Teaching reading to preschoolers. Teaching reading to preschoolers in a playful way: for a child who does not want to learn

Among huge selection Methods of teaching reading according to Nadezhda Zhukova’s method are very popular. Her method is adapted for self-study by parents and children at home. Tutorials N. Zhukova are affordable and can be purchased in almost all bookstores. Let's try to figure out what's special about this technique and why it's so popular.

From the biography

Nadezhda Zhukova is a well-known domestic teacher, a candidate of pedagogical sciences, and has extensive speech therapy experience. She is the creator of a whole series of educational literature for children, which is published in multi-million copies. Lots of it scientific works published not only in Russian, but also in specialized publications in other countries.

Nadezhda Zhukova conducted a lot of research with preschool children, carefully studying the progressive processes of their speech development. She has created a unique technique with which children can quickly learn to read and easily move from it to writing. In her method, N. Zhukova teaches children to correctly add syllables, which she uses as a single part in reading and writing in the future.

Sales of her modern “Primer” exceeded 3 million copies. From these figures, according to statistics, we can conclude that every fourth child learns to read using it. In 2005, it was awarded the title of “Classical Textbook”.

In the 1960s, Nadezhda Zhukova was an active worker in an initiative group that dealt with the creation of specialized groups for children with problems and disorders of speech activity. Now they are like that speech therapy groups and entire kindergartens with this bias are widespread not only in our country, but also in the CIS countries.

Features of the technique

In creating her own special method, N. Zhukova took advantage of her 30 years of speech therapy work experience. She was able to build a successful combination of teaching literacy with the ability to prevent mistakes children make when writing. The textbook is based on a traditional approach to teaching reading, which is supplemented with unique features.

In speech activity, it is psychologically easier for a child to isolate a syllable than a separate sound in a spoken word. This principle is used in N. Zhukova’s technique. Reading syllables is offered already in the third lesson. Due to the fact that at the very beginning of learning to read, this process for children is a mechanism for reproducing the letter model of a word into a sound one, the child should already be familiar with letters by the time he learns to read.

It is not worth teaching your child all the letters of the alphabet at once. The baby's first acquaintance should be with vowels. Explain to your child that vowels are singing letters and can be sung. Start by studying the so-called hard vowels (A, U, O). After the baby has become familiar with them, you need to start adding up: AU, AO, OU, UA, OU, OA, OU. Of course, these are not syllables, but it is with this combination of vowels that it is easiest to explain to the baby the principle of adding syllables. Let the child, helping himself with his finger, draw paths from letter to letter, singing them. This way he can read the combination of two vowels. Next, you can start memorizing consonants.

Then, when you start teaching your baby to read, explain to him how to determine by hearing how many sounds or letters you have pronounced, which sound in a word sounds first, last, second. Here N. Zhukova’s “Magnetic ABC” can help you in learning. With its help, you can ask your baby to lay out the syllables you pronounce.

You can also feel the letters and trace them with your finger, which will contribute to their tactile memorization. When the baby learns to merge syllables, you can invite him to read words with three letters or words with two syllables. (O-SA, MA-MA).

In Zhukova's "Bukvara" parents will be able to find mini-studies on learning each letter and recommendations for learning to add syllables. Everything is written in accessible language. In order to use them, parents do not necessarily have to have Teacher Education. Absolutely any adult can conduct the lesson.

A preschooler is able to perceive information only in a playful form. For him, playing is a calm environment where no one will scold or criticize him. Do not try to force your child to read syllables quickly and immediately. For him, reading is not easy work. Be patient, show affection and love to your baby during training. This is important to him now more than ever. Showing calm and confidence, learn to add syllables, simple words, and sentences. The child must master the technique of reading. This process is not fast and difficult for him. The game will diversify learning, relieve you from the boring task of studying, and help instill a love of reading.

Your patience and calmness will help your child master reading faster.

Starting age

You shouldn't rush things. It is quite normal that a 3-4 year old child is not yet capable of learning. In that age period You can start classes only if the child shows great interest in reading activities and shows a desire to learn to read.

A 5-6 year old child will have a completely different attitude towards this. IN preschool institutions training programs are designed to teach children to read syllables. However, children are not always able to assimilate information received in a large group. Many children require individual lessons in order for them to understand the principles of adding syllables and words. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to work with your child at home. By coming to school well prepared, it will be easier for your child to endure the adaptation period.

It is important to take into account psychological readiness to learning to read. Children are ready to start reading only if they already speak well. correctly form sentences in their speech, phonemic hearing is developed at the proper level. Children should not have hearing or vision problems or speech therapy problems.

Learning to read should begin at the age when you see the baby's interest and feel that he is ready

Sounds or letters?

Getting to know letters should not begin with memorizing their names. Instead, the child must know the sound that is written with a particular letter. No EM, ER, TE, LE, etc. there shouldn't be. Instead of EM, we learn the sound “m”, instead of BE, we learn the sound “b”. This is done to facilitate the child’s understanding of the principle of adding syllables. If you learn the names of the letters, the child will not understand how the word DAD is obtained from PE-A-PE-A, and the word MOM from ME-A-ME-A. He will not add the sounds that are indicated by the letters, but the names of the letters as he has learned, and accordingly he will read PEAPEA, MEAMEA.

