Examples of relaxation techniques. Relaxation is different

Hello dear friends!

It is important for every person to learn how to rest properly, so that physical fatigue and find a healthier way out of the body than with the help of diseases.

When was the last time you allowed your mind and body to enjoy the benefits of healthy rest? Have you ever completely abstracted from what is happening, turn off the phone, forget about business, plunging into the abyss of pleasant sensations?

I think not many people manage to do this systematically without self-flagellation and belief that the body will last decades in supersonic mode. But the pursuit of productivity, the desire to have time to do more, schedule, responsibilities and experiences, we are gradually turning into robots, which, surprisingly, fail.

Relaxation techniques are designed specifically to allow people to switch from the "outside" to the inside of their states.

Zones of Influence

Properly selected methods relieve muscle tightness, accumulated clamps and infringement. As a reward for such a process, the body is cleansed of toxins, acquired toxins and excessive nervous activity.

A person in a matter of hours after the procedure will feel better than before. Headaches, a feeling of heaviness and tightness in the chest will go away. A full-fledged and healthy one will return to your life, your appetite will normalize and you can truly feel like a person, and not a cornered artiodactyl animal.

The emotional background will also demonstrate a jump up, thereby allowing you to more productively solve flow problems. It will be easier for you to experience difficult life situations and stresses, you will be able to control mood swings, and enjoy what is happening.

It has been scientifically proven that people who have learned to relax use and, most importantly, save the energy they receive, which is concentrated in the solar plexus, more productively. And she, in turn, contributes to the fact that there would be enough strength not only for work, but also for other, no less interesting things.

But what is the right way to relax? And what relaxation methods are there that might be right for you? In order to find out the answer to the question, I have prepared today's article, in which you will learn about the ten most effective practices for bringing yourself to "feelings"!

1. Music and relaxation

Relaxation does not always mean the need to collapse on the sofa, like a seal, and “lie down”. I suggest you familiarize yourself with this method, which is perfect for both children and adults.

To do this, you need to settle in a room with subdued light. Take care of your surroundings soft pillows on all sides and cover yourself with a blanket.
Turn on pleasant, calm music that evokes a feeling of ease. Classical compositions or indie music are ideal for this.

After that, say out loud to your body the phrase: “I am relaxed” and feel your body in comfort and warmth. Individuals that have not previously practiced this approach may note that relaxation can be completely different, and not a banal rookery on the couch.

This is an important and necessary procedure in everyone's life, but it is worth noting that the method is not designed for a person experiencing stress "here and now".

2. Nice pictures

Visualization is considered a great helper to eliminate feelings of anxiety and growing panic. It is used as in complex life situation as well as in normal everyday life.

Take a seat in a comfortable position. It is best to avoid bright light and running around the apartment. Light it up with sandalwood or tea tree and start imagining pictures in your subconscious mind that are most pleasant to you.

It can be a lake, a house in the village, sunrise or sunset, and sometimes even kittens! If you are doing the exercise with a spouse or partner, ask them to describe the scene in a calm and relaxed voice, imagining themselves in it. Then repeat the exercise in reverse.

3. Fingers

Massage you can combine with the previous tips! Try to touch lightly, stroking the partner's back, shoulders, arms, fingers, palms and feet. Sometimes just 30 minutes is enough and the individual already feels like reborn!

I advise you not to forget about face and neck massage. The forehead occupies a special place, therefore, self-massage of this zone will save you from such unpleasant sensations as insomnia, nervousness and fatigue. A head to toe massage with a thorough foot massage is also great.

4. Mother Nature

Walking in nature has a super-powerful, positive effect on a person. Fresh air complete with the movement of the body, tones its systems, nourishing with oxygen.

It is for this reason that, when coming home from a sortie, many individuals feel a slight weakness and a desire to sleep like a baby. Make your trips systematic, each time choosing a new place.

You can also embrace the strong and healthy tree. After standing with him in his arms for 5 minutes, you will definitely feel a surge of new strength!

