Boiler pumps - device, types, installation and connection rules. Equipment for network installations and hot water supply

Network circulation pumps for installation in a boiler room or heating have been used for a long time by many owners of private households and summer cottages. Steam piston pumps allow you to provide the room with heat at any time of the year, since they do not depend on utility networks.

In this article we will tell you what the operation of such devices for thermal boilers is, what are the features of use, and how to correctly calculate the pressure power, heat and pipeline resistance when purchasing equipment.

1 How to choose a device?

The feed pump for water circulation and heat boilers is selected based on the following nuances:

  • the amount of heat that will be required to heat the building;
  • calculation of the thermal insulation value of walls;
  • climatic conditions of the region where the consumer lives;
  • is there in the building window frames and how many of them there are;
  • selection is also carried out taking into account the surface structure of the ceiling and floor.

To correctly calculate the water circulation device, The choice of unit for thermal boilers is carried out with the choice of coolant. The selection of this element includes an analysis of the properties of viscosity, heat transfer, and heat capacity. In order for the operation of thermal boilers to be most efficient and balanced, network pumps are selected taking these parameters into account.

1.1 Features of use

Calculation and selection of a device for water circulation must be carried out taking into account all aspects. For example, if you buy a SE 2500 60 pump, and the power of your system is less, then the circulation unit will consume an order of magnitude more electricity. In addition, the SE 2500 60 pump, when operating in a low-power system, will provoke noise in the pipes, and this indicates that the feed pump was selected incorrectly.

However, noise in pipes is not always a consequence of incorrect operation of the water circulation device for the boiler room. Often noise occurs when an air lock has formed in the batteries. The process of removing air pockets is carried out using specialized valves, but this must be done before you start heating the house.

In the case when there is no air in the pipes and the system as a whole is running, the feed pump must run for some time, after which the process of removing the air lock is repeated again. Then the pump SE 800 or another brand should be adjusted again, however most of companies produce circulation devices with the function automatic adjustment. When the air lock is completely removed and the device is adjusted, the boiler room will be ready for full operation.

If your steam circulation pump is unregulated, then The first start of water should be done at the lowest pressure. Adjustable SE pumps for thermal boilers only need to be configured so that the release function is turned on - then the device will independently regulate the pressure. Modern units for water circulation they are equipped with a metal body and ceramic bearings. Thanks to this, the operation of the unit will be almost silent.

1.2 Power calculation

Calculation and selection of power available to SE pumps is carried out by analyzing the heat needs of a house or room. This indicator is calculated taking into account the coldest temperatures climate zone where the consumer lives.

Below we will tell you how to correctly determine necessary indicators so that the pressure during operation of the device is most optimal and can warm up the entire house.

1.3 Heat

Heat calculation is the first thing you need to do when you select PE feed pumps. First of all, in order for the operation of thermal boilers to be more efficient, it is necessary to calculate the area of ​​the building that it will heat. In accordance with international standards, the calculation is made as follows:

  • For one square meter a house containing two apartments will require a SE 800-100 W energy device or from another manufacturer.
  • For multi-storey buildings You can purchase a circulation pump SE 1250 70, a device SE 500 70 or any other circulation pump with a power of 70 W.

If the house was built in violation of standards, then when calculating the power part of the building should be used increased level heat consumption. If your house or building is equipped with additional thermal insulation, then drives with a consumption of 30 to 50 W/m² can be used for thermal boilers of these systems. In the countries of the post-Soviet space, utility companies carry out calculations according to the following principle:

  • Small buildings (1-2 floors) consume about 170 W/m² if the air temperature is 25 degrees below zero. If the temperature drops to -30, then this figure increases to 177 W/m².
  • If the building is multi-story, then the heat boiler drives will consume about 97-102 W/m².

Now regarding the choice, you need the performance that the drives should have.

This can be a pump SE 1250 70, a device SE 500 70 or any other, the performance is calculated using the formula G=Q/(1.16xDT), where:

  • 16 is an indicator of the specific heat capacity of the liquid.
  • DT is the difference temperature conditions in the supply and return pipelines. Typically this figure is about 20 degrees. IN low temperature systems it is reduced to 10%, and if the building is equipped with a heated floor system, then only 5 degrees.

2 Pressure calculation

In addition to the above parameter, the SE 1250 140 pump or any other drive must create required pressure, that is, pressure. The pressure indicator must be such that the liquid can circulate through the system without problems. When designing a new building, it will be difficult to calculate pressure calculations so that the result is accurate. As a rule, all information is indicated in the service book for the SE 500 pump or another brand. How to calculate the pressure using the formula H=(RxL+Z)/p*g:

  • R – resistance indicator in a flat pipe;
  • L – total length of the pipeline;
  • Z – indicator of reinforcement resistance;
  • p – density;
  • g is the gravitational acceleration indicator.

