Functional organizational structures. Structure and functions of management activities

The division of labor in any society goes in two different directions:

1) horizontal division, which differentiates the entire volume of work performed by the organization into separate "portions", tasks given to individuals or groups (departments). Each task corresponds to the number of individuals in the group, and each individual “portion” corresponds to their ability to work, work skills, etc.;

2) the vertical division of labor arises from the need to coordinate the work of individuals and groups.

Social management is social activity people to coordinate the work of individuals, social groups organizations, society as a whole.

As society grows and differentiates, it becomes more and more difficult to carry out its management activities unprofessionally, “in passing”. Hence the need for separation of management activities. Even in a separate organization, for its proper functioning, management activities must be separated from other types of work. Moreover, the creation of large organizations only became possible when management activities, management structures were clearly separated from the technical, commercial, and other structures that produce the products of this organization.

The American sociologist P. Drucker believes that management is a special kind of activity that turns an unorganized crowd into an effective, purposeful and productive group.

It is the management feature organizations, that is, the presence of management, as well as structure and purpose, turns a social group into an organization.

The larger the organization, the greater the amount of managerial work that must be done in order to achieve the goals. It follows from this that the leaders themselves need to be structured, and such structuring will be both horizontal (i.e., placement of heads of related departments) and vertical (placement of leaders) (Fig. 6).

The vertical separation of the level of managerial activity is called the level of management.

How many levels of management are needed for the effective operation of the organization?

The Roman Catholic Church, which has hundreds of millions of members, has only 4 levels of government between the pope and the parish priest.

The US Army has 7 levels and 20 ranks separating the generals of the Chiefs of Staff from the privates. In the army of the Russian Federation - 9 levels of command and 20 ranks.

Rice. 6. Levels of management of the organization

Regardless of the levels of management, managers are traditionally divided into three categories. T. Parsons considered these categories of leaders in terms of the functions they perform in the organization (Fig. 7):

at the technical level, people are involved in the day-to-day operations necessary to ensure efficient operation without disruption;

at the managerial level, managers are responsible for coordinating and directing the activities of individual links within the organization;

at the institutional level, managers develop long-term plans, formulate goals, i.e., adapt the organization's activities to the external environment (nature and society).

In addition, all management personnel are divided into:

grassroots managers. These are operational, primary supervisors, immediate supervisors of employees, performers (foreman, department head, department head, department commander). This is the majority of leaders. Feature their work - tension and frequent change of actions. The implementation period for decisions is short, usually about two weeks. The focus of their activities is on subordinates, to a lesser extent - on communication with peers, even less - with a superior; middle managers. They coordinate and supervise the work of grassroots managers. Recently, in all organizations, the role of this link has increased significantly, and the number of middle managers has also increased. In some organizations, middle managers are divided into:

upper middle level;

lower middle level.

Thus, a four-link control scheme is formed. Practice shows that for the effective implementation of decisions, one should have no more than three or four levels of management. Therefore, in large and super-large organizations, it is necessary to draw up complex management schemes, set separate tasks for independent links.

Typical middle management positions are: department head (in industrial organizations), faculty dean (in educational organizations), in the armed forces - all officer positions from lieutenant to colonel, in the church - to bishop.

The nature of the activities of middle managers varies greatly depending on their rank and type of organization. In some cases, it is similar to the nature of the activities of grass-roots leaders, in others it approaches the work and responsibility of top managers.

The typical role of such a leader is the role of a transmission link, a buffer between top and bottom managers. Middle managers spend most of their working time interacting with other middle and lower managers.

Computerization and general development of office equipment reduces the number of middle managers; computers take on such a function as preparing information for decision-making, transferring decisions to the lower level. In the late 1980s corporation

Chrysler, through the introduction of office equipment, reduced the number of middle managers by 40% without reducing production efficiency. In general, this category of leaders is primarily subject to layoffs during campaigns to debureaucratize state organizations both in Russia and in the West. She is most often accused of the inefficiency of the organization, of failures in the implementation of reforms (for example, Gorbachev in the late 1980s and early 1990s in the USSR).

Senior managers are responsible for making the most important decisions concerning the organization as a whole or its individual parts. Authoritative top managers leave their personal imprint on the activities of any social organization, be it a state, a political party or an industrial corporation. Their role in the efficiency of organizations is very high, in fact decisive. Their activities are very intense. Neither at home nor on vacation, senior managers can not get rid of problems, they are constantly connected with it mentally and through communication. Work week at 60-80 hours is not uncommon for them.

We got acquainted with the structure social management, now consider the functions, or roles, of managers.

Sociologist G. Mintzberg identified ten such roles:

the main leader, that is, the symbolic head of the organization;

leader, i.e., responsible for motivating, stimulating the activity of subordinates, recruiting and training new employees;

a link that ensures the operation of a network of external contacts, obtaining information;

"receiver of information" - a kind of " nerve center", he receives all external and internal information that he uses in the interests of the case;

disseminator of information - transmits and interprets external and internal information;

representative - transmits information to external contacts regarding the plans, policies, actions, results of the organization's work;

Entrepreneur - seeks opportunities inside and outside the organization, develops reform projects, controls certain projects;

eliminating violations - corrects the actions of individual units, eliminating social conflicts, violations in the activities of the organization;

resource distributor;

leading the negotiations.

An individual can influence the nature of the performance of the role, but not its content, notes G. Mintzberg. He differentiates all roles into three categories:

Interpersonal roles stem from the status and authority of the manager in the organization and cover the scope of his interaction with people (see roles 1-3).

Informational roles arise from interpersonal roles, from the position of the leader as an information processing center (see roles 4, 5, 6).

3. Decision-making roles are a consequence of the first two categories of roles (see roles 7-10).

The founder of the classical, or administrative, school of management was the head of a large French coal mining company, Henri Fayol. Representatives of this school were administrators-managers themselves and sought to achieve maximum efficiency in the work of their companies, caring little about social problems workers. This school actively developed in 1920–1950. She set as her goal the creation of universal principles of management, which should have clarified two aspects:

development of a rational organization management system, i.e. the best way its differentiation into units, coordination and control over the performance of each of them;

building the structure of the organization and management of employees, i.e. practical implementation rational schemes and principles.

