I-beam: what is it, advantages, application, features, prices. Why do I need a steel I-beam

What is a duplex? If you say plain language, then this is a beam that has a certain shape and is made of special profile steel. Depending on the design features, it may look like the letter "H".
it primary view steel structures that are used in the construction of both industrial buildings and civil buildings. In order for all structures and floors of buildings to meet certain requirements, it is necessary to know what dimensions, weight and design features an I-beam has. This article will help you understand all these subtleties.

The most common application of steel I-beams is found in the construction of buildings, industrial warehouses, bridges, aircraft hangars, pipelines and other structures. This is due to the fact that the metal consumption of beams, due to the selection of the required dimensions and weight, as well as a certain section selected in a certain way, is always much more efficient than that of a simple hot-rolled beam.

They are also used in construction (as floor elements), in the automotive industry, as well as in the construction of columns, overhead tracks, road overpasses. But the most common application is the use of these beams in the installation of frames with large spans in the construction of industrial buildings.

Main advantages

In order for the rigidity and load-bearing capacity of an I-beam structure to exceed the capabilities of a rolled profile, an I-beam 30 or 20 should be used. Most often, rolled metal beams no larger than 60B are produced.

The weight of the resulting structure is reduced compared to the rolled structure by up to 10% when choosing a beam 30, which is quite easy to choose the desired length.

One bistal beam I-beam may include different brands metal: from high-strength steel they began to make those that are more stressed, and from low-carbon steel - less stressed. This significantly affected the price, such designs began to cost much less.

It should be noted the possibility of waste-free use of I-beams, since it is possible to order an I-beam required. Experts have calculated that by reducing waste, you can save up to 15%.

Dimensions of I-beams with characteristics (range)

All required dimensions I-beams, if necessary, can be found in special GOSTs. This document describes the main characteristics and geometric dimensions for different items. Of all the items presented, a list has been compiled, which is called the assortment. After looking at this assortment, you can find out what I-beams exist, as well as a description of their main parameters. The assortment also introduces some “axioms”, which are some immutable truths, and they must be known and remembered:

  • Is always transverse section I-beam should be the same with the specified parameters in the drawings. The designation and existing standards must be presented in a form that is understandable to all.
  • The dimensions that are given in the tables of the range of I-beams must match their nominal dimensions (here we mean all the main parameters, such as mass, weight and cross-sectional area), and, of course, others must be the same physical characteristics.
  • Accuracy in rolling I-beams must be observed. They are divided into two different types. Increased accuracy - B and normal accuracy - C. If other rolling options appear, then this is not acceptable, and in this case it is considered a substandard I-beam.

The sizing, as well as the types of I-beams, are determined by the rental numbers, which can be represented by the following numbers: 10, 12, 14, 16, and so on.

Weight calculation

To determine the weight of an I-beam, it is imperative to know its two components. You should know its number, which must comply with GOST, and be in the assortment table, which indicates the main design parameters. There you can also find out about its mass and cross section.

But it must be remembered that only the conditional mass of an I-beam is indicated in the tables. To be more precise, the tables indicate the mass of just one running meter. If it is necessary to calculate the I-beam (required quantity), then this will have to be done independently. In this case, you can use the tabular data that are indicated in the range of I-beams.

Example for calculating the weight of the required number of I-beams

Let's say that you have 3 meters of an I-beam at number 10. We open the weight table and find the necessary data: a running meter of an I-beam 10 conditionally weighs 9.46 kilograms. You just have to multiply on a piece of paper or using a calculator the amount of I-beam you have (in our example - 3 meters) by the found value of the conditional weight of a running meter (9.46), the result will mean the total weight of an I-beam (in our example - 28.38 kg).

So, everyone understands that in order to carry out practical calculations, it is necessary to have reference data on the conditional weight of a running meter (in accordance with GOST), which the table of I-beams contains.

What else do you need to know

To understand what an I-beam shelf is, just look at its drawing. If you look at it carefully, you can see that it has only two shelves. And the design of the shelves is such that they look absolutely identical to each other. As for their sizes, they are also determined by the existing GOSTs.

For shelves in I-beams, their dimensions also matter. First of all, these are parameters such as the width of the entire shelf and its thickness. Usually, reference information on these two parameters can also be found in the range of I-beams.

Important parameters when calculating loads

As is already clear from the drawings, the section of the I-beam should form a characteristic figure certain form. It has already been pointed out earlier that the cross-sectional shape is similar to the letter "H".

But for professionals, in order to get an I-beam calculation, this characteristic does not play important role. Here, such a parameter as the cross-sectional area comes to the fore. This information can also often be found in the relevant GOSTs, it is indicated in the range of I-beams.

How much does an I-beam 30 weigh

To answer this question and find out how much it will weigh this species metal products, it is best to refer to the I-beam weight table or look at GOST. The assortment determines how much only one linear meter of the product of interest weighs.

