Extinguishing fires in high-rise residential buildings. Fires from stove heating devices Ensuring fire safety of fireplaces

A building with a mass presence of people is a building in which 50 or more people are simultaneously located. The height of rooms in buildings with large numbers of people fluctuates. from 3 to 9 m or more. Corridors in buildings with large numbers of people are the main horizontal communications that provide communication between rooms within a floor, as well as routes of movement from rooms to staircases.

The minimum width of corridors for mass movement is accepted 1,5 m (in purity) and secondary (with a length of 10 m) 1.25 m, In real fire conditions, the main factors causing loss of consciousness or death of people are; direct contact with flame, high

temperature, lack of oxygen, presence of carbon monoxide and other toxic substances in smoke, mechanical influences. The most dangerous are the lack of oxygen and the presence of toxic substances, because... about 50-60% of deaths in fires occur from poisoning and suffocation.

Experience shows that in indoors A decrease in oxygen concentration in some cases is possible after 1-2 minutes from the start of the fire. A particular danger to the lives of people during fires is the impact on their body flue gases, containing toxic products of combustion and decomposition of various substances and materials. Thus, a concentration of carbon monoxide in smoke of 0.05% is dangerous to human life.

In some cases, flue gases contain sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocyanic acid and other toxic substances, short-term exposure to which is fatal.

The potential danger to human life from the combustion product of synthetic polymer materials is extremely high.

Hazardous concentrations may explode even during thermal oxidation and breakdown small quantities synthetic polymer materials,

Considering that synthetic polymer materials amount to modern premises more than 50% of all materials, it is easy to see the danger they pose to people in fire conditions.

The impact of high temperatures on people’s lives is also dangerous:

combustion products not only in the burning room, but also in the rooms adjacent to the burning one. The temperature of heated gases exceeding the temperature of the human body under such conditions leads to heat stroke. Already when the temperature of human skin rises to 42-46°C, painful sensations(burning) - Temperature environment 60-70 °C is dangerous to human life, especially with significant humidity and inhalation of hot gases, and at temperatures above 100 ° C, loss of consciousness occurs and death occurs within a few minutes.

No less dangerous than high temperature is the effect of thermal radiation on open surfaces of the human body - Tax thermal radiation

intensity of 1.1-1.4 kW/m2 causes in humans the same sensations as a temperature of 42-46°C,

The critical radiation intensity is considered to be an intensity equal to 4,2 kW/m2. For comparison, (Table 1) shows data on the time during which a person is able to tolerate thermal radiation of an unprotected brushes hands at different irradiation intensities.

Density heat flow, kWg/m 2

Allowable stay time for people

Required protection of people

The degree of thermal effect on human skin






not limited to

without protection

Painful sensations


not limited to

In combat clothing and helmets

Unbearable pain after 20s




Unbearable pain that occurs instantly



Wearing combat clothing soaked in water and helmets With protective glass

Burns after 30 s



The same, but under the protection of sprayed water jets or water curtains

Instant Burns



Wearing a heat-reflective suit, protected by water jets or curtains




The same, but with personal protective equipment


Table 1
People are at even greater risk when direct impact flame, for example, when the path of salvation is cut off by fire. In some cases, the speed of fire spread may be so high that it is very difficult or impossible to save a person caught in the fire without special protection (sprinkling with water, protective clothing). Catching clothes on a person also leads to serious consequences. If the flame is not knocked out of clothing in a timely manner, a person may receive burns, which usually cause death. Finally, a great danger in case of fire is panic, which is a sudden, unaccountable, uncontrollable fear that takes hold of a mass of people,

It arises from an unexpected danger. People are immediately afraid in the face of a formidable verse. Consciousness and will are suppressed by the impression of the fire, by the inability to immediately find a way out of the recognized situation.

To save people, the shortest and safest routes are chosen first.

Methods of rescuing people are determined depending on the situation during the fire and the condition of the people who need help. The main ways to save people are; independent exit of people; removal of people accompanied by firefighters; carrying people out; descent of those being rescued from a height,

In most cases, noticing the danger, people leave the premises before the fire department arrives.

When the rescue routes are smoked or unknown to those being rescued and, in addition, the condition and age of those being rescued raise doubts about the possibility of leaving the danger zone on their own (people are in a state of strong nervous excitement or they are children, the sick, the elderly), then the escape of those being rescued is organized.

Removal of people from the danger zone is carried out when people cannot move independently (lost consciousness, young children, disabled people, etc.) -

The descent of those being rescued from a height is carried out in cases where the rescue routes are cut off by fire and other methods cannot be used. For this, as mentioned above, stationary, mobile and portable ladders, articulated lifts, rescue ropes and other devices are used. In some cases, rescue methods can be used in combination. For example, independent exit to a certain place and then exit accompanied by firefighters; bringing people to the roof or balcony and lowering them from a height With with help retractable stairs» rescue ropes, helicopters, etc.

