The bee stung my finger what to do. What to do if you don’t have the right medicines at hand: folk remedies

Apitoxin (bee venom) is a complex organic composition, the composition of which has not yet been fully disclosed by scientists. Therefore, this unique product is not reproduced artificially.

Bee venom is widely used in official and alternative medicine.

If we briefly describe the composition of apitoxin, we get the following:

  • organic acids (orthophosphoric, hydrochloric);
  • amino acids (tryptophan);
  • mediator of allergic reactions - histamine;
  • vitamins - choline (B4);
  • volatile oils;
  • enzymes;
  • proteins;
  • minerals - copper, calcium, sulfur, magnesium;
  • antibiotic substances.

Main medicinal properties due to the presence of bioactive substances in apitoxin:

  • melittin is the main component of bee venom. The toxic polypeptide has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects. Destroying the protective shell of bacteria and viruses, it actively destroys both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Its properties extend to blood cells - hemolytic action. Stimulates the production of adrenal hormones. The presence of melittin explains the radioprotective properties of the toxin;
  • enzymes:

- phospholipases;

- hyaluronidase;

- alamina.

Description of apitoxin treatment can be found in biblical texts in the Koran. Gallen and Hipokrates used apitherapy in their practice.

Back in the middle of the 20th century, the Russian scientist Armemov N.M. determined that bee venom acts on several systems at once:

  • nervous;
  • vascular;
  • pain perception system (nociceptive).

A bee sting can bring health to sick people and can cause severe disorders.

The positive impact of bee venom is noted on all of these systems. With a disease of the nervous system, poison:

  • soothes / tones (depending on the amount);
  • has an analgesic effect;
  • stimulates blood circulation and relieves swelling of brain structures and tissues;
  • extinguishes convulsions;
  • normalizes sleep, improves memory, mood;
  • used in the treatment of nicotine and alcohol addiction.

With pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, the poison has:

  • vasodilating effect;
  • contributes to the normalization of the heart rhythm;
  • changes the rheological properties of blood (prevents the formation of blood clots, thins);
  • improves blood composition (increases the synthesis of hemoglobin and red blood cells);
  • increases the amount of circulating blood;
  • normalizes blood pressure in hypertension.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • tones the motility of the entire system;
  • promotes scarring of the ulcer;
  • stimulates the synthesis of enzymes;
  • has choleretic properties;
  • normalizes the composition of microbiocinosis.

With pathology of the respiratory system:

  • expands the bronchi;
  • changes the quality of sputum;
  • stimulates natural cleansing.

In diseases of the endocrine system:

  • stimulates the production of hormones by the adrenal glands;
  • improves thyroid function;
  • contributes to the normalization of the work of the sex glands.

But a bee sting can be fatal for people prone to allergic reactions.

Scientists have found that the main component of the poison - melittin - has at least two mechanisms of action on the body. As a result of the first mechanism of action, we obtain an antibacterial, antiviral, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect. The second mechanism has a damaging effect.

Melittin is able to bind to phospholipids. As a result, the peptide forms transmembrane channels through which the contents of the cell "leak" out. So it forms pores in the membranes of red blood cells, through which hemoglobin flows. Serum albumin inhibits this process.

However, in the first minutes after intoxication, it passes very quickly, and eventually subsides. Under certain conditions, albumin, on the contrary, can stimulate hemolysis. Also, scientists received mixed results when studying the mechanism of action of apitoxin, which causes an allergic reaction. They divide this reaction into two:

  • allergic;
  • pseudoallergic.

The peptide greatly enhances the interaction between antigens and antibodies (IgG-C1q and IgG-IgG), which leads not to a simple allergy to a bee sting, but to an anaphylactoid reaction.

Apitoxin also contains histamine, a substance that causes an allergic reaction. The dual effect of histamine and melittin enhances its manifestation. Phospholipase interacts with phospholipids of cell membranes, destroying them and increasing ion permeability.