Learn vowels and consonants correctly

Don't start learning letters in alphabetical order A, B, C, D... Follow the sequence given in the Primer.

First of all, learn the vowels (A, O, U, Y, E). Next, you should introduce the student to the hard voiced consonants M, L.

Then we get acquainted with dull and hissing sounds (K, P, T, Sh, Ch, etc.)

In N. Zhukova’s “Primer” it is proposed next order learning letters: A, U, O, M, S, X, R, W, S, L, N, K, T, I, P, Z, J, G, V, D, B, F, E, b , I, Yu, E, Ch, E, C, F, Shch, J.

The sequence of learning letters presented in Zhukova’s primer will help you easily adapt to school curriculum training

Reinforcing the material we have learned

Repetition of previously learned letters at each lesson will contribute to the faster development of the mechanism of competent reading in children.

Reading by syllables

Once you and your child have learned a few letters, it's time to learn how to form syllables. A cheerful boy helps with this in the “Bukvar”. It runs from one letter to another, forming a syllable. The first letter of the syllable must be pulled out until the baby traces the path along which the boy is running with his finger. For example, the syllable MA. The first letter is M. Place your finger at the beginning of the path near it. We make the sound M while we move our finger along the path, without stopping: M-M-M-M-M-A-A-A-A-A-A. The child must learn that the first letter stretches until the boy runs to the second, as a result they are pronounced together, without breaking away from each other.

Let's start with simple syllables

The child must understand the algorithm for adding syllables from sounds. To do this, he needs training first on simple syllables, such as MA, PA, MO, PO, LA, LO. Only after the child understands this mechanism and learns to read simple syllables can he begin to work on more complex syllables - with hissing and voiceless consonants (ZHA, ZHU, SHU, HA).

Stage of learning to read closed syllables

When the child learns to add open syllables, it is necessary to begin learning to read closed syllables, i.e. those in which the vowel comes first. AB, US, UM, OM, AN. It is much more difficult for a child to read such syllables; do not forget about regular training.

Reading simple words

When the child understands the mechanism of adding syllables and begins to read them with ease, the time comes to read simple words: MA-MA, PA-PA, SA-MA, KO-RO-VA.

Watch your pronunciation and pauses

In the process of learning to read, it is necessary to carefully monitor the child’s pronunciation. Pay attention to the correct reading of the endings of words; the child should not guess what is written, but read the word to the end.

If on initial stage In teaching, you taught your child to sing syllables, now the time comes to do without it. Make sure your child pauses between words. Explain to him what punctuation marks mean: commas, periods, exclamation and question marks. Let the pauses between words and sentences that the baby makes be quite long at first. Over time, he will understand and shorten them.

By following these simple rules, you can teach your child to read quite quickly.

Popular books for children by N. Zhukova

In order for parents to be able to teach their child to read and write using her methods, Nadezhda Zhukova offers a whole series of books and manuals for children and parents.

This includes:

"Primer" and "Copybook" for children 6-7 years old in 3 parts

The copybooks are practical application to the Primer. The syllabic principle of graphics is adopted as the basis. A syllable acts as a separate unit of not only reading, but also writing. The recording of the vowel and consonant letters acts as a single graphic element.

"Magnetic ABC"

Suitable for both home use, and for classes in children's institutions. A large set of letters allows you to compose not only individual words, but also suggestions. Attached to the "ABC" guidelines for work, they are supplemented with exercises for teaching children.

"I write correctly - from the Primer to the ability to write beautifully and competently"

The textbook is suitable for children who have already learned to read syllables together. It is also necessary that children can identify the first and last sounds in a word, can name words based on the sound that was named to them, and indicate the location of a given sound in a word - at the beginning, in the middle or at the end. The book is designed to demonstrate the creativity of the teacher who studies it. The proposed sections can be expanded or narrowed; the number of oral and written exercises is varied by the teacher. At the bottom of some pages you can see guidelines for conducting classes. A bunch of story pictures, offered as illustrations for the textbook, will help the child not only easily learn the basic principles of grammar, but also develop oral speech.

"Lessons on correct speech and correct thinking"

The book is suitable for children who already read well. Here you can read texts of the classical genre. For parents, there is a detailed methodological description of classes based on the book. A system for working on the text is attached to each work for its analysis. With its help, children learn to think, understand hidden subtext, explain, and discuss. You can also see the meaning of words unknown to the child that are in the children's dictionary. Also The author introduces children to famous poets and writers, teaches them how to read this or that work correctly.

"Lessons in penmanship and literacy" (educational copybooks)

A manual that complements the other elements of N. Zhukova’s system. With its help, the child will be able to learn to navigate on a sheet of paper, work according to a model, trace and write independently. various elements letters and their compounds. Tasks are offered for sound-letter analysis of words, adding missing letters in a word, writing uppercase and lowercase letters, etc.