A. Fayol as a result of his theoretical and practical activities formulated 14 management principles:

division of labor;

authority and responsibility, i.e. where there is authority, there is responsibility;

discipline. Obedience to and respect for agreements between management and employee. Fairly applied sanctions;

unity of command. Each worker receives orders and reports to only one boss;

unity of direction. Each division must have one plan and one leader;

subordination of personal interests to common ones;

staff remuneration. Fair salary;

centralization, understood as a proportion with decentralization;

scalar chain, i.e. a single control signal from the top manager to the bottom manager;

order: everything in its place;

justice. Combination of kindness and justice;

job stability for staff. Lack of staff turnover, that is, those who hold on to their place are needed, even if they are less talented;

initiative. Developing a plan and ensuring its implementation;

corporate spirit. The union of the rulers and the ruled as a result of harmonious work.

These principles form the basis of the classical (scientific) school of management.

In addition to a set of interrelated roles, management activities, social management can be viewed as a process that consists not in the simultaneous, but in the sequential implementation of management functions - planning, organization, motivation, control. In this case, social management should be understood as a process or a dynamic system with feedback (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Process of social management

Consider how individual functions are implemented in the control process.

Planning. This function decides what goals the organization faces and what departments and people should do to achieve the goals. The plan is the direction of the efforts of all members of the organization to achieve the goals. Planning must be ongoing as goals change and the future is uncertain.

Organization. To organize means to create a certain structure. Each structural element must receive a task that is distributed among specific people. The leader delegates tasks and authority, as well as the right to use resources and allocates responsibility for completing the task. Delegation is a way of leading, carrying out work with the help of other persons.

Motivation. The task of this function is to ensure that the members of the organization perform work in accordance with delegated tasks, in accordance with the plan, showing diligence and responsibility.

Managers have always performed the function of motivation, whether they were aware of it or not. From the end of the 18th to the beginning of the 20th century, for example, it was believed that the more opportunities to earn money, the more people would work. This approach to motivation was developed by the school of scientific management (1885–1920). The founders of this school, Frederico Taylor, Frank and Lilia Gilbert, began their activities as simple workers. Therefore, their method of scientific management was based on the analysis of labor operations and the identification of their most rational types. F. Taylor, for example, scrupulously measured the amount of iron ore and coal that the ek could lift on shovels of various sizes. The Gilberts invented a microchronometer device for recording time intervals up to 1/2000 s. They used it in conjunction with a movie camera to determine the time taken by a worker for each movement. Stimulation of labor consisted in establishing a completely feasible scientifically based norm; when the norm was exceeded, employees were rewarded.

The American sociologist Elton Mayo (1880–1949) discovered in his famous Hawthorne experiments (1927–1932 at the Western Electric plant in the Chicago suburb of Hawthorne) that well-designed work procedures and good wages did not always lead to increased productivity. labor. The forces that arose during the interaction of the performers sometimes exceeded the efforts of the leaders, i.e., the workers reacted much more strongly to pressure from the members of the team than to the improvement of working conditions. Productivity did not increase when others believed that the employee should not "give all the best" to the end, so that the salary of others does not suffer. On the contrary, productivity increased simply because the team members knew that they were participating in the experiment. At the same time, labor productivity was almost not affected by such incentives from the scientific school of management as changing the frequency of breaks, the illumination of the workplace, bonuses for exceeding the norm, etc. Another paradigm in management theory, the school of "human relations", originates from the studies of E. Mayo.

Further research by Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) helped to better understand and appreciate the importance of the "human" factor. A. Maslow created the so-called hierarchy, i.e. vertical correspondence, of human needs, which shows the sequence of occurrence of the following needs while satisfying the previous ones (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. Hierarchy of human needs (according to A. Maslow)

human needs, especially high level are not satisfied only with the help of money and better working conditions. Each person needs recognition of his successes and merits, a certain communication environment that contributes to the realization of his creative aspirations. The more primary material needs are satisfied, the more people need to realize higher needs.

From the point of view of the school of human relations, labor motivation should include not only material, but also moral incentives: recognition of the authority of leading workers, consultations with them, direct communication between bosses and performers, democratization of management style and relations in general in organizations, etc.

The control. This is not about social, but about production control, which is understood as the process of comparing the results of labor and the goals set. However, production control is somehow included in the system of production, i.e., social relations, and in this sense it can be considered part of the system of social control.

Control includes the correction of initial plans as a response to changes in external (in the environment, in society) or internal conditions. Revision of plans, goals of activity is always carried out in the direction of their realism, adequacy, compliance with changing conditions.

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All topics in this section:

Subject, functions and methods of sociology
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The place of sociology in the system of sciences
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Functions of sociology
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Psychological explanation
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Features and main problems of the modern family
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Management styles
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Resolution of social conflicts
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Types of religious organizations
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religious behavior
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Functions of Religion
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Perspectives on Religion
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Prospects for Religion in Russia
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Phases of scientific research
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Basic methods of sociological research
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Types and technique of surveys
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Analysis of empirical data
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Theories of progress
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Cyclic and wave theories of the life of society
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Globalization of social and cultural processes in the modern world
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Questions for self-control
List possible ways of development of society. Name the main theories of progress. Indicate the main, essential features of the Marxist view of the development of society.

One aspect of the division of labor is the division into leaders and subordinates. For a long time in our literature management was considered only as a kind of socio-political and legal activity. Now the activity of a leader is considered as professional, namely managerial, which has its own psychological, ethical and pedagogical features. The activity of the manager is defined as a type of professional executive and administrative work in the field of managerial relations.

To lead is to be able to manage the people, economic resources and time that an organization has to perform its specific tasks. The head of the team in our society is an employee who has clearly defined functions, rights and obligations, as well as professional principles of work. Solving the problems of optimization of leadership, both in theoretical and practical aspects, begins with the study of the functions of the leader. The function in this case is a set of homogeneous tasks that are repeated and that need to be solved in order to ensure the normal functioning of a certain system and its transfer from one state to another, which is more in line with the requirements Klimov E.A. Introduction to the psychology of work. - M.: Culture and sport, 2010. - S. 165. .

There are several classifications of managerial functions, where different criteria are used. Many researchers talk about the function, consistently considering the stages of the management cycle. This approach was initiated by the founder of the scientific organization of labor in the West, A. Fayol, who singled out the following elements of the so-called administrative operations: foresight, organization; order, coordination, control Ilyin E. Differential psychology of professional activity. / E. Ilyin. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2011. - S. 243. .

