How to make a clamshell at home. Homemade crayfish

Crayfish boiled in salted water with seasonings is an excellent appetizer for a foamy drink. But many beer drinkers are simply lazy or don’t know how to catch them. This is partly due to the fact that there is no fishing gear - a rachevnya, or crayfish trap.

In this article we will tell you how to make a crayfish trap with your own hands and how best to attach bait in it. We will also briefly give examples of baits for and indicate best places for setting traps.

Types of crayfish

There are clamshells open type and closed, both of them can be made at home. Here short list various designs:

  • plastic bottle trap;
  • screen;
  • inkwell;
  • top;
  • umbrella.

We will describe the production of some of these cures in this article.

From the bottle

The simplest and quick option a homemade shed can be easily made from this popular material all our home-made people, like plastic bottle. To make a trap we will need:

  • five liter plastic bottle;
  • soft wire or thick fishing line;
  • rope;
  • cargo;
  • awl;
  • knife and scissors.

We give a description of how to make a crayfish trap using the above materials and tools:

  1. Cutting off a plastic bottle top part with a neck.
  2. I also cut the neck itself so that there is a hole through which the crayfish can fit.
  3. We turn the upper part over and insert it into the lower half with the tapering end inward, so it is easy for the cancer to get inside, but then difficult to get out of the trap.
  4. We connect the two halves. You can knit them together using fishing line or wire threaded through holes made with an awl.
  5. We make large holes in the main part of the bottle to release air.
  6. We attach some kind of weight to the bottom to prevent the trap from floating up.
  7. We knit a loop from the inside to the bottom to attach the bait.
  8. We tie a rope to the junction of the trap parts.

On the pond you need to untie the wire connecting the two parts of the crayfish and strengthen the bait. Then you need to tie both halves again. After this, holding homemade trap by the rope, we throw the trap into the selected place of the reservoir. Using a cord, we fix the ravine on the shore to a driven peg or a growing bush or tree.

In the form of a top

This design resembles the previous model in the way the crayfish enter it through a tapering cone. It is best made from metal fine mesh. Let's describe how to make a clamshell of this type:

  1. Cut a strip of mesh about a meter wide. This piece can be from one and a half to two and a half meters long; a longer trap will be difficult to throw and pull out.
  2. We roll the strip into a cylinder, the diameter of its base will be about thirty centimeters.
  3. We tie the edges of the strip together using tying wire or welding.
  4. From the same mesh we form two conical entrances.
  5. We attach them with the narrow side to the base of the cylinder using wire.
  6. We tie the narrow ends of the cones together inside the trap with three wire ties.
  7. We tie ropes to one or both ends.

Bait is placed in the trap, then the top is thrown onto the crayfish or brought into the water, depending on its size. There is no need to load it, because metal grid sticks well to the bottom.


Screens are called traps like lifts with a stretched metal carcass mesh. They are also easy to make at home. For this we need:

  • strong elastic steel wire with a diameter of 4-6 millimeters;
  • mesh with small cells;
  • cord.

To make a shell out of this, you need to do in the following way:

  1. Bend the wire into a circle with a diameter of about fifty centimeters. For this we need a piece 1.5-1.6 meters long.
  2. We weld the ends of the wire or tie them with binding wire.
  3. We stretch the net over the resulting hoop. The tension should not be tight so that the net sags a little in the center.
  4. We tie four laces of equal length to the hoop, the segments should be approximately 40-50 centimeters.
  5. We tie the second ends of the laces together.
  6. We attach a rope to a common knot.

At the pond we tie the rope to a long, strong pole. We place a weight in the middle of the screen and tie a bait placed in a bag made of rare fabric. It could be:

  • tulle;
  • gauze;
  • Women's tights, maybe not new.

We lower the crayfish trap into the water and wait for the crayfish. This trap needs to be checked every 20-30 minutes. We pull out the crayfish vertically, while the weight helps to pull the bottom, preventing the prey from quickly leaving the crayfish.


