Fenugreek hay: properties and uses in medicine. Useful herb fenugreek hay

Fenugreek is one of the most famous spices in cooking. It is part of such famous mixtures as hops-suneli or curry. But, in addition, it is also medicinal plant. Let's learn more about fenugreek and its uses.

Brief description and places of growth

Fenugreek - annual plant, refers to beans. The plant itself is rather unsightly - low (up to 60 cm), the stem is even, branches with flat, rounded leaves extend from it.

Flowering begins in May and lasts until the end of June. The flowers are small, inconspicuous, of a pale yellow hue, eventually turning into long pods, bent into bizarre shapes. The plant is quite unpretentious, grows on different soils and can withstand large temperature fluctuations.

Did you know? AT different countries fenugreek has different names. It is called fenugreek, Greek hay, shambhala, chaman, camel grass.

There are two varieties:

It grows almost everywhere in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus, in Asia, and is also found in North Africa (Egypt and Ethiopia). Cultivated purposefully as a fodder crop for livestock and for the manufacture of aromatic spices.

Chemical composition

The main storage of vitamins in a plant is its seeds. There is a lot of mucus, bitterness, saponins, phytosterols, flavonoids, tannins, unsaturated and saturated fatty acids, and there are also vitamins A, C, group B.

In addition, it contains most of the essential minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sodium and zinc.

What is useful fenugreek

Its widespread use is determined by the beneficial properties of the plant and the effect of its seeds on human health.

  • Benefits for digestion, has a beneficial effect on the work of the digestive tract, normalizes metabolism. The seeds help to normalize the stool. Fenugreek herb is used to treat ulcers.
  • Has anti-inflammatory action. It is used to treat diseases of the respiratory tract, kidneys, liver, colds, flu, bronchitis and SARS. Regenerative properties help to cure diseases and inflammations of the skin and oral cavity.
  • Regulates and puts in order the metabolism of fats.
  • Reduces sugar levels. When taking fenugreek in food, the breakdown and absorption of sugar in the intestines slows down, which does not allow its level in the blood to jump sharply. That is why it is worth adding such seeds to your diet for those who have diabetes or are at risk.

But in addition to the general benefits for the body, fenugreek has benefits specifically for men and women.

For men

For men, shamballa benefits as a potency enhancer. The saponins in its seeds stimulate testosterone production and increase male libido. And in general, fenugreek is known as a good aphrodisiac. And taking such seeds along with creatine, you will increase endurance and add yourself a large supply of strength and energy.

For women

Taking fenugreek is useful for expectant and young mothers. It will not only help strengthen the immune system for you and your baby, but also increase milk production. No wonder it is part of the special teas, which are produced specifically to increase lactation.

And its benefits are manifested in menopause and PMS.- unpleasant manifestations are eliminated, the woman becomes calmer.

How is it used in cooking

The main direction of application of fenugreek - as a culinary condiment. Its specific aroma and taste are very much loved in the East. In India, it is added to curry, to various dishes (for example, dhala), in the Caucasus it is one of the components of basturma and hop-suneli mixtures, in Egypt it is eaten sprouted, and they also make a drink called “tea of ​​the gods”.

Important!The maximum daily dose of fenugreek seeds in food is no more than 100 grams. Do not exceed this dosage.

Fenugreek leaves are also added to food in a small amount. They add bitterness and a pleasant smell to soups and salads.

Application in traditional medicine: recipes

And, of course, this plant is used in healers and herbalists for the treatment of various diseases.

To boost immunity

To prepare for the winter and possible epidemics of acute respiratory viral infections, or to alleviate the course of an already manifested disease, to get back on your feet after a serious illness, you can follow this recipe:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed seeds pour 500 ml cold water and leave for three hours;
  • then the broth is heated to 90-95 degrees, but not boiled;
  • the liquid is poured into a thermos and taken 50 ml 3-4 times a day.
You can drink in combination with honey, ginger, lemon. It will be not only tastier, but also much healthier.

For gargling with sore throat

The decoction will help with sore throat and sore throat. To prepare it, a teaspoon of seed powder is poured into hot water(200 ml) and heated in a water bath for 15 minutes. After cooling, boiled water is added, bringing the volume to 250 ml.

Repeat the rinsing procedure 3-4 times a day.

To enhance male potency

In solving such intimate problems One tablespoon of crushed Shambhala seeds, taken once a day with warm milk, will help.

For skin diseases

For skin problems, an ointment based on fenugreek will help. It will also have a positive effect on dermatitis, eczema, furunculosis, fistulas, purulent ulcers, wounds, calluses.

Rub 1-2 tbsp. spoons of fenugreek, bring water to the consistency of the ointment and put on low heat for 10 minutes, stirring constantly.

Apply the finished chilled ointment to the skin and wrap it with a bandage. So repeat two or three times a day. In the absence of open wounds or with dermatitis, you can simply spread the problem area and leave for a couple of hours. The treatment procedure lasts about 10 days.

For joint pain

If you have arthritis, or have other joint problems, prepare the following remedy. 10 g of crushed fenugreek beans are poured into 1/4 cup of water, and heated to 90 degrees, but do not boil. Add 1 teaspoon of vinegar and apply while still warm to the sore spot. Cover with polyethylene and a soft cloth.

