Recommendations of an experienced trainer: selection of a training program for a girl. A set of exercises on simulators in the gym for women - we draw up a training program

Hi all. Another release of a blog article without lies and falsehood, bodybuilding in its purest form!

How to draw up a training program?

Today, as you probably guessed, we are talking about how to properly draw up a training program. I advise you to take this article very seriously and carefully!

For the one who masters it (reads it) - 50% of the questions related to bodybuilding will disappear.

Very often, when beginners come to the gym and start exercising, they jump from one to another, thereby preventing their body from feeling the pros or cons of a particular program. In order not to stagnate in one place, you need to make a training plan and constantly follow, otherwise you simply will not understand whether it is effective for you or not.

Well, how do personal trainers program? Usually, every newcomer who comes to the gym, when he just starts exercising, wants to believe in some secret training methods and a miracle program, some magic pills, they say, you drink proteins - a chemist. This is complete nonsense, if you really want to achieve a result you will have to work hard on yourself.

Training programs and the trainers who make them up

Usually, trainers write the same programs for all beginners with slight adjustments to their taste. For example: if a skinny, novice teenager comes up, he may throw out some dangerous exercises. You ask how it is, gives everyone the same thing? Is it bad?

In fact, if the coach is qualified and has his own ideas about training, he will give almost the SAME to all his clients. For it is simply NOT POSSIBLE to create an ideal personal program for you the first time! Let's hope that the coach does not write complete nonsense. For example, a thin teenager came to the gym to gain muscle mass, and the coach made him do 30-40 repetitions and rest for 5 minutes at the same time.

In short, our main task in compiling a training program is to choose the right direction, and subsequently correct this direction for ourselves. Therefore, any program, even the most idiotic one, is still better than its absence (these are the so-called chaotic workouts).

How often should you exercise?

How often do you train or train specific muscle groups? We have:

  • big muscles ( Legs, Back, Chest).
  • small muscles ( biceps, triceps, delts, calves).

big muscles recover much longer than the latter, as you already understood because of their size. In other words, large muscles may need one more day of rest than small ones.

The next important thingis the volume that you completed during the workout. The longer and harder you train a muscle, the more time it takes to rest.

The next one is just as important:your fitness. The longer you train, the more on the one hand you are adapted to carry the load and recover faster. On the other hand, the more muscles you have, the more time they need to recover. Here is such a paradox.

If you think about it that way, each coach has his own thoughts about the frequency of rest between workouts. My opinion is that beginners can train often enough at moderate intensity in order to get used to the loads and teach the muscles to contract with higher efficiency ( efficiency is the brain-muscle connection for a beginner still does not work as efficiently as for an experienced bodybuilder), in addition, beginners have rather small muscles and they will recover faster than the pro athlete.

CONCLUSION: for beginners, 2-4 days are enough between workouts of one muscle group.

How long should the workout be?

The workout should last 45-60 minutes, of course, if you are straight (that is, do not use AAS). Why exactly 45-60min? Training is a monstrous stress for our hormonal system and the body as a whole. Training is the release of cortisol and other catabolics. Otherwise Speaking of which, if you delay the time of their release, then recovery from this stress will slow down due to a slowdown in the release of anabolic hormones, in particular testosterone. Accordingly, if you inject artificial hormones, you can train longer, because. it does not apply to you.

How much rest do you need between sets?

Usually in bodybuilding, on theory, rest between sets is advised to take one minute. If then in powerlifting you need to rest for 3 minutes or more. In our case, in bodybuilding, muscles grow most of all from volumetric work with medium weights. So rest 1 max 2 minutes(if you are working on a mass of 6-12 repetitions) this will be quite enough to complete 5-6 exercises per workout to meet the 40-45 minutes.

What to train with what and how to make a split?

You can train the whole body in a workout, or you can split muscle groups on different days (split). means to split and as a rule it is more advanced and progressive, because it allows you to work more concentratedly on each muscle.

This section will have 2 rules training split:

  1. If you are a beginner, then you need to split the body less on different days.
  2. If you are already an experienced athlete and you have more muscle, the more training days you can do in your complex.

Now about these two rules. The basic idea is that the more muscle and fitness you have, the more large quantity training days will be good for your body. If you are a skinny teenager, your split for example on Monday worked out the whole body at a time, took a rest on Tuesday.

If you have some kind of preparation, then you can do a split on your body, for example, most often they train 3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday). Regarding training which muscle groups can be trained together, it is very important to consider recovery and the fact that many muscles are used indirectly when training other muscle groups. This can affect recovery, and this in turn can affect performance. In addition, some muscle groups require a harder and longer workout than other muscle groups. Let's look at what muscle groups exist.


  • pushingChest, Triceps, Deltas
  • pullingit's back, biceps, legs

For example: if you have trained your biceps and then want to train your back, this is a very bad idea, because the biceps and back are a pulling group, in addition, our biceps are weaker than the back. And if you tire your biceps, you won’t be able to properly train your back. That's it. Another thing is if you train your back first, and then your biceps, it will be reasonable.

The main rule here is:when you train a bunch of muscles, always start with the larger muscle groups.

For example: First the back, then the biceps or first the chest, and then the triceps, etc.

This is a very important point:large at the beginning of the workout, and small after.

What if I have multiple muscle groups in my workout?

Combining several large muscle groups in one workout is not recommended.

