Four powerful, proven ways to clean the inside of your microwave.

Over the past few decades, many new devices have entered our lives, designed to make life as comfortable as possible and minimize household hassles. One of these miracle devices is the microwave oven. Initially, it was used only for quickly defrosting strategic food supplies, as a rule, in soldiers' canteens, and was of enormous size. Over time, one of the Japanese companies slightly improved the microwave oven and launched it into mass production.

Today, microwaves no longer only defrost and heat food, they have a mass additional functions. Using these devices you can bake, grill, stew and boil. Moreover, cooking in the microwave takes much less time and effort than cooking using regular stove. That is why many families use this device every day. However, with frequent use, a microwave oven will naturally become dirty quickly. In our article we will talk about how to clean a microwave oven so as not to damage the device and at the same time spend a minimum of effort on the cleaning process.

Types of microwave oven interior coatings and their features

If the outer coating of the microwave is more and less clear - the issue of its cleanliness can be solved with a sponge and any detergent, then cleaning the inner surface can present certain difficulties. This largely depends on the type of camera coating. On this moment There are three types of coverage. Let's look at the features of each of them:

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Professional microwave cleaning products

The modern market offers many different products designed specifically for cleaning microwaves. They are usually produced in the form of liquids, aerosols or sprays. The latter are the most convenient since they can be immediately applied to the surface without using any additional items. Such products allow you to clean your microwave quickly and quite effectively. They must be applied evenly to the surface, wait about ten minutes, and then thoroughly wash the walls with a sponge and water.

For cleaning microwave oven You can also use regular dishwashing gel; as you know, such products dissolve grease quite well. It's very easy to do. First, apply the product to a damp sponge, lather it, apply foam to inner covering oven, leave it for about thirty minutes, and then rinse with a clean cloth and water. But from using products intended for cleansing kitchen stove, it is better to refuse, as they usually have a fairly aggressive composition and can damage any microwave coating.

How to clean the inside of a microwave using improvised means

Special means for microfoiling are not always at hand, and even in Lately Many people refuse household chemicals, preferring to replace them with something less harmful. In this case, cleaning can be carried out using the most simple products or products that are probably present in every home.

  • Lemon. Minor stains can be removed with regular lemon. To do this, cut the fruit into two parts and wipe the inner surfaces of the oven with one of the halves. After about an hour, wash the coating with a damp sponge and then wipe it dry with a cloth. After this procedure, the microwave will not only be cleaned, but will also acquire a pleasant aroma.
  • Laundry soap. Moisten a clean sponge, rub it with laundry soap, foam it and apply the resulting foam to the internal surfaces of the oven. Leave the microwave in this state for twenty minutes, then rinse off the soap with clean water.
  • Soda and vinegar. Add just a little water to a couple of tablespoons of soda, the amount should be such that you get a thick paste-like mass. Pour two tablespoons of vinegar into the resulting mass and stir everything thoroughly. The baking soda and vinegar will react to create a sizzling mixture. Apply it to the surface using an old toothbrush and leave for half an hour. After this, carefully remove the mixture from the walls of the oven with a soft sponge and wipe them first with a damp and then with a dry cloth.

12/14/2016 7 5 267 views

If you are the owner of a microwave oven, then the question of how to clean the microwave from grease inside at home is not idle, but urgent. Do you use this appliance only for heating ready-made dishes, always covering the dishes with a lid? Or do you like to cook in the microwave? different dishes using it as a full-fledged oven?

Or maybe it has convection and grill functions that will diversify the range of your culinary masterpieces? In any case, on inner surface the stove will get drops of liquid, fat, and may appear persistent odors. This is especially likely when cooking meat, fish, and dishes with spices. Fortunately, not only special expensive products, but also simple ones that are familiar to everyone will cope with the task of cleaning the microwave from grease and burning. household helpers. True, for modern devices Grandma’s recipes will have to be somewhat modernized so as not to cause harm to either yourself or the equipment.

