Economical electric boiler. Electric boiler for heating a private house, reviews and price

Electric heating boilers - equipment for heating a dwelling. Electric boilers for heating a private house are an economical option, they save energy well and evenly distribute the heat flow over the entire area.

Modern energy-saving models can be connected to absolutely any heating system. Another advantage of heating a private house with an electric boiler is high fire and electrical safety.


Household electric boilers are most often installed in private homes, suburban buildings, cottages and dachas. Regardless of the area for which heat supply is calculated, household heating boilers economically distribute heat and require minimal cash costs when paying for electricity.

The main advantages of electric boilers are the following:

  • simplicity of design, ease of assembly and fastening;
  • do not require a special location in the room (wall-mounted electric ones are installed where it is convenient for the user);
  • a chimney is not required for normal operation;
  • when operating electric heating boilers, there is no emission of harmful particles into the atmosphere - the system is environmentally friendly;
  • the security system provides fire protection.

How to choose

When choosing an electric boiler for a private house, it should be noted that for 30 sq.m. no more than 3 kW of equipment power is needed. Some types of electric boilers can be connected not only to heating system private houses, but also to the floor with built-in heating system. Such boilers can be mounted on a wall or installed on the floor.

An electric boiler can have a different power - from 6 kW to 30 kW. Most modern models work with a voltage of 380 V., that is, a wide selection of models optimized for 220 volts. Be sure to make sure that the manufacturer has everything before buying Required documents and certificates.


The most economical electric boiler for heating has an average power of 3 kW to 60 kW. AT standard kit necessarily includes a multistage pump responsible for uniform circulation. Such devices are equipped with a sensor that measures water pressure, filters and safety valves.

Some modern models have in their kit expansion tank with power samples up to 12 kW, and can be connected with a voltage power of both 380 and 220 volts. Most economical option power from 3 kW is usually internal structure, but differs by a serious system rational use energy and security.


Induction electric boilers are compact and convenient, as they are unpretentious in location, inferior in price to gas boilers and are particularly easy to install.

The most high-quality electric boiler is considered a double-circuit. It does an excellent job of heating a private house, provides a constant supply of water, does not use room air for its work and does not emit harmful particles into it.

An electric boiler of the electrode type, unlike traditional models, saves electricity by 30-50%. This type is much more reliable than analogues with heating elements.

Advantages in operation

The operational advantages of electric boilers are as follows:

  • the circulation pump is already built-in, so it does not require a separate installation;
  • do not burn out, even if there is no water in the system for a long time;
  • the electric carrier is able to heat up in a matter of minutes;
  • do not fail from power surges;
  • the electric boiler does not require systematic cleaning or mandatory working (fuel) fluids;
  • silent and safe;
  • some models allow you to implement a system of "warm floors".


The disadvantages are high energy costs and a large load on the network. To combat the first drawback, many use modern models that save energy consumption.

Savings Programs

Part of the electricity can be saved with the help of special programmers. They are able to support temperature regime the room that the user initially specified.

Programmers are a fairly economical device that allows not only to significantly save energy consumption, but also provides comfort. For daily operation of the electric unit, it is enough to turn on the electric boiler and set the desired temperature for heating.

Network preparation

Before you purchase a heating boiler for operation in a private house, you should provide for the presence of special wires for power supply. It is also important to clarify the possibilities of electrical load allowed on suburban area or private home. You may need to purchase special power cables for the distribution of electricity or a difavtomat that will protect the boiler from overload and short circuit.

Electric boilers for home heating- an excellent alternative in the absence of gas supply, as well as equipment that runs on solid or liquid fuels. They do not require constant monitoring, are protected from freezing and low pressure water. In addition, they can work autonomously or together with boilers operating with solid fuel or gas.

When the cold comes, the owner of a private house faces the problem of heating the room. Due to many circumstances, sometimes it is not possible to conduct gas, so the question arises of acquiring systems electric heating. It is necessary to choose not only optimal system, which will warm up the entire space, but also the one that does not hit the pocket every time you have to take readings from the meters. In this plan best solution is an electric boiler. But questions arise: Which electric boiler is the most economical? How to choose it? There are several types to consider electric heating Houses.

Types and features

You should start with the fact that such boilers have a lot of advantages.

