Georgy Sytin healing moods of women. Methodology for successfully mastering attitudes

Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin born August 30, 1921 in Osh, Kyrgyzstan. A family of native Muscovites, hiding from persecution, was forced to leave Moscow for distant Kyrgyzstan. The family returned only 20 years later.

Georgy Sytin grew up as an inquisitive boy, especially interested in nature. After lessons, he sought to retire to the world of forests and fields, where joyful perceptions and an unusual life awaited him. He often asked himself the question: “Where is the threshold of human capabilities?” One day he read a book by psychologist K.N. Kornilov. "Education of will."

Georgy was shocked by the contents of the book and wrote a letter to the author, asking to take him on as a student. The answer came quickly enough and a few days later the young man talked with a famous scientist, who cooled the young man’s ardor and advised him to study.

G.N. Sytin - facts from his biography:

The next year, Georgy entered three institutes and became practically a Moscow legend. Studying was interrupted by the war. He was discharged from the front after being wounded for the eighth time. The wound was very serious, after three months in the hospital he was given the first group of disability and a little “hope”; he would not suffer for long with such a wound. From that moment on, his life was aimed at fighting pain; his main assistants were. Thanks to them, he was able to overcome the disease and a few years later, by the decision of a medical commission, he was declared fit for military service.

In the late 40s, Georgy Nikolaevich told the Minister of Health E.I. about the history of his recovery. Smirnov. A year later, the Scientific Council of the Ministry of Health decided to study this method. For many years G.N. Sytin collected and studied the influence of ancient conspiracies on healing from various diseases, on male strength, on feminine beauty and attractiveness.

What is the method of Dr. Georgy Sytin based on?

Today, many already know about the healing words of Dr. Sytin; the scientist devoted 40 years of his life to the development of this method. This method is called the method of verbal-figurative, emotional-volitional control of the human condition (SOEVUS). This method is based on the comprehensive management of a person’s condition through speech control of his somatic and mental state.

In other words, this is a normal attitude. The moods have enough large range actions. With the help of words and their repeated repetition in a certain rhythm, you can create, and then consolidate and strengthen a certain mood. This method is superior to the results that were previously known in this area.

Scientific experiments have proven that the human brain is capable of storing processes of healthy and diseased development. The SOEVUS method is based precisely on the ability of psychosomatic changes in a person, i.e. psychocorrection of somatic structures.

For recovery and restoration of activity of a weakened or diseased organ. This method helps control this organ using nervous system, as a result of which a blood flow is directed to this organ, which provides this organ with oxygen and nutrition, giving it energy and strength. Such results can be achieved thanks to the appropriate attitude.

The mood of Doctor Georgy Sytin forms in a person vivid images of youth, health, tirelessness, which causes positive emotions, and form strong-willed aspirations to manage the condition. This technique allows you to strengthen your life position, activates a person to work, and also promotes high performance and increased productivity.

Application of the SOEVUS method does not require preliminary preparation, the settings can be used from the age of 16 without restrictions.

It's easy to be healthy!

Creative thoughts about yourself are stronger than the omnipotent

fate, stronger than all the elements of nature

G. N . Sytin

(a method of verbal-figurative, emotional-volitional control of a person’s state) gives results that far exceed everything previously known in this area.

Thus, at the Institute of Normal Physiology named after the Russian physiologist, Academician Pyotr Kuzmich Anokhin of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, in the presence of Academician Konstantin Viktorovich Sudakov, as a result of using this method for ten minutes, a long-term stable tachycardia with a pulse rate of 120 beats per minute was eliminated in a 28-year-old employee. The control electrocardiogram was taken by senior researcher V.V. Sinichkin. After verbal and figurative exposure, the pulse rate decreased to normal (72 beats per minute), which remains to this day.

Note:Pyotr Kuzmich Anokhin (1898-1974) - Russian physiologist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1966) and the Academy of Medical Sciences (1945). Fundamental works on neurophysiology - mechanisms of the conditioned reflex and internal inhibition, ontogenesis of the nervous system, etc. He studied the activity of the whole organism on the basis of the theory he developed functional systems(since 1935), which contributed to the development systematic approach in biology and cybernetics. Lenin Prize (1972).

In another case, in polyclinic No. 1 of the USSR Academy of Sciences, in the presence of the head L.N. Pokrovskaya applied the method to a sick surgeon (68 years old) for 30 minutes, after which the extrasystole, which had previously been untreatable, disappeared. A normal pulse has been observed to this day.

There are many similar examples. At the same time, the wide possibilities of the method Sytin's moods scientifically based.

The human brain stores the entire process of its healthy and diseased development. The SOEVUS method uses precisely this phenomenon; extraordinary psychosomatic changes in people are mainly based on it.

To improve the health and activity of any diseased or weakened organ, the SOEVUS method normalizes the control of the organ by the nervous system, flushes it with a rapid flow of blood and provides it with adequate nutrition and oxygen, infuses it with energy and strength. All this is done with the help of the appropriate attitude. In the SOEVUS method, such attitudes are available for all organs and systems of the body.

Over the past two decades, domestic and foreign physiologists have experimentally shown that word-induced impulses of the second signaling system come from the cortex cerebral hemispheres brain in internal environment the body and rebuild the vital functions of tissues and internal organs for a long time. This explains the greater stability of the healthy functioning of the body, caused by the assimilation of the attitudes of the SOEVUS method. As studies have shown, the results of one thirty-minute session with a patient are recorded by devices for a month or more.

For example, in the two given cases, a positive result was achieved after exposure to the main fragment of the mood for improving the heart: “A healthy newborn youth is pouring into my heart (in the second case- youth), my heart is completely renewed, my new heart is born, a newborn, untouched heart.”

Thus, for people of mature age, the following fragment of the mood for a young life is used to rejuvenate the face: “Newborn youth flows into my face, my face is completely renewed, my new face is born newborn-young, pristinely fresh, newborn youth is born in my face.”

Using the SOEVUS method, you can achieve the restoration of the natural color of gray hair in old age, for which it is enough to assimilate a fragment of the mood: “Life-giving newborn life flows into my hair, my hair is completely renewed, new hair is born, newborn-thick, newborn-healthy. Beautiful natural dye fills my hair.”

It is useful to assimilate such fragments against the background of the impact of the general mood on young life, which contributes to the restoration and strengthening of all physiological functions the body and, thus, eliminating their various disorders both in young and old age.

The structure of Sytin's moods is such that they form in a person vivid images of health, youth, strength, tirelessness and beauty, enhance positive feelings, such as the joy of life, and stimulate volitional efforts in order to manage the condition.