Basic rules for caring for a microwave oven

How to care for the device? So that cleaning the microwave does not have negative consequences and brought only joy from a successfully completed task, it is worth remembering a few recommendations.

  1. Before getting into a dirty oven with detergents and a sponge, disconnect the device from electrical network by unplugging the plug from the socket.
  2. Avoid using abrasives and steel wool to avoid damaging the coating.
  3. Aggressive chemicals It is also advisable to leave it for other purposes.
  4. Do not fill with water inner part microwave and try to keep the amount of liquid when cleaning to a minimum if you don’t want to say goodbye to your faithful kitchen assistant.
  5. Disassembly of the device should be left to professionals.
  6. It is advisable not to leave the microwave in a state with old streaks of grease. It is best to wipe the inside after each cooking.
  7. You can heat food in a container with a lid. It’s good if your household also likes this idea.

Compliance with these simple rules will help you cope with contamination, and your microwave oven will serve you for a long time without interference.

Cleaning the microwave from grease with folk remedies

Even old stains can be removed with folk recipes that won't be taken away big money. If the contamination is not severe, it is often possible to deal with it in 5 minutes. Most of the tools we will talk about:

  • remove fat;
  • help get rid of unpleasant odor burning;
  • Suitable for use inside and outside the device.

How easy it is to clean a microwave using folk remedies? There is no need to scrub away dirt with incredible effort. The main life hack is to evaporate water inside the device. To do this, we need to adapt a wide vessel that will provide us large area evaporation. A glass bowl for cooking is perfect, but not a metal one, as you, as a microwave oven user, know well. And you can already add it to the water different means, aromatics to taste.


Good old table vinegar! Here excellent remedy to quickly clean the microwave. Its only drawback is a rather strong and persistent odor that may not leave the inside of the device.

So let's get started:

  1. Dilute 2 tablespoons of vinegar with water. The solution should not be too weak.
  2. Disconnect the device from the network.
  3. Using a sponge, rub the mixture onto the microwave door and the areas next to it.
  4. We move inside, scrubbing away dirt and grease. We are not afraid if not all traces go away immediately.
  5. Place the remaining vinegar solution inside the oven in a suitable container. You can add water and vinegar if it turns out that the composition is not enough.
  6. We turn on the device and start the oven for 5 minutes.
  7. After the program is completed, remove the acidified fat from the walls of the microwave with a soft cloth or sponge.
  8. We wipe everything clean and admire the result.


Sodium bicarbonate, in other words, simple soda, can help us. This excellent cleaning product has abrasive properties, so use it to modern technology comes with a number of caveats. So, it is extremely undesirable to rub the external and internal parts of the microwave oven with dry soda, because damaging the coating is not part of your plans. But a solution of soda and water is good for cleaning the microwave from corrosive contaminants.

Here the algorithm is approximately the same:

  1. Prepare the solution. For 0.5 liters of water, you can take a few tablespoons of soda.
  2. Place the container with the solution in the microwave and turn on the most powerful mode for 10–15 minutes.
  3. We wait a little more time before opening the door.
  4. Turn off the device and carefully remove the container with the hot soda mixture.
  5. We wipe the inside walls with a soft cloth or sponge.

Lemon acid

We must not forget about the cleaning and disinfecting properties citric acid. In order to use a quick way to remove dirt from the walls of the microwave, you need to stock up on lemon powder in the amount of 1 packet or 25 g.

  1. Dissolve the acid in a glass of water, preferably hot. You should not use metal containers for mixing, especially since they are not suitable for heating in an oven.
  2. We place the container with the solution in the oven and start the high-power mode for 10–20 minutes, depending on how long the plaque has accumulated on the walls.
  3. Let the solution evaporate for some time after turning off the microwave and remove it.
  4. We disconnect the device from the network for our own safety.
  5. The steam and acid did their job and softened the layers of fat on the inner surface of the stove. Now just remove them with a soft cloth and wash the microwave clean.

