Cinnamon. Useful properties and contraindications

The aromas of cinnamon and vanilla are familiar to many people from childhood. Favorite buns and cookies are what first comes to mind when you hear the word “cinnamon.” However, while devouring the next portion of a confectionery masterpiece, few people think about what path the exotic spice has to overcome before it ends up in lush, sweet, tasty baked goods. About everything in order about cinnamon, types and properties.

First, let's find out where this aromatic spice grows. India and Sri Lanka are considered the homeland of the plant. The seasoning is made from the bark of the cinnamon tree. It looks very unusual for our latitudes, and it is unlikely that anyone will recognize it, even if they encounter it among the landscapes on vacation in exotic countries.

Description of the plant

Trunks reaching 15 meters in height, with large leaves and colorful shades of inflorescences and berries - here a brief description of what cinnamon looks like.

IN different sources we encounter an ambiguous description of the tree. What's the catch? Is the information unreliable or is cinnamon easily confused with its neighboring species? Absolutely not. The whole truth is that there are different types of cinnamon. This means that depending on which zone of the tropical region the tree is cultivated, differences will be noticeable. Several types of cinnamon are differentiated based on their territorial growth.

The following types are especially popular:

  • Ceylon- considered authentic and valued by culinary specialists and healers healing properties flora.
  • - canel - it is also the so-called fake one, since the spice is made from Chinese cinnamon. This tree can often be found when traveling in China, Indonesia or when visiting Cambodia.
  • Cinnamon- this is a spicy cinnamon, it has a taste expressed in bright notes that gourmets will appreciate.
  • Malabar(brown cinnamon) - has a common name “cassia vera”.

Gallery: cinnamon tree (25 photos)

How to recognize a real cinnamon tree

It is worth paying attention: on store shelves in our area, what is commonly called cinnamon is mostly cassia. There is a colossal difference between these plants, and rarely would anyone think of conducting an experiment. And we will look at how important it is to distinguish between spices and not succumb to the tricks of sellers and marketers.

People in whose native latitudes the plant does not grow do not think at all: why, in fact, sell a powder called “cinnamon” in a bag, if there is nothing close to it in the package?

Income, money, profits - that's the simple answer. And if you delve into the study of the issue, it becomes clear that this happened historically. Real spicy cinnamon is an expensive and very popular product; there have always been connoisseurs of its piquant taste.

This delicacy among ancient peoples was presented as an expensive gift only to a select few; a limited circle of people could enjoy this delicate aroma - monarchs, kings or very rich segments of the population. Interesting historical facts Researchers find in the works of ancient writers and sages where this spice is glorified, and we can conclude that sweet cinnamon was a rather exclusive product and was worth its weight in gold.

So, over time, the value of cinnamon in the world rises so much that commercial traders begin to grow the cinnamon tree not only in the original native territory and its natural conditions, but also in places where it is at least possible to grow something similar.

Over time, not only Sri Lanka and South part India, as well as Seychelles, West Indies, Asia in a tropical location. Wherever climatic opportunities exist - the island of Java, Sumatra, Vietnam and Brazil, attracting tourists Madagascar and popular Egypt - have become the second homeland for the spice.

Cassia: harm and benefit

When it becomes clear that instead of cinnamon, in 80% of cases from the supermarket the average buyer will receive a mixture of cassia cinnamon tree, then it is important to understand the properties.

The taste of cinnamon and cassia is similar, the spices have a similar color. However, experts say that this is only for the inexperienced gourmet, which is the vast majority of our consumers.

Therefore, it would be useful to learn the following facts about cassia:

The value of cassia powder

It would seem, what can you worry about if both spices satisfy the taste buds, emit a divine aroma and fulfill their culinary purposes? However, no spice has ever caused so much controversy and discussion. The thing is that experts managed to find not only beneficial features cassia, but also to determine how the abuse of tasty powder for confectionery products can be dangerous.

The disadvantage lies in the coumarin content of the cassia tree. And this substance is large quantities harmful to human health, and its use in the diet of children is especially undesirable. The cumulative effect of this substance in the body provokes liver and kidney diseases, and can also cause dizziness and weakness.

Don't panic, worry too much, or categorically refuse the spice. A dose of the substance in the amount of 2 grams per kilogram of product is not critical, but it is unlikely to be prudent to abuse it, knowing about the presence of not very useful components. Moreover, understanding what Ceylon and natural cinnamon looks like.

After detailed analysis information about where and how cinnamon grows in nature, it’s time to outline the beneficial properties of high-quality bark and how important it is for a person to receive them in the diet.

Application in medicine, cosmetology, cooking

The range of spice uses is very wide. It can be tasty, healthy, or completely unnecessary for each individual organism.

Food. Many are accustomed to using cinnamon in the confectionery segment - desserts, hot drinks, cocktails. Eastern cuisine suggests using the spice in meat dishes or as a mix with other seasonings.

In many countries, cinnamon is used in fruits, desserts and coffee drinks. Local residents in the habitat of this tree species use not only the bark, but also greens as a seasoning, like Europeans, for example, bay leaves.

This component can often be seen in the list of canning recipes for a rich marinade. Cinnamon also has antioxidant properties.

Cinnamon in drinks. Best known for its flavor in baked goods, the spice is also used in ginger and lemon infusions. For example, fans will like fragrant tea this recipe:

In addition to the fact that it is tasty and healthy, the resulting composition also has fat-burning properties. This mixture is used in weight loss diets as an addition to a set of activities with physical activity.

Health. The combination of “cinnamon + honey” is a storehouse of beneficial properties. Drinks and products containing this tandem can have a positive effect on raising vitality, strengthening the immune system, cleansing the body of waste and toxins, normalizing stool and intestinal function, hair growth and skin condition.

Caution should be used in food for some people with the following characteristics:

  • With high blood pressure.
  • Women during pregnancy and lactation.
  • For stomach problems, namely ulcers and serious ailments clinical manifestations(only with doctor's recommendation).
  • During periods of illness, when it is necessary to exclude the possibility of problems due to nutrition.