How can it be used for cosmetic purposes

Shambhala is excellent for skin and hair care. Funds based on it will help you look irresistible. Here are some recipes for masks for skin and hair with fenugreek.

Did you know?The properties of fenugreek to strengthen hair were appreciated by Charlemagne himself. He cultivated this plant for use in the fight against baldness.

Face masks

And let's start with the most important thing - with the face.


To prepare it, take e 1 teaspoon chopped beans, add one egg yolk, 5 ml honey, 1 teaspoon caraway oil, 1 teaspoon olive oil.

The mixture is applied to the face and washed off with cool water after a quarter of an hour.


The preparation is simple: mix 5-10 g of seeds with 20-30 g of olive oil. Apply to face for 10 minutes. This mask cleanses the skin and removes dermatitis, acne and other rashes.


Take one teaspoon each of fenugreek, carrot juice, honey and aloe juice. Apply the mask for 20 minutes, then rinse off.

For hair

This plant will benefit the health of your hair. Masks based on it will help them to be healthier, give a natural shine and beauty.

Fenugreek (lat. Trigonella) is an annual herbaceous plant of the legume family, a low shrub 30-60 cm high. It blooms with small yellow flowers, triangular-shaped pods are brown- yellow color. Each pod contains up to 20 seeds irregular shape having a sweet taste with a slight bitterness. The aroma of fenugreek is peculiar and very pleasant.

Other names for fenugreek

Fenugreek, Greek hay, shamballa, cocked hat, camel grass, blue sweet clover, gunba, blue goat trefoil, METHI, TRIGONELLA FOENUM-GRAECUM L.

The original name of the plant is Arabic al-hulbah. The inhabitants of Ethiopia call it abish, in Armenia it is called chaman, the Germans gave it the name fenugreek, and in India it is generally called the name of the mystical country in which the secrets of Tantrism and Buddhism are kept - Shambhala. In addition to these names, there are many more names: Fenum-Greek, Fenigrekova grass, Greek hay, Greek goat shamrock, Greek cinnamon, cocked hat, camel grass and others.

Fenugreek was called "Greek hay" because its greens are an excellent feed for domestic cattle.

The name "fenugreek" is translated from German as "goat horns". This is due to the fact that fenugreek pods appearance reminiscent of goat horns.

The word "fenugreek" comes from the old Russian word "pazhit", which means a pasture for cattle.

Origin of fenugreek

The plant is native to the Middle East. AT present time about 130 species of fenugreek are cultivated. In Russia, fenugreek is the most common. In the wild, the plant can be found in the mountains of Turkey, Iraq and Iran. It is known that it was grown in Ancient Greece.

There is an assumption that fenugreek first appeared in North Africa, in the territory that is closest to the Mediterranean Sea. The ancient Vedic texts, which are more than five thousand years old, Sushruta Samhita and Ashtanga Sangraha, talk about some preparations that include fenugreek, and in the famous Vedic herbalist Aliada Ansata, an entire chapter is devoted to Shambhala leaves. Palm leaves and stone tablets of treatises found in Tibetan monasteries also contain information about the healing properties of fenugreek.

Dry fenugreek seeds found in Tutankhamun's tomb. Papyrus sheets of medical treatises found in the Egyptian pyramids describe the medicinal properties of fenugreek seeds. Shambhala seeds in Egypt were used to embalm mummies. Burnt fenugreek seeds were found in Iraq, and radiocarbon analysis determined the age of the seeds at 4000 BC.

Medicinal properties of fenugreek

Fenugreek fruits have an irregular shape, and the main medicinal properties are concentrated in them.

In a hadith from Al-Qasim bin Abdurrahman, it is said that the Prophet Muhammad said: “Heal yourself with a hilba!”. It is also noted that in Mecca the Prophet paid a visit to Saad ibn Abu Waqqas and said: “Call him a doctor!”. They invited Haris bin Kald. He looked at Saad and said, “It's okay. Give him farik (hilba boiled with pressed wet dates) and let him drink it in small sips. Saad did everything as the doctor said and recovered.

The Frankish king Charlemagne cultivated fenugreek in his vast estates and used it as a remedy for baldness. Hippocrates himself highly valued the properties of fenugreek, back in the fifth century BC. He treated a lot of diseases with the seeds of this plant. In ancient times, Greek athletes and gladiators used fenugreek seeds to give strength and increase appetite.

In his book "Hilba - Queen of Medicines ancient world”, Dr. I.A. Ibrahim wrote: “The seeds of this plant have an anti-inflammatory effect, normalize digestion, thereby helping to fight stomach cramps, and also soothe abdominal pain. In China, they cure impotence; they increase sexual desire... They are effective for painful periods and menopausal symptoms, relieve labor pains and increase lactation. Beneficial in diabetes, and externally used for inflammation of the skin ... "

Fenugreek is used by cosmetologists in Java as a balm for hair growth. In India, women consume shamballa seeds with palm sugar after childbirth, thereby strengthening the back, restoring strength and stimulating the flow of breast milk.

