How to remove a money tree from an apartment. Money tree - indoor flower: folk signs, superstitions, conspiracy

According to the now fashionable philosophy of Feng Shui, to attract well-being and prosperity, a money tree should be grown in the house, which is what is called Crassula arborescens or Cotyledon arborescens. Of particular importance are not only the thick leaves shaped like coins, but the flowers themselves, as a symbol vital energy. But many amateur flower growers don’t even know whether the money tree blooms at all and what it looks like.

In this article we will study the characteristics of the flowering of the money tree, the reasons why it may not bloom and how to make it do so.

There is a sign that in a house where the money tree blooms, all your cherished desires will come true and it is worth preparing a bag for money. But desire alone is not enough, you need to know that Crassula tree, since it is a succulent, blooms:

  • after the age of five years;
  • with short daylight hours;
  • subject to all care recommendations.
  • Now that you know why the money tree does not bloom, you should identify the necessary care requirements for flowering.

Basic rules for caring for a money tree

  1. Tostsyanka grows quickly, so as it grows, it needs to be transferred to a pot. larger size, without disturbing the earthen coma. better spend early spring, before the start of a period of intensive growth, then the likelihood of flowering will be greater. For planting, it is better to take a substrate made of sand, humus and turf land(in a ratio of 1:1:4), be sure to make it from expanded clay or brick chips.
  2. To stimulate flowering in the money tree, you should keep the plant outside or on the balcony all summer and almost until the end of autumn (until frosts). It is important that it stands in a bright place and receives as long as possible daylighting, but direct sunlight is not recommended. And in winter you need to keep it in a room with the lowest temperature, optimal temperature considered 10-15°C.
  3. The plant does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature, so you cannot bring it from the street directly into the room: this will have a bad effect on flowering.
  4. Watering should be done after the soil has completely dried, and not just the top layer. In spring and summer, during active growth, very often (every other day), but do not flood it, and from mid-autumn to early spring, during the dormant period, very rarely (1-2 times a month). During the flowering period, water as needed.
  5. Fertilize only once a week in the summer with a preparation such as Kemira or a special fertilizer for cactus.

And if you follow all the listed care rules, then your grateful plant will definitely delight you with its abundant flowering. Money tree flowers are very delicate - small (about 1 cm) and light in color (white, white-pink or white-green), spreading a strong sweetish-sweet smell. Crassula usually blooms for several months, but if it is in a very warm room, the flowering period may be shortened.

How often does the money tree bloom?

It is very difficult to establish the frequency of flowering of the money tree, usually at the beginning of life at large intervals (5 years), and then maybe every year, the main thing is to observe proper care. Most often it blooms in late autumn or winter, but it can also bloom in the spring, subject to dormancy from September to February, and then it is placed in a well-lit place. Some gardeners noticed that their money tree began to bloom after a slight drought (about 7-10 days).

Therefore, we wish you to achieve the speedy fulfillment of your dream - the flowering of the money tree, which will definitely bring you good luck and financial well-being.

Not every person has wealth in their home, so this topic has long been overgrown with legends and legends. For example, some believe that only in wealthy homes can indoor plants exist.

It is believed that only two indoor plants have the properties of attracting wealth into the house - crassula or “money tree” and geranium.

Getting to know the money tree

This plant is incredibly tenacious and has an incredible thirst for life, because it can do without water for a long period and sprout even from a damaged leaf. However, for a money tree to become a real magnet for attracting money, it must be followed good care.

It is believed that the leaves of the Crassula, which have fallen and dried out, are very similar to gems, covered with dust. But there is a sign that such leaves have incredible energy for attracting money. They need to be collected in a bag and put in your wallet.

Money tree: signs

In order for a tree to provide financial assistance, you cannot buy it; you must plant it yourself. Also, a money tree should not appear in the house as a gift.

If your friends have an adult fat plant, then you need to take advantage of the moment and cut off a small cutting, because the plant reproduces by shoots. In this case, you cannot ask permission from the owners; you need to cut it off, quietly apologizing to the plant. And the owner should be wished well-being and health.

The brought shoots should stand in a glass of water for some time, so there is no need to immediately plant them in the ground. Cuttings are planted when roots appear.

Crassula care

After planting the money tree, you need to ensure that it is well established. To do this, many build an oilcloth cap, opening it daily to ventilate the plant. If it is not possible to make such a cap, then you can use a regular glass instead.