Beauty. Despite the fact that the true homeland of cinnamon is Sri Lanka, women all over the world can add this component to all kinds of masks or to ecological natural cosmetics as a flavoring ingredient. However, in addition to fragrance, it is also useful.

The antiseptic effect that Ceylon cinnamon has is indispensable in skin care products. It can be used in powder form and also as essential oil in cosmetology.

Face mask - recipe:

  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon;
  • 2 teaspoons honey.

Mix and apply to facial skin. If your skin tends to be dry, add a couple of drops to the mixture. vegetable oil- olive, jojoba or tea tree. For oily skin, it is recommended to add the white of a chicken egg to the honey-cinnamon mixture.

Mask for hair growth.

Cinnamon is also great for stimulating hair root follicles and nourishing the scalp. To maintain a healthy appearance, a simple but effective mixture is suitable:

  • 1 tablespoon of kefir;
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • 1 teaspoon honey.

Rub the mixture into your head and massage at the base of the hair follicles, then rinse. A cycle of regular procedures can improve blood circulation and stimulate the growth of lively and well-groomed hair.

It is worth remembering what not fake, but natural cinnamon brought from Sri Lanka looks like. Otherwise, all the recipes that talk about the beneficial properties of the component may not be so effective. It is best to give preference to cinnamon, soft and aromatic sticks, and if necessary, grind them into powder at home using a coffee grinder.

Cinnamon, or as it is also called Ceylon cinnamon, is evergreen, belonging to the Lavrov family. It grows in the jungle.

The bark is collected during the rainy season.

The spice has the same name as the plant. Cinnamon can be purchased in bark form, rolled into a tube, or ground.

The roots of the story of cinnamon go back to ancient times. This spice had high cost and it was presented to emperors, kings, kings as a gift. IN Ancient Egypt cinnamon was brought from China. In value it was equal to gold.

In the Middle Ages in Europe, cinnamon was sold by merchants who bought it in Alexandria. At the end of the 15th century, traders from Portugal discovered Sri Lanka and were able to use cinnamon at their discretion for more than 100 years.

After this, Sri Lanka was liberated by the Dutch. They began cultivating this plant to other countries.

It began to be grown in tropical Asia, the West Indies and the Seychelles.

This is what a cinnamon tree looks like in nature

For commercial purposes, cinnamon is grown in Vietnam, Brazil, western India, Egypt, and on islands such as Sumatra, Madagascar, and Java.

But the most valuable cinnamon is still considered a spice from Sri Lanka. It has a thinner bark, a delicate aroma and a sweet, warming taste.

Today, cinnamon is used all over the world. It is used to make chocolate, desserts, candies, liqueurs, and marinades.

  • In Sri Lanka, the spice is used in the form of dried leaves and added to soup.
  • In the East, cinnamon is still, as before, added to spicy meat dishes.
  • In America, cinnamon is added to cereals and fruits.
  • In Germany, this spice is used for mulled wine.

In Russia, both cinnamon and its closest relative, cassia from the Cinnamon family, are sold.

Cassia is native to China and its bark is thicker and rougher. Natural cinnamon has a very delicate aroma, the structure of the bark is very fragile, and the sticks are thin. Let's find out more about

Beneficial features

Fragrant, tasty cinnamon is not only a spice, but also a cosmetic and medicine in various fields.

  • It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.
  • Eugenol, which is part of cinnamon, kills germs.
  • This spice strengthens the immune system and enhances the protective function in the body.
  • It is a natural antioxidant.
  • When consuming cinnamon, blood glucose levels decrease.
  • This spice improves digestion, burns fat, converting glucose that enters the body into energy.
  • The blood vessels dilate, and the work of the brain is activated.
  • Cinnamon is good for diabetes. Blood sugar levels decrease when consumed.
  • For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and intestines, this spice helps speed up the healing process of ulcers, acidity decreases, relieves painful sensations in the stomach, digestion is normalized, colic and bloating are eliminated.
  • Since cinnamon is a natural antiseptic, it disinfects wounds and relieves pain.
  • Different kinds skin diseases treated with cinnamon.
  • In addition, cinnamon helps with heart disease, colds and decreased immunity. It is used as a weight loss product.


Cinnamon should not be used if:

  • high blood pressure,
  • temperature,
  • nervous excitability,
  • in old age,
  • for allergies,
  • pregnancy.

Recipes for diabetes, why does cinnamon help?

Cinnamon contains: more than half of general composition aldehyde, 20 percent phenol, polyphenol, tannins, essential oils, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium, copper, iron, zinc, selenium, manganese.
Vitamins A, C, E, K, riboflavin, thiamine, folic acid.

Essential oils stabilize blood sugar levels and remove bad cholesterol.

Polyphenol replaces insulin and is easily taken up by cells. When consuming cinnamon, the blood is saturated with oxygen. The liver, kidneys, and digestive tract begin to work properly. The spice has antibacterial, antiseptic and diuretic effects.

With high blood sugar, the phenol in cinnamon prevents inflammatory processes in the body. When the spice is consumed, the production of harmful substances is blocked. Glucose metabolism increases 20 times.

Heart diseases in diabetes go into remission. Cinnamon is especially beneficial for type 2 diabetes.

The calorie content of glucose is 260 kilocalories per 100 gm. A stick weighing 4 grams contains 10 kilocalories.

By adding half a teaspoon of spice to porridge, tea, freshly squeezed juice, coffee, kefir, and vegetable salads, the general condition improves.

Kefir with cinnamon is very effective for diabetes.

To do this, take: half a teaspoon of cinnamon, 250 milliliters of kefir and half a teaspoon of chopped ginger, 2 peas or a pinch of red pepper.

Another recipe for cinnamon with kefir.

For a glass of kefir use 1 teaspoon of spices.
You need to take a glass before breakfast and before bed for 10 days.

This drink acts almost instantly and alleviates the condition of diabetics.

