Magnetic iron ore or magnetite. Mineral magnetite: formula, physical and magical properties

Magnetite is a common ore that different countries has a different name

It has different names in different countries of the world:

  • Adamam in Greece;
  • Chu-shih in China;
  • Eagle bone in Egypt;
  • Ayman in France;
  • Magness in Germany.

Magnetite was widely used and spread due to its ability to attract other metals.

Chemical formula and properties of the mineral magnetite

The main component of the mineral is ferric oxide (Fe2O3). Its content is 69 percent. The remaining percentages are FeO (ferrous oxide). The mineral has full formula FeO×Fe2O3.

Magnetite is a crystal of cubic system. It has a spinel structure. This structure of the mineral is quite rare. Magnetite is characterized by a black color with a metallic sheen, as evidenced by numerous photos of the mineral. Magnetite belongs to a number of ferromagnets. Dissolves slowly into hydrochloric acid. Due to its magnetic properties, it is able to change the readings of compasses, which facilitates the search for deposits of magnetic iron ore.

Deposits and applications

Magnetite is the second mineral after hematite, which is mined from ore. Hematite is a product of the transformation of magnetite. It is enough to ignite the mineral, and hematite will be obtained from it. The stone is actively used in ferrous metallurgy to obtain various kinds steels. The mineral is involved in the processes of obtaining phosphorus, as well as vanadium. In jewelry, magnetite has not gained wide popularity due to its availability, but it is sometimes made into beautiful bracelets and beads. Magnetite is one of the sources of pure iron. Due to its high metal content, ore is mined all over the world.

Magnetite is a mineral that is used in metallurgy

The largest deposits are located in Sweden. Magnetite is mined in South Africa, the USA, Kazakhstan, Ukraine. Also, the mineral is mined in Russia in the area of ​​the Kursk magnetic anomaly. The Kursk magnetic anomaly is the largest iron ore deposit. It stretches from Smolensk to Rostov-on-Don. Also a popular place for ore mining is the Urals. Iron ore deposits were discovered in Krivoy Rog in Ukraine. A fairly large deposit was also discovered in the Kustanai region (Kazakhstan). in Western and Eastern Siberia there are several mining sites for iron ore with magnetic properties.

On the surface, the mineral occurs in the form of a placer. Can be converted to martite or limonite. This transformation is facilitated by the presence of sulfides, which can enhance the process of decomposition of magnetic iron ore.

Medicinal properties

The mineral is actively used in medicine. With the help of probes, doctors get metal objects from the esophagus or respiratory system. Doctors have proven that weak magnetic fields help in the treatment of polio, bronchitis, Parkinson's disease. The mineral is also used in the treatment nervous system, accelerates the healing process for various wounds, fractures. Accelerates the recovery of puerperas after difficult childbirth.

Magnetites are also used in bracelets for bio-correction and healing of the body. You can read about the widespread use of the mineral in various newspapers and medical magazines. In ancient times, there was a so-called magnet treatment, it not only did not help, but also harmed patients.

The magical properties of magnetite stone

Due to the ability to attract metals, the mineral has become widespread in magical and occult sciences. This contributed to the stone obtaining the properties of a rather strong security amulet. Stones stimulate the creation of new projects and protect against enemies. The use of magnetite helps to reveal psychic abilities. At the time of the spread of sorcerers and alchemists, the stone was considered magical.

Magnetite - has the property of improving mood

The magnetic properties of the stone made it possible to draw out bad pain, improve mood during depression. It used to be believed that magnetites were able to cure madness and protect against nightmares. If you wear a magnetite bracelet or beads, you can protect yourself from diseases of the eyes, bones and stomach. As a talisman, a stone can be worn by geologists, inventors, travelers - all people associated with discoveries and new experiences.

How to identify a real stone

Such a stone is not faked, but due to its similar color and structure, it is often confused with a bloodstone. They are closely related to each other. Distinctive feature described stone is the ability to attract metals. So, it can be easily checked by bringing a small metal object.

History of the stone

In the early centuries in Europe and Asia, small pieces of magnetite were used to determine the direction of movement. A strip of magnetite served as a compass that picked up the influence magnetic field Earth. The arrow was hung on a thread, and it always indicated where the south was.

