) 2 +1 at 1< х/хм ≤ 8

s1(150m) =3(0.65)4 - 8(0.65)3 +6 (0.65)2=0.875(200m) =3(0.87)4 - 8(0.87)3 + 6 (0.87)2=0.96(250m)=1.13/0.13(1.08) 2 +1=0.98(300m)=1.13/0.13(1.3) 2 +1=0.93(350m) =1.13/ 0.13(1.5) 2 +1=0.87

Concentration of harmful substances at various distances x(m) from the source of emission into the atmosphere along the axis of the emission plume at a dangerous wind speed um (according to formula (2.13))

C=S1 Ctot

(CO) С=0.875×4.56=3.99 mg/m3

(NO2) С=0.875×0.203=0.18 mg/m3

(NO) С=0.875×0.388=0.34 mg/m3

B(a)p C=0.875×1.14×10-6=9.975×10-7 mg/m3

(CO) С=0.96 4.56=4.38 mg/m3

(NO2) С=0.96 0.203=0.019 mg/m3

(NO) С=0.96 0.388=0.37 mg/m3

B(a)p C=0.96 1.14×10-6=1.09×10-6 mg/m3

(CO) С=0.98 4.56=4.47 mg/m3

(NO2) С=0.98 0.203=1.199 mg/m3

(NO) С=0.98 0.388=0.380 mg/m3

B(a)p C=0.98 1.14×10-6=1.12×10-6 mg/m3

(CO) С=0.93 4.56=4.24 mg/m3

(NO2) С=0.93 0.203=0.189 mg/m3

(NO) С=0.93 0.388=0.36 mg/m3

B(a)p C=0.93 1.14×10-6=1.06×10-6 mg/m3

(CO) С=0.87 4.56=3.97 mg/m3

(NO2) С=0.87 0.203=0.177 mg/m3

(NO) С=0.87 0.388=0.337 mg/m3

B(a)p C=0.87 1.14×10-6=0.992×10-6 mg/m3

The background concentration is calculated by the formula;

C f = ;mg/m3

(CO) C f = =4.5 mg/m3;

(NO2) C f = =0.18 mg/m3

(NO) C f = =0.36 mg/m3

(B (a) P) ... ... C f \u003d =9×10-7 mg/m3

The total concentration of harmful substances (mg/m3) is found by the formula:

Csum \u003d Cmax + Cf.

(CO) Ctot = 0.4 + 4.5 = 4.9;

(NO2) Сtotal = 0.08+ 0.0765 = 0.156;

(NO) Сtotal = 0.12+0.36=0.48;

B(a)p Ctotal = 1.14 ×10-6

Concentrations of pollutants C - percentage of MPC, calculated by the formula

(CO) Shares of MPC= =1,698

(NO2) Shares of MPC= =1,8;

(NO) MAC shares= = 1,75;

B(a)p Shares of MPC= =1,89

(CO) Shares of MPC= =1,776;

(NO2) Shares of MPC= =1,85;

(NO) MAC shares= = 1,825;

B(a)p Shares of MPC= =1,99

(CO) Shares of MPC= =1,794;

(NO2) Shares of MPC= =1,895;

(NO) MAC shares= = 1,85;

B(a)p Shares of MPC= =2,02

(CO) Shares of MPC= =1,748;

(NO2) Shares of MPC= =1,845;

(NO) MAC shares= = 1,8;

B(a)p Shares of MPC= =1,96

(CO) Shares of MPC= =1,694;

(NO2) Shares of MPC= =1,785;

(NO) MAC shares= = 1,74;

B(a)p Shares of MPC= =1,89

1.9 Proposals for the establishment of MPE and VSV

The object belongs to the second group of complexity, i.e. the values ​​of emissions for some pollutants do not meet the background criterion.

Table 7

Emission SourceProduction and Emission SourcePollutantEmission Standard ProposalsELVVg/st/yeary/st/yearVentilation shaftCeramic tiles KilnNO--0.130.00298NO2--0.1040.00238CO--0.285230.8Benz(a)pyrene--1.9 10-54,8310-6

Since the emissions from this enterprise exceed the MAC, it is impossible to establish MAC for them. It is necessary to take measures to reduce the amount of emissions and reduce the MPC.

