Hot water boilers kv-gm. Thermal diagram with a hot water storage tank installed outside the boiler room building

Hot water water tube boilers KV-GM series designed for heating and hot water supply of housing, communal and industrial facilities. A boiler is a heating unit that heats water from heating networks directly or through heat exchangers. The boiler is designed to heat water with temperature curves of 95\70,115\70,150\70 with a constant flow of water through the boiler within the load control range. The load control range is 30–100%. Boilers operate on natural gas, diesel fuel, fuel oil, solid fuel.


KV-GM boiler is a water-heating water-tube gas-tight boiler, with horizontal or vertical arrangement heating surfaces. Boilers by motion flue gases are single-pass (span), two-pass, three-pass. The boiler design includes a combustion chamber and a convective heating surface located behind the combustion chamber. The combustion chamber of the boiler and the convective part are shielded by membrane panels assembled from pipes with a diameter of 51x4.0 mm, with welded spacers that ensure gas tightness of the boiler for operation under pressurization. Convective surface heating consists of a certain number of packages. Each package is assembled from horizontally or vertically located screens made of U-shaped pipes with a diameter of 28x3 mm. Drains and air vents are made of pipes with a diameter of 28x3 mm. The boiler design provides the necessary hatches and peepholes for operating the boiler. The gas-tight design of the boiler allows the use of lightweight thermal insulation 50 mm thick with decorative cladding. It is also possible to use boilers for working with vacuum.

Burner devices

KV-GM boilers are used with modern automated burner devices from leading European and Russian manufacturers, approved for use by the boiler manufacturer.


  1. High efficiency– is ensured by the design of the boilers and is characterized by stable high value at different loads.
  2. The boilers are gas-tight– these are stable characteristics of the boiler during long-term operation.
  3. Low NOx emissions– guaranteed design design combustion chamber and efficient combustion fuel on modern automated burners.
  4. Quick boiler output to the specified mode– ensured by a small volume of water in the boiler and high speeds of water movement in the pipes.
  5. Reliable and simple design boilers, long service life– the requirements and operating experience of Russian heating networks are taken into account, regulatory period Boiler service life is 20 years.
  6. Possibility of using boilers in open circuits heat supply– is an important advantage of water tube boilers, in contrast to fire tube boilers.
  7. High maintainability– this is accessibility to any boiler unit, which allows you to quickly and easily at the lowest cost carry out necessary repairs.
  8. Block supply of boilershigh quality manufacturing boilers in the factory, significantly reduces costs and time for carrying out installation work, transportation to the construction site.
  9. Wide standard range of KV-GM boilers– allows you to correctly select capacities and competently carry out projects for quarterly and district boiler houses, as well as reconstruct existing boiler houses with the replacement of boilers from other manufacturers.
  10. Optimal price/quality ratio of boilers– allows you to significantly reduce and optimize capital costs for the construction of district heating sources.
  11. Use of boilers with burners from leading European and Russian manufacturers.

The boilers have modern and reliable design, are mass-produced by the manufacturer and supplied to customers as:

  • Three-way for flue gases
  • 10 standard sizes / 22 modifications
  • Modifications to temperature graphs 95\70 °С,115\70 °С,150\70 °С
  • All boilers are certified according to the GOST R system and have permission for use by Rostechnadzor of the Russian Federation
  • The standard service life is at least 20 years

Hot water boilers KVGM series.

The Supraline gas floor-standing boiler is designed for use in buildings with a heated area of ​​up to 600 m2 (in cascade up to 1200 m2). All models are adapted to Ukrainian gas pressure standards.

Water heating boilers of the KV-GM 1.1 and 2.5 series.
Designed for heating industrial, public and residential buildings, as well as for hot water supply.
The boilers have a heating capacity of 2.5 MW (2.15 Gcal/h) and 1.1 MW (0.94 Gcal/h), respectively, and are designed to operate on gas or light heating (diesel) fuel. Depending on the type of fuel, boilers are equipped with burners gas type GG-1, GG-2, liquid fuel RGM-1, RGM-2 or combined RGMG-1, RGMG-2.
The boilers are fully automated and can operate in “large” and “small” combustion modes, which saves fuel. To others positive quality are their small dimensions compared to other types of boilers of similar performance. The boilers do not require a foundation for installation and can be used both in the construction of new boiler houses and in the reconstruction of existing boiler houses if there is not enough space.
Based on these boilers, block modular boiler houses of various capacities are also produced.

Short description boilers

Type of boilers - water-tube, horizontal with forced circulation, with single-pass gas movement. The boilers operate on water prepared for heating networks and are easy to operate and repair.

The fuel is burned in a firebox formed by four walls of pipes with a diameter of 51x4. The space between the pipes is covered with plates, which creates a gas tightness to the boiler. Next, the flue gases pass through a convective beam formed by horizontal screens of pipes with a diameter of 28x3. After this, the flue gases go into the chimney.