Researcher Yu.S. Tikhomirov refers to the functions of a leader: the organization of the management system, the choice of goals; forecasting planning; information, decision making; organizational and mass activity; the control; assessment of management effectiveness Ilyin E. Differential psychology of professional activity. / E. Ilyin. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2011. - S. 245. .

V.S. Afanasiev names the following main managerial functions: development and adoption of a managerial decision; organization; regulation and adjustments, accounting and control. In this list, the author adds another function that permeates the entire management cycle as a whole. This is a function of collecting and processing information Omarov A.M. Supervisor; reflections on management style. - 2nd ed., add. - M.: Politizdat. 2010. - S. 168. .

V.S. Afanasiev and Yu.S. Tikhomirov emphasizes the relativity of the solution of the above-mentioned functions based on the division into management cycles, since in real management practice all these functions are inextricably linked, or, in other words, are in close interconnection and interdependence.

Psychologists and sociologists (unlike management specialists), highlighting the functions of a leader, take as a basis for classification not only the managerial cycle, but the entire structure of the leader's activity in the work collective. The head is considered not only as the performer of an administrative role, but also take into account the variety of social and educational duties that he performs.

Considering the general block diagram of the functions of the head of organizational systems, there are general and special functions. General management functions:

1. Implementation of solutions government agencies;

2. Determination of the purpose and main directions of activity, as well as the prospects for the development of the organization, team and production as a whole;

3. Creation of a cohesive, efficient team;

4. Formation of a rational organizational structure;

5. Distribution of functional responsibilities, available resources and funds within the team;

6. Development and implementation of effective labor organization and management Borozdina O.Yu. Development of methodological support for the assessment and rational use labor potential of the company: Abstract of the thesis. dis…. cand. tech. Sciences. - Kostroma, 2010. - S. 11. .

Special functions are planning and economic, personnel, technological and managerial.

The planning and economic function is associated with:

1. Determination of the need for human and material resources, control over their availability and use;

2. General coordination of the activities of subordinates in order to ensure the effective use of human, material resources, technology;

3. Forecasting possible so-called bottlenecks and planning activities to eliminate them;

4. Self-control of their work;

5. social planning production in general Dushkov B.A. Psychology of work, professional, informational and organizational activities: a dictionary / B.A. Dushkov, A.V. Korolev, B.A. Smirnov - M.: Academic project, 2010. - S. 151. .

The HR function is related to:

1. Staffing and general management of personnel in the performance of their functional duties;

2. Organization of work in order to study personnel and determine the prospects for their further use;

3. Ensuring staff development, optimal conditions labor and safety;

4. Development of a system of moral and material incentives for subordinates;

5. Elimination of production conflicts;

6. Concern about the welfare of employees' problems Ibid. - S. 152. .

Technological and managerial function includes:

1. Definition of tasks and assessment of the production situation;

2. Determination of methods and means of performing tasks in accordance with the capabilities of the production team (quantity, qualifications, time, material, technology);

3. Making decisions, defining tasks for subordinates;

4. Implementation of coordination in the team, in the organization;

5. Monitoring the implementation with the definition of tasks;

6. Maneuvering available reserves;

7. Evaluation, summing up, solving the tasks Dushkov B.A. Psychology of work, professional, informational and organizational activities: a dictionary / B.A. Dushkov, A.V. Korolev, B.A. Smirnov - M.: Academic project, 2010. - S. 156. .

As you can see, the subject of management activity is forecasting, organization, administration, coordination and control. Of particular importance in the implementation of these functions is given to the processes of decision-making, coordination and communication of all links of production.

In general, the activities of the manager are determined by two components: the managerial one, associated with the general organization of the activities of the production team, and the organizational one, associated with the performance of production tasks, which are cyclically repeated Kolesnikov G. Strategic management and organizational culture / / Personnel. - I.: 2010. - No. 3. - S. 41. .

So, managerial activity is multi-level and diverse, it comes down to the continuous solution of a certain set of tasks.

The following general psychological features of managerial activity are distinguished:

1. Management activity has a socio-technical nature associated with the management, management of technical and technological systems and social and production organizations.

2. Mediation and remote control of real objects and processes.

3. Large volume and variety of operational tasks and activities.

4. The non-algorithmic nature of many operations, which is associated with a lack of information and activities in conditions that often change.

5. Rigid determination of parts of operations by the time parameters of the organizational system as a whole.

6. High mental tension associated with great responsibility for making decisions. Note that the activities of the leader to the greatest extent socially conditioned. It is based on the widespread use of social information, as well as socio-psychological knowledge about the team in which management is carried out Ivanova A. Intensity of the labor process (Economics and organization of labor) // Economics and Labor Accounting. - 2010. - No. 11. - S. 7. .

Performing its functions in accordance with the various interests of employees, each leader influences their behavior in accordance with the requirements of society, involves them in the process of social development, in management and forms public consciousness and ensures the high efficiency of each employee.

Some researchers note that the effectiveness of the leader's activity depends on the efficiency and stability of the team of low-level managers and the quality of relationships in the team Ilyin E. Differential psychology of professional activity. / E. Ilyin. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2011. - S. 164. .

Other researchers, such as L.P. Umansky, consider organizational activity as the final chain in the system of people management. He notes that in the primary team, leadership activity is combined with organizational activity. - S. 165. .

The first function of organizational activity is the integration of individuals by familiarizing employees with common tasks, goals, determining the means and conditions for their achievement, as well as through planning, coordinating joint work, accounting and control.

The second function is communication. This refers to the establishment of horizontal communications within the primary team and external vertical communications with the highest levels of management.

The third and fourth functions of organizational activity are training and education (in the broad sense).

In each specific organizational activity, all the above functions are in unity and interdependence.

