Children's ceiling projector: advantages and disadvantages of different types. Installing the Projector

If you want to increase the image size and quality in your home theater, use a projector. By installing the projector on the ceiling or wall, you will not only free up space, but also give your theater professional look. To install the projector, you need to make some measurements, such as determining the size of the screen and room, and determining the throw distance and vertical offset (the value of this value can be found in the projector's instruction manual). Using these values ​​along with the recommendations in the projector's instruction manual will help you install it correctly on a ceiling or wall.


Part 1

Choosing a location for the screen

    Select appropriate place for screen position. Perhaps in your case the choice of places where you can hang the screen is limited - it depends on the layout of the room or room; If possible, choose a wall that is not exposed to direct light so that it does not affect the clarity of the image.

    Select the height at which you will hang the screen. It depends on the layout of the room. If you have a standard room with a sofa and a couple of armchairs (and not a theater room with several rows of chairs), then the screen should be hung at a height of 61-92 cm from the floor.

  1. Part 2

    Choosing a location for the projector

      Calculate the throw distance of your projector. Throw distance is the distance between the screen and the projector lens. To calculate this value, use the throw ratio, which can be found in the projector's instruction manual, which is either a single number (if the projector does not have optical zoom) or a range of numbers. To calculate the projection distance, use the following formula: projection distance = throw ratio x screen width. This formula works for any unit of measurement, so you can use screen width measured in inches, centimeters, feet, and so on.

      Determine the optimal projection distance. By calculating the range of projection distances and carefully inspecting the room or room, you can determine the most suitable location to install the projector. Please take into account the following factors:

      Find the projector's vertical offset value. It specifies the height of the projector mounting above the floor at which the image will be correctly projected on a certain screen size. The vertical offset value (percentage) is specified in the projector's instruction manual. A positive vertical offset (for example, +96.3%) indicates that the image is projected above the lens, while a negative vertical offset (for example, -96.3%) indicates that the image is projected below the lens. Since projectors are mounted upside down, it is more important to consider a positive vertical offset value.

      Calculate the projector installation height. To calculate optimal height To mount the projector, use the formula: projector mount height (above/below the center of the screen) = screen height x vertical offset of the projector (in percent).

      • For example, consider a projector whose vertical offset ranges from -96.3% to +96.3%.
        • The aspect ratio of a standard high-definition projection screen is 1.78:1 (16:9), meaning the screen is 1.78 times as wide as it is tall. For example, a 100-inch (254 cm) diagonal screen height will most likely be 124.5 cm.
        • Calculating the vertical offset for a screen whose height is 124.5 cm: 124.5 (height) x 96.3% (vertical offset; if your calculator does not have a "%" key, enter the number 0.963) = 119.9 cm.
        • This means that the projector can be installed anywhere within 119.9 cm above the center of the screen or within 119.9 cm below the center of the screen.
    1. Find the horizontal lens offset value. It's best to mount the projector with the lens facing the center of the screen (the width of the screen), but if your room layout doesn't allow you to do this, calculate the horizontal lens offset value. The same statements regarding vertical offset also apply to horizontal offset, which is calculated using the formula: horizontal position of the projector (right/left of screen center) = screen width x horizontal offset (percentage).

    Part 3

    Installing the Projector

      Select a mount that matches your projector brand and room layout. Mounts for projectors are different: ceiling and wall, with or without the ability to adjust the position of the projector, and are selected according to the type/size/weight of the projector. When choosing a projector mount, consider the following factors:

      Install the mount. Attach the projector to the mount, following the instructions in the documentation that came with the mount and the projector. Make sure the mounting plate matches the dimensions of the projector before moving on to the next step. Also make sure that the projector is securely screwed to the mount before installing it on a wall or ceiling.

    1. Calculate the distance from the mount to the lens and determine the corresponding throw distance. Using a tape measure, find the distance from the center of the mount to the front edge of the projector lens. Add the value you find to the optimal range of distances from the projector lens to the screen (that is, the throw distance).

      • For example, if the distance from the center of the mount to the front edge of the projector lens is 15 cm, and the projection distance is 5 m, then the new optimal projection distance will be 5.15 m (5 + 0.15).