Add a teaspoon of spice to a liter of water, put the mixture on the fire and boil for 15 minutes.

You need to take it in portions, every hour. The duration of the course is 10 days without breaks.

Video recipe for kefir with cinnamon for diabetes

Benefits of cinnamon for men, recipe

Cinnamon strengthens the body and increases vitality. With regular consumption of various dishes with cinnamon, men notice an increase in potency.

Vitamin A contained in cinnamon is a source of iron and calcium. They normalize the functionality of the genital organs. This spice stimulates blood circulation, which directly affects erection in men.

In addition, cinnamon helps in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system. When taking cinnamon, microbes are killed in the body, which prevents the development of prostatitis, cystitis, pyelonephritis and other diseases.

When overexerted, erections may decrease, and cinnamon oil relieves inflammatory spasms and helps you relax before intimacy.

For inflammation of the kidneys and liver, cinnamon is not recommended as an aphrodisiac.

There are several quite effective recipes to improve erection.

Cinnamon powder is poured with boiled water cooled to 40 degrees, left for 30 minutes, honey is added. The ratio of water and honey should be 2:1. The course of treatment is 2 months. Take half a glass before meals.

  • Natural cinnamon essential oils can be added to various dishes. It goes well with drinks, meat, desserts, first and second courses.

Also, for coffee lovers, you can add cinnamon to this drink; a pinch of spice is added per cup.

  • It is better to replace soda with tea with added cinnamon. Orange zest, 2 cinnamon sticks are poured with boiling water, sugar or honey is added.

To strengthen the muscles of the heart and increase desire, take 60 grams of cinnamon, 30 grams of vanilla, and pour everything with a glass of red wine. The mixture is infused in a dark place for two weeks. Take a glass once a day with meals.

  • Hot mulled wine is a powerful aphrodisiac, as it contains cinnamon, lemon, cloves and honey.

Benefits of cinnamon for women

Cinnamon has many beneficial effects on the body; in addition, for women, cinnamon allows:

  • Reduce postmenstrual pain.
  • This spice helps convert sugar into energy. This fact allows you to reduce weight.
  • In the first 2 weeks after the birth of a child, cinnamon promotes uterine contractions.
  • For nursing mothers, tea with cinnamon and milk can improve lactation.

Cinnamon is contraindicated for pregnant women, as the substances in its composition can cause miscarriage.

Cinnamon for weight loss. Why is it useful for losing weight, recipes

Cinnamon lowers blood sugar levels, speeds up the metabolic process, slows down the entry of food into the intestines, creating the effect of satiety.

This spice is added to cereals, cocoa, coffee, low-calorie yoghurts, jellies, tea, and puddings.

A drink made from cinnamon and honey in a 1:2 ratio works best.

The cinnamon is poured into a cup, poured with boiling water and left to cool. Then honey is added.

The glass is divided into two doses and consumed in the morning 30 minutes before breakfast and before bed.

It is added to tea. A spoonful of cinnamon goes into a cup of tea.

Cinnamon can be added to kefir and fermented baked milk.

Video recipe for kefir with cinnamon for weight loss

Cinnamon with kefir

IN Lately people who want to lose weight go on a kefir diet.

When adding cinnamon to kefir, fat is burned much faster, and digestion is accelerated and allows you not to linger harmful substances in organism. This drink can be consumed daily.

During fasting days the body receives valuable substances, a small amount of food and a pleasant taste, which helps to go through this process easier.

Prepare a drink from a teaspoon of spice per glass of liquid.

Kefir with cinnamon, pepper, ginger

A fairly popular recipe for various diseases and weight loss is kefir with cinnamon, red pepper and chopped ginger. This drink helps with excess weight and other health problems.

Kefir gently cleanses the intestines and improves digestion. In addition, it has a diuretic effect, reducing the likelihood of edema. Kefir contains protein and calcium, and these substances reduce appetite.

Cinnamon reduces blood glucose levels and dulls the feeling of hunger.

Red pepper suppresses appetite, accelerates metabolic processes, and helps break down lipids. Provokes thirst, which also helps reduce weight.

Ginger activates the digestive process, helps digest protein, normalizes metabolism, and cleanses of waste and toxins.

For a glass of low-calorie kefir, add a teaspoon of spice, a pinch of red pepper, and one and a half teaspoons of grated ginger..

The mixture is stirred and left to infuse for half an hour. Use for no more than 2 weeks 20 minutes before meals.

This drink should not be consumed by: pregnant women, nursing mothers, people with calcium stomach ulcers, gastritis, allergies to ingredients, any bleeding, hypertension, fever, nervous excitement.

Coffee with cinnamon - benefits, harm, how to prepare?

There are quite a few recipes for coffee with cinnamon. It is diluted with cream, milk, mixed with other spices and even alcohol.

Arab traditional recipe coffee is quite simple:

125 milligrams of water, a heaped teaspoon of coffee, half a teaspoon of cinnamon, a third of a teaspoon of sugar.
Everything is poured into a pot, heated over a fire, water is poured into the dry mixture and brought to a boil. Part of the mixture is poured into a cup and heated again. The result is coffee with a beautiful foam.

The English recipe involves the use of milk.

A cinnamon stick is boiled in 120 g of milk, and the finished cinnamon milk is added to coffee.

In addition to these recipes, you can make coffee with cinnamon and honey or with cinnamon, ginger.

For 250 milligrams of freshly brewed coffee, add a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon.

For 2 spice sticks, 2 teaspoons of ground coffee, 1 centimeter of fresh ginger root, 150 grams of water.

Coffee with cinnamon is poured with boiling water and infused for 10 minutes. Ginger is cut into pieces, added to the drink and left to infuse for 5 minutes.

Used 20 minutes before eating.

For taste, add 1 piece of cardamom and 2 pieces of cloves.

The feeling of hunger after drinking this coffee decreases. Weight loss and blood sugar levels level out.

For heart disease, gastrointestinal and kidney diseases, this coffee is contraindicated.