"Speech therapist lessons"

This textbook is characterized by a system of lessons that is understandable not only for teachers and speech therapists, but also for parents, with the help of which it is possible to achieve clear speech in children. The proposed exercises focus on developing only one specific sound. Thanks to this, classes are held with great effect. The level of speech development of the child with whom they begin to study is not so important. For all children, classes will have positive result. Perfect for activities with children of any age.

"I speak correctly. From the first speaking lessons to the Primer"

The activities, arranged in a certain order, which are offered in this manual, are suitable for use in the activities of teachers, speech therapists and parents working with children 1-3 years old.

The main goal of this teaching aid is to develop curiosity in children, the desire to learn new things, develop intelligence and perseverance.

1 part- these are fables and stories. They continue the texts given in the Primer, only a more complex version is proposed.

part 2- information for the young naturalist. It offers information from encyclopedias about the main characters of stories or fables.

Part 3 represents fragments of poems by great poets. In each passage there is a relationship with any fragment of part 1 of the book. This could be a poem about the seasons of one of the stories, about the animals of one of the fables, the weather, etc.

For a review of Nadezhda Zhukova's primer, watch the following video.

Didactic games and exercises for teaching reading.

Didactic games and exercises for teaching reading to preschool children using information technology.

Purpose of work: didactic games intended for older children and preparatory groups kindergarten, additional education teachers, parents.

Target: Create motivation in children to study at school.
1.Develop cognitive activity.
2.Consolidate knowledge of letters and sounds.
3.Activate the dictionary
4.Cultivate the desire to achieve a positive result.

Description of work: Modern information Technology make reading learning accessible and interactive. The child not only sees vivid, memorable images, but can also actively interact with the educational program. These games are aimed at creating motivation in the child to study at school.
In exercises - games with letters, children repeat and consolidate their knowledge of letters and sounds, remember the spelling of printed letters - their image. The use of these games assumes development in children 5-7 years old logical thinking, memory, imagination, creativity, curiosity.
Exercises and games for teaching reading and memorizing letters are built taking into account age characteristics and have different level difficulties. Some children cannot complete all tasks the first time. You can skip the task that caused difficulty and return to it later. Also, these games allow you to determine what causes difficulties for a child and individually select appropriate materials and exercises for him. After all, in preschool age The level of development of a child often depends on who, how and how much works with him.
There are several types of tasks in exercises - games with letters and syllables. The tasks use words well known to the child, consisting of 2-3 syllables. Syllables consist of two letters, a vowel and a consonant. As a rule, the child does not have any difficulties completing such tasks.
Assignments can be supplemented at the discretion of the teacher.

Game 1.

Fill in the missing letter and read the words.

Game 2.

Connect the syllables to form the word shown in the picture.

Game 3.

Connect the syllables with arrows and name what you get in one word.


Make words from letters.

Game 5.

Make up the names of two flowers using letters.

Today I would like to talk about the very first games for teaching reading. They are suitable primarily for children who still cannot read at all ( you can play now from 1.5-2 years ), but, of course, they will also be useful for those who have already learned a little continuous reading.

I want to say right away that there will be no games here like coloring and modeling all the letters of the alphabet in turn from plasticine. In mine, I already wrote that a child who has memorized individual letters using the alphabet or in any other way subsequently experiences many difficulties in combining them into syllables. Therefore, I want to invite you to play not with letters, but immediately with warehouses (MI, BUT, TU...) and in short words. With this approach the child constantly sees ready-made letter combinations before his eyes, plays with them, rearranges them, and, as a result, quickly remembers . At first, only visually, then he tries to reproduce it himself. As a result, the child does not experience problems with merging letters; he immediately reads the letter. But, interestingly, during such games the child remembers all the letters.

What do you need for games?

So we will play:

  1. with warehouses (not to be confused with syllables)

The concept of a warehouse was introduced by Nikolai Zaitsev (creator of the well-known Zaitsev cubes). Unlike a syllable, which can consist of either 4 or 5 letters, a warehouse is considered a minimally pronounceable unit. The warehouse can be:

  • fusion of consonant and vowel (YES, MI, BE...);
  • separate vowel as a syllable ( I-MA; KA- YU-TA);
  • separate consonant in closed syllable(KO- Sh-KA; MA-I- TO);
  • consonant with soft or a firm sign(M, D, S...).

In the game you can use both Zaitsev's cubes and cards with warehouses written on them. I’m not going to try to persuade you to buy expensive Zaitsev cubes now. Yes, this is an interesting and useful manual, but if you do not have the opportunity to purchase them, do not worry, you can make a huge number of manuals at home with only cardboard and markers.

  1. with words written according to the warehouse principle.

You can either write words by hand with a felt-tip pen or print them on a printer. So that the child sees not only the whole word, but also learns to analyze its composition, we will highlight warehouses in it. It is not advisable to separate warehouses using additional symbols (separate them with dashes, circle them), it is best to highlight them different colors. You don’t need to use all the colors of the rainbow; take two colors that are similar in shade, for example, blue and cyan or dark green and light green. You will also need black. We write the first warehouse in one color, the second in another, the next one in the first color again, etc. But! The shock warehouse is always highlighted in black, as it is heard “brighter”.