Projector for home: typical mistakes when buying. Part 1

A person who has seriously set himself the task of choosing a projector for his home is simply obliged to acquire a small fork. Because he risks being bombarded with advertising and needs to remove the noodles from his ears every minute. All modern vendors producing video equipment also produce projectors for home cinema: Panasonic, Sony, Sanyo, Eiki, BenQ, Acer, Optoma, JVC, Mitsubishi... And everyone wants their products to be bought and goes to all sorts of tricks for this - technical and advertising.

Some have developed a “universal projector for the home,” others boast of “unique contrast,” others build a DVD player directly into the projector, and others modestly offer “ The best choice for a home cinema!”, the twelfths have a certain “space design”... Why does everyone have such different characteristics and different prices, but all (“focal length I swear, right???”) are ideal for home use?

Sony is careful to categorize home projectors into "Movie Projectors", "Gaming Projectors" and "Sports Projectors" - and for good reason. I don’t know what about “Projectors for sports broadcasts” (I suspect that Sony is so cleverly trying to attach the SXRD panels it produces for projectors), but projectors for cinema and projectors for games have different quality criteria.

And we will now talk about these criteria, as well as how not to commit one of typical mistakes at the time of buying. The issue of choosing a projector for a home theater has already been raised here in the article “Choosing a projector for the home,” let’s continue this topic.

"The brighter the better". One of the most common misconceptions about cinema projectors. For office projectors, I agree, brightness is important, but in cinema the criteria are completely different. Movies are watched in the dark (remember the atmosphere in the cinema!), and too bright light from the projector will strain the eyes - like a bright blinking light bulb in the dark. How long can you stand looking at such a light bulb? That's right, soon your eyes will hurt and you will want to turn on the light. And here you step on the rake of the second drawback of bright devices - poor contrast.

What is contrast? This is the very characteristic to which manufacturers try to assign the maximum number of zeros: 2000:1, 5000:1, 15000:1 (the cheaper the vendor, the more zeros it has in contrast). The most honest ones, by the way, do not publish it at all, balancing between “not lying” and “being no worse than others.” So what does this characteristic mean? In relation to projectors and televisions, everything is simple: this is the technology’s ability to show the maximum black and maximum White color- the farther they are from each other, the more contrast the image will be. The more contrast the image, the more quantity halftones of color that the device can reproduce. The more halftones, the smoother and more cohesive the image will be.

What happens when the projector is too bright? Yes, the same as in the cinema, when a klutz who is late for the start of the show opens the door and light falls on the screen for a second. Where the light is exposed, the black color disappears and the image becomes faded. Black turns to gray and the image loses contrast. Remember in “The Lord of the Rings” the shooting in the dungeons of Moria? Dark figures move against a black background of rocks. If the projector has really good contrast, then you can easily see all the details. If the contrast is “inflated,” then the viewer will see dark gray incomprehensible spots that are poorly visible on a dark gray background.

In addition, contrast is responsible for the “three-dimensionality” of the image.

Guess for yourself which ball has more contrast than the others?

In cinema, the most important thing is contrast, not brightness. The higher the brightness, the worse the contrast.

So, the first mistake when choosing a projector for a home theater is too much brightness. If you compare the brightness of corresponding modern projectors from any vendor, you will see that it is no higher than 2500 lumens. If it is higher, it means that the projector is not “sharpened” for cinema. He can be good at games, great at football, great at showing close-up news... but cinema is clearly not in the first place in it.

In projectors for games, contrast and super-quality images are not so critical: the player needs everything to be clearly visible even in an undarkened room (brightness) and in detail (resolution). Even color rendering in such projectors is not very important.

By the way, about color rendering. Imagine an office presentation where the lightish red color on the chart is ten times more important than the lightish reddish tan color on the same chart. Introduced? So I'm having a hard time. And in a movie, these can be two shades of sunset, which, according to the director’s plan, must be different, because they create an atmosphere of tense anticipation. Therefore, home theater projectors are equipped with either “revolutionary BrilliantColor technology, which makes colors much brighter”, or “DarkChip3 technology, which makes blacks truly deep”, or calibrate projectors “to the D65 standard”... In general, by all They are trying to squeeze COLOR out of projectors. High-quality, rich, rich, impressive color picture. Which (I repeat) is completely unprincipled in the office and not very critical in games.

