How to apply for a job in related professions? A related profession is a valuable employee.

Of course, there are no irreplaceable employees. It is possible to find a replacement for any specialist: long or fast, easy or difficult - but it is quite possible. But valuable employees are found quite infrequently. And the management’s attitude towards them is special. So what kind of employees are these - valuable - and how do they become them? We are talking primarily about talented people, the struggle for whom becomes the basis of modern management. Often, the effective operation of a company directly depends on the work specific people- valuable employees.

However, valuable specialists are not only the above-mentioned talented employees. Basically, these are all those who are able to perform duties beyond their main functions.

As part of improving and increasing the quality of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel in accordance with the directions of innovative development of Transneft JSC, from January 25, 2016, 22 students of Sredne-Volzhsky Transnefteproduct JSC received a related profession in the vocational training program “Conducting tree felling work using gasoline-powered saws.” Basically, these were representatives of the profession Line Pipeline and Electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment.

When mastering a related specialty, workers are trained so that, if necessary, they can perform duties beyond the scope of their main functions. Mastering related skills helps companies balance their workload so that no one is left idle, and allows them to quickly replace absent workers. It also allows all employees to better see the big picture, not just within their department, but throughout the organization, leading to improved understanding and working relationships. Employees who have mastered related professions (specialties) are of great value not only for the company in which they work, but also in the labor market as a whole.

The concept of a related profession is often confused with advanced training. In fact, these are different things. When taking advanced training courses, an employee acquires new knowledge in his specialty and can ultimately perform more complex work. Acquiring a related profession consists of taking certain courses, usually short-term, which provide the opportunity to expand your work skills and perform work in a different position.

During the training, students became familiar with the classification of mechanisms, tools and devices used for felling trees, general information about gas-powered saws, their structure and operating rules.

We examined in detail the issues of labor protection requirements when felling trees using gasoline-powered saws, fire safety and safety measures when felling trees

Particular attention was paid to providing first aid for major injuries when working with a chainsaw and felling trees.

It should be noted that this program was developed and implemented at the suggestion of Sredne-Volzhsky Transnefteproduct JSC. IN as soon as possible The methodological service of the technical school developed and implemented the program into the educational process of the Multifunctional Center for Professional Qualifications, having previously agreed on it with the labor safety department of Sredne-Volzhsky Transnefteproduct JSC.

Methodologist of the MCPC G.A. Nazmutdinova

Economic instability in the country has affected almost all citizens. Jobs are becoming fewer and fewer, as is the need even for highly qualified specialists. Not many people who have a truly unique specialty or a broad profile manage to stay afloat and not lose their job. Therefore, the issue of obtaining a related profession is becoming more and more urgent. This is especially true for those areas in which the labor market is overcrowded. These are lawyers, accountants and even teachers.


Do not confuse the concept of combination and related profession. The last phrase means that the employee is mastering another type of activity. Such training can occur by combining two or more positions. So, for example, a secretary can simultaneously keep personnel records.

Advanced training should not be confused with mastering a related profession. If a specialist improves his qualifications, this means that he only gains in-depth knowledge in the field in which he works. Mastering a new profession means acquiring new work skills, that is, a handyman can learn painting skills, which will allow him to perform additional functions.

What professions can act as related

You can choose a related one for almost any profession. In this case, the employee only benefits; he does not need to go to work in another country or look for another job, but simply combine another position at his own enterprise.


Despite the demand for such specialists, in some cases it is quite difficult to find a job. For specialists with an accounting education, there are a number of related professions:

  • auditor;
  • economist;
  • tax consultant;
  • financial manager.

Moreover, if an accountant has practical experience, then mastering these professions is very simple.


Many people think that a lawyer is the easiest person to find a job, but this is not always the case. A specialist can not only work as a legal adviser at an enterprise, but also advise on real estate issues, work as an economist or HR manager. You can go to the public service, for example, to Rosreestr and become a specialist at the registration chamber.


Not everyone and not always have the desire to move to the outback, where teachers are always in demand. Related professions for a teacher can be:

  • social teacher;
  • educator;
  • tutor.

Do not forget that a mathematics teacher can combine the position of an astronomy and physics teacher at school.

A teacher can apply for vacant positions in the board of guardians, rehabilitation centers and boarding schools.


It would seem, where else could knowledge of the pharmaceutical market come in handy, other than a pharmacy? However, there are many related professions; all you need is desire. So, after completing a short-term training course, you can become a clinical pharmacologist or even a doctor. Field knowledge medicines allow you to apply for the position of product manager or sales representative, or marketer in a pharmaceutical company, without the need to obtain additional education. Big chance get a job as an international medical representative if you have knowledge of foreign languages.

Working specialties

In the work environment, subcontractors are most often found; for example, this could be a painter-plasterer or a freight forwarder with the functions of a loader or driver. A tiler can learn the skill of laying mosaics.


Large corporations try to independently train their personnel by organizing training centers on their premises. Indeed, it is easier to organize training in a related profession at home and adjust it in the right direction, to prepare specialists to work in remote branches.

If the specialist was unable to get a job in such a progressive company, then you can learn a new profession on your own through courses. Typically, training programs last several months, but you will have to pay your own money for them. Upon completion of training, a person receives a diploma of the acquired profession. Even short-term trainings can be included in this category. For example, a recruiter can learn the basics of psychology that will allow him to make the right decisions when selecting candidates.

Management's attitude towards subcontractors

Even if a specialist does not plan to quit in the near future, management always treats employees who do not neglect to learn new skills better. Fortunately, there are many related professions and specialties. Even when deciding on a reduction, the boss will always give preference to the specialist who is not afraid to go beyond his functional responsibilities. This approach allows you to close the “gap” as quickly as possible if any of the employees quit or go on sick leave, and not worry about the production process being disrupted or stopped.