If you improve the previous trap a little, you can make an ink trap. It received this name because of its resemblance to the non-spill inkwell, which was used by Soviet schoolchildren when writing with a fountain pen.

To upgrade, we will need to bend another ring, using a piece of wire one meter long. It is easy to calculate that the diameter of the small ring will be about thirty centimeters. Next we do this:

  1. We take the bottom with the mesh stretched over it from the previous design.
  2. We connect the bottom to the ring using three or four knitting needles, 20-30 centimeters high. Great for this welding electrodes. The result was a design in the form of a wire truncated cone.
  3. We stretch the mesh over the sides of the cone.
  4. We tie laces to the small upper ring; they can also be secured to the bottom, and simply crossed over the small hoop.
  5. We connect the laces together and tie a rope to them.

On a pond we equip the inkwell in the same way as the screen. But thanks to the high sides, it is difficult for crayfish to get out of it, so you can leave such a trap without pulling it out for a much longer period, from two to six hours.

You will need:


Hunting crayfish using a trap is very convenient and, moreover, legal. And there are many types of these devices, you can find them on the Internet detailed photos and pictures from production. We, in turn, will tell you about the simplest and most popular.

In short, these devices look like this: two metal rings, fastened together at a certain distance, covered on the outside with a fine mesh.

Instead of rings, you can use a frame of any shape.

So, let’s make a ranch house with our own hands. We make a structure from rigid wire with a diameter of 35 to 50 cm, which is shaped like a cone.

  • Prepare 5 mm thick wire, fine mesh net and nylon threads.
  • From steel wire make two rings different sizes– 35-50 cm and 15-20 cm, respectively.

    The large ring will serve as the basis for the future shell, and the small one will serve as its upper part.

  • Cover the large ring with a net using nylon threads.
  • Then make wire spacers to secure the small ring over the larger one. You will need at least three spacers of the same size.
  • The result should be a small ring mounted at a height of 10-15 cm above the large one.
  • Use the edges of the remaining net to cover the side elements of the structure and secure them to the upper ring using the same nylon threads.

For convenient transportation, you can make one spacer removable, which will allow you to fold the device.


The next important step is choosing the right bait.

Cancers have excellent charm, so they sense food that is appetizing, from their point of view, from afar. These freshwater inhabitants love food of animal origin. It is known that they rarely hunt and prefer carrion, and accordingly, they are attracted to aromas that are far from French. But this is in nature, where it can be difficult to find something fresher. If you put a piece of rotten meat with a persistent amber in a clamshell, it is not a fact that it will be perceived as a delicacy, especially if there is a less smelly alternative nearby.

However, there is no single correct opinion on this matter. Some fishermen claim that their best catches happen with rotten bait, while others, on the contrary, recommend taking only fresh food, cut into small pieces. So we leave you room for experimentation.

Concerning taste preferences, then crustaceans are attracted by the smell of roach, bream, goby and crucian carp. But you shouldn’t take perch and pike.

To enhance the flavor, make slits along the spine and turn the meat out.

You can also use meat, frogs, freshwater clams and grasshoppers as bait. They are perceived as natural food that got into the water along its own path.

If we talk about plant food, it will leave the cancer indifferent, with one exception. A very effective bait is a clove or crushed garlic pressed into Rye bread. To prevent it from floating out, place it in a small knot made of nylon stocking. Or grind the ingredients in a meat grinder and place in gauze bags. The more garlic, the better.
Let's listen to experts who use different baits depending on the time of year:

  • In spring, fresh or frozen fish or fry are better;
  • in summer the catch will be more abundant if you take meat or offal;
  • During cold seasons, food in reservoirs becomes scarce, so crayfish “bite” well on bread with garlic and rotten meat and fish.


If the banks of rivers and lakes are covered with reeds, it is better to cast the river using a boat.

To avoid having to look for the location of the trap later, tie an identification float to the rope - a piece of foam plastic, a cork or another non-sinking object.