Projection distance. The second problem that people usually stumble over too late (after purchasing, unpacking and turning on the projector) is the screen size. A disappointed buyer finds out that even if you place the projector in the farthest corner of the room, the maximum diagonal is still two meters. Which, of course, is bigger than a TV, but he wanted a “more different” difference! What was the oversight, what characteristic did he miss when choosing?

Small. So small that many manufacturers don’t even mention it. This is the “projection ratio”, also known as throw ratio. It might look like "1.5...2.0", for example. This is the relationship between the distance to the screen and its width.

For some reason, people believe that a projector can show any size screen from any distance. The example with a banal flashlight (the farther away, the larger the light spot) makes them think. But how far away do you need to move the projector to get a certain screen size? This is what the projection ratio shows.

For example, with a throw ratio of 1.5...2.0 at a distance of 4 meters, the projector will give a picture width from (4 divided by 2.0) 2 meters to (4 divided by 1.5) 2.6 meters. If you can't place the projector further than 4 meters from the screen (your room is small, for example), you won't get a screen larger than 2.6 meters wide.

I note that the upper value of 2.0 is still divine. Some manufacturers are clearly mocking customers by offering them a factor of 2.5. Can you calculate the width yourself at this ratio?

That's why! IN mandatory pay attention to this characteristic! Sometimes a visual table is drawn instead:

For those who do not speak English: width is width, height is height, inch is inches, and cm is centimeters (do not confuse inches and centimeters). Distance is exactly the distance from your projector for the screen. The websites of all major projector manufacturers have either a projection calculator or tables like this. For the inquisitive, there is a special projector resource where, among other things, you can find a calculator for almost any projectors, including discontinued ones:

Projector location. There is one more question that the lucky owner will face closely after the purchase, when the first euphoria wears off: “Where should I put it?” Putting it on a table means it might get touched or dropped, and besides, adjusting it to the screen every time is also not a good idea. Hang a shelf on the wall and place it on it? Then for some reason the image turns out crooked, with beveled edges... Some kind of ceiling suspensions are sold everywhere, but there is no shelf on them, how to put it there? Turning my favorite projector upside down???

Yes, the issue is usually resolved this way, don’t be surprised. If you don’t have any special considerations (for example, the projector has a built-in DVD player and changing disks on the ceiling is inconvenient or you can’t even touch the multi-million-dollar ceiling design), then the projector is hung on the mount.

In this case, the projector turns upside down, and then somewhere in the projector menu you will need to turn the image upside down. It will be called something like “Ceiling front position” or even just “Ceiling”. There is no need to worry about the projector itself - this is completely normal. working position, he can work like this for many years.

If you don't have much high ceilings, then you need to choose a mount with a minimum rod length or without it at all. Minimum distance from the ceiling to the projector that I encountered is about 15 cm (plus the thickness of the projector itself), this is even for very low ceilings quite acceptable. It is also not recommended to hang the projector too high - a “trapezoid effect” may occur. But this kind of danger only occurs if there is a sufficiently large difference in height between the projector and the screen (the projection angle is more than 40 degrees), which is rare under normal conditions.

So, I warned you about some common mistakes when choosing a projector for a home theater (about brightness, contrast, projection distance and choice of projector location). We will talk about the format and size of the screen, “trapezoid” and some other points in

To set up a viewing area in a residential or educational space, you need to correctly position the multimedia projector. AND best place the area above his head will serve for him. And for this you will need a ceiling bracket for the projector, with which the equipment will be securely and safely secured.

The issue of placing video equipment under the ceiling should be approached from two positions at once:

  1. Aesthetics and convenience;
  2. Safety of people in the premises.

The safety issue is due to the fact that the weight of some projector models exceeds 20 kg. Accordingly, reliable fastening is so heavy load should be carried out precisely for these reasons.

Features of this type of fastening

Let's look at what brackets there are for ceiling projectors and how to choose the right mount.