The weight of an I-beam 30 according to GOST is a kind of standard that all manufacturers, without any exceptions, who produce rolled metal products must be guided by.

This state of affairs suits all consumers very much. In this case, if there is a standard, then you can order a certain brand of products and be sure that the dimensions and other characteristics will be the same for I-beams from different manufacturers. For the most part, the mass of an I-beam implies the weight of one running meter.

If you follow the parameters and indicators specified in GOST, then the weight of an I-beam 30 will be 36.5 kg, and the weight of an I-beam 20 will be 21 kg per linear meter.

With the weight of an I-beam, everything seems to be clear, but sometimes, in addition to weight, it is necessary to obtain information on other characteristics of metal structures. In this case, if there is a drawing, then it is better to navigate by it.

Here are some values ​​of the weights of one linear meter of different I-beams from the assortment table.

I-beam 10 - 9.46 kg one running meter

I-beam 12 - 11.5 kg one running meter

I-beam 14 - 13.7 kg one running meter

I-beam 16 - 15.9 kg one running meter

I-beam 18 - 18.4 kg one running meter

I-beam 20 - 21 kg one running meter

I-beam 24 - 27.3 kg one running meter

I-beam 30 - 36.5 kg one running meter

Drawing - a clear presentation of information in a visual form

The use of drawings when performing calculations is convenient already because the information does not look confusing, but is presented in a clear and understandable form. All conventions very well read and recognized.

By these designations, later, you can easily understand the reference information in the table of I-beams, because they are just built in accordance with the symbols. Thus, the symbols are associated with geometric characteristics and dimensions, which, in turn, are tied to the physical parameters that an I-beam has.

For example, consider the main notation for characterization:

h - basically this letter denotes the height of the structure most often. Very often, it happens that some builders replace the concept of the height of an I-beam with a width. If people have been working with each other for a long time, then, of course, they understand that the width of an I-beam means its height. But when they say - the width of the I-beam, but at the same time they name the parameter of its height, it sounds very illiterate.

b- this letter indicates the width for the I-beam shelves. This concept also very often goes through a transformation in the mouths of builders, and most often, you can hear the “width of the edges”. This name is also incorrect, so it’s better to immediately get used to speaking correctly - the width of the I-beam shelves.

s - here too, confusion often occurs, but it would be more correct to call this parameter - the wall thickness of the I-beam.

t - it should be emphasized that this parameter means the average thickness of the I-beam flange. It is necessary to remember this, because often in different places of the beam there can be a different slope between the inner faces. In other words, in different places of the beam there can be different thickness, small at the end of the shelf and slightly larger in those places where the shelf is in contact with the I-beam wall.

If you look in the directories, then there under the data letter designation indicate exactly the average thickness of the shelf, which is measured in certain places.

R - this letter describes the radius of the internal rounding of the I-beams. This designation arose in the process of manufacturing I-beams. Since the inner edges of the shelf are connected not at an angle, but with a slight rounding. This rounding and its radius are also spelled out in GOST.

r is also a radius, but denoting the rounding of the shelf. The outer face of the flange of the described I-beam is a flat surface, and the inner face is made with a slight rounding at the transition to the end of the flange. The radius of this rounding is indicated in GOST, and is also presented in the assortment table as reference information about lutaurs. Each number of the corresponding I-beam has its own radius of curvature for the shelf.

Thus, knowing all the characteristics and parameters of metal beams (in particular, I-beams), one can easily carry out various calculations for building needs. And if the correct calculation of the I-beam is made, then this means that all structures in which I-beams will be used will be very reliable and in demand.

Modern metal plants produce a large number of rolled metal for strengthening construction projects. This product has a different purpose, depending on the size and strength. The most durable type of rolled metal is an I-beam. It is used in the construction of very massive structures, as the beam can easily cope with heavy loads.

Features and purpose

I-beam- This is a metal product with a section in the shape of the letter "H". It consists of two shelves and a wall connecting them. The name of this rolled metal comes from the Latin word "taurus". Translated into Russian, taurus means "bull". That is, in literal translation, this type of rolled metal is called a two-horned beam.

Steel is used to make this product. As a rule, it is low-alloy or carbon steel, depending on the purpose of the future product. This rolled metal is produced by hot-rolled method.
The I-beam is used in industrial and civil construction. With its help reinforce:

  1. Roofs of varying degrees of complexity.
  2. Interfloor ceilings in apartment buildings.
  3. Columns of complex architectural objects.
  4. Steel trusses for civil and industrial buildings.
  5. Mine shafts.
  6. Railway wagons.
  7. Bridges and other objects built on a solid steel frame.

Also, with the help of this beam, reliable crane racks, masts and monorails are created.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of this rolled metal is its strength and reliability. These characteristics are associated with the shape of the section of the product. After all, the section in the form of the letter "H" significantly increases the rigidity of the product. If we compare an I-beam with a conventional one that has square shape in the context, the first will be much stronger and tougher. The strength index of such products even exceeds that of the channel.

