How to make a fire without matches. A fire is light and warmth

The problem of lighting a fire hiking conditions occurs in the absence of traditional sources of fire. For many novice tourists this is a problem. In such a situation, it is important not to despair and act using available means. In practice there are several effective ways, which will help you get a fire and light a fire on the go, without matches or a lighter.

Classic friction method

The temperature on the surface of the wood increases due to friction. For this it is recommended to use soft rocks: willow, pine, cedar. A wooden rod is made from any branch. Its thickness is arbitrary, the main requirement is strength.

Tinder (dry grass, moss, small sawdust) is located next to the ignition zone, but not on it. This is necessary for air flow. The base is a wooden plank, a piece of bark, but with full wood. It is installed on a small hole so that traction is created under the friction zone.

  • Plow. A groove is made on the surface of the board, and the rod slides along it. It is recommended to make a small hole at the bottom of the latter.
  • Saw. A notch is made at the end of the board, which is fixed on the surface of the earth. The other performs forward movements until smoke appears.
  • Drill. Traditional way– transmission of rotational movement with the palms. The best way is to make a small “bow” from a flexible rod and rope. He rolls around the rod, moving it, the friction process becomes more intense.

Disadvantages of these methods – long time until smoldering appears on the surface of the wood. It is recommended to use only as a last resort if other methods are not available.

Alternative - use steel wire. Improvised handles are attached to its ends, creating an analogue of a handsaw. A log of small diameter is selected and with progressive movements the wire seems to saw it. The metal surface heats up, which causes the tinder to ignite.

Flint is the optimal way to make fire

An alternative to traditional flame sources is a flint. It is made from magnesium or ferrocerium. A spark is formed upon contact with a steel rod or its equivalent. Advantages - the system works even when completely wet, takes up little space, and is often included in camping equipment.

Features of a tourist flint as a tool for making fire:

  • Have small size- may get lost. The best option- store in the first aid kit.
  • Short smoldering time for flint particles. This places increased demands on the tinder - it must be perfectly dry, not dense.
  • Some models have a small container for storing dry tinder. This is convenient if it has rained in the forest and finding dry fuel is problematic.

Using batteries and foil

Basic knowledge of physics will allow you to light a fire if you have a charged AA battery and foil paper. The latter can be taken from the packaging of chewing gum and cigarettes. The essence of the method is to increase the electrical resistance in a section of foil, which causes heating and further combustion of the paper base.


  1. Clean the surface of the battery down to the adhesive layer.
  2. Cut a strip of foil, the width along the contact areas of the power source.
  3. Cut the strip in the middle, forming a thin part.
  4. Apply one part of the foil to the adhesive layer until it is fixed.
  5. Prepare tinder that fits loosely against the thin “isthmus.”
  6. Apply the second constant to the other pole of the battery.

The smoldering of the tinder must be maintained - not by blowing intensely on it, but ensuring normal draft.

Solar energy

In clear sunny weather you can use natural spring heat - sun. In this case, the ambient temperature will not matter. The essence of the method is to focus the sun's rays at one point to heat the fuel.

You can use tinder or a thin roll of cotton wool as fuel. It is recommended to treat the end of the latter with soot to reduce reflectivity. Methods of making fire using solar energy:

  • Magnifier. The best option, as it focuses the rays well at one point. Disadvantage - a rare item in field conditions.
  • Polished steel spoon. Its “bowl” needs to be leveled so that a concave lens is formed. Alternative - bottom tin can. It initially has the desired shape.
  • Ice. It should be as transparent as possible. A lens is made from a small piece, the shape of which is similar to glass. Disadvantage: it takes a lot of time to make and is not available in the summer.

In critical situations in the absence of traditional flame sources, there is no need to panic. IN travel kit or the environment, there will always be objects with which you can make fire.

The video clearly explains how to make fire in a damp forest:

Making fire is one of the most useful skills a person can have. In this article we will tell you what you can use to make fire in conditions wildlife. Survival in difficult conditions dictates its own rules that you need to accept and be able to adapt to them. Let's find out what you can use to make fire?

Fire can be made different ways. For example, with the help of sunlight, by carving, by drilling, by simple friction. Each of these methods of making fire also has some variations. If for some reason you find yourself in the wild, you will probably need to make fire. After reading this article you will understand how this can be done.

1. How to make fire with a condom

You will need to fill the condom with water, the bottle can also be filled with water. After which we receive a means for focusing the sun's rays. You look for a windless place, set the “lens” accordingly and just go about your business. Rest assured, the fire will already be burning by the time you arrive.

2. How to make fire using an iron can

Look at the bottom of a beer can - it is concave, and it can perfectly “collect” the sun's rays. But it is better to pre-polish it for high-quality focusing. After which this part of the jar can be used to make fire.

3. How to make fire using a piece of ice

Perhaps you have seen one of the episodes of the MythBusters program? There it was just told and demonstrated how it is possible from a piece a certain shape ice to make a lens for starting a fire. So in the episode the presenters used a round piece of ice. Thus, even ice can become a “source” of fire. If there is no ice nearby, you can make your own piece of ice of the required shape. Just take the bag, fill it with water, you just need the bag to take the desired round shape. Then you bury it under the snow and after a while the ice lens will be ready.