Managing the state using this method stimulates the life position, activates the personality, and develops the person’s volitional efforts. Many tasks of a person’s health and rejuvenation can be solved only on the basis of his active life position, on managing his condition in the name of personal and social goals. In turn, condition management ensures high performance, and in combination with self-education of an active life position, determination and strong will ensures high labor productivity.

The SOEVUS method does not require any preliminary special preparation for its use. Attitudes can be adopted without any restrictions at the age of 16 years and older. Only a special attitude towards overcoming bedwetting is designed for children.

In essence, Sytin’s healing moods are a method of psychocorrection of somatic structures: in case of gastric ulcer, the mucous membrane is restored not by scarring, as usual, but by epithelization, so that after healing there are no traces left on the mucous membrane, etc.

This method has undergone repeated testing in various organizations on behalf of the USSR Ministry of Health. Based on the results of clinical trials, the SOEVUS method is recommended for implementation in the practice of psychotherapists. You can find scientific conclusions about the method on the website or www. sytin-gn. ru

Using this method, Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin cures schizophrenia, Minière's disease, nervous tics and other diseases that are difficult to get rid of with conventional treatment.

Some moods are written in two versions so that a person can choose the most suitable one.

The healing settings of the method cannot be edited. When translating into another language, it is very important to preserve the original punctuation marks.

For ease of use and assimilation, the texts of the settings can be read to yourself, spoken out loud, or listened to in a recording at any time of the day.

Each of us needs to have a complete set of attitudes in the text.

In order to prevent disease and rebuild the body for a long life, it is necessary to accustom people to assimilate attitudes as much as possible early age. The entire system of education and training in the country should provide assistance to new generations in this regard. It is useful to systematically convey the most important attitudes on the radio, on television, and print in newspapers, for example, the attitude towards sustainability in life, on healthy image life, long life and others.

The effectiveness of using the SOEVUS method is great. It gives excellent results in the development of all human abilities, in increasing his creative activity, in study, self-education, science, art and in production.

Over time, the SOEVUS method will be applied in all areas of human life.


You can listen to some tunes performed by the author at

“In healing a person from illnesses and diseases, as in any other matter, it is necessary, first of all, to tune in to an effective, positive result - to set a healing program. Without such an attitude, any treatment is a waste of time.”

"Nurturing Medicine"

Psychotherapist with 50 years of experience, founder of a new scientific direction of self-restoration of health during illness and aging. Head of the department “Rehabilitation of psychosomatic health of people” of different ages» Moscow Institute of Medical and Social Rehabilitation, Rector of the Georgy Sytin International University, Vice-President of the World Distributed University of Informatics, Head of the All-Russian Scientific and Methodological Center for Psychological Support of Humans.

The author of a highly effective method of healing and rejuvenation based on self-persuasion. The idea to create such a treatment method came to Sytin after he was able to, with the help of a strong-willed effort, resist mortal danger during the Great Patriotic War.

G.N. Sytin is the only scientist in the history of mankind who managed to create a scientific method that reduces the biological age of a person, that is, causing real rejuvenation. His method of healing and rejuvenating the body has scientific explanation and is recognized by leading modern scientists in Russia, Europe and America.

Author of 37 monographs and a 10-volume guide to self-healing, which covers all areas of medicine. Academician G.N. Sytin is the only doctor on the planet who was awarded the creation of an International University named after him. Member of the Presidium public organization"Profession and health of the working population of Russia."

Awarded the orders of Knight and Commander of the World Order of Science. Education. Culture.”, gold medal “For Scientific Services” and silver medal “Honorary Professor”, diploma named after. Yu.A. Gagarin for training cosmonauts, a diploma of laureate of the V All-Russian Congress “Profession and Health.”

Source: Directory " The best doctors Moscow" 2009, special. issue of National Health Magazine

“After flying into space, I had a severe nervous system disorder, and all medicine could not help me. Then I went to Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin on Lake Ladoga, where he worked on an expedition with cosmonauts. And Sytin healed me in one day in the presence of the head of the support group of the “Cosmonaut Training Center” Vitaly Nikolaevich Kolesov. I have been following the doctor's achievements for many years - Academician Sytin. It is obvious to me that what he does cannot be done either by entire institutes, or by the Academies of Sciences, or by the entire world of medicine. Sytin’s attitude and his work cannot be measured by any scientific degrees or titles, or any awards. What he does - incomprehensible. He stands, as it were, above all titles and awards, above all world science.
The future of world medicine lies on the path to achieving what Sytin is doing today. Medicine can be proud if, in at least a hundred years, it comes close to the results that this genius creates every day.”

Vitaly Mikhailovich Zholobov,

USSR pilot-cosmonaut

Hero of the Soviet Union

Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin was born on August 30, 1921 in the small Kyrgyz town of Osh. How a family of native Muscovites ended up in such distant lands is worth special mention.

... The young country of the Soviets, having graduated civil war, took up internal restructuring. It was necessary to get rid of the last undesirable elements, which included everyone who did not participate in the Red Terror, in carrying out the dictatorship of the proletariat. The Sytin family was classified as such undesirable people. The dynasty that carried out the development of education, printing, and history in Russia. The first to be arrested was the elder brother, who managed to whisper to the maid that she should warn Nikolai (George Nikolaevich’s father) about the start of the persecution. In the evening of the same day, an ordinary pair of young spouses left a Moscow house. The man was holding a small teacher's bag in his hands. With this meager property, the parents reached a distant Kyrgyz town that was in dire need of teachers.

The return to Moscow dragged on for twenty long years...

George spent his childhood in small towns, where his main hobby was nature. Everything at school was boring and familiar. I studied mediocrely, did my homework during breaks, and again tried to quickly plunge into the world around us forests and fields. Into a world full of unusual life and joyful perceptions. It was in this world that the question first appeared, and then the question arose more and more often and sharply: “Who is a person in this world, why does he live, what can and should he do, where is his threshold of possibilities?”

In the ninth grade, a book fell into his hands famous psychologist K.N.Kornilov “Education of the will.” The book shocked him so much that he wrote a letter to the author asking him to accept and listen to him, and if possible, to take him on as a student. The system of working with oneself to cultivate the will captured the fifteen-year-old boy.

The answer came unexpectedly quickly. It was possible to go, and within a day Georgy was talking with an attentive scientist who believed in the unlimited capabilities of man, in his all-conquering will.

But the result of the conversation cooled the ardor young man.