To fish directly from the shore, the other end of the cord must be tied to a driven peg, snag or tree. Now you can cast the trap. They throw it from the shore or go into the river and install it in a specific place. You can also use a long horned pole:

  • Place the crayfish on the spear, placing the pole from the shore.
  • Then carefully pull the signal cord through.
  • Now the crayfish will be at the very bottom of the reservoir in the required position.

Where to fish

Choose bodies of water with clean water, in the muddy, muddy waters there are almost no crayfish.

Look for a place where there is no strong current, or even better - its complete absence, a calm surface. At the same time, pay attention to characteristics shores. The steeper it is, the more holes you can make there, but it will be much more difficult to lure an arthropod onto a flat bank.
They are attracted to thickets of reeds and a rocky bottom - that is, places where it is easy to hide.

Personally, I catch crayfish in different ways and with great impatience I’m waiting for the period of the ban on fishing to end. I can say that crayfish on our table is not a delicacy, but a familiar dish, and practically free at any time of the year, even in winter and autumn. I make the shells myself, with my own hands, and I take the drawings from books, the Internet, some left over from my grandfather.

The success of my fishing largely depends on the fact that I know where to catch crayfish in a river or lake, in what places to place crayfish traps and what baits are needed. There is nothing particularly complicated, and after reading this article, you will learn a lot of new things and can successfully fish anywhere on your own. The main thing is not to break the law, which I consider quite fair, since it contributes to an increase in the population of these crustaceans, which are unfortunately rare in our area.

How to catch

Nowadays, crayfish is a much rarer catch than fish. Crayfish meat is tender and tasty, and more and more beer lovers prefer it as a snack. In addition, crayfish is often used as bait when fishing for large predatory fish.

A large crayfish can reach a length including claws of twenty centimeters or even more! The weight of large individuals is up to 200 grams - 5 crayfish is already a kilogram! Catching such specimens in our time is real luck; catching one is a great success! Usually you come across crustaceans a little more than ten centimeters in size, even in those places where crayfish are found in abundance. We will describe in more detail how to catch crayfish using a crayfish trap in order, starting with their manufacture.

How and when is crayfish fishing allowed?

Everyone knows that properly cooked crayfish are extremely tasty, especially with beer, and therefore the question of when it is allowed to catch crayfish and whether it is possible to catch crayfish in general worries not only crayfish fishermen, but also ordinary people. But it is worth knowing that there are regions in which crayfish fishing is prohibited at all, regardless of the time of year, such regions include Moscow and the Moscow region. Those who violate this law may be prosecuted. So before you go catching them, find out whether it is possible to fish for them in your region and in what months, i.e. When can you catch crayfish? On my own behalf, I can give advice that since these representatives of the order of crustaceans are very rare, refrain from catching them at a time when the females are carrying eggs, and if you accidentally catch such an individual, release it. Much is not known, but crayfish mate in winter and at this time their eggs appear.

You also need to know that there are restrictions on their catching and size. It is allowed to catch crayfish nine to ten centimeters long. The measurement is carried out as follows. The body itself is measured from the eye line to the tip of the tail. It is allowed to use no more than 3 shells per person. The diameter of each tackle is more than 0.8 m, the cell pitch should be less than 2.2 millimeters. Probably many people don’t know, but catching crayfish by wading or diving is also not allowed. You will be fined for such an act.

Fishing with a crayfish

Open type of shells

Raklovki, or otherwise crayfish or racheshni, are quite convenient and catchy fishing gear. They are inexpensive, and if necessary, you can make them yourself. These gear may have different device. For the simplest one you will need some mesh, wire and wood. The easiest to make is the so-called crayfish - a grip very similar in appearance to a plate. It can be made from wire or a regular wooden circle. If the shell is round, then it optimal sizes from fifty to seventy centimeters. You need to stretch the net over this circle so that it can sag in the center.