What words should I write on the cards?

The main essence of this approach to teaching reading is to show the child that letters and words are not meaningless squiggles, they represent very specific objects, and you can play with them just like with familiar toys.

Basic principles of games

There is one very sure way to discourage a child from reading - this is to constantly test him: “Tell me, what letter is this?”, “Read what is written here!” Having shown a letter to a child a couple of times, we expect that by the third time he will already name it, or even better, read the word with its participation. If you want to really interest your child in reading, then put off at least for a while trying to examine your child and just read with him!

It is natural that a child just beginning to become familiar with the world of letters cannot read a word. Therefore, when showing your child words, do not require him to read them, but at first read for it yourself! You can also trace the letters with your baby’s finger. After some time, the child will definitely begin to recognize words and phrases and will repeat them after you.

Sometimes a word needs to be read slowly, highlighting each word in it, sometimes it is necessary to name the entire word so that the baby learns to perceive the words as a single whole.

While reading, you can name individual letters (for example, if you don’t like the warehouse approach), but in this case it is advisable to pronounce not the name of the letter (“el”, “ka”), but the sound that corresponds to this letter (“l”, "To").

Games for learning to read

1. Opening windows

There is probably no child who doesn’t love books with opening doors. Children love surprises, they love to open and find something, so they are happy to return to this game again and again.

The game manual is easy to make at home. To do this, you will need two sheets, on one of them draw or stick pictures, on the other (preferably cardboard), cut windows in the appropriate places and sign the words. Glue the sheets together. Here you can DOWNLOAD our template with pictures.

For the first manual, it is enough to write the most simple words like BE-BE and MU-MU, but later you can make a manual with words that are more difficult.

How to play? First, together with the baby, we read the inscription, then the baby looks under the flap and, looking at the picture, makes sure that he read the word correctly.

2. “Big wash”

First you need to prepare a “clothesline”, securing it, for example, between the legs of two chairs, as well as a small box or basket for “dirty laundry”.

When everything is ready, we inform the baby that Mishka / Cheburashka / Bunny has decided to erase the words. Now you need to help him dry them by securing the words on a rope with clothespins. After this, we begin to take words out of our “dirty laundry basket” one at a time, read them together, running our fingers along the folds, and fasten the words on a rope.

Fascinated by clothespins and the process of drying clothes, the baby will unnoticeably get acquainted with letters and folds. This game has been one of Tasya’s favorites for a long time.

3. Who says what?

Surely you already have a lot of soft and non-soft toys at home, among which there will definitely be one representative of the fauna. They will be needed for this game.

Write on the cards “KRYA”, “MU” and other onomatopoeic words that correspond to the animals you have. Then invite your child to read the words on the cards together and give them to the animals so they can sing their song. Each of our toys, when receiving their card, merrily sang something like “OONK-OCK-OCK, I live in the village.”

Another option: you can offer your child a choice of 2-3 cards and ask him to show where, for example, the word “WOOF” is written. Usually, after some time of regular practice, children quickly begin to recognize the word cards.

4. Postmen

Imagining ourselves as postmen, words can be delivered in a basket, in a box, in a purse, or delivered by car. Give your words-letters to toys living in different angles rooms: “For you, bear, “HOME”, and for you, Masha, “YULA”. And, of course, before handing out the letters to the recipients, do not forget to read them carefully with your child.

5. Zaitsev’s songs

Songs can be sung according to Zaitsev’s tables or by rotating the cube like this:

Before singing a song with your baby, it is better to practice rotating this ingenious cube in advance. After all, you need to turn it quickly and, moreover, in a certain direction: NU-NO-NA-NE-NY-N or DU-DE-DE-DE-DI-DE (vowels always go in this order).

The secret of the singing songs is that they are all similar to each other both in appearance and in hearing. If a child recognizes at least one consonant on a cube or at least one word, he can quickly reconstruct the entire chant from memory, and, accordingly, sing the entire cube.

As an alternative to Zaitsev's manuals, you can use video of singing from Mizyaki Dizyaki. The sequence of warehouses in the popevka is somewhat different from that of Zaitsev, but I think this does not fundamentally affect the result.

6. Different games with warehouses

WITH Zaitsev's cubes or with handwritten warehouses you can also come up with a lot of games. For example:

  • We place the animals in house cubes, while paying attention to the name of the house. “The bear will live in our house SO”...etc. After settling in, you can arrange a small role-playing game with going to visit each other.

  • The same game, only in flat version, without Zaitsev's cubes:

  • We hide a cube or a card with a warehouse under a blanket / under a table / around the corner and are sincerely curious, “Who will come to us now?”, “The SO cube has come to us!”
  • We transfer the cubes/cards from one container to another, while calling the written warehouse. The game is suitable for little ones.

  • We write the warehouses in large letters and lay them out around the room. Then we give tasks like the following: “Now let’s run to the house BEFORE!”, “Who will find KA faster, Tasya or Teddy Bear?”