1.10 Methods and means of monitoring the state of the air basin

Chromatography is carried out using a gas chromatograph, they determine organic impurities in water and the atmosphere. With the help of a gas analyzer, information is obtained on the most common harmful impurities. The photocolorimeter determines the ratio of the number of particles of a substance in a gas volume. The results obtained with this equipment are processed in the laboratory, if immediate results are needed, express methods (such as gas analysis) are used.

Continuous monitoring is carried out for the following substances: benz (a) pyrene, nitrogen oxide, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur oxides.

List of sources subject to regular monitoring of compliance with the MPE (MPE) value.

Source of emission Pollutant Proposals on standardized parameters Frequency of control Number of measurements per year Place of control Means of control EWHVg\st\yy\st\gVentilation shaft NO1 once a month, at a height of 1.5 m.12 at several distances from the emission source Chromatograph, photocolorimeter, scales, gas analyzer.

1.11 Rationale for the accepted size of the sanitary protection zone

In order to ensure the safety of the population and in accordance with the Federal Law On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population No. 52-FZ dated March 30, 1999, around facilities and industries that are sources of impact on the environment and human health, a special area with a special use regime (hereinafter referred to as the SPZ (SPZ), the size of which ensures a reduction in the impact of pollution on the atmospheric air (chemical, biological, physical) to the values ​​established by hygienic standards, and for enterprises of hazard class I and II - both to the values ​​\u200b\u200bestablished by hygienic standards, and to the values ​​​​of acceptable risk to public health.

According to its functional purpose, the SPZ is a protective barrier that ensures the level of safety of the population during the normal operation of the facility.

The criterion for determining the size of the SPZ is the non-exceedance of MPC (maximum permissible concentrations) of pollutants for the atmospheric air of populated areas, MPC (maximum permissible levels) of physical impact on atmospheric air at its outer border and beyond.

The size of the SPZ for groups of industrial facilities and industries or an industrial hub (complex) is established taking into account the total emissions and physical impact of sources of industrial facilities and industries included in the industrial zone, industrial hub (complex). For them, a single calculated SPZ is established, and after confirming the calculated parameters with data from field studies and measurements, assessing the risk to public health, the size of the sanitary protection zone is finally established. For industrial facilities and industries that are part of industrial zones, industrial units (complexes) of the SPZ can be installed individually for each facility.

According to the sanitary classification of enterprises and industries [SanPiN 2.2.1/], the ceramic plant belongs to the 4th hazard class with a sanitary protection zone of at least 100m.

1.12 Measures to protect against thermal effects, noise and vibration

In the production of cement, crushing equipment is used, the operation of which is accompanied by a high level of noise. When planning the location of the enterprise and the organization of industrial space, it is necessary to ensure the maximum removal of noise sources from residential areas, to ensure the enclosing of production with soundproof screens, the use of sound-absorbing materials, and noise reduction due to sound-absorbing casings.

Reducing the level using a set of measures:

· equipment sealing

· vibrocompaction equipment

· use of soundproofing and low-speed fans

· placing windows, doors and noisy areas away from neighbors

· soundproofing windows and walls

· sealing windows and doors

· noisy work during daytime only proper maintenance

Conclusions on the section "Protection of atmospheric air from pollution":

The main source of pollution is the ventilation shaft through which flue gases exit when fuel is burned in a rotary kiln. Emission to the atmosphere occurs constantly, regardless of the season.

In accordance with SanPiN, the ceramic plant belongs to the 4th hazard class, and must have a sanitary protection zone of 100m, but since the concentration at the border of the sanitary protection zone is significantly higher than the accepted one, it is necessary to reduce the amount of emissions of harmful substances or expand the boundaries of the sanitary protection zone.

