Fragrant osmanthus: what it is, what it smells like, beneficial properties. Osmanthus: beneficial properties and recipe with green tea Osmanthus fragrant at home

1. Growing temperature: common in spring and summer room temperature ranging from 18 to 24°C, in the winter months there is a rest period at a temperature of 5 - 10°C.
2. Lighting: Well-lit location with plenty of reflected sun. Direct sunlight should hit the flower in the morning and evening.
3. Watering and air humidity: in spring and summer, water abundantly, but quite rarely - dry the soil surface before each subsequent watering. Significantly reduce the frequency of watering in the fall - winter period. IN high humidity Osmanthus does not need air.
4. Trimming: mainly sanitary, carried out as necessary; to form lateral branches, it is worth pinching the apical buds on young shoots.
5. Priming: adapts well to most soil types with good drainage and slightly acidic pH.
6. Top dressing: regular feeding mineral fertilizers for decorative foliage plants in spring and summer. During the rest period, subcortical subcortical examinations are not performed.
7. Reproduction: seeds sown in spring, vegetatively - by cuttings.

Botanical name: Osmanthus.

Fragrant osmanthus - family . Olives.

Origin. Asia, North America.

What does osmanthus look like and what is it? . These are small, evergreen, spreading trees or shrubs. The leaves are oblong-lanceolate or elliptic, arranged oppositely, on short petioles, green, up to 7 cm long, glossy, leathery. The leaf blades have finely toothed or smooth edges. The flowers are small - up to 1 cm in diameter, with a very long floral tube, collected in large inflorescences - panicles. Why is the plant called fragrant and what does osmanthus smell like? Most often there are plants with a characteristic fruity aroma, for example, c the branches of some species have a very pleasant and quite strong aroma apricot Flower colors vary from white to orange and reddish. The fruits are small, oblong, up to 1.5 cm long, and become dark blue or purple when ripe.

Height. IN natural conditions can grow up to 2 - 3 m in height; in cultivation, the height can be adjusted by pruning.

2.Osmanthus - home care

2.1.Reproduction, growing from seeds

Semi-ripe cuttings 8 - 10 cm long, in spring and summer. The lower pair of leaves are removed from the cuttings and the bases are dusted with rooting powder, then immersed in a mixture of wet peat and sand. Young plants are covered with glass or plastic bag to maintain uniform humidity. Rooting occurs within 6 - 8 weeks. Osmanthus can also be grown from seeds sown in the spring, but it takes a long period of time to obtain a mature plant.

2.2.Flowering time

Osmanthus very rarely blooms in indoors. Flowers can appear at any time from spring to autumn, depending on the species and conditions.

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2.3.Growing conditions - temperature

In spring and summer, during the growing season, normal room temperature is suitable. In winter, the osmanthus flower goes into a dormant period and is kept cool - about 5 - 10 ° C.


Home osmanthus is well tolerated even by the poor nutrients soils and adapts well to most soil types that have good drainage, but prefers soils with a slightly acidic pH.


It is advisable to provide Osmanthus with direct sunlight in the morning and evening for 3 to 4 hours daily. Tolerates partial shade.

2.6.How to care

Osmanthus is an unassuming plant and is great for beginners. It grows slowly and tolerates a wide range of conditions. Trim shoots that are too long or weak in the spring. Regularly pinch the tips of young shoots so that the plant branches abundantly and is denser. In summer you can take the plant outside.


2 times a month with water-soluble fertilizers during the period of active growth.


Young plants need regular moisture. Adults water moderately, even during the growing season. The soil should dry out 2/3 of the depth between waterings. During the dormant period, plants slow down, so simply prevent the earthen ball from drying out.

2.9.Transplanting osmanthus

Osmanthus thrives in slightly cramped conditions, so it is not always worth changing the size of the pot when replanting. Transplantation is carried out in the spring, with the beginning of new growth. For large tub plants, change annually upper layer soil 5 - 6 cm thick for fresh.

2.10. Diseases and pests

With insufficient air movement and intensive watering, various fungal diseases may appear.

Aphid, mealybugs, scale insects, nematodes.

