Essential oils for mosquitoes. Essential oils to help get rid of mosquitoes and insects

Essential oils, widely used in cosmetology, perfumery, and aromatherapy, are no less effective as repellents. Due to their repellent properties, they have found application in industrial production means of protection. Essential oils for mosquito repellents are easy to use at home. You just need to know which ones scare away these eternal companions of summer, and which ones relieve the effects of bites.

Effect on mosquitoes from essential oils

Mosquitoes have a very developed olfactory system, configured to search for prey by smell.

We breathe and we move, we exude carbon dioxide and sweat. These markers serve as a guide for mosquitoes. Having a delicate sense of smell, mosquitoes catch traces human life for several kilometers.

Essential oils release volatile compounds into the air that can kill the smell of a person and scare insects away in search of new victims. These substances, felt like fragrances, help to use them against mosquitoes. Some of them scare away other lovers of raids: ticks, moths, midges.

Mosquito essential oil can also be used to relieve the unpleasant symptoms of bites, because any of them is perfectly absorbed into the skin. With this effect, the active ingredients in the composition moisturize, relieve inflammation, stop itching and help with other consequences of an attack. It is important to choose the right oil, as they differ in composition.

Mosquito Repellent Oils

The effectiveness of essential oils against mosquitoes and ticks has actually been studied for a long time. Among them there are clear favorites that are used on an industrial scale.

In order not to spend money on one-time mosquito bracelets, accessories for aroma lamps or expensive contact repellents, to get effective protection you can use small bottles with fragrant repellents. Big choice sold in pharmacies, it is inexpensive and lasts for a long time.


One of the most widely used insect repellents. The strong citrus aroma that citronella possesses is used around the world to repel mosquitoes. Essential oil is impregnated with bracelets, added to creams and lotions, and synthetic analogues are produced. Unfortunately, the plant is thermophilic, you can grow it on your site, but you won’t be able to save it for the next year, which is a pity, because dried grass is also used against mosquitoes.


Less well known than citronella, but just as good at repelling insects. Eucalyptus essential oil contains more than 40 various compounds, which will help not only against mosquitoes, but also from flies and even cockroaches. Use with care and keep away from pets.


Often, under the same name in everyday life, two large genera of plants are mentioned: geraniums and pelargoniums. However, this does not prevent them from being used against mosquitoes and even moths. The leaves of these plants contain essential oils, which completely interrupt the traces of human activity and repel insects. Geranium is often used along with citronella in ready-made mosquito repellents.

Tea tree

In the east, tea tree is used externally for all ills. And in any form: dried leaves, concentrated extracts and extracts. Possessing a rich composition and a pronounced aroma, the tea tree justifies itself as a repellent. It is widely used in cosmetology, so finding such a deterrent is not difficult.


The well-known spice served as a raw material for the production of clove oil. There are two varieties: from the buds, as well as from the leaves. The latter is less concentrated. Easier for the human sense of smell. At the same time, the more concentrated the extract, the more repellent effect it has.


Despite the fact that we are accustomed to vanilla sugar, essential oil is very widespread. First of all, in perfumery. strong aroma concentrated vanilla exhibits miraculous properties against mosquitoes.


Citrus fruits are effective against bloodsuckers. Rubbing the zest of a lemon or orange, it is easy to achieve a short-term absence of insects. Among them, bergamot is of particular value. Its oil repels mosquitoes for a long time.

Oils to relieve itching after a bite

If you are still attacked by mosquitoes, then in this case, essential oils will have a therapeutic effect and quickly remove the main unpleasant symptoms: itching and flushing of the skin. Such consequences arise due to the fact that the mosquito, or rather the female, injects its saliva into the skin, which contains special substances that prevent clotting and facilitate the very process of sucking blood.

The oils listed below have not only healing, but also repellent properties, so they can be used for both bites and mosquitoes themselves.

Tea tree

An excellent antiseptic, tea tree oil is found in many ointments and topical balms. Helps relieve the effects of insect bites by deactivating the active ingredients of mosquito saliva.

Coniferous oils - cedar and fir

Coniferous trees are suppliers of the most valuable raw materials for medicine. Resin, bark, green mass - everything is used. Quintessence useful properties is an essential oil that is extracted from cedar, fir, spruce, pine. Slightly differing in the ratio of active ingredients in the composition, such extracts have bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, which is primarily necessary for the relief of symptoms. mosquito bites.


Lavender is more often used for the invasion of other insects, such as moths. But its extracts are excellent for relieving bite symptoms and preventing scratching. This means that the application guarantees the absence of inflammation and infection of the wound.