In the countries of the East, Helba yellow tea from fenugreek seeds is popular. The recipe for such tea is simple: you need to rinse and put 1-2 tsp in a teapot. seeds and pour boiling water. But it is better not to brew, but to brew yellow tea for 5-7 minutes. It is in this case that the drink becomes magical, it restores strength, brings peace of mind heals from diseases. In summer, the drink is refreshing, and in winter, on the contrary, it warms. It has a pronounced expectorant properties, heals from bronchitis or asthma.

In Bulgaria, fenugreek is an ingredient in the Bulgarian seasoning sharena sol. In Georgia, the seeds are included in the famous hops-suneli seasoning. In Armenia, fenugreek is part of the chaman seasoning.

The ancient science of Ayurveda has also appreciated the healing properties of fenugreek. First of all, its high efficiency in diseases of the respiratory, reproductive and nervous systems. Fenugreek is widely used in various tantric and yogic practices; it is not for nothing that it was called Shambhala.

The benefits of fenugreek are truly endless. It facilitates childbirth, increases uterine contractions. Increases lactation, and milk production can increase several times. Fenugreek increases breast size, effectively regulates hormonal balance, that is, it naturally tones the female hormonal system.

Fenugreek eliminates toxins through the lymphatic system. It has healing properties, lowers blood sugar levels, heals the heart and stomach, helps with colic and constipation. It is useful in diabetes mellitus, with an enlarged liver and spleen. Externally, fenugreek seeds are used for skin inflammations.

A decoction of fenugreek seeds is an excellent tonic for debilitated people, after illness or surgery. Very useful for the elderly. Ground fenugreek seeds are used to prevent osteoporosis. It also lowers blood pressure.

The chemical composition of fenugreek seeds

Shamballa seeds contain a lot of nutritional components, among which the main ones are proteins, potassium, starch, sugar, essential oil, vitamins A, C and B and enzymes.
Among other things, shamballa seeds contain all the essential amino acids necessary for our body.

Minerals (mg):
- potassium - 770,
- calcium - 176,
- magnesium - 191,
- iron - 33.5,
- phosphorus - 296,
- sodium - 67,
- zinc - 2.5;

Vitamins (mg):
- vitamin C - 3,
- vitamin B1 - 0.32,
- vitamin B2 - 0.3,
- vitamin B9 (folacin, folin, folic acid) - 57,
- vitamin PP - 1.6.

Nutritional value of fenugreek

Nutrient content per 100 grams of fenugreek seeds:

Fats (gr.) - 6.4;
- Proteins (gr.) - 23;
- Carbohydrates (gr.) - 58.4, including fiber - 10;

The energy value 1 tsp Shambhala seeds - 12 kcal.

The use of fenugreek in cooking

Fenugreek has a peculiar aroma, similar to the smell of freshly cut hay, as it contains coumarin. Leaves and sprouts of shamballa are used for flavor different dishes. Do not forget that the dried leaves have a not very strong, but characteristic smell and a sharp taste.

In India, fenugreek is used as a thickener for masala, and in southern India, in Bengal, it is added to a mixture of panch phoron or 5 spices. In the United States, rum and maple drink are flavored with shamballa, sometimes added to the dough to add flavor to the bread.

In cooking, fenugreek is used in vegetable dishes ah, in marinades, in various mixtures of spices.

If you need crushed fenugreek seeds, be sure to soak them overnight first. Firstly, bitterness will decrease, and secondly, it will be easier to grind the seeds.
Fenugreek seeds should be soaked, as almost all legumes must be soaked before cooking to partially convert protein compounds into a highly digestible form.

In order for the aroma of fenugreek to be revealed in all its glory, you need to fry the seeds in a dry frying pan before use. And be sure to make sure that they do not turn red, then there will be no bitterness.

This plant belongs to the legume family. It is an annual shrub that is more commonly found in wild nature than in household plots.

Where does it grow

It is considered an unpretentious culture. You can find fenugreek in Eastern Europe, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Armenia, Ethiopia, India, and the Caucasus. A small amount can be found even in America, France, Argentina, Morocco. The popularity of the chaman is that it is used in agriculture, medicine. However, the main scope of its application is cooking. Fenugreek is known as an unusual spice, which is sought to learn how to grow all over the world.

Photo of a plant in the wild

What does it look like

It is a small bush, the height of which reaches 60 cm. The stem is even, branched. It grows small oval leaves, collected in groups of three. Depending on the variety (fenugreek is hay and blue), small white, yellow, blue flowers. The fruits are very small (the size of one seed is not more than 4 mm), ripen in oblong pods.



Chemical composition

Of all fenugreek, only seeds are of value to the human body. 100 g of the product contains the following vitamins and minerals:

  • Vitamin A - 60 mg;
  • Vitamin C - 3 mg;
  • B6 - 0.6 mg;
  • B2 - 0.366 mg;
  • B1 - 0.322 mg;
  • Potassium - 770 mg;
  • Phosphorus - 296 mg;
  • Magnesium - 191 mg;
  • Calcium - 176 mg;
  • Sodium - 67 mg;
  • Iron - 33.53 mg;
  • Selenium - 6.3 mg;
  • Zinc - 2.5 mg;
  • Copper - 1.11 mcg.