Please note this formula pressure calculations are only relevant for new heating systems.

2.1 Pipe resistance

If you decide to purchase a pump SE 1250 140 or a device SE 800 100, or from another manufacturer, then you should not forget about the resistance of the pipeline. In practice, experts have found that this indicator varies around 100-150 Pa/m.

Then the pressure that the SE 1250 140 or any other pump should have should be from 0.01 to 0.015 m per meter of pipe.

Experts also claim that when water passes through reinforced areas, about 30% of the total pressure is lost. If the system is additionally equipped with a thermostatic valve, then this figure can be increased by 70%.

When you have calculated all the necessary parameters, you need to decide on your budget and choose a device that matches the obtained characteristics. If there is no such unit, then the characteristics should be at least approximately the same. Remember that the numbers obtained are indicators of the device’s performance at maximum loads.

But since the need to use devices with heavy loads is minimal and can arise only several times a year, then if you need to choose a more powerful or less powerful unit, experts recommend choosing a less powerful one. In practice, this does not affect operation in any way. heating system generally.

2.2 Network pump Etaline - dismantling, installation, fault diagnosis (video)

IN production premises and workshops, industrial pumping equipment for boiler houses is used. Thanks to its use, it is possible to achieve savings on heating costs by quickly moving the coolant through the pipes. In addition, the pumps make it possible to supply even the most remote buildings from the boiler room. hot water. They create the necessary fluid pressure in the system, thanks to which the coolant moves through the pipeline.

All pumps are energy machines that, in order to move liquid through a pipeline, increase its pressure by static or dynamic action. They are divided into two main groups: dynamic and volumetric. The first group includes devices that move liquid due to hydrodynamic forces. Displacement pumps operate by creating surface pressure by changing the working chamber.

Pumps for boilers and other purposes

The two main groups of pumps include many subtypes. Thus, dynamic models can be: centrifugal and axial, inertial, vortex, worm and disk. Volumetric: rotary and reciprocating action.

To choose the right pumping equipment, you need to know the answers to the following questions:

  • what is the fluid flow rate and at what pressure is it planned to pump;
  • operating conditions, where and at what temperatures the pump will be used - indoors or outdoors;
  • for what purposes the equipment is used. Thus, the characteristics of pumps for boilers differ significantly from the parameters of devices designed for supplying water from wells or pumping out waste fluid;
  • information about the liquid used: the presence of solid particles and their fraction size, viscosity, toxicity and other parameters.

Applicable to heating and supply systems hot water most the best option are circulation pumps. They promote constant circulation of coolant in the heating circuit, thereby increasing heat transfer and operating efficiency of the boiler room. The use of circulation pumps optimizes the thermal regime in industrial premises, thereby reducing energy costs and increasing the service life of heating equipment.

Company TPK "European engineering systems» offers circulation pumps that meet the following requirements: quiet operation, reliability, low energy consumption and long term services. All products are manufactured by world leaders in pump manufacturing, which are German and Italian companies.

Basic parameters of pumps

For a more detailed selection of a pump, you need to know which parameters to pay attention to first. For any equipment model, this is the pressure “H” and the flow “Q”. Knowing these two parameters, you can freely select a pump for your planned purposes.

Pressure is the difference in fluid energy at the entrance to the pump and after leaving it, it is calculated in meters of water column. This value is also called outlet water pressure.

Flow is the volume of liquid that the pump transfers per unit of time. The parameter is determined in liters per second or cubic meters per hour.

TPK "European Engineering Systems" supplies industrial pumps with a wide range of basic technical characteristics, which are pressure and flow.

According to their purpose, pumps are divided into circulation (network), make-up, recirculation (mixing) and feed.

Circulation pumps are designed to move coolant through closed loop from the heat source to the heating devices. Pump flow D m 3 /s. determined by the formula

D=Q calculated /С∆t calculated

Q calc - maximum heating output of the boiler, kW (kcal/h); C is the heat capacity of water, kJ/m 2 -deg (kcal/m 3 xdeg); ∆tcalc=tcalc(per)-tcalc(rev)- accepted calculated temperature difference between hot and return water, °С

The required calculation set Ndisch, m, created by network pumps is determined by the formula

N calc =N k +N ng +N ns

where Nk is the pressure loss to overcome the network resistance in the boiler room, m; N ng - pressure loss to overcome resistance in external networks, m; N ns - pressure loss to overcome resistance in the local heating system.