In production, there are monitoring posts both on the territory of the plant and at different distances from it.

reclamation underground water soil

2. Protection of surface and ground waters from pollution and depletion

Possible sources of surface and groundwater pollution are:

· untreated or insufficiently treated industrial and domestic wastewater

· surface sewage

· filtration leaks of harmful substances from tanks, pipelines and other structures;

· industrial sites of enterprises, places of storage and transportation of production waste products;

· dumps of municipal and household waste.

2.1 Characteristics of the current state of the water body

Water is consumed mainly during the dissolution of clay materials in the production process or equipment washing; discharges into water also occur during the operation of wet gas scrubbers. Water added directly to the raw mix evaporates during drying and firing. Water is supplied to the enterprise from the city water supply system, the wastewater receiver is the city sewer system. The city water supply system is fed from the Yenisei River, which flows from the south to the north of Krasnoyarsk, the average annual water flow is 18.6 thousand m/s, the length is 3490 km. The area of ​​the river basin is 2580 thousand km2, the total width of the channel reaches 2-3 km. The food of the river is mixed. In winter, the Yenisei does not freeze below the dam for almost 200 km.

River section, station Year Water discharge, m3/year Pollutant Degree of pollution (exceeding MPC), ml/l Source of pollution Section related to the central part of the city20112.5 million oil products 0.08 Industry, domestic use. 1

2.2 Measures for the protection and rational use of water resources

The rational use of water resources is the most economical water consumption and the highest quality wastewater treatment. Rational use is aimed at preserving water quality, therefore water protection measures are included in the environmental program.

2.3 Water consumption and wastewater disposal of the enterprise

Water quality is assessed by chemical, physical and biological indicators.

Table - water quality requirements

Water quality indexfresh watercirculating waterResetTemperatureSmell2 points5 pointsColor 20-35 70Total hardness7.01.5-3Chlorides350700Zinc5.01.5-4Iron0.30.5-1Copper1.05-7Residual chlorine0.3-0.5E. coliNo more than 1010000Number of microorganisms 1 cm3No more than 100

The enterprise is connected to the city water supply system. The water supply of the city includes three stages of the production cycle:

Extraction of water from a natural source.

Chlorination according to existing standards

Water supply to the water supply network for consumers.

The average total need of a company for fresh water is 1000 liters.

2.4 Quantity and characteristics of wastewater

Wastewater at the production site is of a domestic nature; after use, the water is discharged into the city sewer.

Table - Qualitative and quantitative composition and properties of wastewater of the analyzed object

ProductionWater consumptionT, °СPollutant contentConcentration.QuantityDiversion modeDischarge pointM3/dayM3/hourCeramic plant73800307510Sand, chamotte clay, kaolin--Recycling facilitiesUrban sewerageDomestic needs49,742,0720Surfactants, ammonia, chlorineWaste facilitiesUrban sewerage

2.5 Justification of design decisions for wastewater treatment

The city sewerage system is designed to discharge household water. The wastewater of this enterprise is of a domestic nature, so additional treatment is not required. But the following requirements must be taken into account:

when discharging return (waste) waters by a specific water user, performing work at a water body and in the coastal zone, the content of suspended solids in the control point (point) should not increase by more than 0.25 mg / dm3 compared to natural conditions

coloring should not be detected in a column of 20 cm;

water should not acquire odors with an intensity of not more than 1 point, detected directly or during subsequent chlorination or other processing methods;

summer water temperature as a result of wastewater discharge should not exceed by more than 3 °C compared to the average monthly water temperature of the hottest month of the year for the last 10 years;

the pH value should not exceed 6.5-8.5.