You need to study. And study well. There should be no gaps in the world of your knowledge; a real scientist is, first of all, a comprehensively erudite specialist, and then an experimenter. You must know the postulates on which it stands modern science. Arriving home, Georgy sat down to his textbooks. Dates with nature have faded into the background. For summer holidays he completed all the exercises from the school problem books in all subjects, and carefully re-read all the textbooks. He finished the tenth grade with excellent marks, but it was precisely this difference, oddly enough, that delayed his entry into college. The city department of public education asked me to work as a school mathematics teacher for at least a year, and Georgy became a mentor to his former peers.

But a year later he entered three universities at once and soon became a Moscow legend. In the city, they retold with surprise the legends about the tireless student who passed all exams at any institute in the city with excellent marks.

The war interrupted educational process. As a volunteer, he immediately found himself in the thick of the fighting, where he received his first wound. He was daring in battles, which is why there was a series of hospitals, advanced hospitals, and more hospitals.

The last, eighth wound became critical. A shell fragment hit the stomach and got stuck in the spine. At first they didn’t even operate on him; they left him in a cold corridor to die in an unconscious state. But when, during the morning rounds, the doctors saw that life was still firmly held in his body, they immediately transported him to the operating room.

After three months in hospitals, Georgy was discharged from the Army, assigning him the first group of disability due to injury. They “reassured” that the pain would not last long; people with such wounds would not live long. They gave me 150 ampoules of painkillers, a syringe, a needle, and a sterilizer. They advised me to learn how to give injections myself. In those years, this was the complete arsenal of help with which medicine could alleviate the suffering of a disabled person. From now on, day and night were dedicated to surviving, to eliminating endless pain.

“I am a strong, strong-willed and healthy person capable of completely controlling my body and my feelings. The pain leaves my body forever. Every cell of my body is healthy and strong” - these are the words of his first attitude. Thanks to these and similar words, he managed to defeat the disease. It’s not easy to overcome and get out of the doomed circle outlined by doctors, but also after a few years to be recognized by a medical commission as fit for combat service.

In the summer of 1948, at a reception with the Minister of Health Efim Ivanovich Smirnov, Georgy Nikolaevich told the story of his healing. He complained that there is no necessary knowledge to spread this method and the ability to help everyone in need. On the same day, Sytin became a student at the medical faculty of the medical institute.

A year later, the Academic Council of the Ministry of Health decided to study and create a new method. But Georgy Nikolaevich defended his first degree of Candidate of Sciences at the Department of Psychology with the long-time authoritative teacher K.N. Kornilov. The topic of the dissertation was devoted to the education of will.

And again the student bench and new searches. Searches in the study of psychology and physiology, which lasted twenty years, brought knowledge, but no results. The method system was born and established in pedagogy.

Self-conviction - it was in it that there was a strong-willed effort and a desire to cope with any problem. The first practical work with the method of self-persuasion in schools of Dnepropetrovsk gave such an amazing result that, in addition to the topic for a scientific doctoral dissertation, it became a popular property of the entire population of the USSR.

Then there were penal colonies of the Far East, various sports types sports masters, ballet group of the Bolshoi Theater, Cosmonaut Training Center. And everywhere, the result was not just positive, but many times exceeded all expectations. In 1983, the leadership of the USSR became interested in Sytin’s work. On the personal instructions of the Chairman of the Government Kosygin, a working group was created to introduce the Sytin method at industrial enterprises of the country. The head part of the group under the leadership of G.N. Sytina, started practical work with stone cutters at the Moscow Almaz jewelry factory. And again an amazing result. The Minister of Instrumentation takes personal supervision of the work of Sytin's experimental laboratory, allocates large funding to it, and prepares a training base for disseminating Sytin's method in other areas of industrial activity and, first of all, among highly qualified workers. The volume of work increased, but perestroika began and the industry management, the main supervisor of the group, had to solve more complex problems of redistributing property.

The collapse of the USSR interrupted the targeted work on introducing the G.N. system. Sytin at industrial enterprises and productions. But every cloud has a silver lining; the method has not become the property of only one industry. Today it is in demand in medicine, pedagogy, psychology, art, sports, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs...

It’s worth going online and making sure that today hundreds of scientists, researchers and simply enthusiasts use Sytin’s method in a variety of areas of their activity.

Georgy Nikolaevich became a legend during his lifetime. One can only envy his performance in a good way. More than 150 published books, hundreds of thousands of healing attitudes. Amazing results of rejuvenating and restoring the body. First of all, Sytin performs all research on himself.

Attitudes have no contraindications, and by their nature cannot have a negative or side effect. Obviously, all this allows Georgy Nikolaevich, at eighty-seven years old, to be in excellent physical shape. The creator of Nurturing Medicine still leads an active lifestyle. Theoretical work does not prevent him from receiving patients, working on new attitudes, participating in the public work of the Country, and traveling to various parts of the country. Just last year he did a huge amount of work complex work at two large metallurgical enterprises in Russia, another branch of the Center was opened in Germany, and another advisory center in the USA. Many of his works have received high domestic and foreign awards.

And no matter how trite the phrase may sound, the years really have no power over the desires and capabilities of this amazing Russian Scientist.

Positions and scientific titles of G.N. Sytin:

  • President of the All-Union Scientific and Methodological Center for Psychological Support of Humans and Non-Drug Treatment using the Method of Academician of the International Academy of Sciences G.N. Sytina - Moscow;
  • Academician of the International Academy of Sciences - Munich;
  • Doctor of Medical Sciences - Russia;
  • Doctor of Psychological Sciences - Russia;
  • Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences - Russia;
  • Doctor of Philosophy - Russia;
  • Doctor of Philosophy - Brussels;
  • Grand Doctor of Philosophy - Belgium;
  • Full Professor - Belgium;
  • Professor in the specialty: “sociology of medicine” - Russia;
  • Knight of the Order "Science - Education - Culture" - Belgium;
  • Commander of the Order of Science - Education - Culture - USA;
  • President of the Georgy Sytin International University - Brussels - Moscow - New York;
  • Vice-President of the World Information Distributed University;
  • Member of the Presidium of the All-Russian public organization “Profession and health of the working population of Russia.”

Head of the Department of Psychosomatic Rehabilitation of the Health of People of Different Ages, Honorary Professor of the Moscow Institute of Medical and Social Rehabilitation;

Member of the Scientific Council and Presidium of the V, VI and VII All-Russian Congresses “Profession and Health”;

Member of the Presidium of the All-Russian public organization “Profession and health of the working population of Russia”

Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin recalls:

“The regiment went on the offensive.