5. Water

Not many people know that water can take away not only bad dreams, but also wash away negative energy from a person. In connection with this reason, I recommend that you join the water procedures.

It could be swimming in the pool cold and hot shower, which is very useful for the nervous system and maintaining the tone of the whole organism, as well as a relaxing, hot bath.

Just add a couple of drops to it. essential oil and you will be able to feel how all the problems have left your head. Dive for at least 40 minutes, but if you have problems with the cardiovascular system, then limit yourself to 15 minutes and the temperature does not exceed 40 degrees.

6. Relax through creativity

For many, a hobby means not only a passion for a topic, but also a universal remedy for reducing anxiety levels. The process of creating something pacifies, replenishing the reserves of mental strength.

Take up gardening, go to the theatre, cinema or organ hall. You can also do needlework, play on musical instrument or crafts with your child.

Plus, I would like to mention the rosary. Turning them over helps to reduce tension and develop a calm, optimistic outlook on things.

7. Breathe

When a person is in a state or systematic "overload" of the nervous system, then his breathing takes on a superficial form. This can be seen when the individual's shoulders rise when inhaling.

This symptom tells that the person has a tendency to breathe only in the upper part of the chest, and this leads to a lack of the proper level of oxygen that nourishes the organs.

Proper air intake can not only relax, but also save while driving a car, speaking or responsible business.
Abdominal breathing occupies a special place in practice. What is its essence?

And the meaning is hidden in the development of a practice that allows you to relax the muscles that squeeze the diaphragm, from which the breaths are accelerated to cosmic limits.

Try to slow down your breathing at the moment of relaxation with the help of the ribs and diaphragm. It is especially useful to do this before bed. You need to perform a minimum of 10 consciously slowing down inhalations and exhalations, wrapping your arms around your waist and controlling the correctness of the process.

You may feel a slight pulsation coming from your body. This is absolutely normal and nothing to worry about.

8. Meditation

It is a chic source of solace, which manifests itself in different forms impact on people. Practice the asanas found in the classes. Body position sometimes plays decisive role on the way to the harmony of the soul with the body.

There are also special tactics for breathing procedures: over-slowing down or vice versa, speeding up. There is a broadcast of special sounds, syllables and, of course, prayers that are present in transcendental meditative practice.

G. Benson in his book described in detail the phenomenon called “relaxed reaction”, which I definitely advise you to read. People who have been doing meditation for a long time have already felt its healing effect on the whole body, and especially on the spiritual principle.

If you decide to dedicate it to the list of daily, but useful habits, then the result will definitely please you!

9. Take turns!

Back in 1930 in the USA, a man named E. Jacobson developed a method called "relaxation and tension." The essence of this practice is the training of the ability to cause opposite states at your own discretion.

And moreover, be able to determine the current state of affairs! But deep immersion in such a skill requires many hours of study. Think about it, it takes from 10 to 30 hours just to teach the muscles of the hands to perform such a trick!

But having mastered and nurtured the "Pavlov's dog reflex", you can stop being afraid to suffer from an overabundance of clamps and heaviness.

10. Dark chocolate

Yes friends! Real chocolate, made from real cocoa beans, can be a complete way to unwind and trigger a massive rush of endorphins.

Just one teaspoon of ground cocoa beans mixed with banana fruit puree or smoothie can loosen the grip of stress, lift your spirits and rightly be considered one of the most amazing methods for quality relaxation.

If you eat chocolate in the form of bars, then prefer it black (without milk) with at least 80 percent cocoa. I used to think that I had chocolate, but it turned out to be only milk chocolate, which contains a huge amount of dubious additives.

That's all!

Subscribe, share and add in the comments to the article your unique ways to relieve stress!

See you on the blog, bye bye!

Muscle relaxation is one of the most common methods of psychotherapy today.

Its action is aimed at reducing the level of stress on the body, which directly depends on the dysfunction of the neuromuscular system.

A person must be able to distinguish between tension and relaxation, as well as be able to manage them. You can learn this at any time.