It is better to combine one large group with several smaller ones than, for example, chest and legs or back and legs. This is too heavy a load (will limit your ability to properly train each group) and besides, you will have to drive blood from the upper body to the lower, which is not desirable because it will load your circulatory system.

An exception can be made for training the Back and Chest on the same day, because. they are antagonistic muscles.

What are antagonists? Many muscles perform opposite movements. pectoral pushing hands, and latissimus dorsi their backs pull, the biceps bends the arm, and the triceps unbends it, etc. These are the so-called opposite muscles - antagonists.

Very often it makes sense to train them together. Because when you, for example: do biceps curls, your triceps are also passively included in the work and are also stretched, in addition, the pumping effect is very pronounced, because. the blood isn't going anywhere.

About NOG. The legs are the STRONGEST AND BIGGEST muscle group in the human body. If you are moving to more advanced splits it is a good idea to include a separate day for leg training.

  • BEST SPLIT - Antagonists: Chest, Back - Deltas, Arms - Legs, 3 times a week.
  • Advanced split: Legs - Back - Chest - Delta - Arms, 5 times a week.

As for rest, it's simple if you're not progressing, then you're either training too often or too infrequently. More often than not, people will load their split of 7-8 exercises, 5 sets, etc. with not enough rest days. If you feel like you need a day off, it's best to do so.


Everything is simple here. If you want big muscles, big muscle mass, then just do BASE. What is I advise you to read separately by clicking on the link.

Briefly, the baseThese are those exercises that include several muscle groups at once. Forget about isolated exercises and simulators in general, this is nonsense, they do not give growth at all. These things are designed for beauty and to attract new clients to the gym, not for the growth of large muscles.


What is the sequence of exercises in a split?

There are two very important rules. From hard to easy, and from bigger to smaller.

The more joints involved in an exercise, the earlier it needs to be performed (BASE).

For example: we train the chest, that is, we start with the BAMBLE PRESSES and end up with an easier formative one, for example, wiring or a Crossover. If these are legs, then first squat and only then extension. But here, too, there is one rule, for example, I have problems with my knees, I cannot do a squat as the first exercise, for this I set the leg extension while sitting and do preliminary fatigue, that is, I do it 20-30 times with maximum weight. I think you get the point.

For most, start with HARDER AND HARDER exercises and end with easy (isolation exercises).

How many reps per working set?

This is a very long topic, in which I will not write very much. In short, I will say that if your goal is mass, it will most effectively perform 6-12 repetitions.

It doesn't matter at all, BECAUSE best height seen if you reach positive failure within 10-30 seconds of starting the exercise, and an interval of 6-12 repetitions allows you to settle into this interval.

In conclusion, I want to say that individual training programs are very good. But in order to approximate it, you need to know a lot about specific person(his way of life, heredity, physical condition, etc.).

And who knows this better than you? The answer is obvious - you yourself. Therefore, I advise you to be patient, start, and then make an analysis of your achievements and programs - this is the most The best way create the perfect personal training program.

Sports nutrition in bodybuilding

P.S. In the same section, I decided to highlight a separate topic about sports nutrition, because most beginners believe in miracle pills that will get them pumped up. I assure you it is not. They serve only as additions to the usual high-grade food. That's why they are called additives, it's logical. Moreover, from the very beginning you should know that sports nutrition is not chemistry. This is ordinary food. Simply the main advantage of sports nutrition is that it is extremely convenient in terms of preparation and absorption, unlike regular food.

In bodybuilding, there are such types of supplements as:

  1. Protein (protein)
  2. amino acids
  3. gainers, energy drinks
  4. vitamins and minerals
  5. fat burners
  6. creatine
  7. prohormones

Each of them is effective in its own way, if you wish (if necessary), you can buy sports nutrition for your needs. I advise you to read more about sports nutrition. Therefore, do not wind yourself up, train and eat right and success will not keep you waiting.

Sincerely, administrator.

Today we are waiting for a waterless specific note, and it will be devoted to the topic - basic program workouts for beginners. We will look at what a beginner's TP may look like, and what features exist in beginner training. After reading, each of you will be able to download the program to yourself, print it out, and then run it in practice for performance.

So take your seats, we're about to begin.

Basic training program for beginners: what, why and why?

As you know, recently an opportunity has appeared on the project. So, you said that this topic is interesting for you, and therefore I decided to periodically sketch out various ready-made training schemes that you can use in the gym. From time to time we will review all areas of bodybuilding, athlete levels and their corresponding programs. Well, we will begin our first acquaintance with studying the basic training program for beginners.

Actually, stop pouring water :) let's get to the point.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Basic training program for beginners: features

Each program has its own characteristics, i.e. strategic scheme its implementation - what follows what, what time of rest and so on. That's what we'll talk about. The first step is to decide on the answer to the question: who is the newcomer.

Answer: this is a person who, for whatever reason, decided to go to the gym / fitness room without any clear strategy and tactics, what and how he will do, and his continuous training experience ranges from 1 before 6 months. He does not, and the body's ability to recover from stress is extremely low. I note that we are not talking only about young ladies or only males, it can be young ladies and “people for ...”, in general, everyone who has decided to change their physique, but do not know where to start and what training program to work on .

