Open lesson "in the world of flowers". Theme: Flowers

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about meadow, forest, wild flowers; to teach to name and distinguish them, to cultivate a careful attitude towards nature.

Materials and equipment: for a lesson for each child, the teacher selects illustrations for each type of flower chosen by the child; riddles, poems, educational material about flowers, hats in the form of flowers for children and a few for parents of pupils.

Preliminary work: children participate in the classes of the “Flowers of our Motherland” cycle, children are introduced to the flowers listed in the Red Book, hats in the form of flowers are made by the child together with their parents, the child is prepared as a ray of sunshine, parents are prepared for joint classes.


Educator: Guys, when in the morning you walked in kindergarten, you saw that today is a beautiful sunny day, the sun smiled at you, it was joyful, and you all wished good morning. At what time of the year is there so much bright, warm sun?

Children: In summer!

Educator: Guys, look who came to us? (a child in a cap of a ray of sunshine enters and makes a riddle.

I warm the whole world
I don't know fatigue.
I smile at the window
And everyone calls me... (Sun)

Beam child: That's right guys, I'm greetings from the summer - a warm ray of sunshine. Summer is like a fairyland, in which there are a lot of different colors; do you like flowers?

Children: Yes very!

Beam child: Then I invite you all to the country of flowers, and for this we must get into one of the four seasons - which one?

Children: Summer.

Educator: In the summer we see a riot of colors, and we find these colors in flowers. What would life be like without flowers?

Children: Dull, dull, dull, dull.

Educator: So, flowers bring us beauty, smells, good mood.
How do we get into summer?

Beam child: Guys, I will help you, you close all your eyes, I will touch everyone and you will turn into flowers. (Children close their eyes, parents help put on flower hats). Let's build a path from words about flowers ( Game exercise "Track of words").

Educator: I will call all of you a familiar word - "flower". ( The image of the bouquet is displayed) What is a flower? I will start and you will continue.
A flower is a riot of colors...

Children: A flower is beauty, love, joy, smells, mood.

Educator: It is on this bridge of words that we will move into the world of flowers. ( Transition from the group to the gym) So we got to the “summer” season, to the “land of flowers.” Now we will admire the flowers of our homeland. Flowers grow everywhere, name where they can grow?

Children: In the field, in the garden, in the forest.

Educator: But our flowers have gathered in one place - they have forgotten where they grow. We will help them figure it out, but for this, each flower must tell about itself.

The teacher hangs an illustration on an easel. The child, recognizing his flower, goes to the podium and declares himself with the help of a poem, and the children try to find out from the poem where he grows.

For example:

The dandelion child runs out and reads his poem.

Delicate yellow DANDELION,
You are handsome and sweet as a boy!
But offend, suddenly, tear -
You can't wipe your hands off.

The teacher invites the children to find the same flower among the guests-parents. Children find, and the parent of the child (in the same dandelion hat) goes out to his son or daughter.

- Guys, do you know that my young leaves are eaten for salads, and honey is boiled from flowers. (A child and mother walk along the catwalk to the music, and everyone admires the dandelion hats).

The teacher hangs out an illustration with violets. A mother and daughter in beautiful hats come out on the podium.


Violet - fabulous flower
Nobody can argue with that.
Creation of wondrous beauty
And amazing stories.

Mother: Violet blooms in the shade all spring and summer. If the violets bloom well, the weather will be good for a long time.

A forget-me-not child enters the podium:

As in a cramped little garden
They languish in a cheerful crowd, -
So between the forget-me-not stones
Shy blue family.

The teacher invites the children to find a forget-me-not among the guests. (Mom has a hat of a different color - pink). Children are in trouble. They find something similar. Mom comes to the rescue.

Forget-me-not Mom: Guys, the forget-me-not has a second name - "Mouse's Ear". These are very modest flowers, the colors of the delicate sky are blue, but there are also dark blue and blue, less often white and pink. Forget-me-nots are so timid! It was seen that someone frightened them, that they were whispering quietly to everyone, “My friend, don’t forget, don’t forget.”

Game: "Find your place"

Three hoops - forest, field, garden. On command, to the music, flower children find their place, only one flower flutters from one group to another and cannot decide. This is a dandelion.

caregiver: Children, tell me why the dandelion cannot find its place?