The nutritional value

The composition of 100 g of shamballa seeds contains the following nutritional components:

  1. Carbohydrates - 58.4 g;
  2. Proteins - 23 g;
  3. Fats - 6.4 g.

The number of calories in this amount of product is 323 kcal.

Useful properties and contraindications of fenugreek

Among the positive properties of Shambhala are:

  • Reduces blood sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • Increases immunity, increasing the protective functions of the body;
  • Promotes rapid healing of wounds;
  • Normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Resists constipation;
  • Has anti-inflammatory properties;
  • Treats allergies;
  • Reduces toothache, joint pain;
  • Helps during colds;
  • Stabilizes blood pressure;
  • Has an expectorant effect during a strong cough;
  • Cleanses the skin;
  • Improves the condition of a patient with cancer by fighting cancer cells.

Useful in any way

When deciding to start introducing fenugreek into your daily diet, you need to be aware of its contraindications:

  1. It is forbidden during pregnancy, because it can provoke a miscarriage;
  2. When diagnosing hyperestrogenism;
  3. If the patient has diabetes mellitus;
  4. During gastritis, stomach ulcers, colitis;
  5. It should not be introduced into the diet of people who have problems associated with blood clotting;
  6. It is forbidden to take medications that contain thyroid hormone at the same time as fenugreek.

For men

Chaman has a special role for men's health, increasing sexual activity, restoring male strength. This effect is achieved due to the fact that shamballa seeds stimulate the production of testosterone. Other positive properties of this plant include:

  • Eliminates the inflammatory processes characteristic of men;
  • Improves sperm activity;
  • Normalizes blood flow in the pelvis.

Fenugreek should be taken as a tea with milk, germinating the seeds, and also adding a dry seasoning to various dishes.

Helps with prostatitis

For women

Doctors have proven that fenugreek has a huge benefit to the female body:

  1. Improves the process of lactation, contributing to the production of breast milk;
  2. Relieves pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation;
  3. Helps to get rid of depression, regain strength, lost energy during menopause;
  4. Fenugreek masks return women to their former youth, strengthen hair, and promote their rapid growth.

Scope of fenugreek

Fenugreek has found wide application in various fields activities. Let's consider each of them in more detail.


In cooking, not only shamballa seeds are used, but also its other components:

  • Raw seeds are added to first courses, salads;
  • Dried seeds make a delicious tea. In addition, they are part of the spices that are usually added during the preparation of legumes;
  • Dried, crushed leaves are also able to give an unusual taste to meat, vegetable, fish dishes;
  • Fresh leaves are an addition to sauces, salads, soups, meat dishes, side dishes, creating a special bitterness;
  • Having an unusual nutty flavor, making dishes a little spicy, fenugreek is sometimes included in the ingredients for making adjika;
  • Connoisseurs of unusual cheeses love varieties that may include Shambhala seeds;
  • Known cuisines of the world, where this seasoning is used for the preparation of confectionery.

ground seeds

dry seeds


The use of chaman in traditional medicine. A drink made from fenugreek seeds will help get rid of dry cough during colds, quench thirst, promote the production of breast milk. To do this, they are crushed in a special mortar for seasonings or a coffee grinder, after which they are poured with cold water.

ATTENTION! This recipe uses cold water.

For one serving (250 ml of liquid), you need 2 teaspoons of ground seeds. After pouring them into water, the mixture is given time to infuse (about 3 hours). After that, the liquid is boiled for several minutes and immediately filtered.

A mixture of crushed shamballa seeds and water will help get rid of carbuncles, boils. The components are combined together to obtain the consistency of thick sour cream. Spread it on a piece of gauze or bandage and apply to the affected area of ​​the skin. Every 4 hours the bandage is changed to a new one.


Shambhala is widely used in cosmetology. She is for short span time can improve the condition of the scalp, strengthen hair, get rid of dandruff. A mixture of olive oil and chaman will help get rid of acne. The mask is applied for 10 minutes and washed off.

A mask of the following ingredients, taken in equal amounts, will help moisturize the skin on the face and hands:

  • carrot juice;
  • Aloe juice;
  • Fenugreek;

Get rid of dandruff

The prepared mass is applied to the skin for 15 minutes and washed off. warm water.

Seasoning shamballa

The process of creating seasoning does not require special skills, but it is important to know when to do it correctly in order to preserve everything as much as possible. beneficial features fenugreek.

How is the spice obtained?

Preparing the spice is pretty easy. To do this, you need to wait until the fruits of the plant ripen (they begin to turn yellow and turn brown-red). Taking out the seeds from them, they are dried and ground in a mortar (you can grind on a coffee grinder).

The spice is also made from Shambhala leaves. To do it right, they wait until the flowering period is over, the shrub is cut and dried. Crushed to a powdery state and added to dishes, used in cosmetology and medicine.

Where add

This seasoning is an integral part of many dishes:

  • Meat, vegetable dishes, side dishes, because it gives them sharpness, a little bitterness, making the taste memorable;
  • Soups;
  • Basturmy;
  • Add it to bakery products, sweet pastries;
  • Tea, coffee;
  • alcohol;
  • Cheese.

Spicy eggplant with fenugreek

It is used undried by raw foodists and vegetarians because it is a source of many vitamins.

IMPORTANT! Fenugreek is almost never added to fish dishes, because it does not go well with seafood.