It is considered a good omen if, before planting a money tree, you put a coin in the pot, which will improve the financial situation of its owners. Be sure to take the plant outside in the summer, as it loves to count. Thanks to the sun, it will get stronger and grow well, which will affect your material well-being.

It is also considered a good omen if you give a money tree to the newlyweds for their wedding. But you definitely need to tie banknotes to the branches of the money tree with a red ribbon and wish the young people prosperity, health and well-being.

You need to communicate with the tree every day. Give it at least a few minutes and tell the plant about your dreams and plans, not necessarily related to in cash. Give your fat girl compliments and kind words, and she will not remain in debt.

Strangers should not touch the tree.

The plant's neighbors also need to be selected correctly. It cannot be placed together with cacti and other plants with thorns, as monetary properties trees will be damaged, and money, on the contrary, will leave your home.

Every day, the leaves of the money tree should be wiped with a damp cloth to remove dust, as it will block financial flows.

Location of the money tree in the house

Many people do not know where to place a money tree for material well-being. money tree will feel best on a window, but not just any window, namely those facing the southeast side. The southeast is considered the wealth sector, so to attract money it must be located in this place.

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Many people have houses. It is believed that this flower brings money, which is why it is called that. But in fact, its name is Crassula, and it can be very, very different. However, people also gave it other names: fatty and fatty, which to a certain extent can also evoke associations with well-being. And watching the money tree bloom (photo below) can be considered an even better omen.

Place in botany

In fact, Crassula belongs to the so-called succulents - plants that store water in reserve, like cacti. But, unlike the latter, it does not have thorns, but normal leaves. The genus Crassula has many species - about 300, but, as a rule, Crassula arborescens, or tree crassula, as well as C. ovata (oval) are grown at home. They may look more or less familiar, that is, have round or slightly elongated leaves, but there are also specimens with triangular, square and other leaves.

In nature

Many flower growers are sometimes surprised when they see that a flower that grows on their windowsill at home has easily taken root in someone’s garden or just on the street, like a weed. Crassula, for example, is widespread in Latin America and Mexico, and some species are in South Africa. But it may not be possible to recognize it, because it can grow up to 3 meters, and it is impossible to keep such a plant at home. Perhaps someone will ask: how to care for a money tree if its homeland is a hot and desert country? Don't do something like this at home. Of course not, especially since Crassula already feels excellent indoors. So, how to care for a money tree so that it pleases its owners for many years?

Growing at home

That's enough unpretentious plant Many housewives liked it. And the leaves, somewhat reminiscent of coins, began to be associated with financial well-being. Of course, Crassula does not bring money on its own, but the mood and desire to earn money can support it. In general, the popularity of this flower is not surprising. Crassula may well become the first plant for an inexperienced home gardener. It does not require any maintenance difficult conditions and in general has a reputation as a completely unpretentious pet. And although the fat plant grows quite actively, money tree flowers are not such a common occurrence. But if you set yourself such a goal, you can achieve it.

By the way, this plant also has pests. Often a mealybug or spider mite, especially if the air in the apartment is dry. Crassula can also become infected with a fungus, which will be quite difficult to get rid of, so it is better to follow the basic rules, and then such troubles will not happen.


First of all, it is worth mentioning suitable soil. Crassula likes loose turf soil with sand. Preference is given to bright light, but not direct sunlight. However, Crassula tolerates partial shade quite painlessly, but in dark corners it can lose its decorative effect, stretch out and turn pale. The fat woman is more or less picky about temperature - she likes warmth up to 22 degrees.

When watering, remember that too much is worse than too little. It is better to moisten the soil abundantly, but with sufficient breaks so that it has time to dry out. In summer, watering is, of course, more frequent than in winter. Additional air humidification or spraying does not harm the fat plant, but is not particularly required. Care is very simple, but even doing all these simple steps, you may never see the money tree bloom. Photos of this phenomenon, of course, can be easily found, but it’s so interesting to see it with your own eyes!


The home money tree is a common inhabitant of window sills in many Russian apartments. This picture comes as no surprise to anyone. Only a beautifully formed specimen may be of interest, but not everyone has the desire and enough patience to learn how to grow a money tree and make a bonsai out of it, although the result can be very interesting.