So, congratulations to Sharik, you are a dumbass! You with the honorary title of newcomer! You should not be ashamed of it somehow and add experience to work book to appear more advanced in the eyes of others. Everything will come and everything will be, the main thing is that you took the first step - you made a decision and came to the hall, but then time will tell, history will tell.

Now that we have decided on the status, we can move on to the training guidelines that every beginner should follow. These include:

  • classes 2-3 once a week;
  • work scheme - work on the whole body without separation of muscle groups;
  • low volume training;
  • exercises are basic or conditionally basic, with a minimum inclusion of isolation-training exercises;
  • little variety of exercises;
  • lack of “shocking” techniques () of working with muscles;
  • focus on smooth and consistent progression of weight.

All of these guidelines aim to achieve the often identical and specific goals of newcomers.

Basic training program for beginners: main goals

In general, the tasks of beginners who come to the gym for the first time are similar. Of course, someone is interested in losing a little more fat or gaining muscle mass, someone wants to become stronger, but in general, everyone wants to get a beautiful body and a healthy look.

So, these are not quite true goals that a beginner should set for himself. Of the girls, most want to lose weight, of the guys - to gain weight. (get bigger), get stronger. When you come to the gym for the first time, you need to set a “banal” goal - to get better from workout to workout.

In more detailed view it can be expressed like this;

  • development of general fitness - the ability of the body to “better” endure loads and better recover from stressful stress;
  • improving muscle coordination and performing exercises in the proper form;
  • improving performance - increasing the volume of training in comparison with the initial value;
  • increase basic level strength indicators, increased endurance.

For a beginner, it is these goals that are important, and achieving them allows you to bring others closer - an increase in muscle mass, a decrease in fat, an overall improvement in well-being and health as a "side" effect. Therefore, try to focus specifically on the “banal” goals – to become better today than yesterday, and the rest will catch up. We pulled ourselves up on Wednesday one more time than on Monday - excellent, they began to work out the entire program for 50 minutes (compared to previous 60 ) and less tired - great!

That's all, now let's move on to the practical part.

Basic training program for beginners: an inside look

So, the following program will work:

  • beginners whose training experience is from 1 before 6 months;
  • beginners with any kind of goals;
  • only to people without problems with physical/bodily health, without operations and pathologies.

As for the technical side of the PT, it is as follows:

  • type - strength program with free weights for the whole body;
  • number of classes per week - 3 times;
  • training format – variable “ABA BAB”;
  • program running time 2-3 month;
  • two consecutive days of rest at the end of the week.

Actually, we turn to explanations and details.

The training scheme for two weeks looks like this.

In the first week, the ABA rotation scheme is performed, the second - BAB, and so on for 8-12 weeks.

The very basic training program for beginners is as follows.

And in the picture...

  • Workout A

  • Workout B

As you can see, the program uses only basic multi-joint movements, slightly supplemented by “highly specialized” exercises. This PT is great for healthy beginners who know how to do these types of exercises and have already dealt with them. This program provides a rapid progression of loads and relatively quick positive bodily changes. (average over 2,5-3 months of regular practice).

Basic training program for beginners: technical points

Training Program A: details and explanations

Here you need to know that:

  1. core exercises are squats, bench press and deadlift;
  2. squats are the recommended exercise for the legs, but it can be replaced with a leg press in the simulator in case of “individual intolerance”;
  3. bench press is the recommended exercise for the chest, but it can be replaced by in case of “individual intolerance”;
  4. Reverse grip pull allows you to use a large range of motion and also more accurately hit the load on the latissimus dorsi.

Workout Program B: Details and Explanations

Here you need to know that:

  1. core exercises are -, and;
  2. the classic deadlift is a recommended exercise for beginners, however, it can be replaced with traction from plinths (shortened amplitude) or . In the first case, the number of repetitions can reach up to 12-15 per set;
  3. pull-ups - the recommended exercise for the back, however, it can be replaced with traction from the upper block to the chest or pull-ups in the gravitron simulator (for girls);
  4. The standing chest press is the recommended shoulder exercise, but can be substituted for the seated chest press or seated/standing dumbbell press.

The Basic Workout Program for Beginners: How to Make It Work

First of all, you need to pay attention to:

No. 1. Execution Form

The first two weeks you have to run the program, ie. identify working weights to perform a given amount of training in the proper form. The latter is understood as the performance of the exercise in accordance with its only possible technical option. After confidently performing the exercise in a given number of repetitions / sets and technique, you can focus on a consistent and gradual progression of loads (if possible, increase the weight of the weights on each workout).

No. 2. Sets, repetitions and progression of loads

Volume-strength progress in training is the fulfillment of a given program (number of sets/reps per movement) and a gradual increase in the working weight of the projectile without compromising the technique and numerical parameters of the exercise.

In other words, you should try to gradually increase the weight of the projectile and do the same amount of work, i.e. if you lifted for biceps 30 kg in 3 approaches to 10 reps, then lifting weights 31 kg in the same (without reduction) numerical scheme means your progress. If 31 kg rises only in the first or first two approaches, which means switching to increased weight ( 31 it's too early to try 30,5 kg.

In such cases, such a miniature weight ( 0,5-1 kg) is quite difficult to pick up, and here various rubber bands, ribbons, ropes can come to the rescue, which will allow you to fix the free weight (small pancake), for example, on a non-separable dumbbell.

Conclusion: you need to switch to a new weight, provided full implementation exercise volume (scheme of the number of sets / repetitions).