Mint and Melissa

A pronounced cooling effect is fully present in mint and lemon balm. By applying one of them to a bite, you can achieve temporary numbness of the bitten skin area, at the same time the inflammation will pass and the swelling will subside.

Application methods

Essential oils are potent concentrates containing volatile compounds. AT pure form their use on the skin will cause a burn or an allergy. Therefore, you need to protect yourself from mosquitoes correctly. To do this, you can use one of the following methods:

  1. Oil burner. A few drops of oil in hot water, heated over an open fire, will fill the room with exquisite vapors that mosquitoes absolutely do not like. Camphor is sometimes heated simply in a frying pan. Under the influence of temperature, compounds unacceptable to insects are emitted into the air. These pairs will reliably protect against possible bites.
  2. Cream. If other means play a frankly deterrent role, then these recipes are intended to also mitigate the effects of bites. For cooking, it is enough to take the most neutral - baby cream, and add oils in a ratio of 10: 1.

You can also get by with food. Vegetable and essential oils are mixed in the same ratio of 10:1 and applied externally. A stronger concentration for the skin is not used.

  1. A bracelet. An alternative to branded anti-mosquito straps can be made independently. It is enough to impregnate with a natural repellent wood beads or buttons, and then string them onto a ribbon.
  2. Spray. For cooking, take any oil chosen as a repellent or a mixture of them, alcohol and water in a ratio of 1:1:10. Stir, pour into a spray bottle and shake before use. This composition can be processed open areas leather, clothes or window frames.

In addition, a couple of drops of fragrant repellents are applied to cotton sponges or swabs and laid out around the room. You can fill flat cups with water, and pour the selected repellent on top (a couple of drops are enough), and place them around the house for evaporation.

Precautionary measures

When using such concentrated herbal extracts, you need to remember about safety measures. Possible contraindications cannot be ruled out:

  1. Individual intolerance. Strong smelling substances can trigger allergies. So take a test first. You can put a couple of drops on a handkerchief and sometimes sniff. It will not hurt and apply a pre-prepared cream or mixture with vegetable oil to the crook of the elbow or wrist and observe the reaction. The slightest discomfort should be a signal that it is better to turn to another remedy.
  2. Hypertension, nervous disorders or migraine. The presence of at least one of these diagnoses in the anamnesis completely excludes the use of essential oils: it will only aggravate the situation.
  3. Pregnancy, breastfeeding. The vulnerable immune system of women and newborns, with prolonged contact with volatile compounds, may respond with artificial intolerance.

Mosquito control can be enjoyable. After all, no one forbids a myriad of essential oils to combine, try different combinations. This means that a new mood for every day is provided. Aromatherapy along with insect repellent, what more could you want in summer? Only warmth.

Lavender is a plant unique in its properties and ability to have a beneficial effect on a person. Since ancient times, lavender flowers and oil have been used to relieve stress, migraines, rheumatism and many other diseases. These flowers are also useful in everyday life, for example, lavender protects against mosquitoes and midges.

What is the secret of the power of lavender oil against mosquitoes

The oil is obtained from lavender flowers by steam distillation or extraction. Not every variety is suitable for this, but only narrow-leaved lavender of certain species, which is cultivated in Europe, the USA and even in Russia, for example, in the Crimea.

The smell of lavender is very fresh, floral with light woody notes. It is pleasant to most people, but extremely disliked by insects. Everyone knows about the property of dried lavender to repel moths, it also acts on mosquitoes in the same way. Only when they hear its smell, moreover, as growing in a pot, dried or in the form of oil, they try to fly around the source as far away as possible. The whole secret is in the components of the essential oil, and these are, for example, geraniol, linalool, camphor. All these are odorous substances contained in various flower oils and all of them are unpleasant to mosquitoes. Therefore, even a drop of such oil can, if not kill, but scare away a mosquito.

What you need to know before using lavender oil for the first time

Lavender mosquito repellent oil is one of the most gentle and calming essential oils. Despite the fact that it is quite odorous, it is not aggressive towards the skin, even delicate. Therefore, it is ideal to use lavender oil against mosquitoes for children, even very young ones.

However, like any essential oils, lavender can cause allergies, or individual intolerance can be revealed in its smell. Therefore, before the first use, listen to the aroma and listen to the sensations. If nausea sets in or you just don't like the oil, it's best not to use it. If, with prolonged interaction, migraine, cough, nasal congestion, tachycardia begin, most likely this is also an individual intolerance. Also, do not apply the oil all over your skin at once, try a drop on back side palms. If there is no reaction, feel free to use on the whole body.