If a specialist decides to radically change the profile of his activity, then before choosing a second profession it is necessary to study the labor market and prospects for the future

help me find detailed information about related professions, i.e. a person today works, for example, as a foreman, tomorrow as a loader. then 2-3 days as a foreman, then again as a loader. if you formalize this every time with a personnel transfer, there can be a lot of orders and additional agreements in one month. How can I format this correctly without translations?


Answer to the question:

At the legislative level, the concept of “related profession” is not fixed. There are also no normatively established lists of related professions.

A related profession is an additional profession that an employee masters in the process of combining professions or expanding work functions. A related profession is characterized by technological or organizational similarities with the main profession. Such professions (related and basic) include, for example, machine operator and adjuster, turner and equipment repair mechanic.

As a rule, acquiring a related profession consists of taking certain courses, usually short-term, which provide the opportunity to expand your work skills and perform work in a different position.

In your case, if both positions (foreman and loader) are fixed in the organization’s staffing table, then you can arrange for the employee to combine professions (positions) (Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and establish an additional payment for him (Article 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), the amount of which is determined agreement of the parties and can be anything.

For more information about this, see paragraph 1 of the Collections.

You can also add the duties of a loader to the job duties of a foreman.

This possibility is provided for in paragraph 4 General provisions Qualification reference book for positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved by the RESOLUTION OF THE MINISTRY OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE RF dated August 21, 1998 No. 37, according to which in the process of organizational, technical and economic development, mastering modern management technologies, introducing the latest technical means, carrying out measures to improve organization and increase labor efficiency, it is possible to expand the range of responsibilities of employees in comparison with those established by the corresponding characteristics. In these cases, without changing the job title, the employee may be entrusted with the performance of duties provided for by the characteristics of other positions that are similar in content of work, equal in complexity, the implementation of which does not require another specialty and qualifications.

Also clause 6 of the General Provisions of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers national economy USSR"; section "Professions of workers, common to all sectors of the national economy" of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers, issue 1, approved by , it is stipulated that the tariff and qualification characteristics of professions of workers in many sections of the ETKS provide examples of work related to this category. These examples do not exhaust all the jobs available in each industry . The work included in the additional lists, in terms of complexity of execution, must correspond to the work described in the tariff and qualification characteristics of professions of the corresponding categories included in the ETKS.

But such changes are possible only with the consent of the employee, since the change labor function an employee at the initiative of the employer is not allowed (Part 1 of Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

For information on how to change an employment contract, see:

Details in the materials of the Personnel System:

1. Answer: How to register a combination of professions (positions)

Conditions for combination

Under what conditions can an employee combine professions (positions) in the organization?

When combining professions, an employee does additional work during his regular working day. In this case, additional work is paid and is possible only with the written consent of the employee. Such rules are established in Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Expanding service areas and increasing the volume of work performed means performing, along with one’s main work, employment contract, additional amount of work for the same profession or position ().

In this case, the instruction to the employee extra work for an additional payment, formalize the signing by the employee and the employer of an additional agreement to the employment contract, which will determine both the content and scope, as well as the duration future work, as well as additional payment for its implementation (Article , Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Based on the additional agreement to the employment contract, issue an order (in any form) to assign the employee the appropriate work and establish additional payment. Submit a copy of the order to the accounting department for calculation and payment of additional payments to the employee.

It should also be remembered that information about combining professions, expanding service areas, increasing the volume of work, performing the duties of a temporarily absent employee without release from work specified in the employment contract is not included in the work book employee and his personal card (, p., Rules, approved, Instructions, approved).

Question from practice: is it necessary to draw up an additional agreement to the employment contract each time or is it enough to conclude once if the employee’s workload periodically increases

An additional agreement must be drawn up for each case of an increase in the scope of work.

An increase in the volume of work performed means performing, along with one’s main work stipulated by an employment contract, an additional volume of work in the same profession or position (). At the same time, it is necessary to distinguish an increase in the volume of work from the temporary performance of duties in another position (profession, specialty), when the employee’s work function partially (or completely) changes. Such work cannot be recognized as an increase in the volume of work. With a temporary increase in the volume of work, the employee, due to the intensity of work, increases the volume of output (services provided, work performed, etc.), and the intensive work itself is temporary.

In this regard, to formalize an increase in the scope of work, it is necessary to conclude an additional agreement to the employment contract. Such an agreement determines not only the content, volume, amount of additional payment for the established increase, but also the period of future work (Article, Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Therefore, it is necessary to draw up an additional agreement to the employment contract every time there is a need to increase the employee’s workload.

Question from practice: which maximum term alignment can be set

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not establish the maximum duration of the combination period (). Therefore, the parties have the right to establish combination for any period determined by them independently.

If combination is established for an employee with a fixed-term employment contract, then in order to avoid a controversial situation and recognition of the contract as indefinite, the term of combination should not exceed the term of the employment contract itself, and it is better to immediately fix it in the agreement on combination. Otherwise, the employer will have to monitor the deadline additionally in order to warn the employee about the termination of the combination no later than three days before the end of the fixed-term employment contract ().

Question from practice: is a change in the job function an expansion of responsibilities within the employee’s position?

The answer to this question depends on whether the new responsibilities are part of the previously assigned functional responsibilities of the employee or not.

Labor function - work in a position in accordance with the staffing table, profession, specialty indicating qualifications or a specific type of work entrusted to the employee (). The labor function is defined by either , or employee (). The legislation does not establish the degree of specification of duties and reflection of the labor function of employees. The employer decides this issue at his own discretion.

