The first step into adulthood is choosing a profession. How to help your child in choosing a profession (reminder for parents)

Selivanova M.N.
head of the professional determination laboratory
GBOU TsPRRK "Peasant Outpost"

IN wide world professions that exist today, it can be difficult to navigate not only schoolchildren, but also their parents. A paradox arises: the older members of the family, who know the son or daughter best of all, are absolutely lost when their children stand in the way of choosing a profession. A psychologist, a specialist in the field of vocational guidance and professional definition, can provide significant assistance here.
The modern professional definition is enough difficult process, requiring knowledge of the world of professions and specialties, the needs of society for certain specialists, their personal characteristics necessary for the development of a specialty.

The Laboratory of Professional Determination of the State Budget Educational Institution of the CPPRC "Krestyanskaya Zastava" conducts a number of complex activities for high school students in the field of choosing professions: determining the degree of suitability for a particular type of activity; learning abilities and personal qualities to meet the requirements of a particular profession; individual choice of professions from several options in accordance with biological inclinations and social orientation. However, the choice of a profession requires coordinated and mutually complementary actions not only of laboratory specialists, but also of parents, school psychologists, and teachers. Our experience in conducting individual consultations allows you to summarize the most common questions of parents and give answers to them that will help the school psychologist in individual and group work with parents.

What is a professional orientation?

The leading professional orientation is formed on the basis of biological inclination, interests and personality traits. Changes in the focus on any type of activity, a change in priorities are due to social factors (upbringing, social values, demand). You can focus on the following groups of professions:
- humanitarian- the work is aimed at social groups, communities, individuals of different ages; it is important to have the ability to make contacts, endurance, calm and friendly attitude, developed speech abilities. Examples of professions - manager, foreman, nurse doctor, etc.;
- technical– work with various types of equipment; you need to develop visual-figurative thinking, the ability to work with drawings and assemble mechanisms, good motor skills. Examples of professions - engineer, designer, equipment adjuster, welder, electrician, etc.;
- iconic– work with languages, numbers, symbols, formulas; perseverance is required, the ability to abstract thinking, to maintain a long and sustained attention. Examples of professions - economist, programmer, translator, accountant, etc.;
- aesthetic- artistic reflection of reality, art. Requirements: rich and vivid imagination, artistic taste, aesthetic perception. Examples of professions - fashion designer, architect, stylist, designer, makeup artist, etc .;
- biological- work with natural phenomena, biological species. Required qualities: observation, endurance, knowledge of general and applied biology, patience, caring. Examples of professions are a cynologist, horse breeder, livestock specialist, forester, gardener, etc.

Some specialists additionally identify a number of other professional groups (business, military sports, etc.), but these groups are not primary and are formed under the influence of social factors. The professional definition is individual choice professions from several possible options in accordance with biological inclinations and social orientation. The main content of the "meeting with adulthood" is to choose your own path through trying on various professional roles.
Be far-sighted and try to figure out exactly how you feel about the activity you are interested in: just as entertainment, an interesting activity, or as a workshop in which you will work for a long time. For example, nature can be loved as a place of rest, or you can observe, study or change the processes that take place in the life of organisms. The peculiarity of biological objects is that they grow, develop, and also get sick, die, and the changes are irreversible. Understanding professional specifics necessary for other areas of activity.

At what age should you start choosing a profession?

The formation of orientation and inclinations begins very early on the basis of biological inclinations, and parents can pay attention to what their child is fond of and interested in already in primary school. It is expedient to carry out professional diagnostics by a specialist at the age of 14-15 - to choose the profile of education and at 16-17 years - for the final choice of profession. Perhaps a teenager in the 7th grade will be interested in music, in the 8th grade in a foreign language, and then in photography. Until the age of 17-18, a professional orientation is still being formed, this is normal: after all, a young person tries himself in different types activities, in various professional roles, trying them on for yourself; this should be encouraged to help him orient himself. Parents should not be afraid of this: on the contrary, the fact that the child is not interested in anything and is not fond of anything can alert.

What concrete steps can parents take to help their children choose a career?

Older members of the family have serious opportunities to help children in their professional choice. The main factors in choosing a profession are as follows:
1. First of all, pay attention to the prevailing interests:

  • which school subjects are “favorite” and which are rejected, for what reasons;
  • whether there is any interest in a particular profession (for example, in the profession of one of the parents);
  • what literature he prefers, what sites he visits, etc.

2. An important factor in choosing a profession are also the ability to:

  • what abilities are manifested in everyday life, in games, in educational activities;
  • whether he develops his abilities and how (trains memory, physical fitness, deepens some knowledge, skills);
  • whether interests coincide with abilities (completely, partially, do not coincide at all).

3. Parents are also able to identify personal characteristics:

  • what qualities prevail in the character structure;
  • what qualities are necessary for the profession of interest;
  • whether he is engaged in self-education and what he is trying to develop;
  • what qualities, in the opinion of the teenager himself, are most pronounced in him.