Before you go to the store to buy a bracket, you need to find out the parameters of the viewing area. And they depend on:

  1. Indoor ceiling heights;
  2. Screen sizes;
  3. Projector weights.

For reference: the weight of the lightest projector model does not exceed 4 kg. While the mass of professional projection equipment can reach 80-100 kg.

And only after this can you determine what type of bracket will help securely mount the projector on the ceiling. The fact is that all ceiling mounting systems, without exception, are designed for:

  1. Certain weight of video equipment;
  2. A certain mounting height relative to the ceiling surface;

Advice: If you decide to install a projector screen in the room under the ceiling, then focus your choice on simple designs brackets without rods and telescopic guides. After all, the top edge of the screen will always be opposite the projector. And this way, you won't overpay for unnecessary items.

As for weight, on most models of brackets manufacturers indicate the maximum permissible weight. This is the load that the product can withstand during operation (see).

Tip: you should choose those models whose strength exceeds the weight of your projector by 20%. For example, if the weight of video equipment is 15 kg, then you should choose models with parameters of 15-20 kg. And you should not take models where the weight is indicated in the range of 10-15 kg, or 20-25 kg. In the first case, there is a risk of the bracket breaking, and in the second, you will simply overpay an excessive amount.

Types of brackets

In addition to differences in weight, there is a division of brackets for ceiling mounting of video projectors into the following types:

  1. With a fixed length (distance) to the ceiling;
  2. With adjustable length (rod type).

Simple bracket

The type of fixed brackets is the simplest. It allows you to easily and securely mount the projector to the ceiling..

For installation, you need to select a location on the ceiling and install the mounting plate. To do this, use “quick mount” elements or anchor bolts if the projector weighs more than 20 kg (see).

The second part of the bracket must be attached to the projector by attaching the legs with bolts to special points on its body, and connect together the entire structure under the ceiling.

Rod type

The rod type, in turn, is divided into:

  1. Stacked structures;
  2. Telescopic structures.

As a rule, the typesetting type of bracket design involves the purchase of main components:

  1. An installation metal plate that allows you to attach the entire structure to the ceiling;
  2. Adjustable projector mount with rotating mechanism tilt;
  3. Connecting elements.

As for the bar and its length, manufacturers provide the opportunity to independent choice by buyer . By measuring the distance from the ceiling to the projector in the room, you can easily select a rod of suitable length, which is sold separately.

They come in two types:

  1. Round;
  2. Rectangular.

Their choice depends only on the aesthetic preferences of buyers.

What you need to know when choosing a bracket

Today, there are many models of ceiling brackets on sale, which are offered in one configuration or another. Knowing the technical parameters of your room and the weight of the equipment, you can easily choose the direction for your search.

However, you should also understand what additional functions you need, and which ones you can completely refuse. After all, the difference in price between almost identical-looking brackets is quite significant, and is due precisely to the presence of additional options:

  1. Adjustment angle of the rod relative to the vertical axis;
  2. Rotating mechanism for mounting the projector (360 degrees).

If you plan to mount the bracket on a flat ceiling and broadcast video in one direction, then you should choose models without the specified components. They will cost you much less.

Assistive devices

Having set up a viewing area, for example, a home cinema, many owners of video projectors do not agree to put up with information “darkness” during film shows. Therefore, for such rooms they often purchase a clock with an adjustable projector on the ceiling, the information of which:

  1. Does not interfere with watching movies;
  2. Visual – just raise your head to see the current time.

Same in popularity as time projection clocks and ceiling projector starry sky. In rooms intended for watching wide-screen movies, such a lighting device allows you to create a pleasant, relaxing atmosphere.

And it’s not just for home use that data is used electronic devices. They will also be useful in classrooms, setting students up for a better perception of educational material.

Conclusions: having appeared as a way to free up space, the ceiling bracket for projectors has managed to become part of modern design. And at the same time, it has not lost its main functions - a reliable and safe mounting system that holds heavy video equipment on the ceiling.

One of the brackets

Ceiling surface - best option for installing the projector in any room. This ensures maximum freedom in determining the location for installing the multimedia system. And in order for expensive equipment to be securely fastened, there is a durable and convenient device- ceiling bracket for the projector.