There is also evidence of the use of the mineral by the ancient Olmecs. The tribes living in Central America carved symbols of well-being and prosperity - the figures of fat boys - from blocks of magnetic iron ore. These sculptures stand for more than three millennia and are located in Guatemala. Many peoples actively used magnetites as a material for mirrors.

Magnetite is a popular mineral belonging to the class of oxides. Magnetite stone has healing and magical properties, meaning. It has a positive effect on all signs of the zodiac. Differs in saturated black color.

A mineral with a metallic sheen, but matte transparent specimens can also be found in nature. The unique abilities of the stone include the ferromagnetic property, which allows it to influence the compass readings. Sometimes the stone is also called magnetic iron ore, which is more often presented in the form of granular aggregates. Sometimes it is presented in the form of a scattering of stone particles, magnetic balls.

Magnetite has an octahedral crystal shape, resulting from metal connections between iron cations, which provokes the main property of the stone - to attract iron objects.

Very slowly soluble in water, opaque. As a result of heating at a temperature of plus 580 degrees Celsius, the stone loses its magnetism, but when it cools down, the properties return.

Cell parametersa = 0.8397 nm
kinkconchoidal uneven
Hardness5.5 to 6
Chemical formulaFeO Fe2O3
ShineMetallic, brushed
Molecular weight231.54
Cell Optionsa = 8.397Å
IMA statusdescribed for the first time before 1959 (before IMA)
Typical impuritiesMg,Zn,Mn,Ni,Cr,Ti,V,Al
Refractive indicesn = 2.42
Maximum birefringenceδ = 0.000 - isotropic, does not have birefringence
optical reliefHigh
MicrohardnessVHN100=681 - 792 kg/mm2

There are different types of magnetite:

  • Mushketovite;
  • Ishkulit;
  • Chrome magnetite;
  • Titanomagnetite;

Place of Birth

In most cases, the formation of minerals occurs in igneous and metamorphic rocks. Occasionally, it forms magnetite sand in placers.

The most popular world producers of magnetite for industry are the Urals, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan. Deposits in Dashkesan, USA, Sweden and Canada are also very popular.

In the territory Russian Federation known is the Korshunovskoye deposit in Irkutsk.

The largest source of stone is deposits in the Kursk magnetic anomaly.


The name of the mineral is presented in two versions. The first says that it is named after the shepherd, whose name was Magnes, he was lucky to find the stone first. Another source says that it was found in Asia Minor near the city of Magnesia.

In translation, it sounds like loving. The ancient manuscripts of Plato indicate that the word magnetis was first given to this stone by Euripides. But more often it was called as the Heraclius stone.

Also about properties amazing stone mentioned in China in the 6th century, where amazing mineral replaced compass.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, more precisely in the Urals, a magnetic mountain rises, the basis of which is precisely magnetite. In addition, in Ethiopia there are also similar elevations - Mount Zimir. Thanks to unique properties stone, a legend has taken root in this area that the mountain is capable of pulling metal objects from ships.

It received its name in 1845.


In ancient manuscripts there is information that describes that Ptolemy of Philadelphia planned the construction of a temple in honor of his wife and sister. To do this, he turned to Chinocrates, an Alexandrian architect, for help, who, inside the structure, outlined a place where he planned to place an iron statue of Arsenoi's wife, floating in the air. In this case, the supports were not assumed. But the idea was never realized, the Egyptian king and creator did not live up to this moment. The secret was in the structure suspended by magnets, and the stones were built into the floor, walls and ceiling. The legend was retold from mouth to mouth by many peoples. In this form, she came to us.

In China, there is a legend that once a stone contributed to the victory in the battle of Emperor Huang Ti, who conceived a trick. He planned to attack the enemy from the rear. Then everything spoke of a successful maneuver, as fog swirled over the sea, although the emperor saw this as a danger. The exit has been found. The situation was saved by magnetite figurines - little men with an outstretched hand, which served as a guide in the sea.