Shells exploded in front and behind. A fragment of a shell that exploded in front hit him in the stomach. Lumps of frozen earth, scattered with great speed from the explosion, hit the lower back, knocked down a vertebra, and pinched the spinal cord. By nightfall he was taken to the hospital.

Don’t bring him into the ward, he won’t last until the morning, he’ll only injure the wounded.

On the morning round:

He's still breathing.

Bring us into the third ward, a place has become available there.

Consciousness returned a few days later.

How's your pulse?

What kind of wound does he have?


Strong soldier.

The attacks of pain from the opening of the duodenal ulcer were terrible. Bleeding, he lost strength. I tried to sit up in bed so as not to fall, and grabbed the backrest.

Georgy! If you fall, you will die! Where is the volitional effort? We must survive!

From the shock pain, he was covered in perspiration, wet with sweat.

Willful effort!

And I didn't fall. The pain has subsided. The bleeding has stopped! Willful effort! I realized that I will survive!

I survived! Willpower!!!"

After 3 months, Georgy Sytin was discharged from the army with the assignment of the first disability group and 150 ampoules of painkillers, syringes, needles and a sterilizer. According to doctors, he did not have long to live. In 1957, Georgy Sytin was declared fit for military service without restrictions by a military medical commission.

In the 50s, for his scientific developments in the field of volitional efforts in medicine, G. N. Sytin - a soldier who defended his Motherland and received nine wounds in battle, a disabled person of the 1st group - was declared an idealist, consider him an ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!

Georgy Sytin was persecuted for “ideological mistakes” for 35 years, he was fired from his job 16 times, arrested three times, and once sentenced to two years in prison for writing the book “The Mind Creates the Body.” In 30-degree frost, in a summer coat, they were taken in an open back to a prison 40 km away, to the city of Yegoryevsk. In prison, his temperature rose above 40 degrees. As academician G.N. recalls. Sytin, the terrible commotion among the prisoners forced him to be transferred to a prison isolation ward, where he was diagnosed with bilateral lobar pneumonia. Georgy Sytin conducted a divine session for 8 hours all night to improve the health of the lungs, and by morning the temperature began to subside. Three weeks later he was released from prison under an amnesty in connection with the death of Stalin, after which he was no longer arrested. However, Bershadsky’s feuilleton was published in various reprints in local newspapers many times during the entire 35 years of persecution.

It was in such conditions that Georgy Sytin continued to work on himself.

The method of verbal-figurative emotional-volitional control of physical condition was invented by a scientist from Russia Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin. The method is intended not only for healing diseases, but also for improving the health of the entire human body. Its basis is the influence of speech on the somatic and psycho-emotional state while listening to special statements. We will consider reviews of Sytin’s mood in this article.

Development of the methodology

The SOEVUS method is based on the teachings of Pavlov, who called human speech the most powerful irritant of consciousness. Sytin experimented with moods on himself after he was seriously wounded during the Great Patriotic War. Georgy Nikolaevich proved by his example that any diagnosis can be changed and you can regain a full, healthy lifestyle. The effectiveness of the method he developed was recognized by the Ministry of Health, after which it began to gain popularity in psychiatry.

What is it?

“Sytin’s Moods,” according to people’s reviews, is a text of a certain content and structure with figurative, accessible formulations that allow the formation of vivid images. These settings can not only be listened to, but also read, but the first method is considered more effective.

According to reviews, it is necessary to listen to Sytin’s moods until a correspondence is established between the content of the audio file and the human condition. While listening, you need to be active; you can walk and memorize the text at the same time.

Tests carried out

For the first time, the method of verbal-figurative emotional-volitional state control was tested at the Institute of Normal Physiology named after Academician Anokhin of the Academy of Medical Sciences Soviet Union. The subject turned out to be an employee of the academy. She suffered from tachycardia of unknown etymology for several years. After listening to the audio recording, the subject's pulse returned to normal, and tachycardia no longer appeared. Another employee of the USSR Academy of Sciences, after listening, was able to get rid of extrasystole that could not be controlled conservative methods treatment.


You can find a lot of positive reviews about Sytin’s attitude. After listening to audio recordings, patients note the following improvements in their health:

  1. Increased oxygen circulation in tissues.
  2. Normalization of blood supply to internal organs.
  3. The technique has helped many people get rid of nicotine addiction, stuttering, nervous tics and excess weight.
  4. A restructuring of the way of life that lasts for a long period of time.
  5. Patients with gastric ulcers noted regeneration of the mucous membrane without scarring.

Is preparation necessary?

No preparation is required to start using the technique. The age limit applies to patients under 16 years of age. Who did Sytin help? According to reviews, moods come in two versions, and you need to choose the most suitable one for yourself. Listening to audio is necessary up to three times a day, the duration of the course varies from a week to a year.

Many people are interested in who was helped by Sytin’s attitude. According to reviews, there are a large number of such people.

Where to find and how to listen?

Regardless of the nature of the illness, you can listen to the moods at any time of the day, as they have an impact on the body’s important systems for life, healing it and improving the general condition. Normalizing the functioning of the body makes local problems disappear. While using the technique, take medicines is not excluded, since a comprehensive impact on the problem is necessary. However, the dosage of the drugs is reduced.

Adverse reactions

During a session of listening to Sytin’s healing moods, according to reviews, slight dizziness and sometimes even an increase in body temperature may occur. However, these side effects go away on their own within three days. At such moments, the number of listening to moods needs to be increased. Positive dynamics may appear after the first session, but a week of mood therapy will allow you to consolidate the effect. You can listen to audio online by finding them on the Internet or downloading them to your computer for further use.

The essence of the method and the power of words

If you remember A. Kuprin’s story “Olesya”, when the main character stopped the bleeding from a wound with a word, then you can understand that this shining example healing with words without witchcraft and quackery. Sytin also believed in the healing power of words and built his methodology on this basis. He was not at all embarrassed by the possibility of the proximity of ancient conspiracies and scientific methods. However, in modern world Few people dare to admit that the word can become a real panacea in the fight against serious diseases. Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor Sytin is an exception to this rule.

What does it cure?

For 40 years, he has been conducting word therapy and successfully treating insomnia and neuroses, hypertension and ischemia, radiculitis and peptic ulcers, as well as respiratory diseases. Many, of course, are skeptical about Sytin’s method, considering it quackery. However, Georgy Nikolaevich claims that the technique is based exclusively on the teachings of I.P. Pavlov, the essence of which is the recognition of speech as a second signal system and its connection with the subconscious. This connection allows you to influence the psyche purposefully, thus restoring the functioning of internal organs and self-regulation of the body.