Beginners at first are able to progress in working weights pretty soon just because of their status, then such an “easy” path noticeably slows down.

No. 3. Following the plan and "no experiments"

Many beginners like to “sandal” something of their own into the training program, so to speak, to work out the gag. However, all that is required of them at first is to follow the instructions and the concept of training. For our case, this implies consistent progression in working weights while maintaining the exercise technique, as well as working with a given number of exercises in a given numerical and resting training scheme. Such work will allow the beginner to count on intelligible results, remember this and do not “smack the gag” or “mine from anyone else” :).

Actually, I have everything on the sim, let's summarize all this boltology.


Now you have a basic training program for beginners in your hands, now you can start testing it in the gym. Therefore, we finish reading these lines, print them out and blow into the hall for a run-in, move on!

Let me take my leave, see you soon!

PS. Friends, what program do you follow? We write the answers in the comments.

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network- plus 100 points to karma, guaranteed.

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Many girls who want to lose weight or gain muscle mass, coming to the gym, do not understand at all what to do and how. The first thing they need to do is create a lesson plan for themselves. Depending on the goals, girls can create a program for themselves for 1, 2, 3 or more workouts per week, with a different number of repetitions within the approach. How to draw up a training program for a girl with a huge variety of exercises depends on the personal level of training and the initial physical data.

Important! If you have a musculoskeletal injury, you should consult with a sports doctor about acceptable and unacceptable exercises before starting classes.

The first thing you should pay attention to is warming up and stretching before and after training. The warm-up is a light aerobic exercise (running, jumping), as well as preliminary exercises with a weight less than the “working” one. During training (between sets), it also does not hurt to stretch, while you do not need to do “springy movements” - fix the muscles in the desired position for at least 30 seconds. That is how much it takes for the brain to transmit a signal to the myofibrils (muscle fibers) that potential threat no injury. Only in this case, the muscles with ligaments will be able to “relax”.

A person who has a good stretch progresses much better in terms of muscle growth, since his fibers are more elastic and do not resist hypertrophy (an increase in their own volume). Qualitatively warming up and stretching before exercise, you significantly reduce the risk of injury during training. You can see more about this in a short video:

How to make a training program for girls

When compiling a training program, it is necessary to take into account the differences in male and female training:

  • The peculiarity of the metabolism in girls is that by eating more fatty foods (with fewer carbohydrates), they lose weight faster as a result of training, they have more strength and endurance.
  • Since women predominantly have type 1 muscle fibers, she quite easily “pulls” a large amount of training, that is, many repetitions and repetitions. The state of "overtraining" in them occurs extremely rarely, which allows them to train the same muscle group even 2 times a week.
  • It is better for girls to use “explosive” approaches to a minimum (“explosive” can be considered those exercises in which a girl overcomes the maximum or close to it weight).
  • Low-intensity cardio (slow running, jumping rope at a slow pace) works better on girls than high-intensity cardio (sprints, etc.).
  • While lifting the projectile, the girl should do repetitions at a slow pace, without the “explosive” positive phase of the movement, as is customary in male training.
  • Since the average arterial pressure in girls during training is lower than in men, they endure loads more easily, experience less burning sensation in the muscles.
  • Girls do not need to take long breaks between sets, 30-60 seconds are enough, since their pulse and breathing recover faster than men.
  • Women can exercise more often than men. Being engaged without the use of doping, girls in strength training 4-5 times a week instead of the traditional men 3 times. That is, girls can train 1 muscle group twice a week.

Important! You should only prioritize basic movements such as squats, Romanian deadlifts, pull-ups, and so on. It is multi-joint exercises that involve the maximum number of muscles in the work, causing the best anabolic response of the body, which manifests itself in an increase in muscles, strength, and also a decrease in fat.

How to train effectively?

The order of exercises in the program should be observed from the most complex and difficult, to the easiest movements. At the same time, the division also occurs by muscle groups, the largest and most energy-intensive muscles (biceps of the thighs and quadriceps, latissimus dorsi) should be worked out at the beginning of the workout, but smaller groups (shoulders, abs, chest, arms, calves) - closer to completion workout.

The normal number of repetitions in one approach for a girl is 6-8 for increasing strength, 12-15 for muscle growth and 20-30 for fat loss. The number of approaches within 1 exercise is from 3 to 5. The number of exercises for 1 training day is from 5 to 7. At the same time, you must remember that in order to increase muscle mass, it is necessary to divide the training program into muscle groups so that 2 identical muscle groups not pumped on adjacent days.

If you have your first workout on Monday and you rocked your legs, and your second workout on Tuesday or Wednesday, you shouldn't repeat the same muscle group again. At the same time, breaks of 3 or more days are normal for recovery. Therefore, if you trained one muscle group, for example, on Friday, you can also train it on Monday, because there are 3 days of full recovery between these days. If your goal is fat burning, you can work out all muscle groups in one workout and repeat the same cycle several times a week - this does not negatively affect calorie loss.

Goals and objectives of training

Training for girls, as well as for men, in each case provides for different goals. In most cases, these goals are:

  • weight loss
  • muscle growth (relief work);
  • increase in strength indicators;
  • increase in endurance indicators;
  • therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Many girls combine several goals together, such as fat loss and muscle growth. Whatever they write on the vast Russian-speaking Internet, they say, these processes are absolutely opposite and their course cannot be achieved simultaneously (catabolism is the destruction of fat and muscles, anabolism is growth), know that in practice all this is possible!