The formation of the mineral occurs as a result of the interaction of syenite, granite and diorite rocks, in which homogeneous masses or their inclusions are found. The origin of minerals is influenced various breeds, in particular, its localization in pyroxenites. The formation of the rock occurs as a result of the metamorphism of the iron compound present on the surface. As a result various factors, affecting the destruction of the rock, in minerals is formed sulfuric acid, magnetite deteriorates.

Practical use

The amazing magical properties have long been known. At the beginning of the 7th century, with the help of magnetite, they successfully coped with big amount diseases of a nervous nature. The active use of the stone began after one unusual story. At that time, a doctor named Friedrich Mesmer successfully cured a patient suffering from paralysis and headaches, the ailment bothered her around the clock. She went to various doctors and the doctor tried to help her by using magnetite by placing a few on her chest. From the first procedure, the woman felt relieved, after a while she said goodbye to her illness and was grateful to the doctor, she told everyone about her miraculous healing. Thus, many healers began to turn to this method of treatment for help.

The stone looks very beautiful in jewelry. It is cut cabochon, but it is often not worth wearing products. Beads and rosaries are in demand.

Healing effect

In modern medical practice, magnetite balls are a common tool for massages and the treatment of diseases.

Information has reached our days that even Avicenna used the healing properties of the stone, who recommended wearing it to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Albert the Great noted that wearing a stone on the left hand allows you to get rid of neurotic diseases.

To date, lithotherapists have studied the energy of the stone and its magnetic field, which can speed up the treatment process.

  • Relieve convulsions;
  • Improves the condition of people with Parkinson's disease;
  • Has an antibacterial effect;
  • Rejuvenates the body as a whole;
  • Helps to get rid of diseases of the bronchopulmonary system and with poliomyelitis;
  • Facilitates the condition of a person with varicose veins;
  • Improves the functions of the cardiovascular system;
  • analgesic effect;
  • Soothes with allergic dermatosis and other skin diseases;
  • Fights inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system.

magical influence

Since ancient times, scientists have noticed the properties of an amazing stone, but they could not explain the nature of the appearance of magnetism. At that time, he was a talisman, in the power of which they believed. His the main task was to protect against evil spirits. It served as the basis for wands for witches and sorcerers, helped to manifest magical abilities. ordinary person and talents to be fully revealed.

Even Alexander the Great handed out a small magnetite talisman to the soldiers before the battles, in the power of which he believed. Thus, the army was invulnerable to enemies. Recommended creative people whom he encourages to learn new things.

Mineral in astrology

This stone is considered universal and suits almost all signs of the zodiac. But it has the most pronounced positive effect on the signs of Air (Libra, Aquarius and Gemini), and Earth (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn).

The difference between an original and a fake

It is worth noting that the stone does not fall into the category of expensive stones, therefore it is unprofitable to fake it. When purchasing products with a mineral, you should be careful, because it looks similar to hematite. In addition, they have a similar meaning in nature, it is possible to replace each other.

To purchase a natural stone, you should check the presence of magnetic properties.

The mineral does not belong to valuable minerals, because its cost is small and anyone can buy it. For example, a magnetite rosary will cost only $15.

Magnetite is a common mineral with magnetic properties. Its ability to attract iron has been known since ancient times. The origin of the name is not known for sure. It is usually associated with Magnesia (Magnesia) - a historical region in Eastern Greece. According to legend, once lived here ancient tribe magnets, who were the descendants of the mythical Magnet - the son of Zeus and Fia.

Allegedly, in ancient times, significant deposits of minerals were discovered in these places. They were known under the general name "magnetis lithos" (magnetis lithos) - "stone from Magnesia", which was used not only in relation to magnetic iron ore, but also to magnesium minerals - magnesite and periclase, as well as to manganese oxide pyrolusite. It is worth noting that in addition to Thessalian Magnesia, in the south of Europe and in Asia Minor in ancient times there were several more historical regions with a similar name. In addition, no large deposits of magnetite have yet been discovered in this region.

There is also a legend about a Greek shepherd named Magnes, who herded goats in the mountains and noticed that the iron nails from the soles of his sandals had disappeared (or the iron staff stuck to the rock). This story may seem plausible. Especially if you forget that iron in those days was not much cheaper than gold. Yes, probably, the peasants then did not wear sandals or shoes with soles, but something simpler: onuchi or tsarvuli - pieces of goat skin sewn with the tendons of the same domestic animals.