High strength characteristics are associated with the distribution of mechanical load on metal structure. With a section in the form of the letter "H", the load is evenly distributed over the entire beam, and is not concentrated at certain points. Therefore, when using this rolled metal product, the risk of rapid wear and destruction is eliminated. steel frame. Consequently, an I-beam can be used in the construction of very massive objects subject to huge loads. The main thing is to choose the right product sizes.

In addition to strength characteristics, it is worth considering other advantages of using this rolled metal. The most important of them:

  1. Profitability. Due to its rigidity, the I-beam reliably reinforces large objects without requiring the use of auxiliary reinforcement. If you chose a different type of reinforcing profile, you would have to buy more of it in order to ensure the structure is resistant to destruction. In the case of an I-beam, this is not necessary. Therefore, you can save on metal rolling.
  2. Light weight. The section in the form of the letter "H" significantly reduces the mass of this rolled metal. At the same time, its strength characteristics increase markedly, in comparison with the same characteristics of more rigid square products.
  3. Resistant to bending and compression. Due to these advantages, the I-beam tolerates vibrations well and can be used in the construction of heavy bridges.
  4. Possibility of mounting by welding. Welding elements steel structure significantly increases the speed of work and reduces the time of delivery of the object.
  5. The constancy of geometric characteristics. Since the rigidity of the I-beam is due to its shape, any changes in it would lead to a decrease in the strength of the frame and the destruction of the building. This is excluded when using this rolled metal. After all, it does not deform even under too high loads.
  6. Ease and economy of transportation. To transport more massive rolled metal, you would have to rent several Vehicle. In the case of this product, it is possible to reduce the amount of transport. After all, the specific shape of the I-beam contributes to compact installation, and its low weight allows you not to worry about overloading.

Like any other rolled metal, an I-beam has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. Let's consider the main ones:

  1. Poor resistance to fire. If a fire breaks out at your facility, any delay in extinguishing it will have a detrimental effect on the strength of the structure. When the situation gets out of control, the building may even collapse.
  2. Weak corrosion resistance. Carbon and low alloy steels are susceptible to rust, so these materials must be treated with protective agents. And even after proper processing, the beam is not recommended for use in conditions of high humidity (for example, for the construction of underwater bridge supports).
  3. Impossibility of application on too large spans. In the absence of additional supports, the bearing capacity of the I-beam is noticeably reduced. You need to pay maximum attention to this feature of rolled metal products when developing a project.
  4. Very low torsion resistance. This shortcoming observed in all products with an open section. For example, a channel and a corner have it. The torsion resistance of a beam is about 400 times lower than that of round pipe with the same cross section. If the frame of your future object will be subjected to twisting, it is better to choose a different type of rolled metal for reinforcement.


An I-beam happens for various purposes. Depending on the application, it has certain characteristics. For example, this rolled metal is produced with parallel or inclined shelves. In the first case, we are talking about ordinary rolled metal, and in the second - about special. Products with parallel shelves are marked "U", "W", "D" or "K". It stands for:

  1. "U" - a product with narrow shelves.
  2. "SH" - rolled metal with wide shelves that can withstand heavy loads.
  3. "D" - I-beam with medium shelves.
  4. "K" - products intended for the construction of columns. These beams are heavy and are characterized by the highest degree of strength.

An I-beam with inclined shelves also happens for different purposes, depending on the angle of inclination and the cross-sectional area. It is marked with the letters "M" or "C". Products marked "M" are intended for the construction of overhead tracks. The angle of inclination of its inner faces should not exceed 12%. Beams marked "C" are used to strengthen mine shafts. For these I-beams, the angle of inclination of the inner faces can reach 16%. Coefficients of 12% and 16% are maximum performance for the corner of this product. They must not be exceeded in the process of manufacturing rolled metal products.

In addition to the width of the shelves and their angle of inclination, the I-beam is classified according to the degree of accuracy. This indicator speaks of tolerances on dimensions during rolling (a table of dimensions and deviations is available in GOST 8239-89). The degree of accuracy is marked on the product with the letter "C" or "B". If the mark “B” is indicated on the beam, then this is a product with the usual manufacturing accuracy. The letter "B" indicates increased accuracy. Such products are suitable for complex tasks that require the absence of even the smallest errors. In its manufacture, it is very important to observe the allowable indicators of wall deflection, blunting of the outer edges and curvature of the product itself.

The state standard specifies the following accuracy criteria:

  1. Permissible deflection of the wall - no more than 0.15.
  2. The blunting of the outer edges is no more than 2.2 mm (for category "B", this indicator does not matter for ordinary beams).
  3. The curvature of the product is not more than 0.2% of its length.

The accuracy of other characteristics (the height of the I-beam, as well as the width, thickness and skew of the shelf) depends on the category of the product (“C” or “B”) and its dimensions. All these coefficients are given in the table in GOST for rolled metal products with normal and increased manufacturing accuracy.