The content of the cells goes into the intercellular space, forming an edema. Hyaluronidase destroys hyaluronic acid and mucopolysaccharides, which are part of connective tissue. As a result, the “coupling” of cells is disrupted, and edema rapidly spreads in the tissues.

Melittin also promotes the expansion of capillaries, increases the permeability of the vascular wall to the release of hemoglobin from erythrocytes into the surrounding tissue. Redness and hematoma develop.

The ability of melittin to act on nervous system and influence the transmission of nerve impulses causes severe pain from a bee sting. Apitoxin therefore causes the following symptoms:

  • severe pain;
  • rapidly spreading edema;
  • hyperemia and local increase temperature;
  • interstitial hemorrhages.

In allergy sufferers, a bee sting can cause anaphylactic shock. A bee sting is difficult for young children, pregnant women and the elderly.

Multiple bites can cause severe intoxication, which manifests itself not only locally, but also affects the general condition. The patient has all the symptoms of intoxication:

If the bite is single and the person does not have an allergy, then you can cope with the consequences at home. Acute intoxication requires immediate medical attention and hospitalization. Deadly for a healthy person, bee venom is at a dose of 0.2 g. This corresponds to 500-1000 bee stings.

The method of treating a bee sting corresponds to the treatment of stings of stinging insects:

  • remove the insect sting with sterile tweezers or a needle to stop the flow of toxin from the glands located above the sting;
  • wash the bite site with soapy or soapy soda solution, rinse with water and dry. It is impossible to rub the bitten place strongly, so as not to increase the absorption of the poison;
  • treat the skin with an antiseptic - alcohol, cologne, medicinal tinctures, Chloramine B, Decamethoxine;
  • apply cold to the place of edema - pieces of ice, a napkin moistened with a solution of ether, apply a cream based on camphor and menthol around the wound;
  • take antihistamines - Telfast, Cetirizine, Xizal, Erius, Lomilan;
  • treat the bite site with a non-hormonal antihistamine ointment, cream or gel - Ketopin, Gistan, Skinoren, Fenistil-gel.

If there are pronounced signs of an allergic reaction, call an ambulance. except drug treatment intoxication can be used in consultation with the doctor folk methods.

Folk methods of treatment

Decoctions of birch, oak, willow bark contain tannins and will help relieve swelling. medicinal plants- string, lupine, calendula, nasturtium, violet will relieve skin manifestations, hyperemia, swelling, itching. They will help to establish the outflow of lymph and fluid from tissues, a decoction of galangal, cat paw, lily of the valley, oregano, St. John's wort, bison.

If, after a bee sting, the edema spreads over a large area, then a bath is made for the affected part of the body from a decoction of the soapwort herb officinalis. A more complex collection is used for compresses and baths. It includes a string, celandine, St. John's wort, sage, fir and pine extract.

A decoction of cornflower flowers, calendula, nettle leaves, horsetail grass, a series of tripartite and Veronica officinalis will help cleanse the blood of toxin. All components take 30 g each and pour 1000 ml of water.

Infuse for 5-6 hours, and then boil for 60 minutes. Drink a decoction of 100 ml 4 times a day. For the same purpose, they drink a decoction of flowers of the lamb, which they take 1 tbsp. l., and brew 1 cup boiling water. Insist for 20 minutes. and drink as tea ½ cup 4 times a day.

From an allergy to a bee sting, the following recipe will help: take 10 g of galangal root, powder from the leaves of a noble laurel, calendula flowers, herb succession. Everything is placed in a thermos and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist 7-10 hours. Add 2 tsp to the resulting infusion. homemade apple cider vinegar. Drink 1/3 cup of the resulting mixture 3-4 times a day.

From allergic rashes, a compress with dill, bay or fennel oil will help. The same oil can be taken orally by dripping 5 drops on a piece of refined sugar. Healers advise lubricating the bite site with fish oil.

For the treatment of allergic rashes, an ointment made from sesame oil, onion and beeswax. Sauté chopped onion in oil until golden color. Then the oil is filtered and added to the wax melted in a water bath to get a mixture with a consistency like thick sour cream. Cooled ointment lubricates the bite site and the area of ​​edema.