Coffee with pepper, cinnamon:

2 teaspoons of natural coffee, half a teaspoon of spice, a pod of chili pepper (less or more is possible), 100 milliliters of water.
The ingredients are placed in the Turk, filled with water and cooked over low heat. After boiling, remove from heat.

A popular French recipe is coffee with wine.

  • To do this, espresso is brewed from heavily roasted ground beans.
  • After the coffee has cooled, add cinnamon, sugar, grated orange zest, and dark yellow mulled wine.
  • Everything is whipped in a blender and poured into glasses.
  • For two cups of espresso you need half a teaspoon of zest, a pinch of cinnamon, one and a half spoons of sugar and 50 grams of wine.

Cinnamon tea - benefits and harms, how to prepare?

In cold winter, tea helps to warm up and restore, and with the addition of cinnamon, this drink returns strength and gives the effect of warming from the inside.

This tea normalizes the gastrointestinal tract, helps cleanse the intestines, and accelerates glucose metabolism. Microelements help fight extra pounds. Appetite decreases. Helps remove waste and toxins.

There are many recipes for this drink and choosing the right one is quite easy.

  1. A pinch of mint, a third of a teaspoon of cinnamon, and citrus peel are added to the brewed tea. Tea with additives is infused for a couple of minutes, filtered and ready to drink.
  2. 2 teaspoons of loose leaf black tea, 1 clove, half a cinnamon stick, 1 teaspoon of ginger and half a liter of boiling water. Everything is mixed, infused for a couple of minutes, lemon or orange juice is added, and honey for sweetness.

If the tea is steeped longer, it acquires a bitter taste and can be harmful.

The water should not be very hot.

Eating cinnamon in large quantities is harmful to the body and has a negative effect on the stomach.

Cinnamon with honey: recipes

For weight loss, daily consumption of cinnamon with honey can help you lose weight.

The mixture is prepared in the evening.

For one part of cinnamon, take 2 parts of any natural honey. Cinnamon is poured into water for half an hour. Honey is added after cooling. You need to drink half the serving before bed. The second part is taken cold before breakfast.

Cinnamon with honey cleanses the esophagus, bacteria, fungi, and removes toxins.

Cinnamon and honey spread spread on bread for breakfast lowers cholesterol, reduces the risk of heart attack.

Daily consumption of half a spoon of honey with cinnamon in a glass of water in the morning and afternoon relieves fatigue and gives strength.

For arthritis a cup of warm water, 2 tablespoons of honey, a dessert spoon of cinnamon cures even an advanced form of the disease.

Honey with cinnamon:

  • removes bad cholesterol,
  • strengthens the immune system,
  • restores the genitourinary system,
  • strengthens hair,
  • treats skin infections, rashes,
  • insect bites,
  • indigestion, bloating,
  • toothache,
  • smell from the mouth,
  • hearing loss,
  • all types of colds and much more.

Cinnamon at correct use not only improves health and reduces weight, but also prolongs life and improves its quality. Now you are familiar with the beneficial properties of cinnamon and contraindications for use.

Oriental spices are not only aromatic additions to various dishes and buns, but also have great benefits for human body. An unusual seasoning made from the dried bark of a plant can significantly improve immunity. What are the health benefits of cinnamon? Find out how spice helps you lose weight, improve the condition of your hair and skin, and is a means of preventing colds and other diseases.

Composition and beneficial properties of cinnamon

The healing properties of cinnamon are manifested due to its unique composition. Cinnamic alcohol, aldehyde, cinnamyl acetate, essential oils, tannins, starch are the components of the spice particles. The substances have an antiseptic effect and prevent the formation of blood clots. Judging by the reviews, cinnamon essential oil helps a person recover from the flu and is used in cosmetology, just like ground cinnamon powder.

Medicinal use

If you consume the spice with food, your blood sugar level decreases and your appetite level decreases due to the smell itself. A person’s feeling of hunger subsides for a while, metabolism increases and the person loses weight. What else is cinnamon good for? The spice neutralizes the harmful effects of intestinal toxins and waste, reduces cholesterol levels, and improves the functioning of the intestines and stomach.

Cinnamon with honey is a very healthy and tasty addition to tea, but with sugar it loses its usefulness, gaining increased calorie content. This food spice reduces a person’s appetite and weight, and makes age-related changes less drastic. People who suffer from diabetes and blood pressure surges can drink cinnamon tea. Spice is an active participant in the normalization of the hematopoietic system.

For flu and colds

If you take a small spoon of honey with cinnamon every day, you can protect your body from colds and strengthen the protective functions of the immune system. Blood cells appear more actively in the blood and a person’s health status improves. The composition is good for coughs folk recipe:

  1. 4 large spoons of honey with a teaspoon of cinnamon powder.
  2. Take a teaspoon three times a day and there will be no cough after a couple of days.

For the flu, you can use tea with a warming effect based on ground powder:

  1. Brew one cinnamon stick with 4 cups of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes.
  2. If you want, you can sweeten the tea with honey, add orange or lemon zest.
  3. Honey is added to a warm but not hot liquid.

For diabetes

Thanks to its beneficial components, Ceylon spice has a beneficial effect on metabolic mechanisms, which is important for diabetes. With regular consumption of cinnamon, a person suffering from diabetes reduces glucose levels, maintains the level of good cholesterol, and improves glucose and hemoglobin levels. Harmful cholesterol is significantly reduced in the body, which prevents the effects of toxic substances in the body. Blood vessels dilate, insulin is absorbed better, and metabolic rate increases.

Before using cinnamon medicinal purposes, consult with an endocrinologist about individual tolerance, so as not to harm the spice. If you want to use the spice as an additive to other products, then start with a gram to observe the body’s reaction, then increase the dose to 3 grams as needed, but only after prior agreement with your doctor.

For weight loss

Losing weight with the help of spices is also possible. Cinnamon for weight loss correct use, after a while gives good results for weight loss. How natural cinnamon is beneficial for your figure:

  • decreased glucose;
  • acceleration metabolic processes body;
  • maintaining a feeling of fullness for a longer period;
  • enhanced effect of spice on reducing the belly and waist.

