How to make a palm tree from one and a half plastic bottles. DIY palm tree – interesting idea, photo, master class

Now it is becoming fashionable to arrange personal plots artificial trees. If during the hot summer a family likes to often drink refreshing soft drinks, then you should not throw away the container from which you can make a palm tree from plastic bottles. Such a decorative product will significantly decorate any area of ​​the country yard. Making an overseas site is not difficult. This will require large number bottles and some personal time.

Plastic food containers are made to store various drinks, and, as a rule, the material does not decompose quickly and can rot for hundreds of years. In addition, if there are no specialized landfills at the place of residence for the disposal of such waste, then people will have to throw away the containers near their home. This, in turn, will pollute the area.

Of course, you can find a different approach and burn the garbage, but this will pollute the atmosphere; in addition, there are already enough harmful sources that destroy the environment. There is another unique approach - plastic bottles can be used to make any decorative items, for example, palm trees.

From such a seemingly useless container you can make evergreen tree. You just need to take bottles of brown and green colors. If there are children in the family, then it is advisable to involve them in such an exciting activity. You can decorate with a plastic palm tree:

  • empty garden plot;
  • the area located near buildings;
  • playground for children;
  • house area;
  • a piece of land near an artificial pond.

An artificial palm tree brings great effect if it is located near a playground. This is a win-win option, children will rejoice at such a creation.

Even those parents who are not at all versed in creativity can make a palm tree.

If you only have transparent drink bottles, then don’t be upset, because purchasing paint will correct the whole situation. The leaves are colored green, and the trunk is brown.

Materials and tools

Before starting work, the master needs to stock up on everything necessary. It is worth noting that the larger the volume of the bottle, the more magnificent the artificial palm tree will be. List of tools and materials for making an evergreen tree:

  • long plastic pipe or iron fittings;
  • braided wire or thick rope;
  • tape or glue;
  • plastic bottles;
  • scissors or stationery knife;
  • If you are using transparent containers, purchase brown and green paints.

If there are a large number of bottles in stock, then it is advisable to choose the same sizes. In this case, the tree trunk will look much more beautiful. But bottles for leaves can be used in different diameters. Small ones are suitable for creating foliage in the center of the crown. Half-liter or liter brown containers are useful for small palm branches. It is not necessary to look for the container that has a certain green tint. You can combine colors. It will even improve the palm tree.

Step-by-step production of a man-made tree

To do a quality job, you need to carefully study all the nuances of creation. plastic palm tree. According to the stories of craftsmen, assembling the structure takes only a few hours. A palm tree made from plastic bottles is built with your own hands step by step in four stages:

  • creating a plan and choosing the location of the structure;
  • installation of prepared foliage;
  • barrel manufacturing;
  • turning all the parts into wood by fastening them.

Important! Found bottles must be washed from dirt and thoroughly wiped with a rag. Pasted labels also come off. To do this, simply lower the container into warm water until the paper becomes limp and wipe it off with a cloth.

In fact, there are many tutorials on how to make bottle palm trees. But this option is the best and most popular, because the result is a truly realistic tree. And if you find large bottles, the tree will become more magnificent and beautiful.

Drawing a sketch and selecting a site

At the beginning of the work, a simple sketch is created and you need to calculate required quantity bottles for the entire structure. It is important that there are enough bottles for assembly, otherwise you will have to go looking for other vessels. The first stage of how to make a palm tree from plastic bottles:

  1. The diagram shows the size of the barrel and other details.
  2. Then the location of the product is selected. It is enough to go out into the courtyard of the dacha and take a close look at exactly where the structure will look best.
  3. If there is a gazebo at the dacha, then it would be great to install artificial trees near the building.
  4. You should not place the palm tree in areas through which traffic will move; naturally, the structure will interfere. For example, it is not recommended to place a tree very close to the gate.

In any case, all the details are thought out.

Foliage cutting

After preparatory work Palm leaves are made. You will need to take a stationery knife or scissors, cable or rope. How to make a palm tree of their bottles - the second stage:

You can make different crowns, but, as experts say, for a good effect, the tree must have at least 8 leaves.

In this case, the decorative design will become aesthetically pleasing. For further assembly of the entire structure, a long stalk is attached to the finished leaves.