Network water with t=70°C from the return main of the heating network is supplied to the upper collector of the front wall and, having made several passes through the boiler pipe system, returns with t=95°C to another part of the upper front collector, from where it enters the heating network.

The boiler block includes a combustion chamber, a convection beam, thermal insulation with casing, a burner device, control cabinet, water fittings.

Advantages of boilers of the KV-GM-1, 1 and 2.5 series

  • the new type design guarantees economical and at the same time environmentally friendly operating mode
  • high efficiency- up to 93%
  • environmentally and hygienically harmless materials are used in production
  • low inertia
  • convenience and ease of maintenance.

Technical characteristics of water heating boilers of types KV-GM 1.1, KV-GM 2.5 and VK21

Indicator name

KV-GM 1.1

KV-GM 2.5

Heat productivity, MW(Gcal/h)

Coolant pressure, MPa (kgf/cm2)

Water temperature, deg. C:

at the entrance, no less

at the exit, no more

Gas, diesel

Gas, diesel

Gas, diesel

Estimated efficiency, %

dimensions, mm

Weight as supplied, kg

Water heating boilers KV-G-4, 65-150; KV-G-7, 56-150

Water-heating water-tube boilers of the KV-G series are designed to produce hot water used in heating systems. Fuel - gas.

The boiler pipe system is manufactured as a single transportable unit and is supplied without lining or casing.

The boiler delivery set includes burners, explosion valves, stairs and platforms, fittings and control devices within the boiler, air ducts, frame blanks, etc.

Water heating boilers KV-G-4, 65-150 and KV-G-7, 56-150 are manufactured in accordance with TU-108-969-82.




Heat output, MW/h
Gas pressure in burners, min. MPa
(3 hearth burners) max. MPa



Water consumption, m 3/h
Dimensions, length mm
(pipe system) width mm
height mm



Dimensions length mm
(in lining) width mm
height mm



Efficiency, %
Delivery weight, kg
Water pressure: inlet MPa
output MPa
Water temperature: at the inlet deg.C
at the output grd.C
Flue gas temperature deg.C
Specific CO emissions mg/m3
Noх mg/m3
Vacuum in the furnace, Pa
Hydraulic, boiler resistance, MPa
Aerodynamic resistance of the boiler, mm.water column
Service life before write-off, years
Seismic resistance, points

The package does NOT include:

  • KV-G-4, 65-150 - fan VD-8; smoke exhauster VDN-9; automation system SA-KV-G;
  • KV-G-7, 56-150 - fan VDN-9; smoke exhauster DN-11.2; automation system SA-KV-G;
  • The circulation pump is calculated depending on the distance and size of the heating objects and is not included in the delivery set.

for operation on natural gas/fuel oil
capacity 2.5 MW

The hot water boiler FOX-2-115GM (KV-GM-2.5-115) is designed to produce hot water with a working coolant pressure at the boiler outlet of at least 0.43 (4.3) MPa (kgf/cm2) and maximum temperature water leaving the boiler up to 115 o C, used in heating and hot water supply systems for industrial and domestic purposes, as well as for technological purposes.


No. Indicator name Meaning
1 Boiler type Water heating
2 Type of design fuel 1 - Gas; 2 - Liquid fuel
3 Heating capacity, Gcal/h 2
4 Heating capacity, MW 2.5
5 Heat output control range relative to nominal, % 5
6 Operating (excess) coolant pressure at the outlet, MPa (kgf/cm2) 0,43 (4,3)
7 Water temperature graph, °C 70-115
8 Estimated efficiency (fuel No. 1), % 89
9 Estimated efficiency (fuel No. 2), % 87
12 Type of delivery Assembled