Therefore, if, when expanding the responsibilities of an employee, new (expanded) responsibilities fit into the functionality that is enshrined in the employment contract (instructions), then there is no change in the job function. If the new responsibilities go beyond the established ones, and changes are required to the employment contract (instructions), then the expansion will be a change in the job function, even if these responsibilities increase within the same position (profession).

If the expansion of duties leads to a change in the job function, then the employer must obtain the employee’s written consent to perform additional work, revise the official salary or establish an additional payment.

Such conclusions follow from the totality of the provisions of articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and are confirmed by judicial practice (see, for example,).

Limitation on combined positions

Can an employee combine positions of the same name?

An employee cannot combine positions (professions) of the same name. Combination means additional work in another profession or position. This differs from combining professions (positions) from temporarily fulfilling the duties of an absent employee. When performing temporary duties, an employee can perform duties both for the same name and for different positions (professions). This follows from the provisions of Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In addition, restrictions on combining positions are provided for the head of the organization. Namely:

  • the manager should not be a member of the bodies exercising control and supervision functions in this organization. That is, he cannot combine the duties of an auditor, auditor, etc.;
  • the manager cannot combine the position of chief accountant. This restriction does not apply to small and medium-sized enterprises, provided that they do not belong to credit organizations. The head of a credit institution is prohibited from holding the position of chief accountant in all cases.

This procedure is provided for in Article 276 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as well as Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ.

Question from practice: can an employee combine more than two positions in the same organization?

Yes, it can.

In labor legislation there are no restrictions on the number of positions that the same employee can hold (). Therefore, employees have the right to combine more than two positions in the same organization.

The exception is when . For example, the head of an organization cannot combine the position of chief accountant in a credit organization (,).

Question from practice: is it possible for a part-time worker to work in combination mode?

It should be remembered that the part-time worker will perform part-time work for the period of time specified in his employment contract. And the work time of a part-time worker can be no more than four hours a day and no more than half monthly norm working hours for one month (another accounting period) ().

Registration of a combination for a beginner

How to establish a combination of professions (positions) for a new employee

There is no need to draw up a separate employment contract for a combination of jobs with an employee.

If a combination of jobs is established for a new employee upon hiring, then in the employment contract with him or her, reflect both the conditions for performing the main job and the conditions for performing the part-time job. Based on the contract and indicate in it the combination of professions (positions).

Question from practice: how to reflect the condition of combining professions in an order for employment in the T-1 form

In the line “Conditions of employment, nature of work” of the order, indicate: “Under the conditions of combining with the position (name of position).” The employment order form has been approved.

Registration of a combination for an already working employee

How to establish a combination of professions (positions) for an already working employee

If the combination is established for an employee already working in the organization, be sure to obtain his consent to the combination (). Formalize the agreement of the parties to the combination in the form (). Indicate in it:

  • the work (position) that the employee will perform additionally, its content and volume;
  • the period during which the employee will perform additional work;

Such requirements for registration of combinations are provided for in Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Based on the concluded additional agreement, issue an order on combining professions (positions). The standard form of such a document is not provided for by law, so draw up the order in .

Question from practice: is it necessary to enter information about combining professions (positions) into an employee’s work book?

In the work book, the employer enters information about the employee, the main work he performs, transfers to another permanent job, dismissal, as well as information about awards (, Rules, approved, Instructions, approved).

At the same time, none of the documents regulating the procedure for filling out work books (approved, approved) provide for making entries about combining positions (professions).

Thus, there is no need to make an entry about combining positions (professions) in the work book.

Question from practice: what position should an employee who works on a part-time basis indicate when signing documents: main or part-time

The combination of professions (positions) is documented in an employment contract. They publish on the basis of an additional agreement. The employee does not have any other job, and new position it is not assigned. Therefore, on the documents that the employee signs, he should indicate his main position. In this case, the order to combine professions (positions) will be a confirmation of his powers within the framework of the combined activities. Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Example of registration of combining positions

Accountant of the organization V.N. Zaitseva agreed to combine her position with the position of chief accountant. Based on the employment contract, the head of the organization issued a combination of positions.

Agreement on full financial liability

Is it necessary to conclude an agreement on full financial liability if the position (profession) that the employee will hold involves direct servicing of inventory items?

If the position (profession) that the employee will hold involves direct servicing or use of money, goods, as well as other property of the employer, then in addition with the employee ().

Additional payment for combination

How to pay for the work of an employee who combines professions (positions)

When combining professions (positions), the employee receives an additional supplement to his earnings.

Cancel Registration

How to undo a combination

The employee has the right to refuse to perform additional work ahead of schedule, and the employer has the right to cancel the order to perform it ahead of schedule. The employee must be notified of early termination of work in a combination of professions (positions) no later than three working days in advance. If an employee wants to refuse to perform additional work early, he must also notify the employer in writing three working days in advance. This procedure is provided for by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 No. 69). The combination is executed on certain period by agreement of the parties with the issuance of an order from the manager. After this period, the employee stops working in the combined profession (position) and continues to perform only the work provided for in the employment contract. Both the organization and the employee have the right to cancel the combination early by notifying the other party in writing no later than three working days in advance. This procedure is established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Ivan Shklovets,

Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment

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  • What are the legal and legal professions and specialties related to law. How to become a lawyer, social worker, lawyer or legislator? Below is a list of all professions related to law and legal practice. By following the link, you can familiarize yourself with detailed description each of them.

    A lawyer is a specialist who provides legal assistance high level qualifications for both individuals and legal entities. It is a lawyer who can defend the rights of a person or an entire organization in court.

