The best flowers for bouquets and their names. Names of flowers and plants for a wedding bouquet Types of lights

All flower lovers try to create a constantly blooming garden, but if the plot of land is not very large, then it will be enough chic flower bed. For it, you can select decorative crops that bloom alternately during the warm period, with early spring until late autumn. The choice can be made of both annual and perennial crops, as well as textured conifers or unusual cereal plants.

Flowers for a flowerbed of continuous flowering

The flowerbed will become colorful already in early spring if you plant primroses on it: scilla, chionodoxa, muscari, fragrant hyacinths and a variety of crocuses, as well as bright hellebores. These first flowers will be very long-awaited after winter and will decorate the first spring days with their colors.

The primroses will be replaced by anemones, primroses and blue periwinkle.

And also beautiful, diverse and very spectacular petunias and violas.

Not a single flowerbed can do without daffodils and tulips, the choice of which is so wide that it will satisfy the tastes of even the most picky gardener.


IN Lately increasingly, free corners of the garden are decorated with miniature botanical tulips. The most popular varieties are Urumiysky, Hegera “Little Princess”, Tarda. It is impossible not to note the excellent tulip, which from one stem produces 3 bright red flowers with pointed petals.

Be sure to provide space for a bush of fragrant peony, root or tree-like. Both representatives are famous for their huge double flowers.

At the same time, imperial hazel grouse and bearded irises begin to show off.

Lilies of the valley Bearded irises

Closer to hot summer days poppies, snapdragons and dicentra with her broken heart-flowers will bloom.

Poppies Snapdragon

Will look good on blooming flower bed and neat islands of the Gargan bell, which can be planted at the very foot, near stones, a border or other fencing of a flower oasis. For the same purposes, you can use all kinds of sedums, aubrieta, rock alyssum and awl-shaped phlox.

Flowering mats of these groundcovers make the perfect backdrop for any large plant, giving the soil a fabulous look.

And, of course, one cannot ignore the queen of flower beds - the rose. When decorating a limited plot of land, you can opt for standard roses or spectacular climbing roses.


You can use the less common corrugated rose, better known as a variety of large-fruited rosehip. Its flowers, up to 8 cm in diameter, are not only beautiful, but also have a wonderful aroma.

And in the fall, this bush will delight you with huge fruits, up to 3 cm, very noticeable against the background of fading crimson foliage.

Lilies are no less original. Currently, breeders can please both complex specimens with huge fragrant flowers, up to 20 cm in diameter, and completely unpretentious oriental or Asian hybrids.


The flower garden will not fade if phlox, matthiola, etc. are planted on it. Their rich colors and pleasant smells fill the air until autumn.

Fragrant tobacco

On cooler days, asters, autumn marigolds, dahlias and chrysanthemums will begin to bloom, blooming until the first frost.


Having planted several in the flower garden unusual plants, such as imperata cylindrical, Chinese miscanthus, evergreen or sedge, in combination with juniper or thuja occidentalis, you can admire the flowerbed even in winter, when the first snow or frost decorates these plants.

Perennial spring flowers for flower beds

Snowdrop (Galanthus)

This flower is popular among gardeners because it blooms when there is still snow around. The plant has a small height of 12-15 centimeters with two leaves. The wild species blooms early in April, as soon as the snow melts and even against a backdrop of snow. There are also garden species, which can be successfully grown, the plant loves areas that are not exposed to direct sunlight.

It is not picky about soils, but does not like overly moist places. Since garden species of snowdrop appeared from wild plants, they are very frost-resistant plants.

Reproduction occurs in two ways:

  • Seeds that are sown in the summer without pre-treatment after they are collected from plants. But this path is long, due to the fact that the first shoots will appear only in the spring of next year. After strengthening the young plants, they are transplanted to permanent place.
  • Bulbs: they are dug up in the second half of summer, the baby is separated, dried and planted in a permanent place in early autumn. The planting distance for large bulbs is 7-10 centimeters from each other, and small bulbs are planted at a distance of 3-5 centimeters from each other.

Scylla (blue snowdrop)

A plant of the lily family, for early flowering and Blue colour flowers and got its name. The plant has bright green and wide leaves, which are arranged in rosettes of 3-4 pieces and several beautiful blue flowers.