You should not eat cinnamon pure form, and adding to yogurt, tea, porridge, jelly, cocoa, coffee, cottage cheese. The spice will bring benefits when there is no sugar present in the dish. A highly effective method of taking cinnamon for weight loss is preparing a special drink:

  1. Dilute cinnamon powder with boiling water, and after the liquid has cooled, add honey, the proportions of cinnamon and honey are 1:2.
  2. Divide a cup of this drink into two servings: drink it in the morning half an hour before breakfast, and in the evening before bed.

If you like to drink kefir, fermented baked milk, milk, then you can add spice: 1 teaspoon per cup (200 ml) of liquid. It will be tasty and healthy for your figure to eat cinnamon with cottage cheese; it goes well with fermented milk products. To lower sugar levels, brew cinnamon in boiling water without honey, drink small portions throughout the day, or after main meals.

From pressure

For the most part, oriental spice is beneficial for people with high blood pressure. With regular consumption of it, after a while, patients experience normalization of blood pressure. By adding a teaspoon of seasoning to food and drinks, a person with high blood pressure will soon be able to reduce their levels. Can be consumed with honey, milk, tea or plain boiled water. Kefir with cinnamon is considered the same useful product for hypotensive people.

For hypotension, people are allowed to use the seasoning, but small quantities. Coffee lovers are allowed to add a pinch of cinnamon to their drink in the morning to improve their well-being, because blood pressure is especially low in the morning. Thanks to this drink, the emotional background and general condition of the body increase. You can’t overdo it with the spice: in large doses it can significantly lower blood pressure.

In cosmetology

For cosmetic procedures, powdered seasoning and essential oil are used. What are the beneficial properties and contraindications of cinnamon in the cosmetic field:

  1. Anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Anti-cellulite effect when using wraps, body masks together with clay.
  3. Accelerated metabolism in the skin.
  4. Slowing down the aging of facial skin.
  5. Hair strengthening, improved growth, useful lightening dyes. Cinnamon for hair is an alternative to coloring; decoctions and masks are ways to lighten curls over time.
  6. For women, it is useful to use cinnamon in masks and facial scrubs. So the skin will become soft, tender and radiant, and wrinkles will be smoothed out.
  7. The use of the product is not suitable for dark hair, otherwise it may cause lightening.

To strengthen the immune system

Frequent illnesses are a signal that the body’s immune defense is reduced. Cinnamon is a useful aid in restoring defensive reactions. Ceylon and Chinese spices are especially effective for colds, because they contain many trace elements, vitamins, monosaccharides, and disaccharides. What does cinnamon help with:

  • frequent headaches;
  • diseases gastrointestinal tract;
  • spread of bacteria and viruses in the body;
  • pressure surges or hypertension;
  • capable of increasing the protective response from a negative environment;
  • excellent prevention of viral diseases.

How to use it correctly

There are several ways to use cinnamon with these ingredients:

  1. With honey. Add a spoonful of ground spice to a liter jar of boiling water. Stir when the mixture has cooled, add two tablespoons of honey and take 100 grams daily in the morning and evening.
  2. With kefir. The following drink is suitable for weight loss: add a small spoon of cinnamon powder to 200 ml of kefir. If you add hot peppers(a pinch), then metabolism improves, therefore, it is useful for those who are on a diet and want to look like the model in the photo.
  3. With milk. Add a third of a teaspoon of cinnamon to one glass of warm milk, heat it up; it is not necessary to boil this drink.
  4. Coffee with cinnamon. This drink is prepared in Turk and is useful for people who suffer from poor health in the morning. You will need: finely ground coffee - 1.5 tsp, a cup of water, a piece of cinnamon stick (can be crushed). Place all dry ingredients in a Turk, pour cold water. Put it on the fire and remove it just before it boils. Pour the infused drink into a cup. If desired, add cloves before brewing coffee.
  5. Tea with ginger and cinnamon. A healthy hot drink is prepared like this: a teaspoon of ginger, half a teaspoon of cinnamon, pour into a cup hot water and infuses for three hours. If the resulting liquid is too spicy, add a slice of lemon or honey to taste.

Harm and contraindications

Cinnamon is not always a useful medicine. There are a number of contraindications for which the product should not be eaten:

  • allergic reactions;
  • uncertainty about the naturalness of the product. There is a fake of Chinese tree“cassia”, which causes headaches and liver diseases;
  • in large quantities - a toxic substance for internal organs, especially the gastric mucosa;
  • in case of bleeding;
  • prohibited during pregnancy and nursing mothers. Medicine confirms that spice leads to uterine contractions and even provokes miscarriage;
  • Do not use if you have gastritis or ulcers.

Video: the benefits and harms of cinnamon for the human body

Cinnamon is the dried and powdered inner layers of the bark of the cinnamon tree. The outer coarsened layer of any plant of this genus, according to the “classics”, should not be used as a spice. But in practice, the lion's share of cinnamon sold in domestic stores is not real cinnamon, but cassia - the powdered bark of a relative of true cinnamon, called Cinnamomum aromaticum.

In other words, cinnamon differs from cassia in that all layers of bark and, moreover, a different plant are used to make it. The aroma is very similar, although cinnamon powder still smells stronger than cassia. Plus, the texture of cassia is rougher due to the fact that it contains an admixture of the upper layer of bark. But less accurate manufacturing technology makes cassia a cheaper product, indistinguishable to a layman from real cinnamon.


The benefits of cinnamon come mainly from chemical composition its essential oil, which gives it its characteristic warm aroma. Its concentration in the tissues of cinnamon bark is more than 50%, and it itself is almost entirely formed by cinnamaldehyde - cinnamal. Aldehydes as a type of chemical compounds are ubiquitous in nature. Some of them are poisonous, even very poisonous, such as formaldehyde, and some are not. Non-toxic aldehydes only give the raw material a pleasant aroma.