An alternative to citric acid can be chopped fresh citrus fruits or their peels. Additional benefit This method means that when heated in water, citrus fruits release essential oils which have a pleasant aroma. Fresh lemon, orange or grapefruit should be cut into small pieces and placed in water. Then run the microwave for 15 or 20 minutes for the substances to take effect. Also wipe the oven from the inside, removing plaque and grease.

Laundry soap

It is this brown soap with a specific smell that will effectively wash away grease stains inside the oven. To clean the microwave with it, you do not need to prepare any compositions or heat them.

It is enough to rub the sponge with a piece of laundry soap, treat the walls of the stove with the resulting foam, paying special attention to the dirtiest places, and wait 10–15 minutes. Then wash off the foam and remaining fat with a small amount of water.

Using steam

But what to do if none of these products are at hand, and the microwave urgently needs to be cleaned from the inside? No matter how strange it may seem, ordinary water is quite capable of removing contaminants. Or rather, the steam that is formed when it is heated inside the oven.

Microwave-safe, wide-topped dishes and water are essential ingredients. It is worth heating the water longer so that the steam dissolves the deposits on the walls of the device well.

How to clean the inside of a microwave using household chemicals?

Exist special means household chemicals created for microwave ovens. In addition to them, you can use regular dishwashing liquids. To do this, you need to drop this product onto a sponge and turn on the oven for a few minutes.

To avoid using heat, take a cleaning spray and spray it on the inside of the surface. After this activity, wash the oven from any remaining grease and cleaning agent.

Video: how to clean the inside of a microwave from grease?

Additional questions

Is it possible to wash a microwave oven with detergents?

Detergents effectively remove carbon deposits and food dirt, so using them is, of course, acceptable. But they can have a strong specific odor that is difficult to remove. A chemical “aroma” is unlikely to add flavor to your dish. Therefore, if possible, it is better to take a simple and environmentally friendly remedy from the folk arsenal. Plus, it's often cheaper.

How to clean a microwave from grease inside and from other contaminants from the outside

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However, according to the results of monitoring user requests, this phrase is quite popular. That is why we called our article today and will try to answer the topic in as much detail as possible.

The fastest way to clean a microwave

Get rid of old fat and old stains inside the microwave, the “vinegar steam” method will help. In 99% of cases, it will be enough to keep the microwave clean again. Procedure:

  1. 1. Pour 2 cups of water into a deep plate and add a couple of tablespoons of regular vinegar.
  2. 2. Place it in the microwave and turn on the highest heat (900) for 10 minutes.
  3. 3. When finished, open the oven and wipe the surface with a damp cloth. Grease and stains should come off easily.
  4. 4. Wipe the walls several times to get rid of the vinegar smell. That's it, the microwave is shiny.

Under the influence of steam, the fat simply liquefies and wiping it off is not difficult. Usually, no need additional funds except, actually, water. By the way, almost all manufacturers give this recommendation for cleaning a microwave oven in their service books.

But, if you are not looking for easy ways or this method did not help you, then let’s first figure out why this is so. And then we’ll look at stronger remedies.

How to clean a microwave using home remedies

If you have something from the list presented in your house, then you can use one of the proposed methods. We are sure that you have at least something!

  • Lemon acid
  • Lemon
  • Vinegar

Clean with lemon or citric acid

This method is one of the most effective, but it should not be constantly used in microwave ovens: the enamel is destroyed.

  • Take 0.5 liters of water and dissolve 4 tablespoons of lemon juice or 1 teaspoon of citric acid in it. Squeezed lemons can also be put into water if you don't mind.
  • Then you need to pour the solution into a cup intended for use in microwaves and turn it on at the highest power.
  • The procedure lasts 5-15 minutes, depending on the degree of contamination. We leave the water with lemons for another 5 minutes after turning off the device, after which we wipe all surfaces with a napkin, moistening it in the same solution. Or you don’t have to wet it.

Cleaning the microwave oven with baking soda

If you started cleaning unscheduled and you don’t have any lemons or citric acid on hand, you can use baking soda as a handy remedy.

The effect of this method will be no less worthy than the previous one. Moreover, soda also has the property of killing bacteria.