4. You should periodically find out the professional intentions of a teenager (may not be final until the age of 17-18):

  • what is he going to do after grade 9 (continue studying at school or in another institution, go to work, etc.);
  • whether he knows about the requirements of the chosen profession;
  • what does he know about the content of the profession, about the conditions of work, study;
  • whether you are confident in your abilities and in the implementation of professional plans;
  • what can interfere with these plans and whether there are fallback options;
  • how he presents the prospects of his professional activity.

How to avoid mistakes when choosing a profession?

Practice shows that the following mistakes are most typical when choosing a profession: stereotypes, opinions about the prestige of the profession, choosing under the influence of comrades “for the company”, transferring the attitude towards the teacher to the profession itself, passion for external paraphernalia, identification school subject with the profession, the inability to understand their personal qualities, the wrong assessment of their physical capabilities.
To avoid mistakes, one should take into account real abilities and interests, approach the choice consciously, taking into account prospects. It is very important to ask questions about planning a professional career: how does a teenager envision his future in a year? In 5? It is advisable to pay Special attention long-term goal: study - professional activity - growth (professional, career, material, personal, social); This will help you set the right goal and find the best way to achieve it.
No less important is the question: does a teenager consider his interest as a professional or just at the level of a hobby, passion. By answering this question in a timely manner, in many cases you can avoid disappointments and professional dissatisfaction.
Why does a teenager, leaving school, do not show any expressed interests, although academic performance is generally even in all subjects?
It's about motivation to work. A common situation - occurs mainly in those families where responsibility is not brought up in the child, attention is not focused on respect for work (in particular, parents), or with a steady suppression of any activity, an authoritarian style of upbringing Round plastic windows buy cheap in Moscow. . Perhaps a teenager does not know the world of professions well, is not guided by his abilities, does not know how to make a choice from different options or just never thought about it. Maximum attention should be paid to various professions, introduce different areas activities, talk about the features of the work of older family members, exchanging views during such a conversation in order to form an idea, interest, personal position.
In this context, professional ethics is one of the most important aspects. It is important that the assessments of parents or teachers are not considered as a verdict of professional suitability or unsuitability, as a general assessment of a person washing machine repair washing machine repair at home. It is no secret that the trend of "total criticism" has affected the education system, professional activities, and others. social institutions. It turns out that a person himself “cuts the branch on which he sits”: it is impossible to effectively serve a system in which “everything is bad”. It is very important for parents, teachers, psychologists to track down misconceptions at an early stage and correctly correct such manifestations. Otherwise, the young man will go to get a profession with very low motivation.

Indicative questions for a conversation between a school psychologist and parents:

What profession or field of activity do you recommend for your child? What is the path to mastering the profession? For what reasons (pay, nature of work, traditions, conformity to character)?
Does your idea match the choice of the child? Does your child discuss their life plans with you?
Are you satisfied with the level of teaching and education at the school your child attends? Have you turned to someone for qualified help in choosing a profession? To whom? What are the results?
How do you contribute to the choice of a profession in the family? Which personal example Do you serve children professionally?
This is not a complete list of information for reflection in the family. Of course, a qualified answer to questions professional choice a specialist psychologist will help you to work: counseling includes comprehensive diagnostics, individual conversation and a conscious choice of profession, taking into account all the information. And yet, no psychologist can replace a lively, frank conversation with loved ones.

Recommended literature:
1. Pavlova T.L. Career guidance for high school students. Diagnostics and development of professional maturity. - M., 2006.
2. Romanova E.S. 99 popular professions. Psychological analysis and professiograms. - St. Petersburg, 2008.
3. Klimov E.A. Psychology of professional self-determination. - M., 2005.
4. Rezapkina G.V. Ambulance in choosing a profession. - M., 2010
5. Pryazhnikov N.S. Psychology of work and human dignity. - M., 2005.

Parents can help the child by encouraging him to think and analyze his inclinations, desires and skills, his strengths and weak sides.

When discussing with a child his future career, it makes sense to follow a few rules.

Rule one. Talk to your child about what he (she) likes, I wonder what I would like to do in the future. Why is it attractive? Is it fashionable? Or maybe the child believes that he has special abilities for this profession? Or maybe he recently watched a movie where the main character was a doctor or a lawyer? The main task here is to encourage the child to introspection and introspection.

Rule two. Do not criticize the child's choice. Better ask what attracts him in this profession. After all, criticism can very often be followed by a backlash - the child will prove to you (and at the same time to himself!), That his choice is the best and correct. And only strengthened in his opinion. It may be the other way around, leaving the conversation for a while, then, as if by chance, “discover”, for example, in the rating of professions, that his chosen specialty is less in demand on the labor market.