Despite the softness of the oil, try not to use pure lavender mosquito repellent oil for children on the skin, it is better to mix a couple of drops of oil with baby cream or olive oil. And do not smear your face, as the oil can get into your mouth or eyes and cause poisoning or swelling of the mucous membrane.

Recipes for mosquito control

To protect the skin from bites while walking around the city or in nature, apply lavender oil to the skin, but it is better not in its pure form, but in combination with other oils. For example, a great natural repellant recipe is to mix 5 drops each of lavender and peppermint oil. You can add the same amount of tea tree oil or cloves to them. These fragrances complement each other and are guaranteed to repel all oncoming mosquitoes. If you don't like the feel of pure oil on your skin, make a spray by mixing 10 drops of lavender and medical alcohol and dissolve this mixture in 100 ml of water, you can thermal. It is a pleasure to spray with such a spray, because it is good for the skin and the aroma is no worse than some perfumes, and even lavender oil will perfectly save you from mosquitoes. By the way, this oil has excellent anti-inflammatory properties and is able to neutralize poisons, that is, lavender helps relieve itching and swelling from existing mosquito bites.

If you need to secure a room from mosquitoes, use aromatherapy devices:

  • Aroma lamp - 5 drops of oil are enough and a small amount hot water.
  • Aroma diffuser - sprays steam with essential oil dissolved in it, 10 drops of lavender oil are enough for it.
  • Aroma stone is a porous sorbent that absorbs oil and gradually releases odors. Apply just 5-10 drops of lavender oil to protect the room from insects.

Dear friends, in this article I will tell you which essential oil against mosquitoes can protect you and how to use it. Who do mosquitoes love, and the most popular folk remedies for the treatment of the effects of mosquito bites are described here.

Today, we will dwell on how to protect against mosquitoes with essential oil: at home, yourself from their bites in the open air, and how to remove the effects of a mosquito bite if you have not protected yourself.

Home protection from mosquitoes

There are essential oils that tend to repel mosquitoes, repellent oils. Here we will use them to protect our home from the intrusion of unwanted guests.




Tea tree







Pour aroma lamp into bowl

2-5 tablespoons warm water, and add em.

AT lower part put a lit candle (alcohol-paraffin in a metal container).

Spraying with a spray gun

- 8-10 drops em, add to

- 20 ml \u003d 2 tablespoons of vodka (30-40% alcohol)

or 1 incomplete teaspoon of salt or soda (to dissolve in water),

stir in - 0.5 liters of warm water
Pour the resulting mixture into a spray bottle.

Spray into room air or spray onto curtains.

In addition to the main action we need - repelling mosquitoes, the listed essential oils will freshen the air, soothe, relieve anxiety, nervousness, anxiety, fatigue from a hard day, give you strength and good mood. And besides, eucalyptus, lemon balm, tea tree and juniper will destroy almost all bacteria in the room.

Protecting yourself from mosquitoes

Now we will look at ways how you can protect yourself from mosquito bites with the help of essential oil. For example, if you went out for a walk on the street, you wanted to go to a cafe under open sky, a summer cinema, went out into nature, went on vacation - that is, you have to spend the evening or night outdoors.




Tea tree



Application of aroma mixture


for 5-10 ml base

Prepare aroma-repellant mixture. Add essential oil to vegetable oil.
  • 5ml = 1 teaspoon
  • 10ml = 1 tablespoon

Apply aroma mixture to exposed areas of the body.

Base oil (vegetable)

It is better to take an oil that easily penetrates the skin and does not leave a greasy residue.


in cosmetics

(lotion, cream, shampoo, shower gel, bath foam)


Tea tree



per 10 g base

By adding essential oil to a cream or shower gel, you will give your body a light fragrance that mosquitoes will not like. How to add: Add to 10 g
  • 10 g = 1 tablespoon

cosmetic Stir and use as usual.

These recipes can be used by adults and children. Just keep in mind for children you need to take other dosages, according to age - about this.

And also, tea tree essential oil is used for children over 12 years old.

How to relieve itching, swelling and inflammation

after mosquito bites

Essential oils can perfectly help relieve all the unpleasant effects of mosquito bites - severe itching, inflammation, swelling. They have the ability to neutralize insect poisons. What oils to take for this purpose and how to use them, see the table:

Application Methods

Essential oil

and dosage (in drops)


Tea tree



Oil burner

Pour 2-5 tablespoons of warm water into the aroma lamp bowl, and add em. Put a lit candle in the lower part (alcohol-paraffin in a metal container).

During the procedure, you need to be in a room where the aroma lamp burns.