Material damage caused by fires caused by improper operation of brick and metal stoves may seem insignificant in comparison with the damage from major man-made disasters. But the number of such incidents is large: statistics show that for every five fires in the Russian Federation, one occurs where there are unsafely used stoves.

Possible risk factors include general requirements fire safety stoves include the following items:

  • operation of faulty and partially damaged stoves (we should not talk about firing completely damaged stoves at all);
  • open doors;
  • heating using fuel that is not designed for this purpose;
  • drying and maintaining firewood, coal, clothing and other flammable materials closer than at a distance of a meter and a quarter;
  • use ventilation (and similar devices) as chimneys.

Detailed instructions are attached to the article. by clicking the DOWNLOAD button, it addresses the following questions:

  • General safety requirements;
  • Safety requirements before starting work;
  • Safety requirements during operation and.

Even when developing a project for a recreational facility, numerous nuances should be taken into account; let’s consider which ones:

  • provide for the construction of the furnace after the period of shrinkage of the structure has passed;
  • include in the project indentations and cuts for the hot parts of the furnace in relation to the walls of the room, as well as covering nearby surfaces with felt or asbestos cardboard impregnated with a clay solution;
  • in the absence of fire-resistant protection, surface brick oven should be located at a distance of 40 cm from the walls, and if there is a metal stove in a bathhouse, then fire safety will be observed only if the interval is increased to 1 m;
  • the room will help avoid fire from heating (with wood this happens at temperatures above 300°), but it will not be possible to overheat the stove;
  • between the floor and the ash pan it is necessary to provide a space of 13-15 cm, a gap of 20-24 cm should be to the bottom of the chimney.

Fire safety in the home

If at enterprises violations of fire safety rules threaten to punish the manager (if it is arson, then also the culprit of the arson), then domestic fires, even if they do not cause casualties, cause significant damage to the owners of dachas, private houses, garages and outbuildings. In addition, there is always a risk of a fire spreading.

To make your home truly safe, you just need to follow the information from the “Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation.”

Let's consider the basic requirements in detail:

  1. Even at the stage of building a house, it is necessary to accurately determine the location of the stove in the house, taking into account standards and fire safety clearances. This means that the stove must have independent foundation and lack of abutment to combustible (wooden) walls. The wooden floor must be isolated from interaction with coals falling out of the firebox using a metal sheet attached to the floor, the minimum parameters of which are 50 × 70 cm. It is strictly forbidden to stack firewood and kindling on this sheet.
  2. Before the start of each cold season, soot must be removed from the external and internal surfaces of the stove and chimney. Cleaning should be repeated throughout heating season once every 3 months, or more often.
  3. To easily identify the slightest cracks, it is necessary to periodically whitewash the pipes and the entire surface of the furnace.
  4. The pipes must be equipped with special metal meshes with cell sizes no larger than 5×5 mm; they serve as spark arresters.

It is forbidden:

  • use metal stoves handicraft if they do not meet safety standards;
  • Entrust lighting and maintaining the fire to small children.
  • use too long firewood sticking out of the firebox.

Every homeowner who responsibly strives for complete fire safety must understand that the laying of the stove must be entrusted to professionals who have a license from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, and not try to construct stove heating on their own.

Carbon monoxide danger

Employees of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations warn the population against possible errors when heating the oven. Carbon monoxide is toxic, has no odor or color, so people, especially in a state of sleep, will not be able to smell it.

In order not to risk life and health, the stove damper should not be closed completely (it is better to leave it slightly open) only after the blue lights above the coals disappear. In addition, it is recommended to check with a poker whether there are unburnt brands inside the stove. It is better to extinguish them or allow time to burn completely.

Firefighters advise finishing heating the stove three hours before bedtime. Only serviceable equipment should be used.

When operating wood-burning stoves, you need to monitor the chimneys and clean them of soot and deposits. The most important thing is not to close the damper until the coals burn out completely.

It is difficult to establish with what intensity carbon monoxide can enter a room with faulty stove equipment, as well as the time of exposure to the human body, since it depends on many factors. Carbon monoxide is lighter than air under normal indoor conditions.

If we take into account the fact that stoves are heated in cold weather, no one will open the windows, since the meaning of all previously carried out measures with stove heating is lost. Therefore, you should follow the recommendations above.
Will it affect or not? open window on the degree of human poisoning carbon monoxide It’s hard to say, but it will definitely reduce the concentration in the room.