Motivation for training

Don't fool yourself into thinking that after reading this section, you'll be pretty motivated to do something you've never done before. It will not happen. In training, as in any other serious matter, it is important to set yourself up for a long and hard work, as well as a clear understanding of the result and the benefits that it gives you:

  • beautiful body;
  • health;
  • physical strength;
  • strength of mind;
  • attraction to the opposite sex.

When you really really want something, no one and nothing will stop you on the way to achieving your goal. If your goal is secondary, you do not betray it of special importance - you will constantly feel lazy about this, your hands will “drop” even before you start.

True, in gym However, there are exceptions, and they happen often. During grueling workouts, our body receives a fair dose of dopamine and adrenaline, and therefore, after 3-4 weeks, a person becomes addicted to the gym. Just do not compare it with drug addiction - after all, our internal secretion of hormones is physiological for us, in contrast to exogenously introduced substances (from outside). A person experiences a similar dependence to receive different kind pleasures - sex, sweets and so on.

Gym or home workout - which is better?

The main disadvantage of training at home is the lack of equipment. Even if you have a barbell and dumbbells, a horizontal bar is not enough. In this case, the range of working weights is limited; you cannot dose and adjust the load based on your own needs. If we are talking about bodyweight training, then it’s even sadder, since our capabilities are growing, therefore, the load should increase linearly or in waves. How can there be an increase in load if our own weight does not change or changes slightly?

By training at home, very soon the girl reaches the limit in the growth of muscle mass!

If the main goal is weight loss, then you can increase the intensity of the workout by adding repetitions in the approach and reducing the intervals between sets. But for this you still need a barbell, dumbbells and some other equipment (bench for hyperextension, racks, etc.) - and not every girl has them at home. Buying this whole set is not a cheap pleasure, sometimes it’s cheaper to regularly go to the gym with a subscription for several years in a row.

Training programs for girls

It is very important to exercise in correct technique and amplitude, for this you can watch a series of special videos on the topic of women's training from a professional. There you will also find examples of the exercises described below from the proposed training programs:

But you still cannot do without the help of a competent coach in setting up the technique, since an experienced person can see much better what you are doing wrong and how it can be changed.

For beginners

If you are just starting out in the gym (or want to train in light mode), the best choice for the first month there will be a cyclic program that involves repeating the same exercises “in a circle”:

  • lifting the legs in the hang on the horizontal bar - to the maximum;
  • wide stance squats - 20 reps;
  • block pull on the chest - 15 repetitions;
  • deadlift on straight legs - 20 reps;
  • hyperextension - 15 repetitions;
  • wiring 15 repetitions;
  • lifting dumbbells for biceps 15 reps;
  • push-ups (traditional or from the knees, if it’s hard) with a narrow setting for triceps - 15 repetitions;
  • jump rope - 90 seconds.

You can repeat these exercises for 1-3 cycles, depending on your physical fitness. After a month of training, you can switch to an advanced training program that burns fat and leads to muscle growth at the same time.

Helpful information! If your goal is to lose weight, you can leave the cycle program on a permanent basis, increasing the number of repetitions in it to 25-30 and reducing the rest between sets (if your fitness allows, you can not rest at all between sets).

For experienced

The training program for "advanced" girls, designed to burn fat and increase muscle mass, is performed on Mon-Wed-Fri or Tue-Thu-Sat, you can also alternate workouts on a "day after day" basis:

First day (bottom):

  • squats with a barbell (bar) 4 sets of 12-15 repetitions;
  • Romanian deadlift on straight legs 4 x 12-15;
  • leg extension in the simulator for quadriceps 3 to 12-15;
  • leg curls in the simulator 3 to 12-15;
  • lunges with dumbbells 3 to 10 with each leg;
  • hyperextension 3 to 15.

Second day (top):

  • traction of the bar (neck) in an inclination - 4 to 15;
  • bench press (neck) on a bench with an inclination of 20-30% - 4 to 15;
  • swing dumbbells to the sides (on the shoulders) while standing 3 to 15;
  • press on an inclined bench - 3 to 15;
  • back row with upper block wide grip- 4 to 15;
  • leg press in anti-gack - 3 to 20;
  • hyperextension 3 to 20.

On the third training day, you need to do the same as on the first (remember - girls can train 1 muscle group 2 times a week).

What not to forget after training

After a workout, you need to rest mentally and physically so that the body switches to a calm and measured work. It is ideal to get some sleep, get yourself a bath of water (you can visit the sauna) or just relax in any way convenient for you. Perhaps for some, this method is yoga, a massage session, or listening to your favorite music. As for the workout, for a gentler “exit” from training stress, you can cool down at the end - for example, run very slowly for 3-5 minutes. This will help bring the work of all body systems in order (primarily the cardiovascular system) and smoothly finish physical activity.

Nutrition and drinking regimen before and after training

A person needs water (and it doesn’t matter if it’s a girl or a man) both before training, there and during and after. Drink water in between sets small quantities so as not to cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, which will interfere with the training process. The total daily amount of water consumption should be at least 2 liters per day.

Nutrition will depend on your goals (the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and their amount will vary in each case), but the main rule is not to eat earlier than 2 hours before training and 30 minutes after.