The procedure time is 0.5 - 1.5 hours, 1-2 times a day.

Essential oil is able to act even without direct contact with the skin. Essential oils are absorbed into the blood through the capillaries of the respiratory tract.


Eucalyptus Tea tree Lemon Melissa

4-7 drops per bath

3-5 drops per bath

3-5 drops per bath

Dilute in emulsifier

1-2 tablespoons sea or table salt, cream, kefir, curdled milk, whey;

or 1 tbsp of honey, bath foam, soda, dilute in 0.5 liters of warm water. Add to the bath. Procedure time 5-20 minutes.

In the bath and sauna

Eucalyptus Tea tree Lemon Melissa
cook aromatic water, like this: add to - 1-2 tablespoons of honey or salt, and dissolve in - 0.5 liters of water.

In the bath:
Prepare 1-1.5 liters of water. Pour a little on the stove, wipe the shelves, moisten the steamed brooms.

In sauna:
Take 200-300 ml of aromatic water. Pour into a dish with a wide mouth and put on the heater, and before leaving (3-5 minutes) splash

1-2 tbsp per heater, spray on benches and walls.

Procedure time 3-20 min.

Oil compress

Eucalyptus Tea tree Lemon Melissa
Prepare an aroma mixture for a compress: Add to 10 ml of vegetable oil.
  • 10-15 ml = 1 tablespoon

Rub evenly over skin. Cover with cellophane. Fix with a bandage.

The procedure time is from 30 to 60 minutes.


aromatic mixtures

Eucalyptus Tea tree Lemon Melissa
Add essential oil to 5-10 ml of vegetable oil.
  • 5 ml = 1 teaspoon
  • 10-15 ml = 1 tablespoon

Vigorously rub the aroma mixture into the skin at the site of the bite until a slight warmth and / or redness appears.


Eucalyptus Tea tree Lemon Melissa
Prepare the aroma mixture for the dressing:

Em add to 10-15 ml of vegetable oil

  • 10-15 ml = 1 tablespoon

Soak a gauze bandage with the mixture and apply to the bite area. Top with a dry multi-layered gauze and fix with a bandage.
The procedure time is 3-4 hours, 2-3 times a day.

Adding to



(cream, liquid soap, gel)

Eucalyptus Tea tree Lemon Melissa
Em add to 10 g of cosmetic
  • 10 -15 g = 1 tablespoon

(cream, shampoo, conditioner, gel, bath foam, tonic).
Mix and use as usual cosmetic product.

Curious facts about mosquitoes

the carbon dioxide we exhale man-made. Sweaty people have an additional charm in mosquito eyes.

Summertime is often associated not only with relaxation, the sun and nature outings, but also with midges, mosquitoes and others. nasty insects. Of course, you can choose a special spray or repellent cream at the nearest pharmacy or store, but if you read its composition, it becomes clear that it is a serious dose of various dangerous chemicals that repels insects. If you don't feel like applying such a frightening compound to your skin, or if you need to keep small children safe, look to natural repellents and especially essential oils for mosquitoes and midges.

What oils are effective in the fight against summer insects

There are several essential oils that are most effective at repelling mosquitoes. The meaning of their action is that insects simply do not tolerate certain smells, so they try not to fly up to their source.

So, what oils repel mosquitoes and midges:

  • - a strong grassy-lemon smell is the most effective powerful blow against mosquitoes, but it will also save you from midges;
  • Sassafras is an oil with a pleasant anise aroma, obtained from the leaves of a shrub, a relative of the laurel. powerful weapon against midges
  • Eucalyptus - essential oil from midges with a coniferous aroma, will keep the insect at a distance;
  • Basil - not only repels insects, but also relieves itching and swelling in case of a bite;
  • - The oil of this flower works well against mosquitoes and midges.

These are the most effective “ethers”, but rosemary, thyme, clove, geranium, cedar, and peppermint oils also work as repellents.

How to apply essential oils

To use oils various plants to protect against bites, there are two ways - apply directly to the skin or use various items. In the first case, the oil can be rubbed directly in its pure form over open areas of the body or on clothes, or you can mix the oils with the most common body cream and apply this mixture to the skin.

Or you can impregnate a scarf or bracelet from genuine leather, wood or textile. The material impregnated with oils will exude fragrance for a long time and can be carried with you or placed, for example, next to the bed.

You can also spray oils in the room, which will be similar to the operation of a fumigator. This can be done using any spray bottle, where you need to pour a mixture of essential oils, alcohol and water. For 1 drop of oil, take 1 ml of alcohol and 10 times more water.