Rule three. Understand what your child can. Does it have restrictions. Medical statistics are not encouraging, stating that most children aged 16-17 have diseases that limit them in choosing certain professions. And these are not necessarily professions that place high demands on health, such as a pilot or a military man. For example, if a child has flat feet (just as many people think), he is not recommended professions associated with long standing on his feet, and there are a lot of such professions - and not necessarily at the machine, the teacher also spends a lot of time standing. And this is just one example. What about allergies? Or neurological problems that so many people suffer from? For example, fatigue and reduced attention?

What can experts offer?

The help of psychologists, career guidance specialists can significantly facilitate the laborious process of choosing a profession. And most importantly, make it much more accurate. Here are the main methods we recommend:

special trainings, during which it is possible to observe the behavior of the child in various games and exercises. It is through play that a child learns about himself and the world. For this purpose, games should be modeled so that the child can display and develop certain abilities and skills.

Children try themselves in different roles and in different types of activities. Sometimes they have to take on the function of a leader, sometimes a team player. Participate in negotiations and resolve conflict situations. Create a plan and implement it. Show different aspects of your creativity. And as a result you can see:

  • Does he tend to take responsibility?
  • How developed is his ability for self-organization and self-discipline?
  • Can he organize other people's activities?
  • What are the switching speed and attention span, and other cognitive functions?
  • What is its performance in different conditions?

Research during the training process is useful in that it allows not only to see the skills and characteristics of the child, but also helps him improve his skills, understand his mistakes and correct them.

2. Testing, aimed at identifying the motivation of the child, his system of values ​​and personal characteristics. With the help of tests, the abilities, interests and inclinations of the child are also determined. Tests are conducted repeatedly, and this allows you to see development trends, adjust the plan of training activities.

3. Feedback psychologist with parents This is an opportunity to get expert advice, which helps parents to better see the child's capabilities and his next steps in choosing a profession, discuss emerging issues and develop a future plan together.

Assistance in choosing a profession will be provided by specialists of the Employment Center at your place of residence.

wishGood luck to you!

Modern children quickly mature physically, but later mature psychologically. How does volitional immaturity affect the choice of profession? How can you help teen self-determination? Psychologist Ekaterina Burmistrova answers.

Formation of will and professional self-determination

Ekaterina Burmistrova. Photo by Yulia Makoveychuk

The formation of the will usually occurs at the age of 15-16, and begins somewhere from 10-11-12 years. If at the age of 15-16 a child does not want anything: does not want to study, does not imagine who he wants to be, this situation can and should be corrected, this is not a hopeless situation, but it is already very neglected. There are more and more stories like this. But, unfortunately, publications read by parents do not write about this, although it is high time. It seems to me that this situation is not psychological, but psycho-social.

Since the beginning of the 1990s, great changes have taken place in our country. The current generation of parents belongs to those who managed to form before the start of these processes or at the very beginning of the 90s. And today's teenagers are children of timelessness, the era of social cataclysms. No matter how hard we try to create for children greenhouse conditions at home, all the same, the air of change penetrates into their lives.

Teenagers are so arranged - they are interested in everything that happens around them. They are often interested in what is impossible. And they are interested in something that is different from the points of view of their parents. And the social situation is like a pond in which everything is stirred up - the old structures are destroyed, and new ones have not arisen. Children do not have a positive image of the country in which they live, the nationality to which they belong, they do not see positive prospects, the dynamics of the development of Russian society.

For example, who is the hero of a modern Russian TV series now, even if teenagers do not watch it? Bandit, cop, office plankton, something between a crook and a manager, etc.

Profession or income?

Teenagers grow up in a society where career guidance is completely absent. Today's teenagers have no idea what is important, and they think more not about the profession, but about earning. This is something that has changed a lot in recent decades. And if in the Soviet years the concentration on earnings was considered something unworthy, then today's children say that it does not matter who I work for, the main thing is how much money I earn.

I really love to tell the story that was at the graduation party kindergarten. The children were offered a game - a flower was drawn, on the petals of which different professions were written, separate flowers for girls and boys, and each child had to take one petal. The list of professions was made up of educators.

What professions were not on the flower for boys? There were no professions: a military man, an astronaut, a scientist, a teacher, an engineer, a doctor, a builder, a tractor driver. There were no creative professions on the list at all. So what were the professions? DJ, top manager, lawyer, academician, banker, businessman, motorcycle racer, athlete, president. The same story was with the girls. Professions were written: model, actress, designer, housewife, stylist. This reflects well the ranking of current professions.

Difficulties in choosing a profession

Career guidance is also how parents react to the child's choice of profession. If he says he wants to be a teacher, then surely the parents will say: “Oh, no. Teachers have very low salaries.” And career guidance is who the child constantly sees on TV: who is being interviewed, who is constantly participating in various programs. In reality, no one is engaged in real career guidance. And the status of creative professions has fallen dramatically. Of course, rating professions are described with best sides, but no one talks about competition, psychological crises, about the longing that comprehends the same top managers in the tenth year of work.