Flowers prefer loose and semi-shaded soils. They tolerate winter well and reproduce like snowdrops (by seeds and bulbs). When sowing seeds, seedlings appear only in the 3rd-5th year. Excellent for forcing for early flowering in mid-winter.

Muscari (Mouse Hyacinth)

A beautiful plant from the lily family. Flowers of different colors: blue, white, lilac-blue. Frost-resistant, grows in one place for 4-5 years. Like all bulbous plants, it reproduces by children, less often by seeds, since seedlings appear only after a few years.


The bulbs are planted at the end of summer; flowers appear on the plants the following year. They are widely used in distillation.


Is one of the most common early flowering plants. There are crocuses that bloom early in the spring, and there are those that bloom late in the fall. The plants are small up to 14 centimeters, the flowers have different colors (from white to yellow).


A rare feature of the plant is leaves that grow only after flowering has ended. For propagation, corms, chicks and seeds are used. It lends itself very well to forcing and blooms profusely in winter.

For fresh and beautiful flowers in winter, late autumn into a prepared mixture consisting of two parts of turf soil and one part each of leaf humus and river sand. After about two months, the crocus blooms.


Ubiquitous among flower lovers early flowering and beautiful, pleasantly smelling flowers. For these flowers, prepare richly fertilized and well-loosened soil. Bulbs should be planted in the fall (September-October) at a shallow depth (about 10 cm) and mulched with humus. The bulbs overwinter and bloom profusely in the spring.


Mainly propagated by children (small bulbs), they are selected from large ones at the end of summer, dried and planted in September. Just like crocuses, they are suitable for winter forcing, it is important not to forget to constantly keep the soil moist.


A bulbous plant of the lily family. Currently, more than 120 wild flower species have been studied and several thousand varieties and hybrids have been bred as garden flowers. Tulips are divided into 4 groups: early-blooming, medium-blooming, late-blooming and wild.

Propagated by seeds or vegetatively. But in practice, they use propagation by bulbs and children; for this, at the end of summer, when the leaves of the plant are already dry, they dig up the bulbs. They are well dried and the small ones are separated from the large ones.

Bulbs with a diameter of more than 2 centimeters can already be used for flowering; smaller ones require one or two years of growing.

Tulips love loose, well-fertilized soils with normal lighting. These flowers do not like dimly lit places and acidic soils, on which the plants will develop poorly and often get sick.

Tulips are the best flowers to force into room conditions. At the end of September, they take the best bulbs and plant them in pots, one bulb in each. Cooking soil mixture from turf soil mixed with humus and sand.

The soil in the pots is watered abundantly and sprinkled with sawdust to retain moisture. Then they are placed in a room with a temperature of no more than 3-7 degrees for 1.5-2 months. After this, the pots are placed on a warm windowsill, and after 25-30 days the plants bloom. Cut tulip flowers are stored fresh for a long time cold water, for which they are especially popular in the flower industry.

These flowers for the flower bed are unpretentious both in terms of soil and care, so even a novice amateur gardener can grow them.

Perennial iris for flower beds

This flower has a special grace. It is impossible to take your eyes off its royal beauty and amazingly refined form. Translated from Greek, “iris” means rainbow. According to legend, the goddess Iris came to earth to people precisely along the rainbow. These flowers received this name back in the 4th century BC.

Perennial iris for flower beds

There is a very interesting legend about how the flower spread throughout the earth. Initially, irises grew only in ancient Asia, but the birds that inhabited the forests and gardens there carried the seeds of this plant throughout the world.

The well-known city of Florence received this name only because all its borders were planted with blooming irises.

Today there are more than 250 species of irises. They grow on all continents. Only in latitudes modern Russia You can count about 60 species of this flower. Iris is distant and more ancient relative of gladiolus.

Among the variety of irises, the most popular are: Siberian, bearded and Japanese species. Also very popular is the bright yellow marsh iris.

Bearded iris is very interesting flower. Along the edge of its petal there are delicate, colored hairs, which in appearance are very reminiscent of a beard.

A feature of Siberian irises is their special resistance to low temperatures and their unpretentiousness to growing conditions.