Insects - pests

Insect name Signs of infection Control measures
or felt The surface of the leaves and shoots is covered with a fluffy, cotton-like white coating. Plants lag behind in development Folk remedies: spraying with soap and alcohol solution. Infusions of tobacco, garlic, cyclamen tubers, alcohol treatments, and pharmacy tincture of calendula have worked well. Chemicals : green soap solution, Actellik, Fitoverm.
The leaf blades turn yellow in places located between the veins, then turn brown and black. Eventually the leaves fall off the plants. When the root system is damaged, the plant becomes weak and withers before our eyes for no apparent reason. Traditional methods: destruction of infected parts of plants, abundant watering hot water with a temperature of about 70°C, hot bath- immerse the pot in a large container with water at a temperature of 55°C for 20 minutes. Chemicals : anthelmintics.
On sheet plates Oh, sticky droplets appear, leaf blades curl and become deformed, tender buds and young leaves wither. Colonies of insects can be seen on the tips of shoots, buds or the underside of leaf blades. The flowers of plants affected by aphids may become deformed. Traditional methods: infusion of nettle, decoction of rhubarb leaves, wormwood, soap solution, infusion of tobacco and dandelion, onion, marigold, yarrow, tansy, dusting with virgin ash. Chemicals: Sulfur powders, treatment of green mass with green potassium soap without getting into the ground, Decis, Actellik, Fitoverm.
Scale insect and false scale insect Sticky droplets on the leaves, small yellow spots on the surface of the leaf blades. When scale insects become widespread, they cause leaves to dry out and fall off. Flowers slow down their development Folk methods of struggle. Spraying with soap and alcohol solution. Scale insect larvae do not like garlic infusion; they also use pyrethrum-based products. Chemicals. Fitoverm, Aktellik, Fufanon.

  • 2.11.Spraying

    Spray periodically if the temperature is high enough or the air in the room becomes too dry.


    The flowers of the plant are used to prepare aromatic, often green, tea, and are also widely used in Chinese medicine. Essential oil is obtained from flowers and leaves, which is used in perfumery and cosmetics, for example, in the production of expensive perfumes and shower gels.

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      Osmanthus can live for a very long time indoors.


      3. Osmanthus varieties:

      3.1.Osmanthus heterophyllus or variegated - Osmanthus heterophyllus

      Thick evergreen shrub with hard, dark green, glossy leaves, slightly bent along the central vein. The plant got its name because the young leaves differ in shape from the adults - they have large teeth along the edge of the leaf blade, reminiscent of maple leaves. The number of teeth on the leaves of even one plant varies. There are very beautiful variegated osmanthuses of this subspecies, the leaves of which are dark-colored. green tint, and along the edge they have a wide white stripe. The flowers are white, collected in small inflorescences, male and female flowers are on different copies.

      One of the most variegated plant variations can be considered variegated osmanthus "tricolor"- spectacular plant with green leaves with small yellowish specks on the surface. The youngest leaves on the tops of the shoots are colored bronze or burgundy in these shrubs.

      3.2.Osmanthus fortunei

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Osmanthus is an evergreen plant representative of the olive family. China is considered its historical homeland. IN wildlife grows in tropical zones of Asia, the Caucasus, and North America. In Russia, osmanthus is grown using the greenhouse method in the south Black Sea coast. There are about 30 of its species. Fragrant osmanthus flowers are prized by the Chinese for their scent. They are used as natural flavor in various drinks, mainly for making tea. Due to its rich composition, the plant is widely used in oriental medicine.

Botanical description

Osmanthus grows in the form of shrubs or trees 2–10 m high. The leaves are oppositely distributed along the stem, simple, with carved edges, a glossy and hard green surface. The young bark is creamy green and darkens over time. Inflorescences are bisexual, collected in groups, paniculate type. The corollas are small, tubular, four-sexed, with stamens in the center. The shade varies depending on the species - from yellow-golden to white.

The flowers smell like a fruit cocktail.

Flowering is long-lasting: begins in September-October and ends at the end of winter. During the growing season, petals appear 2–4 times at short intervals. The fruit is an oval dark blue drupe with one seed inside. The plant propagates better by cuttings, since the seeds require preliminary stratification (stratification). The period of their emergence is 7-18 months.

Beneficial features

The main aroma-forming components are ionone and teaspiran derivatives. The peculiarity of the plant is due to the high content of essential oil. Its chemical composition is complex, its main elements being beta-ionone, dihydro-beta-ionone, a mixture of linalooloxide isomers, phenethyl alcohol, geraniol and linalol. The flowers contain a lot of ascorbic acid, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and other trace elements.

Osmanthus is widely used in aromatherapy and folk medicine eastern countries. The bark, roots and flowers of the bush are considered medicinal raw materials. Essential oil is extracted from flowers by extraction. In addition to its pleasant smell, the plant has therapeutic properties. It has the following effects on the body:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • sedative;
  • expectorant;
  • antisclerotic;
  • antiseptic;
  • painkiller;
  • tonic.