We will provide you with background data taken from open sources and a table; all you have to do is draw your own conclusions.

The peak of “stove” fires occurs precisely during the heating season, during the cold period. Tenants and homeowners for summer period lose skills in handling heating devices, forget about precautions. And the furnace equipment itself becomes unusable over time.

The main causes of stove fires

Firstly, violation of the rules for the design of the furnace:

Insufficient cutting of chimneys where they pass through wooden floors, as well as small deviations - the distances between the walls of the stove and the wooden structures of the partitions and walls of the house;

Lack of pre-furnace sheet.

Secondly, violation of fire safety rules when operating the stove:

Ignition of the stove with gasoline, kerosene and other flammable liquids;

Using firewood whose length exceeds the size of the firebox;

Reheating furnaces;

Doors left open;

Drying clothes or other items near the fireplace.

It must be remembered that with stove heating, not only good draft, heat transfer, efficiency and aesthetic qualities are valued, but also safety. An improperly installed stove can cause a fire in your home. To prevent this from happening, do not entrust the laying of the stove to persons who are not familiar with the fire safety rules for the installation. stove heating.

Before the start of the heating season, stoves must be checked and repaired, chimneys must be cleared of soot and whitewashed. Faulty stoves, fireplaces and chimneys should not be allowed to operate.

The stove must be white, which will allow timely detection of malfunctions and cracks that can lead to a fire. The black smoke trail is clearly visible on the white background of the stove.

To remove smoke, vertical chimneys without ledges should be used. At the intersection of chimneys with combustible structures, the distance from inner surface smoke channels these structures must be at least 38 cm.

To protect combustible and difficult-to-burn floors, a stove should be provided in front of the firebox. metal sheet size 70x50 cm. Under frame stoves and kitchen stoves floors on legs must be protected with roofing steel over asbestos cardboard 10 mm thick. Height metal legs stoves must have at least 100 mm.

IN garden houses It is permissible to operate stoves only on solid fuel.

When operating stove heating, it is prohibited:

Leave burning stoves unattended, and also entrust children with supervising them;

Place fuel and other flammable substances and materials on the pre-furnace sheet;

Use gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel and other flammable liquids and gas liquids to ignite stoves;

Burn stoves not designed for these types of fuel with coal, coke and gas;

Fire stoves during meetings and other public events held in the premises;

Reheat ovens;

Install metal stoves that do not meet fire safety requirements, standards and technical specifications. When installing temporary metal and other factory-made furnaces, the instructions (instructions) of the manufacturers must be followed, as well as the requirements of design standards for heating systems.

Rules of conduct in case of fire

If a fire or signs of combustion are detected (smoke, burning smell, elevated temperature) you must immediately notify the fire department by phone 01, giving the address of the facility, the location of the fire and your last name. In the event of a threat to people’s lives, it is necessary to immediately organize their rescue, using available forces and means. Before the fire department arrives, use available primary fire extinguishing agents (water, sand, snow, fire extinguishers, fabric materials soaked in water) to extinguish the fire. Remove elderly people, children, disabled people and sick people from the danger zone.

1. Fire danger stove heating

The fire danger of stove heating lies in the presence high temperatures on the surface of furnace elements (walls, pipes, pipes), which can be a source of ignition of combustible materials and combustible building structures. The temperature on the surface of the elements of non-heat-intensive furnaces depends on the type of fuel burned, the furnace firing mode and can reach more than 600 °C.

The temperature in the firebox of heat-intensive furnaces can be more than 1000 °C, and in the smoke channel in the area interfloor ceiling— 500°С. The degree of heating of the side surfaces and overlap of the furnace, as well as smoke channels, depends on the thickness of the walls, the type and amount of fuel burned and the duration of combustion.

Furnace elements heated to high temperatures can be a source of ignition of materials located in the room and combustible building structures (walls, partitions, ceilings, roofs) if they are adjacent to the surfaces of furnaces or smoke ducts.

A fire can also occur as a result of the impact of flame, flue gases and sparks on combustible materials and structures through cracks and leaks in the masonry of stoves and smoke ducts, combustion openings. Possible reasons crack formations are wrong choice material for laying stoves and channels, uneven settlement of the building and stoves after construction, poor-quality masonry.

The causes of fires from stove heating may be the absence or insufficient size of grooves, indentations and distances between the heated surfaces of the stove elements and combustible (hard-to-burn) building structures, the operation of faulty stoves, smoke ducts and grooves, violation of rules safe operation furnaces, overheating of furnaces, etc.