How to store seasoning

Depending on the form in which the seasoning is, it has various terms storage:

  1. Dry seeds - 2 years;
  2. Dried leaves - 1 year;
  3. Ground seeds - 3 months.

Store in a glass or metal jar

What can replace

The most common substitute for fenugreek is roasted hazelnuts, which are great for meat dishes and salads.

fenugreek tea recipe

For brewing tea, fenugreek seeds are used, which give the drink a tonic effect, refresh, and have an original taste. To make such tea, preserving all its vitamins and taste properties, it is not enough just to pour boiling water over the grains. The cooking technology is as follows:

  • Seeds are cleaned of debris, dried;
  • Lightly fry them in a dry frying pan, grind them in a coffee grinder to a powder;
  • One serving (200 ml of water) can be prepared from 2 teaspoons of powder, which are added to the liquid, put on fire and brought to a boil.

Tea with Shambhala seeds

IMPORTANT! Required condition preparation: after boiling, the drink is boiled over low heat for at least 8 minutes.

The drink is obtained as a result of a beautiful yellow color. Drink it warm. If the taste seems unusual at first, you can diversify it with honey, lemon, ginger, add a little milk.

Fenugreek for weight loss

Shambhala helps to get rid of extra pounds, and also not to gain weight. This can be done if you eat a small amount of seeds half an hour before meals. This will remove the feeling of hunger, creating a feeling of satiety.

This plant will help you get in shape

If there is cellulite on the body, experts advise preparing a gruel from ground fenugreek seeds. Boiling water is added to the resulting powder and the components are stirred to obtain a mass resembling thick sour cream in consistency. The cooled mask is applied to the skin, covered plastic wrap and leave for an hour. After that, rinse with water and lubricate the body with a moisturizer. This procedure is recommended to be repeated every day for a week twice a day. The result will appear in 4 weeks, if you follow all the tips and recommendations.

Fenugreek for hair

Great product for strengthening hair. To do this, use the following recipes:

  1. Boil 4 tablespoons of dried leaves in 200 ml of boiling water. Wait until the liquid cools down and rub it well into the scalp;
  2. Get rid of dandruff with a mixture of fenugreek and olive oil. The prepared mass is rubbed into the head, wrapped with plastic wrap and a towel for half an hour. Wash off with water and shampoo;
  3. 2 tablespoons of seeds are poured with water and left for 10-12 hours. After this time, the plant is kneaded, turning into gruel, and applied to the hair for 60 minutes. After that, wash off with warm water and shampoo. This recipe helps to strengthen the hair, gives it shine and makes it stronger.

For bust enlargement

There are many recipes that will help in a short period of time to increase the breast and significantly tighten it. Let's consider some of them:

  1. Grind fenugreek seeds, anise, fennel, clover flowers, licorice root, basil. Several times a day before meals, slowly dissolve a teaspoon of the product, then drink a glass of clean water;
  2. Make tea from fenugreek seeds. You need to drink a drink daily in the morning and in the evening;
  3. Mix meadow clover juice and grated shamballa seeds. After taking a shower, rub into the chest, leave for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Fenugreek is an amazing plant that is known throughout the world due to its healing properties. The culinary field cannot do without this seasoning at all. Using Shamballa in folk medicine and cosmetology, do not forget to consult with your doctor first.

Fenugreek seeds are used to extract its most valuable oil. Being a source of coumarins, fatty acids and other useful compounds, it is very much appreciated in India, China, Asian countries. We have used the benefits of fenugreek not so long ago.


Fenugreek is native to the Mediterranean and Asia Minor. In the wild form, the plant grows in the northern part Alpine mountains and also in Central Asia.
Cultivate fenugreek:

  • countries of the Eastern part of the European continent;
  • Asian countries;
  • Africa;
  • North America.

On the territory of our country, fenugreek is grown in the southern part of Transcaucasia.

What does it look like

The plant belongs to the legume family, which determines its morphological characteristics.

  • Roots. The main central root penetrates quite deeply into the soil to ensure that the aerial part is supplied with sufficient moisture. Lateral roots increase its absorption area.
  • Stem. Cylindrical, light green. The top is branching. The total stem height is 60 cm.
  • Leaves. Ternary. Each leaf has an oblong-ovoid shape. The edge is in a small tooth. Leaf length - up to 2 cm, petiolate attachment.
  • flowers. They appear from May to June. Small white-yellow moth flowers are located one or two in the axils of the leaves. Interestingly, the base of each flower has a purple color.
  • Fruit. Long, flat, oblong beans (up to 10 cm) with an extended spout, each containing 10 to 20 seeds, square or rectangular shape. Seeds have a light yellow or brown color, nutty flavor.

The whole plant exudes a characteristic odor characteristic of coumarins. The aerial parts smell like celery, the seeds have a mushroom or nutty aroma.


Of greatest importance is the chemical composition of fenugreek seeds, since they are used as medicinal plant materials. The main part of the bioactive chemical complex of fenugreek is represented by phytosterols:

  • diosgenin;
  • yamogenin;
  • gitogenin;
  • tigogenin;

They provide a hormone-like effect of the plant, as well as its ability to regulate the work of the food glands.