Important nuances of training for girls

You should definitely know general principles training and be able to draw up a training plan for yourself even when you are working with a trainer. Most trainers are just sales managers who trade in their looks, ability to communicate with clients and get along with them. mutual language, smile beautifully and please everyone. They do not know how to properly train and bring wards to their goals. You can do completely pointless exercises in the wrong form, while you will not hear anything from the trainer other than “okay, 2 more reps and rest for a minute.”

One of the most important recommendations– never train in the gym in parallel with a critically low level of calorie intake. Any diet in which you limit yourself to 1-2 foods and reduce calories below 20 kcal per 1 kg of body weight is a taboo. And even more so, you should not expose yourself to this physical activity- adherents of kefir, apple, cabbage and other "diets" in my coaching experience and in the experience of my colleagues have lost consciousness more than once while doing exercises with a barbell.

It’s good if there is a person nearby who will insure, catch the immobilized body at the right time. But many coaches step away from their trainees while they are squatting or benching, especially when the weight on the bar is light. Indeed, an empty neck weighs only 20 kg - it’s not a big deal if it falls on a girl’s chest or face (apparently, they think so). If the trainer throws you without insurance during a potentially dangerous exercise, where you can fall yourself or drop the barbell on yourself - give up such a “specialist” as soon as possible!


Many girls already intuitively understand that their training program should be radically different from men's programs, but social pressure forces them to do the same. Using the tips in this article, you can create a lesson plan that includes all the features female body, its rate of recovery and physiological characteristics.

There are many different training programs in the gym. The choice of a particular program depends on your goal. Very often, when beginners come to the gym and start exercising, they jump from one training system to another, thereby not allowing their body to feel the pros or cons of a particular program. In order not to stagnate in one place, you need to make a training plan and follow it constantly, otherwise you simply won’t understand whether it is effective for you or not. Usually, every newcomer who comes to the gym can be mistaken and firmly believe in some secret training methods and a miracle program, some kind of magic pills. Thinking you'll grow up to be the Hulk. This is complete nonsense, because if you really want to achieve a result, then you will have to work hard on yourself for a long time.

As practice and observations in different gyms show, most trainers give the same program to absolutely everyone, making small changes that depend on different aspects. This happens because even an experienced trainer is not able to immediately draw up an ideally suitable training program for you. This is easily explained by the fact that you need to experiment, adhering to the basic criteria. Of course, if you are a beginner, the coach will never tell you to do deadlifts or barbell squats right away. In the first couple, he will exclude dangerous exercises from training and give you some alternatives in the simulators, for example: traction of the upper block, push-ups on the uneven bars, etc. On initial stage, the main goal of training will be to prepare the athlete's body for heavy loads, so to speak, "strengthening the physique." In general, the main thing is that the trainer is good and does not give you complete nonsense as a training plan. To avoid this, today we will try to clearly explain to you what's what.

Why is it important to choose the right training program?

A lot depends on what program you are doing in the gym. An incorrectly selected program will lead to stagnation of results or, even worse, to overtraining.

You need to determine for yourself what goal you are pursuing. Why do you even go to the gym? If you want to reset overweight, then by lifting large weights, you will not achieve your goal, but on the contrary, you will gain even more weight due to muscle mass. Aerobic exercises will help you more - light weights and a high number of repetitions in each exercise.

If your goal is to build muscle, then a program that consists of compound exercises that target large muscle groups is optimal, with the complete absence of any isolation exercises, which should be forgotten altogether until you become a professional competitive athlete.

That is why at the initial stage it is so important to correctly determine the program, depending on your goals.

"Split" or "Full body"?

Training programs can be divided into two main types - "split" and "full body". Let's look at what these two systems are and what are the main differences between them. Having understood this, you can decide for yourself which training system to choose.

"Split" - a separate training program

“Split” (translated from English - to separate) is a training system in which you work out 1-2 muscle groups in one workout, and not the whole body. The next time you will train the same muscle groups only in a week.

Thanks to this separation, each muscle group gets more time to rest and has time to fully recover from workout to workout. Also, by exercising according to the “split-system”, you can work out each muscle group more carefully, because if you pump only one or two muscles in one workout, then be so kind as to work on them properly by doing 3-4 exercises for each.

The most common split training program is the "three-day split". Let's take an example of a "three-day split".

Monday - chest
1. Bench press lying on a horizontal bench
2. Incline Dumbbell Press
3. Push-ups on the uneven bars (chest method)
4. Reduction of hands in the "crossover"

With such a training program, you will work out the whole body in a quality manner during the week, and the muscles will rest and recover well between workouts.

You don't need to do any arm exercises. Your triceps will swing on Monday, along with pectoral muscles and, and biceps - on Friday, along with the muscles of the back.

By themselves, the muscles of the back and pectoral muscles are large muscle groups, many times larger than the muscles of the arms, which means that it is more difficult to work them out and they get tired longer. So, for example, during a “bench” workout on Monday, the triceps will get tired on a par with the pectoral muscles, or even more than them. With the “pull” workout on Friday, the biceps will get enough work to grow along with the back muscles.

"Full body" - full body workout

"Full body" (translated from English - the whole body) is fundamentally different from the "split system" in that all muscle groups are worked out in one workout, using basic exercises.
It is much more difficult to train the whole body in one day and usually, by the end of the workout, there is already so little strength left that some exercises are performed in bad faith and are not finalized. Because of this, the corresponding muscle groups receive less load, which negatively affects their growth.

