How to make figures from grass. Topiary figures: step-by-step description of creating figures

For creating unique design on their sites, in parks, in recreation centers, on playgrounds, to create amazing entrance groups, you can use landscape figures - topiary. Using decorative figures, depending on your wishes and fantasies, you can create fairy-tale corners for children using figures fairy tale characters; picturesque corners with animals, creating entire compositions: for example, by purchasing a family of bears, rabbits or roe deer from our company, you get an exceptional view of your site, which will delight you and your guests throughout the entire year; cozy corners with benches, etc.

Landscape topiary figures made from artificial grass are made with maximum realism and closeness to the originals. At the beginning of creating a figure, a sketch is drawn with small details. A durable frame is created from metal or fiberglass. On top finished design The artificial grass is carefully glued on by hand. To make a decorative figure, high-quality artificial grass is used, which imitates natural grass and has high wear resistance with the addition of UV stabilizers. Thanks to this, landscape figures are realistic, high-quality, and resistant to impact. external factors environment, do not fade in the sun.

Our company presents a large selection of topiary of various themes (pets, wild animals, fairy-tale characters, human figures, benches, creative figures, etc.) and sizes:

  • large figures: bull, camels, elephants, horses, cows, giraffes, human figures, dinosaur figures, houses, deer, etc.
  • medium figures: rhinoceroses, lions, monkey, angel, squirrel, small elephant, small bear, foal, roe deer, benches, dog, etc.
  • small figures: rabbits, baby rabbits, mushrooms, gnome, rooster, hippos in the water, swans, etc.

By purchasing topiary from Green City Firm LLC, you have a number of advantages:

  • All figures are made of high-quality, certified materials.
  • Big choice landscape figures by size and theme. You will be able to implement unusual and amazing ideas, create a unique design.
  • Artificial grass figures are easy to care for. The grass does not fade in the sun and retains its natural and decorative look. It is enough to wash off the dust with water.
  • Topiaries can be used both outdoors and indoors and will decorate the space throughout the year.
  • All figures are equipped with pins for fastening.

We make figures to order. All you have to do is visualize your idea and indicate the parameters of the figure, and we will bring it to life.

Most people, most likely, have never encountered the definition of such an art as topiary, however, you have constantly seen what results from such an activity, as can be seen in the photo. Topiaries are plants trimmed into any shape. Both various sculptures and various hedges can be created from them. Topiary figures are a masterpiece that is created from plants by giving them certain forms, for example, in the form of a ball or animals. Topiary includes both figuratively trimmed varieties of trees and shrubs, as well as sculptures that are created using earth and grass that need to be trimmed.

Topiary in the garden

The easiest way to have a beautiful front lawn

You've certainly seen the perfect lawn in a movie, on an alley, or perhaps on your neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that it is a huge amount of work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, and watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think this way; professionals have long known about innovative tool - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

On the streets of megacities, figures made from plants are in increasing demand, so we increasingly see such masterpieces in public gardens and city parks. This method landscape design belongs to Green art. And most gardeners are already thinking about decorating theirs with such an unusual sculpture. personal plot. Getting a well-trimmed figure, like the one in the photo, in your garden is not as easy as it seems at first glance, however, it is worth it. Today in our country this method of landscape design is not as widespread as in other countries.

History of topiary

On the territory of the countries of England, France, Italy around the middle of the 17th century and early XVII century, all gardens were decorated with topiary masterpiece sculptures. The most striking example of such art was rightfully considered Versailles, which was located in one of the French gardens. A landscape designers In Britain, topiary was generally considered a cult. As you can see in the photo, in England almost all gardens were created in the form of labyrinths from numerous trimmed sculptures. However, the history of this art has earlier roots. According to some reports, this species became widespread in Ancient Egypt. In our country, such figurines could be seen in parks and gardens of cities since the reign of Peter I. When the era of classicism began, such sculptures from plants were forgotten.