To relieve swelling from a bite, an aqueous solution of mummy is used. For its preparation in 1 l warm water you need to dissolve 1 g of mummy and lubricate the affected area 2-3 times a day.

For a healthy person, a bee sting is not dangerous. If, after intoxication, a person feels suffocation, fever, itchy skin, watery eyes, runny nose, then you should immediately seek medical help.

We all aspire to hot weather get away from the hot city - to the river, into the forest or on your own country cottage area, where none of us is immune from meeting a bee or a wasp, especially if nearby neighbors have hives with bees. Although it is believed that a bee will not bite just like that, but only for the purpose of self-defense, we don’t know what she means by the word “self-defense” and what is on her “mind”! And also, not all of us know the reaction of our body to a bee sting, so you should understand how to behave in the event of a sudden attack by a honey plant and how to help the victim of an insect attack.

Bees are rather peaceful insects that never attack just like that, because the first and only fight with a person or animal in their life will be the last. Why does a bee die after being stung? The sting of an insect is designed so that after it enters our body, it, due to the presence of curved teeth on it, tightly gets stuck in it. An insect, trying to pull it out, loses both the sting itself, and the gland with poison, and parts of the digestive organs, which leads to death.

Most often, honey plants sting a person when:

  • they do not like its smell, and this happens if, for example, a person smells of alcohol, tobacco, harsh perfume, sweat, garlic or onions;
  • the nervous state of a person irritates the insect;
  • if a person makes sudden movements - waves his arms or runs;
  • if the insects are angry, they can also bite a person.

They also dislike noise and loud noises that frighten them. Sometimes, they sit on a person, smelling some kind of yummy like jam or other sweets. Also, they can accidentally get into our mouths with a piece of, for example, cherry pie.

If a bee sting still overtook us, then appropriate measures must be taken.

If it was not possible to avoid a conflict with a honey plant, and the bee stung, what should be our actions?

First you need to remove the sting from the body. By immersing its sting into the human body, the bee injects bee venom through it, a small dose of which cannot harm a person if he does not have an allergic reaction to bee products, but not everyone knows if he has such a reaction? The fact is that even a tiny amount of poison can lead to edema. It is believed that a healthy individual calmly endures the bite of 15 bees at the same time, and if a person is allergic, then the consequences can be deplorable - anaphylactic shock, which sometimes ends in death.

First aid for a bee sting

  • remove the sting. This is done with tweezers, needles or pins, which must be disinfected before use. Then, the place where the sting was located must be treated with an alcohol-containing liquid available (perfume, cologne, alcohol, vodka);
  • a piece of bandage soaked in vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, ammonia or potassium permanganate solution is put in place of the bite - which this moment available. Edema after a bee sting will subside if something cold is applied to the wound that is currently at hand - ice, a piece of meat frozen in the freezer, a piece of cloth soaked in cold water. Do not forget that the water used for this procedure must be clean, and not from the nearest swamp;
  • you need to take an anti-allergic pill. This must be done even if the sting was removed. After all, let a small, but some amount of poison still got into our body. Therefore, in such a case, in a portable first-aid kit there should always be tablets of diazolin, loratadine, suprastin or simple diphenhydramine;
  • if a bee stung, what to do when a person is allergic? First, you need to give him an antihistamine. Next, lay it comfortably, overlay it with something warm, cover with a blanket. Then, you need to urgently call for medical help, and if this is not possible, then urgently take the bitten person to a nearby hospital, as the consequences of one small bite can be completely unpredictable. Do not leave the victim unattended, and at the same time you need to constantly monitor the pulse, breathing and, if possible, blood pressure until the ambulance arrives.

How can the human body react to a bee or wasp sting? All people are different and react differently to bee or wasp venom, therefore, the reaction of each person to an insect bite is completely individual. The following symptoms may be observed:

  • redness;
  • pain and burning, and then a sharp onset and progression of the tumor;
  • intolerable itching;
  • individual allergic reaction (sore throat, difficulty breathing, swelling, fever, low blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, etc.)