It is also worth noting that it is not pure oils that are most effective in insect control, but mixtures of them, and choose the basis for any mixture - it will improve the properties of a natural repellent and soften it for application to the skin. So, in equal proportions, mix lavender and peppermint, you can add cloves to them or use tea tree instead of mint.

Also, these mixtures can be bought ready-made in the form of a convenient spray. They are sold in pharmacies or specialty stores with organic or bio products.

Precautions before use

Knowing which essential oil repels mosquitoes and midges, do not rush to apply it immediately. Natural essential oils are quite aggressive components that have a very concentrated composition. Therefore, they are used dropwise, either in a solution of water or others, for example, vegetable oils. Ethers often cause allergic reactions, so before applying to the whole body, do a test with a small drop on your wrist.

If so, do not use this oil. This is especially true for children, because Small child can not always make it clear that he is sick from the smell of oil, it is hard to breathe, dizzy or even have a headache. Apply a drop of essential oil against mosquitoes and midges on a tissue and place next to the child, observe his reaction before treating his skin and clothes.

Aromatherapy with essential oils The best way defeat the buzzing enemy. Unlike chemical repellents, essential oils are an effective and more gentle method of controlling mosquitoes, midges, fleas and other insects.

What effect do essential oils have on mosquitoes? There are separate oils, the smell of which is unpleasant for insects, and they react to it by flying away. Aromatic molecules have a safe effect on humans, of course, if not on essential oils. At the same time, these small particles repel bloodsuckers. Therefore, protect yourself and your children from mosquitoes in summer days in nature or to protect yourself and others during the night rest, you can use essential oils. The latter are natural in their composition, therefore they are harmless even for small children.

So what are these oils? Insect repellent natural remedies are:

  • rosemary essential oil,
  • tea tree,
  • basilica,
  • palmarosa,
  • lavender,
  • citronella,
  • thyme
  • geranium,
  • litzei,
  • eucalyptus.

Citronella oil is considered one of the most effective means aromatherapy. Mosquitoes will also not be happy with thyme, lavender, clove, geranium and eucalyptus oils, and will not distract you with their annoying buzzing.

Little flies will leave you for a long time if you use sassafras oil, as well as eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint oils.

How to soothe itching after a bite?

Despite the fact that mosquitoes are small insects, their bite is accompanied by mild swelling and itching. These symptoms can be tolerated by adults, but children scratch the site of the bite, thereby introducing another infection. Essential oils not only repel mosquitoes and other pests, but also effectively help relieve redness on the skin and soothe the allergic reaction of the child's skin. These are the esters of lavender and. Tea tree is an excellent antiseptic, while lavender oil is safe and soothing for baby's delicate skin.

It is important to remember that only high-quality essential oils can be used for medical purposes, which can be easily purchased at any pharmacy. To enhance the effect of the aroma on the insect, you can use not one of the above oils, but a healing mixture of two or three oils.

Prepare an aromatic mixture from the following components: take 5 drops of lavender and mint oil, lavender and cedar, clove and tea vegetable oils. Mix thoroughly and use the mixture for its intended purpose.

Ways to use essential oils against insects

Aroma candles. Candles based on aromatic oils can be purchased commercially, as well as made independently. They can be used both indoors and in the yard, in the garden during the day and in the evening. The whole secret lies in the fact that you drip 2-5 drops onto the finished candle the right oil and ignite. A romantic pastime will not be disturbed by harmful insects.

Aromatic spray, cooked at home, is also quite effective remedy from mosquitoes. You need 10 ml of alcohol and 10 drops of the selected essential oil. Pour this fragrant mixture into a container with a spray. Protecting yourself from insects, spray exposed areas of the body and spray on clothes. Now feel free to go on a picnic!

Aroma lamp. If you have on hand aroma lamp you can use her services. It is necessary to pour a few drops into the aroma lamp bowl. Then add there hot water and light a candle.

Wet wipes. If you want your sleep to be serene, create your own protection: mix the essential oil with water, and then soak a towel or cloth with liquid. Put the prepared wet wipe in your bedroom and sleep soundly.

Cosmetic. Against the invasion of mosquitoes, you can prepare a flavored cosmetic product: cream or gel. You only need a few drops of the selected mixture of essential oils and a neutral, odorless cream. The resulting composition can be safely used against mosquitoes.

Mosquito repellant bracelet, of course, suitable for children. To make it, you need an ordinary ribbon, it is possible with wooden beads. With a little imagination, the mother herself can do this on the child’s wrist and drop a little citronella oil on the braid.

Using our tips, you will spend an unforgettable vacation in nature and do not even think about annoying insects.

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