As a result of complete relaxation, it is possible to master a universal remedy that can cope with almost all diseases of the nervous system caused by constant stress. You can recover from insomnia, hypertension, headaches, anxiety that does not leave you and prevent the development of a number of other diseases.

Effective Muscle Relaxation: The Progressive Neuromuscular Relaxation Technique

To begin with, the patient should visit a doctor and consult with him. It will help to identify any contraindications for such a procedure. Deviations such as neurological disorders, insufficient training or muscle damage, and bone pathology are possible.

The place for exercise should be comfortable, quiet and darkened, which will allow you to completely relax and concentrate on the processes taking place in the body. Nothing should hinder the movement of a person.

It is best to use loose clothing, exercise without shoes and accessories such as glasses. The body of the patient must have a stable support (this does not apply to the neck and head), so that he could not fall asleep during the session.

Each person should grasp the difference between spontaneously occurring muscle spasms and directed muscle tension.

  • At the first - in the joints and ligaments arise pain accompanied by unpleasant spontaneous trembling of the muscles. This state of affairs leads to their excessive stress.
  • In the second case, only a slightly unpleasant feeling of constriction occurs in the tensed muscle, nothing more.

During the exercise, the patient should never hold his breath. It should be normal or consist of inhaling at the moment of muscle tension and exhalation at the moment of their relaxation.

First of all, attention should be paid to the muscles of the lower parts of the body, and last - the face. Repeated tension of the muscles of the organs is unacceptable.

Even before the start of the relaxation session, you should give yourself a clear set for the consistent relaxation of each muscle in your body. This will achieve the most effective result.

How to achieve complete relaxation of the body

Lean back a little and take a comfortable position. Get rid of restrictive clothing, shoes and accessories. Close your eyes. Concentrate on your breathing, it should be correct and calm. Feel your lungs filling with air, pausing for 30 seconds as you inhale.

Consider the relaxation of the body, or rather each of its parts separately.

  • Rib cage

Deep inhale, hold the breath, relax and exhale. Try to empty your lungs completely and restore your normal breathing pattern. On inhalation, some tension should appear in the chest area, on exhalation - complete relaxation of the muscles. Repeat the exercise several times in a row, resting for 5-10 seconds.

  • Feet and shins

Both feet should be in contact with the floor with their entire surface. Stand on your toes, stay in this position for a while and relax. Sit down on your heels should be smooth, without making sudden movements. If there is a slight tension in the back of the calf muscles, then the exercise is performed correctly. At the moment of relaxation, a slight tingling sensation and a surge of warmth may appear.

To strengthen the opposite muscle group, you should stand on your heels, while raising your socks as high as possible. A few seconds of tension and then relaxation. After these steps in lower parts legs should feel heavy. After each exercise, you should take a break of 20 seconds.

  • Hips and abdomen

Straighten your legs, lift them up and stay in that position. The calves should be relaxed. After a while, slowly lower your legs to the floor. In this case, the thigh muscles should feel some tension.

  • Hands

Squeeze both hands into fists, hold them in this state and relax. This exercise is well suited for those who write or type a lot and often. You can spread your fingers in different directions, hold them in this state and also relax. In the area of ​​​​the hands and forearms, a feeling of warmth or a slight tingling should appear. Between exercises, you should pause for 20 seconds.

  • Face

Smile as wide as possible, stay in this state and relax. Do the same with pursed lips. Pay attention to your eyes. Close them tightly, raise your eyebrows, then relax. Pause between exercises 15 seconds.

Thus, it is achieved complete relaxation of the body .

When muscle relaxation has been achieved, you can move into the wakefulness stage. Count from 1 to 10, focusing on yourself and the world around you. Open your eyes and feel cheerfulness, a surge of strength and freshness.

I believe that the ability to relax at will is a very important skill that everyone should have. Life in the modern Western world is very stressful and stressful, both mentally and physically. This applies to workers in the field high technology and computers sitting in front of the monitor for hours, which leads to many hours of tension in some muscles and joints. This also applies to other workers, for example, those who spend a lot of time behind the wheel, especially in heavy traffic, which puts a lot of pressure on the psyche. These days, stress is a very common word, as people blame stress for many of their problems. It's hard for people to relax. In this article, I'd like to put together what I think are five of the best ways to relax in a healthy (and legal) way.