Watering, suitable soil and a pot, a lot of light - this is not enough for the money tree to bloom. Many botanists say that for this the plant should grow outside, and not at home in a pot, because it really loves fresh air. You can try to imitate these conditions by taking Crassula to the dacha in the summer or placing it on the balcony until the fall.

If you arrange a “free regime” in the warm season, and in winter make the conditions cooler than standard, you can achieve your goal and still see the flowers of the money tree. It always happens somehow unexpectedly. Suddenly, single inflorescences appear on the plant; as a rule, there are few of them, but sometimes the entire crown is covered with them. The fat woman begins to smell subtly. And these delicate pink, white, yellow flowers, it turns out, look incredibly beautiful and harmonize with its thick leaves. The whole plant seems to be transformed, and it seems that the name “crassula” sounds somehow offensive and does not suit this beauty at all. And although the flowers of the money tree themselves are rather inconspicuous, the overall picture is simply wonderful. However, you should not forget that the delicate inflorescences are poisonous, so you should not taste them - this can have serious consequences.


For the money tree to bloom, you need to put in a little more effort. This implies good care and timely feeding of the plant. useful substances. Many owners consider this unnecessary, since Crassula looks great even without fertilizers. And yet, during the period of active growth, that is, from late spring to early autumn, fertilizing can be applied once every two weeks with watering. Special mixtures for succulents and cacti are quite suitable. A couple of years of such life - and you can expect flowers from the money tree. The photo can then be shown to friends as evidence that your efforts were not in vain.


Crassula lends itself perfectly to cuttings, and there are no problems with rooting either. It is best to do this in the spring, immediately after active sap flow begins: under the sun and in the warmth the process will go much faster. How to grow a money tree from seeds, and is it even possible? There are no problems with this, but for young plants you need to choose the right pot - it must be wide and flat, otherwise the flower will begin to stretch upward and grow weak.

By the way, most species of Crassula live well for several years in the same substrate, so they do not need to be replanted often. As a last resort, if it seems that the pot is getting really small, you can carefully reload it and leave the plant alone for another 3-4 years.

In culture and traditions

Crassula began to play the role of the money tree, bringing good luck in financial matters, when the Eastern teaching about harmony in the home, called Feng Shui, spread in the West. According to him, a fat woman can attract funds to a family and improve its financial situation. And it is considered an incredibly good omen when money tree flowers appear, especially if there are a lot of them. This may mean that soon a financial flow will literally pour in on the owner. Where exactly it comes from depends on the situation. This could be a promotion or even new area activities that will become a source of income, or perhaps an inheritance from distant relatives, lottery - in general, anything. It is not surprising that housewives want to know how to care for a money tree so that it blooms.

Wishes financial luck will be especially useful for young families just starting an independent life. And while a gift in the form of a fat woman may not be very appropriate at a wedding, it will be perfect as a housewarming souvenir!

Money tree (other names: Crassula, Crassula), according to the teachings of Feng Shui, is a powerful magnet for attracting banknotes; this unique plant helps to attract capital for the benefit of its owner. Interesting question: Is it possible to give a money tree? Will this have a negative impact on financial well-being donor?

Experts say that a money tree can be given as a gift, and even moreover, through such a gift, wishes for well-being and prosperity are expressed to the person being given. The only caveat is that it is worth taking a symbolic coin for the money tree, so as not to worsen your own financial situation. And in order to effectively enhance the magical and economic impact of the “miracle tree”, hang on it a composition of Chinese coins, knitted in a special way with a red thread.

The practical magic of it amazing plant is expressed in the fact that it miraculously collects and accumulates water in its unusually fleshy leaves. The money tree is not afraid of a “crisis” in the form of drought, because even if water “investments” are suspended, the thrifty and far-sighted plant will have enough “savings” and “resources” to survive the difficult period with dignity. Allegories and comparisons are given specifically for clarity; they demonstrate the symbolism of the properties and features of the money tree, which help its owner in attracting money.

How to give a money tree?

An affirmative answer to the question about the appropriateness of donating a money tree logically leads us to the next task: how to do this correctly and better? After all, this tree is not common plant, but a green guardian of the economic interests of the family.

Before giving it as a gift, you need to say words of gratitude approximately as follows: “We are grateful to you tree, you served us faithfully, attracted financial success, and now help others good people, give them money luck.”