But, again, they will die without it, under the influence high temperatures. But when carrying out such a procedure, you will know that the surface is not just clean, but almost sterile!

  • Take 1 tablespoon of baking soda and dissolve it in 0.5 liters of water.
  • Pour into a heat-resistant container and place in the microwave.
  • Turn on the microwave for 10-15 minutes and let it boil.

Microwave cleaning using vinegar

Using vinegar when cleaning a microwave oven - fast and effective way . The only one minus – strong acidic smell, although it disappears quite quickly.

You will need 2 tablespoons of regular 9% bite and half a liter of water. Next, we do the same as always: we combine it all in a heat-resistant container and set it to heat up.

These are such simple methods, and the effect is simply amazing. But, we repeat, if you use a special lid, these tips will not be useful to you at all.

Now let's look at the case when the oven is so dirty that you don't know what to grab.

Of course, we know, it was not you who did this, but, for example, the slobs - the tenants! As a result, the inside of the oven became not white, but uniformly brown. Here you won’t get away with ordinary water and home remedies.

You will have to fork out for special chemicals. We will tell you below how to choose it and how to use it.

Store-bought microwave cleaning products

To begin with, try to get by with “little blood.”

Add a few drops of regular dishwashing detergent to a glass of water. But keep in mind that when boiling, a lot of foaming will begin, so choose a larger vessel and fill it no more than halfway with water.

But if this doesn’t help, then go to the store. So what to do?

Special means for effective cleaning There are simply a lot of microwaves now and the price range is simply huge. But we do not recommend that you take what is more expensive.

Usually, you simply overpay for a well-promoted brand. Household chemicals domestic production no less effective than the products of world-famous market sharks.

Therefore, first, read the composition of the drugs you like and compare it. We are sure you will be surprised to see almost identical components.

Most of these chemicals come in spray form, which is very convenient to use. Detailed instructions are available on each package, but the method of application is quite similar.

It is necessary to spray the composition on all internal walls, leaving for several minutes. After this, remove dirt using a damp cloth.

The exception is the magnetron grid (the same one that looks like foil), on which you should not apply household chemicals to avoid damaging the equipment.

Be sure to thoroughly wash the remaining product and this can be done using the same magic boiling glass.

The best microwave cleaner

Green&Clean - price approximately 300 rubles, manufacturer Poland. Consumer reviews about it are unanimously positive. You can’t call it cheap, but it is almost one and a half times cheaper than products of famous analogues.

What can you do to ensure that your microwave is always clean?

After all, everyone knows that cleanliness is not where they clean, but where they don’t litter. All you have to do is cover the plate with another plate and the fat will not splatter on the walls.

But you don’t always want to follow this rule, laziness is your mother and all that. And in the end we have what we have: tightly adhered fat drops on the walls, a smoky ten and bad smell inside the camera.

To prevent this, in stores household appliances need to purchase a special lid for heating in a microwave oven.

It costs mere pennies, but what an effect! You won’t have to clean the walls later, in principle.

The only thing that will get dirty is the pan. But rinsing it is not difficult at all. And most importantly, this lid is quite voluminous and is always in sight. It will not fall off the plate like other dishes, but will provide excellent protection.

Regarding these covers, I would like to say the following: if the design does not provide a small ventilation hole, then they tend to shrink during prolonged heating (after all, a vacuum is formed).

If such a thing happens, there is no need to panic and try to tear off the tightly stuck lid, along with the tray. You just have to pry a little at the base with a knife: air will get under it and it will easily come off.

And another control point: if you’re already going to buy such a lid, then take two at once, fortunately, they are quite inexpensive.

This is in case one disappears from sight, and in a hurry, instead of searching, you take a plate with liver and put it in the oven. Which simply explodes during the heating process and washing it is another pleasure...

What not to do when cleaning a microwave oven

Firstly, do not forget that the inside of the microwave is covered with enamel. That's why, no iron brushes or other rough abrasives!

Microscratches form on the surface, invisible to the naked eye, but so convenient for the ubiquitous fat. It will fit perfectly in them and it will be much more difficult to clean the oven later.