Relaxation Technique 1: Breathe to relax and calm down.

Breath control is the basic skill needed to quickly calm down and relax. By consciously controlling your breathing, you are temporarily distracted from stressful thoughts. Some breathing techniques give a quick sedative effect. I suggest the following breathing exercise:

  • If possible, lie down or sit comfortably.
  • Close your eyes and focus your attention on the nostrils as air enters them.
  • Take a slow and deep breath in through your nose. Note that the air entering the nose is cold.
  • Hold your breath for a few seconds, keeping your attention at the same point.
  • Exhale slowly and calmly through your nose. Note that the air leaving the nostrils is already warm.
  • Do this for a few minutes until the disturbing thoughts go away and you feel calm.

This exercise uses several techniques to calm you down:

  • Closed eyes and a comfortable position already relaxes a little.
  • With slow breathing with a delay before exhalation, the heart rate decreases. This is especially useful if you are agitated for any reason and need to calm down quickly. IN stressful situations you can do this exercise without preparatory phase if there is no time or space for it.
  • Concentration on the movement through the nostrils of cold and warm air occupies the brain and distracts you from other negative thoughts. See also technique #8, "Replacement of Thoughts for Calmness and Relaxation".

Relaxation Technique 2: Progressive Muscle Relaxation.

Progressive muscle relaxation is a well-known relaxation technique. It was developed by the American physician Edmund Jacobson around 1939. The technique is based on the fact that if muscle tension accompanies anxiety, then relaxing the muscles will reduce it. When performing the exercise, do not tense the muscles too much, and do not tense the muscles that do not belong to the specific group mentioned at this stage. After relaxation of the tension, the muscles should be more relaxed than before the tension. Sit in a comfortable chair or lie down. Take a few slow breaths in and out. Then start in the following sequence:

  1. Arms. Fists clenched; relaxed. The fingers are outstretched; relaxed.
  2. Biceps and triceps. The biceps are tense (tighten the muscle, but shake the hands to make sure they are not clenched into fists); relaxed (put your hands down on the chair). Triceps are tense (try to bend your arms to the other side); relaxed (lower them).
  3. Shoulders. Pull your shoulders back (carefully); relax. Push them forward (push); relax.
  4. Neck (lateral muscles). Shoulders are even, relaxed, slowly turn your head to the right as far as possible; relax. Turn left; relax.
  5. Neck (anterior muscles). Press your chin to your chest; Relax. (Tilting your head back is not recommended - you could break your neck that way.)
  6. Mouth. The mouth is open as wide as possible; relaxed. The lips are brought together and compressed as tightly as possible; relaxed.
  7. Tongue (protruding and retracted). Open your mouth and stick out your tongue as far as possible; relax (let it lie freely at the bottom of the mouth). Draw it back into the larynx as far as possible; relax.
  8. Language (heaven and bottom). Press the tongue against the palate; relax. Press it to the bottom of the mouth; relax.
  9. Eyes. Open them as wide as possible (furrow your eyebrows); relax. Close your eyes tightly; relax. Make sure you completely relax the muscles in your eyes, forehead, and nose after each strain.
  10. Breath. Breathe in as deeply as possible - and then a little more; exhale and breathe normally for 15 seconds. Let all the air out of your lungs - and then some more; inhale and breathe normally for 15 seconds.
  11. Back. Press your shoulders against the back of the chair and push your body forward so that your back arches; relax. Do this exercise with caution or don't do it at all.
  12. Buttocks. Strongly tighten your buttocks and lift your pelvis off the seat; relax. Press your buttocks into the chair; relax.
  13. Hips. Stretch your legs and lift them 15 cm off the floor or footrest, but do not strain your abdominal muscles; relax. Press the feet (heels) to the floor or footboard; relax.
  14. Stomach. Pull your stomach in as much as possible; relax completely. Inflate your stomach or tighten your muscles as if you are preparing for a blow; relax.
  15. Calves and feet. Raise your toes (without lifting your feet); relax. Raise your feet as high as possible (beware of cramps - if they occur, or you feel them approaching, shake your feet); relax.
  16. Toes. Relax your legs, press your toes to the floor; relax. Raise your toes as high as possible; relax.