The Japanese retain theirs the longest decorative look and flowering. They can be divided once every seven years, early autumn or in the spring.

Swamp iris is wild plant, but it really attracts people with its bright yellow color. Swamp iris reproduces by seeds, which, when dropped in water, are easily localized in new places of growth.

Perennial peony for flower beds

This one is amazing beautiful flower can rightfully be called the king among plants. In addition to its bright color, peony has a special, very delicate aroma. It cannot be confused with other colors.

Peony perennial

Few people know that peony is endowed with deep philosophical meaning. According to the oldest records of Chinese scientists, peonies symbolize the fundamental positions of any person - love and family.

These light, seemingly weightless plants attract with their bright and large flowers. U individual species poppy buds of different colors. Shades range from pure white to rich tones of purple and violet.


The peculiarity of the poppy is the rapidly falling flower petals. Also, a box of poppy seeds gives the most a large number of very small seeds. Their number can reach more than 300 thousand pieces in one flower.

Poppy is widely used both for medicinal purposes and in cooking. Therefore, poppies can often be seen on personal plots gardens, orchards. Due to their unique beauty, poppies are planted in flower beds for a purely decorative function.

Poppies create wonderful compositions with other flowers. They look interesting flower arrangements of poppies of various colors.

Poppy has become widespread not only due to its decorative, medicinal and practical properties. Poppies are very easy to care for. It can be planted in any soil and will delight you bright flowers more than one year.

These perennial herbaceous plant not often found in flower beds or gardens. However, they are able to decorate any area with their flowers. Anemones look especially impressive against the background of stones in combination with other plants.

Anemone belongs to the ranunculaceae family, and has more than 120 various types. As a rule, this heat-loving plant grows well in the southern temperature zone.

The ancient Greeks called anemones “daughter of the winds.” They believed that the wind helps a flower bud to open or close. But of course this is not true. In fact, anemone flowers are so delicate that when exposed to wind, the large but rather fragile petals curl up.

Anemones are quite long plants. Thin stems reach up to 50 cm in height. Depending on the type of flower, the color of the petals and sepals of the plant changes.

Anemones have gained popularity due to their long flowering period. All summer and autumn they will delight with their color. Anemones create beautiful compositions with shrubs and trees.

By approaching it creatively, with love and knowledge of the matter, you can turn any piece of land into a paradise that will delight you with its unfading beauty, changing colors and living texture. The main thing to remember is that you should not plant everything, choose only what is closer in spirit and mood.

Read about it here.

Photo gallery of flowers for a flower bed

If you are opening a flower shop and are wondering what name to put on the sign, you will find this article useful. We looked at hundreds of signs and websites to figure out which names will increase sales and which ones will turn off customers.

In this article we will focus on the intricacies of naming flower shops. The name is part of the company's image. Down with “Magnolia” and “Chamomile”! Come up with a name so that you will be remembered.

How to name a flower shop: a few simple rules

The name of the flower shop should be easy to remember and associated with the products sold. Let’s figure out what else is important to consider when naming:

  • Based on the format of the outlet. While a visible illuminated “Flowers” ​​sign is sufficient for a small pavilion near the metro, this option is not suitable for a flower salon with designer bouquets.
  • Don't let the title hang in the air: it must become part of the business concept. Think about what the sign will be like, how the name can be used in the interior.
  • Keep it simple. English-language names are rarely suitable for the flower business. Many people know that Fleur is translated as “flower”. But if you are not in Paris, it is unlikely that you potential buyer will look for such a sign.

Let's go for inspiration: names of flower shops in Europe

Let's start our journey from Italy. Rome is home to Europe's oldest flower market. It is called Campo de’ Fiori, which means “Square of Flowers”. Capacious and beautiful name completely justified: in the place of the usual food stalls during the day, flower shops open in the evening with the widest range plants.

What interesting examples can be found in France? Many flower shops in Paris are named using the owner's name. Often it does not change for years or even centuries, as selling flowers becomes a family affair.