Even in medieval Germany, for the first time it was possible to see statues made of plants in the decoration of personal plots, gardens and parks. Thanks to stone or marble sculptures, the owners of the estates thus attracted wealth and happiness to their estates. Then, the trend for such green masterpieces began to spread to other countries. They were often used in the decoration of city streets and public recreation areas.

Today, every gardener can buy these ready-made or can make them with his own hands. And in the photo you can see such garden decor options. There is a wide choice among garden figures, including figures of people of any kind. fairy-tale heroes or animals. If you want to complement the decor of a pond in your garden, then the best solution there will be beautiful mermaids, girls with a jug in their hand.

The type of topiary art appeared a very long time ago; at first, plants were shaped by an ordinary haircut. In most countries around the world, at various times they began to decorate gardens and parks with plant figurines, they were given different shapes and different plants were used.

Varieties of topiary

Let's look at several techniques that are common today for creating curly haircuts DIY garden decor:

Classic haircuts

In this technique, plants are shaped by cutting trees or shrubs by eye or according to a certain pattern using a frame. The frame is installed on the bushes as the branches grow; they are tucked into the frame or cut along the contour. The classic version of topiary, shown in the photo, is a trimming of already grown plants. This species is characterized by a long period of its formation - it takes about 6 years to get green figurines for your garden.

Frame haircut

In this option, to create figures from plants, it is necessary to use special metal frames. These types of topiary have emerged recently; using this technique, even ordinary amateur gardeners can create green garden figures with their own hands. A earlier creation Such sculptures from plants were the privilege of aristocrats. The frame for our figurines is usually made of wire, which is given a certain silhouette and already in ready-made version it is installed on a growing plant. Plants are “fitted” to this frame by pruning, and when you get desired result, then the wire is removed. It is impossible to distinguish topiary made using this method from classic version, however, you can receive the sculpture much earlier.

Shaping the bushes

Frame with filler

In this method, the frame is not installed; it is filled with soil and only then planted on it. low-growing varieties plants, trimming as they grow. This method was invented by landscape designers from America and, thus, they greatly facilitated the process of making complex figures.

Topiary figurines for the garden

If you decide to make statues from plants in your garden with your own hands using the classic method, then you will have to plant it and trim it every year to get the desired figure. Or you can simply shape it into a ball or cube. You can also do it yourself hedge, as in the photo, and you only need to trim the plants along the path. If you want to create such a figure on your site for the first time, then it is better to choose annuals.

An important point: the plant variety must be selected based on the form you want to obtain. If you decide to make a figurine in the form of a pyramid, then you will need yew. If you want to have a figurine in the form of a cube or ball on your site, then use boxwood. And to create a hedge with your own hands, we recommend using thuja, hawthorn, spruce or yellow acacia.

If you have mastered this method of creating figures with your own hands, you can also use a more accelerated option - creating green sculptures using a frame. If you are an amateur gardener, then you can choose very simple forms that can be easily obtained. The frame must be installed on a young bush; pruning must be done when the branches of the bush or plant are knocked out of shape.

Lawn grass frogs

But if you still want to create complex figures with your own hands, then you should purchase a metal frame, which you then need to fill with soil and plant plants on it or common grass for lawns. If you have experience in working with iron, then you can easily make a frame yourself from ordinary wire.

Rule for creating topiary: you can safely experiment with different herbs and flowers; it is better to choose annuals so that you can do something different in the second year.

Figures created from plants require standard and at the same time quite careful care. They need to be watered regularly and fed with mineral fertilizers. If you choose plants well, you will only need a frame at the beginning of creating the composition. If you choose grass for lawns, then the frame won’t even be useful.

Variant of topiary with a simple geometric shape

You need to start by identifying a “mentee” for your first exercises. So, let's go on a search.

Variant of topiary of an ordinary curly haircut

Your goal is a tree or bush approximately 5 years old, with a well-developed root system and a crown larger in size than the marked size of the figure. We choose excellent options for making topiary from plants such as Norway spruce or prickly spruce, purple bladderwort, brilliant cotoneaster, pinnately incised hawthorn, and Tatarian maple. It is better to cut it in March or April, or from June to August, however, not in autumn period so as not to weaken the plant before winter frosts.