Cinnamal in this sense occupies an intermediate position between completely harmless and extremely dangerous aldehydes - that is, it is moderately toxic. In particular, it has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system and burning - on the fabric with which it comes into contact. Such properties make it a good insecticide for agriculture and allow it to replace antibiotics in the treatment of fungal, bacterial, and viral infections.

Farmers especially value cinnamaldehyde for its lack of harm to sprayed plants, soil and consumers of the crop treated with it. And the traditional medicine of the countries that produce cinnamon powder - for its consistently effective use of the plant for the treatment of a wide range of diseases. True, the presence of unsafe health properties in cinnamaldehyde determines not only the benefits, but also almost all the harm of cinnamon in the event of an overdose. And besides cinnamal, cinnamon powder is rich in other biologically active substances.

  • Eugenol. A phenol with the same partially toxic effect on microorganisms as cinnamaldehyde, including typical pathogens of human infections. It is not without reason that eugenol is used as an antiseptic in dentistry. Cloves contain more eugenol than cinnamon powder, which is why its extract is best known to us under the name “clove oil.”
  • Tannins. Moreover, in a wide “range”. Tannins always have moderate toxic effect, and none of them are safe. Plants secrete them to protect their own tissues from pests, which is why their concentration in the bark of any of them is the highest. Cinnamon and cassia are powder tree bark, therefore the presence of a significant amount of tannins in their composition is not surprising. Tannins are similar in their effect to antibiotics, even more so than cinnamaldehyde, since they have a much stronger anti-inflammatory effect. And they have a higher potential for destroying pathogens.
  • Minerals. Calcium, which is responsible for bone strength and good muscle tone, iron, which ensures the synthesis of red blood cells in the bone marrow, potassium, which increases vascular tone and increases the number of heart contractions. Cinnamon powder also contains magnesium with its calming effect and zinc, which is involved in the synthesis of a number of hormones and male sperm, as well as metabolic processes such as cleavage ethyl alcohol in the liver.
  • Vitamins. About a third of the entire group B, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and retinol (vitamin A). But they are present in all plants on Earth, as they serve as the basis of plant metabolism.

So, medicinal properties cinnamon is due to the high concentration in it of everything that is so valued by traditional medicine in the bark of many other plants. Namely, compounds with a toxic effect on both the human body and the causative agents of its pathologies.

Therapeutic effect

In practice, all of the above means that cinnamon powder can be used not only in cooking, but also for therapeutic purposes for the following pathologies.

  • Kidney diseases. And urinary tract, including cystitis (inflammation Bladder). Cinnamon works here as a tissue sanitizer and inner shells organs, helps eliminate inflammation caused not only by pathogens, but also by sand, stones, and any substances removed in excess from the blood. It also eliminates problems caused by chronic urinary retention, as occurs in men with adenoma/prostatitis.
  • Diarrhea (Diarrhea). And also constipation as the opposite of stool disorder. Firstly, cinnamon powder disinfects the digestive tract even more effectively than kidney tissue (due to its more direct action). That is, it eliminates problems with stool due to dysbiosis or intestinal infections - factors that provoke diarrhea more often than others. Secondly, cinnamon has a stimulating effect on intestinal peristalsis, improving the functions of digestion, assimilation of digested food and elimination of “dry residue”.
  • Pancreatitis and cholecystitis. Because the pungent, spicy aroma of cinnamon powder stimulates the activity of both the pancreas and gall bladder. This property is not the “prerogative” of cinnamon alone, since all spices and herbs with a bitter taste, such as wormwood, St. John’s wort, corn silk, etc., have a similar effect. folk medicine The glory of choleretic drugs is also firmly established.
  • Joint diseases. Including age-related ones, such as osteochondrosis. Cinnamon powder contains a whole set of anti-inflammatory components that can influence the speed and strength of the inflammatory response (a specific reaction that occurs when the body needs to renew some tissues, but their own resources for growth are no longer enough).
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels. With the exception of hypertension, regardless of what causes it. The problem with treating the heart with cinnamon powder is that it, like all spices, increases arterial pressure, can cause a feeling of heat, a rush of blood to the head and a rapid heartbeat. That’s why, with a general positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels (including due to potassium, magnesium, calcium), cinnamon is contraindicated in any of their pathologies, which are accompanied by a constant or periodic increase in pressure. What’s especially annoying is that this phenomenon accompanies them in most cases.
  • Respiratory diseases. Cinnamon powder, especially taken with honey, helps with all types of respiratory diseases and their common symptoms such as cough, sore throat, hoarseness. Cinnamon increases the temperature of the entire body and stimulates blood flow to the tissues of the throat. And yet just heat and intensive “delivery” of leukocytes (immune bodies carried in the bloodstream) to areas affected by sepsis serve as mechanisms for the body’s natural fight against pathogens of any nature.
  • Diseases of the reproductive system. Firstly, the benefits of cinnamon in gynecology are explained by the fact that it stimulates capillary blood circulation well, which is fundamentally important for normal operation mechanism of excitation in representatives of both sexes. Secondly, cinnamon contains minerals necessary for the synthesis of a number of hormones, including those that “serve” sexual intercourse and are responsible for desire. Thirdly, it promotes sperm production in men. Fourthly, cinnamon extracts can suppress inflammation of the genital organs, improving not only the quality of sexual intercourse itself, but also fertility.
  • Endocrine disorders. One of the properties attributed to cinnamon is its supposedly scientifically proven ability to alleviate the course of non-insulin-dependent (that is, type II) diabetes mellitus. But here it must be said that, most likely, its benefit for diabetics at any stage of the disease is limited to a slight increase in the sensitivity of the cell’s insulin receptors to sugar. All metabolic stimulants have this property, including not only spices, but also caffeine, ephedrine, adrenaline, physical activity. Faster blood circulation accelerates metabolic processes inside cells, and all of them take place with the participation of two common catalysts - sugar and oxygen. In other words, the consumption of glucose by cells with an increase in muscle tone or blood flow still increases, regardless of what they are caused by - fear, jogging in the park, drinking a cup of coffee or another reason. But there is no reason to assume that the treatment of diabetes with cinnamon can go beyond a slight and temporary increase in the absorption of sugar (only in the presence of insulin, so taking it does not relieve its injections), yet. But the benefits of cinnamon as a metabolic stimulant are manifested not only in diabetes mellitus, but also in a number of other endocrine disorders.