  • Firstly, it is very convenient with its light weight, you do not have to spend a lot of time installing it, since it is quite simple.
  • Secondly, it does not take up much space. And, plus everything, it is a very inexpensive form of heating.
  • Another plus is its high security. If we take into account gas boilers, then they are still not so safe, there is a threat of an explosion.
  • The electric boiler, on the other hand, is safe, does not emit odors and does not create noise. It is noteworthy that it has a temperature controller, that is, another plus is convenience and comfort.

As for efficiency: it depends on the type and model. There are so-called Heating elements boilers . They work on the principle of a kettle, heating water. They stand out for a fairly low price. There are models that can be installed on the floor, there are also wall-mounted. But it has long been known that scale accumulates on teapots. TENs are no exception. As a result, electricity consumption is greatly increased.

Some electric batteries work on the principle of heating elements. Their heating covers a smaller area, but they are convenient for simple installation and beautiful design, they create an excellent warm climate. They do not heat the air itself, but the walls and interior items. But a warm floor from such batteries can no longer be carried out. Such electric batteries have different capacities, therefore, for greater efficiency, you need to calculate the quadrature of the house and, depending on this, choose what power the device should be placed in which room. Plus, it is better to choose liquid-free radiators, with the ability to regulate the heating temperature.

There are also automated electric batteries in which you can set daily allowance electricity consumption, and they will work in the specified mode. For a private house, they are not so convenient to use.

There are also induction boilers. According to the principle of operation, they are comparable to heating elements, but their advantage lies in the fact that they do not have heating systems. They work according to the following principle: An induction coil is located above the boiler system, which heats the water with the help of current. Thus, the boiler becomes universal in that it rarely breaks - simply because there is actually nothing to break. Plus - in economy. It can work even at low voltage. And also he has high level security, so you can install it in any corner of a private house. Minus - in his pretty high price compared to the previous model. It is also a rather heavy construction, so they put such a boiler mainly on the floor. And, it is important to note that the principle of the model is based on magnetic inertia, therefore Appliances it is better not to put close.

The third type is an electrode boiler . In it, the heating system is built on letting current through the entire coolant. It heats water much faster, which gives it the title of "most economical electric boiler". It is very compact, which allows you to install it without problems and save space. But here, too, there are drawbacks. You should pay attention to the fact that there are many factors that affect energy savings using such a boiler. It is necessary to choose the right radiator for it. There is also a phenomenon called electrolysis, that is, over time, the power decreases, and the system is aired with rather toxic gases. A rather complicated installation, so it is better to call a specialist. Well, in order to regulate the temperature, you will have to install additional equipment.

To this species boilers refers to "scorpion". Its principle is just built on the efficiency of electricity. Having collected the necessary energy, the "scorpion" automatically turns off, and gets back into operation when the energy starts to fall. It can have both minimum and high power - this is also its advantage. In addition, the "scorpion" is silent and does not require any technical intervention. But such a copy costs accordingly. If we compare electric batteries with a scorpion-type boiler, then, in terms of savings, there is not much difference. Is it that with one boiler it is much easier and easier to monitor the temperature and power, and, accordingly, the funds spent on electricity. In addition, the "scorpion" has a high coefficient of conversion of energy into heat.

Owners of a private house also face the problem of cold floors. Electric batteries or boilers warm up the air and interior items, but they can no longer cope with the floor.

The heat-insulated floor happens water and electric. What is the difference? In economy and level of complexity of installation. The water floor works by holding thin tubes in which warm water. Electrical - by passing an electric current. If we compare both types, we can safely conclude that a water-heated floor is more economical, but with the condition of working from gas boiler or central heating. The only difficulty is that such a system is quite expensive to install, but under conditions of long-term use, it more than pays off.

Electric underfloor heating will be more economical to use in small areas of the house. It's pretty easy to install. Not so long ago, an infrared floor heating system appeared. It also works on electricity, but consumes less electricity. This is achieved through larger area heating and a small thickness of the screed. In addition, the same electric floor can be more or less economical depending on the finish.

What to choose?

The most economical boiler is an electrode one, but with all the installation conditions observed. You can save great money on the Scorpion electric boiler, due to its mode of operation. In addition, the "scorpion" has a power control function, which also goes to the pluses of efficiency. In small rooms, you can get by with electric batteries, the so-called convectors. On the large area a private house is most economical to carry out heating from an electric boiler and a water heated floor.