Advantages and disadvantages of installing projectors on the ceiling

An approach to organizing a home theater that involves placing an image transmitter on the ceiling of the room has several undeniable advantages:

  1. The projector will not take up living space and make it difficult to move around the room. If a child accidentally gets caught on the wires, it will not be broken by a child or dropped by a pet.
  2. The device can be installed in a special decorative niche which will emphasize original design premises.

Advice! The stationary arrangement of the screen and projector will allow you to free yourself from the need to periodically adjust the image.

However, the ceiling mount will to some extent deprive the device of mobility. At the same time, it will be inconvenient to often remove the projector and use it in another place.

Advice! Having a spare set of cables and power cords will allow you to move the equipment if necessary.

And yet, if you are organizing a family cinema in separate room, That the best way You won't find anything better than a projector ceiling mount.

Hanging holder design

Most ceiling mounts for projectors are made of metal. Sometimes they are made of plastic or wood.

Let's look at the basic design elements of the brackets:

  1. Platform - designed to host video equipment. This device can be universal, suitable for various electronic and other devices.
  2. Barbell - the most important detail, which allows you to change the distance from the projector to the ceiling surface.
  3. The mounting panel is a special platform with holes through which the structure is connected to the ceiling.

Modern manufacturers offer high-quality and durable projector holders, equipped with an adjustable or non-adjustable boom. You can choose a specific bracket model, for example, a projector mount from Acer or other manufacturers.

You can purchase a universal holder suitable for both portable and large devices. Moreover, most of the models released for last years, allow you to control the position of the projector in space.

Choosing a bracket for the projector

Each projector has its own bracket

When choosing a mounting device for installing the projector, you need to focus on its parameters, also taking into account the condition of the ceiling surface:

  1. The weight of the projection device - the bracket must correspond to the calculated load, which is indicated in the accompanying documents for the equipment.
  2. Location of connection holes - even if you purchased a universal holder, you need to make sure that all connections of the elements of the projection system match perfectly.
  3. Length of adjustable mounting rod - carry out all the calculations in advance and determine at what height the screen will be placed. To find out what size bar you need to install, you must know exactly the height of the room being equipped and the placement of the screen surface.

Basics of ceiling bracket installation technology

Features of installing mounts on various surfaces

Regardless of the variety or brand of manufacturer, ceiling holders are attached in the standard way:

  1. Drill holes in the ceiling using a hammer drill.
  2. Insert the dowels.
  3. Install the holder mounting panel and secure it with self-tapping screws.

However this method Suitable only for concrete or wooden ceilings.

Features of installation work on suspended ceilings

Mounting the Projector Mount

Before installing the stretch ceiling, mortgages are attached to the base floor, which are connected to the base of the bracket. During the assembly process, the canvas is made special holes and strengthen them with metal rings. A rod is installed through these entrances.

If the tension covering already exists, then in order to install the ceiling holder for the projector, you will need to partially dismantle the canvas. Mortgages are also installed, and all the operations described above are carried out. At the last stage they fix suspended ceiling in place.

Advice! Manipulation with tensile structures require the presence of specialists!

Installation of the holder on gypsum board ceilings

Hanging plasterboard structures - great way hide all kinds of communications, including those necessary for connecting the projection device. The main rule is that they must provide reliable protection from moisture penetration.

At the same time, you may have a question - how to attach the projector if the ceiling surface is already puttied and painted?

  1. If the device for image transmission weighs no more than 5 kg, then you can use butterfly dowels during installation.
  2. If the projector is more massive, then it is attached only to metal frame- basic suspended structure ceiling made of gypsum plasterboard.

Note! When drilling holes, make sure that the diameter of the tool is selected correctly. Fasteners should fit into the drywall as tightly as possible and without turning.

Mounting a projector mount on Armstrong ceilings

Mounting a projector mount on Armstrong ceilings

Structurally these suspension systems differ in the externally visible device load-bearing frame. Details decorative covering simply nested in the appropriate cells.