In addition to everything already listed, cinnamon helps solve a number of skin and hair problems, for which it is valued in cosmetology. Thus, its anti-inflammatory effect when applied topically allows patients to say goodbye to comedones, pustular rashes, enlarged pores, age spots, dandruff and hair loss due to her “fault”, fungal and bacterial infections of the skin and hair follicles, including demodicosis.

It is believed that cinnamon can reduce the rate of development of atherosclerosis by slowing down the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. It is also useful for losing weight - as an “amplifier” of the effect of other measures. But both of these actions are explained by the same thing as the benefits of cinnamon for diabetes - stimulating metabolism, which slows down with age and due to inactivity, according to modern medicine, leads to aging of blood vessels and weight gain.


At the same time, taking cinnamon often provokes side effects, among which allergies are the most common. It can occur with any substance, especially with prolonged or frequent use. And cinnamon is a highly allergenic compound due to its pronounced effect, partial toxicity of the components and the presence of vitamin C. There is a high probability of tissue burns when using cinnamon essential oil (external applications) or exceeding its dosage when taken orally.

Cinnamon contraindications

Cinnamon is not contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, but only if it is used in cooking. But treatment with it during this period should be treated with caution, since the concentration of toxins in cinnamon, albeit weak, is not so small, and their effect on the fetus, by the way, has so far been poorly studied. Among the clear contraindications to its therapy is not only hypertension.

  • Gastritis and peptic ulcer. Since although cinnamon is able to relieve inflammation, including the walls of the stomach/intestines, when taken orally it will irritate them rather than heal them. It is precisely because of the properties of strong irritants or even abrasives that gastritis and ulcers exclude the use of any spices and foods with a sour taste, including vinegar, cinnamon, and most fruits. So therapeutic effect With its use, you may not be able to wait, but the pain will easily increase significantly.
  • Increased stomach acidity. Congenital or acquired. Cinnamon, like many other spices and metabolic stimulants, including caffeine and nicotine, itself provokes hyperacidosis. And if it is already available, the matter will probably end with an attack of heartburn.


As for the use of cinnamon in dishes, everything is clear: it serves as a traditional addition to confectionery, but sometimes it is also seasoned with savory dishes - rice, meat, etc., prepared in the oriental style. It is known that cinnamon complements the taste of natural coffee well (add cinnamon on the tip of a knife to a teaspoon of ground coffee). Reviews from housewives also say that cinnamon is an ideal addition to plum, currant, cherry, apricot jam, creamy and curd desserts like Tiramisu.

Among other things, cinnamon is added to many aromatic compositions. And brewing tea with cinnamon is very simple - just add a third of a dessert spoon of cinnamon powder without a “hill” to a teaspoon of black tea, and then pour boiling water over them together and infuse as usual. Recipes for masks with cinnamon, of course, are somewhat more difficult to make, but they give silkiness and shine to the hair, and elasticity and uniformity of color to the skin.

Mask for the face

You will need:

  • a third of the pulp of one banana;
  • a teaspoon of sour cream (dry and normal skin) or kefir (oily and problem skin);
  • a teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • teaspoon ground cinnamon.

Preparation and use

  1. Place sour cream/kefir, banana and lemon juice in a blender bowl or food processor, beat for thirty seconds, no more.
  2. Add cinnamon to the resulting mixture, beat again for 10-15 seconds - just to stir the product.
  3. Afterwards, all that remains is to remove the finished mask and apply a thick, even layer to the face, excluding the area of ​​the lips and eyes.

Cinnamon preparations should not be kept on the face for more than fifteen minutes, and they should simply be washed off warm water without the use of detergents.

Cinnamon can also be mixed with natural honey in a 1:1 ratio and applied to the face for no more than five minutes in the evenings, before bed, since such a mask warms well and activates capillary blood circulation, while simultaneously leading to temporary redness of the skin.

Hair Care Product

You will need:

  • a glass of full-fat kefir (normal and oily hair) or cream (dry and brittle hair);
  • the yolk of one chicken egg;
  • a heaping teaspoon of cinnamon powder.

Preparation and use

  1. Heat kefir to a temperature of about 60 ° C (slightly warmer than body temperature), add cinnamon and kefir to it.
  2. Beat the mixture with a spoon or whisk until completely smooth.
  3. This mask should be applied to dry and clean hair, with an “emphasis” on the roots and subsequent distribution along the entire length.
  4. It is better to wrap the head with polyethylene on top; you can also wrap a waffle towel over it.
  5. Keep the product on your hair for no longer than half an hour, and then wash it off with warm water and your regular shampoo.

Anti-inflammatory compress

You will need:

  • a level teaspoon of cinnamon powder;
  • a teaspoon of natural honey;
  • dessert spoon table salt"Extra".

Preparation and use

  1. Heat the honey to 50-60 °C to make it thinner, add salt and stir until it is completely dissolved.
  2. Then add cinnamon to the mixture and beat with a spoon until smooth.
  3. The resulting compress should be applied warm, locally, once a day (preferably in the evening), to problem areas - aching joints, areas of acne, pigmentation, fungal infection.
  4. It is advisable to cover the top of the applique with a piece of polyethylene and wrap it with a warm cloth, for example, a terry towel or a woolen scarf.

The use of cinnamon at home for the treatment of pathologies of the skin (especially the face) and the musculoskeletal system requires different times of exposure of the compresses. So, you only need to keep the application with it on your face for 15 minutes, and you can remove it from the skin of the body, including joints, after 20-30 minutes. It is permissible to slightly extend the exposure time, but not for long, since cinnamon can burn the skin, especially damaged or sensitive skin.