7. Ticklers

We put together Zaitsev's cubes or write on a card some simple two-syllable word - MOTHER, GOAT, GRANDFATHER - and, saying, “Someone here has come to tickle you, I think it’s a GOAT!” tickle the baby. Before the baby is tickled, try to make sure that he still sees the word.

If you and your child like to glue, you can try making a homemade alphabet with him from an ordinary notebook. It is not necessary to include all the letters of the alphabet in such an alphabet; you can make only the most used letters or, conversely, those that the baby cannot remember. It would be good if each letter had a separate spread, but this is not important.

In our alphabet, next to each letter we pasted 3-4 pictures, which we always signed. Naturally, it is better to make such an alphabet when the child already recognizes the warehouses. Then, before labeling the warehouse, he will be able to choose the one he needs from several offered. It must be said that Tasya learned to recognize the necessary warehouses very soon after the start of classes, but to read them independently much later.

9. Words in a bag

We write a few words on cards and put them in an opaque bag (you can also use a pillowcase, a hat, or even an oven mitt). Then, together with the baby, we take out one word at a time, and, running our finger over it, we read it. Then, also one by one, we put the words back together. A child, as a rule, is very interested to see what is in the bag, so he starts looking for new words with pleasure.

10. Words in boxes

Similar to the previous game, you can play with boxes. In front of the baby, we put the word in the box, close it, shake it, knock on it, saying “Knock-knock!” Who's there?" and then we open the box and read the word. Words can also be hidden under a pillow, bucket, scarf. It is very interesting to hide words with your child, for example, from a bear, who will then look with interest to see what is there.

We sit in a circle, inviting a couple of toys or family members with us. We give everyone one word and read who got what. “I have a CAT, what about you?” and, if the baby doesn’t know how to read yet, we answer for him ourselves: “And Tasya has “PORRIDGE.” Make sure your child sees all the words. Then we suggest exchanging cards “Here’s a “CAT” for you, Mishka! And you give me the word “MOM”.

Thus, only a few words will be involved in your game, they will constantly be in front of the child’s eyes, and he will quickly learn to recognize them.

12. Playing with photo holders

An interesting version of the game can be created with photo holders, made in the form of animals or other interesting figures. At the back or top of these stands there are small clothespins into which it is convenient to place words.

A figurine holder (be it a bear or a frog) can carry words, showing it to its toy friends, and if you have several of these holders, it is very interesting to arrange an exchange of words between them. We often organized something like a dinner: we attached cards with “edible” words to our holders, they “read” them, and then, taking turns, they treated each other, including Tasya.

Well, this is only a small part of the games that can help your child start reading. Later I will try to continue the topic and publish other reading games, including for older children. Do not miss: In contact with, Facebook, Instagram, Email.

Have fun playing!

Being a parent seems to be more difficult today than ever. Society demands more and more from children, and in order to meet the priorities of the new time, family people have to work very hard. They need to be fully engaged comprehensive development your child. It is important to spend enough time and effort on this, to approach the learning process in a scientifically sound manner, and at the same time, in a childish playful way. Caring for a child carelessly is the same as not caring at all. Indeed, in this delicate matter, not only the result itself is important, but also the learning process, its comfort for the child, the child’s individual interest in the mechanism of play and learning.

One of the most important stages The development of any preschooler is the formation of reading skills. Today there are many methods that help teach this to a child. For example, there is a method for teaching reading to a preschooler in 15 lessons. Of course, whether you believe or not believe that you can effectively teach a child to read in just two weeks and is not traumatic for a child’s psyche is up to you. However, the existence of many high-quality methods is confirmed by practice. In this article we will look at some of them.

Traditional technique

This teaching method is still one of the most common today. With its help, most of today's adults acquired the skill of reading. Also, this particular technique is now used in absolutely all schools - it is universal.

According to this, it should be done in stages: first letters, then syllables, then words and so on. Awareness of the pattern of combining sounds into whole phrases comes to the child gradually, some take longer than others.

Also, a lot depends on the literal age of the child. A one-year-old baby is quite capable of remembering letters, but he will not be able to master the skill of reading. To do this, it is necessary to be able to understand the patterns inherent in this process, why so much Small child not able to.

Patience is required. Children often forget what they have just read. The process is new, and sometimes the child sets the pace of the lessons himself.

Main advantage this method is its reliability. Regardless of a child's abilities, he will learn to read anyway.

Zaitsev cubes

The technique under consideration helps to learn reading through the perception of syllables. It actively uses a variety of cubes, as well as colorful tables. According to some reviews, many parents have some difficulties. They are due to the fact that not everyone is able to decide how it would be correct to use all these teaching aids. Practice has demonstrated that this technique achieves its greatest effectiveness only when interacting in a group. Thus, classes using Zaitsev’s cubes in kindergartens and various development centers will help you get maximum results in minimal time.

Glen Doman Method

The considered method of teaching reading to a preschooler at home implies the skill of perceiving the whole word, and not any of its parts. In the territory Russian Federation this method became known only in the nineties of the last century. Preschoolers are trained using this method through the use of special aids and the most frequent and high-quality communication with the baby.