If you have chosen the “full body” method as your training program in the gym, then the frequency of training should be less than with the “split”, otherwise you are guaranteed to earn overtraining and there will be no progress. Fatigue will gradually build up, layering one on top of the other.

With a split training program, you can do 3-4 times a week, and with a full body workout - no more than 2.

"Low-rep" or "high-rep" training?

“Low-rep” training is considered to be training in which the number of repetitions in one exercise does not exceed 6, but may be less. This type of training is aimed at maximizing strength and gaining muscle mass. It is important not only to perform 6 repetitions in the exercise, but to choose such a weight of the barbell or dumbbells that you will not be able to do the seventh repetition.

"High-rep" training means a high number of repetitions in exercises - from 15 and above. Such exercises should be considered aerobic. They develop endurance, help burn excess fat thereby giving relief to the muscles.

Your best bet would be to choose something in the middle and use classical scheme for a typical bodybuilder, 8-12 reps per set. It will sometimes be useful to alternate loads, changing the number of repetitions in a particular exercise. This principle is called cyclicality. It will be discussed in more detail below.

We make a training program in the gym

It is necessary to draw up a training program individually. There are no universal programs that will bring maximum results to absolutely everyone.

If you want to go to the gym more often, then it’s better to choose a separate training program, if you don’t have enough time and you can visit the gym only 2 times a week, train according to the “full body” system. To compile a training program for the whole body in one day, we will take only the most basic exercises, otherwise there will simply not be enough strength for everything.

Here is a simple example of a two day full body.

If before each exercise you perform 2-4 warm-up sets, gradually increasing the weight of the barbell until you reach your working weight and conscientiously perform 3-5 sets in each exercise, then these two workouts per week will be more than enough.

You don’t need any techniques consisting of 15 exercises, 14 of which are various isolating exercises for the arms (all sorts of French presses, concentrated bicep curls, etc.) Look at the pictures and, without the slightest regret, throw this glossy magazine into the trash and don't think about it again.

Such systems are designed for professionals who have built up enough muscle mass using anabolic steroids and are polishing it before the competition!

So, in order to choose the right training program, you need to accurately determine the goal, as well as take into account the amount of free time that you can devote to training.

Thanks to our catalog of training programs, you can choose the most optimal for yourself.

The cycle of training

Now let's look at some of the details that will help you avoid overtraining and achieve great success while exercising in the gym.

The cyclicity of training is a periodic change in the training system that helps prevent addiction and adaptation of the body to the same, repeated day after day, load. The construction of so-called training cycles does not allow the body to adapt and provokes it to constant stress, which, in turn, leads to an increase in muscle mass.

Training cycles can be large, lasting 3 months, or they can be short (mini-cycles) - one week of easy training and two weeks of hard training.

What does light or hard training mean? In a hard workout, you train to failure by choosing a barbell or dumbbell weight that you can work in the 8-12 rep range for each set. Moreover, the last repetitions should be given to you with great difficulty, and with light ones, you reduce the weight of the shells by 30-50% of your working weight, which you use on days of hard training, and perform more repetitions, but slightly reduce the rest time between sets and exercises.

Thus, you kill two birds with one stone - you give the body a little respite on days of light training, allowing it to recover better, and also, thanks to a change in load, do not allow you to get used to a monotonous regime, which causes stress that stimulates muscle growth.


Supercompensation is a state of the body in which it not only recovered after fatigue from a good workout, but also improved its condition, increasing strength and readiness for the next load. It is worth remembering that muscles recover quite quickly (24-72 hours), but nervous system, which is strongly inflated from heavy loads, is not so fast and it can take more than a week to recover.

If you exercise too often, then supercompensation will not be achieved, respectively, and strength indicators will grow much more slowly or will not grow at all. For example, recovery can take place within a week, and supercompensation - within two weeks. This once again proves the importance of load cycling.


As you may have noticed, regarding all of the above, the selection of a training program for each person is carried out individually, based on physical indicators, etc. I hope you understand how to properly approach the preparation of a training program.

If you don't have a trainer in the gym, it's entirely possible to do the analysis yourself and create a training program that works for you based on your goals, experimenting and making adjustments to the program afterwards. But best of all, consult with an experienced trainer who will tell you what to do and how to do it right. The most important thing is to do everything wisely and not take any mega programs of professionals.

Remember, for each person, the most effective will be their own training program, selected individually, so decide for yourself which program to choose.

To all those who like to sip iron or just passing by, hello! Today, in this article, we will talk with you about a very important topic for people who are just starting their journey in iron world, . We will talk about the correct compilation of such an integral component as a training program in the gym. The training process will be chaotic, not correct, if there is no clearly thought-out plan of your actions.

Each goal is achieved sequentially when a person follows a certain plan, whether the goal is to get rich or, in our case, to build a beautiful, sculpted and aesthetic physique. If a person has a plan, it makes it easy to concentrate on his goal and go towards it. Without the right approach to their training, the athlete will stagnate in one place, and there will be almost no result. The training program and management will help you determine the effectiveness of the program itself, track the results, and if they are not satisfactory or absent at all, change the program. In a word, experiment. We have already talked about the importance of a training diary in the training process itself, our today's topic About, . But in that article, I briefly described the basic principles. In this article, I will try to explain and analyze these principles in as much detail as possible, as well as give recommendations so that a person knows how to write a training program.