IN Soviet time at school there was a subject - OPK. Let there be no perfection, but the children mastered various professions - cooks, seamstresses, decorators, restorers, chauffeurs, bookbinders. The child can now choose professions according to the range of possibilities big city. And what does a child see in a metropolis? Tajik janitors who get a penny, Moldovan salesmen, Armenian drivers, aunts in the subway, twitchy teachers. This is, of course, an aggravation, but in general it is. There is no investment in science in the country, there are no structures supporting industry and agriculture.

That is, today's children cannot but have problems with choosing a profession. Everything is transferred only to the family. Only the family can really help a teenager in choosing a profession. Although it is in the family that they can “break off the wings” of a childhood dream. And parents, as a rule, do not give children the right to make a mistake in choosing a profession. Yes, and how will children make mistakes or at least some choice in life and profession, if parents accompany children everywhere until the tenth grade?

Lack of independence of modern children

Lack of independence is laid in the education system with primary school. And parents have to do homework with the child in the first grade, in the fifth grade, and this is very encouraged by the teachers. Then the parents either take the child to tutors, or the tutors come to the child. It is very important - from whom the volitional intention comes. For a very long time, volitional intention comes from parents - this is how our society is organized and this is how our education is arranged. Here is a quote from parent meeting in the 8th grade: “Mom, you are underworking, you have two independent triples in physics.”

The child is now perceived as a kind of reservoir that needs to be filled with information - better, faster, more. The child is perceived as a recipient, as a recipient of knowledge. It is not active in this process. And already in adolescence a protest begins - someone makes piercings on all parts of the body, someone forges iron armor and leaves to play role-playing games, someone finds more severe forms of protest.

Is there a way out?

How to avoid all this? My opinion is at least not to do homework with the child. Not to do as much as his psychotype allows, in elementary school you need to be taught how to do homework. Try not to do homework with the child, and in no case - for him. Check - on demand, when the child asks to check.

And the school should not be the only area of ​​the child's functioning. The child should have experiences besides consuming information. At least football after school, not only English language. Impressions are needed related to the activity of the hands, the body, and social relations, in addition to the consumption of information from teachers of various institutions.

It seems to me that the metropolis is a very narrow world, it is very fragmented, we do not see the full picture. In children, with a huge flow of information, the social environment is extremely narrowed. In Soviet times, it was customary to take schoolchildren to factories, factories, but now this is not the case. Therefore, the task of parents is to expand the child's experience, both social and the one when the child can do something with his hands. After all, a child remembers something he made himself for a very long time, for example, baked cookies, brewed soap.

And the huge flow of information only disorients the child, he does not understand why he should study chemistry or physics, for example.

More important point: both in society and in children's education, the focus is not on the process, but on the result. Nobody cares about the average. Children are forced to play not at their level. Children, especially older ones in the family, are often under great pressure from parental expectations. They must realize everything that their parents, and perhaps also grandparents, did not realize.

It turns out that the child in the class is one of thirty. And according to the expectations of families, about 27 out of 30 should be the first. It is very difficult, and it is very warmed up in society - all these ratings, competitions, etc. And children often lose motivation, realizing that they cannot be the first.

Teenagers come to me for consultations, and among other questions I ask: “Is it fashionable to study at your school?” As a rule, they say that a few people study, and most do not care at all.

No ready answers

I would like parents not to wait for ready-made answers to such questions, but to make up a set of questions themselves - to themselves, to each other in the parental couple, to the child's teachers, to the child. It is necessary to understand where the answers to these questions are not enough.

And I also want to remind you of one of the great, firmly rooted myths that the school provides career guidance, and the child can figure out the choice of profession on his own. This, alas, is not so. A child can orient himself only in the family, communicating with parents and other adults. Otherwise, parents pass this topic on to incomprehensible people - either the media environment, or teenage friends, or just someone else's uncle. This should be known.

The main thing is that children feel the interest of their parents in the topic of their future profession. It is good if the children engage in dialogue, or even polyphony of opinions, or even partly in an argument.

Prepared by Tamara Amelina

(to help choosing a profession)

The value of the right choice of profession

The choice of a profession, a job that ensures professional growth and material prosperity, social recognition is one of the most important concerns and problems of every person. But it is often solved at the level of intuition, and even under the influence of mood, superficial impressions, parental whims, through trial and error.

The negative consequences of mistakes in choosing a profession are often not taken into account and are not calculated. Here is the opinion of a well-known publicist: “Having taken a case not according to one’s abilities, having taken a wrong place, it is difficult, and perhaps impossible, to be honest man at all". All right. A mediocre worker, as a rule, is self-confident, prone to lies, laziness, envy, flattery, and sometimes extortion. Thus, he tries to fill the emptiness of the soul and become at least somewhat significant, weighty.