In hot water boilers closed systems ah heating supplies are usually installed two circulation pump: one is working, the other is backup. To make up for leaks in the heat supply system, two make-up pumps are used: one is working, the other is a reserve one (Fig. 45). The feed pump flow is usually 1 - 2% of the hourly flow network water. The pressure created by the make-up pump, depending on the temperature of the water in the system, is in the range of 30-60 m. Make-up pumps are connected to the suction line network pumps.

Figure 45. Installation diagram of pumps and their piping in a hot water boiler room. 1 - circulation and network pumps; 2 - hot water boilers; 3 - mixing or recirculation pumps; 4 - make-up pumps; 5 - jumper for cooling water entering the heating network

To avoid dew falling on convective surfaces water heating boilers, recirculation (mixing) pumps are installed in heating boiler rooms. The performance of recirculation pumps for closed heat supply systems is determined at ambient temperature tн = 0°С, and the design pressure is determined depending on the hydraulic resistance of the recirculation ring.

In low-pressure steam boiler houses (P≤0.07 MPa; 0.7 kgf/cm2), feed pumps are installed to power the boilers (Fig. 46), usually two centrifugal ones: one is working, the other is backup, which must work under the bay. The flow of each pump must be at least 100% of the maximum flow of the entire boiler room. The design pressure of the feed pump Nsat, kPa (m), is determined by the empirical formula

N us = 1.15P+N set or N us = 1.15x10P+N set

where P is the working pressure in boilers, kPa (atm); N set - the resistance of the suction to discharge pipelines, include the static pressure between the pump axis and the place where water enters the boiler (usually H set -98-196 kPa; 10-20 m).

When the boiler room steam output is less than 0.14 kg/s, one centrifugal and one backup manual feed pump are installed, and for boilers with a steam output of up to 4.2x10 -2 kg/s steam, only one hand pump is installed.

The bulk power of the centrifugal pump N, W, is determined by the formula

N=D n N n /ȵ a

where D n is the design pump flow, m 3 /s; Nn - design pressure, Pa; ȵ a - pump efficiency

Figure 46. Installation diagram of pumps and their piping in a steam boiler room low pressureР≤ 0.07 MPa (0.7 kgf/cm2). 1 - condensation tank; 2 - floating wooden lids, to reduce the absorption of oxygen from the air; 3 - intermediate partition; 4-feed pump; 5 - hand pump

Centrifugal pumps pump water under the influence of centrifugal force developed when they rotate. The impeller rotation speed is 1500-3000 min -1. Before operation, the centrifugal pump must be filled with water, for which a funnel with a valve is installed on the discharge line.

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Network pump

The term "Network pumps" is usually used to designate pumping equipment in heating and cooling systems and is one of the most powerful pumps of these systems, which must ensure the circulation of coolant in the source-consumer circuits. It is the network pumps that are entrusted with the responsibility of transferring thermal energy from its source to the end consumer. Network pumps must have high pressure necessary to overcome hydraulic resistance main pipelines. At the same time, they must provide a large supply of coolant in order to transfer all the generated thermal energy from source to consumer.

Monoblock pump

Previously, pumping units mounted on a foundation or frame, consisting of a pump and a drive, were used as network pumps. Mechanical energy was transmitted from the drive to the pump through a group of drive mechanisms. This was primarily due to the need to use powerful drives.

  • The modern range of pumping equipment allows the use of monoblock pumps as network pumps.
  • The use of monoblock pumps allows, first of all, to significantly save installation space.
  • This is especially true when using monoblock pumps with a vertical shaft.
  • The use of modern pumping equipment when modernizing existing boiler houses makes it possible to reduce the required installation area by two or more times.

Buy a network monoblock pump from Interpamps

Interpamps LLC offers reliable pumping equipment of the Etaline and Etaline-R series, with a capacity of up to 2000 cubic meters per hour, and a pressure of up to 100 meters of water column, designed for operating pressure up to 25 bar and temperatures from -30 to +140 degrees Celsius . Due to their design and operating parameters, Etaline pumps can be used as network pumps, both in stationary boiler houses and in block-modular ones. The nozzles located on the same axis in Etaline pumps greatly simplify the piping of the pumps. Allowing, among other things, the installation of Etaline pumps directly into an existing pipeline without changing the latter. High efficiency and reliable design pumps can significantly reduce the cost of subsequent operation.

The central office of Interpamps LLC is located in Moscow, we offer our partners to buy high-quality pumping equipment inexpensively. We select pumping equipment at the request of our partners free of charge and in the shortest possible time.