Magnetite belongs to the spinel group. The composition is iron oxide (FeO·Fe2O3). Opaque. The color is dark gray to black with a metallic sheen.

Fragile. Hardness: 5.5 - 6. Medium specific gravity: 5 g/cm3. Melting point: 1591°C. Dissolves in hydrochloric acid. Magnetic properties are associated with the exchange of electrons between the atoms of ferrous and trivalent iron. Even in antiquity, it was noticed that if magnetite is calcined, it turns into bloodstone () and loses its force of attraction.

In the 17th century, it was found that to lose magnetism, it was enough to heat it to a much lower temperature. Nowadays it is known that it is 588°C. Such an abrupt change in properties is characteristic not only of ferromagnets. IN modern science such an abrupt transition temperature is called the Curie point.

Magnetite contains about 72% iron and is one of its industrial sources. It is fairly widespread in rocks of different genetic types and often forms large ore deposits. Usually allocated in solid masses; occurs as well-formed cubic or octahedral crystals. The dark dots of its tiny grains lend a decorative touch to the jade. It is a rock-forming mineral in some ornamental rocks, for example, in jaspilite.

Magnetite cannot be called a uniquely beautiful collectible mineral, nevertheless its correct, perfect form octahedrons can be found in almost every mineralogical collection. Large crystals are found on the Kola Peninsula (Kovdor), in the Middle and Southern Urals (Shabrovskoye talc deposit, Zelentsovskoye mine), in Chukotka (Koryaksky highland). Crystals larger than 25 cm are found in Central Sweden (Vestmanland), Mozambique (Tete).

In the north of South Africa (Grikwatown), the so-called "iron eye" is mined - decorative rock composed of magnetite and hematite. Cabochons from this stone have a beautiful iridescence. IN jewelry"black jade" is also used, found in the middle of the last century in California (USA). This unique rock consists of small grains of magnetite covered with the thinnest film of native gold. Banded ferruginous quartzite (jaspilite), used as an ornamental stone, is found in many countries.

Since ancient times, the unusual properties of magnetite have aroused curiosity and excited the imagination. The first mention of this mineral dates back to the middle of the 1st millennium BC. Pythagoras, Hippocrates, Plato, Aristotle wrote about him. The ancient Greek military doctor Pedanius Dioscorides endowed the magnetic stone with the ability to relieve melancholy and depression. Pliny the Elder considered it useful in eye diseases. Avicenna recommended magnetite in the treatment of the digestive system.

Interest in its medicinal properties has not waned, and in more later times. Their detailed study was carried out by W.G. Colchester (1544-1603) - the court physician of the English Queen Elizabeth I. He found that taking magnets inside causes severe pain in the abdomen. In 1877, a special commission was set up in France to check medicinal properties natural ferromagnets. After careful research, scientists have recognized some beneficial effect magnets, but not internal organs, and in diseases arising from nerves.

Since then, a massive interest in magnetotherapy has begun. The so-called "magnetic water" was drunk at night, used for bathing, in gastric lavages, enemas, etc. At the same time, in the pharmacies of many European countries(including in Russia) began to sell medical magnetic bracelets.

Research healing properties magnetite continues to this day. After mass examinations, it was proved that weak magnetic fields can have a beneficial effect in the treatment of Parkinson's disease, poliomyelitis, chronic bronchitis, and some other diseases. But prolonged exposure to a strong magnetic field can only bring harm (!).

The value of magnetite is difficult to overestimate. This nondescript dark gray mineral has played an enormous role in the development of human civilization.

Its artificial analogue is electromagnets - the basis of all electrical engineering. Modern automation, navigation, accelerators are inconceivable without magnets elementary particles, metal production control and much, much more. Of course, audio and video tape recorders are a thing of the past, however, the information on your computer's hard drive is recorded on a magnetic coating, and its electric motor rotates, the operation of which is based on the same magnetic properties.