It is worth knowing that wasp venom is different from bee venom different composition. If wasp venom is based on alkali, then bee venom has an acid base, therefore, wasp venom should be neutralized with acid, and bee venom with alkali. But in general, the symptoms of the bites of these insects are similar in everything.

Children are most vulnerable to the attack of honey plants, therefore, if a child is bitten by a bee, you should not wait for how he will react to the bite, but you should immediately run to the hospital or call for medical help.

How to quickly remove swelling and redness after a bite

How to remove the tumor after a bee sting? You can get rid of edema with the help of improvised means:

  • immediately put ice on the sore spot;
  • lubricate the wound with baking soda. To do this, pour a little soda on the wound and drip a few drops of water to form a slurry;
  • Fresh meat will also help to neutralize the effect of the poison, if it is available at the moment. A small piece of it is taken (it is better if it is beef), kneaded, a drop of water is added to it and applied to the affected area;
  • treat with ammonia solution 1-2.5%;
  • take an antihistamine, which is great for reducing swelling.

An insect can bite anywhere, anywhere on our body, and this will be far from a pleasant incident, but not fatal, if you are not allergic to bee venom.

If a bee has bitten on the lip, then the first thing to do is to take a suprastin tablet, and then put something cold on the lip, and if there is none, then grease the bite site with the Rescuer cream, which should be in the first-aid kit for every person who is on nature. If you are allergic to bee venom, you should immediately consult a doctor.

When a bee has bitten into the tongue, then, if a person has an allergy, there is a risk of swelling of the larynx, so you should immediately seek medical help. Moreover, this must be done if a person does not know how he reacts to a bee sting. If there is no allergy, then you need to take an anti-allergic pill, which will relieve swelling in a couple of days.

When a bee stung in the eye, what to do? You can’t joke with the eyes, since they are located close to the main mucous membranes, and eyelid edema can affect areas of the face and neck, causing not only visual impairment, but also suffocation, therefore, in case of a bite in the eye, you should urgently seek medical help.

If a bee has bitten in the head, it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate. A bee sting in the head can provoke the most serious consequences. In this case, you must immediately take the victim to the emergency room or the emergency room.

Bee sting, how to treat if medications are not available? In the complete absence of medicines that can alleviate the consequences after insect bites, many plants that grow right in the garden or in the field cope well with such problems:

  • An excellent remedy for a bee sting is a simple plantain that grows absolutely everywhere. You can apply a compress from the crushed leaves of this plant to the sore spot;
  • if you put chopped parsley on the wound, then the pain will gradually subside, and the swelling will subside;
  • the juice and pulp of aloe leaves helps a lot, of course, if you have access to it. Applied to the bite, an aloe leaf cut lengthwise will both relieve pain and eliminate swelling;
  • garden mint and lemon balm, due to high content in them essential oils, have excellent soothing and disinfecting effects. These plants not only help with insect bites, but also repel them. If you rub a leaf of either mint or lemon balm in your hand, and rub the body with it, then not a single insect will fly close.

Bee sting, treatment is effective with simple onions, gruel from which is applied to the wound. Well relieve pain and swelling, an aqueous solution made from aspirin and activated carbon, 1:1 taken inside. The first will relieve pain and swelling, and the second will neutralize the effect of the poison. Perfectly copes with the problem of natural olive oil who need to lubricate the affected area more often.

The benefits and harms of a bee sting

Bee sting - good or bad? We figured out the harm of bee stings. This is, for the most part, an allergic reaction that can give unpredictable results, as well as the discomfort that occurs after a bite - pain, swelling, itching, etc. But do not forget about the beneficial effects of honey plant poison, which has long been known. In medicine, there is even such a direction, called apitherapy, with the help of which numerous ailments are healed. Bee venom has a beneficial effect on many organs human body unless you are allergic to it, of course.