Children guess that dandelion grows everywhere: in the field, in the garden, and in the forest.

caregiver: How does a dandelion manage to grow everywhere?

Children: With the help of seeds that are carried by the wind.

The teacher invites the children to take off their hats and collect three bouquets. The children are doing the task. List the flowers in each bouquet (the material is being fixed).

To check the learned material, the teacher invites parents who did not participate in the display of flower hats to make riddles, and the children to guess what kind of flower they are talking about and what kind it belongs to.

There was a flower, like honey, young
And when he got old, he became like smoke.


tiny girl
Went out to the meadow
yellow head
White wreath!


I - herbaceous plant
with a flower lilac color
But change the accent
And I turn into candy.

On a green cord
White bells.

(lilies of the valley)

What is my name, tell me?
Often I hide in the rye,
Modest wild flower,
Blue-eyed... (cornflower).

Oh, bells Blue colour,
With a tongue, but no ringing.


fragrant face,
And the tail is spiky.

The teacher thanks the children for reminding the flowers where they grow. Invites everyone to walk along the green path again and rewards the children for their work with small souvenirs that will help them create such beauty as flowers in the classroom.

Educator: It's time, guys, to return from summer and the world of flowers to kindergarten. Let's go along the path of words again, but now the bridge will be the names of all the colors that we saw today in class. ( Return to the group. The teacher sums up the lesson). Did you enjoy our trip? Would you like to visit the world of flowers? What were you interested in learning? (Stories of parents). Would you like to tell the children of other groups about your journey? What will remind you of meeting with flowers? (Photo exhibition).

What conclusion can be drawn from learning so much about flowers?

Flowers are eternal and wonderful companions of life.
Remember - best flower is an uncut flower.

In conclusion, the teacher reads the poem "In the world of flowers":

In the world of flowers so warm and cool
A whole bunch of flavors and sounds…
Each flower is beautiful in its own way...
In the form of exquisite festive cups.

In the world of flowers I would like to stay
Become the heroine of stories and fairy tales,
To admire the beauty every day,
Merge with the harmony of light and colors.

A photo session of children in flower hats begins, on the basis of which a wall newspaper and a photo exhibition are then made.

Poems for parents and children are selected by the teacher.

1. Consider pictures with your child. Introduce him to the names of flowers (lily of the valley, coltsfoot, aster, dandelion, bluebell, chamomile, snowdrop, peony, carnation, narcissus, tulip, iris, gladiolus). Fix the general concept of "flowers" in the dictionary. Note the structural features of the flower: stem, leaves, petals.

2. Connect the flowers (primroses, wild flowers, garden flowers) with the corresponding bouquets with colored lines.

3. Exercise "Call me affectionately." Stem - stalk.

Snowdrop - ...

Root -...

Cornflower - ...

Leaf - ...

Carnation - ...

Petal - ...

Tulip - ...

Flower - ...

Chamomile - ...

4. Exercise "Pick, name, remember": Finish the sentences with action words.

Flowers in the flowerbeds (what do they do?) - grow, bloom, wither ...

Flowers from a garden watering can (what do they do?) - ...

Fertilizer garden flowers (what do they do?) - ...

Grown flowers with a knife (what do they do?) - ...

In bouquets of flowers (what do they do?) - ...

Flowers people (what are they doing?) - ...

5. Tell your child that not all flowers can be picked. Some flowers (snowdrop, lily of the valley, lungwort) are listed in the Red Book. They need protection.

6. A bouquet of flowers is a wonderful gift for any holiday. Exercise "Bouquet for mom." Vanya and Tanya, walking in the meadow, collected a beautiful bouquet for their mother. Color the bouquet and tell what flowers the children made it out of.

7. Listen to the story. Fill in the missing color names in the sentences.

The birds brought spring on their wings. From the warm rays of the sun, the clearings thawed from the snow, and the first flowers appeared on the thawed patches - primroses: ...

In May, blossomed in the forest ..., and blossomed in parks and flowerbeds spring flowers: ....

Soon the summer arrived. It scattered the most beautiful flowers over the meadows and fields:

And the flowerbeds in the parks have already been decorated with other flowers - summer: ....

Summer is over. bright colors painted autumn parks and gardens. Blossomed in the flower beds ....