Many people mistakenly believe that Sytin conducts therapy with ancient conspiracies, but this is not so. He knows them well and understands them, since he has been collecting and studying this layer for many years folk wisdom, but this was necessary in order to be able to master the principles of the creation and operation of conspiracy texts. Based on them, Sytin created original texts specifically for the technique, which were aimed at influencing a specific area of ​​the body.

How did it all start?

This method is relatively old and is closely connected with the fate of its author. This story began in 1943, when Sytin went on the attack with his platoon. As a result of the shrapnel wound, he was limited in mobility, lost his memory and became disabled. It was during this period of his life that he began to become interested in psychology. Since 1944, Sytin began developing his own method of influencing consciousness with words. The first test subject was himself. By 1957, he passed a medical examination and was declared fit for military service.

According to reviews, developing Georgy Sytin’s attitude was not easy. It was necessary to understand the principles of the influence of words, and for this purpose thousands of attitudes were created. Each of them had an effect aimed at the physical and psycho-emotional state of a person. At first, Georgy Nikolaevich walked blindly.

Later, Sytin began collaborating with the USSR Ministry of Instrument Engineering, which developed special devices that speed up the selection of healing words. Sensors took reaction readings different systems the human body to certain words, recording their intensity. After gaining sufficient experience in the selection the right words a professional instinct appeared, unerringly suggesting the right combinations.

Today, the card index of moods consists of more than 20 thousand examples, and new therapeutic texts continue to be created.

What about today?

Currently, the author of the technique is looking for ways to treat schizophrenia. The results obtained so far inspire hope. The high degree of effectiveness of the technique in the treatment of neurosomatic diseases has been proven for a long time.

Sytin’s sentiments, according to reviews, were even used in the treatment of radiation sickness in patients who were eliminating the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The mood helped increase the body's immunity and defenses. In addition, the technique allows you to suppress radiophobia and enhance self-control and strong-willed qualities person. If we talk specifically about nuclear energy, then SOEVUS helps to increase concentration and efficiency, as well as stress resistance, which will allow you to adequately perceive a critical situation and make sober decisions.

In medicine, Sytin’s sentiments help in cases where carrying out drug treatment impossible. This method eliminates side effects. This is the most gentle treatment regimen for complex patients.

About words

It is equally important to take into account the high degree of humanity of Sytin’s method. You can verify this by listening or reading the tunes, paying attention to the vocabulary of the texts. The words clearly reflect internal state man and his worldview. If you use uncertain and dull words in your vocabulary, then you will create the impression of a person who is joyless and without a core. Living and bright words fill life with joy and prosperity. According to reviews, Sytin’s mood for losing weight is filled with precisely this vocabulary - encouraging, cheerful, happy, awakening strength for self-regulation and regeneration of the body. They relieve complexes and stress, fatigue and self-doubt.

The words that fill Sytin’s mood are maximalist. With unimaginable persistence, they displace everything that is unnecessary and interferes with the disclosure of personality and consciousness, fill it with brightness, and make it more contrasting. There should be no halftones, according to Sytin. Only indestructible health, unquenchable fire, unshakable confidence and cloudless joy.

The repetition of words, which seems deliberate to many, is part of the developed method. In this way, the mood from the text and the level of impact on the person are intensified and intensified. Sytin’s sentiments for women, according to reviews, can become a real panacea.

The main thing is to believe

Thousands of people were healed thanks to the method of Georgy Nikolaevich. The greatest effect in therapy is achieved by those who trust the method and are ready for the changes it brings. However, in Sytin’s memory there were also cases when the method was effective in relation to those who were skeptical; there was mental opposition to the treatment. Such patients refused to listen to the tunes, laughed at the method and tore off their headphones. However, even the most obstinate skeptics discovered a positive effect after some time.

The significance of the method lies in the fact that it not only treats, but also prevents diseases, as it keeps the body in good shape. You can listen to the moods without waiting for the condition to worsen. You can repeat the therapy everywhere - on the way to work, while preparing food, washing dishes. This is confirmed by reviews of doctors about Sytin’s mood.

Institute of Biophysics of the Academy of Medical Sciences, Ministry of Health of the USSR, Research Institute of Forensic Psychiatry named after. V.P. Serbsky repeatedly tested the method developed by G.N. Sytin. All these authorities recognized the sentiments as effective and valid. However, the conservatism of our medicine does not allow the method to develop properly. So far, only some medical institutions use it. A few publishing houses publish Sytin’s books, which describe the essence of the methodology and contain the actual moods themselves. Whether or not to believe in the power of words is everyone’s business, but trying out the technique is not at all difficult, and besides, unlike taking medications, it is absolutely safe.

We reviewed reviews of the healing attitudes of Georgy Sytin.

G. N. Sytin’s method of healing attitudes

The method of verbal-figurative emotional-volitional control of the human condition (SOEVUS) - the “method of healing attitudes” - is based on methods of psychotherapy and some techniques of traditional medicine. It consists of repeated systematic reading or listening to self-hypnosis formulas in order to control a person’s condition. G. N. Sytin’s method brings the greatest benefit to those who approach it with trust and hope.

But in Sytin’s practice there are also paradoxical cases when moods had a healing effect on people who not only did not recognize the method, but also actively opposed the treatment. These patients at first refused to use the moods, tore off their headphones while listening to them, and openly laughed at the treatment method, but after a while even the most obstinate patients discovered that the treatment had a beneficial effect on them. Then skepticism disappeared, trust in attitudes appeared and, moreover, the need for them. The significance of Sytin’s method also lies in the fact that it allows not only to treat, but also to prevent many diseases. The SOEVUS method is a disease prevention, a powerful tool for maintaining vitality. You can use it for everyone, without waiting until it gets bad. Use it everywhere and always - on the way to work you can recite the moods to yourself, in the evening while preparing dinner or washing dishes in the kitchen you can turn on the tape recorder, you can sit in a chair and read the helping moods.

Psycholinguistic studies of mood texts have shown that their construction differs from all hitherto known prayers, spells, and texts used in psychotherapy. The specific structure and semantic content of individual mood formulas ensure their high efficiency, so they cannot be edited (the effectiveness of their use is sharply reduced).

Attitudes are based on semantic elements that were first created and therefore still unknown.

Sytin's method has been tested more than once by the USSR Ministry of Health, the Institute of Biophysics of the Academy of Medical Sciences, and the Research Institute of Forensic Psychiatry named after. V. P. Serbsky. The conclusions of authoritative commissions are unequivocal: the method is recognized as valid and effective.