    The work of a prosecutor is one of the most dangerous, complex and intense. Contrary to popular belief, prosecutors spend most of their work on the job, reviewing papers. So what's the point here?

    Social work has come a long way from monastic charity to an academic specialty. Today is an opportunity to combine knowledge, professional techniques and personal qualities - becoming someone who supports, consoles, teaches, restores self-confidence and helps change lives, be it the life of one person or an entire group.

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    In recent years in Russia, the legal profession has been one of the most popular among all specialties. Find out what they teach at the relevant faculties, what your job will be and whether it’s easy to get a job.

    Among the many types of property protected by laws, there is one that almost every person encounters in his everyday life- and, even without knowing it, lays claim to it. Every day, millions of people around the world read books, newspapers and magazines, visit museums, go to the cinema and listen to music, work in computer programs, surf the Internet, watch advertisements and take advantage of scientific advances. All this, as well as trademarks, industrial designs, utility models, service marks, are objects of someone else’s intellectual property.

    There are many interesting professions in which you cannot work successfully without thoroughly studying social science. Below are some examples of such specialties.

    A specialist with a legal education can hold tax or labor inspector, notary, prosecutor, judge, be a lawyer, police officer, teacher, head of a company and even president.

    Do you like that laws put life in order? Do you perceive legislation as a tool for regulating relations in society and helping people? The accuracy of wording and the beauty of legal decisions are important to you; are you eloquent? Are you intimidated by working with a huge number of documents? Perhaps your calling is jurisprudence. It is known that many people today have degrees in law, so it is important to become a truly competitive professional in this field - and it is better to start by studying in detail information about the legal professions. The path to many of them - these are the professions of prosecutor, judge, notary and others - requires additional training or sufficient experience. Lawyers have significant powers, and you will have to prove your right to take on such responsibility.

    Profession is in the same field social worker. Yes, it deals more with psychological aspects, but its representatives also help people understand their rights and regulate their lives so that the number of illegal actions in it is reduced.

    Professions related to lawyer

    Everything about the legal profession

    A lawyer is a practical specialist in the field of legal sciences and law, who has the appropriate education and powers assigned to him. The main job of a lawyer is to protect rights and monitor compliance with laws. The legal profession brings together specialists from different legal fields, including notaries, lawyers, judges, prosecutors, legal advisers, specialists in tax, criminal, civil, military and other fields.

    According to statistics from VTsIOM, the legal profession is considered the most prestigious among Russian citizens(20%), as well as the most profitable (14%). This state of affairs is also supported by the rating of satisfaction with their profession, in which lawyers and attorneys are leaders (80 points out of 100). Despite the external attractiveness of the profession, it has a lot of pitfalls. Many law graduates do not work in their specialty due to an inadequate assessment of their personal qualities and unrealistic ideas about the daily activities of a lawyer.

    Personal qualities

    A lawyer needs to have a developed will and a heightened sense of responsibility - often the fate of people is in his hands, and mistakes can be very expensive. A lawyer needs a tenacious analytical mind, excellent memory, the ability to correlate different categories and facts, and identify cause-and-effect relationships. The work requires good concentration, switchability, attentiveness, perseverance, and often painstakingness.

    Also, people with a soft character do not survive in this profession. A lawyer must be proactive, persistent, sometimes even assertive, and have a high degree of emotional stability and stress resistance. Well important detail, which is often neglected in our time, a lawyer must have high moral principles and integrity. This is what makes him a true noble fighter for rights.

    Typology and job responsibilities

    1. Advocate. Carries out legal protection of the interests of citizens in court and other authorities. A lawyer is obliged to follow the principle of independence, subject only to the laws of the country he represents. Therefore, he is prohibited from being in any government or commercial service that creates a biased attitude in the conduct of business (with the exception of teaching, creative or scientific activities).
    2. Notary. Has legally assigned powers to perform notarial acts (certifying the authenticity of documents, copies, etc.). May consist of public service or have a private practice. Its activities are regulated by a license.
    3. Prosecutor. Civil servant, employee of the prosecutor's office. Obliged to exercise prosecutorial supervision, coordinate crime prevention activities, participate in legal proceedings and support the state prosecution.
    4. Investigator. He is an employee of the prosecutor's office and investigative bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Initiates, conducts and investigates criminal cases until the crime is solved. The results of the work are presented to the prosecutor.
    5. Judge. Has all the completeness judiciary, rules the court, monitors the implementation of laws. Has legally established independence, inviolability and irremovability. Submits Federal laws and the Constitution. The judge is prohibited from leading entrepreneurial activity, belong to political movements and parties, be elected to deputies.
    6. International lawyer. Provides assistance in legal matters in international and diplomatic activities. Must know, in addition to Russian, international law, speak several foreign languages.
    7. Legal consultant. An employee of a government or commercial organization. Provides legal assistance in all internal matters, and also monitors the compliance of the organization’s activities with legislation, participates in the drafting of contracts, and work with claims.

    Lawyer education

    The profession of a lawyer requires compulsory higher legal education. In addition, additional education is often required depending on the specialization.

    To the lawyer: You must successfully pass the qualifying exam at the Bar Chamber, then train as a lawyer for at least a year. A full-time job as a lawyer can be obtained with at least 2 years of experience.

    To the notary: You must obtain a license, which is issued after a successful internship in one of the notary offices and passing a qualification exam.

    To the prosecutor: it is necessary to undergo appropriate special training.

    Judge: You must have at least 5 years of legal experience and pass the appropriate qualifying exam. A person over 25 years old can become a judge.

    As students study at a university, they need to decide on their specialization and area of ​​work. It could be different areas rights: administrative, criminal, civil, environmental, labor, tax, housing, international, family, corporate law, as well as intellectual property issues and much more.