Dimensions and weight

In the manufacture of an I-beam in without fail the requirements of GOST 8239-89 are taken into account. In these requirements, the dimensions of products are regulated and their dependence on each other is seen. For example, in a finished beam, the following parameters are interrelated:

  • cross-sectional area;
  • radii of internal rounding;
  • shelf thickness;
  • the angle of inclination of the inner faces;
  • product height;
  • wall thickness;
  • shelf width;
  • shelf curvature radius;
  • product weight.

The value of these characteristics is not subject to change. For example, an I-beam marked "10" has a cross-sectional area of ​​​​12 square meters. see At the same time, its other characteristics should be equal to:

  • radius of internal rounding = 7 mm;
  • shelf thickness = 7.2 mm;
  • product height = 100 mm;
  • wall thickness = 4.5 mm;
  • shelf width = 55 mm;
  • shelf curvature radius = 2.5 mm;
  • product weight = 9.46 kg (meaning the weight of a beam 1 meter long).

In the manufacture of rolled metal of this type it is necessary to observe all the listed dimensions, since they are interconnected with each other. If at least one dimensional characteristic changes (for example, the length of the wall increases or the width of the flange decreases), the strength of the beam will noticeably decrease. This means that rolled metal cannot be used in construction works ah, because it will become too unreliable. Such a beam will break under any physical or seismic loads, which will lead to the destruction of a house, bridge or other object.

According to GOST 8239-89, an I-beam can have a cross-sectional area from 12 to 138 square meters. cm (depending on the size, the I-beam is marked with the numbers "10", "12", "14" ... "60"). The largest product from the state standard has the following characteristics:

  • radius of internal rounding = 20 mm;
  • average shelf thickness = 17.8 mm;
  • I-beam height = 600 mm;
  • jumper thickness between shelves = 12 mm;
  • width of each shelf = 190 mm;
  • permissible radius of curvature of the shelf = 8 mm.

With such dimensional characteristics ah, the weight of the product should be 108 kg per meter. As a rule, beams are produced with a length of 4-12 meters, while their length depends on the cross-sectional area of ​​​​rolled metal. How more area, the longer the length. But there are exceptions. For example, if a customer needs beams of a shorter length, he can order them directly from the manufacturer.

It is also possible to change other characteristics when making to order. If in GOST 8239-89 the maximum cross-sectional area of ​​​​an I-beam is 138 sq. see, this does not mean that you will not be able to get more massive products, if necessary. The state standard provides calculations in a limited range. Any other calculations are performed by engineers individually. That is, the customer turns to the manufacturer and leaves a request for the manufacture of the products he needs. Then the production process begins according to the following scheme:

  1. Calculations of dimensional characteristics are performed. When calculating these characteristics, their relationships with each other are observed, as in the products considered in GOST. Also, experts determine the permissible error rate, depending on the degree of accuracy of the product. In the process, engineers take into account not only the dimensions of the beam, but also its coefficients such as the moment of inertia, the static half-section moment, the moment of resistance and the radius of gyration. Only if all these characteristics are observed, you can get a high-quality, durable product.
  2. Drawings are being made. If you have your own drawings, you do not have to pay for this service. But keep in mind that the creation of such documentation requires a very deep knowledge and experience in such work. Therefore, do not order a service from dubious specialists, focusing on low price. Remember that the strength of your I-beam and the entire building that you are going to reinforce with beams made according to the drawings will depend on the correctness of the calculations.
  3. An I-beam is made in the required quantity.

Where could I buy?

If you are interested in an I-beam, you can buy it here. This is the site of our company "MS" - a metal depot that sells rolled products of any type. Here you will find products with heights from 100 to 691 mm. The catalog includes products with narrow, medium, normal and wide shelves. We can also offer you column and special beams. The list of available products and their characteristics are available for viewing on the website.

If you have not yet decided on the choice of a rolled metal supplier, check out the advantages of our company. They attract new clients to us every day. Our main advantages:

  1. Cooperation with leading steel plants of the Russian Federation. We do not purchase goods from dubious persons, so we can confidently say that we sell high-quality metal products.
  2. Big choice products. You will find an I-beam of any size in the catalog, therefore, you do not have to wait for its manufacture. In addition, we have a lot of other types of metal products, not just beams. If you are a professional builder, you know that I-beams alone will not be enough when building a large object. You will have to buy rebar and other rolled products. Cooperating with us, you will do it at the same time, without delaying construction work and without overpaying for delivery.
  3. Affordable prices. Since we take the goods directly from the steel mills, and not through intermediaries, we do not have to purchase them at an increased price. Accordingly, our customers receive rolled metal products at the manufacturer's price.
  4. Operational support. If you do not know which I-beam is suitable for your application, ask our specialist for help. He will find you a product with optimal characteristics.
  5. Promotions and sales, allowing you to save on your purchase.
  6. Useful additional services. We not only sell rolled metal, but also deal with its welding and cutting.