The vast majority of beginners firmly believe in the existence of some kind of training program that will help them become big and strong in short time. Coming to the gym after winter, with the goal of “pumping up before summer”, direct to proof. ATTENTION! There is no such training program, there is only hard work on yourself. Miracles, at least in bodybuilding, do not happen. It takes years to build a good, athletic physique, but the result is worth it.

As practice and observations in different gyms show, most trainers give the same program to absolutely everyone, making small changes that depend on different aspects. In principle, if the coach is good, like, and knows a lot about his business, this is not so bad, because even an experienced coach is not able to immediately create an ideal training program for you. This is easily explained by the fact that you need to experiment, adhering to the basic criteria. Of course, if you are a beginner, the coach will never tell you to do or immediately. In the first couple, he will exclude dangerous exercises from the training split and give you some exercises in the simulators, for example: push-ups on the uneven bars, etc. At the initial stage, the main goal of training will be to prepare the athlete's body for heavy loads, so to speak, "strengthening the physique." In general, the main thing is that the trainer is good and does not give you complete nonsense as a training plan. To avoid this, today we will try to clearly explain to you what's what.


How to make a training program? First of all, you need to decide on the frequency of training and the frequency training of a particular muscle group. In order for you to understand everything better, I will explain clearly. Our body is made up of large and small muscle groups. Large ones include: chest, back and of course legs. Small muscle groups: trapezius, deltas, triceps, biceps and so on. Logically, because of their size, large muscles take much longer to recover than small muscles. Therefore, the recovery will take more than one day. When muscles increase in size, they need more time to rest and recover. Also, the recovery period depends on the load that you get in training. The more stress, the more time it takes to recover. It's all theory backed up by logic and science.

Of course, this information is not really needed at the initial stage, but in order to train correctly in the future and not make commonplace mistakes, I advise you to devote more time to reading such information. She will be very useful!

When it comes to recovery, everyone has their own opinion. But for the most part, one muscle group should be trained once a week. Thus, there will be enough time for the muscles to rest and recover. According to this principle, many mass training programs are built. There are, of course, five-day, six-day ones. But this already applies to more experienced athletes and professionals.


Usually, the duration of the training is one hour. This time is enough to train all the muscle groups that the athlete has planned. There are many types of training programs: circuit training, training with application and so on. With this variety, the break between sets is slightly different, but since we are talking about a standard workout, the desired rest period is no more than 2 minutes. It's better to settle down in 1 minute, so you expand the range of exercises that you can do in one hour. To train so intensively, it must be appropriate. If you eat poorly, then you will need more time to recover between sets and the exercises themselves, and this already reduces the effectiveness of the training, not to mention the reduction in working weight.


Beginners can use . This is the standard option for the training program. Split, translated into Russian means "splitting", that is, using this term in bodybuilding, it means the distribution of individual muscle groups over training days. For example, if we consider the standard option: Monday - chest, triceps; Wednesday - back, biceps; Friday - legs, shoulders. As for Friday, I think it's better to set aside a separate training day for training the shoulders, and on leg day, train the legs and calves. In principle, a beginner can work out several muscle groups in one workout, because for beginners, the recovery process is faster than for experienced athletes. This is due to the fact that muscle tissue new ones have less.

For especially thin athletes (hardgainers or), you can train the whole body in one workout, as they recover much faster than everyone else.


There are many opinions about which muscle groups to pump together. Standard option we have already mentioned: Monday - chest, triceps; and so on ... There are athletes who pump, that is, those muscle groups that are parallel to each other, for example, biceps and triceps, chest and back. According to this principle, Arnold Schwarzenegger himself liked to train.

When you become more experienced, you can try different variants workouts. Bodybuilding is a sport in which you need to look for your own training method so that it suits you, constantly experiment, also preventing the muscles from getting used to the load.

For beginners, a standard workout is suitable: back - biceps, chest - triceps, legs - shoulders.

So that you understand in what order you need to train the planned muscle groups, we will analyze a little theory. Each muscle group has its own functions. There are pushing groups: chest, triceps, deltas; there are biceps and back, which perform the function of "traction". Also, don't forget to mention the legs. If you start your “chest, triceps” workout with triceps, this will be a bad idea, since they perform the same pushing function, the triceps will get tired beforehand, and you will not be able to work out the chest productively.

Remember one thing Golden Rule: large groups muscles need to be pumped at the beginning of the training process. Naturally, when they say "at the beginning of a workout", it means after a thorough and.

As for the legs, this is the largest muscle group in the human body, and in my opinion, as I said at the very beginning, it is better to set aside a separate training day for training the legs.


There is nothing complicated here. There is no need to invent any exercises, everything has already been done. In the " " section, we have provided many prototype programs and exercises along with them, which you can use in the process, adjust for yourself.


As you may have noticed, regarding all of the above, the selection of a training program for each person is carried out individually, based on physical indicators, etc. I hope you understand how to properly approach the preparation of a training program. If you don't have a trainer in the gym, it's entirely possible to do the analysis yourself and create a training program that works for you based on your goals, experimenting and making adjustments to the program afterwards. But best of all, consult with an experienced trainer who will tell you what to do and how to do it right. The most important thing is to do everything wisely and not take any mega programs of professionals and the like. Good luck with your workout routines!


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