E.R. Kuzmin, I.K. Volkov, Yu.O. Emelyanov distinguish the following functions:

1. Administrative (orders for work, coordination of individual actions and control over execution);

2. Strategic (defining goals and choosing methods to achieve them, planning and forecasting);

3. Expert advisory;

4. Communication and regulatory;

5. Representations of the group in the external environment;.

6. Disciplinary;

7. Educational;

8. Psychotherapeutic Klimov E.A. Introduction to the psychology of work. - M.: Culture and sport, 2010. - S. 193. .

Analyzing the structure of the manager's activities, it is also necessary to take into account subjective elements, that is, the manager's own needs in such activities, and the formation on their basis of a system of attitudes towards one's work, oneself, subordinates and top managers. As special studies show, the indicator of the activity of managers in communication and contacts with subordinates, in informing, decision-making significantly depends on the content of the work of the leader and experience, the degree of independence in the performance of certain functions. Consequently, with an increase in the level of leadership in the structure of the leader's activity, its components and functions are redistributed to expand independence in decision-making. Gibson L. Organizations: behavior, structure, processes / Gibson L., Ivantsevich D., Donnelly D. - M .: INFRA- M, 2010. - S. 105. .

Having considered the social essence and basic principles of management, we inevitably come to the conclusion that management is a complex and multifaceted process of interrelated functions that are organically linked to certain structural components. Therefore, in the study of managerial activity, the sociology of management gives priority to determining the structure and functions of this activity. The management structure does not remain unchanged, but is characterized by mobility and variability. From the definition of its essence, it becomes obvious that it involves the systematic impact of the subject of management on the social object that constitutes the subject area of ​​management activity. And this means that the two initial, primary components of the management structure are the subject and the object of management.

The subject of management is a person, a group of persons or a specially created body that is the bearer of managerial influence on a social object (managed subsystem), carrying out activities aimed at preserving the qualitative specifics, ensuring its normal functioning and successful movement towards a given goal.

The object of management is a social system (country, region, industry, enterprise, team, etc.), to which all types of managerial influence are directed in order to improve it, improve the quality of functions and tasks, and successfully achieve the planned goal (goals).

Control objects are characterized by great diversity. They can be typified in several ways.

According to the scale and levels of management impact, management objects are divided as follows: country, industry, regions, enterprises, etc.

According to the types of regulated activities, the objects of management are differentiated into: production, social, political, socio-cultural activities.

According to the addressee of the managerial impact, the objects of management are divided into:

  • the population and all organizational structures of the country, acting as a single and integral socio-territorial community;
  • population of regional, district, city socio-territorial communities;
  • personnel of ministries and departments;
  • personnel of enterprises, institutions, research institutes and educational institutions;
  • personnel of health authorities, social security, law enforcement agencies, military units and subdivisions, etc.

But no matter what hierarchical rank or what type of management object we consider, always and everywhere social relations and interactions of people involved in a particular type of activity and united in certain social organizations and institutions come to the fore in the sociological study of managerial activity. .

In the management structure, along with the differentiation of people into two main groups, of which the first develop and implement managerial decisions, and the second carry out production, political and other activities in accordance with the decisions made, there are a number of components that, in their most essential features, are determined by those tasks which are solved in the process of implementation of management activities.

The main tasks of management activities:

  1. Determining the main goal or tree of goals (for a multilevel) organization, developing an action strategy to achieve it and formulating a concept for the activity and development of this organization - corporations, firms, etc.
  2. Formation corporate culture, i.e. unification of personnel around a company-wide goal (or goals). The most important thing in management is not the desire to make other people unilaterally dependent on oneself, to artificially raise one's status, to strengthen one's influence in the organization, but to rally its personnel for a clear understanding of the organization's goal and active, qualified, conscientious activity in order to achieve it.
  3. Well-thought-out and rationally organized motivation of personnel to achieve the goals of the company (organization) and successfully solve the problems it faces.
  4. Formation of an organizational order in the company, i.e. systems of relatively stable, long-term hierarchical relationships, standards, norms and positions, often documented (charter of the organization) and regulating interactions between organizations, as well as between departments and people as members of the organization regarding the implementation of their functions. The organizational order is embodied in a formal organization that ensures the stability and stability of a given firm, corporation, etc., and the effectiveness of its management.
  5. Development and implementation of the technology of change, because the effectiveness of management in critical is determined by the ability to change, by the ability to understand the need for them in time and to start and quickly go through the transitional stage at the same time.
  6. A clear definition of a management diagnostic or, in other words, the definition of points of greatest and least controllability and - quite possibly - points of uncontrollability that exist or can occur in each organization. The establishment of management diagnostics is very important, because it makes it possible to overcome the often encountered contradiction between growth and development, between the scale of management, on the one hand, and its goals, methods and means, on the other. The phenomenon of the "shop director" is well known, when former boss a shop or the chairman of a collective farm, having moved up the service ladder, is ready to manage the plant, the city, and the region in the same way as before, the shop, but only a very large one. In such cases, not only zones of weak controllability, but also points of uncontrollability appear in the control object, which sharply narrows the range effective management system.
  7. A clear idea of ​​what the implementation of the management decision should be. Unfortunately, in the current practice of management activities of many organizations, enterprises, institutions, etc. the implementation of the decisions being made is not perceived as an independent structural component and an important stage in the development and implementation of a management decision. Moreover, management decisions are often not calculated at all for feasibility, and this significantly reduces the ability to control their implementation.
  8. Development of a system for monitoring the implementation of the adopted decision, determination and application of incentives for its effective implementation, as well as sanctions against persons, social groups, organizations or their divisions that disrupt the implementation of the decisions made or are insufficiently purposeful and active in the name of the goals and objectives set by the control subsystem.

All these structural components do not operate in isolation from each other, but in the process of their interaction they form a more or less integral and dynamically developing structure of social management, a kind of "administrative polyhedron" operating in a wide social range.

The composition of the management structure, along with the main components of management activities, includes the organizational structure of management. It is characterized by the distribution of goals and objectives between different levels and links of management activities. Consequently, the organizational structure of management is understood as a set of levels and links of management activity in unity with their functional areas, located in strict subordination and ensuring the relationship between the management and managed systems for the effective achievement of goals. It is focused on establishing clear interactions between individual units of the management system, the distribution of rights, duties and responsibilities between them.

In the organizational structure of management, the following main elements are distinguished: levels (stages) of management, its links and horizontal and vertical connections.

We have just considered vertical connections, characterizing hierarchical subordination, in which the lower level of management is in vertical managerial dependence on the middle link, and then, in turn, in vertical dependence on the top managerial level.

In addition, there are horizontal connections in the management system, characterized by the placement of specific managers at the head of individual departments. For example, many enterprises have heads of the production department, financial department, energy, design service, and marketing service.