Advantages of the Doman technique:

  • Suitable for children of any age, even the smallest.
  • Preschoolers learn to read through play, which allows them to enjoy the attention of their parents and gain new knowledge.
  • The system effectively develops memory and provides valuable encyclopedic knowledge.
  • Many laureates Nobel Prize were raised using this technique.
  • Teaching reading to preschoolers in this way develops them in a very versatile way.

Disadvantages of Glen Doman's technique

Like any method of teaching a preschooler to read, Doman’s method has its drawbacks. They are as follows:

  • It takes a huge variety of cards to achieve the desired effect. This is extremely difficult and time-consuming if parents decide to make them themselves. Or you can purchase a ready-made kit, which can be somewhat expensive.
  • The method of teaching a preschooler to read recommends showing such cards to the child every day and more than once. In this case, cards that the child has already seen should be replaced promptly and correctly. If this is not done or done irregularly, the effectiveness of the technique may be significantly reduced. This becomes a problem if parents work full time and, accordingly, have other responsibilities, as well as if there are several children in the family.
  • All children are different. Many people find it difficult to sit in one place for a sufficient amount of time. Some children simply do not respond to any cards or quickly forget what they learned yesterday. Kids may try to take away the chew and spoil it. In such cases, this method of teaching a preschooler to read does not work.
  • IN primary school Difficulties may arise in your relationship with the teacher. This often happens to those children who are not taught using traditional technologies.
  • This is perhaps the main drawback. The baby is not an active participant in the process. Only one sensory system of the child is involved: only visual. Although the baby gains knowledge, he does not learn to reason and analyze. This method of teaching reading to a preschooler should be combined with other, more creative ones.

Step by step training

Teaching children to read consistently requires significant time and effort. It would be reasonable to divide it into a number of stages, which will facilitate the process of developing a new skill for the child. You will have to go through the following steps: the process of learning and memorizing individual letters; development of the ability to read syllables, regardless of their size and complexity; learn to understand the meaning of individual words; be able to understand the meaning of the text as a whole.

Memorizing letters

At the very beginning, the traditional method of teaching a preschooler to read is based on memorizing letters. To begin with, it is important to learn to distinguish them from each other and recognize them among other designations. The next step is reading them.

The method of teaching reading to a preschooler at home recommends that the child name consonant letters as they are pronounced (that is, sounds), and not as they are presented in specialized books. This will speed up the perception process and help the baby understand how to use this information in practice.

Teaching children to read at this stage involves concentrating the child’s attention on new material. To do this, you can hang up images of letters and objects associated with them in the preschooler’s room and throughout the house as a whole. It is also effective to pay attention to familiar signs in the names of signs while walking.

Reading syllables of varying complexity

This stage is fully reflected in Zhukova’s method of teaching reading to a preschooler. It is based on the perception of an individual syllable as a minimal unit. This helps to realize and remember the connections that exist between various syllables and how they should be pronounced. At this stage, the baby usually faces many difficulties. In order to help him cope with them, it is necessary to consciously make this stage of training as clear as possible.

It would be most preferable to speak slowly and clearly, while pronouncing the words as correctly as possible and asking the child to repeat everything after you. Then the baby will get used to the correct version of reading.

In no case should a child be taught to pronounce syllables separately or silently and only then combine them into a single whole. Unfortunately, such a habit can become entrenched in the mind for a long time, and it will be extremely difficult to get rid of it. This important nuance methods of teaching reading to preschoolers. Zhukova also focuses on this in her works.

Understanding the meaning of a word read

This stage is the basis for learning synthetic reading. Its basis is the assimilation of meaning. This is the basis for the Starzhinskaya method of teaching reading to preschoolers. The method in question is extremely effective and even necessary. After all, understanding the meaning of what you read becomes the key to reading fluently in the future. By the time the child reaches this stage, the child has enough skills to effectively learn the meaning of words.

It is important that now everything is read at approximately the same pace with which it is pronounced in ordinary daily speech. If this time stretches too long, then it becomes incredibly difficult for the child to guess or feel the meaning.

You need to start slowly, gradually increasing the pace. Each time you should clarify with your child what words are unclear to him and what needs to be explained.

Learning to understand the meaning of a whole text

This stage completes the traditional method of teaching preschoolers. Now it’s time to learn to simultaneously understand the meaning of everything the child reads. This requires quite a lot of time, so parents should be patient and not demand too much from the baby. Understanding content is a long and complex process.

Sometimes a child is able to read each word of a sentence absolutely correctly, but cannot understand its meaning. This is due to the presence of a complex combination in the phrase, which fully captured the baby’s attention. And sometimes a preschooler is simply not able to hold all parts of a sentence in his mind at the same time in order to form its meaning. You can overcome this difficulty by repeatedly rereading this text.

Another difficulty is trying to guess the meaning of a sentence based on the first association. And other children begin to constantly skip or replace letters in words. This is due to the fact that the preschooler perceives some general image of the word, using it for other similar linguistic units.

You should not force your child to re-read the same text over and over again. This forms an incorrect associative chain, creating an aggressive-negative attitude of the baby towards this process.