Relaxation Technique 3: Calming Visualization.

Visualization is a powerful tool of consciousness. Studies have shown that the subconscious mind cannot distinguish real events from the rendered ones. Therefore, visualized images have a significant impact on consciousness.

  • Sit comfortably or lie down. Close your eyes and take a few slow breaths. Turn off all means of communication so as not to be distracted.
  • Imagine yourself in a quiet and peaceful place of your choice. It could be a deserted beach, a forest, a boat, or any other place where you feel relaxed.
  • Hold this image and, while experiencing the bliss of the moment, imagine all the positive feelings that arise in this place.
  • The more realistic the image, the more positive emotions You'll get.
  • When you feel comfortable and calm, slowly exit the imaginary world and return to the real one.

Relaxation Technique 4: Alpha and Theta stimulation using audio programs.

The human brain functions in different states of consciousness and attention. different levels distinguished by the frequency of brain waves, as can be seen in the EEG (electroencephalogram). These levels are named after the letters of the Greek alphabet. The general agreement regarding wave patterns of brain activity looks like in the following way:

  • Beta- 14 Hz and above. A state of readiness, an active state of the brain. Associated with thinking and being awake.
  • Alpha- from 8 to 14 Hz. Relaxed state of mind. Associated with immersion in dreams, general relaxation.
  • Theta- from 4 to 8 Hz. A state of deeper relaxation. Light sleep. Hypnosis. Meditation.
  • Delta- below 4 Hz. Deep dream. Unconscious state.

The alpha state is recognized as the healthiest state of the brain, as it is associated with relaxed brain activity. This state is also used as the basis for advanced mind control techniques such as meditation, the José Silva method, and others.

It is possible to stimulate alpha brain activity using special audio recordings, the binaural beats effect, to directly influence the brain and make it work at the desired frequency. Insigh CD is one of the Immrama Institute recordings that gives a good relaxation result. To reduce stress, binaural beats are layered over the sounds of the rain, which have a calming effect on their own.

There are many other recordings available using similar technology, but some are said to be better than others.

Relaxation Technique 5: Entering the alpha state of consciousness on our own.

You can learn to enter the alpha state of consciousness on your own, without the use of special audio recordings. Of course, you will have to learn, but you will be able to control your brain better. José Silva has devoted his life to the development of techniques that will help to better use human potential. His work is based on the ability to enter and remain in the alpha state of consciousness. There are several ways to stimulate the alpha state. Here is the way that works best for me:

  1. Sit comfortably or lie down with your eyes closed. Take a few deep breaths.
  2. Imagine the number 3 and say to yourself "Three" three times.
  3. Imagine the number 2 and say to yourself "Two" three times.
  4. Imagine the number 1 and say to yourself "One" three times.
  5. Imagine the number 10 and say "I am relaxing".
  6. Imagine the number 9 and say "I calm down".
  7. Imagine the number 8 and say "I'm getting more and more relaxed".
  8. Imagine the number 7 and say "I'm calming down more and more".
  9. Imagine the number 6 and say "My mind is clear and serene".
  10. Imagine the number 5 and say "My whole body is relaxed".
  11. Imagine the number 4 and say "I'm so relaxed that I don't feel the weight of my own body".
  12. Imagine the number 3 and say "I'm completely calm".
  13. Imagine the number 2 and say "I am completely relaxed".
  14. Imagine the number 1 and say “I am completely calm and completely relaxed. I'm in alpha.


1 Jacobson, E. (1938). progressive relaxation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (Jacobson, E. (1938). progressive relaxation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press).
2 Jacobson's Progressive Muscle Relaxation (Progressive Muscle Relaxation Jacobson).
3 Electroencephalography (Electroencephalogram).
4 Binaural beats (Binaural beats).
5 Jose Silva (Jose Silva).