This is an effective remedy for colds, it improves mucus discharge, relieves spasms and inflammation of the throat, and makes breathing easier. The plant lowers bad cholesterol, cleanses and thins the blood. It is indicated for diarrhea, stomatitis, inflammation of the oral mucosa, colitis, gastritis and stomach ulcers, damage to the duodenum. Tea made from fragrant flowers is not only tasty, but also helps remove toxins from the body and harmful products collapse of life.

For people who are overweight, this is an indispensable drink in their daily diet. The active substances in its composition start the process of burning fat and improve metabolism. Decoctions and teas from osmanthus should be used for a number of gynecological diseases, impaired menstrual cycle, heavy discharge and accompanying pain. This effective remedy for cystitis, it also relieves hangover. Thanks to its antiseptic properties, the plant copes with pain of any origin. Gargling with decoctions relieves unpleasant odor from mouth.

Remedies from stems and roots are used in the treatment of:

  • boils and carbuncles;
  • whooping cough;
  • rhinitis;
  • bruises and hematomas;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension.

Herbal compresses relieve inflammation of the eyes. Essential oil, like all other parts of the plant, has a beneficial effect on the skin (moisturizes, nourishes). This promotes cell rejuvenation and prevents premature aging. With regular external and internal procedures, the result can be seen in appearance skin.

For medicinal and cosmetic purposes, the plant is contraindicated for people with high blood pressure and epilepsy. Tea is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, as well as small children. Essential oil should be used for external use only.

Osmanthus in other areas

Dried inflorescences are popular in oriental cuisine; they are added not only to tea. In China, a traditional aromatic infusion “gui hua cha” is made. Flowers serve food additive in various pastries, sweet wines and juices, cakes, pastries and other desserts. Unripe osmanthus fruits are pickled, like olives. The Chinese love to cook sweet porridge according to national recipe from sorghum and millet and pour it with jam from the flowers of the plant. The fruity taste goes well with green and black tea of ​​any variety. Only white drink is not suitable for the mixture.

If you brew osmanthus yourself, you will need 3-4 g of dry inflorescences at a time. The water temperature should be between 90-95 °C. Exposure time - 3-4 minutes. It is not recommended to add flowers to expensive elite varieties of Chinese oolong and pu-erh teas aged 25 years.

Valuable chemical composition was also noted in cosmetology. Osmanthus extract is included in masks for problematic and aging skin. Cosmetic products with this ingredient it is indicated for acne, increased sensitivity of the skin, and allergic reactions. Over-dried skin becomes soft and silky, and the feeling of discomfort goes away. With regular use, fine lines and wrinkles disappear.

Essential oil is more valuable than the plant component because it gives quick and lasting results. It can be found in many cosmetics for hair and face. How in pure form, and in the form of masks, it quickly relieves inflammation and itching. Osmanthus essential oil is recommended in the treatment of dermatosis, furunculosis, and increased pigmentation. It effectively removes old scars, smoothes the surface, brightens, and starts natural process regeneration of the skin epidermis, restores tone.

Osmanthus is a universal plant representative. In addition to the healing and food use, it is used in the perfume industry. Along with other essential oils, osmanthus is considered one of the best. Combines with the scent of rose, sandalwood, geranium. The plant is suitable for growing in greenhouses and room conditions. It attracts gardeners with its unusual leaves, small size and pleasant aroma during the flowering period.

Fragrant osmanthus often acts as one of the main components in the production of perfumes, and in the east tea is made from it. This plant is classified as medicinal and has a lot of useful properties; its aroma is difficult to describe, but it is very pleasant. There are other names for this evergreen- fragrant olive, as well as tea olive. Want to get to know him better? Fragrant osmanthus - what is it? What does osmanthus smell like? What are the beneficial properties of this plant? For readers of “Popular about Health”, more about it.

What is fragrant osmanthus??

The fragrant olive belongs to the Olive family, which includes more than 35 species of plants. Osmanthus is an evergreen foliage plant, which is highly valued by the Chinese. There aromatic plant It blooms for several millennia, and a huge number of legends are associated with its flowers in China. There is even a small province called Gui Lin, if you literally translate these words into Russian, you get “fragrant forest”, there are almost all year round the delicate scent of bush flowers is in the air.