It is important to carefully work through each stage. This directly determines how the child will read in the future and how competently he will write.


The development of your children is entirely in your hands. Of course, today it is not so easy to find time to spend quality time with a child, but nothing should be more important for parents. Therefore, sufficient time and attention should be given to the process of researching and finding a reading teaching method that is suitable for your child.

Sometimes failures will happen. They are inevitable. This has happened to every child, and to you too. This does not mean that your baby is developing worse than others or will never learn to read fluently and understand texts clearly. These failures only indicate that the wrong choice of methodology was made, or parents pay insufficient attention to the process, or classes are held irregularly, or the essence of the method does not contribute to the concentration of attention of this particular child. In any case, you should not be angry with the baby; this is absolutely not his fault. Be reserved, patient, friendly. It is important to be at the same time with your child. If you are one team, victory is close.

Many people today prefer to choose traditional methods training, which combine the methods of Zhukova and Starzhinskaya, and in general imply the gradual formation of skills. Such techniques have collected a colossal amount positive feedback, they are simple and reliable. Every child can master reading with their help. Only the time required for this may differ.

Newer techniques, such as Zaitsev's cubes and the Doman method, are not suitable for every child, but this in no way detracts from their effectiveness. To implement each of them, a certain amount of props is required, for example a certain amount of cards, cubes, tables. They are used as visual material for better perception new information. As a rule, such methods of learning are positively perceived by children, since they have an obvious play element. The child does not get tired so quickly and is easily involved in the process. A special effect can be achieved if training takes place in a group. The successes of others motivate a child much more than simple personal interest in this process.

It may not be possible to choose the appropriate method the first time. Failures are inevitable. However, don't despair. Your child's well-being deserves every effort you make!

Hello, friends! What are you complaining about? Is your child's reading technique poor? Okay, we'll treat you. Keep the recipe. I am prescribing for you special exercises on the development of reading techniques. Take regularly, several times a day. And the reading technique will firmly stand on its feet, and then leap forward.

Such magical exercises really exist. And if you try, you can find hundreds of them on the Internet. different techniques, approaches, methods. To be honest, my eyes widen, and my brain begins to slowly boil. You don't know what to choose.

In order to protect my readers from such problems, I allowed myself to make the choice myself. The article included only the most interesting and tasty, in my opinion, exercises that will undoubtedly help raise reading technique to the level envisaged. I do not claim their authorship; they were developed by professionals: teachers, psychologists, professors.

But I claim to be the author of their names. They are too boring in the original version. Agree, “The Mystery of the Missing Sentence” sounds much more fun than “Visual Dictation by Professor I.T. Fedorenko." And it will certainly arouse greater interest among younger students.

Lesson plan:

List of exercises

And here he is! List of special reading exercises:

  1. "Half a watermelon"
  2. "Lost Letters"
  3. "Very sharp eye"
  4. "Sherlock"
  5. "Through the Looking Glass"
  6. "Mad Book"
  7. "The Birds Have Arrived"
  8. "Partisan"
  9. “Oh, once! Again!"
  10. "The Mystery of the Missing Proposal"

Exercise 1. “Half a watermelon”

Ask your child if, after seeing half a watermelon, he can imagine what a whole watermelon looks like? Of course, the answer will be yes. Now suggest conducting the same experiment with words.

Take a book and an opaque ruler. Cover one line in the book with a ruler so that only top part words Task: read the text, seeing only the tops of the letters.

Move the ruler higher and show only bottom part words Let's read. This, by the way, is already more difficult.

For very young schoolchildren, you can offer another version of the game. Make cards with simple words. And then cut these cards into two halves along the words. You need to connect the two halves correctly.

How is it useful? Aimed at developing anticipation. Anticipation is foreknowledge. This ability of the brain, which gives us the opportunity, when reading, not to read absolutely all the words and letters. The brain already knows that they are there, so why waste time on them? Anticipation can be developed; it makes reading fluent, conscious, and easy.

Exercise 2. “Lost letters”

Another exercise to develop anticipation.

Letters and words sometimes get lost. But even without some letters and words we can read. Shall we try?

Write on paper, print or write with a marker on a special board the phrases that you see below.


New... T-shirt.


Red... cat.

Here's another phrase:

Bobik ate all the cutlets

He doesn't share......

And here are some more:

Ok-ok-ok - we will build.......

Yuk-yuk-yuk - ours is broken......

Exercise 3. “Eye is a diamond”

Look at the picture and draw the same rectangle. Place numbers from 1 to 30 in the cells, in random order, but not one after another. The numbers should be randomly scattered across the cells.

The schoolboy looks carefully at the picture with the sign.

The counting is even, not too fast, but not too slow.

Child's task:

  • on the count of one, find and point to one with your finger;
  • on the count of two - deuce;
  • three - three, etc.

If a child hesitates with some number, then the score is not waiting for him, he needs to catch up, look for it faster. For kids, you can draw smaller signs, for example, 3X3 or 4X4.