When a person is filled with energy, he easily copes with all his tasks. But when his energy tone drops, then any action for him turns into flour. And to avoid such a state, just in time take care about my body. For our well-being and energy level is largely determined at the level of physiology by our body.

But, unfortunately, we are used to paying attention to it only when something starts to hurt. But the body is able to accumulate fatigue without even signaling it with pain.

any tension and negative emotions, if we have not worked them out, accumulate in the muscles, forming in them the so-called “ muscle clamps". Clamps can be felt as a chronic tension of some muscle group. Outwardly, this manifests itself as fatigue. Often this condition is even noticeable outwardly - the person seems to droop and begins to slouch.

Muscle clamps are dangerous because normal blood circulation is disturbed in these places. Consequently, certain groups of cells receive less useful material or, on the contrary, suffer from an excess of toxins. Ultimately, clamps lead to disease. What kind of happiness can we talk about if a person constantly experiences discomfort from his condition?

The easiest way to avoid these unfortunate consequences is to introduce a daily practice of relaxation. The person who knows relaxation techniques able to effectively relax. This means that during his rest he can quickly and effectively restore his wasted strength, activate his energy potential and better tune in to work.

Let's look at four of the simplest relaxation techniques that can be applied every day. They will help you to relax better and restore your strength.

Method 1 .
Relaxation through breathing.

Breathing exercises have long been considered the basis for any.

The practice is carried out in a secluded place, in a comfortable position, with eyes closed. Concentrate on your breathing, feel its rhythm and depth. Watch carefully as the air enters the lungs and then leaves them.

Then imagine that the air will get inside your body not only this way, but also directly through the skin your body.

In the beginning, feel how the right hand “breathes”. Imagine that there are many small holes in the skin through which air enters and exits. Pay close attention to the sensations of how easily the air flows through the skin.

Watch your hand until you feel a complete relaxation of the hand. It may take you a few days of training to learn how to do it quickly.

Then you can move on to relaxing the left arm, legs, back and neck. Very important to catch those parts of the body through which the air, as it were, “does not pass”. It is necessary to concentrate especially on them and try to achieve their “passability”.

Method 2 .
Relaxation with the help of the image.

This practice is based on methods. It is a pleasure to practice it, especially with appropriate music for meditation.

First you need to find their images that help you feel relaxed. For example, these can be pictures:

  • You literally melt in the hot sun on a lounger near the sea.
  • You luxuriate in a soft bed.
  • You are lying on a fluffy soft cloud.
  • You are relaxing in a hammock among tropical trees.
  • You go crazy while taking a bath.

Don't just stop at the above. Look for the image closest to you. Let go of your imagination, let it paint pictures of supreme bliss for you. You may even find a few of these images. Analyze how they change your state. You can even create a whole "roll" from these pictures.

Do not rush to get out of the image that relaxes you. Consider all the details, feel all your feelings. In the future, a moment may come when it will be enough for you just to remember your image. The body itself relaxes at the level of muscle memory.

Method 3 .
Relaxation through suggestion with words.

This technique is also called autogenic training or . It is very well suited to those people who trust only logic.

Classes are held on special formulas self-hypnosis, which are compiled independently or taken ready-made. Then they are either written to disk or memorized.

Since muscle relaxation is associated with a feeling of warmth and heaviness, these words should definitely be among the “relaxing” phrases. Begin classes with relaxation of the right hand:

“My right hand is relaxed… It is heavy and warm… Each finger becomes heavier… I feel the heaviness of my right hand… My right arm is relaxed.”

Then you need to switch to other parts of the body. Formulas should be pronounced slowly and quietly. At the same time, focus on your feelings. It is important to pronounce simple few words. With the help of formulas, you associate the relaxation of your body with certain words. Ultimately, you can achieve a situation where you achieve complete relaxation with just one phrase: "My body is relaxed."

Method 4 .
Relaxation with tension.