Let's consider step by step instructions, which will help you make a topiary in the form of a cube:

  1. On the ground, under the crown of a tree, it is necessary to mark a square with the required length of the side of the cube.
  2. At the corners of the square we install wooden slats or bamboo sticks with a diameter of about 3 centimeters and fasten them together using horizontal transverse strips - this will be your reference frame.
  3. Using trellis scissors, we perform a rough cut, outlining the approximate contours of the figure - we start from the top edge, then we process the sides.
  4. After checking the sides of the cube for curvature, we correct the planes and move on to a final cut, trimming the volume over time.
  5. We apply the final touch with pruning shears, removing small branches that stand out from the total mass.

Important point : From time to time, move 3-4 meters away from the topiary to evaluate the correctness of the form from afar.

The 7 Elephants of Happiness company offers to buy garden figures at a competitive price. Since we ourselves are a direct manufacturer of green sculptures, ordering from us will allow you to become the owner of truly durable and very high-quality topiary figures without intermediaries.

We take care of all aspects - from developing a three-dimensional design layout to decorating the resulting sculpture with artificial grass, working on the smallest details. From us you can buy ready-made garden figures by choosing the models you like from our catalog, or arrange for the production of a sculpture of the desired shape and size to order. Don’t be afraid to fantasize - our craftsmen will be able to bring your ideas and ideas to life, creating a hand-made fairy tale for you.

Assortment of topiary figures made from artificial turf

Here you can find in stock and buy custom-made topiary figures made of artificial grass, as well as luminous figures for festive and everyday decoration of the area in front of the house. All figures can be classified by size and degree of complexity. The height of a large sculpture can reach three to five meters, small figures can have compact dimensions, no more than 50-60 cm in height and light in weight.

  • According to their shape and theme, artificial grass figures can be divided into:
  • Realistic figures of large animals - such as elephant, rhinoceros, dinosaur, bear, etc.
  • Realistic figurines of animals of average and small size: figures of a donkey, dogs various breeds, bunny, deer, squirrel, cat, etc.
  • Figures in the form of funny cartoon characters and folklore heroes - Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Winnie the Pooh, Leprechaun, etc.
  • Figures in the form of people, arranged in a composition - for example, like figures of lovers against the background of a heart.
  • Cars and other technical figures.

Where can artificial grass figures be installed?

Topiary figures will become the center of attraction for guests in city parks, in country houses recreation. They look great near the entrance to the cottage on private plots or playgrounds. Made with love garden sculptures will last for many years, maintaining its attractive appearance both in winter and in summer. Figures can be installed not only under open air, but also indoors, used as original design presentation areas, city squares, etc.

How the production of garden figures is carried out

Making topiary figures includes several stages:

  1. Development of a project for the future model of the sculpture. Our craftsmen preserve the natural proportions of animals or fictional characters. The smallest detail is important to us, because it is from this that the overall impression of the future sculpture is formed.
  2. Creation metal frame topiary figures that can withstand loads of up to 150 kg and do not corrode.
  3. Creating a three-dimensional sculpture on a frame. Produced using such modern materials such as plastic, polyurethane foam, fiberglass. These materials are resistant to rotting, have a high margin of strength and durability.
  4. Decorating a three-dimensional sculpture using high-quality artificial turf. The application of artificial grass to the figure is carried out with careful internal control, which ensures a neat and reliable attachment. Artificial grass It is not afraid of cold and bad weather; it does not require painstaking care. Pasting with grass is carried out according to modern technologies no visible seams on the figure. The lawn does not produce unnatural reflections, so it is practically indistinguishable from a natural grass carpet.