Winter will come soon. It will become frosty outside, forests, fields and gardens will be covered with a snow blanket. But after winter comes spring. And again the flowers will delight us with their bright colors.

8. Exercise "Journey of a bee." Consider pictures. Complete the sentences with prepositions (monitor the accuracy of the use of prepositions in speech).

9. Exercise "Tell me": Make up a story about your favorite flower according to the proposed visual plan.

Speech therapy homework for children 5-7 years old with OHP. Album 4 / N. E . Teremkova. - M .: Publishing house "GNOM and D", 2007.

Summary of the lesson on the formation of lexical and grammatical categories in children in the preparatory group for school on a lexical topic:

"Garden and wild flowers"

Prepared and conducted by a teacher-speech therapist 1 sq. cat.

GBOU School No. 760 named after A.P. Maresyev

s / p kindergarten No. 997 Pavlova Tatyana Igorevna

Moscow, 2017

Target: the development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech.


- Educational: clarify ideas about colors, their parts; to teach to distinguish between field and garden flowers; to form in children careful handling of flowers; Learn about growing and caring for flowers.

- Correction-developing: enrich, clarify and activate children's vocabulary; form a grammatically correct structure of speech (exercise in agreeing nouns with numerals and adjectives, use verbs and prepositions correctly), consolidate the skills of syllabic analysis and synthesis, improve the skill sound analysis and synthesis, to develop in children the ability to answer questions with full answers, to argue their choice; develop fine and general motor skills; develop visual and auditory attention, thinking; develop speech breathing.

-Educational: to cultivate a respect for nature and love for its beauty, respect for the work of adults. Stimulate the formation of interest in learning activities.

Equipment: Subject pictures for the board on the topic "Flowers" (garden: rose (5 pcs.), Peony, aster, narcissus, phlox, gladiolus, lily, tulip; and field: chamomile (5 pcs.), Dandelion (5 pcs.), cornflower (5 pcs.), poppy (5 pcs.), bell, loach, clover), basket for pictures with flowers and leaves with riddles, four pictures with vases with a schematic representation of the number of syllables, colorized word schemes: garden, field, gardener .

Handout: pictures with garden flowers: lily, rose, phlox, peony, narcissus, aster, gladiolus, tulip (1 for each child, i.e. if there are more children than the flowers indicated here, then duplicate the required number)

1. Organizing time, lesson topic message:

The speech therapist has a basket with leaves with riddles in his hands, takes out one leaflet at a time, reads a riddle, the children guess, and the speech therapist shows a picture with a guess flower. (You can also ask the children to explain why they decided this way)

*Knocks on our window

Summer is red with a basket.

What's in it guys?

Okay, I'll tell you - riddles! (Guessed who? Children: - Riddles!)

Listen carefully to the riddles, listen to the end:

I walked along the path along the meadow, I saw the sun on a blade of grass.

But the white rays of the sun are not at all hot.

On a green fragile leg, a ball grew near the path.

The breeze rustled and dispelled this ball.


Right! (speech therapist shows a picture with a guess flower and reads the next riddle)

Rye is earing in the field, there you will find a flower in the rye.

Bright blue and fluffy, just a pity that it is not fragrant.

Right! (speech therapist shows a picture with a guess flower and reads the next riddle)

Oh, bells, blue color, with a tongue, but there is no ringing.


Right! (speech therapist shows a picture with a guess flower and reads the next riddle)

The sun burns the top of my head, wants to make a rattle.

Right! (speech therapist shows a picture with a guess flower and reads the next riddle)

What flowers were the riddles about?

Poppy, bluebell, cornflower, dandelion and chamomile. These are field flowers. They grow on their own and do not require any care.

What other flowers do you know?

Rose, peony, phlox, asters, tulips, gladioli, lilies, daffodils. These are garden ones. They require a lot of care and cannot grow without human help.

What good fellows you are, you remembered everything correctly!

Today in the lesson we will play with both garden and wild flowers.

2. Main body:

The speech therapist puts pictures with flowers on the board and all the children count together.

One daisy, two daisies, three daisies, four daisies, five daisies.

One poppy, two poppies, three poppies, four poppies, five poppies.

One dandelion, two dandelions, three dandelions, four dandelions, five dandelions.

One cornflower, two cornflowers, three cornflowers, four cornflowers, five cornflowers.

One rose, two roses, three roses, four roses, five roses.