In fenugreek hay there are other active, in terms of impact on human body, substances:

  • alkaloids (trigonelline);
  • steroidal saponins;
  • flavonoids (dioscin, yamoscin, rutin);
  • mucus;
  • bitterness;
  • essential oil;
  • fatty oil;
  • protein compounds;
  • tannin;
  • vitamins (PP, C, B1, B2);
  • minerals (iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, arsenic).

Useful properties of fenugreek

Fenugreek is actively used in folk medicine. Dry seeds of the plant serve as the basis for the manufacture of preparations for internal (infusions and decoctions), as well as external use (ointments, powder). The rich chemical composition determines the versatile effect of the plant on the body, as well as an extensive list of therapeutic properties.

  • Influence on the heart and blood vessels. Under the influence of the plant, there is an improvement in the work of the heart muscle, normalization of pressure, improvement of peripheral blood flow, normalization of bio chemical composition blood. Fenugreek seeds contain a huge amount of fatty organic acids that have hypoglycemic and hypocholesterolemic effects. Therefore, indications for the use of the plant include a decrease in sugar levels in diabetes, the initial forms of atherosclerosis, hypotension, and the initial forms of hypertension.
  • Action on nervous system . The plant has a stimulating effect. In Rome, it was used before gladiator fights to improve concentration and increase the stamina of fighters. There is also an antidepressant effect of the seeds. Indications for use include chronic fatigue, nervous exhaustion, a period of increased mental and physical stress on the body.
  • Action on the reproductive system. Concentrated preparations from fenugreek stimulate contractions of the myometrium and cause the onset of menstruation. The plant relieves gynecological inflammation, helps to eliminate pain. Helba milk decoctions are taken for lactation. Against the background of the use of seeds, an increase in both female and male libido, normalization of the function of the testicles and ovaries, and an increase in the likelihood of conceiving a child are noted.
  • Healing effect. Fenugreek contains a lot of mucus, pectins, gums, antibacterial substances. It can be used to accelerate the healing of weeping and festering wounds, carbuncles, ulcers, burns, frostbite. With the internal intake of seeds, the regenerative effect of the plant on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is noted.
  • Influence on the respiratory organs. Fenugreek seeds help cure cough. At the same time, the plant relieves the symptoms of dry cough, eliminates sore throat, and also liquefies and removes thick sputum. Anti-inflammatory properties make it possible to use it in the complex therapy of tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchitis. Strong fenugreek extracts are used to gargle the throat and mouth for inflammatory diseases and infections.
  • Action on the digestive system. Fenugreek stimulates the secretion of gastric, pancreatic juice, bile. Improves appetite, helps to digest food faster and more fully. The plant normalizes metabolism, accelerates the onset of satiety, therefore it is used for weight loss.

Other plant features

Fenugreek seeds can be used to maintain beauty, harmony, youth.

The healing properties of fenugreek are manifested when it is used in any form. Enriching the diet with seeds will gently stimulate digestion, and water extracts will make you feel a surge of strength and vitality.

How to use shamballa

Seeds are used to improve and strengthen the body, as well as apical leaves hay fenugreek. Preparing medicines at home will not take much time if you use the following recipes.


Peculiarities. Suitable as an anti-cold, tonic and anti-allergic agent, stimulates appetite, restores vitality.

Preparation and application

  1. To prepare a decoction of fenugreek, a tablespoon of seeds is poured into a cup of cold water (250 ml).
  2. The mixture is heated to a boil, simmered over low heat for 45 minutes.
  3. Filter, consume the entire volume at a time, half an hour before lunch.

Egyptian tea

Peculiarities. Drink to improve digestion, increase libido, and also as a tonic. In Egypt, this is a drink familiar to the population, but our citizens should not abuse it.

Preparation and application

  1. Roasted seeds are used to make a drink. In a ready-to-eat form, they can be purchased in oriental and tea shops.
  2. One or two teaspoons of seeds are poured into a glass of boiling water.
  3. Put on fire, maintain a slow boil for eight minutes.
  4. Filter, cool slightly, add sugar, honey, ginger.
  5. Drink no more than two cups in the morning.

seed paste

Peculiarities. Helps to cope with baldness, heals wounds, ulcers, carbuncles and other boils. Can be used as a nourishing and exfoliating mask.

Preparation and application

  1. Two tablespoon crushed seeds are poured over night with boiling water.
  2. The water should cover the seeds well.
  3. For cosmetic purposes, the gruel obtained in the morning is applied to the scalp or face for half an hour.
  4. For the treatment of wounds, the gruel is applied under a bandage to the injured area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, washed off after two hours. clean water. Repeat the procedure twice or thrice a day.

Leaf infusion

Peculiarities. Shambhala leaves have antimicrobial, astringent, softening effect. They are used to strengthen the hair, as well as to cleanse the skin.

Preparation and application

  1. Two tablespoons of dried leaves are poured with half a liter of boiling water.
  2. Fenugreek leaves should be brewed for an hour.
  3. The infusion rinses the hair after washing or is used to wash the face.

Drugs on sale

Enhanced therapeutic properties dosage forms from helba, prepared under industrial conditions. It is quite difficult to make fenugreek tincture on your own, because high-quality extraction of active substances can only be achieved using different extractants. An excellent alternative to tincture is fenugreek extract, which has absorbed all the beneficial qualities of seeds.