Making a barrel

At this stage the barrel is made. Take brown bottles and measure a few centimeters from the edge of the bottom. In this case, the bottom is also not required. The third stage of how to make a palm tree with your own hands:

  1. You need to make longitudinal cuts to get identical petals. The cut is made from the very edge where the bottom was cut off, not reaching the end of the neck by 10 cm.
  2. In this way, all the details of the future trunk are prepared. Only in this case you should not make thin strips, but rather make 8 or 16 parts on the bottle.
  3. At least 8 branches are attached to the main trunk. It will be good if reinforcement is used. You can cut a certain number of rods and weld them.
  4. Assembling the trunk is similar to making the foliage. On plastic pipe or metal fittings finished parts are strung one after another. To make the palm tree stable, a wooden platform is attached at the bottom of the trunk. It is enough to cut a piece of plywood and screw the pipe. And if reinforcement is used for the barrel, then 2 short rods are welded in a cross shape. Then a barrel is attached, which is welded to the structure.

Some craftsmen simply take and plant the rod deep into the ground. In any case, there are many ways to install the barrel.

Securing all parts

At the last stage, all parts are connected. To install the structure, you need to take the blanks to the chosen place and carefully lay them out, especially the foliage that is on the rope - you must try not to scatter it. The fourth stage, how to make plastic bottles palm tree:

  1. The tree trunk is installed in the selected location. It can be driven in or secured to the platform. But it is important that the product is sustainable.
  2. Now the lids on the leaves are unscrewed, and the blanks are placed on the branches of the palm tree. The parts are secured with glue or tape. But it is important to carefully glue the outermost sheet, which should fix all the lower ones. This way the entire top is created.
  3. In principle, the design is ready. It remains to correct some parts that were skewed.

Usually one palm tree is not enough. It is advisable to make at least 3 pieces. After installing all the trees, the area is covered with sand. Next, along the perimeter of the decorative zone they lay natural stones. They will not only decorate general view, but also will not allow the sand to wash out during rain.

Paper palm tree for apartment

Craftsmen make many crafts using glue and colored paper. Such creations will not only delight the whole family, but will also decorate the interior of the apartment. A paper palm differs from a plastic one primarily in material and design. And it will take very little time to make. First, tools and materials are prepared:

  • scissors;
  • brown paper;
  • green paper;
  • copper or aluminum wire 30 cm long;
  • glue.

After preparing everything necessary, they begin to make the tree trunk. You will need wire and brown paper. You need to wrap pieces of paper around the wire so that they are pressed tightly. Then take another sheet of brown paper, and cut strips 3 cm wide on it. Each element is folded 7 times, from which you need to make a fringe.

Next, the blanks are glued to the frame, on which the primary layer is tightly wound and fixed. A strip is taken and inside Glue is applied, and then the material is tightly wound at the very base. To obtain the volume of the barrel, several pieces of paper will have to be wound on a certain section of the frame. That is, the first layer, then the second, and then the third.

After making the barrel green leaf paper is divided into 4 parts. The same procedure is done with another sheet. On a piece of paper you need to draw the shape of a palm leaf with a pencil. Then the leaf shape is cut out with scissors. There will be 8 such parts. Also, several sheets are prepared, 2 times smaller than the previous ones - they will be installed at the very top of the craft.

The last step is to assemble all the parts. First, a paper platform is constructed and a palm tree trunk is glued to it. Craftsmen use thick cardboard, But yellow. After gluing the part, the foliage is secured. Using glue, several small sheets are installed on the top.

After which the remaining leaves are glued at the same pitch. The job is done. All that remains is to choose suitable place to place the product, for example, on a table near a window.

Realistic coloring

If you have minimal artistic skills, you can make a truly realistic paper palm tree. The tree is assembled in stages from the same materials, only ordinary dense wood is used. white paper, and will also require paints.

After assembling the tree, you need to arm yourself with a brush and put a photo of a real palm tree in front of you. Main task: to draw on the product various parts. This does not mean that, for example, the trunk is painted with one brown. First applied light shade brown, and then, where there are shaded areas, they need to be brushed, but only with a darker shade.

After the base layers, all the details are drawn until the master achieves realism. Such manipulations are also carried out with foliage. You need to draw veins, dark and light areas, and so on on them. At the end, chiaroscuro is applied. Pale colors are used. The process is long, but the work will be worth the wait.

Attention, TODAY only!

It is difficult to recycle the many unnecessary plastic bottles that have accumulated at the dacha over the summer. But there is a simple way out of this situation. All empty containers can be turned into beautiful ones garden decorations. One of these decorations is a handmade palm tree made from plastic bottles. Step-by-step production And good mood will help you cope with the task in no time.