This method is based on a simple physiological pattern of the body: after strong muscle tension automatically muscle relaxation occurs. Training begins, as usual, with the right hand.

Start slowly, but squeeze as hard as possible right hand in the fist, then in the elbow. Concentrate all your efforts on this movement, and then sharply open your hand - it should hang like a whip. Remember how you feel and write down how long the relaxation “held” in your hand.

Relax other parts of the body in the same way. Relax your legs while sitting on a chair. They need to be lifted a little and strongly direct the feet towards you. And to relax your shoulders, you need to “pull up” your shoulders as much as possible to your ears.

It should be noted that this technique is not suitable for everyone. And if it makes you uncomfortable, then choose another way to relax.

As you can see, you can find very simple methods relaxation. You can use them according to the described technique, or come up with your own exercises that suit your body. in the best way. Very important spend your first workouts in the same place. Allocate yourself a certain “resting place”. Gradually, the body will get used to the fact that it is comfortable here and you can relax. Then it will be enough for you to just sit on this place to feel relaxation.

All these techniques require some time for development. Our body has inertia and is able to “remember” only over time. But, having mastered these practices, later you can very quickly achieve a state of relaxation and peace.

So take the time to learn the techniques. Even if you devote 5-10 minutes to your activities every day, you will quickly learn how to achieve relaxation.

Choose the method that allows you to relax faster and start your exercises right now.

The modern world has a huge impact on a person, both positive and negative. Every day we endure a lot of stress, get nervous, worry, rush, get tired. All these factors do not have the best effect on our body, including immunity and nervous system. As a result bad dream, as a result of which, an unimportant appearance. As a result, we break down on people close to us. How do you deal with stress and learn to control your emotions?!
Stress tends to accumulate in the human body, especially emotional. If you feel anxiety and discomfort, do not think that everything will go away by itself.

You yourself will be able to bring yourself out of a critical state and find harmony. Our body is a complex mechanism, consisting of links of one big chain.

Therefore, it is necessary to get out of the negative state in a complex way.

Recovery from stress can be divided into 2 components:

  1. physiological;
  2. psychological.

Physiological recovery

It is aimed primarily at regulating the physical condition, breathing, pulse, muscle relaxation. To do this, it is important to find your own way. I can only list a few methods. For example, yoga. Classes with a competent trainer help to relax muscles, normalize breathing, and throw out negative emotions.

Fast walking, running, doing any sport. Very good dancing. By dancing, we give our body the freedom to express itself. Almost all muscles are involved, which perfectly relieves physical stress.

Paintball helps one of my friends very well.

The pool is not only physically good for the body, but also psychologically. Biking, playing volleyball, various ways great amount. The release of adrenaline is a natural reaction of the body to stress, its excess must be burned by physical activity.

Psychological settlement

After the physical impact on the body, you can begin to psychological relaxation. There are many different ways to bring your psychological state back to normal. First of all, we, as connoisseurs of everything beautiful, react to the visualization of what is happening. Simple at first glance, but operating method put your thoughts in order. Look for a while at something beautiful, bewitching look. For example, at sunset, its various colors.

If possible, go to the waterfall. Water has a relaxing effect. Same way in a good way relaxation at home is taking a warm bath, for example with aromatic oils. Many of them have a relaxing effect.

What we hear is also very important. Turn on slow, pleasant music or chirping birds. Nature brings us closer to harmony. Light the candles. Since ancient times it was believed that fire burns all negative emotions and evil spirits.

The flame has a calming effect. Motor skills are also involved in the relaxation process.

What we feel tactilely plays an important role. Therefore, it is believed that gardeners and animal lovers suffer from depression much less often than those who are not related to them. Therefore, a great reason to have a furry friend at home, or at worst a flower pot.

If possible, go for a massage. This is a great way to relieve stress, both mentally and physically. And most importantly, during the relaxation period, try not to think about the bad, your thoughts should be transparent and positive. And don't forget to please yourself! Let it be going to the cinema, shopping or meeting with friends. All that undoubtedly pleases you.

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