    Lawyer salary

    A lawyer's salary depends on large number factors - specialization, experience, place of work. According to statistics from the Yandex.Work resource, the average salary of a lawyer in Moscow is 52,000 rubles, in the Moscow region - 35,000 rubles. For comparison, in Samara the salary of a lawyer is on average 30,000 rubles, and in Yekaterinburg – 26,000 rubles. The highest paid lawyers work in the financial sector. A beginner lawyer with no experience can count on a salary of 10,000 to 30,000 rubles (according to the resource As your experience and professionalism, as well as your fame, grow, the maximum salary for a lawyer has practically no limits.

    Place of work

    A lawyer can work:

    • in government institutions - in courts and prosecutor's offices, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Justice and other government departments;
    • in commercial organizations - in the legal departments of various companies, in law firms and consultations, in notary offices;
    • conduct private practice (for example, lawyers).

    Lawyers' places of work are usually prescribed according to their specialization and often contain some restrictions in terms of engaging in alternative activities. Scientific, teaching and creative activities are permitted without restrictions.

    Career growth

    The career of a lawyer directly depends on the personal qualities of a person, on the insight of his mind and the acuity of his thinking. A thorough knowledge of the law also makes you a lawyer. The talent of this profession lies in the art of “reading” a situation through the prism of the law, and not everyone is capable of this. Also, a successful career necessarily requires constant development and self-improvement of professional skills. It’s not possible to simply sit quietly at your workplace for many years in this profession.

    Here are the prospects for individual specialists.

    Legal Advisor. Starts his career as a legal assistant. Next: legal counsel, senior legal counsel, leading and, finally, general counsel. Next is the head of the department, head of the legal department. After 5 years of experience, a legal consultant can go into a related field and begin a career as a judge.

    International lawyer. Begins a career in foreign trade and international organizations, can specialize in customs law, foreign trade, finance. Moves along the line of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    Advocate. His career depends only on himself: on the number of cases won, on his success and fame.

    Investigator. A career usually begins in the security agencies and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Next - work in the prosecutor's office. You can rise to the level of a prosecutor and then a justice adviser.

    For other lawyers, career growth can follow three classic options:

    1. Specialist – horizontal movement.
    2. Administrative growth is a vertical movement.
    3. Related activities – teaching, science.

    Profession lawyer

    A lawyer is a person whose activities take place in a public or private enterprise. He regulates compliance with the law not only by the organization whose interests he represents, but also by other companies in relation to it.

    The profession involves issuing opinions regarding private legal issues and presence in court as an attorney.

    The main goal of a lawyer is to control the implementation of laws, as well as regulatory documentation of the company.

    History of the profession

    We first heard about the legal profession in Ancient Rome. During his career, the founder of the Roman Empire, Octavian Augustus, gave lawyers the right to express their opinions, which had to be taken into account when making a judicial decision.

    In documents, people of this profession were referred to as “patrons” and were simultaneously engaged in the work of a lawyer and lawyer.

    Professional holiday of a lawyer

    Lawyer's Day is celebrated not only by lawyers, but also by all people who have connected their lives with jurisprudence. Scientists, judges, lawyers and prosecutors, legal advisers and ministers, deputies or the president On December 3 they celebrate their professional holiday.

    No one can say for sure why the lawyer’s day was set on this particular date. Perhaps the reason is the judicial reform of 1864, which contributed to the adoption of judicial statutes on December 3.

    Types of profession

    In the legal field, this position has become widespread. The position is in demand in both public and private organizations, institutions, and enterprises. Education involves the following specializations:

    • legal adviser,
    • advocate,
    • judge,
    • notary,
    • prosecutor,
    • related specialties.

    The specifics of a lawyer’s work depend on the structure of the institution. If the company has only one staff legal entity, then this person has to oversee all legal issues. If a company has several people involved in legal activities, then each of them works in a narrow direction.

    So, one enterprise can employ both a lawyer for contractual activities and a lawyer for claims work.

    Pros and cons

    In order to become a lawyer you need to invest a lot of effort and work. However, this position is worth it, as it has many advantages:

    • professions and decent earnings;
    • the work is not dangerous and calm in comparison with the work of an investigator or lawyer;
    • traveling nature of the work, as the position involves business travel. For these purposes, an employee is often given a company car.

    The downside of the profession is a lot of responsibility, constant work with huge volumes of diverse documentation.

    Requirements for the profession

    The following requirements apply to a lawyer:

    • Availability of a higher education diploma from a law school and relevant practice;
    • lore legislative and legal acts and regulated documents;
    • the ability to give qualified advice in the field of Criminal Administrative, Civil, Financial, Labor Law;
    • competent drafting of legal and other documents, both legal and other in nature;
    • knowledge of the basic principles of management and organization of labor, economics;
    • maintaining all necessary reports, accounting, tariff agreements, collective agreements in the prescribed manner;
    • Confident computer skills and skills in working with legal programs; knowledge of English (if required).

    Job responsibilities

    The lawyer must:

    • prepare legal documentation;
    • conduct judicial and arbitration cases;
    • provide advice to the company's clients on legal issues;
    • represent the interests of the company and its clients in court, as well as in state and arbitration;
    • prepare reports on work performed;
    • register legal materials in written and electronic form.


    The lawyer is responsible for:

    • failure to comply with the duties regulated by the job description of the legal adviser;
    • violations of laws during working hours;
    • material losses caused to the company;
    • non-compliance with labor discipline, instructions and orders provided for by the company.


    A lawyer has the right:

    • have free access to company data of interest to him for legal activities;
    • require employees to prepare materials for conducting an inspection;
    • exercise control over the implementation of the instructions issued to them;
    • defend the rights of your enterprise;
    • cooperate with third parties in resolving necessary legal issues.