It is worth recalling that the most favorable place for a money tree in a house is considered to be the south-eastern side, which is responsible for cash flows and wealth in general. For a plant, it is necessary to correctly select a spacious and convenient potty so that it feels as comfortable as possible, because if the money tree grows, then the income of the owners will also grow.

In addition, it is very important to monitor the condition of the plant. It should not have dry and withered leaves, otherwise the tree will not only not bring long-awaited luck, but can also harm uncaring owners.

Today in fashion original design and conducting wedding celebrations, guests also strive to ensure that their gift is memorable for the newlyweds. , of course, remain a universal gift, but presenting them simply in an envelope becomes “not comme il faut”; unusual methods of presentation are required. Therefore, people often wonder: is it possible to give a money tree for a wedding? After all, if you decorate it with “decent” banknotes, it will be a very memorable gift.

Of course you can. And additionally, inform the bride and groom that from now on this wonderful money tree (in the literal and literal sense) will become an effective talisman for them, aimed at successfully attracting finance to their young family.

It is also called Crassula or Crassula, or Zhiryanka - for its thick, fleshy leaves, similar to coins. Perhaps it is for the leaves that the plant is called the “money tree”. Perhaps it really has a special energy for accumulating energy where it grows... The history of the plant begins in warm countries - one should look for its roots in Africa, Madagascar, Australia. Presented in many species. A tree-like money tree usually grows on our windowsills - than older plant- the more it resembles a small tree. Here is a photo of a money tree that grows on the windowsill in our apartment:

Is the money tree good or bad?

Benefits or harms of the money tree.

Anyone who has a money tree growing at home cannot help but be interested in the plants. Of course, it is useful for the home.

First of all, it should be noted that it purifies the air and absorbs odors. For these properties, Crassula is also called a filter plant.

Following useful property- this is the ability to absorb the negative energy of a room. It has been noted that the Crassula accumulates bad energy when someone is sick. Even withers away. And he recovers when a person recovers.

The plant does not have a pronounced odor and therefore the fat plant is one of the few plants that can be grown without harm to health. There is no allergy to crassula, or money tree. If it doesn't bloom. If the tree has bloomed, then, of course, an allergy to money tree pollen is possible.

There is a legend that originates in the east - a beautiful legend that the money tree brings success and prosperity to the house. This is another reason for the popularity of the fat plant. According to these beliefs, it is better to place the money tree on the southeast window.

Apart from all of the above, little known medicinal properties money tree. It has phytoncidal and bactericidal properties.

Money tree is used in the treatment of arthritis, wounds, cuts, suppuration, herpes, sore throat, tonsillitis, and kidneys.

Be careful!

However, you should be careful when using crassula for oral administration at home, because in its leaves large quantities contains arsenic. If used incorrectly or overdosed, there may be complications in the form of impaired consciousness, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach upset, and even serious poisoning. It turns out that it is a plant money tree harm can bring it to us too! If handled incorrectly, the fat woman may end up poisonous plant and, accordingly, very dangerous!

Money tree care.

Caring for a money tree is quite simple. The plant needs to be replanted, but not more often than once a year. Doesn't like waterlogged soil very much. In summer it is necessary to water 1-2 times a week. In winter, if the plant is not near the radiator, watering it once a month is enough. Grows well even in small pots. The soil is preferred “for cacti”.

Minus - very weak root system, so it is better to choose a more massive pot so that the “crown” of the tree does not outweigh. Loves light, but does not like direct sunlight. Overheating causes the leaves to turn red or brown. Crassula should be wiped from dust with a damp cloth. During the active growing season, it is better to feed the plant. Ready-made fertilizer"for cacti."

Crassula blooms very rarely. If this happens, then no earlier than five years after planting.

Very easily propagated by leaves. They take root quickly. After you have separated the leaf from the tree, it is better to dry it for 2-3 days so that the wound heals. Then dig it into the ground, but very shallowly, like cacti. This is important. It is possible to plant as usual, placing it in water and waiting for the roots.

In addition, shoots often appear on the tree itself - right on the trunk.

money tree propagation
shoots on the trunk of a money tree

They also quickly take root and are quite unpretentious.

Reproduction by seeds is also possible.

This is how to care for a money tree! Very simple!

In order for the fat woman to be attracted to the house, you need to buy it very small and raise it yourself. That's what they say! So that’s how it should be done!

Good luck with your plant growing!

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