The Chinese infuse the petals of fragrant osmanthus, and then add this fragrant infusion to tea. The drink acquires a pleasant taste and aroma that remains in the mouth for some time. The petals of the plant are dried and brewed with jasmine, and then drunk as tea. Fragrant olive inflorescences are often used in cooking - they are added to sweet pastries and various jams.

Externally, fragrant osmanthus is a shrub reaching a height (on average) of 2 to 8 meters. Its leaves are smooth, glossy, dark green, and jagged at the edges. The flowers of this plant are small, collected in panicle inflorescences. They look very delicate, as if cast from pure wax. Their shade can be different - there are cream, olive, golden yellow flowers. The bush usually blooms in the fall - in September, and continues until April. During this time, several stages of bud formation usually occur.

What aroma does osmanthus give, what does it smell like??

The name of the bush itself suggests that it exudes a pleasant aroma. This is true. What does osmanthus smell like? Its aroma contains peach and apricot notes. Some people claim that there is also a subtle smell of fresh baked goods. It is difficult to describe the entire palette of aroma that fragrant osmanthus exudes during flowering. One thing is clear - this smell is fruity, slightly sweet and very delicate. It is not without reason that osmanthus is used in the production of perfumes.

What are the healing properties of osmanthus??

The Chinese have long known about the benefits of fragrant olives. Since ancient times, they have been preparing bush flowers - collecting, drying them and using them for their own benefit. As you know, Chinese residents are experts in aromatherapy and successfully treat various ailments with the help of herbal ingredients.

Today everyone can experience beneficial features osmanthus, an evergreen plant, since in pharmacies you can buy essential oil obtained from its inflorescences, and also purchase aromatic tea through specialized online stores.

What else is osmanthus valued for, what are the beneficial properties of the plant and how are they useful to humans??

The aromatic olive has a slight sedative effect, helps you relax and get rid of anxious thoughts. The flowers of the shrub contain substances that help quickly liquefy mucus and remove it from the respiratory tract. No wonder fragrant osmanthus It is widely used in the cosmetics industry - the fact is that it has a beneficial effect on the skin. Chemical substances in its composition are able to penetrate deeply into its layers and transform it, preserving youth and freshness.

Active substances found in the cells of the shrub inflorescences have powerful antioxidant properties. Harmful compounds formed in the body are easily neutralized and eliminated if you regularly consume teas or decoctions based on osmanthus flower petals. The Chinese also use this plant to stabilize blood pressure. The healing effect of fragrant olive is most clearly manifested when the essential oil from its petals is applied to the skin. Various skin diseases– irritation, foci of inflammation go away easily if you lubricate them with osmanthus extract.

Attention! If you have ever read customer reviews on the Internet about essential oils, you must have noticed posts about how they help some people and not others. This information in itself does not mean anything in general. But there are also posts that oils ordered or brought personally from outside our country always help. From this we can conclude that not all our manufacturers are decent and fairly dilute the main oil with other cheap ones, which is why the effect of the main oil can be minimal... Therefore, you should purchase essential oils only at specialized points, checking sales permits, oil certificates, availability agreement between the seller and the oil manufacturer. Of course, the price of the original product will be very high for many oils...

This plant is known for its general strengthening properties. Using it for aromatherapy allows you to achieve good results– a person recovers faster, receives additional energy boost, and becomes less irritable. The stems and bark of the bush are used in the East for dry, irritating coughs - they are brewed and, after infusion, taken for whooping cough. The same decoction helps get rid of purulent acne; it is used to wipe boils and other suppurations. A decoction of fragrant osmanthus flowers is used for gum diseases, diarrhea, and it also perfectly cleanses the body of bad cholesterol and improves blood quality.

Fragrant osmanthus is a plant that attracts us not only with its pleasant fruity smell, but also with its beneficial properties. By drinking tea with its petals or inhaling the aroma of essential oil, you can feel a surge of strength, get rid of a debilitating cough, and also cleanse the blood and entire body of toxic substances and free radicals. And this will help maintain health, vigor, and prevent the development of cancer cells and prolong youth.

- a genus of evergreen shrubs and trees that belongs to the Olive family.

In total, there are at least 30 species of osmanthus, but only one is grown indoors - “osmanthus varifolia”.

When you decide to grow this plant at home, you need to take into account that it will require a cool room to maintain it.

And so, caring for osmanthus is quite simple.

Moreover, osmanthus is used as a basis for various medicinal infusions and decoctions, and its flowers give tea a special aroma.

Location and lighting

Osmanthus prefers bright light. Can transfer without any problems a small amount of exposure to sunlight.