Due to the fact that in the management system, along with horizontal connections, there are also vertical connections, there are also vertical management structures. They clearly show a hierarchical subordination of different structural levels of managerial activity. A typical manifestation of such a management structure is the "managerial vertical". At the top of this vertical is the President of the country - the highest official, the guarantor of the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the state. In his direct subordination is the presidential administration. Below it, in terms of decreasing power and scale of management activity, are the regional administrations, and even lower - the administrations of districts and cities. As a result, a multi-stage, built on the principle of vertical dependence, pyramidal management structure is formed and functions.

Often, a specific symbiosis is created in the control system, constructed by organically combining two types of structures: linear and vertical. Such a combination is due to the need to coordinate activities in cases where such activities are distributed according to their goals, objectives, content, both horizontally and vertically, which takes place in large modern organizations and in social institutions. This kind of organizational management structure is called matrix. Such a matrix management structure operates in large enterprises, for example, in automobile plants, in joint-stock companies, and other organizations.

Along with the organizational structures of management, there are management structures that differ in the nature and content of management activities. So, in particular, in some organizations and institutions there is a mechanical management structure, in which the managerial impact on subordinate employees is carried out by traditional bureaucratic methods, and innovative methods of managerial activity and changes in the environment are not taken into account. An adaptive management structure has a completely different character, allowing it to respond flexibly to changes in the environment and taking into account all innovative methods of management activity. The sympathetic management structure, based on the active involvement of employees and their representatives in the processes of development, adoption and implementation, is distinguished by a significant originality. management decisions(from the exchange of information, consultations and negotiations to the inclusion of employee representatives in the supervisory and executive boards, their participation in the distribution of profits and in the development of production improvement programs).

The structural dynamics of managerial activity is organically interconnected with the functions it performs. Their unity and interdependence (a function generates an appropriate structure, and the emergence of a new structure inevitably leads to the emergence of a new function, or turns a latent function, previously invisible to management, into an open one) forms a complex and multifaceted system of management activities.

Management functions:

1. Ensuring goal setting and goal achievement by the forces and means at the disposal of the managed system. The function of goal-setting and goal-achievement is realized by putting forward:

  • goals-orientations expressing the common interests and aspirations of the people, groups and divisions that make up the managed organization;
  • goals-tasks-plans, prescriptions, instructions given to the managed system by its managing subsystem or a higher organization;
  • goals-systems that ensure the stability, integrity, sustainability, dynamism of the managed system, established by management and the materialized and objectified structure of this organization necessary for the functioning - firms, enterprises, corporations, etc. A clear coordination of all three components of this function is the most important task of management, because any mismatch is a source of dysfunction and social pathology of managerial activity.

2. Administrative function. Reflects the activities of the management structure on the basis of labor legislation and regulations governing the personnel sphere and emerging labor relations, including the organization's staffing, hiring, dismissal, movement of personnel, compliance with labor laws, etc.

3. Information and analytical function. It ensures the flow of information from the surrounding social environment to this organization and from this organization to the environment, as well as information support for the management structure, its subordinate structural units and individuals included in this enterprise, firm, corporation, etc. Without this, it is impossible to ensure goal-setting and goal-fulfillment, uniting the members of the organization to solve the tasks assigned to it.

4. Social. Is in social support and protection of workers, creating conditions for their effective work, determining the level of wages, social benefits health improvement of workers and their families, organization of their meaningful recreation.

5. Forecasting. It consists in determining possible changes in the surrounding social environment, for example, market conditions, and the corresponding transformation of the tasks and actions of a given organization. Possible internal changes in the organization itself are also taken into account, including its personnel potential, in the training, retraining and advanced training of employees, in planning their career.

6. Planning. It is the process of choosing the goals of a given system (organization) and the decisions necessary to achieve them.

7. Motivational-stimulating function. It involves the creation of the necessary conditions (logistical, financial, socio-psychological, domestic, etc.) that encourage employees to active and efficient work through economic (salary, bonus, etc.), moral (gratitude, award, honorary title etc.) and other levers. First of all, the need to evaluate the work in accordance with its quality, efficiency and result is taken into account.

8. Corrective activity of the managed system. It is aimed at preventing disruptions and non-fulfillment of assigned tasks, at improving the efficiency and quality of work of all departments and links of this control object.

9. Keeping possible deviations in the functioning of the system (organization) within certain limits, ensuring the preservation of its integrity, qualitative specifics and dynamic stability.

10. Ensuring the competence and discipline of all personnel, all officials of this organization in their daily official activities.

11. Control of all departments of this organization. Provides an orderly and effective interaction of its elements with the help of regulatory (including legal) regulation.

12. Creating a favorable climate for the successful work of all employees of the organization contributes to the achievement of high results in the activities of this organization.

13. Ensuring the integrity of the system (organization). Preservation strengthening of its qualitative specifics and dynamic sustainable development.

14. Improving the quality and efficiency of performance. It includes the development of predictive assessments of the external environment and intra-company changes, the formulation and implementation of proposals and plans for improving the organization of labor, for orientation changes in structural divisions, for improving motivation and stimulation of all areas of the organization's activities, for ensuring high efficiency of its activities.

Considering the sociostructural dynamics of management from sociological positions, one very remarkable trend cannot be ignored. At the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the leading positions in the world economy depended mainly on leadership in technology. Germany, the world leader at the end of the last century, owed its successes and positions to scientific discoveries and their practical applications in the field of chemistry, optics, and the use of electrical energy. The United States, which replaced Germany as the world economic leader at the beginning of the 20th century, first led in the automotive industry, agricultural technology, aviation, then, already in the second half of the century, in the field of computer technology and telecommunications. But one of the most economically powerful powers modern world- Japan was not a pioneer or leader in any field of science or technology, did not achieve decisive superiority in any production area, with the possible exception of radio electronics, as evidenced by the world-renowned successes of the Panasonic corporation. Its managers, faster and better than anyone, learned that the main thing in management is to treat personnel, people as the main resource for success, as the most valuable capital that should be supported and nurtured. Japan, better than other countries, has learned to absorb the latest achievements of management theory and successfully use them in practice.