The French thinker Saint-Simon wrote that the cause of almost all the troubles in society are "failed vocations, violence against inclinations, imposed professions and the resulting displeasure and evil passions." The foregoing is true not only in relation to the "high" intellectual, but also to ordinary professions. A mediocre politician, military leader, manager, lawyer, doctor is a real disaster. But a lot of trouble and damage from an inept plumber, telehandler, turner and baker, whose hands and head are clearly not suitable for the work performed. Botching and marriage not only economically but also morally impoverish society.

Meanwhile, according to generalized data, 20–30% of workers in various fields of activity are “in the wrong place”, as evidenced by the failure to meet production standards, job descriptions, excessive fatigue, fraught with serious ailments. And 70-80% of workers and specialists are not satisfied with the chosen profession for these and other reasons. The more difficult and responsible the work, the more such cases.

The problem of choosing a profession has objective origins and grounds. What are they? Between people, as well as between professions, there are persistent differences. The speed of reaction, awareness of information and decision-making in a large group of people vary significantly; about 1120 variations of temperament and character were also revealed. A certain combination of certain characteristics of a person, explicitly or implicitly, tends to specific groups of professions.

Each profession (and there are tens of thousands of them) has its own requirements for a person, its own temper, its own calculation. As they say, we choose and we are chosen.

By combining a suitable person with a profession, position corresponding to his individual characteristics, you can get a big win in increasing productivity and quality of work, reducing injuries, occupational diseases, increasing well-being, income, job satisfaction and life. These are the effects and potential of choosing the right profession.


Choosing a profession is a difficult and responsible step in your life.

Do not leave the choice of your future profession to chance.

Use the information of professionals.

The profession must be chosen deliberately, taking into account one's abilities, inner convictions, real opportunities weighing all the pros and cons.

To this end:

  • study yourself deeper: understand your interests (what is interesting only as a hobby, and what can become a profession), inclinations, character traits and physical capabilities;
  • think about your strengths and weaknesses, main and secondary qualities;
  • get acquainted with professions that match your interests and abilities;
  • read specialized books and magazines;
  • outline a pre-elected profession or a group of related professions;
  • talk with representatives of the chosen professions, try to visit the workplace of these specialists, get acquainted with the nature and working conditions;
  • think over how, where and when you can try your hand at the chosen profession;
  • get acquainted with educational institutions where you can get your chosen profession;
  • compare personal qualities and capabilities with the nature of the profession you have chosen;
  • Having made a decision, do not retreat in the face of difficulties: be persistent in achieving your goals.

Principles that should guide a person choosing a profession

Consciousness principle

A person who clearly understands the following can choose the right profession:

  • what he wants (realizing his goals, life plans, ideals, aspirations, value orientations);
  • what he is (knowing his personal and physical characteristics);
  • what he can (who knows his inclinations, abilities, talents);
  • what the work and the labor collective require from him.

Conformity principle

The chosen profession must meet (correspond to) the interests, inclinations, abilities, state of human health and, at the same time, the needs of society in personnel.

Activity principle/b>

You have to actively search for a profession yourself. The following are called upon to play an important role in this:

  • practical test of strength in circles, sections, electives;
  • reading literature, visiting excursions and educational institutions in the "Days open doors»;
  • meetings with specialists;
  • self-referral to a psychologist or professional consultant.

Development principle

This principle reflects the idea of ​​the need to develop in oneself such qualities that are needed for any profession. These are mental processes (thinking, memory, attention), and the following character traits: diligence, conscientiousness, diligence, organization, diligence, independence, initiative, the ability to endure failures, endurance, perseverance.

Mistakes and difficulties in choosing a profession

1. Ignorance of the rules for choosing a profession:

  • choice of profession for the company;
  • transfer of attitude towards a person to the profession itself;
  • identification of the subject with the profession;
  • orientation to highly qualified professions;
  • inability to determine the path of obtaining a profession.

2. Ignorance of oneself:

  • ignorance or underestimation of their physical features;
  • ignorance or underestimation of psychological features;
  • inability to correlate their abilities with the requirements of the profession.

3. Ignorance of the world of professions:

  • passion only for the outer side of the profession;
  • prejudice against the prestige of the profession;
  • ignorance of the requirements of the profession for a person;
  • outdated ideas about the nature and working conditions of a particular profession.

Questions that are useful to know the answer to when planning your professional career

  • What skills and abilities do you enjoy the most?
  • What are your main interests and favorite pastime?
  • What are your favorite subjects?
  • What would you like to do every day for 8 hours a year?
  • What job do you dream of?
  • Where do you envision your job in 10 years?
  • What job would be ideal for you? Describe it in as much detail as possible. Imagine yourself in this job. Who do you work with, how do you spend your time?
  • What are your criteria for choosing a profession (mandatory and desirable)?
  • What are your strengths and skills allow you to consider yourself suitable for a job that you think is ideal?
  • What gaps in your knowledge and skills do you need to fill in order to land the perfect job for you?
  • If the job that is ideal for you is currently unattainable, what kind of work could you do to move in your chosen direction?
  • Who can be consulted for information useful for career planning?
  • What are your immediate and long-term career goals? Write them down and strive to complete all the points.