Often depends on the severity of the patient's condition. As such, a bite does not occur during a lesion - the insect leaves its sting in the deep layers of human skin, after which it dies. The poison secreted by bees contains cytostatics, amino acids and proteins that can cause an unpredictable reaction in the body.

With minor, improvised means will suffice, with moderate and severe manifestations, medical assistance will be needed, so you should know exactly which medicine for a bee sting will be most effective.

First aid preparations

First of all, it is necessary to remove the sting from the body, since it is it that contributes to the rapid spread of the poison throughout the body. To do this, you can use disinfected tweezers or just a nail, which gently picks up the sting. In no case should you touch the stung place with your fingers - this will only increase the likelihood of infection.

After removing the sting, you will need to reduce pain and relieve swelling caused by bee venom. At this stage, you need to apply gauze moistened with potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide or ammonia to the wound. To reduce swelling and slow the spread of toxic substances, it is recommended to apply a cold compress or ice - this technique dulls the pain and helps to alleviate the condition of the victim.

To replenish the supply of fluid in the body, the patient must be given water or tea. As a rule, allergy sufferers in whom insect bites cause a violent reaction of the body have a special document with them, which indicates a list of symptoms, as well as first aid measures.

In addition to this passport, people prone to allergies often take antihistamines with them, so "Tavegil" or "Suprastin" with a bee sting will come in handy.

If the patient becomes worse, urgent measures will be required: first, it is necessary to cover the victim with heating pads with warm water and cover with a blanket. After to stabilize blood pressure and breathing, you must take "Cordiamin" in the amount of 30 drops. Dimedrol also contributes to the reduction of allergic manifestations, which reduces shock and stress on the heart and blood vessels. For the desired effect, you will need 2 tablets of this medicine.

After a bee sting, a patient with severe allergies must be urgently taken to medical institution, since a strong reaction can even lead to lethal outcome.

Until the ambulance arrives, the victim should not be left unattended, and in case of cardiac arrest, help him in the form of urgent resuscitation measures - heart massage and mouth-to-nose breathing.

Getting rid of the consequences

If at first the symptoms of a severe allergic reaction did not appear, you can try to remove the consequences of stinging. medicines on one's own. To reduce pain, painkillers and ointments based on them are used.

As a rule, they contain pramoxine, lidocaine or hydrocortisone. If the edema continues to increase for 2-3 days, you need to start taking antihistamine together with "Analgin". In case of swelling of the larynx, the introduction of "Ephedrine" (5%) will be required.

Before applying to the bitten area medicines, it is worth treating the tumor with baking soda - it will help neutralize the bee venom. Usually for this a small amount of soda is diluted with a few drops of water, and the resulting slurry is applied to the problem area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

No less effective will be the treatment of the sore spot with ammonia, or rather, its 1- or 2% solution, but this procedure should not be carried out more than 3-4 times a day.

Summertime pleases many with sunny weather and warmth. It is on such days that you can get a bee sting - a fairly common lesion that causes an allergic reaction of varying severity.

As a rule, they rarely cause serious damage to human health, and all that is required in such situations is just to know how to remove the swelling from a bee sting and reduce pain. The situation is much more difficult with several bites at once, as well as with the individual reaction of the body to bee venom - in some cases, lesions can lead to the most unpredictable consequences.

The degree of reaction of the body

Bees - beneficial insects that produce honey - a product rich in valuable nutrients. By themselves, they are not aggressive and do not pose a direct threat to people, and the sting is intended only for their self-defense. Leaving the sting in the human body, the insect dies, so it attacks only in exceptional cases - when the object itself attacks the bees.

Each organism is individual, therefore, after a bite, it will react differently: some have only discomfort in the affected area and slight redness, some get off with a pronounced tumor in the problem area, and in rare cases, a person needs emergency medical care.

Conventionally, the severity of allergic manifestations can be divided into 3 groups.