To order an I-beam, specify the cost of the product and expect delivery. If you have specified an address in St. Petersburg, we will deliver the goods with our own car. In other cases, the products will be sent by a transport company suitable for you.

The photos used in the article are for illustration purposes only and do not represent the company's products.

An I-beam or simply an I-beam is one of the most popular types of metal-rolling or woodworking products in construction. First of all, it is intended for the construction of the foundation of the structure (framework), which will be the key to the strength of the entire structure.

It is a steel or wooden profile, having an H-shaped section. Thanks to this section, it is able to withstand higher loads at less weight and cost. This explains the high popularity of this material in construction.

metal beams

Any metal I-beams are made in strict accordance with the requirements of GOST and TU, so they have a regulated shape and composition. Thanks to this, having necessary documentation, you can easily calculate the required dimensions and parameters of the I-beams required for a particular design.

The geometric characteristics are:

  • Height- this is the distance between two flat areas, called shelves, in the cross section of an I-profile.
  • Width- this is the length of the I-beam shelves.
  • Wall thickness- this is the thickness of the middle plane located between the shelves. This parameter is one of the most important, since the bearing capacity and strength of the I-beam directly depend on the wall thickness.
  • Average shelf thickness. The shelves of the I-beam are not rectangular, but have irregular shape. Towards the ends of the shelf, they narrow, and in the middle of the shelf, to the place where it adjoins the wall, they expand inward. Therefore, the average shelf thickness is calculated using the following formula: shelf width minus wall thickness divided by four.
  • Inner radius- this is the parameter of the shelf rounding at the place where it adjoins the wall. Due to the fact that the shelf adjoins the wall not at a right angle, but along the radius, its strength characteristics increase. Shelf radius. Since such a thickness is not required at the ends of the flange and the main load goes to the center of the beam on the wall, the flanges of the I-beam narrow in radius.
  • The slope of the inner part of the shelf. The shelf can also go at a certain angle along the inside, expanding towards the center.

The technical characteristics of the I-beam directly depend on these parameters, therefore all of them are prescribed in GOST and must be performed in strict accordance with them.


The main feature of the I-beam is its shape. Thanks to her, he has unique physical and technical characteristics. This form is very convenient to use - because it has two parallel flat edges (shelves).

Therefore, its application is very wide. It is used both in the construction of vertical (supports, walls) and horizontal structures(overlaps). Another shape-dependent feature of an I-beam is its physical characteristics. She possesses high rates strength to dynamic and static loads.

For example, a metal I-beam is seven times stronger and 30 times stiffer than a rectangular or square profile of the same weight. And its rigidity directly depends on the length and thickness of the wall.


Metal I-beams are the basis of many modern designs. They have been widely used in past centuries, earning a reliable reputation. Therefore, their use can be found almost everywhere.

They are used in the construction of residential, industrial and commercial premises, hangars, various technical structures, mechanical engineering, automotive, car building and so on.

Due to the high strength, resistance to dynamic loads and bearing capacity they also apply:

  • during the construction of supports for structures with a high load (towers, high-rise buildings, platforms, and so on);
  • in the construction of railway and road bridges;
  • in the mining industry, in the construction of mines.

Advantages and disadvantages

First of all, it should be said that according to the production method, welded and hot-rolled I-beams are distinguished. Hot-rolled are made by rolling steel and giving a metal blank an I-shaped shape.

Welded are obtained by welding three separate flat elements that form the wall and shelves. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of hot rolled are:

  • solidity;
  • lack of seams;
  • simplicity and low cost of production.

As a result, it has higher strength and reliability.

The disadvantages of hot rolled steel include:

  • Large wall thickness. Due to the thickening of the walls, the mass of the I-beam itself increases, and as a result, the entire structure as a whole. Which can lead to an increase in construction costs (for example, when pouring a foundation, a reinforced belt).
  • Size limitation. Russian factories produce beams with a flange width of no more than 400 millimeters. In addition, they are produced in a certain length - 12 meters. And if, for example, you need a smaller beam, you will have to cut off the excess and throw it away. In this case, its value increases.
  • Possibility of production only at large enterprises. If the construction site is located in the city where such a plant is located, then this is a plus. But if not, then transportation costs are included in the cost of a monolithic beam.

The undoubted advantages of welded are:

  • Possibility to choose the right size. Thanks to this, it is possible to order a beam of the required length, flange width and wall height. As a result, the client pays only for what he needs and for almost any size.
  • Additional design features. Depending on the requirements of the customer, the welded beam can be made with different flanges, flange connections, additionally reinforced with stiffeners, perforated and have a bimetallic composition.
  • Relatively light weight. The welded beam is a lighter structure, saving additional cash at foundation work and building walls.

The disadvantages of welded are:

  • The presence of seams. This significantly reduces the strength of the structure. Especially if the welding has a defect. But if necessary, it can be reinforced with stiffeners.
  • Use of additional parts for reinforcement. The use of rebar or other material in the creation of stiffeners leads to additional costs of money and time, which leads to an increase in cost.