    Features of the legal profession

    1. The profession of a lawyer cannot be obtained with less than a higher education; you also need to have an appropriate specialty and experience in this field of activity for approximately one year. To meet this requirement and develop skills, you will need to spend some time as a legal assistant.
    2. How to become a leading specialist? If an enterprise has only one legal employee on staff, then he does not have the right to receive the leading category.
    3. A leading lawyer can be appointed if his subordination includes at least one person with the position of lawyer. His functions include the execution of all legal issues of the enterprise.
    4. Lawyers who are subordinate to the leading specialist work on a number of their duties, according to their department.

    Certain situations constantly arise in life that require legal resolution, implying the protection of the interests of a person, organization, etc. Any such situation in the course of a lawyer’s work is brought under a certain norm or rule, which allows him to react to it from the point of view of correct behavior. Therefore, the importance of a lawyer’s active civic position on the issue is very relevant.

    The lawyer carries out his activities at the state level. According to it, he maintains state discipline, strengthens law and order, ensures the rule of law, and so on. This is evidenced by the fact that many legal specialists occupy senior government positions and have broad powers of authority.

    The decisions of such people presuppose their exact compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Any illegal actions aimed at the state and society, as well as laws and human freedom, must be assessed and receive an appropriate professional response from civil service lawyers.

    • Pedagogical and psychological preparation and the creative component of a person are important in the profession. However, all this must take place in strict accordance with legal norms. Since the basis of legal activity is communication with people, certain personal conflicts may often arise during work, and there may be an invasion of people’s personal lives. All this requires professional lawyer certain qualities associated with the ability to find a pedagogical approach to a situation, establishing and maintaining contact with the required individuals, knowledge psychological characteristics person.
    • Ability to be resistant to stressful situations . Quite often, lawyers communicate with the criminal structures of society, which requires a well-trained specialist in knowledge of the psychological behavior of a criminal or convict. Also the main trait legal profession is the employee's creative potential. It involves using the latest achievements in the field of science and technology in its work, but one should not forget about strict adherence to the law.
    • A lawyer must be able to make decisions independently, while strictly following existing legislation. He must evaluate all his actions from this point of view, since it is the lawyer who is responsible before the law for the decisions he makes. Sometimes there may be pressure from certain private or officials. All this requires a certain amount of stability, courage, and other things from a person. The ability to organize work quickly and efficiently allows you to quickly establish contact and relationships between certain organizations, citizens, classes, and groups.

    Professional skills and abilities

    The specialty requires:

    • understand different categories and topics of legislation, navigate laws and regulations;
    • be able to competently maintain and correctly draw up regulatory and legal documentation, observing business style;
    • deal with issues of the contractual system, labor organization and management, and the basics of economics.

    Personal qualities of a lawyer

    The specialist must be equipped with:

    • communication skills;
    • goodwill;
    • resistance to stress;
    • be able to operate with large volumes of data without losing attention;
    • ability to make contacts.
    • Humanism;
    • Justice;
    • Responsibility;
    • self-discipline;
    • hardness;
    • be a well-rounded personality;
    • erudition;
    • speed of reaction to a changing situation;
    • sociability;
    • perseverance.

    Legal career

    In order to get a position as a lawyer, you need to work as an assistant. Senior students of specialized higher education institutions educational institutions This is how they begin their activities. The next stage of professional development is a lawyer, after which you can get a promotion and the position will sound like a senior lawyer. The next stage is that you are promoted to the title of lead legal counsel, and then to the title of general counsel.

    The profession is conducive to opening a private activity: providing legal advice, employment in notary offices.

    Success-oriented people are sure to rise career ladder and occupy high position, finding a lot of opportunities for this.

    Places of work

    Lawyers are in demand in law firms. They get hired insurance companies. The position is valued by commercial firms, legal and government agencies.

    Large companies can employ up to 10 people of this specialty with the appropriate category. The director of the company enrolls specialists in the legal department. When applying for a job, he has experience great value, but the student may well be approved as an assistant legal adviser.

    Lawyer salary

    A lawyer can earn approximately 500 - 1500 dollars per month. If a specialist has proven himself well, bonuses can be paid.

    The average salary of a legal consultant is $1,000. The level of earnings is largely influenced by the success of the employing company.

    How to become a lawyer

    In order to get a job and the position of a legal adviser, you need to obtain a higher education in your chosen specialty. People with specialized secondary education cannot apply for this position, since their level of knowledge will not give them the opportunity to legally perform their functions.

    Today, this is one of the most sought-after professions in the field of law. When there is no work experience, novice specialists will have to hold the position of legal assistant for some period.

    The desire to choose a legal profession may not always lead to the implementation of the plan, since a large role is assigned to the intellect of the future specialist. Important skills will be: knowledge of foreign languages, academic disciplines and problems, passion for work, as well as your own professional interests.

    Working in the legal field is very stressful and one must be prepared for it. The role of additional practice is important, especially if certain professional connections, contacts, etc. are established.

    Any legal activity is divided into certain types, such as:

    • administration of justice;
    • prosecutorial work;
    • legal assistance to citizens, enterprises and organizations;
    • notarial sphere;
    • legal services to government agencies, individuals and legal entities.

    This is what makes the legal profession so in demand, popular and highly paid.

    Lawyers are at the core of such state values ​​as respect for law and order, legality, humanity and justice. All this is highly valued by society in modern conditions and is very important in building a strong rule of law state with high goals and ambitions.