  1. Lungs. In this case, the manifestations are insignificant: a sharp pain that disappears within a few hours, slight redness and swelling. As a rule, all symptoms disappear quite quickly, leaving no traces, so treatment is practically not required.
  2. Moderate. With such a reaction, there is a pronounced persistent redness in the affected area and severe swelling, which continues to increase for 2 days. Many are interested in how long such edema lasts - it is safe to say that the symptoms disappear, on average, after a week.
  3. Heavy. This variant of the development of allergies poses a real threat to the life of the victim and requires urgent medical care because there is a high risk of developing anaphylactic shock. In such situations, you need to quickly seek medical help.

In addition, a doctor should be consulted if multiple bee stings, as well as if a child or a person with problems with the cardiovascular system was bitten.

How to reduce manifestations?

So, after removing the sting, a tumor appeared on the skin - what to do in this case? There are many ways to reduce redness and relieve swelling. First of all, it is necessary to wash the bitten place with soap and water and apply ice or a cold compress to it to reduce swelling.

If it is quite pronounced, you can remove the swelling by lubricating the area with hydrocortisone ointment and taking any antihistamine inside. Don't scratch trouble spot, even there is severe itching present, as this will only increase the likelihood of infection. Before you get rid of allergies with these remedies, you can try time-tested recipes.

The following remedies are commonly used to improve well-being and relieve symptoms:

  • essential lavender oil - it relieves discomfort and soothes the skin, is used diluted and undiluted in the form of a swab applied to the bitten area;
  • baking soda- to remove the tumor, a paste of water and soda is perfect, which must be applied to the bite, and, if necessary, fixed with adhesive tape. This method is perfect if the leg is swollen;
  • if there is a plantain at hand, it is necessary to attach it to a sore spot and fix it. The bandage should be changed every 2 hours;
  • in a good way remove swelling and redness, if the hand is swollen, there will be an application of aspirin and activated charcoal tablets, which must be crushed and diluted with a glass of water. After that, it is necessary to moisten a cotton pad in the resulting solution and attach it to the bite;
  • relieve the symptoms of allergies and help ammonia, however, they should not treat the bitten surface too often - it will be enough to carry out the procedure 4 times a day.

As can be seen from the article, there are a sufficient number of drugs that reduce the allergic tumor, but if, despite the ongoing treatment, it continues to grow, and the state of health is gradually deteriorating, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor.

In the warm season, when people spend a lot of time in nature, the likelihood of contact with various insects increases. Encounters with stinging hymenoptera often result in rather painful bites, and in people with hypersensitivity, venom can cause anaphylactic shock.

According to statistics, allergy sufferers are 2%, and they are often forced to stay at home in the summer. Bees are considered non-aggressive insects, unlike wasps and hornets, but still cases of their bites are quite numerous.

The article will discuss measures to protect against dangerous hymenoptera and help victims of bites.

If the meeting with the bee ended in a bite, then in most cases the victim himself is to blame. Bees can defend themselves in two cases: if a person is in close proximity to the nest, or when his behavior irritates insects.

An unreasonable attack of bees on humans in the European part of the planet does not occur, but this is possible in African countries where there are wild and very aggressive representatives of this family.

Causes of bee stings:

  • the approach of a person at close range to a nest of bees or a swarm;
  • if a person appears near the hive with a strong smell of alcohol, garlic or deodorant;
  • making sudden movements or loud cries in the presence of an insect;
  • squeezing a stinging hymenoptera as a result of carelessness, such as picking flowers, eating sweet fruits, or walking barefoot on grass;
  • the use of sweet perfumes or other aromatic means that attract insects in places of their large accumulation;
  • uncovered sweet food in hottest summer days attracts insects and increases the likelihood of contact with them.

Thus, if a person does not provoke an insect himself, then it will never bite him, because the bee will not sting intentionally, but does it solely for the purpose of self-defense. It is busy collecting pollen and nectar, so if you do not touch it and do not provoke it, then it is absolutely safe to be in proximity with a working bee.

You should be especially careful in apiaries or in close proximity to them, in flowering meadows and fields of entomophilous plants. To reduce the chance of being bitten, wear covered clothing, avoid walking barefoot, avoid using strong scents that attract insects, and always cover sweet foods such as sliced ​​watermelon, peaches, melons, and other fruits.