As already mentioned, I-beams metal beams differ in the production method: hot-rolled and welded.

They also differ in the main geometrical parameters (wall height, shelf width, shelf and wall thickness, inner and outer radii or slope of the inner side of the shelf).

According to these parameters, there are the following types beams:

  • normal (denoted B and DB);
  • wide-shelf (W or LH);
  • narrow (U);
  • columned (K);
  • monorail or bridge (M);
  • special construction (C);
  • additional (D).

Dimensions and weight

Since all I-beams are produced in accordance with state standards, all metal-rolled beams are assigned numbers 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60 Each number corresponds to a specific beam with specific dimensions and weight.

For example, beam number 10 has the following parameters:

  • height - 100 mm;
  • width - 55 mm;
  • wall thickness - 4.5 mm;
  • average wall thickness - 7.2 mm;
  • radius of internal rounding - 7 mm;
  • shelf curvature radius - 2.5 mm;
  • the weight of one running meter is 9.64 kg.

But with number 60 it will have the following parameters:

  • height - 600 mm;
  • width - 190 mm;
  • wall thickness - 12 mm;
  • average wall thickness - 17.8 mm;
  • radius of internal rounding - 20 mm;
  • shelf curvature radius - 8 mm;
  • the weight of one linear meter is 108 kg.

Table of dimensions and weights of metal I-beams

wooden beams

Wooden I-beams have a similar metal shape, but still differ geometrically from them. They consist of two rectangular wooden bars (shelves) and an OSB board (wall). Sometimes plywood or timber is used as the material for the wall.

The main distinguishing feature of wooden I-beams is the combination of strength and lightness. Compared to conventional wooden I-beams, with the same weight, they can withstand a much greater load. Thanks to this, the whole structure is noticeably lighter.

A wooden I-beam is mainly used in the construction of private frame and frame-panel houses. They are also used in the construction of partitions, and in roofing.

Advantages of wooden I-beams:

  • strength;
  • rigidity;
  • ease;
  • moisture resistance;
  • correct geometry;
  • ease of installation;
  • low thermal conductivity.

Disadvantages of wooden I-beams:

  • in comparison with steel, they are inferior to them in strength;
  • in Russia there are no standards for the use of OSB (the manufacturer can use ordinary instead of moisture resistant).

Dimensions and weight

Due to the ease of processing of the materials used, the dimensions of the beams can be practically any. This also applies to the height and thickness of the wall, the width and thickness of the shelves. But maximum length beams can be no more than 16 meters.

Moreover, it is recommended to lay at least three supports longer than 8 meters. Its weight depends on the materials from which it is made (OSB board, plywood, various breeds tree). Basically, it varies from 3.5 to 10 kilograms per linear meter.


With the ability to use welding machine it is possible to manufacture I-beams from steel. The main thing is that all the seams of the surfaces to be welded are of high quality, then the beam will be reliable and will last for decades.

The steel beam manufacturing process is as follows:

  • Calculation of the required thickness of the wall and shelves based on the required strength characteristics. This can be done using data for factory beams. But you should make allowances for the quality of the steel and the weld.
  • Cutting steel sheets according to given sizes.
  • Welding of the beam itself. This process is the most responsible. Indeed, strength depends on the quality of the seam, and the evenness of the surfaces of the shelves depends on the accuracy of observing the right angle.
  • Welding to the finished I-beam reinforcement or steel plates as stiffeners.
  • Processing seams from scale and processing metal with primer and paint.

If there is no welding skill or such great strength is not required, then wooden I-beams can also be made. In addition, their manufacture is much simpler and does not require special skills.

For this you will need:

  • wooden bars- they will act as shelves;
  • OSB board or plywood (10-20mm) - they will go to the wall. Better take moisture resistant materials This will avoid problems in the future. If a wall of greater thickness is required, then the sheets can be glued together and further strengthened with self-tapping screws. The main thing is not to twist a lot of screws in one place - this will weaken the structure.

The manufacturing process of such a beam takes place in several stages:

  • selection of materials;
  • saw cut (the main thing is to observe the correct geometry);
  • assembly with the help of special glue and fasteners;
  • treatment special impregnations or painting.

Interfloor ceilings made of wooden I-beams


Steel beams are most often welded together, but this is not always applicable. In addition to the sash, a bolted or riveted connection is also used. If necessary, the docking points are additionally reinforced with steel plates.

Not a single building object, whatever its purpose, can do without the use of floor beams. Its function as an engineering structure is to successfully redistribute vertical and horizontal loads during its own bending work.

I-beams are a type of structural steel made from high quality steel. Steel can be either low alloy or carbon steel. This type of long products is in the form of a bar oriented horizontally or obliquely. Or, in simple terms, a steel I-beam structure is a rolled product of a certain shape, made of profiled steel of a special design. The shape is determined by it design features. Most often, it looks like the letter "H". This form enhances the strength of the structural elements and gives additional rigidity. Where are I-beams used?