In the world of minerals, there are many gems that delight with their magnificent color, "play" and bright brilliance. Perhaps they can conditionally be called aristocrats. There are stones that combine external beauty and undeniable practical benefits, for example, -. But the greatest, sometimes invaluable help to man at all times was brought by working minerals, such as or magnetite. These stones are often unsightly in appearance and are not called precious, but where would we be without them?

Magnificent blue has long been considered the talisman of travelers and sailors, but the world's first compass was made from a real guiding stone - nondescript dark gray magnetite.

/ mineral Magnetite

Magnetite is a mineral, iron oxide (Fe2+ and Fe3+), spinel group.
Magnetite forms a solid solution with jacobsite (jacobsite) Mn2+Fe3+2O4 and magnesioferrite (magnesioferrite) MgFe3+2O4.

Other names (synonyms):


  • Mushketovite,
  • Titanomagnetite,
  • Chrommagnetite,
  • Ishkulit.

Chemical composition

FeO- 31; Fe 2 O 3 - 69; impurities of titanium, chromium, magnesium, manganese, nickel, vanadium, aluminum are common.

Magnetite is one of the most common oxide minerals and is found in a wide variety of geological formations.

The mineral magnetite can be igneous (in rhyolites, granites, trachytes, syenites, andesites, diorites, gabbro, basalts, pyroxenites, peridotites, olivinites, pegmatites), hydrothermal and metamorphic - in skarns; in metasomatites - (pyroxene-amphibole-magnetite, apatite-phlogopite-magnetite, magnetite-phlogopite-calcite, magnetite-calcite g.p.); in talc-chlorite, talc-magnetite schists and serpentinites; in the regional-metamorphic. g. n, in placers, rarely sedimentary.
Magnetite - main component oxide iron ores - ferruginous quartzites, magnetite skarn and carbonatite ores, as well as magnetite "black sea sands".

Main diagnostic signs

The mineral magnetite has strong magnetic properties, is attracted by a magnet.

Behavior in acids: difficult to dissolve in HCl. The powder dissolves noticeably.

Place of Birth

Large industrial deposits of the mineral magnetite in Russia are located in the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly, in the Murmansk region (the Kovdor deposit), in the Urals (Magnitogorsk).
Deposits of ferruginous quartzites are known in Ukraine (Krivoy Rog), magnetite is mined from skarns in Azerbaijan (Dashkesan deposit). Also, deposits of the mineral magnetite are known in Italy, Sweden, Greenland, Brazil, the USA, South Africa, Canada, etc.


The mineral magnetite is the main ore for iron.

In the jewelry industry, this stone is not used very often. Usually beads, bracelets, rosaries are made from it. Magnetite is suitable for making both women's and men's jewelry. In the chemical industry, this rock is used to obtain vanadium and phosphorus.

Magnetite is also widely used today. This stone is especially popular in China.

History of the stone

The first mention of magnetite is found in Ancient Greece. The stone was in great demand during the Middle Ages.

Several decades ago, in the states of Asia and Europe, this breed was used to establish the direction of movement, i.e. the stone acted as a compass.

Evidence was found that this mineral was used by the ancient Olmecs - tribes that lived in Central America. They made figurines from stone, which acted as various symbols. Many peoples used magnetite to make mirrors.