K category: Boiler installation

Equipment for network installations and hot water supply

Network and recirculation pumps. To supply hot water to the consumer, boiler houses use network pumps that ensure continuous movement of water in heating networks.

Network pumps are installed on the return line of heating networks, where the temperature of the network water does not exceed 70 °C. In steam boiler houses, network pumps supply water returned from the consumer to the heater system, after which it is sent at a temperature of 150 ° C to the direct network water line - to the consumer. In hot water boiler houses, return network water is pumped through network pumps through the boilers and, heated to the same temperature, is supplied to the consumer. The choice of appropriate pumps and their operating mode depend on the hydraulic resistance of the boiler-consumer system.

In boiler houses of low and medium power, pumps of type K, D, CN are used as network pumps.

A centrifugal cantilever single-stage single-suction type K pump with a horizontal axial supply of liquid to the impeller (Fig. 57) consists of a spiral casing to which a suction pipe U is attached, which also serves as a cover. The impeller is secured to shaft 5 with a nut with a left-hand thread to prevent self-unscrewing. All housing parts and the impeller are cast from cast iron.

When the impeller, made of two disks connected by blades, rotates, water, under the influence of centrifugal force, is thrown outward toward the walls of the housing through the discharge pipe. The front disk has an inlet hole, and the rear disk has relief holes to equalize the axial force. The impeller has sealing belts, which, together with protective rings pressed into the housing and suction pipe U, form a seal to reduce the flow of liquid from the high pressure area to the low pressure area. The spiral housing serves to convert kinetic energy fluid after the impeller into pressure energy.

The shaft seal is made in the form of separate rings made of impregnated cotton cord, which are installed with a relative cut offset of 120°. The bushing protects the shaft, mounted on two bearings in a support bracket, from wear.

The pumping unit (Fig. 58) includes a pump U, assembled with an electric motor on the foundation plate. Rotation of the pump rotor is transmitted from the electric motor through a coupling protected by a shield.

A centrifugal horizontal single-stage double-suction pump unit consists of a type D pump and an electric motor connected to it by a coupling, which are installed on a foundation plate. In the lower part of the pump housing, the suction and discharge pipes are located horizontally, directed in opposite directions at an angle of 90° to the pump axis. This arrangement of pipes and the horizontal connector of the casing make it possible to disassemble the pump, inspect and replace working parts without removing the pump from the foundation or dismantling the engine and pipelines.

Rice. 1. Longitudinal section of a K-type centrifugal pump: 1.3 - pipes, 2 - housing, 4 - impeller, 5 - shaft, 6 - stuffing box, 7 - bushing, 8 - stuffing box cover, 9 - bracket, 10 - bearings, 11 - rings

The manufacturer supplies pumping units assembled with an electric motor on a base plate.

Rice. 2. Pumping unit with a K-type centrifugal pump: 1 - pump, 2 - coupling, 3 - electric motor, 4 - foundation plate

Rice. 3. Horizontal single-stage centrifugal pump unit type D: 1 - housing, 2 - bearing supports, 3 - seal units, 4 - impeller, 5 - coupling, 6 - electric motor, 7 - foundation plate, 8, 11 - pipes, 9 - cover, 10 - shaft

Centrifugal pumps of type TsN, used as network pumps, have a design similar to pumps of type D.

In hot water boiler houses, in order to reduce the intensity of external corrosion of steel water boiler pipes, it is necessary to maintain the water temperature at the inlet to the boilers above the dew point temperature flue gases. To do this, recirculation pumps are installed in boiler rooms that increase the temperature of the water entering the boiler by mixing hot water from the direct network water line behind the boiler. Valves are used to regulate the water temperature at the inlet and outlet of the boiler.

Used as recirculation pumps centrifugal pumps type NKU, which have an axial liquid supply similar to type K pumps and are supplied complete with an electric motor on a common frame.

In cases where the pressure created by a pump with one impeller is insufficient, multistage pumps are used. In such pumps working fluid passes sequentially through two or more wheels, while the pressure created equal to the sum pressure developed by each wheel.

Single-stage centrifugal pumps are used for pumping water through water treatment filters, heating systems and in other cases when it is not required high pressure working environment. Multistage pumps are used to supply feed water into the boiler.

Rice. 4. Installation diagram of recirculation pumps: 1, 5 - return and direct network water, respectively, 2-line pump, 3 - hot water boiler, 4 - recirculation pump, 6 - control valves

In the pump markings, the numbers following letter designation pump type, mean flow (capacity, m3/h) and pressure (m water column). For example, the productivity of the D200-95 pump is 200 m3/h, and the pressure is 95 m of water. Art.