I-beam: application

A metal I-beam made of steel is better known as an element of the ceilings of the frames of industrial buildings with large spans. They are also used in the construction of bridges and other overhead paths, columns and other in all those places where there are increased loads and they need to be resisted. They perceive the load from the vertical transverse impact, which is simultaneously reflected on the walls, columns and other supports.

A wooden analogue of a steel I-beam is used in frame housing construction. It should be noted that in recent times it was often used in the design of buildings as a design element.

Their correct calculation provides a greater efficiency of metal consumption than this indicator for a conventional hot-rolled design. When installing an I-beam, the weight is reduced load-bearing structures which reduces construction costs. I-beams are also used in heavy engineering when creating heavy equipment.

Their low weight combined with extremely high rigidity makes them ideal option for use as a basis for highly loaded buildings.


Note that I-beams are much stiffer than square profiles and corners.

Types of I-beams

In the designs of I-beams, the inner edges of the shelves can be inclined or parallel. , which has an I-beam, characteristics, dimensions are mainly determined by the distance between parallel (P) or inclined (U) external faces.

Standard sizes and GOSTs:

  • I-beam GOST 26020 83 is characterized by parallel edges of the shelves. This standard includes I-beams with a height of 10–100 cm and a shelf width of 5.5–40 cm. According to the latter parameter, they are classified into: narrow-shelf (U), normal (B), medium-shelf (D), wide-shelf (W) and columned (TO). Columned I-beams differ in almost the same profile height and shelf width.

I-beams, characterized by inclined faces, are classified into:

  • ordinary (GOST 8239 89) - restrictions on the slope of the inner faces are about 6–12%;
  • special (GOST 19425 74) - M: overhead tracks with an inclination angle of not more than 12% and C: for reinforced mine shafts with an inclination angle of up to 16%.

A product made in accordance with GOST fully complies with the parameters of the drawing, that is, it has a given cross section, shelf dimensions (height, width and thickness) and more.

Marking: how to decipher

Let's start with two numbers at the beginning of the marking. They mark the height in centimeters of a particular group of profiles. The following indices are alphabetic, they indicate the type of profile in accordance with the width of the shelves, for example, U, K, etc. If the profiles in the group differ in the dimensions of the walls and shelves, then the size of the profile in the series is indicated in the marking. For example, marking an I-beam with parallel edges may look like: 25B, 100Sh, 35K, 24DB1.


Metal I-beam is made in stages. First of all, the metal is cut into strips of the required dimensions. To improve the penetration, the edges are cut on a special machine. Prepared strips are mounted on an assembly mill. They are placed on the input conveyor, clamped, positioned and fixed. The assembly is completed by welding on a special machine. It is welded with two sets of submerged arc welding heads. An I-beam basically consists of three elements. Waist seams are welded welding machines, and the stiffeners are welded across more often manually, in extreme cases - semiautomatically. Welded structures are assembled different ways: using clamps and tacks or in a special jig.

metal I-beam: production process

The finished I-beam is cleaned of rust, grease, dirt and other deposits using a shot blasting machine. After that, the quality of its coating of paint and varnish is noticeably improved.

When constructing a structure, the seams of the belts are sometimes welded along manual technology. Then the assembly sequence completely changes. First, a vertical wall is mounted on the belt in the lower part of the structure, followed by stiffeners. They are captured and the belt is mounted in the upper part. Assembled structure clamped with clamps and proceed to welding.

on the photo is a metal beam I-beam

The most critical stage of installation is the joining of I-beams. The seams of the belts in both directions from the joint are not welded to a length one and a half times greater than the belt width. The joint of the I-beams is welded in the following order: the joints of the vertical wall, two belts are welded, first the one that works in tension, then the second one that works in compression. The joint is completed by welding the seams on the belts in those areas that remained unwelded.

In construction, an I-beam, GOST, is very often used, the technical characteristics, as well as the manufacturing features of which will be discussed in this article.

1 I-beam - description and purpose

Given its name structural element received thanks to a specific design. Just a T-shaped profile is called a brand, and since the section of this beam resembles two letters "T" connected by tails, then, accordingly, it is called an I-beam. In principle, its section is also similar to the letter "H". It is characterized by increased strength, so when compared with a standard rectangular profile, it will be 7 times stronger and almost 30 times stiffer. But we will talk about its advantages in more detail a little lower.

Thanks to these excellent features, this structural material has found its wide application in the construction industry, especially in the construction frame houses. In addition to the well-known metal products, there are also wooden I-beams. Compared to other lumber, such elements will not bend even when exposed to heavy loads. They are also completely resistant to deformation, which allows them to be used in almost any design. If we are talking about a house, then they are used for mounting both the floor and the ceiling with walls. And the price is not very high, one might say, even pleases.