It is very important to keep osmanthus at home at a temperature no higher than 20 degrees, and at night it should not be higher than 15 degrees and not drop to minus.


Osmanthus does not like excess moisture, so water it moderately, even in summer no more than 3 times a week. Water only when the top layer of soil is thoroughly dry. In winter, watering is practically stopped altogether.

The exception is young plants. For the first 2 years of osmanthus's life, it requires generous watering, which helps to form a strong root system. You only need to spray the plant occasionally.

Osmanthus fertilizer

Fertilizing is applied 2 times in each month of spring and summer. Liquid fertilizer is suitable for indoor plants. It is applied diluted with water for irrigation.

Transplantation and propagation

Young osmanthuses are replanted at home every year in the spring. Over time, the growth of osmanthus slows down greatly and then transplants are carried out no more than once every 5-6 years.

Osmanthus is propagated by cuttings. To do this they cut off stem cutting approximately 10-15 cm long and planted for rooting in a container with a sand-peat mixture. Then the future osmanthus is covered with film or a glass container to create greenhouse conditions.

Constantly water and ventilate. When the cutting takes root, it is transplanted into a pot.

Pests and their control

Pest infestation most often occurs due to improper care. The most common "undesirable" the inhabitants of osmanthus are

Osmanthus is used in cosmetology, medicine, cooking and perfumery. In China, the flowers of the fragrant plant are used to flavor black and green tea. The drink helps restore strength and renew the body. From essential oils, plants produce sweet perfumes that have a subtle fruity aroma. Osmanthus contains vitamin C, calcium and magnesium. The stems and bark are brewed to treat diseases. The plant is effective for nervous pathologies of the cardiovascular system.


Osmanthus is an evergreen deciduous plant that belongs to the genus Oleaceae. In China, the fragrant flower is called kimonkuseya, or tea olive. Ornamental shrub has from 13 to 36 species. Fragrant osmanthus is used in medicine, gardening and cosmetology. The small tree reaches a height of 2 to 12 m. The shiny leaves of the plant have a dark green tint and jagged edges. Osmanthus buds are collected in inflorescences that emit a pleasant aroma. The plant smells like fruit (with notes of apricot and peach). Flowers come in white, yellow, red or red. They bloom from September or October and persist until the end of winter.

In the natural environment, kimonkusei grows up to 18 m, and at home - up to 2 m in height.


Plant thanks healing properties used in folk medicine. A decoction of osmanthus bark helps in the treatment of boils, carbuncles and whooping cough. Tincture from the roots is effective for women's diseases, bruises and gum diseases. fragrant plant lowers cholesterol levels and arterial pressure. In folk medicine, osmanthus is actively used to eliminate the symptoms of atherosclerosis, obesity and hypertension. For this, not only bark and roots are used, but also flowers. They contain substances that remove phlegm and eliminate cough. The buds are brewed as tea and consumed to prevent viral and colds.

The plant contains essential oils: geraniol, linalool and ionone derivatives. They have a beneficial effect on the nerves and heart, speeding up metabolism and purifying the blood.

Osmanthus is used in cosmetology to care for problematic and aging skin. The plant extract has soothing, nourishing and anti-inflammatory effects. Cosmetic preparations containing osmanthus eliminate rashes. At the same time, the plant extract moisturizes and nourishes the skin, preventing it from drying out. The regenerating properties of the raw material contribute to the natural restoration of all layers of the dermis.

Osmanthus essential oils are used in perfumery. The perfume has a sweet aroma with fruity notes.

The plant has a beneficial effect on the hair structure. An effective remedy for brittle and damaged hair, use osmanthus essential oil. It restores the oil balance of the scalp, nourishes it and heals scratches and wounds. If it is used regularly, the hair structure is restored in a few weeks. Essential oil is used to prepare cosmetics for the face, body and hair. It is used in aromatherapy as a sedative and anti-inflammatory composition. There are contraindications to the use of essential oil:

  • age up to 6 years;
  • pregnancy.

Osmanthus tea has a positive effect on the body. It has a pleasant exotic aroma. The benefit of the healing drink is that it gives strength, vigor and confidence. Dried inflorescences of the plant are consumed with tea leaves or separately. The drink has a tonic, antisclerotic and antiseptic effect. Healthy tea removes toxic substances from the body and provides reliable protection . It is used to increase immunity and normalize the functioning of the pancreas.

Green tea with osmanthus

The drink increases concentration, strengthens the immune system and improves work digestive system. Green tea calms and relaxes, and osmanthus gives a floral aroma. The product is used to prevent colds.

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