It turned out a lot of beautiful bouquets, let's count how many bouquets are on the board?

One bouquet, two bouquets, three bouquets, four bouquets, five bouquets.

Who is the most attentive? Did you notice anything interesting? Maybe there is an extra bouquet?

Extra bouquet of roses! Roses - garden flowers, and all the rest - field.

How careful you are! Well done!

Roses, like most garden flowers, smell very nice. And wild flowers almost do not smell, or have a subtle smell.

Let's pretend we're smelling a real bouquet of roses!

Development exercise speech breathing"Nice smell"

Children should take a deep long breath through their nose without raising their shoulders. As you exhale, say the phrase: "It smells good" or "Very pleasant smell."

In order for the children to take a deep diaphragmatic breath, the adult first shows himself how to smell the flowers, and then asks the children to put both hands on their stomach and thus control their breathing.

Guys, how long will the bouquet please us with its beauty and pleasant smell?

What should be done to make the bouquet last longer beautiful?

Bouquets must be placed in vases with water, or they will quickly wither.

I propose to put the bouquets in vases. But we will have unusual vases! Let's collect bouquets

from different colors! In the first vase we put flowers in which one syllable, in the second - from two

syllables, in the third - out of three, and in the fourth - out of four.

The speech therapist places on the board pictures depicting vases with a schematic representation of the number of syllables, and removes pictures of flowers previously placed on the board.

The speech therapist shows a picture:

This is poppy. The word poppy has one syllable, we put it in a vase with one circle.

The speech therapist places a picture with a poppy in a vase with one circle and then places flowers in the right vase with each answer of the children.

The speech therapist shows the following picture:

This is a rose. The word rose has two syllables, we put it in a vase with two circles.

This is a tulip. The word tulip has two syllables, we will put it in a vase with two circles.

This is a lily. This word has three syllables, let's put it in a vase with three circles.

Dandelion. This word has four syllables, let's put it in a vase with four circles on it.

Peony. The word peony has two syllables, we put it in a vase with two circles.

Loach. This word has two syllables, we will put it in a vase with two circles.

Bell. This word has four syllables, let's put it in a vase with four circles on it.

Cornflower. This word has three syllables, let's put it in a vase with three circles.

Phlox. The word phlox has one syllable, we put it in a vase with one circle.

Narcissus. This word has two syllables, we will put it in a vase with two circles.

Clover. This word has two syllables, we will put it in a vase with two circles.

Gladiolus. This word has four syllables, let's put it in a vase with four circles on it.

Aster. This word has two syllables, we will put it in a vase with two circles.

Chamomile. This word has three syllables, let's put it in a vase with three circles.

What beautiful bright bouquets turned out! What other words can be said about them?

Garden, field, bright, colorful, fragrant, summer, fresh, large, chic, elegant, delicate, festive.

What good fellows you are! Wonderful words picked up to the bouquets!

Only about these bouquets it is impossible to say whether they are garden or field, they turned out to be mixed.

Let's separate the garden from the field.

What do you think is the extra flower in the first vase? (poppy, phlox, loach) Why?

In the first vase, phlox is garden flower, and poppy and loach - field. So phlox is superfluous.

In the second vase? (rose, peony, narcissus, aster, tulip, clover)

There is an extra clover in the second vase. He is a field one, and the rest are garden ones.

In the third? (chamomile, cornflower, lily)

In the third vase, chamomile and cornflower are field, and lily is garden, which means it is superfluous.

And in the fourth? (gladiolus, bell, dandelion)

In the fourth vase, there is an extra gladiolus, it is a garden one, and the rest are field ones.

How smart are you! Correctly separated wild flowers from garden flowers!

Guys, how long do you think flowers in a vase will please us?

No... They will soon wither anyway.

Yes, guys, unfortunately, flowers will not be able to stand for a long time even in a vase of water, but for a long time they can delight us in a flower bed or in a field. Can anyone guess why this is happening?

Because flowers cannot grow without roots. The roots of flowers drink water and

eat nutrients from the ground, and without roots, the flowers die.

Therefore, it is better to admire flowers in a flower bed or in a field, and do not pluck unnecessarily.

Do you know what other parts a flower has?

Root, stem, leaves, petals, stamens, bud.