In principle, by design, there are three types of I-beams, these are ordinary, wide-shelf and columned. The first one has ribs with a height ranging from 10 to 60 centimeters, while the thickness of the shelves is increased so that all external forces that fall on the ribs can be compensated. The rigidity of these structures is relatively low, so their length cannot exceed 19 meters.

As for wide-shelf, these are products that have a ratio of the width of the shelf to the height of the beam profile in the range of 0.4–0.6, while the latter parameter can reach one meter. The strength characteristics of I-beams of this type significantly outperform the former.

However, the column view can rightfully be called especially strong, since a powerful steel profile is used for its production, which allows such a beam to withstand a load measured in tons. True, this property was also reflected in the weight of the product, they are much heavier than the types described above, and therefore it is more advisable to use them for the construction of columns.

2 Characteristics of I-beams and GOST

Since this construction material is used in very critical structures, then the manufacture of I-beams is carried out strictly in accordance with state standards. Thus, everything is taken into account to the smallest detail, from allowable slope internal edges of the shelves, the value of which should not exceed 12% for hot-rolled products and ending with such parameters as the allowable moment of inertia, resistance, etc. You can familiarize yourself with them in more detail by opening GOST 8239-89.

In addition, parameters such as the permissible wall deflection are calculated, it should not exceed 0.15S, and the maximum arc curvature is 0.2% of the product length. I-beams are made of ordinary and increased accuracy, class B and B, respectively. But this is far from the only standard, there is still GOST 19425-74 for hot-rolled special I-beams, they are divided into the following types:

  • for overhead tracks (the angle of the inner edges of the shelves is not more than 12%);
  • products used in reinforcing mine shafts with an angle of up to 16%;
  • and the latter, which have found their application in the automotive industry, in this case, the angle does not exceed the threshold of 10%.

There are also I-beams with a parallel arrangement of shelves, they also have their own GOST 26020-83, which specifies all the parameters and requirements for this product.

When buying I-beams, be sure to pay attention to their number, you can use it to find out the height of the profile, as well as the performance of the product. Moreover, it is desirable that it be at the beginning of the table. When the characteristics of the product differ from the calculated ones by more than 5%, then such an element is not suitable, since it simply cannot withstand the load, which will lead to very disastrous consequences.

3 Production of I-beams - process features and materials

The production of an I-beam is carried out by welding three main elements. The result is waist seams. In order for the product to have maximum strength values ​​\u200b\u200band be sufficiently reliable, welding is carried out on both sides. In this case, both output and lead-in bars are used during the creation of the weld. And without fail, make sure that the elements are located strictly perpendicular and fit snugly enough. Another manufacturing method is rolling on special mills.

Basically, their production is expedient to carry out at large enterprises in large quantities. And all because in the manufacture of small batches you have to buy relatively expensive equipment, this makes the cost of the finished product more expensive, and, consequently, increases its market price. Thus, if you decide that with a great desire you will succeed with your own hands, then it is better to say goodbye to this idea, since it is almost impossible to recreate all the conditions at home, and even test it for strength.

So, as already mentioned, I-beams can be not only metal, but also wooden. For them, only calibrated dry materials are used. These are glued beams and OSB, as well as oriented strand boards. All this is nothing but products of wood origin, which are designed specifically for use in the construction industry. They have sufficient resistance to external influences of various nature and mechanical strength.

Metal I-beams are mainly made of low-alloy and carbon steels. The former have slightly improved mechanical properties, corrosion resistance, but the cost of the latter is lower, which determines their advantage. In addition, carbon steels have a low modulus of elasticity. Both those and others are sufficiently rigid, which allows them to be used in load-bearing elements of various designs.

4 Where and why is an I-beam used?

Regardless of the material of the product, such beams are very reliable, because it is quite difficult to compete with their level of strength and rigidity. At the same time, this building material is relatively light, with the exception of some types, and can be easily transported. The cost of the beams is not very high, which is also a significant plus, and working with them is incredibly easy. Installation of metal products is usually carried out quite quickly by welding, bolts and rivets are also used for this purpose. In addition, if necessary, you can order a beam that will match individual sizes, however, in this case it is necessary that the necessary ratios between its indicators are observed.

The disadvantages may be as follows: the likelihood of corrosion, however, there are different ways of processing metal to protect it from such a defect. If speak about wooden products, then they are flammable, but again, after special treatment, this drawback can also be eliminated.

I-beams have a number of advantages that make them indispensable element in construction, especially in the construction of houses, as well as industrial buildings for frame technology. In addition, due to its low weight, such a building material has found its wide application in the installation of premises. attic type, for truss systems, as well as during the construction of a roof of absolutely any complexity.

They are involved in the installation of load-bearing structures of houses made of natural wood, flights of stairs. Special column-type I-beams are indispensable in the construction of columns and bridges. Still sometimes they are involved in the reinforcement, for example, mine shafts. Thus, it is clear that an I-beam is a rolled metal product, without which it is difficult to imagine modern construction.

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