The extract is available in the form of a liquid, as well as tablets. liquid form used in cosmetology. Tablets are consumed three times a day, two pieces for all indications inherent in this plant.

Fenugreek oil is also made. The high concentration of volatile components causes its specific smell. The use of fenugreek oil is shown:

  • to enrich the composition of cosmetics;
  • to improve the condition of the hair;
  • in combination with massage oil for body skin care;
  • with linseed oil- for breast augmentation.

Interestingly, fenugreek oil has analgesic and decongestant properties, and therefore can be used in the complex therapy of joint diseases.

Use in cooking

Fenugreek seeds have an interesting taste and aroma, and therefore are used to enrich the taste of dishes from:

  • meat;
  • fish;
  • mushrooms;
  • vegetables.

Especially popular is the use of fenugreek in the cooking of Eastern countries. There, not a single main dish is complete without a helba. But because of the specific taste, fenugreek is added along with other seasonings in very small quantities. Seeds are often introduced into the composition of specific national desserts.

Helba in shape dried seeds can be stored for a year. The spice, ground into powder, retains its taste and medicinal qualities for three months, so it is better to grind the seeds immediately before use.

Is helba always useful

Despite all the beneficial properties of shamballa seeds, there are limitations for their use.

  • For men. Helba is used to increase potency and physical endurance, but due to the estrogen-like action, men should use the remedy for a short time - one to two weeks.
  • For pregnant. Fenugreek has a tonic effect on the uterine muscles, so its use is prohibited in the early and middle stages of pregnancy. It is allowed to use fenugreek a few days before childbirth - to improve lactation and facilitate the birth process. However, the use of any plants must be agreed with the attending physician.
  • For women. Contraindications for fenugreek include gynecological disorders when additional synthesis of estrogen and prolactin is undesirable (tumors, cysts). Do not use fenugreek for uterine bleeding.

According to reviews, the only unpleasant side effect of taking fenugreek is a change in body odor. This is provoked by the antitoxic effect of Helba, as a result of which the secretion of sweat increases, its composition changes. If you follow the rules of personal hygiene bad smell will not occur.

The harm of fenugreek is extremely rare, and its moderate use in the diet will only bring benefits and longevity to a person. In order for the spice to have only a beneficial effect, it is important to observe the correct dosages when added to food, as well as in the manufacture of medicines.

Useful properties of fenugreek is a topic relevant for modern healers and herbalists. Now, during a brisk and practically uninterrupted trade between countries and access to information about many products, the “borders” that once separated us from the exotic have been erased. Thanks to this, a kind of “fashion” arose for everything unusual and “overseas”, because many previously rare and outlandish things became available. herbal remedies and spices, including fenugreek.

Exotic, multi-faceted and mystical ... bob

In their country of growth, spices can be very useful precisely because of the "habituation" to the body. But by including them in the metabolism of a person who has never used such drugs before, you can get an unexpected effect, unfortunately, not always positive. Such a "cross-cultural barrier" in folk medicine and traditional cooking should be overcome carefully. Fenugreek, a common spicy plant for Asians, can seem too spicy and fragrant to taste, so you need to approach the development of this new product with all delicacy.

Fenugreek seeds are a bit like hulled corn kernels. In fact, this plant belongs to the legume family, and, accordingly, has pods in which “beans” ripen, which have a sharp specific coumarin odor and are a “superconcentrate” of the beneficial properties of the plant. The taste of fenugreek "beans" is sweetish with a touch of bitterness, so they are usually fried - this way you can achieve the taste of burnt sugar.

This plant has about 130 varieties, widely distributed throughout the globe. Wherever fenugreek grows! But Asia Minor is considered the birthplace of this amazing spicy-aromatic plant, but here it is still preserved in its original form. Fenugreek can be an annual or a perennial. As a seasoning, it can be used three times: as greens, whole and ground seeds (with or without pods). At the same time, spices made from blue fenugreek and hay fenugreek differ. It is also known the oil extracted from the fruits of this plant.

Tip: Fenugreek is a hardy crop, so it can be grown in the garden and even on the windowsill, like salad greens, for example! For this fit a small tub.

Fenugreek: a small dictionary of names

If you try to give fenugreek a different name, then you can "get lost"! Apparently, due to its relevance and ubiquity, each nation tried to give it its own unique naming, so completely dissonant names of this plant have come down to us. One thing is the same - many of its varieties are used as a valuable fodder plant, which is very popular with domestic animals.

In this regard, there are names "camel grass", "blue goat shamrock", "fenugreek hay", "Greek hay". The word "fenugreek" (or "fenugreek", from Latin Trigonella foénum-graécum) is translated as "horn of a goat." Perhaps, in this way, two qualities were fixed in the name - the shape of the pods, reminiscent of thin curved goat horns, and the agricultural purpose of the plant. By the way, there are historical records that testify that the inhabitants of Hellas were familiar with fenugreek, so the names “Greek hay”, “Greek sochevitsa” are not accidental.