There are also flower shops with beautiful, poetic names on the streets of Paris. For example, L’air des champs - “The air of the fields.” In addition to roses and chrysanthemums, the store's assortment includes wildflowers and potted plants. And also shops with simple and unpretentious signs, such as Brin de fleur - “Armful (bouquet) of flowers.”

How to name a flower shop: interesting ideas and examples from other countries

If a store specializes in something specific form flowers or plants, this must be played up in the name. Here are some interesting naming options from England and Canada:

  • Passion for Peonies by Neill Strain. Famous London florist Neil Strine opened the flower boutique “Passion for Peonies”. The store offers a variety of types of peonies in various sizes and colors.
  • The Rose Emporium Ltd. A store with a wide selection of roses is located in Toronto. Here flower lovers will find not only familiar types of roses, but also unique ones. hybrid varieties. The sonorous name “Rose Market” is complemented by the postscript Limited, which hints at the uniqueness of some plant specimens.

Variants of names of flower shops in Russia

Marketers advise avoiding color names when naming: it is not only hackneyed, but sometimes confusing. Thus, “Chamomile” is associated with a kindergarten, and “Lotus” is reminiscent of spa treatments.

The best option is to use derivatives of the word “flowers” ​​in the name: this will immediately indicate the assortment of the outlet and help set a certain flavor.

We have compiled a list of names of flower shops that may be useful to you when naming:

  • flower shop
  • Flower Island
  • A million petals
  • Flower workshop
  • Flower courtyard
  • Flower girl
  • Flower No. 7

Almost all of these names fit easily into general concept store. Decorate the Flower Shop with baskets and clay pots. Place a couple of small benches in the Flower Courtyard. The interior of the Flower Girl will be complemented by reproductions of flower traders from the 19th - 20th centuries.

It all depends on your taste and imagination. The main thing to remember is that the name should not just be an attractive set of words. Think about what the sign will be like, how you can use naming in the interior, etc.

How to name a flower shop so that it makes a profit: tips

We examined foreign and Russian versions of names. Get inspired striking examples from Europe and the world and come up with something of your own. The more accurately you reflect the name in the interior and on advertising brochures, the more attractive the business will be.

Do you want the name to already say something to buyers? Pay attention to the ready-made business. These are working flower shops in St. Petersburg that have proven themselves in the market.

We also have offers

Wedding portal DreamBride prepared big and very useful material for brides and florists. Do roses seem banal to you and want something unusual? Perhaps you liked some bouquet, but you don’t know what these flowers are called? Then we prepared this post for a reason. Here you will find the most beautiful, unusual and even exotic flowers with photos, names and examples of bridal bouquets.

Bridal bouquet with amaranth

Burgundy or fuchsia small flowers, which fall in a cascade of spikelets. In a bouquet these bright pendants look very original.

Bridal bouquets with amaryllis

Large, bright and varied different flowers, similar to lilies.

Bride's bouquet of anemones

These flowers are similar to poppies and can be bright and colorful; white anemones with a dark blue center are often found.

Bride's bouquet of asters

Large caps of multi-colored, bright, shaggy flowers, which consist of many narrow petals. The variety of shades allows you to create bouquets for every taste.

Bridal bouquet with brunia

Gray, round, small balls of flowers, from a distance they look like large berries. These silvery balls complement winter bouquets especially well.

Wedding bouquet of dahlias

Dahlias are similar to asters, just as lush and bright hats flowers, only the petals have a wider shape.

Bride's bouquet of gerberas

Another bright and cheerful flowers, similar to multi-colored, large daisies.

Wedding bouquet of hyacinths

Hyacinths are similar to large lilac flowers and are suitable for blue and purple bouquets.

Bride's bouquet of hydrangea

Hydrangea is a small violet-like flower. The most common are blue, light blue and white hydrangea bouquets. They look very gentle.

Bouquet with delphinium

Spikelets with blue, blue and lilac small flowers.

Wedding bouquet with irises

Irises are shaped a little like orchids, only the petals hang down. They are often purple with yellow splashes or completely yellow and white.

Bride's bouquet of calla lilies photo

Callas are unusual and very beautiful flowers, similar to lilies that have not fully blossomed. The shape of the bud resembles a glass. White ones with a yellow center are often found. There are other shades: orange, pink, purple, wine.