There is also a small square in the microwave that looks like an iron shield. Under no circumstances should you fill it with foaming agent or rub it roughly. Foam will get under it and the device will simply fail: it will start sparking, for example.

And in general, there is no need for fanaticism and the use of foaming agents. Believe me, a glass of water can work wonders. But you won’t be able to wipe off the foam, it’s a fact, and your food will smell like “Fairy” dishware for a long time.

Also, be careful with the shadow located at the very top. But we will tell you how to clean it in the next block.

How to clean a microwave oven

Some housewives use this barbaric method: they turn on the grill, but leave the food out.

As a result, the fat burns out, but what a child! And this is not useful for the device, to put it mildly. The oven is not designed to run idle and in this way you will hasten its failure.

How to clean the ten then? The nicest thing is to buy special sprays designed for this purpose.

But, if your motto is: “The economy should be economical,” then We suggest you do this:

  • take a regular wire, bend it with a hook that follows the shape of the ten's tube;
  • wrap it with cotton wool;
  • then you dip it all in alcohol and clean the shadow.

Simple, effective, and most importantly – free!

How to remove odor from a microwave oven

Any citrus copes well with this.

To do this, you just need to put it in a glass that you place inside the oven for steaming. You can use the crusts, or you can use the juice, it makes no difference.

You will overcome the musty smell, in any case. If the smell still remains the first time, after steaming and subsequent wiping, then duplicate the procedure in a clean oven. Then leave the oven open until dry.

So, we have considered everything possible ways. You now know how to clean a microwave at home without spending extra money. We hope our tips are useful to you!

Food residues and fat tend to stick to the walls of popular household appliances. Sometimes it is simply impossible to wipe them off. For microwave cleaning There are special chemicals, but we are dealing with food, and naturalness is important here. Baking soda- a cheap product, but incredibly effective in everyday life. She will help out in this situation too!

Method number 1: steam + soda

So to clean the microwave with baking soda necessary:

  1. Two tablespoons baking soda dissolve in a container of water (250-500 ml) and mix.
  2. Place the container with the soda solution in the dirty microwave oven and turn on the timer for 10 minutes. During this time the liquid will boil and hot steam will dissolve dried drops of fat. Baking soda has the ability to absorb unpleasant odors, which means it will also freshen your oven.
  3. After steam treatment, all that remains is to wipe the walls inside the microwave with a soft cloth, sponge or napkin. Do not forget to unplug the cord from the outlet.
  4. Dampen a towel in the same solution and wipe the outside surface of the microwave.
  5. Plug in the device only after it has completely dried to avoid damage.
  6. Try not to let the stove get too dirty - it's literally life-threatening! If it becomes covered with a thick layer of fat, a short circuit may occur.

Method number 2: soap + soda

  1. Dissolve in warm water (500 ml) laundry soap. It’s easier to do this if you first grate it and thus turn it into shavings. Soap shavings will dissolve faster in water.
  2. Add to soap solution 1 tbsp. spoon of baking soda and mix well.
  3. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray the walls of the microwave outside and inside.
  4. Leave for 30 minutes and then wipe off with a soft sponge.

What else can you clean with baking soda?

Using the alkaline properties of soda, you can dissolve any contaminants with it.

  • If you take 2 teaspoons of soda per 1 liter of water, you can easily clean washable wallpaper.
  • For persistent stains, prepare a soda paste: for 1 teaspoon of water - 1 tbsp. spoon of soda. Let it sit for 5 minutes and wash off.
  • The property of soda to absorb odors is used when cleaning furniture, soft toys and carpets: sprinkle soda on the dirt, rub it in lightly, leave for an hour, and then vacuum.
  • Once a month, you can pour 2 packs of soda into the toilet in the evening at night, and flush it in the morning. The soda will dissolve all the contents. Do the same with sinks and pipes to prevent blockages.
  • Baking soda traps unpleasant odors - place a small cup of baking soda in the refrigerator or toilet.

Good luck with your homework!