Let's show the parts of the flowers together with the handles:

*Finger gymnastics (Speech therapist says and does with the children)

stem and

On a stalk


And in the bud there is

stamens and

many petals.

Show the “root” with the palm of one hand (as if we are holding an apple in our hand, fingers down)

We substitute the elbow of the other hand to the hand imitating the root (the hand is directed upward from the elbow at an angle of 90 degrees)

The hand imitating a stem imitates a bud with closed, rounded fingers

To the hand depicting the stem, with the palm of the other hand we put "Leaves"

Emphasis on "bud"

Put your palms together with your fingers up, spreading your fingers

Show "petals" with open palms

Great color knowledge! Everything was shown well! Well done!

As you said, the flowers growing in the flower bed will delight us for a long time, so let's plant them. One by one, go out and plant a flower.

* Hidden flowers in a small basket

We need to plant them in a flower bed under the window!

The speech therapist holds a basket with pictures of garden flowers in his hands (or puts it on the table) and invites the children to come up one at a time, take a picture from the basket and place it on the board, commenting on their actions. Previously placed pictures on the board should be removed.

I planted a rose in the flower bed.

I planted a peony in a flower bed.

I planted a daffodil in a flower bed.

I planted a lily in the flower bed.

I planted a phlox in a flower bed.

I planted a tulip in the flower bed.

I planted an aster in the flower bed.

I planted a gladiolus in a flower bed.

What beautiful flower bed you made it! Flowers in a flower bed delight not only people, but also insects. They collect pollen and nectar from flowers.

What do you think, is it necessary to do something else so that the flowers grow and please everyone?

Flowers need to be watered.

Exercise for the development of general motor skills

The speech therapist says and does with the children:

I am a flower, you are a watering can

You fill me!

They point with their hands at themselves, then to the side

right hand put on the belt, the left one is taken to the side, slightly up and the body is tilted towards the raised arm, imitating a watering can watering the flowers.

When repeating the exercise, change hands

Well done! They planted flowers, watered them, but do you know what kind of flowers they are? How to call them in one word?

The speech therapist places pre-prepared word schemes on the board:

(A strip is a word divided into squares colored in red (vowels), blue (hard consonants) and green (soft consonants))

scheme for the word "field"

You skillfully distinguish between garden and wild flowers, well done! Can you just as skillfully distinguish these words in the diagrams?

The first scheme fits the word "garden", and the second - "field". They have the same number of vowels and consonants, only in the word "garden" all consonants are hard, and in the word "field" the consonant, which is the third in the word, is soft.

Well done, you guessed right!

Do you know who takes care of garden flowers?

Gardener, gardener.


Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

State Budgetary Preschool Educational institution №27

Lesson summary

Theme: "Flowers"

For children of middle preschool age

Compiled by:

Dumenko N.V.

Educator GBDOU No. 27

Krasnogvardeisky district, St. Petersburg


Summary of direct educational activities.

Educational activity is cognition.

Formation of a holistic picture of the world.

Theme: "Flowers"

Purpose: To introduce children to the diversity of the plant world.

Tasks: To teach children to divide plants into groups: trees, shrubs, herbs, flowers. Determine with children the names of flowers and parts of their structure (root, stem, leaves, flower, about the time of flowering of flowers, introduce children to the profession of a gardener. Form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe conditions for their growth (heat, moisture, light). Develop the ability to admire the beauty of flowers.

Preliminary work: reading fiction about flowers, looking at illustrations, pictures of plants, compositions with flowers, listening to music.

Didactic material: cards with the image of flowers, audio recording of Tchaikovsky's "Waltz of Flowers", paper flowers on strings, paper flowers on sticks according to the number of children.

Literature: Karpukhina N.A. Abstracts of classes in middle group kindergarten.2013.

GCD progress:

Educator: Children, we are surrounded by wonderful and wonderful world plants. We all rejoice in a shady forest and a colorful meadow, enjoy the beauty and aroma of color, enjoy the gifts of nature: berries, nuts, mushrooms.

Did you know that the largest tree or the smallest bush, and even grass: all these are plants? Plants are very diverse. We decorate rooms, yards with plants, and we use some of them for food.

See what plants are shown in the pictures. Name them and tell me where they grow?

Which of them did you see near the house?

Guys, let's play with you. The rules are:

1 child collects trees, 2 - shrubs, 3 - herbs, 4 - flowers.