If you need a crayfish trap for deep fishing, then you need to tie 3 or 4 ropes to it and connect them with a knot to which a rope is tied, with the help of which the tackle will rise and fall. A float is attached to the end of foam or other material. This gear is suitable and crayfish can also be caught in it in winter.

For shallow fishing would be better suited Another tackle, its difference from the one described above is that the float needs to be replaced with a pole, which will need to be stuck into the ground during fishing. The bait must be tied to a pole or directly to the center of the net.

A rack has a similar design, which consists of a circle (wire or wooden), a cone-shaped bag in it with a sinker fixed in the center. Typically, such tackle is baited with ordinary worms (preferably dung), they are strung on a thin wire and attached to a circle. This type of clamshell is lowered and raised using a rope.

Catching crayfish using crayfish traps is very easy task, but you need to know that if you lift such a tackle slowly or it tilts, the crayfish will have time to scatter. Therefore, it rises quickly and sharply. It is better to fish with crayfish from a boat. Just immerse it in the place where the crayfish may be. Gear is checked approximately every twenty minutes. This crayfish catcher can be used almost the whole year, and even catching crayfish in the fall using this gear will be successful. The only thing is that the bait for crayfish should be different, and we will tell you which one later.

Closed shells

Closed crayfish traps are very catchy and are sometimes called night or crayfish houses. Fishing with them is much more convenient, but they are more difficult to manufacture than open ones. They are often made so that they can be folded. The main advantage of such crayfish traps is that they do not need to be constantly checked. You need to remove them and check them no more than two or three times during the night, or you can even leave them until dawn.

There are many designs of night crayfish traps. The simplest ones are made from a wire frame (the sizes may vary, but we recommend the following: the diameter of the lower circle is forty to fifty centimeters, the upper circle is twenty-five to thirty-five centimeters, the height is 15 centimeters). You need to stretch the net over the frame so that there remains a hole with a diameter of about six centimeters. Sometimes closed racks are made higher, up to twenty-five centimeters; at the entrance, depending on the design, one or more necks are made of wood. The entrance hole must have a diameter of at least five centimeters. They are secured with guy ropes to the bottom circle. Tackle with several necks is more catchy. And if you have chosen this one, then you should know that it is better to place them obliquely. This will significantly increase catchability.

Video “Crayfish climb into the crayfish trap”

This video shows how crayfish, sensing bait, climb into an open crayfish trap.

Approximately the same principle applies to crayfish traps of a slightly different type, which are called butchi or gobies, which are crayfish traps with two necks. Their shape can be arbitrary; both square and cylindrical are allowed. The maximum length is 70 centimeters, diameter up to twenty centimeters. They are made from pine splinters. Secure to six circles using wire. There are 2 necks at the ends. The diameter of the inlet is from five to seven centimeters. A door is made at the top, which is necessary for pulling out caught crayfish and laying bait with a stick.

The main disadvantage of crayfish closed type in addition to the complexity of their manufacture, there are enough of them big sizes. Fishing with such gear is carried out on one specific body of water. Crayfish fishers who fish in various bodies of water prefer folding or dismountable crayfish.

A folding night light is made from a pair of wire circles (the diameter of the lower one is about 33 centimeters, the diameter of the upper one is about seventeen centimeters), the inlet hole is located in the neck, the diameter is about 6 centimeters. In this design, an additional float is attached, which keeps the tackle deployed. You need to put a sinker inside, metal object or some kind of stone. This crayfish trap, like all others, is raised with the help of a rope, at the end of which a float is tied.

Collapsible vent

This gear is designed approximately like a butch. It is made up of 3 wire circles (diameter from 20 to 25 centimeters). A net is pulled over the mugs, and two necks (length 27 centimeters, entrance about six centimeters), attached to each other with ropes. A pair of wire spacers, split at the ends, rest against the outer circles and keep them taut. Along with similar ones, gear with several necks is also used; crayfish go into this type of crayfish trap more readily.