Note. If you are bitten by a bee near the hive, you should immediately move away from the nest, because the sour smell of the poison provokes other bees to protect themselves from an uninvited guest. If you start to remove the sting in the immediate vicinity of the hive, you may be bitten by a few more insects.

How a bee stings

A bee sting is easy to distinguish from another insect sting. After contact, a sting remains in the body, which is on its own. sharp end It has notches that make it difficult to remove it without hindrance. Therefore, a bee can sting only once, while a wasp does it many times.

Pay attention to the above posted photo, which shows the sting of a bee. It can be seen that together with the sting from the abdomen of the insect, a reservoir with poison breaks out, which for another minute continues to pump toxins into the wound and deepen the sting into the epithelial tissue. You can see how this happens in the video in this article.

The aggression of bees depends on the time of year and the availability of nectar in nature. If there are many plants blooming around, then the bees are peaceful. At this time, beekeepers pump honey even without protective equipment, because the bees are exclusively busy working in the field and do not pay attention to strangers, and the nest is poorly protected.

The situation changes dramatically closer to autumn, when the nectar becomes less. At this time (August, September), there are quite a lot of insects, and they behave aggressively, protecting the collected stocks for a successful wintering.

Note. Bees do not like smoke because during evolution they have developed a clear reaction that this is a sign of danger. Therefore, beekeepers treat bees with puffs of smoke to stimulate them to collect a full crop of honey (a reaction to a fire to collect as much honey as possible in order to fly away), and this makes them heavier, more clumsy and it becomes much more difficult for them to sting.

After a bite, the following happens:

  1. Redness and slight swelling develop. This happens almost instantly and does not depend on the sensitivity of the person. A clearly visible periodically contracting sting remains in the skin. The longer it remains in the skin, the more poison will enter the body. The victim feels a strong burning pain, a slight urticaria may appear along the edges of the bite. If a person has an allergy, then the reaction will be more violent, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, shortness of breath, anaphylactic shock and loss of consciousness may occur.
  2. After an hour or a few, the sharp pain goes away.. Edema and hyperthermia develop at the site of the bite. The amount of edema depends on several factors, the main of which will be the sensitivity to the poison and the softness of the tissue (i.e. if the bite fell on the finger, then the swelling will be less than if the bee stung on the cheek).
  3. In the first 12 hours, the tumor may increase, then there will be swelling that will itch. It is not necessary to scratch it because this will only increase irritation, and pathogenic microflora can penetrate through the damaged skin, which will cause infection. It is better to smear the bite site with special creams. After 3-5 days, the swelling disappears without a trace.

Feature of bee venom

Bee venom is considered beneficial. It has a positive effect on the circulatory system, is able to increase immunity, treat rheumatism and a number of other diseases. The branch of medicine that uses it in medicinal purposes called apitherapy.

The biochemical composition of bee venom is as follows:

  1. The main component of bee venom is proteins, which are responsible for the fact that a violent allergic reaction develops in the human body when they enter. In fact, human proteins begin to neutralize the proteins of bee venom, so redness, swelling and fever occur at the site of the bite, i.e., a natural biochemical reaction occurs. The venom contains a protein called hyaluronidase, which facilitates its penetration into tissues through the lymphatic system, and specific proteins containing phosphate groups increase inflammation at the site of the bite.
  2. Histamine, dopamine and norepinephrine are the components responsible for an increased allergic reaction. It is thanks to them that hyperemia, hyperthermia and severe pain develop, which after a few hours is replaced by itching.
  3. Peptide components contribute to the destruction of red blood cells, stimulate and excite neurons in the bite area.
  4. Flying pheromones quickly spread through the air and encourage other insects to attack the person. When bitten, a sour smell is felt. This substance causes the bees to become extremely aggressive, so when biting, it is important to move as far as possible from the nest of insects;
  5. In addition, the poison contains carbohydrate components, lipids and other biologically active substances.

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