A similar product can be purchased, but you can also make it yourself. It's not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

The lesson for “garden sculptors” is based on the example of a cute bunny figure. Visitors are strongly encouraged to pet the finished animal and even sit astride it - this makes it clear that this thing is very strong and pleasant to handle. The master class lasts two hours. During this time, it is impossible to create a hare from scratch and turnkey, but presenter Evgeniy Sluchich managed to show all the most essential aspects of the manufacturing process, including subtleties developed through practice. Under his guidance, I tried to perform the necessary operations myself, and it was very exciting. For those who are interested in the idea of ​​making such a sculpture, I will tell you about the technology for its production.

What will you need?

Welding machine with all necessary accessories.

Rubber coated gloves

Metal wire (so-called wire rod) with a cross section of 5-6 mm. You can buy it in a store, but it will be cheaper at metal collection points. Sometimes builders even throw away such wire (it is used for packaging). Don't be confused by the curvature of the wire - it can be easily removed.


Plaster network with 2×2 mesh 1 mm thick, for individual parts- more subtle.

Artificial lawn, preferably with an “undercoat” and a backing painted to match the color of the lawn. Then sharp kinks (for example, on the ears of animals) will be fluffy and without bald spots. The price for coverage of this quality starts from 750 rubles. per m. The color and length of the pile is to your taste.

The wire is about 1 mm thick.

Wire cutters or metal scissors.


Tailor's scissors

Furniture needles, curved, preferably stronger, 8-15 cm long.

Fishing line, 0.4-0.5 mm. If the seam is thinner, it can burst and make work difficult.

Trimmings metal pipe square section for the stand.

It is very important to do everything step by step and in strict sequence, without skipping the necessary steps.

Step 1: Create a Layout

First you need to come up with a future sculpture (it is desirable that it be relatively simple in shape). Then draw her life-size profile silhouette on appropriately sized paper. Select in the drawing the main outline of the head and body (not including the limbs, ears and nose).

Step 2. Make the main frame

Bend the drawn wire outline, applying it to the drawing. It is not necessary to accurately measure the length of the wire in advance. The missing pieces are welded. Finished contour using welding machine must be installed on a work stand (for the convenience of all further work).

After this, you need to add volume to the silhouette using rings different diameters. Wide rings are bent by hand, and for thin ones a pipe is used as a blank suitable size and wield a hammer. The rings must be welded to the silhouette at all intersection points. Install transverse stiffeners from the same wire and weld all overlaps. While the wire is hot from welding, it bends easily: you need to take advantage of this to give the ribs the desired shape. The total number of frame elements depends on the size of the figure: we need cells that will not allow the plaster mesh to be pressed down even under the weight of an adult. But it is important not to overdo it, otherwise the figure will turn out too heavy.

Step 3. Add parts to the frame

Then, according to the corresponding contours, all other parts of the sculpture (legs, ears, etc.) should be made and attached to the body. Then add additional stiffeners to them and also weld them at the intersection points. Use these ribs to form the chest. The configuration of the figure can be corrected along the way by heating and bending the wire in the right places. Individual mistakes are also not terrible: if something goes wrong, you can cut off the wrong part and do it again.


Silhouettes of animal paws are not placed straight when installed, but are taken to the outer side- this way the figure will look natural. It is convenient to make small convexities (tail, nose) from half rings.

Step 4. Cover the frame with mesh

The skeleton is ready! Now it needs to be closed metal mesh- create a supporting surface. To do this, you will have to attach “shreds” to the frame. plaster mesh one by one, connecting them to each other as they go. It’s better to start with the muzzle and back. Each piece of mesh is attracted to the skeleton by pieces of thin wire about 15-20 cm long in several places (along the contour and where it departs from the frame). It’s good if, when cutting out the mesh, you leave “tendrils” perpendicular to the edge - they will be useful for connecting pieces of the mesh to each other (the pieces of wire are hooked together like a kind of locks). “Patches” can be cut where the mesh rests on the frame. All protruding ends of the wire must be directed inside the figure (otherwise it will not be smooth, but dangerous).