Heating the house in winter - required condition to ensure comfort. Consider a question that is often of interest to owners of cottages and private houses that are not connected to gas supply - the feasibility of using an electric boiler to heat your home.

Electric boilers for home heating

Modern electric boilers are different power and configuration.

This option, when the dwelling is heated using an electric boiler, occurs in the absence of gas supply in the area.

Heat supply with an electric boiler is remarkable in that it provides stable heat and at the same time maintains a constant air temperature in the room. The heated air is evenly distributed throughout the rooms of the dwelling, gradually warming up the walls, furniture and floors. A special function of the designs of electric boilers is the presence of temperature control, taking into account power consumption.

Electric boilers are not the most economical heating system.

Many experts consider the combination of traditional water heating with an electric boiler to be much more economical than heating using heaters. infrared systems. We bring to your attention such a calculation, since there is a theory, but there are also practical calculations, as they say, live.

Electricity consumption for heating a small real house, the area of ​​​​which is 60 square meters, using systems infrared heating went out about 900 kW per month. Water-type heating of the same house (in which the heating system was reconstructed and an electric boiler was installed) at the end of the month showed an consumption of 500 kW. And this is far from an isolated example.

Stationary electric heating device

A stationary electric heater type appliance, which is designed for space heating, is offered by manufacturers in various models that differ in power and voltage.

Heating with an electric boiler is a worthy replacement for the radiator water heating method. An important advantage over other types of heating is its relatively low price and real safety. Electric boiler:

  • environmentally friendly, it does not produce harmful emissions into the air;
  • since there is no source of open flame, it does not have a corresponding fire hazard;
  • installation of the boiler is simplified due to the fact that it is not necessary to install an additional exhaust system for exhaust gases;
  • It should also be noted that there is no need to prepare additional area for storing combustion products, as in other systems;
  • significantly reduces the cost and labor costs for the installation and installation of heating equipment;
  • during operation, electric boilers are easily controlled and practically do not produce noise;
  • boilers are also distinguished by a very high coefficient of performance (COP). In some types of electric boilers, the efficiency, provided that the heating system is properly installed, reaches 96 - 98 percent;
  • new boilers of the latest developments have automated system management. These types of boilers do not need extra care in operation.

Thermoelectric heater in electric boilers is the main working part in the heat exchanger. The new generation of electric boilers for heating is equipped with additional devices necessary for automation - a temperature sensor, a power regulator, which in many ways makes the electric boiler easier to operate.

If in a nutshell to tell the work of an electric boiler, then it looks like this. The heater heats up the coolant (let's say it's water), which, in turn, circulates in the system, while heating the air through the pipes and batteries in the room. In cases where natural circulation water is problematic, it is used, by means of a pump, forced circulation.

Parameters of the electric boiler and its connection


The electric boiler of modern design has many parameters, but the most important parameter when choosing is boiler power. It is selected according to your parameters:

  • heated area;
  • wall material;
  • quality and availability of thermal insulation.

Mains voltage

We have two types of electric boilers for heating a house with a power supply of 380 and 220 volts. Smaller boilers are usually rated at 220 volts (single-phase connection), while larger boilers, about 12 kW and above, are rated at 380 volts (three-phase connection). Depending on where the boiler is located, it divided into types:

  • floor;
  • wall.


Most of the new models of electric boilers are aesthetic, compact and environmentally friendly, so they do not need to be allocated for installation and operation of a separate room.

Installing an electric boiler in the house is not a difficult undertaking. It is easily portable, if necessary, it is easy to dismantle and rearrange it to another place, since these boilers are enough light, compact and mobile.


Installation of the heating apparatus is carried out quite quickly, boilers are mounted in cottages and private houses area up to 700 square meters. It is really possible to install the boiler with your own hands. When registering and registering, as well as registering an electric boiler, you need much less various kinds approvals and documents than, say, required for a gas-fired boiler. Nevertheless, it is necessary to know that before installing the boiler, it is necessary to get an agreement with the operating organization. In most cases, this will be Energonadzor.

It is necessary to install a wall-mounted heating electric boiler using anchor bolts or dowels.

Accordingly, the floor electric boiler must be mounted on the floor and on a special stand. Having mounted the boiler on site, it is necessary to connect it to the heating system using adapters and couplings, observing the tightness. Before connecting to the heating system, it is necessary to shut off the water with a ball valve or other shut-off valves.