Methods of using plastic

Decomposition process plastic material lasts for 100 years. In order not to pollute the environment, plastic waste removal has been established in any area. But there are some summer cottages, from which waste removal is not carried out. In this case, conscientious summer residents remove the bottles themselves. To avoid unnecessary removal work, you can make a palm tree from plastic bottles in one evening. It is enough to collect all the colorful containers on the site. You can decorate with palm trees:

There are three ways to make a palm tree from bottles. Each of the methods will help you realize your creative fantasies and create a real work of art out of plastic. This masterpiece will be a real decoration for any area.

Types of decorations for a summer cottage

There are many options for making an artificial palm tree.

Thanks to this, appearance tree can be anything.

Types of structures are:

  • With straight trunks or in the form of petals. Sometimes a log is used as a base.
  • High and low.
  • With spreading smooth leaves or fringed.

Making large palm trees

To make a palm tree large sizes, you will need a lot of plastic bottles. They begin to collect them in advance, involving the whole family and relatives in the process. For work you will need the following materials:

  • Plastic bottles of various colors. The trunk is made from brown containers, and leaves are made from green bottles.
  • A metal rod is used for the trunk, and a thick wire is used for the leaves.
  • Wide tape, scissors and a sharp knife.

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You need to know that the more bottles are collected, the more magnificent the crown of the plant will be. To make the trunks and leaves look smoother and better, containers of the same size and diameter are used for production. Containers of other sizes should not be thrown away. Leaves are made from small bottles and inserted into the middle of the crown. In this place different size the material will not be visible. But they cannot be used for the trunk. Narrow brown containers are used to construct trunks for other types of trees. Various shades the container will make all crafts made from plastic bottles brighter and richer. Palm tree step by step:

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Tree with unusual leaves

Besides the big tree, there is another way to make palm trees. It is a little more complicated, but is particularly original. If you follow all the instructions step by step, then making a palm tree from bottles will not be difficult. The work process begins with the manufacture of the barrel:

All elements are strung on a metal bundle or cable and form a tree.

Bottle bottom construction

To make this palm tree you will need 2 times more bottles. Because the entire structure consists of bottoms. Step-by-step order of work:

If you additionally decorate the palm tree and the surrounding area with other crafts, the area will look even more interesting. For example, you can make monkeys, bees and pigs from plastic bottles. Swans made from car tires look interesting.

Together with my son, we agreed to make a palm tree from plastic bottles for the garden. It turned out that there are a considerable number of ways to implement the idea. Wanting to get the best copy, we tried several assembly schemes exotic plant, which we’ll tell you about.

When we started assembling a palm tree from plastic bottles, we fully experienced main problem: a huge amount of containers is needed! It must be taken into account that all this abundance of bottles must be washed, cut and collected with your own hands. The scissors gave my son calluses. During the work, three ways to solve the issue were discovered:

  • make a small tree;
  • use technology with less material;
  • paint transparent bottles.

This all passed through our hands several times

As a result, we decided to make a medium-sized tree. Only three bottles were painted. We achieved the use of containers almost without scraps, that is, 90%. 35 brown and the same number of green plastic bottles were used for the entire product. We provide a description of the creation of what you see in the photo, as well as a diagram for assembling a small and large tree with your own hands. We made a man under a tree from plastic bottles earlier.

A man-made palm tree and a “local resident” created earlier

Assembling a trunk for a medium-sized palm tree

Let's start assembling the tree from the trunk. It will require metal tube, which in diameter easily fits into the neck of the bottle. The tube should be 50cm longer than the palm tree: this part will be in the ground.

We used a 150cm long tube entirely to assemble the barrel. For installation on site, we drove 50cm of reinforcement into the ground, 1m long, onto which we placed the tube. load-bearing structure palm trees Below are step-by-step instructions and a diagram for assembling crafts for the garden. The step numbers here and below correspond to the numbers in the pictures:

The result was a palm tree trunk. The diameter of the tree is not the same due to the use of different bottles, but this is how it happens in nature.

Small palm tree trunk

We know that there are uneven projections of branch remains on the surface of the palm tree. At a short distance they are clearly visible, so for small tree would be better suited barrel of a different design.

A small palm tree may have a different trunk design

A small palm tree can be installed in the country house right next to the wall of the house. In this case, you need to perform the following steps step by step:

Technology for making a trunk for a large palm tree

There is a third way to make a palm tree trunk. If we want to make a large tree for the dacha, close in size to a natural one, the examples already discussed will not be suitable due to the disproportionately small diameter of the trunk and the fragility of the structure. In this case, you will have to cut off the very bottom parts of the plastic bottles, and then drill them and fasten them with screws or nails to the log. Of course, you will need a lot of containers.