What's the best way to store crayfish?

In the summer, caught crayfish are placed in a cage, the hole of which must be tied and kept closed while you are fishing. running water. If you catch crayfish at night, then you can keep them not in water, but on land, just in a basket.

In the case of long-term fishing, you need to know that crayfish quickly die in direct sunlight, as a result of which they need to be kept in a shaded place.

Crayfish stay only in water in winter because frost is destructive for them.

Some of the best gear for catching crayfish are night crayfish, which do not require constant monitoring and make it possible to simultaneously engage in crayfish fishing along with fishing.

This video shows successful catch crayfish traps

Catching crayfish with a fishing rod

After we have discussed how to catch crayfish using crayfish traps, let’s look at the next piece of gear, a crayfish fishing rod. To catch crayfish with a fishing rod, you need to make a special tackle; it is very easy to make. You need to take a wooden stick, sharpen one end and, after attaching the bait, stick it into the ground. The bait is wrapped in fine mesh, cloth, even ordinary cloth may do. women's stocking from nylon. Having found the bait, the crayfish will grab it with its claws, and at this moment it must be pulled out. As a rule, the crayfish holds onto its prey well, but you still need to pull it out of the water very carefully. If you pull sharply, the crayfish will simply fall off the bait.

For convenience, a fairly long piece of fishing line or twine is often tied to the bait, with a float attached to the end of it. If the bait does not sink, then you need to hang additional weight. The rod is periodically removed from the water to check the presence of prey and the condition of the bait.

Making a clamshell with your own hands

Catching crayfish is not difficult. It is enough to have even one crayfish trap, which is easy to make with your own hands. The lightest and most frequently used crayfish catcher is a ring with a diameter of about 45 centimeters made of wire, which is covered with mesh. The disadvantage of this system is the need to check every half hour, since the crayfish, having eaten the bait, can simply run away.

We suggest you make a more convenient crayfish trap, once in which the crayfish will no longer be able to get out of it.

We will need

  • fine mesh mesh;
  • a piece of wire with a diameter of about five millimeters;
  • plastic clamps;
  • nylon thread.


First we need to make a couple of metal rings. The diameter of the lower one is about 45 centimeters, the diameter of the upper one is about 17 centimeters.

We attach the mesh to the ring using plastic clamps approximately every 6 centimeters. If you cannot find plastic clamps, then nylon thread may also be suitable for fastening.

We make three spacers from thinner wire; electrodes with a diameter of 3 millimeters are well suited for these purposes. The spacers must be made the same length and so that the ring with a smaller diameter is in the center at approximately a height of 15 centimeters.

If you want to make a folding shell, then make one of the 3 spacers removable. The remaining 2 are attached to rings.

Once the spacers are in place, tighten the sides of the frame. Next, you need to grab them using clamps to the upper ring.

We fix the clamps on the upper ring every 12 millimeters. We cut off the extra pieces and our soup is ready! Now you can go to a pond and try it out by installing it in a place where crayfish can be found. Don't forget that the bait is in mandatory needs to be tied.

Distribution of bait by season

Bait for catching crayfish in spring

In the spring, fish meat is better suited for catching crayfish, in particular the sirloin or small fish, cut so that the meat emits a smell. Of all the breeds, crucian carp and bulls are best suited.

Bait for catching crayfish in the summer

Summer better time catch crayfish, but you need to know that in summer season When water bodies abound with various foods, the best bait is meat. Crayfish have an excellent sense of smell and willingly go for the entrails, namely the liver, stomach, as well as the ears or cheeks of animals, which are very cheap at any market.