In its external form, SOEVUS resembles the Kue method of self-hypnosis. Turning to self-hypnosis, Sytin focuses on Coue’s formula: “Every day in all respects I am getting better and better.” The words “in all respects” apply to everything, and therefore there is no need to make separate, private self-hypnosis. This self-hypnosis must be pronounced simply, mechanically and, therefore, without the slightest effort. Coue proceeded from his own position that “every time, without exception, the imagination prevails over the will.” He believed that volitional efforts could only reduce the effect of self-hypnosis. Sytin points out that, having refused to use the will of man, Coue refused to use such a powerful force as the regulating influence of consciousness. In addition, according to Sytin, the mechanical repetition of one phrase (“Every day in all respects I am getting better and better”) is not enough: these few words are too weak stimuli to cause changes in the entire huge system of temporary connections. in the human body.

Sytin’s moods are designed in such a way that in order to heal and improve the activity of any sick or weakened organ, they normalize the control of the organ by the nervous system, wash it with a rapid flow of blood and provide adequate nutrition and oxygen, pour energy and strength into it. In Sytin’s method, such attitudes are available for all organs and systems of the body.

Over the past decades, physiologists have experimentally shown that impulses caused by a word come from the cerebral cortex into the internal environment of the body and for a long time rebuild the vital activity of tissues and internal organs. This explains the greater stability of the healthy functioning of the body, caused by the assimilation of the attitudes of the Sytin method. As the author’s research has shown, the results of one thirty-minute session with a patient are recorded by devices for a month or more. For example, long-term sustained tachycardia with a pulse rate of 120 beats per minute in a 28-year-old woman was relieved for ten minutes after exposure to the main fragment of the mood for heart improvement: “A healthy newborn youth is pouring into my heart, my heart is completely renewed, my new heart is born as a newborn.” “a young, untouched heart.” With the help of the same fragment, extrasystole, which had previously been untreatable, disappeared in a 68-year-old patient surgeon within 30 minutes.

For people of mature age, Sytin uses the following fragment of the mood for a young life to rejuvenate the face: “Newborn youth pours into my face, my face is completely renewed, my new face is born newborn-young, pristinely fresh, newborn youth is born in my face.” Using the Sytin method, you can achieve the restoration of the natural color of gray hair in old age, for which it is enough to assimilate a fragment of the mood: “Life-giving newborn life flows into my hair, my hair is completely renewed, new hair is born, newborn-thick, newborn-healthy. Beautiful natural dye fills my hair.”

It is useful to assimilate detailed fragments against the background of the impact of a general attitude on young life, which contributes to the restoration and strengthening of all physiological functions of the body and, thus, the elimination of their various disorders both in young and old age.

Sytin’s sentiments are composed of positive statements, for example: “I have a healthy strong heart" Negative expressions like: “I don’t have a sick heart, my heart doesn’t hurt” are not allowed in attitudes, as they do harm and only intensify the illness with the words “sick”, “hurts”.

The mood uses the so-called inverse form: “I suppress all doubts that I have a healthy, strong heart.” Suppressing doubt helps to internalize the attitude.

The construction of moods is such that they form in a person vivid images of health, youth, strength, tirelessness and beauty, enhance positive feelings, such as the joy of life, and stimulate volitional efforts in order to manage the condition.

In its essence, the Sytin method is a method of psychocorrection of somatic structures: in case of gastric ulcer, restoration of the mucous membrane does not occur by scarring, as usual, but by epithelization, and after healing there are no traces left on the mucous membrane; upon the onset of menopause, menstruation is restored in women, for example, three years after their cessation, and in men, sexual function is restored even twelve years after its extinction, and appearance the face and entire body changes, gray hair restores its natural color. The degree of influence of self-hypnosis depends, according to Sytin, on the physical strength of a person and the intensity of the volitional efforts with which he carries out self-hypnosis.

Self-hypnosis has the weakest effect if a person thinks through or pronounces words to himself. In this case, the process of excitation in a certain area of ​​the cerebral hemispheres is caused by volitional efforts and kinesthetic stimuli coming from the speech organs, which as a result will be very weak.

Self-hypnosis is more effective if a person reads the text of self-hypnosis loudly enough (and does not recite it from memory). The process of excitation in a certain area of ​​the cerebral hemispheres is caused simultaneously by volitional efforts and three types of strong irritations: visual, auditory and kinesthetic, coming from the speech organs.

Self-hypnosis is carried out in the usual forms: reading to oneself or reciting written self-hypnosis formulas aloud, reciting them from memory or listening to a tape recording. This does not require much willpower and is not particularly difficult. Sytin gives the example of Indian yogis who teach their children to work on themselves as soon as the child begins to speak, that is, from about one year of age. As soon as the child utters the first phrases of two or three words, the father immediately invites him to pronounce some simple formula of self-hypnosis, for example: “I am brave.”

You should start practicing self-hypnosis with simple forms, by reading ready-made self-hypnosis formulas, or, even easier, by listening to a sound recording with self-hypnosis formulas. Gradually, a person will learn to carry out self-hypnosis and will feel that he is receiving great benefit from it. He will carry out subsequent self-hypnosis classes with great willingness. Then you can move on to the complex form carrying out self-hypnosis: to work out self-hypnosis formulas with ideas, which already requires more activity and significant volitional efforts.

The elaboration of self-hypnosis formulas with ideas consists in the fact that a person tries to firmly and vividly imagine specific life situations and his actions that correspond to the content of the self-hypnosis formula. This form of self-hypnosis is the most effective, since in this case the power of the regulatory influence of the second signaling system is used to the maximum.

In the process of practicing self-government, some ideas, thoughts and actions must be suppressed, while others must be strengthened. What needs to be suppressed must be hated. Hatred, Sytin emphasizes, suppresses any state. This feature of hatred is extremely important. For example, to suppress temper, it is recommended to use the formula: “I hate my temper with the strongest, fiercest, vicious hatred.” To strengthen any condition, you need to strengthen your positive attitude. For example, to strengthen self-control, it is recommended to use the formula: “I really like my restraint, I like to show my restraint and great self-control, it gives me great pleasure. To hold back is to lift yourself up.” To overcome hot temper and strengthen self-control, both of these formulas should be spoken together, one after the other. In the very first days of using such self-hypnosis, it becomes much easier for the student to behave normally and maintain the necessary relationships with the people around him. Such formulas are also useful for overcoming rudeness and developing politeness and tact.