The warning of one of the patriarchs of management thought, the American sociologist and economist P. Drucker, should not be overlooked: “The success of any enterprise today depends not on the resources at its disposal, not on the amount of money, and not even on a favorable economic environment, but on management , its quality and effectiveness". Therefore, in the structure of sociological knowledge at the turn of the 21st century, the importance and role of the sociology of management is increasing.

The functional management structure is being built in performance management functions. In government administration important place occupy management functions, as they reveal the essence and content of management activities at all levels of management. Therefore, the development of organizational management structures, the application of methods and technical means management, selection, training and placement of personnel should be carried out taking into account the composition and specific content of management functions. Control function- a complex type of activity with the help of which the subject of management influences the managed object in order to achieve certain results.

Signs of control functions: objectivity, concreteness, purposefulness, stability and repeatability, isolation and independence, an integral, specialized part of managerial activity, unity and uniformity of content.

Structure of control functions:

1.activity planning function

2. the function of organizing the implementation of plans

3.function of regulation of implemented processes.

Planning the activity of the control object involves the definition of the target function of management, the formulation of stages of work and intermediate results that bring the object of management closer to the planned goal. During the planning process, management defines goals and communicates them to the members of the organization.

Organization- a set of actions to prepare for the implementation of the approved plan.

Regulation- a set of actions for managers to ensure the planned procedure for the implementation of a controlled process, including: accounting for performance results; control of quantitative and quality characteristics results of work; comparison of results with planned parameters; identifying the causes of nonconformities; development and implementation of corrective actions; development and implementation of preventive actions; application of measures to encourage staff for high-quality work results.

management-continuous, inf-th the process of interaction with employees, ensuring their goal-oriented behavior when external, internal conditions change, by adopting and implementing management decisions. About. chz, coalitions of state-in, having a common there.gran. Thing-general.relationship, arose due to the movement of commodities. Sat.: there.system.states or coalitions,; OGV, state-va or koal., vzaimod. with a system allocated there; internal commodity proizvod.; consumers; = Sub-control all managers who have the authority to make management decisions, give instructions to subordinate employees and teams and require their implementation, i.e. all e-you t subsystem there post, customs, carrying out targeted air. General control.-executors of decisions, orders of the control subsystem, specialists there. affairs, there. counts, organizational structures., technological procedures there, all types of

70. The purpose, essence and content of the management of customs activities. Control customs activities- activities aimed at influencing the authorized subject of management on the procedure for the implementation of customs affairs in the Russian Federation, as well as its development and improvement. Target : to influence the structural units (performers) of the customs sphere to obtain the most effective result, expressed in: compliance with the procedure for the implementation of the customs business; compliance with the law in this area; improvement of the customs procedure, etc. Other goals: protective, economic, social. Content : the development of a specific policy, in accordance with which management will be carried out theoretically, as well as the creation of a system of administrative bodies through which this activity will be implemented in practice. Control system Features: 1. control mechanism; 2. management structure; 3. process management; 4. mechanism for improving the management system.

Main functions:

Implementation of customs clearance and customs control, creation of conditions conducive to the acceleration of trade across the customs border;

Collection of customs duties, taxes, anti-dumping, special and countervailing duties, customs fees, control over the correctness of calculation and timeliness of payment of the said duties, taxes and fees, taking measures for their enforcement;

Ensuring compliance with the procedure for the movement of goods and vehicles across the customs border;

Ensuring compliance with the prohibitions and restrictions established in accordance with Russian legislation on state regulation of foreign trade activities and international treaties of the Russian Federation in relation to goods transported across the customs border;

Ensuring, within its competence, the protection of intellectual property rights;

Fight against smuggling and other crimes, administrative offenses in the field of customs, suppression of illicit trafficking across the customs border of narcotic drugs, weapons, cultural property, radioactive substances, endangered species of animals and plants, their parts and derivatives, intellectual property, other goods, as well as assisting in the fight with international terrorism and the suppression of unlawful interference at Russian airports in the activities of international civil aviation;

Implementation, within its competence, of currency control of operations related to the movement of goods and vehicles across the customs border, in accordance with Russian legislation on currency regulation and currency control;

Maintenance of customs statistics of foreign trade;

Ensuring the fulfillment of the international obligations of the Russian Federation in the part related to customs, cooperation with customs and other competent authorities of foreign states, international organizations dealing with customs matters;

Providing information and consulting in the field of customs, ensuring in due course state bodies, organizations and citizens with information on customs issues;

Holding competitions and concluding state contracts for the implementation of research work in the field of customs.

To providing functions customs authorities include:

Personnel activities;

Financial, accounting activities;

Psychological and educational activities and social security;


Development of customs infrastructure, capital construction and etc.

Goals of the Customs Service of the Russian Federation in 2014:

1) formation of revenues to the federal budget;

2) creation favorable conditions to attract investment in the Russian economy;

3) increasing the efficiency of interdepartmental information interaction;

4) reduction of terms for customs operations, simplification of the procedure for their performance;

5) optimization of procedures for declaring and releasing goods using customs information technologies;

6) ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency of customs control before and after the release of goods based on the use of an integrated risk management system that meets the requirements of the World Customs Organization;

7) protection domestic manufacturers, protection of intellectual property objects and legitimate interests of right holders;

8) improvement of organizational and managerial activities, allowing to maximize the technological, infrastructural and personnel potential of the customs service in the context of trade and economic integration of the Russian Federation.

Tasks of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation for 2014:

1) fulfillment of the forecast task for the receipt of customs payments administered by the customs authorities to the federal budget;

2) implementation of the Concept of centralization of accounting for customs payments and other payments and maintaining a single personal account of a participant in foreign economic activity, approved by order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated July 30, 2013 No. 1407;

3) development of information technologies for the payment of customs duties;

4) coordination of the work of the customs authorities to write off debts on payment of customs and other payments that are uncollectible;

5) ensuring the implementation of the action plan ("road map") "Improving customs administration", approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 29, 2012 No. 1125-r (as amended by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 26, 2013 No. 1721 -R);

Planning the activities of the FCS of Russia is carried out mainly on the basis of the program-target method of budget planning, which provides a direct relationship between the distribution of budgetary resources and the actual or planned results of their use in accordance with the established priorities of state policy.

Planning- optimal distribution of resources to achieve the goals, activities (set of processes) associated with setting goals (tasks) and actions in the future.