The FOX-2.5-115GM (KV-GM-2-115) boiler is manufactured in a gas-tight design with a horizontal layout. The materials of elements operating under pressure were selected in accordance with the strength calculations for stationary boilers and steam and hot water pipelines RD-10-249-98, agreed with Rostechnadzor of Russia.
The combustion unit of the FOX-2.5-115GM (KV-GM-2-115) boiler consists of two side screens, each of which is screened with pipes Ø60×3mm with a pitch of 85mm, inserted into the upper and lower manifolds. Collectors Ø133×6mm.
Strips 40mm wide are welded between the pipes. 3 mm thick, ensuring gas tightness of the panels and furnace of the FOX-2.5-115GM (KV-GM-2-115) boiler. At the front of the FOX-2.5-115GM (KV-GM-2-115) boiler there is a panel with a replaceable embrasure for burner devices various manufacturers, a manhole for access to the combustion chamber of the boiler and an explosion valve.
On the left side of the front of the boiler there are inspection hatches for monitoring and monitoring the combustion process.
Boiler FOX-2.5-115GM (KV-GM-2-115) of a span type along the flow of gases. The convective heating surface is located immediately behind the combustion unit and consists of coil heating surfaces made of pipes Ø28×3mm with a pitch of 50mm and 70mm. In the upper part of the convective block there are explosion valves, which also serve to inspect heating surfaces during routine inspections. The convective block is lined with sheets of heat-resistant and heat-resistant steel, creating the first gas-tight layer, allowing the boiler to operate under pressure.
The boiler block is self-supporting on a support frame with installed sliding supports, having two degrees of freedom, allowing not only the elements of the FOX-2.5-115GM (KV-GM-2-115) boiler to move, but also to rotate the combustion and convection block around its axis during work. Moreover, the angle of rotation of the combustion unit is 25º to the left and right side, and convective - by 150º around the axis of the supports. This solution allows you to perform renovation work on the boiler, associated with the replacement of pipes without powerful lifting mechanisms.
The direction of movement of the FOX-2.5-115GM (KV-GM-2-115) boiler block is from the front to the rear. To control movements, a reference point is installed on the boiler. To ensure gas tightness, a lens compensator is welded between the two elements (furnace block and convection block), allowing movement of elements up to 40 mm.
For the FOX-2.5-115GM (KV-GM-2-115) boiler on a frame, a special foundation is not required. The foundation design is developed by the organization designing the boiler house.
Mineral mats on a fabric basis are used as insulating materials, attached to strips (welded between pipes) using pins.
Funnels are attached to one of the side walls of the boiler to drain coolant from the air lines. The free drain lines from the combustion unit and the convection line are routed to one side of the boiler. Drainage pipelines have a diameter of 28×3.
To complete the boilers, gas, liquid fuel and combined burner devices of various domestic and foreign manufacturers having appropriate specifications with description and technical documentation supplied with the burner device.
When installing the burner, the space between the barrel of the burner device and the removable embrasure of the burner is filled with refractory material - silica-filled cord type ShKN (X)-1-22 or other materials with a fire resistance of at least 1000º C.
The FOX-2.5-115GM (KV-GM-2-115) boiler can be supplied in a gas-tight design for operation under overpressure or on a balanced draft, depending on the type of burner device and the design of the boiler room.
To install the boiler, the packaging parts are first removed from the convection unit and the frames are joined according to the installation drawing. Simultaneously with the installation of the bypass pipes, the blocks are joined with the installation of a lens compensator for thermal movements of the boiler. After installing the compensator and ensuring the gas tightness of the adjacent circuit of the blocks, thermal insulation. Install coolant inlet and outlet manifolds. Next, you should install the necessary direct-acting devices and automation sensors, install air vent lines and pressure drain pipelines.

- MK DKM based on Dnepr boilers are supplied within the boundaries of the boiler room building, with a chimney and gas ducts.
- The boiler room includes a block container for service personnel (includes an operator room, a bathroom, and a locker room).
- A feature of fuel oil is low temperature solidification (5-45°C), which makes it necessary to heat the fuel oil to drain it from tanks, pump it, store it and additionally heat it in front of the burners for better atomization.
- At the Customer’s request, the boiler room includes an additional service module for the production of process steam for its own needs fuel oil economy boiler room The service module is equipped with a steam boiler E-1-0.9 manufactured by Dorogobuzhkotlomash JSC.

Brief description of thermal circuits of MK DKM on Dnepr series boilers

Thermal circuit with hydraulic regulator.

It is used for MK DKM on boilers of the Dnepr series with a power of 200 - 10500 kW. Using the hydraulic regulator own production makes it possible to eliminate the influence of the hydraulic characteristics of the internal and network circuits on each other, especially in start-up modes and modes with low load. Circulation pumps of the boiler circuit are selected regardless of the hydraulic characteristics of the heating networks. To protect boilers from low return temperatures network water A three-way control valve is installed. The temperature of the network water is regulated three way valve depending on the outside temperature.

Budget version of the thermal scheme.

It is used for MK DKM on boilers of the Dnepr series in the power range of 200 - 13500 kW. Application re circulation pumps instead of circulation pumps of the boiler circuit, it allows to reduce the productivity, and therefore the cost of these pumps. Check valve provides comfortable conditions for the boiler in starting modes. The network water temperature is controlled by a three-way valve depending on the outside air temperature.

Thermal diagram with a heating system heat exchanger.

It is used for DKM MK based on Dnepr in the entire power range (200 – 13500 kW).
Heating system heat exchanger excludes Negative influence heating networks for boilers.

Thermal diagram with plate heat exchanger DHW

Suitable for MK DKM equipped DHW system, based on Dnepr (over the entire power range of 200 - 13500 kW).

Thermal diagram with a hot water storage tank installed outside the boiler room building

It is used for MK DKM equipped with a hot water supply system, on Dnepr boilers with a capacity of 4000 - 13500 kW. The use of a tank-battery can significantly reduce the cost of hot water supply equipment by reducing power plate heat exchanger. During peak load periods it is consumed hot water, stored in a tank - battery.


The thermal circuits of crude oil boiler houses are similar to those of fuel oil boilers. To complete the hot water boilers of Dorogobuzhkotlomash JSC, burner devices from foreign and domestic manufacturers have been selected that have the appropriate technical characteristics, permission to use Rostekhnadzor and a certificate of conformity with GOST of the Russian Federation.

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