Sytin developed tens of thousands of “healing moods.” He wrote “A Psychological Guide to Self-Recovery of Health in Illness and Aging” in 10 volumes that cover all areas of medicine.

Formulas of self-hypnosis according to Sytin

To reduce voltage during operation

“Throughout the entire day I maintain absolute self-control, absolute subordination of all actions to achieving the greatest result of my work. Under no circumstances do I get nervous or irritated. In any situation I maintain restraint and composure. I do not put myself on the same footing with my subordinates and do not allow myself to be irritated by their rudeness or violation of discipline. I'm above this. I hold myself back where no one else can. And everyone feels this power when communicating with me. I am able to exert great effort and control myself in the most exciting circumstances. I can do anything. And I will always show by my behavior an example of great spiritual strength and endurance. With the strongest, fiercest, vicious hatred I hate hot temper and irritability, they turn me into a laughing stock, they humiliate me and undermine my authority. I feel able to prevent irritation from occurring even when it is very difficult to do so. I can do anything. I am capable of enormous volitional efforts. I never lose my spirit and good mood. I always come to work in a cheerful, cheerful mood. I always remain cheerful, self-confident and cheerful. I love my job very much, and it gives me great pleasure and fills my life with the joy of constant victories and great meaning. And my endurance and self-control make my work easier and make it more effective.”

To strengthen brain activity

Prolonged and severe nervous tension, which is sometimes associated with work, negatively affects the activity of the brain and cardiovascular system, and worsens health. Therefore, to maintain efficiency and health, it is useful to engage in self-hypnosis, the influence of which would counteract this process. Here is an approximate formula for strengthening the stability of brain activity:

“I have a healthy brain. The brain works steadily, smoothly, uniformly, equally. The brain correctly regulates the activity of the entire body, all organs and fills them with health and vitality. Stable brain activity protects all organs from harmful influences external environment. The brain does not allow harmful environmental influences into the body. All internal organs, the whole body lives under the protection of the brain from the harmful influences of the external environment. And therefore the whole body lives and breathes freely, serenely and happily. The brain works with a huge reserve of stability. I have a young, healthy brain. All senses will continue to improve and develop for a long time. I have a strong memory, very energetic thinking. My brain is young, young, of pristine, indestructible health. The brain works very smoothly, with a huge margin of stability. And that’s why I have a very stable, cheerful mood. I have a very stable state of serene happiness. Serene happiness. I see myself as a person with a very healthy brain.”

To enhance memory

“All brain memory mechanisms are activated and strengthened. God fills all brain mechanisms of memory with gigantic energy of development from the subtle world. All the memory mechanisms in my soul are divinely developing at a gigantic speed, intensifying millions of times. The memory becomes more and more vivid, more and more powerful. Memorization speeds up. Memory capacity increases. Memory of all kinds is becoming increasingly powerful. With the brightness of lightning I feel: visual memory is enhanced. Mechanical memory increases and becomes more active. I feel with the brightness of lightning: I can vividly and firmly remember the words that I read from a foreign dictionary.

Musical memory is enhanced. It is enough to listen to a piece of music once, and I remember it vividly and firmly. Memory of all types is enhanced. Verbal-logical memory increases and strengthens. Mechanisms of recall are strengthened. My knowledge is becoming more and more energetic, more and more active. Mechanisms of recall are strengthened. Everything that needs to be remembered in life, I remember immediately, instantly, as if everything that needs to be remembered is already lying before my eyes, ready-made, in the palm of my hand.

Memorization processes are accelerated. Memory capacity increases. Mechanisms of recall are strengthened. Blossoms, memory strengthens. The memory becomes more and more vivid, more and more powerful. Everything that needs to be remembered in life, I remember immediately, quickly, for a long time.”

To strengthen cardiovascular resilience

“I have a healthy, strong heart. The heart is beating reliable protection brain: the brain works with a huge reserve of stability and does not allow harmful influences of the external environment into the heart. The heart works very steadily. The heart works with a huge reserve of stability. I have a healthy, strong heart. All blood vessels are elastic, smooth, elastic. I have all the cardiovascular system of a healthy young man. Heart sounds are clear-clean, normal height, normal volume, normal-rhythmic pulse, good filling, 72 beats per minute, blood pressure is very constant, stable 120/80. I have a very stable good health, I am full of strength and energy. The energy is in full swing. I have a strong healthy heart. The heart works with a large margin of safety. I can run for a very long time without signs of fatigue, easily, maintaining even, intense breathing. I can quickly climb many floors of stairs with ease and still maintain even breathing. I can easily steam for two or three hours in a sauna, where many people cannot stand even ten minutes. My heart has a huge reserve of strength and resilience. I have a healthy, tireless heart. All people know me as a person with a very healthy heart. When doctors check the activity of my heart, they usually say that with such a heart you can live for a hundred years, that by the activity of my heart you can check chronometers. I see myself as a person with a strong, tireless healthy heart. I clearly and clearly feel like a person with a healthy, strong heart.”

To enhance vision

“The entire neuro-cerebral anatomical and physiological apparatus of vision is now being strengthened. From the subtle world, God pours gigantic Divine power into the neuro-cerebral mechanisms of vision in the occipital lobes of the brain. The neuro-cerebral mechanisms of vision are divinely intensified, intensified tens, hundreds of times. Holy Divine steel flows into the optic nerves. They become healthier, stronger, and strengthen their nerves. And God pours 18 years of energetic young life into my eyes. Young life filled my eyes. Young life filled all the neuro-cerebral anatomical and physiological mechanisms of vision.

All eye structures were Divinely born now exactly the same young, 18-year-old. My eyes are now bright, bright, huge, gigantically strong. The entire neuro-cerebral anatomical and physiological apparatus of vision is now strengthening at a gigantic speed. The gaze becomes stronger, the vision becomes stronger. A young, 18-year-old, gigantically strong, sharp, eagle-like vision is born. With the brightness of lightning I feel, I clearly see the smallest newspaper font. My vision is constantly getting stronger. The eyes become more and more brightly shining, more and more brightly glowing with Divine light. My eyes are bright, bright, young, huge. Expressive, strong-willed, intelligent, divinely beautiful eyes. I feel with the brightness of lightning: my vision is intensifying. A young, 18-year-old, gigantically strong, sharp vision is born.”