Want - aspirations of the individual (desires, interests, inclinations, ideals).

Can – personal capabilities (state of health, abilities, level of knowledge, character, temperament).

Necessary - the needs of society in personnel, and awareness of the need to expend certain efforts to achieve vital goals

Student's personal professional plan

Characteristics of the professional plan

  • Certainty, clarity of plan (if a person indicates a single profession and the corresponding type of educational institution).
  • Completeness of the plan (when all the necessary factors for choosing a profession are taken into account: the orientation of interests, inclinations, abilities, health status, level of education, etc.).
  • Sustainability of the plan over time (confidence in the correctness of the choice and striving for its implementation).
  • Realistic plan (reliance on real social and psychological possibilities for the implementation of choice).
  • Logical validity and internal consistency (correlation of the inclinations and abilities of a person with the requirements of the profession).
  • moral justification plan (if the motives of the profession relate to the content of the activity).
  • Consistency plan with the needs of the labor market.

Stages of forming a professional plan

When compiling a personal professional plan, you must:

  • determine what type of activity you are interested in; to analyze the extent to which the inclinations to work in the areas of "human-nature", "human-technology", "human-human", "human-sign system", "human-artistic image" are expressed; draw up a formula for the profession of interest;
  • find out what professions are required in the labor market of the city, district in which you live;
  • compare the data obtained and draw a conclusion in which area of ​​​​professional activity you could work;
  • get acquainted with the professions of interest, talking with their representatives, using professiograms, special literature; consult with parents consult a doctor;
  • relate their individual characteristics with the requirements of the chosen profession;
  • find out the content of the profession of interest, working conditions, prospects for professional growth;
  • get acquainted with possible ways of mastering the profession; visit educational institutions at the Open Days;
  • analyze the advantages and disadvantages of various ways of obtaining general education and vocational training.

Professional suitability

There are the following degrees of professional suitability.

1. Unsuitability. It can be temporary or almost irresistible. They talk about it in cases where there are deviations in the state of health that are incompatible with work. At the same time, this does not mean that a person cannot work - work in this profession can worsen a person’s condition. Contraindications are not only medical, but also psychological: certain persistent personal qualities will be an obstacle to mastering a certain profession.

2. Expiration date. It is characterized by the fact that there are no contraindications, but there are no obvious indications. In other words, neither for nor against. “You can choose this profession. It is possible that you will become a good worker.” Approximately these words can characterize this degree of professional suitability.

3. compliance. There are no contraindications and there are some personal qualities that meet the requirements of the profession. For example, there is a pronounced interest in certain objects of labor (technology, nature, people, art) or successful experience in this area. This does not exclude the possibility of matching other professions. “You can choose this profession. And it is very likely that you will be a good worker.”

4. Calling. This - highest level professional suitability. It is characterized by the fact that in all elements of its structure there are clear signs compliance of a person with the requirements of the chosen type of work. We are talking about the signs by which a person stands out among his peers, who are in equal conditions of learning and development. “It is in this area of ​​work that people will need you the most.”

To discover your vocation, it is important to boldly “try on” yourself to the most different professions, you need to practically try your hand at different types of work.

What you need to know when choosing an educational institution

Perhaps the profession you have chosen can be obtained in several educational institutions. In this case, the problem of choosing an educational institution arises. Right choice can be done by learning all about these educational institutions.

When collecting information about an educational institution, you should get answers to the following questions.

  • What level of education allows you to get an educational institution (vocational, specialized secondary, higher)?
  • In what specialties and specializations is vocational training carried out?
  • What qualifications are awarded upon graduation?
  • What are the forms of education provided (full-time, evening, part-time)? Paid or free education? What is the payment amount?
  • What are the requirements for applicants (age, health status, gender, level of education)?
  • What is the procedure for admission to an educational institution (deadlines for submitting documents, deadlines for passing exams, benefits for applicants)?
  • What is the duration of the training?
  • Does the institution provide employment assistance to graduates?
  • Are there preparatory courses? When do they start working and what is their cost?
  • When are Open Days held at the school?
  • Where is the school located and what is its full name?

Choosing a profession is one of the most important life tasks. Labor formation of personality in any social economic conditions remains a fundamental task of education.

The current situation of practical vocational guidance in Russia is characterized by the fact that there is an increasingly strong need to develop qualitatively new approaches related to increasing the activity of the individual at the stage of vocational guidance, providing opportunities for self-realization of the individual in a dynamically changing world.

The task of career guidance is the formation of psychological readiness young man to professional self-determination, unobtrusive support in preparation for choosing a profession. Today, there are many popular methods for self-diagnosis when choosing a profession, tests, tips, recommendations. Conversations, games, contests, quizzes have been developed for career guidance classes with schoolchildren

Benefits provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the professions and occupations that exist in society, with the problems of spiritual growth, social maturation. But they can fully influence the choice of a future profession, help in professional self-determination, they can young people who have certain abilities, inclinations, achievements in a particular area of ​​educational activity, support and assistance from their parents.