This spice is found in almost every kitchen. However, in many cases it is used much more modestly than could be the case. We usually add it to baked goods and sweet dishes. In fact, the use of cinnamon is much wider. In different countries of the world it is used in the cooking process, for example:

  • sweets and
  • meat dishes
  • marinades

This spice is the dried bark of an evergreen tree belonging to the laurel family and native to South India and Sri Lanka. When it is collected, it rolls itself into tubes. It is then dried and cut.

Connoisseurs say that it is best to buy this spice grown in Sri Lanka: not only does it have a delicious aroma, but it also contains more useful substances. It is also necessary to keep in mind that cinnamon contains the dangerous substance coumarin. So, in the one that comes from Sri Lanka, as well as in other high-quality varieties, there is very little of it. But in a low-quality one there can be quite a lot of it.

Cinnamon is not only aromatic, but also healthy, as it contains tannins and minerals (potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus) and vitamins (A, C and PP, B1, B2).

Cinnamon is sold in sticks (tubes) and powder. It is better to choose sticks. They retain their scent much longer than powder. The spice should be kept in a tightly closed container (for example, a glass jar), in a dark and cool place. Then it will carefully preserve its properties.

High-quality cinnamon sticks do not exceed 10 centimeters in length and 7 millimeters in width. If they are easy to break, it means the spice has been sitting for a long time. Fresh cinnamon is rich in essential oils, which give it elasticity. High-quality sticks should have smooth edges and no stains on the surface.

On the market you can also find counterfeit cinnamon - cassia. It is not recommended to use it. It is quite simple to distinguish cassia from cinnamon with the help of commonplace iodine. Drop some iodine into the powder. Cassia will be colored in Blue colour, but cinnamon does not.

The use of cinnamon sticks is a rather complicated issue for many Russian housewives. If everything is clear with the powder, then what to do with the tubes? In fact, there are enough use cases. First, the sticks can be ground into a fresh, much more flavorful powder than you'd buy in the store. Secondly, they can be used whole, adding them to drinks, soups or marinades when cooking. It is necessary to place a cinnamon stick in a liquid dish approximately seven to ten minutes before the end of cooking. It can also be added to a second course: dishes made from meat or meat in combination with cereals, vegetables (pilaf, stew, etc.). Then first it’s better to slightly fry the cinnamon tube in oil so that it gives off its enchanting smell. And then fry the remaining ingredients in this oil. When the dish is ready, it is better to remove the cinnamon stick.

Use of cinnamon in folk medicine

The beneficial properties of this spice allow it to be used far beyond cooking. For example, in China, the use of cinnamon in medicine is quite widespread. However, this spice is not deprived of our attention either. In folk medicine it enjoys great respect. The use of cinnamon in this area is very wide. So, this spice is used for

  • prevention of E. coli infection

Add a little cinnamon to perishable foods. This spice is a natural antibiotic that can suppress not only E. coli, but also fungi.

  • normalization of digestion
  • toothache relief

Make a paste from a teaspoon of cinnamon and water. Apply this mixture to your gums. You will feel relief after 5-10 minutes.

  • speed up metabolism
  • normalization menstrual cycle
  • treatment of type 2 diabetes

Cinnamon is taken in the morning, one gram per day - dissolved in a drink or added to food. It lowers blood glucose levels. If you decide to use this remedy to treat your diabetes, be sure to consult your doctor first!

  • relieving itching and redness from insect bites, and also as an antiseptic for cuts
  • enhancing sexuality in both women and men
  • seasickness
  • memory improvement
  • cold treatment

Mix a teaspoon of honey with a pinch of cinnamon. Eat on an empty stomach.

The use of cinnamon in folk medicine does not end there. It is actively used for weight loss. Recipes for use can be different, one of the most common is this: pour half a teaspoon of cinnamon into a glass of boiling water. Let it brew. Add a teaspoon of honey to the infusion. Stir thoroughly. In the evening, drink half of the infusion. Refrigerate the rest, drink in the morning before meals, on an empty stomach. Repeat the next evening.

Cinnamon also helps well with depression, stress, and anxiety. In addition, it removes bad breath.

However, it should be borne in mind that there are also contraindications. Thus, cinnamon and its essential oil should not be consumed if:

  • pregnancy and lactation
  • hypertension
  • internal bleeding
  • increased nervous excitability
  • epilepsy
  • high blood pressure

And healthy people should not consume more than half a teaspoon of this spice per day. In old age, the spice should be used carefully, a little at a time.

Uses of cinnamon oil

Along with powder and sticks, cinnamon essential oil is also popular. First of all, it can be used in an aroma lamp: for example, to combat stress. The use of cinnamon oil in cosmetology is also common. For example, it is used for, as well as to prevent its occurrence.

Can be done anti-cellulite wrap: Take a bar of dark chocolate and melt it in a water bath. Add 3 drops of cinnamon essential oil or a teaspoon of ground spice. Apply to cleansed skin problem areas. Wrap them in cling film and cover with a blanket. Rinse off after 20-30 minutes. Hot wraps have contraindications (for example, varicose veins, gynecological diseases), so before using them, consult your doctor and make sure that you have no contraindications to this procedure. Wraps should be repeated no earlier than after 3 days.

Also, using the oil helps get rid of stains left behind by acne, blackheads, and redness on the face. To do this, it is best to make a mask: mix a teaspoon of honey with a drop of cinnamon oil. Apply to the entire face or problem areas, leave for 20-25 minutes, rinse. Use as a course - for a month, every other day. This mask is contraindicated for rosacea!

And finally, cinnamon essential oil helps make them stronger. Add 2 drops of cinnamon oil to 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Apply to scalp, massaging lightly. Leave for half an hour. Wash off with shampoo.

Whatever procedures you use cinnamon oil for, remember that it can be applied to the skin only in diluted form (mixed with base oil, honey, clay, etc.) Undiluted can cause skin burns.

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