    Related professions, or a new niche for the chief accountant

    Management has shortened the work week, but the scope of responsibilities remains the same, cuts pay, makes cuts one after another. There is nervousness in the air. What are the ways out of this situation? Think about changing your profession! After all, the fundamental wealth of accounting knowledge and skills is highly valued in related industries - auditing, tax consulting.

    Audit continues to be in demand

    One of the logical “transformations” of an accountant is retraining as an auditor. Now in St. Petersburg the demand for these specialists remains stable. You can try to start with the position of assistant auditor. But, given the exaggerated demands of most employers, in the future you will still have to acquire the necessary “crusts”.

    Ksenia Vrazhnova shares her experience of transitioning from accountants to auditors: “I spent seven years working in accounting. These were different companies, so I knew the specifics of many areas. At the end of last year, the company I worked for faced financial difficulties. The atmosphere in the office thickened day by day, and rumors about impending layoffs and salary cuts continued. I made a knight's move - without waiting for dismissal, I began to look for new job. I accidentally came across an interesting vacancy, although it required an auditor, not an accountant. I decided to take a risk and was right – the interview was successful and I was hired. I must say that I am very happy about this turn in my career. I admit that I got bored in accounting and stopped being interested in things that are important for a professional. Now I am filled with energy; working with different clients obliges me to be in professional tone and constantly improve myself.”

    Tax advice is always valuable

    An experienced accountant who has a background of won court cases with tax authorities, is capable of analytical forecasting of the situation and has a deep knowledge of tax accounting and law is an ideal candidate for the position of a tax consultant. A specialist who knows how to develop accounting policies, optimize taxation and defend the interests of the company before the fiscal authorities is a valuable find. The profession of tax consultant is relatively young and is just beginning to develop. It clearly lacks popularization - many people, in the old fashioned way, go to a general practice lawyer for tax help. However, even so, qualified tax advice is in great demand, and the consultant’s services are traditionally highly paid.

    Here, as in the situation with an audit, you can start from scratch or receive appropriate additional education. Training centers accredited by the Chamber of Tax Consultants prepare for passing the qualifying exam. As a rule, educational program in this specialty is presented in three versions: 180, 380 and 540 hours.

    Let us note that, in addition to the listed professional skills, an applicant for the position of tax consultant must have a certain set of personal qualities: resistance to stress, communication skills, the ability to conduct a conversation in the client’s language (transform special terminology into simple and publicly accessible words), observation.

    Daria Gorchek tells the story of her transformation from chief accountant to tax consultant: “It so happened that, as a chief accountant, I constantly, at the request of friends, provided free advice on tax issues to company managers and entrepreneurs. In the end, I realized that you can make money from this. At the same time as working, I received a tax consultant certificate. With the onset of crisis times, management cut salaries and shortened the working week, while the volume of work remained the same. I decided it was time to change something, and got a job as a tax consultant. I believe that this profession has a great future and that I will never be left without work, because there is no hope that our legislation will become clear and understandable even to a first-grader.”

    My own director

    In what case can you be sure that management will not lay you off, fire you or deprive you of bonuses? Only if the boss is you yourself. Financial troubles in individual companies do not reduce the importance and demand for accounting services in general. Perhaps you should think about creating your own office for outsourcing accounting services. In order to open your own firm specializing in the provision of accounting services, it is important to have initial capital and, if possible, a wide experience in the client base. The head of an outsourcing accounting firm, Svetlana Lebedeva, shares her experience: “Of course, I started my business in pre-crisis times, but with the onset of instability, our company simply flourished. All larger number small companies and private entrepreneurs abandon their staff positions and turn to the services of an incoming accountant. The second point is that specialists are being released on the labor market, and we are constantly expanding. If previously our accountants had to take on one or another area of ​​accounting and tax accounting, sometimes encountering it for the first time, now we are ready to offer high-quality assistance from an accountant specializing in this particular area.”

    We agree that starting a business from scratch is no joke, but an experienced accountant knows much more subtleties and rules of success than the average new entrepreneur. Knowledge and an energetic approach will help the business grow.

    In the camp of the tax authorities

    If for some reason all of the above options for changing the “battlefield” are not for you, then serving in the ranks of the Federal Tax Service can be an alternative to accounting work. Reading these lines, many accountants probably winced: “How can this be! This is not a career, but regression!” This is partly true - the level of wages for tax workers leaves much to be desired. But in a situation where there is no work, this option should not be discounted. And the interdistrict tax inspectorates of St. Petersburg regularly hold competitions to fill vacant positions civil service, so there is an opportunity to find a job close to home.

    If not a single company where you tried to get a job offered serious financial returns, it may be worth emphasizing stability and the availability of a social package when choosing a place to work. All this will be offered to you in tax office. Another plus is the opportunity to learn the tax “kitchen” from the inside. Says Natalya, a tax inspector: “I retrained from an accountant to a tax specialist due to the loss of my job. I got a job at MIFTS without any problems or effort. The work does not pay well, but now the main thing for me is that there is work in principle. So I'm not complaining. In addition, the experience that I gain in this service is priceless - I learn every day! I'm not sure yet that I will connect my life with tax service for a long time. Perhaps, when the crisis subsides, I will return to accounting again. But I could never have gained the experience I gained at the Federal Tax Service working as a simple accountant!”

    Victory will be ours!

    In our review, we presented by no means a complete list possible options professional “migration” of an accountant. Of course, there are other ways. The main thing we wanted to say is that even in a difficult situation you should not despair and give up. We must always look for new ways of professional self-realization. Perhaps, thanks to the current difficulties, you will discover new talents in yourself, realize that you are capable of more and, taking the initiative in own hands, you will achieve unprecedented heights. Remember, the strongest wins!