To remove or install Armstrong tiles and panels, you do not have to make any significant effort. In this case, mounting the projector to the ceiling is extremely quick and simple:

  1. Temporarily remove some slabs.
  2. Attach the holder and the socket to which the power corrugated wire is supplied.
  3. In one of the ceiling elements, cut a hole for the cables and rods and bring them out.
  4. Place the stove in place.

Organization of communications in the interior

What do you think - what needs to be done to ensure that power cables and sockets do not spoil the impression of being in a home cinema? That's right, the installation of a video projector must be planned at the stage of repair activities.

In this case, you will have the opportunity to hide all the unsightly details:

  • behind suspended or suspended ceiling structures;
  • directly into the concrete, which will require making grooves into which you will install the cables.

Advice! If you intend to install the equipment in a room with sloping or sloping ceilings, you will need an additional adapter for installation.

It's more difficult if you purchased the projector after completing renovations in the room, but still want to carry out ceiling mounting. In this case, a thorough analysis is required possible solution question. For example, you can hide wires by making a decorative plasterboard box on the ceiling or using a false wooden beam.

Note! The projector needs to be secured at approximately the same level at which the top edge of the screen will be located.

Installed projector

In the process of acquisition ceiling bracket Experts advise purchasing all parts and elements separately. Despite the apparent contradiction of this recommendation, this approach can be very convenient.

See for yourself - completing it yourself fastening system, you can find a barbell of the desired color, size and design.

To ensure that the projector is installed on the ceiling correctly and you do not have any difficulties, be sure to:

  1. Route all cables to the selected installation area in advance.
  2. Accurately calculate the required rod length. To do this, from the total height of the room you need to subtract the height of the screen, as well as the distance from its canvas to the floor surface.
  3. Determine exactly where in the home theater the equipment rack will be installed. This will help calculate the distance over which switching lines and power supply systems will need to be laid.
  4. Read in detail technical characteristics specific model video projector. This will allow you to clearly understand the order and scope of work.

We hope that the tips and recommendations presented will help you successfully carry out a set of measures to equip your home theater. Still, not every owner can boast of having such a room, not to mention decorating it himself.

September 1 is approaching - the day when parents take their children to school, and for a short time they themselves turn into children, standing on the line, and perhaps remembering best years in my life (although it didn’t seem so then, did it? ;))

Now it’s time for our little one to join the knowledge of full program. I hope he won’t come and say, like that Vovochka: “Why didn’t you warn me that this bad guy is for ten years!”, although we expect anything.

How we got into the school where I also studied until the seventh grade inclusive is a separate story, I’ll just say that I didn’t pay for admission. But at the first meeting it was discovered that there was no money for the renovation of the classroom and plastic windows(and the old ones were installed, apparently, even before I was born, about 30 years ago, and they did not inspire confidence in the health of children in winter) no. Naturally, the parents chipped in for all this.

In addition, the young progressive class teacher advised us to buy a projector for the class, because... it will help diversify the learning process. If she really uses it, then I am with both hands FOR and fully support her (unlike many parents who, in my opinion, did not understand why the hell it was necessary, but chipped in with money, for which I thank them).

Through the efforts of my beloved wife, purchasing everything necessary and installing the projector fell on my not very fragile shoulders. , I already told you. I myself followed the same path, and eventually came to. I was satisfied with everything, except for the lack of a VGA output, but there were financial restrictions imposed by the parent committee, so in the current configuration, the teacher will have to connect cables from the monitor and projector when she wants to display the image on one of the devices.

Having purchased everything, I turned to a friend, by the way, also a specialist in projection technology, for help. Having gathered our strength and choosing an “unnecessary” Saturday, we left my missus to cook “to wash up the work” (especially since guests were supposed to arrive) and went to school. Why didn't we contact a specialized company for installation? There are several reasons for this:
1. Extremely limited budget for the entire installation. More money my parents refused to assemble it, and offered me just some equipment, but I didn’t want to include the installation fee, I’m still doing it for the children (and I’m generally not used to doing something for the sake of an excuse)
2. The wife said: “Are you a projector or what? You constantly tinker with your website, advise others, and then you can handle it.”
3. I thought to myself: “Am I not a man or something?” Yes, and I have experience.