2. Fire safety requirements for the operation of stove heating

To avoid fires at facilities with stove heating, citizens are required to inspect the stoves before the start of the heating season, including:

  • whitewashing of chimneys and walls;
  • cleaning stove chimneys from soot;
  • ensure the presence of a pre-furnace sheet made of non-combustible material measuring at least 0.5 x 0.7 meters;
  • ensure the availability of the required fire safety clearances (setbacks) from combustible structures;
  • follow the instructions (instructions) of manufacturers for metal and other factory-made furnaces.

When operating stoves, it is prohibited:

  • leave burning stoves unattended;
  • entrust supervision of stoves to children;
  • leave children unattended in a room where a stove is heated;
  • place fuel, other flammable substances and materials on the pre-furnace sheet;
  • use gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel and other flammable and combustible liquids to ignite stoves;
  • reheat furnaces;
  • place racks, display cases, counters, cabinets and other combustible materials at a distance of less than 0.7 meters from stoves, and from combustion openings - less than 1.25 meters;
  • Throw away ash and slag removed from furnaces near buildings.
Tags: -> Sections of the site -> Stove for a bath -> Fire safety -> Fireproof stove

Precautions when operating the stove and chimney

Before you start building a house, cottage, or bathhouse, you need to decide: what kind of stove you will have, where it will be located in the room, where the chimney will pass through the ceiling.

The stove must be positioned in such a way as to maintain fire safety clearances from combustible surfaces. The location of the chimney passage is important for the location of the floor beams if they are made of wood.

The fire safety guidelines that must be followed are clearly and concisely outlined in the diagram below: “Mandatory requirements of fire safety standards and regulations when installing furnaces in residential buildings» .

These “Mandatory Requirements...” also apply to sauna stoves.

I will provide information posted on the website of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

Fire safety measures when operating a stove or chimney

But for this you need very little - to learn a series simple rules, which will not allow you to disturb the harmony of your home, and the use of coal-wood heating would carry a heating function and serve aesthetic pleasure.

1. Before the start of the heating season, clean stoves and chimneys, repair them and whitewash them with lime or clay mortar so that you can notice the black cracks that have appeared from the smoke passing through them.

When checking chimneys, they check: the presence of draft and the absence of clogging; their density and isolation; the presence and serviceability of grooves protecting combustible structures; serviceability and correct location of the head relative to the roof, closely located trees and structures in order to make sure that the chimneys are located outside the zone of wind pressure.

The repair and laying of furnaces can only be trusted to persons and organizations that have received a special license from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations to carry out this work.

2. Oven, chimney at junctions with wooden attics or interfloor ceilings must have thickenings brickwork- fluff. We must not forget about thickening the walls of the oven. For joining the furnace array with wooden partitions Fireproof cutting is used.

3. Any furnace must have an independent foundation and not adjoin the entire plane of one of the walls to wooden structures. It is necessary to leave an air gap between them - a retreat. On wooden floor Before the firebox, it is necessary to nail a metal (pre-furnace) sheet measuring at least 50 by 70 cm.

4. It is extremely dangerous to leave burning stoves unattended or in the care of young children.

5. Do not use flammable or flammable liquids to light stoves.

6. To prevent the stove from overheating, it is recommended to heat it two to three times a day for no more than an hour and a half.

7. Three hours before going to bed, the heating of the stove should be stopped.

8. To avoid the formation of cracks in the masonry, you need to periodically clean the chimney from soot that accumulates in it. At least once every three months, engage a chimney sweep to clean the chimneys of soot.

9. Do not dry things or wet firewood on the stove.

10. Make sure that furniture and curtains are located at least half a meter from the mass of the burning stove.

11. Under no circumstances should you light the stove with wood that does not fit into the firebox in length. The fire can spread through the logs to nearby objects, floors and walls.

12. With the coming subzero temperatures Freezing of chimneys is dangerous, which can lead to disruption of ventilation in residential premises. IN winter time At least once a month, it is necessary to inspect the chimney heads in order to prevent freezing and blockage of the chimneys. Owners of houses (both private and departmental, as well as municipal) are required to check their chimneys for proper draft.

Quite often on forums dedicated to the subject of bathhouses or stoves, people post photographs of already built stoves that are installed indoors with all conceivable and inconceivable violations of fire safety rules.

In order to correct these violations, you need to put in a lot of work and invest a lot of money. And the question arises: “Who stopped you from typing a phrase like “Fire safety of a stove” into a search engine and looking at the requirements.”

Therefore, in order to avoid getting into a similar situation, I advise you to thoroughly understand the requirements of fire safety standards and regulations when installing stoves before starting construction. And then demand compliance with these requirements.

Remember that all fire safety rules and regulations are written human lives and any violation of these norms will sooner or later play a fatal joke on you.

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