Mudmen. In boiler rooms, mud filters are installed in front of the network pumps (on the suction line), the principle of operation of which is based on a sharp decrease in the speed of water movement, as a result of which suspended particles settle to the bottom.

The mud trap consists of a body made of steel pipe, inlet and outlet pipes. The latter is equipped with a removable filter. Sludge is removed using taps.

Heaters. Devices in which the process of transferring heat from a medium with more high temperature to an environment with a lower temperature are called heat exchangers or heaters.

In boiler houses, as a rule, surface heaters are used. The heat exchange surface is formed by pipes located inside the heat exchanger housing. Through the walls, heat is transferred from the heating medium to the heated medium.

Depending on the heating medium, heat exchangers can be steam-water (heating medium - steam) or water-water (heating medium - water).

A steam-water heater is a horizontal apparatus of rigid structure with elliptical or flat bottoms. At the top of the housing there is a ring-shaped pipe for installing a pressure gauge and an air valve. Pipe system 6 is made of brass pipes with a diameter of 16X1 mm, which are flared in tube sheets welded to the body.

Steam supplied through the upper fitting into the annulus, condensing, heats the water circulating in the tubes. Condensate is discharged through the lower pipe. Heated water enters and exits through fittings in the heat exchanger chamber.

The marking of a steam-water heater, for example PP2-24-7-1U, means: PP - steam-water heater; 2- version of the heater with flat bottoms (1 - with elliptical bottoms); 24 - rounded heating surface area, m2; 7 - operating pressure of heating steam, 0.1 MPa; IV - number of moves on water.

The water-water sectional heater consists of a body made of a seamless steel pipe and enclosed in it a pipe system of brass pipes with a diameter of 16X1 mm, a length of 2000 or 4000 mm, which are flared in blind flanges 5. Adjacent sections are connected by bent rollers 6 on the flanges. The marking of a water-water heater, for example 4-76Х2000-Р-2, means: 4 - heater number; 76 - outside diameter housing, mm; 2000 - pipe length, mm; P - detachable version of the heater; 2 - number of sections.

Rice. 5. Sump: 1 - housing, 2, 4 - pipes, 3 - air valve, 5 - filter, 6 - tap

Rice. 6. Two-pass steam-water heater: 1.9 - chambers. 2 - valve, 3 - steam inlet, 4 - pressure gauge pipe, 5 - housing, 6 - pipe system, 7 - pipeline to the deaerator, 8 - cover, 10 - condensate outlet, 11 - support

Rice. 7. Water-water two-section heater: 1.2 - heated water inlet and outlet, 3.8 - heating water inlet and outlet, 4 - pipes, 5 - flanges, 6 - roller, 7 - housing

Water-water sectional heaters with blocks of supporting partitions are currently widespread (Fig. 64). Each partition is made of brass in the form of a part of a circle with holes for tubes, and adjacent partitions, the distance between which is 350 mm, are offset from one another by an angle of 60° and connected along the periphery by rods. The supporting partitions are interconnected into a block and attached to the heater body with rings.

Rice. 8. Block of supporting partitions of the water-water heater section: 1 - partition, 2 - rod, 3 - ring

Rice. 9. Block of network pumps: 1,2 - pipelines, 3 - pump, 4 - sump tank, 5 - metal structure

When using blocks of supporting partitions with knurled brass tubes, the thermal power and the service life of the heater is significantly increased.

Blocks of network hot water supply installations. In the boiler room, network water heaters and network pumps, which make up the equipment complex of a network installation, are arranged into currents.

Rice. 10. Block of network water heaters BPSV-14: 1,2 - heaters, 3 - metal structure

The network pump blocks include a sump tank, a common supporting metal structure, suction and pressure pipelines equipped with sliding and fixed supports, pipeline accessories, electrical devices, as well as control and automation devices.

The network water heater block BPSV-14 with a capacity of 14 Gcal/h, designed for heating network water to a temperature of 150 °C, includes a system of steam-water and water-water heaters, a supporting metal structure, stairs and service platforms, piping with fittings, instrumentation and automation equipment .

The large-block hot water supply unit KBUGV is used to prepare water at a temperature of 70 °C in a centralized hot water supply system. The installation consists of two transportable blocks (upper and lower), including pumps, a working water tank, water-water heaters, pipelines, fittings, as well as control and automation devices.

All installation equipment is located inside three-dimensional metal structures. The lower block is equipped with a monorail with manual hoist for removing electric motors for repair or replacement.

Before sending to the site, they carry out hydraulic tests blocks of network installations and hot water supply installations and apply thermal insulation on them.

Currently, boiler houses use a unified series of aggregated units of process equipment and water treatment units.

- Equipment for network installations and hot water supply

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