2.6. Balance of water consumption and water disposal of the enterprise

ProductionWater consumption, m3/dayTotalFor industrial needsFor household needsFresh waterRecycledReusedTotal Including potable qualityCeramic.74 Table

ProductionWater disposal, m3/dayTotalReusableIndustrial wastewaterHousehold wastewaterIrrecoverable consumptionCeramic plant25082487082503249.7459.04

ProductionProduct.Specific water consumption, m3\unitSpecific fresh water consumption, m3\unitSpecific water disposal, m3\unitIrrecoverable water consumption and losses, m3\unitCeramic plantCeramic tiles3075207104559.04

2.7 Indicators of the use of water resources in the projected production

1. The coefficient of use of recycled water Kob \u003d 48708 / 196308 * 100 \u003d 24.8

The coefficient of irretrievable consumption and losses of fresh water Кpot=122518/270108*100=45.4

Water utilization ratio Boiled water=122518/270108*100%=45.4

Water disposal coefficient Kotv=25082/147600*100=16.9

Water use ratio at the projected enterprise

2.8 Control of water consumption and wastewater

Water is supplied to production from the city water supply system, that is, it belongs to the drinking class.

Water quality control is carried out by the Water Quality Control Center, the center is accredited by the State Standard of Russia. Water samples for analysis are taken daily in different parts of the city at pumping stations, from standpipes and water taps. At the water intake, every 2 hours, the water is analyzed for the content of residual chlorine.

3. Restoration of the land plot, use of the fertile soil layer, protection of the subsoil and wildlife

1 Reclamation of disturbed lands, use of the fertile soil layer

During the construction of a ceramic plant, the integrity of the land cover is violated, which leads to a change in the ecological system and the formation of an anthropogenic landscape.

During the operation of the enterprise, a large amount of industrial dust enters the soil, part of the raw materials also enters the soil during transportation and pouring. Thus, the balance of minerals is disturbed, which leads to inhibition of the fertile function.

Restoration of disturbed lands is a complex and complex task. The reclamation process is divided into two stages:

1.The first is technical reclamation. At this stage, the surface is leveled, ditches and potholes are dug in, the soil remaining at the mining site is chemically reclamated, and a fertile layer of soil is poured.

Emissions to the atmosphere occur during the firing of bricks in special kilns. Emissions occur due to the combustion of fuel to provide the heat required for firing, and from the effect of high temperatures on the clay itself. Dust emissions also arise from open pit clay mining. The following emissions are possible:

* Nitric oxide occurs when carbohydrate fuels are used in firing. This causes air pollution around the facility and is the cause of photochemical smog and acid rain.

* Sulfur dioxide is obtained from exposing clay to high temperatures. The amount of sulfur dioxide produced depends on the sulfur content of the clay. Low sulfur clay typically contains less than 0.1% sulfur in its composition. Sulfur dioxide causes local air pollution and causes acid rain. Additional sulfur dioxide emissions are possible if fuel oil is used in kilns.

*Emissions of chlorides and fluorides occur during firing due to the presence of these materials in the clay itself.

* Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide are produced when hydrocarbon fuels are burned. Carbon monoxide causes local air pollution, and carbon dioxide causes global warming.

* Possible release of additional organic components, including toxins such as dioxins, if waste products are used when firing bricks in special kilns.

* Dust and various particles can enter the atmosphere from kilns, appearing during the brick firing process and from the use of fuel oil, coal or reclaimed oil during firing.

*Dust generated by truck traffic on muddy or dirt roads or due to wind can spread outside the clay quarry and cause inconvenience or damage to property or nearby vegetation.

Possible contamination of the rainwater runoff with clay or brick dust particles, which can lead to discoloration or sedimentation if rainwater enters the main stream, which may also contain oil or fuel from motor vehicles.

If glazing salt or fuel is stored on site, there is a risk of soil contamination due to leakage of harmful substances.

When mining clay, there is also a considerable impact.

The main types of impact on the environment:

Withdrawal of natural resources (land, water);

Pollution of the air basin with emissions of gaseous and suspended substances;

Noise impact;

Change in the relief of the territory.

The negative impact on the state of the ecosystem lies in the maximum load of the technological process on each of the components of the environment. Impact on human health, wildlife and vegetation, and recreational areas.

It also has a negative impact on the atmospheric air as a result of dust and gas formation.

During the operation of road transport and special equipment, atmospheric pollution in the zone of influence occurs when the engines of road construction equipment and vehicles emit nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxide, gasoline, carbon monoxide, sulfur oxide and soot.

The main sources of external noise are the engines of road construction equipment.

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