Our school is ordinary, comprehensive. Built in the 70s. Ceiling height is 3 meters.

So. The task is to hang the projector so that the screen optimal size hanging in front school board, when necessary, without touching anything or distorting the picture, and removing it when not needed. So that the image from the projector is smooth, clear and hits the screen. The installation was complicated by the presence of this very board and a clock on the wall. Plus you need to lay 10 meters power cable and 12.4 meters of VGA cable so that later the firefighters would not bother the poor electrician, who is already having a hard time doing nothing (judging by the wiring in the school and his appearance; he came in to admire what was happening).

Choosing a suitable projector. As I already said, in my case it turned out to be . Selecting the screen the right size and format. For a 4:3 aspect ratio projector in limited budget I chose, the stated width of which is 180 cm, and the aspect ratio is 1:1. This size, in my opinion, is perfect for children sitting in any row - the first row of desks is approximately 2.5-3 meters from the screen, the last row is approximately 6-6.5 meters.

Let's go to my page and calculate from what distance this projector will give us an image of the required width. It should be taken into account that in my case the screen had a black frame (it visually improves the three-dimensionality of the image and it is more convenient to install the projector with it, especially if it does not shift lenses) 3 cm wide on each side, which reduced the useful width of the surface to 174 see. I don’t have the EB-X02 projector in my calculator (an oversight that I plan to correct), but there is its analogue in terms of optics - EB-X10, so we calculated everything on it. It turned out that our screen was covered from a distance of 2.6 to 3.1 meters. In order not to miss, we stopped at a distance of 2.8 meters.

Drill holes for the ceiling mount. In this case, it has a boom length of 43-65 cm, thanks to which we were able to install the projector without using vertical keystone correction, while hanging it high enough so that the kids would not accidentally knock it down, for example, by swinging their backpacks.

I will warn those who plan to install a projector against one mistake. Some people estimate the location of the screen without first hanging the projector, but by placing it, for example, on a table and displaying a picture. They hang a screen under it and, having calculated its horizontal center, they are going to install the projector under the ceiling. This does not take into account that many projectors have a lens offset from the center, which means that with the actions described above, the image will not appear on the screen, because turning the projector upside down will shift the image to the side. Naturally, this is relevant for devices without lens shift (after all, a great invention in projector engineering). Trying out the placement of a projector screwed to the mount in order to fit the image into the screen is quite a task. Therefore, I prefer to first install the projector, and only after that, after displaying the image on the wall, find places to mount the screen.

With holes in the ceiling, the first ambush awaited us. The floor slabs turned out to be very hollow, so the thickness of the “rock” into which the dowel was driven was no more than two centimeters, and the dowels themselves, included with the fastening, turned out to be a bit soft, which is why they should be driven into a hole of smaller diameter than required ( for amplification) was not possible. I didn’t want to run to the store for some anchors, so I had to modify the design the old-fashioned way - using matches

The next stage was the screen, which it was decided to install under the ceiling and not on the wall, since the 1:1 format made it possible to lower it quite low after installation. Here it was already a matter of technology (more precisely, a hammer drill, dowels, hooks and matches).

After installing the projector and screen, the most dreary task remains - attaching a socket to the ceiling (this is also sometimes forgotten), laying boxes for cables and the cables themselves. Here, as they say, it’s not as painful as being tired of tumbling, making holes in the ceiling and moving a stepladder.

Result: 5 hours of work, 4 smoke breaks, a pack of chips, a bottle of water and childish joy in the eyes of an almost first-grader. I haven’t seen the class teacher yet, but if she hasn’t called after watching it, it means everything is fine, and she said thank you on the phone in advance.

Participated in solving the problem:
VGA cables: 10.6m male to female, Kramer C-GM/GF-6 1.8m male to female
Power cable 10 m, Euro plug, prefabricated, Euro external socket

P.S.: we didn’t make it in time by the time the guests arrived, but then we reimbursed

P.P.S.: thank you, friend who wished to remain anonymous;)

P.P.P.S.: guys - installers, sorry for the part of the work that I took away from you today

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