Clematis in a bouquet photo

Hairy center and large petals, often six pieces.

Craspedia photo

Round, yellow balls of flowers, similar to the large heart of a chamomile. This is a real sun on a stem.

Lathyrus photo

He's a sweet pea. Lathyrus complements beautifully. The flowers are small, a little irregular shape, wavy petals.

Bouquet of muscari

Often found blue bouquets brides with muscari. The flowers themselves look like lily of the valley buds.

Wedding bouquet of daffodils photo

White flowers with a sunny orange center are often found.

Bride's bouquet of forget-me-nots

Cute blue or lilac flowers that look like violets

Wedding bouquets with protea

Protea - unusual and exotic large flower. Often found in coral, orange or pink color. It has a very large core and hairy petals.

Wedding bouquet of ranunculus

Ranunculus look like small, dense roses with many petals.

Scabiosa bouquet

These flowers look like cornflowers. Perfectly complement summer and meadow bouquets.

Bridal bouquet with succulents

Succulents come in all shades of green. Look like small green roses, some species look like cacti or small trees.

Wedding bouquet of chrysanthemums

Large, colorful and bright, similar to asters and dahlias. Such flowers are often used in bridal bouquets.

Wedding bouquets with eustoma

Eustoma is similar to calla lily flowers, only small. White eustoma with a yellow center is often found in bouquets, but it also comes in other colors: pink, purple, yellow. When the bud has not fully blossomed, it resembles a small rose.

For many centuries, flowers have been one of the main decorations of various holidays. To this day, in the world of abundance of various decorative items And flowers are the leaders among the most memorable gifts. After all, an elegant and delicate bouquet is an excellent present for your beloved woman: mother, wife, sister, friend. And flowers look especially beautiful when they are collected in a bouquet.

Rules and algorithm for composing a bouquet

Despite the apparent complexity, it is stunning to do beautiful bouquet Anyone can make their own flowers using their own hands. But to do this, you need to know the basic elements of the technique of composing a bouquet and have the desire to complete the job.

The following tips will help you create a bouquet of any flowers like a real florist or designer:

  1. Maintain harmony. Overloading is unacceptable for stylish bouquets: when making a composition with your own hands, it is not recommended to use many varieties of flowers; as a rule, two or three types and, if desired, a little greenery are enough for a bouquet.
  2. It is impossible to create an impressive composition with a large number of plants, since the main thing in this matter is to choose the right bouquet flowers, color scheme and build a harmonious composition, otherwise the result will be clumsy and overloaded.
  3. To make the bouquet last longer, you need to cut the flowers using pruners or a knife. The use of scissors is not recommended.
  4. Remember that there are bouquet flowers that cannot be combined. The fact is that some flowers, due to the characteristics chemical composition can have a detrimental effect on each other. Therefore, you cannot combine lilies of the valley, daffodils, orchids, tulips, carnations, and lilies.
  5. Choose the right shape and size. These parameters play an important role, so you should pay attention to the recommendations from experienced florists: it is better to give rounded compositions to women, and elongated ones to men, and for weddings - small sizes, and for birthdays - voluminous ones.

According to the advice of experienced florists, when decorating a bouquet with your own hands, it is important to adhere to the following algorithm:

  • First of all, decide what kind of composition you will make.
  • Then decide on the shape.
  • After that, choose the color scheme of the composition.
  • Next, decide on the number of bouquet flowers and the total volume of the composition.
  • After this, you can prepare the flowers: if you cut the flowers yourself, it is best to do it at an angle and then immediately put them in water. But if you use flowers from a store or those that were cut some time ago, then you need to update the cut on them. Such manipulations will help the composition last longer.

The best flowers for bouquets

Perhaps, interesting compositions can be made from almost any flowers in the world, but there are the most common flowers for bouquets, which are convenient to work with and for which many instructions and tips from experienced florists have been written.

Of course, there are a huge number of color names that are easy to get lost in. But the most popular flowers for bouquets are these types :

  • roses;

  • lilies;

  • peonies;

  • irises;

  • orchids;

  • hydrangeas;

  • callas;

  • freesia;

  • lisianthus;

  • anemones;

  • gerberas;

  • alstroemeria;

If you are unfamiliar with some of the names of these flowers, then you have probably ever seen them in the garden, in flower shop or in a photograph. Let's look at the features of making bouquets with your own hands from the most modern ideas fashionable colors. Offers useful tips, instructions, pictures, videos.