In the culture of the East, the spicy properties of the plant prevailed, which can be traced in the same names. In Egypt and Ethiopia, "cultivated" fenugreek is called "khilba" (al-hulbah from Aramaic. Hilbeh - "milk") and powder from its "beans" is added to bread dough, which in Arabic is called "khulba", and in Ethiopian - "abish". The “milk” name is consonant with the Slavic name “gunba” (blue sweet clover) and is due to the fact that fenugreek has a lactogenic effect on the body of a nursing woman.

In Georgia, dried and crushed pods with blue fenugreek fruits are called "utskho-suneli" - literally "foreign dry spice". This seasoning is green.

Chaman is also a kind of seasoning made from dried fenugreek fruits, reminiscent of coarse flour and having light color and a slight nutty and somewhat mushroom flavor. This naming is common in Armenia. In India, such powder-powder is called methi or shamballa, which indicates the reverent attitude of Indians to this plant.

Chemical composition and useful properties

The greatest amount of nutrients contains not fenugreek grass or flowers, but seeds:

  • trigonelline alkaloid (0.3%);
  • fatty oils (6%);
  • nicotinic acid (3.5-18 mg%);
  • mucous substances (up to 30%);
  • essential oils (0.3%);

Among the valuable components of the chemical composition of shamballa are dietary fiber, vitamins (C, B1, B2), folic acid, rutin, flavonoids, phytosterols, antioxidants, tannins, lecithin, choline, minerals and salts of iron, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium , zinc, arsenic.

Energy value 1 tbsp. shamballa seeds - 28 kcal.

Fenugreek owes its medicinal properties just such a rich composition of seeds. Here are just a few of the benefits of this amazing product:

Fenugreek oil is also an ancient health tool. So, in the treatises of Avicenna, it is mentioned as an effective aid in the treatment of diseases of the throat and lungs, ulcerative formations and tumors in the stomach and intestines, a tonic and cleanser. Now Shambhala oil is a valuable export product that is produced in Arab countries. It is used as an anti-inflammatory agent for the face and scalp.

Shambhala tea has cleansing properties, it can be consumed up to three times a day. If you follow a balanced diet, getting adequate physical activity, you can say goodbye to being overweight.

Recipe for "oriental" tea from fenugreek seeds:

Required: for 1 serving - 0.5 tsp. shamballa powder or whole seeds, 250 ml of boiling water.

Cooking: Boil the required number of servings over low heat for about 5 minutes, you can add a slice of lemon, fresh mint leaves, honey to taste.

Attention: With a significant "slagging" of the body, when taking such tea, a change in the smell of sweat and secretions is possible - in this way the body is cleansed. Subject to personal hygiene, this period will pass without inconvenience, and in the future the body will acquire a pleasant spicy aroma of this plant.

Benefits for women's health and beauty

Fenugreek also has “specific” beneficial properties for women:

  • beneficial effect on women's health, relief from infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • restoration of fertility, normalization of the menstrual cycle, stimulation of ovulation by restoring the production of the hormone prolactin;
  • during breastfeeding, with the help of fenugreek tea (the recipe is given above), lactation can be improved;
  • analgesic effect for painful menstruation;
  • increased contraction and toning of uterine tissues, which is used in labor pains;
  • recovery of a woman's body after childbirth;
  • hormonal support female body during menopause;
  • an aphrodisiac used to enhance sexual desire;
  • for hair: used to accelerate hair growth, fight dandruff and scalp dermatitis;
  • cosmetic qualities for the skin of the face and body: getting rid of inflammation, pustules, cleansing and brightening skin tone; prevention of premature skin aging.

We present only two useful prescription used by oriental beauties:

  1. Hair Mask. 1 tsp ground fenugreek mix with 2-3 tbsp. olive or other quality vegetable oil, rub the resulting mixture into the hair roots, evenly distributing it, insulate the head. The mask should be washed off after half an hour.
  2. Facial cleansing mask. 1 tsp ground fenugreek mix with 1 tbsp. cream or olive oil, apply on face for 10 minutes, rinse.

Spicy spice for true gourmets

Fenugreek as a seasoning is used in several variations - whole seeds (irregularly shaped, resembling cubes) or ground raw materials, including leaves and pods.

If possible, freshly ground fenugreek, made from lightly roasted seeds, should be preferred - this way the spice will acquire a pleasant nutty flavor, but without bitterness.

Fenugreek as a spice is part of many complex Indian and Arabic aromatic mixtures (chutney, curry, etc.) used in the preparation of coffee, desserts, fish delicacies, salads, meat and vegetable dishes - soups, gravies, goulash, meatballs, stews .

Storage Tip: Whole seeds are best kept in an airtight, opaque container. Ground shamballa is “afraid” of bright light, so it is better to buy it in small quantities so that the seasoning does not lose its special spicy taste and aroma.


Considering that Shambhala is strong enough natural remedy, you need to remember that the use of fenugreek seeds can turn into not one benefit, but also harm, if carried away to fanaticism. So, it is not recommended to take more than 100 g of preparations based on this miracle drug per day. The seasoning was created for that, to give a touch of taste and a light aroma, so you should not get carried away with it. When treating, you should also pay close attention to the dosage and not exceed established norm, as you can get the strongest indigestion. In addition, there are certain conditions and diseases when taking medicines based on fenugreek is fraught with complications.

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