1. Actual problems of improving the management of customs.

2. Architecture and functional value Framework of standards for the security and facilitation of world trade.

3. Types of management activities.

4. Diagnostics of the effectiveness of the activities of customs administrations.

5. Laws of control.

6. Information support for the management of customs activities.

7. Information and technical policy of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

8. Information processes and information flows in the system of customs authorities.

9. Russia's integration into global world economic processes. Forms of integration in the customs environment.

10. Classification of control functions.

11. Corruption as a social phenomenon. Features of corruption manifestations in the Russian Federation. Regulatory legal framework on the fight against corruption.

12. The concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020 on customs activities.

13. Conventional regulation of foreign economic activity.

14. Methods and decision-making process in the management of customs activities.

15. Methods of managing the social protection of officials and members of their families.

16. Methods for assessing risk and its threshold values. Measures of risk in making managerial decisions.

17. Methods of organizing the management of customs activities.

18. Management mechanism for the management system of customs authorities.

19. International standards ISO 9000 series "Quality management systems": purpose, structure and basic requirements.

20. Motivation and stimulation of personnel in the system of customs authorities.

21. Regulatory framework governing customs activities.

22. The main directions of ensuring the quality of customs services.

23. Organizational structure of customs authorities. Stages of development of customs authorities.

24. Ensuring the economic security of the country by customs methods.

25. Main tasks, organization, normative and legal base of documentation support.

26. Basic rules for organizing workflow.

27. Organization of workflow and execution of documents.

Management of the department of documentation support (on the example of RTU).

28. Features of corruption in the institutions of customs administration.

29. Basic principles of organizing the management of customs activities.

30. Basic management functions.

31. Organizational planning in the management of customs authorities.

32. Management organization, structure, activities of the central office of the FCS of Russia.

33. Organization and regulation as a management function in the customs authorities.

34. Organization of management, structure, activities of customs, directly subordinate to the FCS of Russia.

35. Management organization, structure, activities, tasks and functions of the regional customs administration.

36. Management organization, structure, activities, tasks and functions of customs, customs post.

37. The main directions of the Strategy for the Development of the Customs Service of the Russian Federation until 2020.

38. General trends in system reform government controlled.

39. Organizational structure of the customs authorities.

40. Features of decision-making in the system of public administration.

41. Legal and organizational support for the management of customs activities.

42. The process of making managerial decisions under risk.

43. Process approach to decision-making in the central office of the FCS of Russia.

44. The role and place of the Federal Customs Service in the system of state executive authorities.

45. The role of the Federal Customs Service in the regulation of foreign economic activity.

46. ​​The role of customs authorities in achieving the socio-economic goals of the state.

47. The essence of the functional approach to managing the activities of customs authorities.

48. Improving the management system of the customs authority based on MS ISO 9000 series.

49. The essence and features of management activities in the customs authority.

50. Management system in the customs authorities and its main components.

51. The system of professional training of personnel of the Federal Customs Service of Russia at the present stage. The role and place of RTA in matters of personnel training.

52. The essence and technology of control in the customs authorities.

53. The structure of management activities.

54. Style of managerial activity.

55. The essence and main provisions of the concept of strategic management.

56. Current trends in the territorial organization of customs authorities in the Russian Federation.

57. The system of strategic management in the customs authorities.

58. Theoretical provisions of the process approach.

59. Theoretical prerequisites for risk-based management of customs authorities.

60. Logistics management of customs authorities and institutions of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

61. Management of directions of customs activity.

62. Management of economic and financial activities.

63. Personnel and social security management.

64. Management of the activities of customs authorities, taking into account risks.

65. Management of the development of customs activities in the Strategy for the Development of the Customs Service.

66. Management of the development of customs activities in the roadmap.

67. Forms and methods of interaction between customs authorities and state authorities.

68. Functional and information structure management activities.

69. Goals, objects and subjects of management.

70. Purpose, essence and content of customs administration.

The information structure is one of the most urgent and technologically complex problems of modern public administration. The information structure, acting as the framework of the public administration system, affects the state of the subject and object, the implementation of the main functions, the choice of forms and methods of public relations. The subject of management - a structurally organized social community that performs the functions of guidance and influence on the object in order to transfer it to a new state - uses state information as the main resource of managerial influence. The object of management is a structured social community that also uses information and functions under the guiding influence of the subject to achieve common goals. Mechanisms and technologies that ensure effective subject-object interaction are included in the information structure as forms and types of connections.

In the former management system of a totalitarian society, the information structure traditionally dominated and dominated, which was formed under the influence of the dominant state ideology and was characterized by the unconditional faith of an official of any rank and the civilian population in the truth of its provisions. A one-sided ideological vision of reality led to the formation of an internally contradictory information system that eroded the ground for a holistic understanding of socio-political processes. This led to the inevitable one-sided selection of facts and information by the administrative apparatus and the occurrence of fatal errors. As for the civilian population, the suppression of objectionable facts, disinformation and embellishment of the real socio-economic situation gave rise to the duality of public consciousness, when one thing was in thoughts, another in words, and a third in real activity.

A feature of the current political situation is that there is a transition from a rigidly centralized structure to the division of power into several branches, from a single state ideology to political pluralism, from the old "human" technology of the spoken and written word to the widespread use of information technology, the formation of a modern information structure of public administration.

Public administration as an executive-administrative activity of the apparatus implies positive, organizing and creative activity of the legislative, executive and judicial authorities. They carry out economic, socio-cultural and administrative-political functions on a legal basis. Effective implementation of the above functions is impossible without a branched, flexible and dynamic information structure.

In order for the division of power to be protected from abuse, error and amateurism, a balance is needed in the possession of information and social knowledge. Therefore, the Presidential Administration, the Government and the bicameral Parliament of the Russian Federation concentrate material, financial and administrative resources and direct them to the formation of the information structure of public administration. The creation of the country's information infrastructure is complicated by factors such as geographical extent, underdeveloped infrastructure, the transitional state of the economy, the collapse of the old value system, and low computer literacy of the population.

The modern information structure of Russia includes information, information resources, computer and telecommunications software, information networks and systems, banks and databases, intellectual information Technology, highly professional staff ensuring their creation and use.

Information circulating in the apparatus of power at the federal and regional levels is a complex and diverse type of information. It is huge in volume, diverse in content and characterized by variability in dynamics. A significant part of it is connected with the formation and implementation of managerial influences. Another, no less significant, expresses the relationship of the state apparatus with the needs and interests of millions of citizens.