    Professions related to lawyer

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    Tell me related accounting professions

    Can you tell me related accounting professions? How can a person with an economic education work?

    Maybe at the bank, at the tax office and social services. Funds, in general, where is the accounting?

    I sometimes work as a nanny

    If you have an economic education, then a budget specialist.

    I work as an accountant, as well as a lawyer, human resources specialist, financier, and economist.

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    Until recently, choosing one narrow specialization and working and developing in this direction was one of the effective rules of success. But alas, not today. In the real world, universal workers and generalists are valued. Having just one profession is not only unfashionable, but also impractical in our age of economic instability and the capitalist law of “every man for himself.” The risk group here will be people with those specializations with which the labor market is crowded - economists, lawyers, teachers. How can this be? We offer the reader an effective and efficient way out - these are related professions. What is hidden under the term, what specific specializations are included, how to get them - we will share all this with you further.

    Related professions, combination and advanced training

    First we need to clear up the confusion:

    • Related profession. This is an additional profession that a worker masters. It implies combining work responsibilities, expanding one’s own labor potential and opportunities. There's one here distinctive feature. Related professions and specialties always have technological or terminological similarities with their main specialization. For example, a machine operator and a mechanic-turner. In this case, one employee can combine two or more specializations.
    • Actually a combination. This type of activity means that the employee, in addition to his main job, is also engaged in some other activity. The latter is not related to his education or main specialization. For example, a human resources specialist can also be the manager’s secretary - answer calls, schedule meetings, etc. Such activity will not be called a second related profession.
    • Advanced training. It also has nothing to do with a related profession. The worker only increases the level of his professionalism in the main type of employment. He becomes a more experienced specialist, but does not gain knowledge in another area. A related profession always means mastering skills that allow you to engage in qualitatively new activities.

    And now to the specifics.

    What professions are related?

    Now you and I know that this is a related profession. But what exactly fits here?

    A related profession can be found for almost every existing specialization. But as an example, we will look at the risk groups mentioned in the introduction:

    • Lawyer.
    • Teacher.
    • Accountant.
    • Pharmacist.

    Let's look at each example separately.


    It would seem that this is a specialization that will be in demand at all times. But, as practice shows, it is sometimes difficult for accountants to find a decent place of work - both for young specialists and those with professional experience. This is due to the oversaturation of the labor market with representatives of this specialization.

    A list of related professions that are quite easy for an accountant (and especially a specialist who already has work experience) to master:

    • Economist.
    • Auditor.
    • Finance Manager.
    • Tax consultant.

    Conveniently, the specialist does not need to obtain a second higher education. Today it is enough to take advanced training courses based on your higher education. The offers of economic universities in this area are extremely diverse and numerous.


    Again, many will say: why do you need training in a related profession, because with a legal education you can always find a job. Alas, this is not true. Tom a shining example there will be hundreds of offers from applicants on labor exchanges, sometimes with quite impressive work experience.

    How can we be here? In this case, several related professions can be distinguished:


    And one more classic example a profession with too high expectations. Yes, in Russian Federation observed acute shortage teachers, lecturers. But as a rule, in small single-industry towns, villages, and even in villages, practically cut off from civilization. In megacities and developed settlements there is no such need. Or it is less than the number of teacher applicants.

    Having teacher education It will be possible to master the following related specialties:

    • Tutor.
    • Social educator.
    • Educator.

    One cannot help but recall the “transformations” within one’s own professions. A music teacher can master the teaching specialization fine arts, chemistry teacher - biology teacher, history teacher additionally teach social studies and life safety.

    Many teachers also try themselves for positions in the board of guardians, work in children's rehabilitation centers and boarding schools.


    Why do you need work in a related profession if there is a pharmacy in almost every home? It’s hard to believe, but those with a pharmaceutical education also sometimes have difficulty finding employment. Sometimes this is due to the desire to develop, move up the career ladder, and in your own professional self-development.

    There are many options for a pharmacist:

    • The most difficult thing is to finish studying to become a general practitioner.
    • Retraining courses today help pharmacists become clinical pharmacologists.
    • There are activities where you will need a thorough knowledge of the market for medicines and other medicines. This is a marketer, product manager, sales representative of a pharmaceutical company. But that's not all the possibilities. Knowledge foreign language may well make a pharmacist an international representative of a pharmaceutical company.

    Working specialties

    It must be said that workers in related professions have been relevant since time immemorial. This is even indicated by the names of the types of such employment: painter-plasterer, plumber, driver-loader-forwarder, finisher-tiler, etc.

    There are plenty of proposals for retraining in this area. But the mass of workers acquire additional skills independently in the process of work or with the help of their colleagues. Therefore, they need such courses most of all “for the crust.”

    Three ways to become a subcontractor

    There is no doubt that a related profession is an excellent social “cushion” in the event of dismissal, layoffs, changes in life plans, or relocation. In addition, this is an opportunity to earn extra money and contribute to professional self-development. But how do you become a “subcontractor”? IN modern world there are three main ways:

    Management attitude

    And the last point that will motivate you to get a related profession. This is the attitude of management. As a rule, an employer is always more favorable to an inquisitive employee who is in a hurry to develop and gain new professional knowledge than to one who just monotonously performs his duties day after day.

    This concerns what is already frightening for many in our unstable time of downsizing. The employer will make a decisive choice in favor of a specialist who is not afraid to expand his functional responsibilities, retrain to perform other work. He can always fill the “gap” in case of vacation, dismissal or illness of a colleague. And management will not have any fears that the production process will stall or stop.

    Obtaining related professions should be of interest to every specialist who wants to be confident in the future and their career growth. Today there are several ways to master new functions specific to each profession.

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