Educator: Listen to the riddle and try to guess what plant I am reading about:

They create comfort
Green on the windows
Bloom all year round.

Answer: flowers.

That's right, they are flowers. All flowers bloom when there is no snow outside, it is warm. Let's repeat: what do flowers have?

Children: Root, stem (long, straight, green, leaves (green, round, oval, carved), petals (blue, red, yellow, etc., sharp, oval, round, carved).

Educator: In the field, in the meadow, in the forest, in the gardens, there are a lot of flowers everywhere. Flowers in flowerbeds, lawns decorate streets, parks, make cities smart. They delight people with their beauty, they are given to each other on holidays, for birthdays. Flowers are brought to the monuments of soldiers who died in the war. Very often they are used in medicine, cosmetics.

Educator: What are the names of people who grow flowers?

Children: Gardeners. They plant flower seeds in flower beds, take care of them.

Educator: A gardener came to visit us. He will give us some tips on caring for the flowers.

Gardener: Hello, I am a Gardener. I really like to take care of the garden: dig and loosen the ground, weed weeds, cut off extra branches, water plants, fight pests. Being a gardener is not easy, because you need to know a lot about plants in order to properly care for them and get good harvests. The gardener must love nature and be an observant, patient, persevering and responsible person.

Educator: Let's get up now and rest a little.

Finger game "Let's plant flowers"

We'll dig a hole
We will plant a seed.
The rain will pour
It will grow up.

First, the stalk
And then a flower.
Our red flowers
Straighten the petals.

The wind breathes a little
The petals sway.
Our red flowers
Close the petals
shake their heads,
They fall asleep quietly.

Teacher: Now go to your seats.

Take one flower at a time and name it. Now take it by the thread and blow it. A light breeze picked up and the flowers swayed softly. And now he blew strong wind, the flowers sway strongly.

(Children blow on flowers cut out of colored paper on strings).

Gardener: And now, I want to make a wish for youriddles about flowers. Listen carefully:

Earing rye in the field.
There, in the rye, you will find me.
Bright blue and fluffy
It’s just a pity that it’s not fragrant (cornflower).

There is a curl in the field -
White shirt,
Golden heart.

What it is? (chamomile)

On a green cord
White bells (lilies of the valley).
Oh, bells, blue color.
With a tongue, but there is no ringing (bells).

On a clear sunny day
Golden blossomed flower.
Golden and young.
Became gray within a week.
Blow on it lightly:
There was a flower - and there is no flower (dandelion).

Gardener: Well done, guys, you guessed all the riddles!

Educator: Children, what can plants not live without?

Children: Without water, sun and air.

Gardener: Sun, air and water are essential for life and growth for all plants.

Educator: Guys, let's play the game "Gardener".

Children sit in a circle on the rug, and the teacher invites them to play the game "Gardener". The teacher starts the game: “I was born a gardener, I was seriously angry, I was tired of all the flowers except ...” Then, one by one, the children join the game and name their color options. As a result of the game, children remember the names of colors they know.

Gardener: Guys, I had so much fun with you, so interesting! And now I want to give you a surprise. Just close your eyes and count to 5! Get ready - let's count! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5! (The gardener brings a basket of paper flowers.) You can open your eyes and receive gifts (give flowers).

Now it's time to say goodbye!
You had fun.
Goodbye, children!
I will come again and again!

Educator and children: Goodbye, Gardener!

Educator: Guys, let's remember what we did today in class.

Children: Divided plants into groups: trees, shrubs, herbs and flowers;
- remembered parts of the structure of flowers (root, stem, leaves, flower);
- about the time of flowering flowers;
- got acquainted with the profession of a gardener;
- learned about the conditions for the growth of flowers (heat, moisture, light).

Teacher: That's right! Friends, let's listen to the song "Waltz of the Flowers" (you can invite the children to move smoothly to the music).



Lesson summary

on the topic of:

"All About Flowers"

Compiled by:

additional education teacher

Kuznetsova Zarema Khadzhumarovna

Vladikavkaz, 2014

Target: Consolidation and generalization of students' knowledge about flowers and indoor plants.


Educational: To form an idea about the meaning of colors, their practical application, fixing the basic rules for caring for flowers.

Developing: Show students flowers from a new perspective - as a source of numerous mysteries and secrets. Develop aesthetic taste.