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Quotes from the mood “Revival of a Woman’s Youth” “I am completely filled with the enormous inexhaustible energy of youth. A newborn, young, newborn, young, cheerful, cheerful, playful soul is born within me. A newborn, young, beautiful girl’s body is born again. IN

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From the author's book

From the author's book

Chapter 1 SOEVUS method - method of psychocorrection

From the author's book

1.2. Theoretical principles for constructing attitudes The content of the attitude, when assimilated, should be pleasant to the person. He himself must exclude words and entire phrases that he does not like from the mood. All verbal formulations must be clear, figurative, forming a vivid

From the author's book

1.3. Recommendations for assimilating moods In the typical moods of the SOEVUS method, the initial degree of volitional tension and the initial strength of expression of thought are used in order to tire a person less when mastering the mood. The easiest way to assimilate a mood is if you listen to it in

It is easier to assimilate the mood if you listen to it in a sound recording. You can speak the mood into a tape recorder for yourself. The tone of presentation should be businesslike, firm, convincing, without any pathos. In the same tone, if possible, pronounce the mood out loud, but if there are no conditions, read or pronounce it from memory, to yourself. Some people prefer to listen to the mood, others prefer to read it. This is what you like. While listening, you can also do some housework. But it's better if you try not to be distracted and concentrate.

To internalize attitudes, use wasted time, for example, when going to work and home.

Set yourself up for deep, lasting assimilation of attitudes. The mindset to strengthen your volitional attention will help you with this.

Regardless of whether a person knows the text by heart or not, the mood is acquired only in the process of listening or pronouncing it. You need to assimilate the mood until your state comes into full compliance with the content of the mood.

When mastering the mood, try to be as active as possible (it’s better to walk), make an effort to memorize the text. This increases the efficiency of development.

To internalize a mood means to bring oneself into full compliance with its content (and not just remember).

It is useful to listen, read or recite from memory more times those fragments of text that you like best and have special meaning. It is especially useful when listening to a mood to repeat thought after thought out loud.


Life-giving Divine newborn life flows into my head. Colossal Divine power pours into my head. Colossal Divine energy of rapid creation - rapid development pours into my head.

The head is born more and more energetic - more and more energetic - more and more strong. With every minute the head is born more and more energetic - more and more strong.

Colossal Divine power flows into the frontal lobes of the brain. Colossal energy of development is poured into the frontal lobes of the brain - into the brain mechanisms of will. The brain mechanisms of will are increasingly strengthened. The brain mechanisms of will are constantly sharply strengthened around the clock. The will sharply increases - the brain mechanisms of volitional effort sharply increase - the will sharply increases. I am born as a person of ever stronger will - ever stronger will. My spiritual power is increasing sharply.

I can start working on myself at any time. I try to understand this as deeply as possible. I always have enough will to begin to assimilate the attitudes I need. I try to remember clearly and firmly: I am always, at any time, able to begin to assimilate the moods I need. My will is sharply strengthened - my will is sharply strengthened.

Colossal Divine energy of rapid development flows into the frontal lobes of the brain,

colossal Divine power pours in. The frontal lobes of the brain are sharply strengthened - the brain mechanisms of will are sharply strengthened; the brain mechanisms of volitional effort are sharply strengthened. Day and night, the ability for volitional effort continuously sharply increases - the ability for volitional effort sharply increases.

I can overcome all the difficulties of engaging in work on myself at any time. I can overcome all difficulties in working on myself at any time. I firmly know this as a real fact: at any moment I can overcome all the difficulties of engaging in work on myself. At any moment I can overcome all the difficulties of beginning to assimilate the mood. I can begin to assimilate the moods I need at any moment.

I can overcome all the difficulties of incorporating attitudes into assimilation at any moment. I try to comprehend this as deeply as possible: I can always - at any time - start working on myself, I can always - at any time - start working on myself - I firmly know this as a real fact. I always have enough will to overcome all the difficulties of engaging in work on myself and begin to assimilate attitudes. Always - at any time, at the slightest desire, I can begin to assimilate the moods I need, I can begin to work on myself. My will sharply increases, my ability to overcome all the difficulties of inclusion in work on myself increases sharply, my ability to engage in work on myself increases sharply.

I can always, at any time, completely switch off from the outside world and fully concentrate on assimilating the mood, overcoming all the difficulties of engaging in work on myself. I can start working on myself at any time if I wish - I firmly know this as a real fact. Nothing is impossible for me, I dare everything, I can do everything. I firmly know as a fact that I can always start working on myself. I can always, at any time, if I wish, begin to work on myself - I firmly know this as a real fact. I have enough strong will in order to overcome all the difficulties of switching off from the outside world, in order to concentrate entirely on working on myself - on mastering the mood I need.

With enormous, colossal power, the life-giving Divine newborn life pours into my head. Day and night - around the clock, colossal Divine power pours into my head. I try to comprehend as deeply as possible: Divine pure cosmic power flows into me in a constant stream. Divine cosmic energy flows into my head in a constant, continuous stream. Day and night - the energy of the head increases around the clock - the energy of the head increases sharply - the strength of the head increases sharply.

Day and night - around the clock, the brain is born more and more energetic - more and more strong. My spiritual power is constantly, continuously, sharply increasing - my spiritual power is constantly, continuously, sharply increasing.

I firmly know that I can always start working on myself. I always have enough spiritual strength to force myself to work on myself, to begin to adopt the attitude I need.

With enormous, colossal power, the life-giving Divine newborn life, at the command of the Lord God, pours into my head. At the behest of the Savior, holy Divine power flows into my head in a constant stream. Constantly, continuously, I feel an influx of ever-new, ever-new energy, ever-new, ever-new Divine power. I constantly feel an increase in spiritual strength - I constantly feel an increase in spiritual strength.

I feel more and more clearly how my spiritual power is growing. I feel more and more clearly how my spiritual power is growing. I feel more and more clearly how my spiritual power is growing.

The life-giving Divine newborn life of enormous, colossal power fills me through and through: the Lord God Himself creates me anew as a newborn-young, newborn-young, indestructibly healthy, Divinely healthy - untouched by life. The Lord God Himself is creating me anew perfectly healthy - absolutely healthy - Divinely healthy. All body systems are born healthy - ideally healthy - absolutely healthy - Divinely healthy.

The life-giving Divine newborn life flows into my body with enormous, colossal power. My whole body is constantly, continuously, around the clock being born ever younger - ever younger - ever younger - ever more elastic - ever stronger: colossal Divine power is pouring into my body.

At the command of the Savior, healing silver, brighter than the sun, holy Divine light pours into my body. By the Lord God Himself, I am completely filled with Divine light - completely filled with Divine light.

I am completely born again, newborn-whole, completely born again, newborn-whole, pristinely whole, divinely whole - untouched by life.

What else to read