Today, almost every family has it. It will help you quickly defrost food, prepare food and quickly heat it up. We're used to her constant assistance, but sometimes we forget to take good care of it. And then the dried ones appeared yellow spots. How to clean a microwave? How can I help her become snow-white again? Today you will learn 6 the best ways cleaning the microwave.

Today's household chemicals offers a variety of microwave cleaning products. These are special cleaning products for microwaves (“Mr. Muscle”, “Sanklin”, “Sanita/500 – Anti-grease”), and even special wipes for microwave ovens - Magic Power.

However, they are not unacceptable if you have allergies or have a baby or animals in the house. Here other time-tested methods will come to the rescue, available means, which are always at home.

Method one - steam cleaning (or plain water)

This method of “self-cleaning” is the simplest, safest and cheapest. Take a microwave-safe container. Pour one glass of water into it and turn on the microwave oven on maximum power for 10 minutes.

The water will boil and you will get a steam bath, which will easily steam out any leftover food stuck to the walls of the microwave. Steamed residues can be easily removed with a soft sponge or cloth.

In some microwave ovens, manufacturers immediately provided a steam cleaning function. It is suitable if the microwave is not very dirty. For outdated greasy stains Other methods work great.

Method two - cleaning with vinegar (the most common)

This method has saved not a single microwave from grease, dirt and unpleasant odors.

Pour 1 glass of water into a microwave-safe bowl, add vinegar essence (3 tablespoons) and place this container in the microwave for 10 minutes, turning it on at maximum power.

Dirt and grease will steam and can be easily removed with a sponge or soft cloth.

If desired, vinegar can be replaced with the juice of one lemon or citric acid (1 tablespoon). Citric acid is an excellent grease solvent and perfectly whitens dirty surfaces.

If the microwave is not very dirty, then its internal surfaces can simply be wiped with 9% vinegar and then rinsed warm water.

Method three - cleaning with any dishwashing detergent

Use only liquid products for washing dishes, as abrasive products can scratch thin protective film oven, it will have to be thrown away. In addition, particles of an abrasive agent accidentally left in the oven can get into your food with condensation.

Wipe with a sponge soaked in hot water, the inside surface of the microwave oven, then apply a little dishwashing detergent to the sponge and lather it.

Apply foam to the walls and leave for 30 minutes.

Then remove the foam along with the dirt with a damp sponge, rinsing it periodically, and wipe the walls of the microwave oven with a dry cloth.

Method four - cleaning with citric acid and soda
Mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda with 1 tablespoon of citric acid. Pour the resulting mixture with 2 tablespoons of warm water.

Apply the sizzling mass to the inner walls of the oven with an old toothbrush and leave for 20 minutes.

Then wash with a soft sponge and wipe first with a damp, then dry cloth.

This cleaning removes not only dirt, but also unpleasant odors.

Method five - household cleaning

Using a soft sponge, generously apply foamed laundry soap to the inside surface of the microwave, leave the foam for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water and wipe with a dry cloth.

Method six - peeling with orange peels

The most pleasant and fragrant way of cleaning. It will not only clean the microwave of stubborn dirt and remove unpleasant odors, but will also refresh the air in the microwave and give it a pleasant aroma. Watch a short video about this cleaning method.

If there are no orange peels in the house, you can clean the microwave in a similar way using lemon zest.

When cleaning your microwave, follow these rules:

1. Unplug the microwave oven before cleaning. If cleaning is carried out in two stages, then turn it off after steaming the dirt in the microwave.

3. Do not use abrasive cleaning products. Only products in the form of foam, cream, spray, or liquid are acceptable. The main thing is that they contain surfactants that carefully break down protein and fat deposits, and do not contain aggressive acids that can damage enamel and rubber gaskets.

4. Turn on the microwave after it is completely dry after cleaning.

Remember, in order to avoid problems with cleaning the microwave in the future, use special plastic lids when cooking or heating food. If necessary, it is much easier to wash out.

You learned how to clean a microwave using simple, affordable products that you always have at home. How do you clean your microwave? Share this in the comments.

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