After you have connected the electric boiler to the heating system, you need to start connecting the electrical wiring. AT without fail it is necessary to install an RCD and a circuit breaker of the required ratings in order to protect the boiler from possible short circuits and leakage of power to the ground.

Draw your attention to! Like any electrical installation, the electric boiler must be grounded! For your safety.

The cross-sections of the wires connected to the electric boiler must comply with the manufacturer's recommendations and withstand the electrical power consumed. After connecting the boiler to the power supply, water is drawn into the system and its operation is tested.

Buyer opinions


Of course, the heating apparatus cannot be called the most economical, but if you do not have centralized heating and there is no gasification, this is a completely acceptable and logical way out.

Also, an electric boiler is good because it is compact and does not take up much space, besides, it is environmentally friendly and works without noise.

Buyers note its compactness, which does not require the installation of additional pipes for the chimney. In addition, electric boilers have other advantages.

  1. It is the absence of harmful substances.
  2. Easy to manage, and the ability to work offline.
  3. Any malfunction with the help of automation immediately blocks further work.
  4. The electrical apparatus for your home independently regulates the possibility of maximum heat supply so that spontaneous combustion and short circuits do not occur.


As a disadvantage, users note a relatively high cost compared to gas, but at the same time, compared to imported coal and a home stove, it comes out cheaper.

Electric heating boilers reviews and prices

I have an electric boiler with a capacity of 14 kilowatts that heats my house with an area of ​​140 square meters. I am very glad acquisition.

A good electric boiler, if I have a power outage, as, for example, last year, due to heavy snowfall, the electricity was turned off, so my neighbors broke down the entire heating system, even though they have a gas boiler, but electrically dependent automation, and I have everything is in order, as there is an uninterruptible power supply and a small gas generator. So I'm not dead.

Due to its compact size, I didn’t really bother with the installation site, and there were fewer problems with paperwork for registration.

There is no smell of burning, no soot and dirt. I love. I recommend electric boilers for home heating to everyone. Thanks to my husband for installing the electric boiler.

The pricing policy for electric boilers varies depending on the power and additional devices. It is approximately from 10,000 rubles to 40,000 rubles. On average, an electric boiler for a house of 100 square meters will cost about 20,000 rubles. Consumer reviews indicate that pricing goes by the wayside when all the advantages and benefits of this installation are listed in the reviews.


  • Safety and environmental friendliness. In such devices for heating the coolant, the combustion process is not used, which means that there are no harmful emissions into the atmosphere and there is no need for chimneys.
  • Compact and easy to install. The boiler can be placed in almost any room, including in a residential area (wall models). To connect to a power source, the presence of an electrical network is sufficient.
  • Silent operation and durability. Models with electronic control and soft start do not create additional noise, and stepwise automatic power adjustment depending on the set temperature and alternate switching of heating elements contribute to an increase in the total resource and efficiency.
  • High efficiency. The efficiency of electric boilers is usually at least 93%, and for best models 99% and above. Under certain conditions, they can even seriously compete with gas varieties.
  • Ease of operation and maintenance. Management is simple and clear, it can be carried out directly on the boiler panel or using remote room regulators. If there is a display, a self-diagnostic function is usually supported. Easy access to the main components simplifies the repair or replacement of individual elements.


  • Big costs electricity. Given its high cost, the long-term use of electric boilers of decent power can be quite expensive.
  • The need to equip the premises with appropriate communications. Here, the ability to connect to a three-phase power supply (for varieties with a power of 12 kW or more), and competent selection of the cable section, and the presence of the correct automatic machines, and protection against voltage surges are also important.

For some reason, it is in private households that networks are most often characterized by instability, which is the most common cause of failure. electronic boards and even heating elements.

Summarize. Which electric boiler is better to buy?

About electric boilers there are a lot of rumors - they say, expensive, and even break often. But these problems are easy to prevent. It is enough to carefully insulate your house (to minimize heat loss), install an inlet water filter, carry out regular maintenance and connect the heating boiler through a voltage stabilizer. It is not necessary to constantly keep the device on maximum power. And in this case, you will have to pay for electricity much less than it seems. All models of electric boilers mentioned in our rating have step-by-step power adjustment, these models are reliable, they have almost no complaints from buyers and service masters. Choose any and keep your home warm!

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