Educational: To cultivate an emotionally positive attitude towards the beauty of flowers, love and respect for them.

Lesson type: repetition of the material covered.

Teaching methods: verbal, visual, partially exploratory.

Equipment: demo board, computer, projector, paintings depicting flowers and plants

Teacher: Guys, today we will talk about flowers again. The world of flowers is amazing and beautiful, you can talk about them endlessly. Flowers have been bred since ancient times and they have played an important role in the life of all peoples. They are associated with many beautiful stories. Each flower had its own story, and the oldest story turned into a legend, into an amazing, beautiful and interesting legend. Isn't the legend about how White Rose turned into red, the legend of the flower, which brought back people's memory.

The fact that flowers have amazing features was the main reason for the emergence of legends. Many of them were credited with supernatural powers. A water lily is nothing more than an overpowered grass. Rumor attributed to her magical properties. She could overcome the forces of the enemy, protect from troubles and misfortunes, but she could destroy the one who was looking for her with unclean thoughts. According to legend, the fern blooms once a year, and its flower has the ability to indicate the places where treasures are buried. According to legend, whoever finds a fern flower will become wise and happy.


    The dresses are simple, the eyes are blue, they look clear and open, nothing is forgotten! (Forget-me-nots).

    All flowers are a flower, slender and tall, bright outfit, blush, like the dawn. Proud, like a baron, is called ... (Peony).

    Delicate aroma, festive attire, and tender, and bold, and red, and white, and if you touch it, you will prick on a thorn. (Rose).

    And if you put stress on the first, on the initial syllable, a beautiful flower will grow. (Iris).

    If you attach something hissing to the head of this flower, you will get an enemy scout. (Peony).

And now, guys, an unusual riddle : something begins to rise from the depths of the reservoir, and a large bud appears on the surface. In a matter of minutes, it turns into a beautiful White flower. Another one appears nearby, one a little further away. An amazing thing: the buds emerge just before sunrise, and open as soon as the sun's rays touch the surface of the water. When the sun goes down, the flowers close and the buds drop into the water - until next day unless it's sunny. This plant loves the sun very much: the clouds will run up a little, the flowers will slowly close. Picked flowers wither very quickly.(Water lily) .

Quiz "Flowers"

    Botanists call this flower viola. What is the name of this flower in Russian?(Pansies) .

    Which flower is said to have grown on the blood of the chained. Prometheus(Edelweiss) .

    On the coat of arms of which state can you see a chrysanthemum flower?(Japan) . Iris, camellia, chrysanthemum are the three most beloved flowers in Japan. Many myths and legends are associated with them. Chrysanthemum is a favorite of Japan. For example, the throne of the Japanese emperor has been called “chrysanthemum” since the 8th century. The golden chrysanthemum is a symbol of the sun, from which, according to legend, the Japanese people descended, the chrysanthemum adorns the emblem and seal of Japan.

    What flower is it about in the 18th century herbalist that it strengthens the heart, head, stomach and helps eyesight, drives away fainting, dizziness(Carnation).

    Which flower festival is celebrated every year in February in the French city of Cannes(Mimosa) .

    Called the queen of flowers...(Rose)

    The legend says that this flower talks with the stars at night, it is no coincidence that its name is translated as "star".(Aster) .

    When the goddess Flora appeared on Earth, she began to bestow flowers with names. She gave names to all the flowers and was about to leave, when she suddenly heard a faint voice, “Do not forget me, Flora.” Flora looked around, no one was visible, looked closer and saw a blue flower, quite tiny. “Good,” said Flora, “I won’t forget and named this flower. What name did she give?(forget-me-not)

Meaning of colors

teacher :and now, guys, let's talk about what flowers mean in a person's life. We see them everywhere - in the park, in the park, in the grandmother's garden, in institutions, and, finally, at home. Let's take a closer look at the flowers in the house. Why do we need flowers at home? Children's answers:

It is beautiful.

To create comfort.

They are helpful.

Yes, guys, flowers in the house, of course, are needed. Firstly, interior decoration: beauty and comfort. Secondly, rest for the eyes and nerves, because the green color soothes. These are the properties attributed to green.