IN modern school with the transition to pre-profile training and profile education, purposeful preparation of schoolchildren for conscious choice your professional path. The core of the reform of the education system is specialized education. The need for primary professional self-determination of students in the process of profile education and pre-profile training is generally recognized. There is a formation of the ability to make an adequate decision on the choice of a further direction of education, ways of obtaining a profession, identifying interests, checking the capabilities of a teenager

The goals of such training and education are "the formation of a socially literate and socially mobile person who is aware of his civil rights and obligations" .

The authors rightly note that it is in the 9th grade, in this age period, that value attitudes, personal orientations are most intensively formed, certain abilities are manifested, and interest in choosing a profession is revealed.

Personal self-determination depends on the person himself, professional self-determination depends more on external (favorable or unfavorable conditions). The essence of professional self-determination can be defined as the search and finding of personal meaning in the chosen and mastered and already performed work activity.

Career guidance is a long and complex process and is carried out at all stages of a person's life.

S. N. Chistyakova, N. F. Rodichev identify the stages of comprehension by children and adolescents of the world of professions, the formation of the value-semantic aspects of professional work.

  • The first is emotionally imaginative, characteristic of older children. preschool age when a child develops a positive attitude towards professional world- working people.
  • The second - I-III (IV) classes - propaedeutic, during which the formation of love and a conscientious attitude to work, an understanding of its role in the life of a person and society, the development of interest in the profession of parents, the moral attitudes of choosing a profession, interest in the most common professions.
  • The third - IV (V) - VII classes - search and probing - the formation of a professional orientation in adolescents, their awareness of their interests, abilities, social values ​​associated with the choice of profession and their place in society.
  • Fourth - VIII - IX grades - (profile orientation) - the period of development of professional self-knowledge - the formation of a student's personal meaning of choosing the direction of education.

In children deprived of care, warmth and affection from their parents, the first stage “fell out” completely, scenes from the life of their non-working parents leading an asocial lifestyle were imprinted in their minds. This means that there are no conditions necessary for the successful completion of the second stage.

The majority of children from orphanages aged 14-16 have socio-pedagogical neglect, low intelligence, medical and social problems. Such negative personality traits as emotional immaturity, impulsiveness, self-doubt, lack of will, aggressiveness characterize many graduates of orphanages. Infantilism, slowness of self-determination, ignorance and rejection of oneself as a person, inability to consciously choose one's own destiny - all this characterizes children brought up in boarding schools.

Social orphans who do not have an example of creative constructive activity in their family, they easily assimilate the position of a consumer whose needs are taken care of by the state. The narrow world of an educational institution where orphans and children left without parental care are brought up affects the formation of life values, ways to achieve life goals. Often pupils have very general idea about ordinary life, including not only domestic, social, but also professional, which indicates social immaturity. The existing meager experience of interaction with society, other people and oneself cannot occur without problems.

For the qualitative implementation of the career guidance program, it is necessary to conduct targeted work in orphanages for the labor training of pupils, and for this it is necessary to organize carpentry, sewing and other workshops.

Important and significant is the formation of pupils' motivation for education, professional choice, building life prospects associated with the profession.

However, most often, graduates of orphanages not only do not have the opportunity to choose a profession and place of study that they like, but they are also not oriented towards the professions that they will have to master. Insufficient knowledge of oneself, low self-esteem, overestimated level of claims, violation of the emotional-volitional and communicative sphere, lack of motivation to work are typical difficulties in conducting career guidance work with pupils orphanage. For children who cannot objectively assess their professional capabilities, whose growing up takes place outside the family, in hostel conditions, it is necessary to form a realistic level of claims especially painstakingly.

Pupils do not have an internal readiness to independently and consciously plan, adjust and implement the prospects for their development. Difficult-to-educate, socially and pedagogically neglected students often despair, stop believing in themselves, do not see their future, live one day, which creates serious prerequisites for the criminalization and desocialization of the personality of an orphanage ward.

Pre-profile education is a factor in the socialization of orphans. An analysis of the elective courses chosen by 9th grade students allows us to conclude that they are not related to the future profession, and allow them to prepare for the exam. Interviews with graduates confirmed the conclusions of the authors that the state of graduates of boarding schools is most often characterized as confusion before an independent life, lack of self-confidence; anxiety about possible failure.

High school students expressed concern about the difficulties in communication in the new group of peers, possible misunderstanding on the part of teachers. The fear of independent living by graduates is directly related to the possible violation of their rights, difficulties in protecting their interests. The upcoming residence in the hostel causes negative emotions and is extremely undesirable for graduates. [App. 4]

The factor that determines the choice of an educational institution and a future profession is education under the program of a correctional school. Obtaining a certificate of completion of the 9th grade of a correctional school before graduates automatically closes the doors of many professional educational institutions, and makes it impossible to obtain a number of professions. Despite the fact that the conclusions of the PMPK determine the further education of children under the VIII type program, in addition to a medical diagnosis, the reasons for the failure of children were pedagogical neglect, the lack of conditions in the family for the full development of children, and parental control.