Roses look great both in the garden and in a bouquet; it’s not for nothing that they are called the queens of the flower garden.

Tips for decorating a bouquet of roses with your own hands:

  • Lilies, lilacs, callas, lavender, hydrangeas, alstroemeria, and gypsophila go well with these flowers.
  • Roses are beautiful flowers that can be combined with various plants, but it is not recommended to add tulips, poppies, carnations, delphiniums, lilies of the valley, and daffodils to bouquets with roses.
  • For packaging you should not use materials that are too bright or flashy.

Video: DIY rose bouquet.


Lily is not inferior in popularity to roses. Its elegant and delicate appearance allows the plant to be a constant “guest” in many compositions for both women and men.

Pay attention to the following tips:

  • The bouquet will not look boring (on the contrary, it will be very impressive!), even if you make it only from lilies. The main thing is to create the composition correctly and choose a beautiful ribbon or wrapping paper.
  • Phlox, chamomile, irises, peonies, and primroses go well with lilies.
  • It is highly not recommended to combine lilies with cornflowers and poppies.

Note! If you like to garden, and, in particular, plant lilies, then you may be interested in learning how to care for the plant and.


A noble flower can decorate any gift and melt the heart of any woman. It is skillfully used in their compositions by both experienced florists and novice amateurs.

When creating a bouquet of chrysanthemums with your own hands, you should consider some features:

  • Gerberas, roses, and alstroemeria go well with the flower.
  • The option with bright colors in the middle of the composition.
  • Pairs stylishly with flowers various berries on a long stem.
  • When compiling round bouquet chrysanthemum flowers should be laid not parallel, but at an angle.

Video: how to assemble a simple bouquet of chrysanthemums

Important! If you grow chrysanthemum on your site, but it will come in handy helpful information about how to care for.


Rarely a yard or area is complete without beautiful peonies. Flowers that are luxurious in their beauty will always be appropriate as a gift or for a special occasion. wedding celebration, which is why bouquets are often made from them.

There are some recommendations regarding this flower:

  • Experienced florists It is not recommended to add other flowers to a bouquet with peonies.
  • If you really want to make a floral combination, then you can add hydrangeas, freesias, forget-me-nots, and daisies to the composition.
  • By doing wedding bouquet For the bride, it is better to give preference to peonies in delicate shades: white, pink, cream.

Video: how to make a wedding one from peonies for the bride.

Interesting color combinations for beautiful bouquets

To make bouquets look more solemn and bright, you can combine different flowers. The combination of chrysanthemums and gerberas, lilies and chrysanthemums, roses, gerberas and lilies is especially recognized.

From chrysanthemums and gerberas

The originality of the shapes and shades of these types allows you to create various compositions for exceptional occasions and situations. Below you can watch video instructions for creating compositions from chrysanthemums and gerberas.

Video: how to collect a bouquet of chrysanthemums and gerberas

From lilies and chrysanthemums

Lilies and chrysanthemums are old friends in the world of floristry. Florists have been creating bright, strict and touchingly delicate compositions from these beautiful flowers for many years.

Video: how to make a bouquet of lilies and chrysanthemums for beginners.

From roses, gerberas and lilies

A bouquet of these now beloved types of flowers is a great gift for a birthday or any other special event. Bright roses, gerberas and lilies do not obscure each other, but, on the contrary, complement each other and make the composition excellent.

Video: making a bouquet of roses, gerberas and lilies with your own hands

Photo gallery

Next you can study the photos various options making bouquets with your own hands for the most different cases. Images variety of options will be able to inspire you to create unprecedented, interesting compositions and new ideas.

A bouquet of fresh flowers will never lose its relevance and will always be an eloquent gift for a dear and valuable person. Undoubtedly, your loved ones will enjoy the impressive composition composed by your hands, into which you put your soul. You can also create decorative bouquets for your interior that will make the room more lively and colorful.

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