Green color - the main color of nature. Green color contributes to the rhythmic work of the heart, relaxation of the eyes, and has an anti-allergic effect. Increases auditory sensitivity. Doctors recommend wearing glasses with green lenses for people suffering from eye diseases. Green is the color of peace and freshness.

We continue to talk about the benefits of flowers.

What else is the use of flowers? What do flowers give off?(Flowers give off oxygen.)

That's right, guys, flowers enrich the air with oxygen, which is necessary for the breathing of all living things. Plants and flowers moisturize the air, which means they save the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose from drying out, which is very important, since we spend most of our time indoors with dry air.

IN Lately specialists are alarmed by the condition of indoor air. The air is polluted with toxic substances and our health is greatly harmed.

And what toxic substances pollute the air in the room. Where do these toxic substances come from? (Answers of children).

The game "Connoisseur of flowers".

The goal is to fix the names of the colors. (Slide 1-11)

We talked a lot about the benefits of flowers. I would like to hear concrete examples.

Student messages (Slide 12-18)


At the test site during the experiment, chlorophytum killed 80% of all harmful microorganisms in 24 hours. Judging by the results, 10 such plants are enough to almost completely clear the air of pathogenic particles in a twenty-meter room. His presence is desirable in the kitchen.


It blooms with white fragrant flowers, like a bride in a white veil. Kalina is very helpful. It has an anti-inflammatory effect. Medicines are made from its berries, young shoots, flowers. Kalina has a tonic, analgesic, hemostatic agent, has a wound healing effect, treats cardiovascular diseases.

Yes, guys, viburnum fruits are very useful. In a bunch of viburnum - contains the same amount of vitamin C. as in 2 kg of oranges.


healing power chamomile has been known since ancient times. Chamomile infusion strengthens hair, after washing the skin becomes moist, velvety, used in perfumery for the manufacture of perfumes, colognes, soaps. It is useful to keep chamomile in the kitchen or closet, where edible stocks are stored, the larvae are afraid of the smell of flowers.


Mimosa oil relieves stress and depression, relieves anxiety, cleanses the blood, liver, gallbladder, reduces inflammation, and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Flowers, predictors of weather for a long time.

    Dandelion. If a dandelion blooms early in spring, it will short summer if it blooms late, it will be a dry summer.

    Roses. The abundance of roses heralds winter with heavy snowstorms.

    Hawthorn, wild rose. If the hawthorn and wild rose bloom strongly, expect a harsh winter.

    Dogwood. After the dogwood has faded, you can not be afraid of frost.

    Water lilies. When water lilies appear from the water, no longer be afraid of frost.

(Examples of children).

Teacher: Have you guys noticed flowers that predict the weather, almost always fold their petals, droop, close the flowers. Why guys? Children's answers: (Plants feel the onset of rain and wilt in advance to protect the insides of flowers from dampness).

Keep a close eye on hourglass, and it is possible that someday they will serve you well.

Game: "Magic Petals"

Tasks are hidden on the petals. They are painted in different colors if the children find it difficult to answer, the color of the petal will tell. The children have to guess which flower they are talking about. On the back of the petal is a task.

We spoke flowers give us beauty, comfort, they are useful - they heal, predict the weather, etc. And what should we do in order to thank for the beauty that they give us, for the benefit that they give us. Or just take it for granted? Before answering my question, I would like you to remember what flowers need. Flowers, like people, need 4 elements.Which?

- the earth we grow and live;

- water is the meaning of life for us;

- we breathe air;

- the heat of the fire warms us.

So how can we help flowers?

Children's answers. Plant flowers, do not tear unnecessarily, do not spoil flower beds, take care of flowers, water, fertilize, loosen the ground. That's right guys. Such care is needed for flowers and plants in the garden, in the city. And how should you care for indoor flowers and plants? Children's answers: (houseplants need special care. The lack of light is harmful to flowers. They do not like drafts, excessive watering, as well as excessive dryness.).

Teacher: Guys, flower care and indoor plants- this is a whole science from you, of course, is not required scientific approaches, but to follow the most important rules for caring for them, you should know, I think what we have learned and will learn will help you in this. And now I offer you some very important, necessary and useful rules, observing which you will keep flowers and plants in the house in great view. And they will delight you with amazing beauty.

Once again I want to emphasize that flowers adorn our lives. Love flowers!

Be happy, be beautiful like flowers.

Summary of the lesson.

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