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Mineral Properties

Color iron black, sometimes with a blue tint
Dash color black
origin of name According to Pliny the Elder, from the Greek. Magnes - the name of the legendary shepherd, who first found a natural magnetic stone that attracts iron, on the city of Ida (Greece). Or in the area of ​​Magnesia in Macedonia
IMA status valid, first described before 1959 (before IMA)
Chemical formula FeFe 2 O 4
Shine metal
Transparency opaque
Cleavage not visible
kink conchoidal
Hardness 5,5
Thermal properties P. tr. does not melt. In an oxidizing flame, it first turns into maghemite, then into hematite, losing its magnetic properties.
Typical impurities Mg,Zn,Mn,Ni,Cr,Ti,V,Al
Strunz (8th edition) 4/B.02-20
Hey's CIM Ref. 7.20.2
Dana (8th edition)
Molecular weight 231.54
Cell Options a = 8.397Å
Number of formula units (Z) 8
Unit cell volume V 592.07 ų
Twinning Common at (111), with the same face as the composition face. Twins flattened parallel to (111) (common spinel law twins), or as lamellar twins, producing striae on (111). Twin gliding, with K1(111), K2(111).
dot group m3m (4/m 3 2/m) - Hexoctahedral
space group Fd3m (F41/d 3 2/m)
separateness by (111) distinct, also reported separately by (001), (011), (138).
Density (calculated) 5.2
Density (measured) 5.175
Internal reflexes missing
Refractive indices n = 2.42
Maximum birefringence δ = 0.000 - isotropic, does not have birefringence
Type isotropic
optical relief very tall
Reflected color gray with a brownish tint
Selection form crystals of octahedral, less often rhombododecahedral habit with simple forms(100), (111), (110), (211), (210) and characteristic diagonal shading on faces (110), crystalline intergrowths and aggregates, druses, brushes, dense granular and continuous masses, disseminated in igneous rocks ah, individual grains in placers. Also known are spherulites, kidney-shaped aggregates, oolites, pseudomorphs of magnetite after hematite (mushketovite), chrysotile-asbestos, perovskite and other minerals.
Classes in the systematics of the USSR oxides

Magnetite, also known as magnetic iron ore or ferroferite, is a mineral from the class of oxides, which is widely distributed in nature. It deserves its name for its ability to attract iron due to the octandrous shape of the crystals, which in one position have twice as many metal cations as in the other. There is also a theory that magnetite was named after Magnes, the shepherd who discovered it.

Description and formula of the mineral

Magnetite formula: FeO (31%) Fe2O3 (69%), may include others chemical elements. This mineral is the most iron-rich oxide. The metal content is in the range of 71%, although purer forms are also found.

Other Features:

  • the color of this magnetic ore is iron black;
  • hardness is 5.5-6;
  • glitter metallic, metallic and matte;
  • the mineral is opaque;
  • has magnetic properties;
  • the density is 4.9-5.2 g / cm ³;
  • does not have perfect cleavage;
  • conchoidal fracture.

Mineral magnetite occurs in the form of individual crystals (rhombic dodecahedrons, octahedrons, etc.) with inclusions, loose or granular masses, placers.

Crystals are found overgrown or ingrown. Syngony is cubic.

Distinctive characteristics: magnetic iron ore can be easily recognized by appearance, metallic black color and magnetic properties.

Varieties of ferroferite

Magnetite has several variations. They differ from each other in form and composition:

Origin and formation

Magnetite is common in hypogene conditions. It is found in the most different types rocks and in other deposits (hydrothermal, for example). Magnetic iron ore is formed in contact zones of magmas of granitic origin, as well as diorite and syenite composition with limestone content. In such basic (rarely in neutral or acidic) deposits, ferroferite occurs as continuous masses or inclusions in the parent rock.

Often forms reservoir deposits. The origin of magnetic iron ore is associated with the differentiation of magma. Under the action of pressure and temperature at great depths, metamorphism of previously surface iron compounds occurs.

In the form of a placer, magnetic iron ore occurs mainly in surface conditions.

Major natural locations

Russia has the largest magnetite reserves: more than half of the world's iron ore reserves are located on its territory. Brazil is in second place.

On the eastern slope of the Southern Urals, on the left bank of the Ural River, there is Magnetic Mountain. It consists almost entirely of ferroferite in composition and has been used for the extraction of raw materials for many years. Up to 1 million tons of iron ore are mined annually.

Within the Kursk, Oryol and Belgorod regions located the most powerful the globe iron ore reserve, which is otherwise called the Kursk magnetic anomaly.

One of the largest iron ore deposits is located in the El Mutun mountains, near Puerto Suarez, Bolivia.

Application in various fields

Some people believe that magnetite has some magical properties. For example, he had the role of a stone endowed with magic, which was used by sorcerers and alchemists. It was used as a protective stone from enemies, which is carried with you or kept in the house. Magnetite promotes the disclosure of new abilities and creativity, adjusts to the working mood, is a symbol of innovation.

IN modern medicine The use of magnetite in wellness procedures in the treatment of the vegetative and vascular systems is widespread and, as the data say, quite successfully.

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