Bait for crayfish in autumn and winter

In autumn and winter time, when it gets colder, the amount of food in reservoirs decreases and it becomes more difficult for animals to get it, so catching crayfish in October or even November can be more successful than even in the warm season. Many will be surprised, but at this time the best bait is bread with garlic. You need to do the following. Take a piece of rye bread and press unpeeled garlic cloves into it, which must be wrapped in gauze or other thin cloth. Otherwise, the bread will simply become soggy and the crayfish that are in the crayfish can simply pull it apart. It is equally permissible to use meat and fish, but preferably stale ones. The fish used for bait should have a smell that attracts crayfish. To do this, the carcass is cut and the scales are peeled off a little. Catching crayfish in the fall is also more profitable because at this time the price of crayfish is slightly higher than in the summer. Crayfish are especially expensive in winter.

Crayfish can also be caught well in winter using very simple gear.

Hello dear fishing blog visitor. Since in the previous article we talked about where to catch crayfish. Let me tell you in this article how to catch crayfish. The most common way is to catch crayfish with a crayfish trap and how to make it, read below.

How to make a round shell

In order to make a crayfish trap we will need a little time and sleight of hand. The most common and easiest to make crayfish catcher is the round type crayfish catcher. To make it we need a minimum of effort and materials. And so, in order to make a crayfish trap, you need to have two identical rings of wire about 50-60 cm. The thickness of the wire is no more than 5-7 mm. But if it’s a little thicker, it’s not critical. Next, we connect the upper and lower rings with a mesh. We also make the bottom of the clamshell from the same mesh. We tie a nylon cord to the top ring on three sides. Our crayfish trap is completely ready. If all are available necessary materials You can make such a shell at hand in about 40 minutes.

The principle of operation of such a homemade shell is as follows. The bait in the crayfish trap attracts crayfish and they crawl into it. When we pull the cord that is tied to the top ring, the ring rises with the mesh and does not allow the crayfish to escape from the trap. This design has one drawback. These shells have to be checked more often. Otherwise, the crayfish, having had enough of the bait, will simply run away.

How to make a conical clamshell.

In order to make a cone crayfish catcher, you will need the following. Two rings of wire, one 50 cm, the second 20-25 cm. Just like the previous one, we connect the upper and lower ring with a mesh and also close the bottom. Only now you need to install stiffening ribs between the upper and lower rings. 2-3 is enough. We will make the stiffeners from the same wire as the rings. We make “U” shaped blanks, something like “I________I”. We fix one end to the upper ring and the other to the lower one. We also tie a cord to the top one. This design allows you not to constantly check the crayfish; just place them around the perimeter of the reservoir in the evening and collect the catch in the morning.

How to make a shell from construction mesh.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a clamshell with your own hands from construction mesh. This is a fairly universal crayfish fish as it can be used both as a top for catching live bait and as a crayfish fish at the same time. It is enough just to place bait inside for both crayfish and live bait.

The second part is how to make a clamshell from construction mesh

How crayfish crawl into a conical crayfish trap made with your own hands.

How to make a clamshell from a plastic bottle.

In order to create this miracle, you will need a plastic bottle (fortunately there is plenty of this goodness), preferably a 5 liter one. Cut off the neck of the bottle so that it can be inserted reverse side into a bottle. And we fix it using either wire or plastic clamps. You need to make as many holes as possible in the bottle itself so that fresh water can get inside. The principle of operation is simple: throw a bait ball through the neck and lower it into the pond. The cancer also gets into our crayfish trap through the neck, but can no longer get out. In order to remove the crayfish from our homemade crayfish trap, you will have to make a small incision on the side. This is the minus of this shell.

How to make a clamshell from a bottle Option 2

That's all for now, I hope that the information presented in this article was useful to you. All the best to you and see you again. Bye.

Most people consider boiled crayfish to be a delicacy. As a rule, many people receive aesthetic pleasure not only from the meal itself, but also from cooking, searching for all kinds of recipes and experimenting with standard sets products, coming up with extraordinary dishes.

By the same principle, most people enjoy not only a good catch, but also the preparation for this process, as well as the creation of intricate shellfish traps and searches. suitable place to catch these creatures. In this publication we will tell you how to make a crayfish trap with your own hands correctly, in what places and at what time you should catch crayfish and how best to “feed” them.