Leave an open (without mesh) window in the side of the sculpture, through which it is convenient to stick your hand. This way you will have access to the surface from the inside and outside until the end of the work.

Step 5. Provide the figure with a fur coat

You need to attach pieces of artificial turf to the finished metal figure: also one after another, making sure that the direction of the pile coincides. Each piece needs to be secured in several places with wire (not too tightly so that the “fur” can be moved in the desired direction if necessary). The wire is also always tucked inside the figure. Each subsequent flap is sewn to the previous one with large stitches using a furniture needle and fishing line over the edge. At each attachment point and above each stitch, you need to carefully fluff the undercoat with a needle - then the joints will be invisible.

Step 6. Install the sculpture

U finished product you need to replace the working stand with a permanent one. It should be large in area (so that the sculpture does not tip over) and strong. Use strong square pipes. Cut out appropriate stripes in the lawn and install the sculpture buried in the ground.

What is topiary?

Topiary (from Latin Topiarius - gardener) is the creation of masterpieces from plants by giving them various forms. Topiary includes both figuratively trimmed trees and shrubs, and figures created using soil and low-growing vegetation planted on it and constantly trimmed.

On city streets, green figures are created more and more often, becoming more and more popular and are already merging into the large-scale Green Art movement.

And many are already thinking about creating such beauty on their summer cottage. Yes, it's not easy. Topiary is quite a new trend, not yet so widespread among us, and there is not much information about it in Russian-language literature (with the exception of proposals for making custom-made figures). However, if you want, everything is possible. Even create topiary with your own hands.

And to learn more about this art, you should turn to the 17th - 18th centuries. Then Topiary was a real boom in Europe.

From the history.

England, France, Italy of the 17th and 18th centuries were literally buried in gardens strewn with topiary masterpieces. One of the most bright examples can be considered the French Versailles.

And British gardeners have completely elevated topiary to a cult. Remember the famous English gardens with labyrinths of trimmed shrubs.

But this art appeared much earlier. There is information about the spread of “geometric” gardens (with trees and shrubs of various geometric shapes) back in Ancient Egypt and Persia.

Topiary appeared in Russia thanks to Peter I.

With the advent of the era of classicism, topiary was a little forgotten.


Classic topiary

Curly trimming of trees and shrubs by eye or according to a template using a frame. The frame is installed on the plant and as the branches grow, they are tucked into the frame or trimmed along the contour.

New (or American) topiary

Trimming a plant on a metal frame. The frame is initially installed in the crown and as the crown grows, it is adjusted to the contours of the frame. Or the frame is filled with soil and planted on it low growing plants, which are trimmed as they grow. The invention of the Americans greatly facilitated the process of creating complex sculptures.

With my own hands.

If you want to create topiary with crown trimming, limit yourself to simple forms: ball, cube, cone. You can try to create a hedge or trim the bushes along the paths nicely and evenly. For trimming, choose coniferous or small-leaved plants; their crown is thicker and denser. It is better to train on annual plants.

A little later, you can move on to a more complex stage - trimming the crown along the frame. Again, it is better for a beginner to limit himself to small and not very complex shapes. The frame is installed completely young plant, cutting begins when the branches of the plant begin to protrude beyond the shape.

But to create complex figures, the best solution would be to buy a metal frame, then fill it with soil and plant plants, flowers, and lawn grass on it.

If you are confident in your abilities, you can make the frame yourself from wire, but this is not as easy as it seems at first glance.

Feel free to try combining different herbs and flowers, preferably annuals, so that next year you can try something different. Don't be upset if good result It won’t work out right away, practice is needed in any business.

Green figures made from frame, soil and vegetation require standard, but very careful care. Regular watering from a watering can with a strainer, feeding with liquid mineral fertilizers. At good selection plants, weeding will be required only at the very beginning, after planting. Most ground cover plants and lawn plants, grasses and flowers, grow and kill the weeds themselves.

Good luck in your new business!!!

How to make it yourself garden figure read

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