What is the point of the exercise? It is aimed at increasing the viewing angle. In order to “catch” with your eyes when reading not one letter, not one word, but several words at once, or an entire line. The wider we look, the faster we will read.

One table can be used two or three times, then the arrangement of the numbers needs to be changed.

Exercise 4. “Sherlock”

Place the words on a piece of paper. Very different, not very long. In no particular order. Kind of scatter them across the paper. Name one of the words and ask the child to find it. Words could be, for example:

frame, jelly, spoon, chair, horse, gold, soap, pen, mouse, mouth, knee, dog, summer, lake, cancer

Each next word will be found faster than the previous one. Since, while trying to find one word, the student will read others along the way and remember where they are. And that's all we need.

Thanks to Sherlock, the viewing angle increases. And reading speed.

Exercise 5. “Through the Looking Glass”

We found ourselves in a world through the looking glass, and everything is the other way around. And they even read everything not from left to right, but from right to left. Shall we try?

So, we read the lines in the books from left to right. Let me clarify, there is no need to turn the words themselves around. There is no need to read “tomegeb” instead of “behemoth”.

With this method of reading, the meaning of the text is lost. Therefore, all attention is switched to the correct and clear pronunciation of words.

Exercise 6. “Mad Book”

Tell your child that sometimes some ill-mannered books behave rather strangely. They suddenly take it and turn upside down.

The child reads aloud. After a while you clap your hands. The child's task is to turn the book upside down and continue reading from where he left off. At first, you can make marks with a pencil so as not to get too lost in the text. And so on several times. Two, three full turns of the book.

If your student is still only in 1st grade, or maybe in 2nd grade, but reading is still very difficult, then you can read not a book with texts, but short simple words printed one after another on paper.

What will it give? Eye coordination and the ability to navigate through text will develop. A letter standard will be formed. And the processing of information by the brain will improve.

Exercise 7. “The birds have arrived”

Show your child the phrase “the birds have flown.” And ask to read it:

  • calmly;
  • joyfully;
  • loud;
  • quiet;
  • sad;
  • with irritation;
  • with fear;
  • mockingly;
  • with anger.

Exercise 8. “Partisan”

The student reads the text (or individual words, if he is still very young) aloud. You say: "Partisan". At this signal, the student takes a pencil into his mouth (presses it between his lips and teeth) and continues to read to himself. At the signal “The partisan has escaped,” we take out the pencil and read aloud again. And so on several times.

Why is this? To eliminate pronouncing words while reading silently. Talking is the enemy quick reading. So you need to remove it. And when a pencil is clamped in your teeth, you won’t be able to speak.

Exercise 9. “Oh, once! Again!"

For this exercise we will need a stopwatch and a text to read.

Read for 1 minute. We pay attention to reading speed, but you can forget about expressiveness for now. Ready? Go!

The minute is up. Stop! Let's make a mark where we left off.

Let's rest a little and read the same text again. Go! In a minute we make a notch. Wow! Already more.

What will happen the third time? And the third time will be even better!

What does this give us? Increase reading speed. And the child's motivation. He will see for himself that he is capable of more.

Exercise 10. “The Mystery of the Missing Sentence”

In order to solve the mystery, we will need cards with sentences (look at the picture). There are 6 cards in total. Each has one sentence. The font is large and easy to read.

Let's prepare a notebook and pen. Let's start the exercise:

  1. Show your child the first card.
  2. The student reads the sentence and tries to remember it.
  3. After 6 - 8 seconds, remove the card.
  4. The child writes the sentence in a notebook from memory.
  5. Show the child the second card, etc. until the sixth sentence.

What's the point here?

As I already said, this is not actually a game, but visual dictations developed by Professor I.T. Fedorenko. There are 18 such dictations in total. Each has six sentences.

In our example, I used the very first dictation. What is their feature? Please count the letters in the first sentence of the dictation. There are 8 of them.

In the second - 9,

in the third - 10,

in the fourth and fifth 11,

It's already 12 in the sixth.

That is, the number of letters in sentences gradually increases and eventually reaches 46 in the last sentence of dictation 18.

You can easily find the texts of Fedorenko’s dictations on the Internet. One dictation can be used twice, three times, if the child cannot do everything correctly. By the fourth time everything usually works out.

It is convenient to use Microsoft Power Point to complete this exercise. The one in which presentations are usually made.

By playing "The Mystery of the Missing Proposal" you develop RAM. When such memory is poorly developed, a child, having read the sixth word in a sentence, will not be able to remember the first. Practice visual dictations every day and you won’t have such problems.

How to practice?

There is no need to try to do all the exercises at once. Only the game “The Mystery of Disappearing Sentences” requires your daily attention, and to it add a couple or three more exercises of your choice. Change them, alternate them so as not to get bored. Don't forget to evaluate your progress from time to time.

You need to exercise regularly, every day, a little. This is the main rule! WITH detailed plan workouts can be found.

Don't be lazy, train, and you will be happy and get an A in your diary!

Friends, maybe you also know some interesting way improving reading technique? I hope you will share it in the comments. Thank you very much in advance!

And see you again on the blog pages!

Evgenia Klimkovich.

What else to read