Option for making a natural sized barrel

Master class on making a crown for a medium-sized palm tree

Now let's take care of the crown exotic wood. To assemble it, we also chose a design that makes full use of plastic bottles. The bottles vary, and we pre-divided them into five groups for the five branches of the tree, trying to keep each set roughly the same. To assemble the crown, you need to follow these steps step by step:

Like the trunk, the crown of a palm tree can be made in different ways. It is very convenient to choose the desired option based on the size of the tree. Returning to a medium-sized sample, you can create a fluffier crown. However, in this case you will have to cut the bottles in 5mm increments, that is, do three times the amount of work with your own hands. In addition, in this case only the top third of the bottle is used, which will require three times more starting material.

Making a crown for a small tree

Now here is a master class on making a crown for a palm tree small size. This craft is good for beginners. In this case, it takes noticeably more time to work with each detail, but noticeably fewer bottles will be required, and the tree crown will have more natural look at a short distance to a small tree.

This crown will only require a few bottles. Step by step instructions will be as follows:

Other options for making an artificial tree crown

Options for palm tree crowns with different leaves

Note that palm leaves can be cut using different patterns. If you awaken your imagination, you can come up with something new and make your own palm tree from plastic containers.

A palm tree made from plastic bottles creates an unusual harmony in the garden or on the property. It seems that you are relaxing on the seashore, and there are palm trees and sand all around)))). Today, dear friends, we will consider two interesting master class on making a beautiful palm tree from plastic bottles with your own hands, the author of these master classes is Olga Akimova And Safter Yeshilev. It's no secret that the plastic bottle has captivated many of us, because it pure material, which is very easy and simple to use. In addition, what is also important is cheap material, which for many has great value. Crafts made from bottles will last a very long time, because we all know that a bottle takes a very long time to decompose. Therefore, by making crafts from them, we cleanse environment and create something interesting and beautiful for ourselves. If you suddenly have a lot of plastic bottles, then it’s time to use them for their intended purpose, which means you can make a beautiful palm tree out of them, for example.
Probably many of us want it to last on our site. longer summer, just a palm tree made of bottles will become a decoration on the site and will extend us in our imagination at least a little summer period. Making a palm tree says Olga is very easy, even a beginner can cope with this task.

* Scissors.
* Metal rod.
* Drill.

Method for making palm trees from bottles:
Before making it, it would be good to first understand what size we will make the palm tree and where we will install it. If you have children, then make them such a palm tree on the playground. Believe me, children really like such crafts and they happily play near them.
We take plastic bottles and make sure they are all clean; if there are dirty ones, then they need to be washed. Be sure to remove all labels from the bottles and then you can start making.

We take brown bottles and cut off their bottoms to the height we need.

Now we need to make the branches of our palm tree, for this we take a green plastic bottle and cut it along almost the entire length and then cut it along the edge (as if we were making terry stripes).

We take a drill and start using it to make holes in each brown bottle blank. The holes should be the same diameter as a metal rod.

We have all the blanks done, let’s move on to assembling the palm tree, let’s make the trunk. We take brown bottles and bend their teeth outward, and then begin to put them on a metal rod. We insert the bottle into the bottle one by one, look as in the photo.

On top, when the trunk is ready, we put on the leaves that we made from a green bottle. We fix the leaves on the tree like this: when the last bottle is on the leaves, we leave the neck with the cork. We make a hole in the cork the size of a metal rod and fit it tightly, it holds perfectly, no other fasteners are needed.
That's all, the palm tree made from plastic bottles is ready. Look how beautiful Olga turned out and most importantly, such crafts will last you a very long time and are not afraid of either rain or frost.

Palm tree made from plastic bottles with coconuts

Different palm trees are needed, different palm trees are important. Sasha came up with a slightly different, but also very interesting and beautiful palm tree, and also with coconuts. Let's also look at the process of making it, because some people will like this palm tree and others will like another, everyone has different tastes.

To make a palm tree we will need:
* Green plastic bottles.
* Brown plastic bottles.
* Scissors.
* Metal rod.
* Drill.

Method for making palm trees with coconuts:
Let's first make a trunk, take 20 brown beer bottles. This is how many bottles Sasha needed to make one palm tree 1 m high.

Cut off the bottom of the bottle closer to the base. Then cut the bottle into five parts.

Now we will make the lower foliage from the green bottle. We cut off the bottom and cut it into 5 parts, you will need 3 pieces.

Then we cut out the foliage on it as shown in the photo.

We bend the foliage as shown in the photo.

This is how it should work out for you.