Young men and women, realizing what an obstacle for them in obtaining the desired profession, is training in correctional school, apply with a request to arrange them for a more promising profession, although this requires obtaining a document on the completion of a basic school. Three graduates of 2008 were admitted as an exception to the professional lyceum.

An analysis of the structure of graduates and their acquisition of professions over the 10 years of the orphanage's existence made it possible to draw up diagrams and draw certain conclusions. A significant part of the pupils studied according to the program of the correctional school, which amounted to 61% graduates. [App.2]

The possibility of studying in vocational schools as a construction worker (mason, plasterer - molar) gives a certificate of completion of 9 classes of a correctional school (39 people) [App. 1]

Further, the professions were distributed as follows: tailor (11), car mechanic (6), salesman (6), pedagogical college (2). Not a single graduate entered a higher educational institution. In 2009, the only 11th grade graduate is planning to enter a pedagogical college in the district center. Of the nine graduates of the 9th grade, 5 people study at the basic school, only one of them intends to continue his education in the 10th grade. Adolescents are aware of the insufficient level of their knowledge and abilities, they talk about the possible difficulties of passing the exam.

Since a significant part of the pupils arrived in Orphanage their elder brothers and sisters study or work in the city of Yeniseysk, their desire to get a profession in the educational institutions of this city is understandable. Despite the fact that in the city of Lesosibirsk, vocational school No. 14 accepts young men who have completed the 9th grade of a correctional school, provides a hostel, 11 people studied in it for 10 years. [App. 3]

In solving the problems of further education of graduates of orphanages, a formal approach, indifference to the fate of orphans and children left without parental care is unacceptable. The great contrast between the living conditions in the orphanage and then in the dormitory of the educational institution causes rejection, unwillingness to live there, and therefore to study.

Separate problems are the further education of graduates of orphanages in a professional institution, their attendance at training sessions, compliance with the rules of living in a hostel. The search for easy ways to obtain material wealth leads to the commission of offenses with all the ensuing consequences, which complicates the acquisition of a profession, success in later life.

The economic and financial crisis has worsened the material and social situation of many Russians. The consequences of the crisis will affect the fate of many graduates of schools and vocational schools. The current economic situation in the country will have a particularly hard effect on the destinies, future, and professional activities of children who have left the walls of orphanages. In most cases, they are deprived of the moral, material support of their parents, support from older brothers, sisters and other relatives.

Their future largely depends on the socio-psychological, pedagogical and moral support of those who are close to the graduates, on the conditions created for successful adaptation and socialization in society.

List of used literature.

1. Akulova O.V. " Information work in the conditions of profile education: Educational and methodological manual for teachers / Ed. A.P. rag, - SP b, 2005

2. Volodina Yu. Profile training as a means of professional self-determination of orphans. (Support program in the conditions of pre-profile training) Social Pedagogy, 2008 No. 4

3. Yu. Orsag, O. Panshina Educational work with children left without parental care, adolescence during their social and professional adaptation (from the experience of the orphanage) Social Pedagogy, 2006 No. 4

4. Ovchinnikov A. Professional self-determination - an effective means of socialization of orphans. Social Pedagogy. 2008 №4

5. Psychological features of career guidance work with disabled people. Toolkit. Krasnoyarsk 2002.

6. Pryazhnikov N.S. Career guidance at school and college: games, exercises, questionnaires.

7. G. Rezapkina. Lessons in choosing a profession. School psychologist. 2006 No. 14

8. Collection of career guidance games, quizzes, competitions. Part 2. Methodical manual from the series "Library of the professional consultant". Agency of Labor and Employment of the Administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, State Employment Center of the city of Yeniseisk

9. Collection of career guidance games and scenarios of events (From the experience of professional consultants of the Center for Health Care) Krasnoyarsk. 2005

10. Reference publication "Education and career. Do the right thing!" OOO IG "Krasnoyarsk Press"

11. Selevko P..K. Find Your Way: A Pre-Professional Education Study Guide. - m. public education. Research Institute of School Technologies, 2006.

12. N.V. Tutubalina. Your future profession: a collection of abstracts on vocational guidance. / N.V. Tutubalina - Ed. 2nd - Rostov n \ D: "Phoenix". 2006.

13. S.N. Chistyakova, N.F. Rodichev. Materials of the course "Educational and professional self-determination of schoolchildren in pre-profile training and profile training" Pedagogical University "First of September". 2006.

14. Shashmuratova N. Labor socialization of pupils of the Sermenevsky orphanage. Social Pedagogy. 2007, №4

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