Today there are several types of traps:

  • cone-shaped;
  • circular;
  • from a plastic bottle.

Catching crayfish in a plastic bottle

Making this type of crayfish is very simple. To do this you need to take a 10 liter plastic bottle(if there is none, then a five or three liter bottle will do). In general, we take the bottle that you have, but remember - the larger the container, the larger the catch and the size of the crayfish themselves.

The algorithm for making such a shell looks like this:

  1. Cut off the neck of the bottle where it begins to narrow. In order for larger individuals to get into the crayfish trap, it is also necessary to get rid of the plastic rim on the neck.
  2. Now you should make 10 small holes across the entire surface of the bottle, thanks to which the bottle will sink to the bottom of the reservoir much faster.
  3. Next, turn the neck over and insert it with a narrow hole into the container. To make it hold better, we secure it using fishing line.
  4. You need to make a few more small holes in the bottom of the bottle through which you can insert a wire and attach the bait to it.
  5. We make another hole through which you need to stretch a strong rope, thanks to which convenient transportation of the trap from the bottom of the reservoir is ensured.

You can make a clamshell with several entrances by cutting off the bottom of the container and inserting the neck of another bottle into it. And move the transportation hole to the main part of the bottle.

Cone-shaped crayfish catcher

To make such a trap we will need: a net with small cells, wire Ø0.5 cm, a skein of nylon threads, plastic clamps.

Algorithm for making a cone shell:

  1. First you need to make two rings from wire: one – Ø50 cm, the other – Ø20 cm.
  2. We attach the net to the large ring using clamps or nylon thread (you need to fix the net every 50 mm).
  3. We make three spacers from wire, 15 cm long.
  4. We install spacers at an equidistant distance from each other. To make this crayfish trap easier to transport, one spacer can be made removable.
  5. Now we wrap the net around the sides and fix it every 10 - 15 mm on a smaller ring.
  6. Using scissors, we get rid of the excess mesh.
  7. In order to avoid difficulties in transporting the catch from the bottom of the reservoir, it is necessary to tie a rope to a ring of smaller diameter.

What's the best thing to put in a crayfish trap?

As soon as crayfish fishermen do not experiment in order to collect the maximum catch from the chosen place.

As statistics show, the most popular baits are:

  • pork and beef liver;
  • fish, as in fresh, and in rotten;
  • various kinds of mollusks;
  • rotten meat;
  • white, red, rotten cabbage;
  • chicken feet and wings;
  • melons;
  • dried bread rubbed with garlic.

How to set crayfish traps?

To collect the maximum catch, you need to learn how to place crayfish traps correctly. As a rule, in areas of reservoirs near the shores it grows a large number of reeds, where a lot of crayfish are found.

Therefore, you can get to this place using a boat. If you don’t have the opportunity to set a trap from a boat, then don’t worry, with the help of a long branched stick you can even set it from the shore.

In order not to lose sight of your crayfish trap, it is recommended to tie a float to the end of the transport rope, which can be used as a piece of foam plastic.

Where and when is the best time to “hunt” crayfish?

Before you go fishing for crayfish, you need to know that these creatures prefer to live in clean reservoirs, where the water is not exposed to heavy pollution. Another important aspect of the existence of crayfish is the supply of oxygen. Because of this, we can conclude that crayfish live most often in rivers, and therefore they need to be caught in such reservoirs.

Now let's talk about the place where these creatures live. Most of Crustaceans prefer a rocky bottom because it is very easy to find shelter in it.

If the river suggests clay soil, then in it crayfish dig small but long passages under the banks. It follows from this that it is not worth searching for crayfish in shallow water areas with a hard sandy bottom.

As for the time for catching these creatures, the most favorable time period is from 22-00 to 03-00. Some fishermen note the fact that from late August to mid-October, crayfish meat becomes more tasty.

We wish you a good catch!

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