All information flows included in the management communication process can be divided into three groups:

1) information circulating inside the organs state power;
2) information flows between governments of different levels;
3) information flows between control bodies and control objects in the external information environment.

The movement of information is regulated by special management structures. These may be structural units within and outside government bodies. They provide monitoring activities, collect information for the development of models and options for management decisions. These include information and analytical centers, public relations departments, press centers, information retrieval systems, information agencies, statistics committees, and the media.

Today, in the system of public administration, the attitude towards analytical services at the federal and regional levels has significantly changed, the very understanding of the essence of analytical and expert work is expanding. The role is especially growing various kinds expertise - legal, macroeconomic, international, scientific and technical, criminal, etc.

Most experts of federal analytical services include those processes and procedures of intellectual activity that have signs of creativity that allow creating new information, revealing hidden problems or their aspects, suggesting unconventional ways their decisions. All this makes it possible to reduce the enumeration of managerial decisions and the time for making positive decisions.

Specialists of information and analytical services in regional administrations invest in the concept of "analytical activity" a very different content:

Informatization of management processes;
mastering a computer for typing;
creation of reference and information systems and technologies.

All information and analytical services of the regions can be divided into three classes:

First-class services organize information resources and create appropriate reference arrays for this (legal information, letters from residents of the region, various certificates and documents on the situation, prepared by traditional methods).

Services of the second class are engaged in analytical processing using databases ("press", "statistics", "reforms", create municipal information systems).

Services of the third class develop analytical and experimental technologies serving emergencies, as well as election campaigns.

normal operation analytical services depends not only on the professional training of the heads of these departments, but also indirectly on top managers - governors, mayors and their assistants, referents, press secretaries, business managers, heads, organizational departments. Here, it is possible to underestimate the role of analytical research at the stages of considering the problems of the regions and ways to solve them, one-sided specialization of analytical units, analytical monitoring of only current problems, staffing of analytical services by specialists of only one profile (economists, sociologists, administrators). The movement of information is regulated by special management structures. These may be structural units within and outside government bodies. They provide monitoring activities, collect information for the development of models and options for management decisions. As the main elements, various organizational structures can be named, which are divided into information and analytical (analytical centers and departments), information and reference (press services, information and reference departments), information and technical (information retrieval systems, computer services), mass media (television, radio, periodicals). These include also public relations departments, press centers, news agencies, statistics committees, etc.

AT information support state power, the greatest importance belongs to information and analytical services. Analytical activity is "embedded" in the management process. Organizational, technical, personnel issues are solved here. It is they who identify and formulate the information needs of management for management. The most accurate and complete coverage of the functions assigned to a government body or an individual employee, taking into account the specifics of the types of information inherent in individual levels of management, establishing the grounds and types of responsibility of employees of the apparatus for providing and processing information depends on the work of information and analytical centers.

In the modern system of public administration, the attitude towards analytical services at the federal and regional levels has changed significantly. The very understanding of the essence of analytical and expert work is expanding. The role of various types of expertise is especially growing - legal, macroeconomic, international, scientific and technical, criminal, etc.

Specialists for information and analytical centers are trained at the Institute of Management Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences and undergo training at the Analytical Center under the President of the Russian Federation and the Center for Economic Conjuncture.

The tasks of information and analytical centers include:

Information and analytical monitoring of the economic, socio-political, environmental, crime situation in the region;
analysis, diagnostics, modeling and forecasting of the management process;
search and detection of problem areas in the field of federal and regional government, as well as methods for their solution;
examination of the most important management decisions, investment projects;
preparation and substantiation on the basis of information of alternatives of management decisions for the person making the decision and their substantiation;
preparation of forecasts, analytical reviews and retrospective information.

The place of the information and analytical service in the system of modern public administration can be considered on the example of the work of the information and analytical department of the Office of the Federation Council. Its main task is to provide effective and analytical support to the work of the Federation Council.

The upper house of the Russian parliament - the Federation Council does not pass laws, but only approves or rejects texts adopted by the State Duma. The effective performance of this function requires the organization of regular interaction between the bodies of the Federation Council with the State Duma, and, if necessary, with other authorities at all stages of drafting laws. Thus, it performs the function of a link between the federal system of power and the authorities of the subjects of the Federation. The Chamber is formed from the current heads of the subjects of the Federation, i.e. practitioners who are constantly faced in their regions with the whole variety of socio-economic, political and other problems. The leaders of the regions get the opportunity to directly participate in the formation of the policy of the federal authorities, and the decisions agreed with them federal level receive additional support when it is implemented in the regions of Russia.

The Federation Council also participates in programs of interaction with the parliaments of other countries and with international organizations.

In this regard, the main task of analytical activity is to ensure all the functions of the Federation Council - in terms of the formation of both internal and external socio-economic state policy.

Particularly important is the task of analytically providing the members of the Federation Council with objective and complete information necessary for making an informed decision, taking into account the interests of the Russian Federation.

The following can be distinguished significant species information:

On the situation in the sphere regulated by the draft law;
about the concepts of the law put forward in the course of work on it in the State Duma;
to what extent the positions and interests of the subjects of the Federation are taken into account in the final version of the draft law;
what consequences, both positive and negative, can lead to its implementation.

The Information and Analytical Department of the Federation Council is working in several areas:

Prepares analytical and informational materials for members of the upper chamber;
promptly disseminates information on the most topical issues;
actively participates in all parliamentary hearings;
organizes the publication of the Analytical Bulletin on the most important issues within the jurisdiction of the Federation Council;
develops information and analytical reports on the most important, promising problems of ensuring economic recovery, the development of federalism, the improvement of basic, backbone laws;
makes conclusions on bills prepared by way of legislative initiative by members of the Federation Council.

In particular, the information and analytical department of the Federation Council participated in the organization and information and analytical support of the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, held at the initiative of the Federation Council and the Interparliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth Member States Independent States. The department has developed all the necessary information and analytical materials, the topics of "round tables". For the centenary of the meetings of the World Parliamentary Assembly, the department prepared information that allowed the world community to fully understand all the multifaceted activities of the Federation Council and its role in the life of Russia.

The activities of information and analytical centers are closely connected with the press services - a new and no less significant element of the information structure for the process of state administration.

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