Take 2 liters. green plastic bottle.

We also cut off the bottom.

Cut almost the entire length into thin strips. The ends need to be sharpened.

Here is a blank for making a palm tree.

We begin to collect the lower leaves on an iron rod. First, insert the blanks that are cut into strips.

Then we insert the blanks on which the foliage was cut out.

Continue, cut from 2 liter bottle mahrushki

This is what the blanks should look like.

From a 1.5 liter bottle there is also a marushka mode.

To make palm branches you will need blanks from 1.5 liter and 2 liter bottles.

If you don't have a lot of green bottles, you can paint clear bottles with green paint.

We cut all the bottles into strips.

We put caps on all bottles and drill 8 mm.

Bottle necks can be inserted between bottles to save bottles.

0.5 l. We cut the bottles to size and insert them onto the ends of the branches.

Here are our blanks before assembly, you can get to work.

We first collect 1.5 liter bottles, and 2 liter bottles at the ends of the branches.

All that remains is to make coconuts, because we have a palm tree with coconuts. For this, Sasha used old balls and tied them with thin wire so that later he would have something to attach them to.

We paint them in brown. When dry, hang them on a palm tree.

Instead of a trunk, we use an old unnecessary pipe 15 and 2.5 meters high. We drill two 8 mm holes in it. Branches - 7 mm rolled wire. 2 meters, 1 meter in each direction.

The palm tree with coconuts is ready.

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Olesya S.

Date palm, coconut palm, banana palm. Which one do you like? Today we will make an evergreen, beautiful palm tree from plastic bottles, which will decorate your estate and give you an exotic and warm mood. Feel the tropics right in your own backyard thanks to the very simple master class for making palm trees with your own hands.

To make exotic wood from plastic bottles you will need the following materials:

  • Brown plastic bottles of the same diameter (approx. 2 l.), for the barrel;
  • Green plastic bottles (allowed different sizes) for palm leaves;
  • Scissors, stationery knife;
  • Scotch;
  • Plastic pipe or metal rod.

1. Let's start making the palm tree trunk. To do this, take a brown bottle and a knife. Remove the cork; you won't need it anymore.

2. Cut the bottle crosswise, with the bottom part being slightly larger than the top.

3. Cut the part of the bottle with the neck into six equal parts with scissors, reaching the beginning of the narrowing of the upper part, stop. Each cut part should be shaped into an oblong triangle or petals. To do this, round and narrow the cut parts.

4. Do the same procedure with the remaining half. Also use a hot knife or awl to make a hole in the bottom of the bottom half of the bottle with a diameter the size of the neck hole.

5. Make a fold at the base and bend the resulting plastic petals one by one.

6. Having opened all the petals, you get a hexagonal flower.

7. Do the same procedure with the other remaining half.

8. Cut the remaining brown bottles in the same way, make cuts and form petals. You will end up with many halves that will need to be inserted one into the other, with the neck facing down.

9. Let's start forming the trunk exotic beauty. To do this, take a metal rod or plastic pipe and thread all the brown bottle blanks onto it. Most bottom part secure with tape. When forming the trunk, it is important to distribute the bottles so that the petals occupy all the free space and do not leave empty spaces (in a checkerboard pattern). The height of the palm tree depends on the number of blanks. The palm trunk is ready!

10. Let's start making palm leaves. To do this, take green bottles and a stationery knife. Remove the caps from the bottles; they are no longer needed.

11. Cut off the neck and bottom.

12. Then cut the resulting workpiece lengthwise into three identical parts, starting from the bottom, not reaching the top by about 2-3 centimeters.

13. Open the cut parts, leaving a hole in the center for attaching the greenery to the base of the trunk.

14. Bring the foliage of the palm tree to a natural and familiar appearance. To do this, make cuts on all sides of the petal, not reaching the middle by about 1.5 centimeters.

15. Round the petals a little and make the cuts diagonally.

16. Fold the resulting thin strips through one. Thus, the foliage of the palm tree will become more luxuriant.

17. Do the same with the rest of the remaining petals. For more lush greenery palm trees use a large number of green bottles.

18. Let's start assembling this exotic beauty. Place the made plastic greenery on the remaining pin of the previously prepared table. If the bottles are different in size, then place the large ones first, and then the smaller ones. To form a palm tree cap, you need to lay the bottles in a checkerboard pattern to get rid of unnecessary spaces of greenery. We attach the last green blank to the pipe with tape. To prevent the palm from being blown away by the wind, it is important to secure it by burying the bottom of the rod on which the palm blanks are threaded into the ground half a meter.

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