4. Making fire using the “blacksmith” method

If you have a nail with you, then simply find a material into which you can drive the nail. Next, simply drive the nail in for about three minutes, turning it periodically. It will get so hot that you can use it to light a piece of tinder.

5. How to make fire using flint carving

A piece of steel can be used as a chair, but only hardened steel. But it will still be more difficult to make fire using flint, although it may be found right on the road. If you are looking for flint, you need to find only very hard ones; soft ones will not work.

If the stone is hard, then it looks like glass, cloudy or even transparent. You are unlikely to get fire from a smooth stone, but if you break the stone into two parts, you will be able to get a spark from the sharp part. To determine which stone sparks the most, simply test each stone one at a time.

The tinder you will burn should be as dry as possible. Fine tinder can be obtained from wood fibers. For example, you can also use cotton socks. In addition, plant fluff ignites well. You need to make fire only in a windless place. It is advisable to hold the tinder over the flint.

6. Making fire by rubbing a rope against a stick

A pine one might work as a stick. A split is made in it, where the tinder is placed. But the tinder must be placed in such a way that there is space under the stick. The rope is better if it is made from natural fibers. You can make handles at the ends of the rope for convenience. Holding the stick with your foot, we “saw” it with a rope from below. Movements should be frequent and fast. Within a few seconds you will be able to see smoke. And later you can fan the fire out of it.

7. Making fire by rubbing a cotton ball

Between two planks lies cotton wool, which can be taken, for example, from an old padded jacket. Then just sharp and frequent movements“iron” the cotton wool with planks. After a while you will see that the cotton wool will begin to smolder. The method is quite simple, but at the same time quite effective.

8. How to make fire by rubbing two sticks together

Take a board and make a groove in it at a certain angle where you can insert a stick. Next, you need to press this stick and just move it until clouds of smoke appear. The abraded material will be collected in the appropriate place. Later the powder will turn dark Brown color. Some particles of powder will fly off and fall to the side, while they smoke, but no sparks are visible.

A fire can only break out in a place where enough powder has been collected and heated to high temperatures. It is important that air flows freely into the pile of powder. It is better to use planks and sticks from such tree species as beech and pine. For this method of making fire, you should not use aspen and linden.

9. How to make fire by drilling

A shallow hole is made in some part of the wood, into which a stick is subsequently inserted. The top of the hole needs to be covered with a stone.

Next to the hole you will need to place a material that will subsequently light up. It could be lint, moss, wick or tinder. The stick must be set in motion using a bow, which is placed on the stick using the overlap method.

What could it be more beautiful than the view bonfire! It protects from the cold, wild animals, illuminates the darkness, prepares food and gives that very original feeling that arises when contemplating fire.

What can we say if your life depends on the presence of fire. Perhaps we need to signal for help, or is it not so bad and you just ran out of matches in the house?! Today we will look at unusual techniques for making fire!

Making fire using a lens.

The principle of starting a fire with a lens is extremely simple, but it requires sunny weather; without the sun, no matter how hard you try, nothing will work. You need to take a lens, place it under the sun's rays, and focus the beam of light on a well-burning material (tinder).

1. If you don’t have not only matches, but also a magnifying glass, try to get one from the items you have, such as glasses, camera lenses, binoculars, telescopes, scopes and others.

2. The lens can be made from a condom. In clear weather, fill the condom with some water and tie. You will get a ball, which we will use for our purpose.

3. If you don't have a condom, you can try pouring water into a plastic bag and catching the rays with it.

4. In winter, it is really possible to remove fire with ice. Simply cut a lens out of ice (with a knife), and for extra smoothness, use the warmth of your hands to shape it into the desired shape. How larger area products, the less sunlight required!

5. Water and film also work wonders. We take four branches, fold them into a square, strengthen them to form a frame, and place a transparent one on top plastic film, better food. Pour water on it. All that remains is to install the frame higher, expose it to the sun, and put lighting material under it.

6. Various transparent containers are suitable for us, glass bottles, banks, plastic bottles. We find a more suitable bend and fill it with a small amount of water, or completely fill the entire container with water, make the necessary tilt to catch the light and concentrate it.

7. Regular light bulb, can be useful to us if we knock out its ceramic bottom (where the contact is). And also delete inner part light bulbs through the resulting hole. Then fill it with water. Then we do as usual.

Extracting flames using mirrors.

As in previous methods, you need to focus sunlight, but using mirrors.

8. If there is a mirror, focus the sunbeam, this will work best if the mirror is concave or we arrange our mirrors in similar images. You can cover some concave surface (bowls, umbrella, etc.) with pieces of mirrors, and place tinder in the center.

9. Metal objects polished to a shine (with cloth) can replace mirrors. The bottom of an aluminum can or canned food can serve this role.

10. Flashlight reflector. We disassemble the lantern, take out the reflector, place it under the sun's rays, in the place where the hole for the light bulb is located, place the tinder, and wait until a coal appears.

11. If you have a spoon, bend it slightly so that a concave mirror lens comes out. Try to make it perfect. Polish until shiny. Then twist a small tube from a piece of toilet paper, five millimeters thick. The tip of the paper will be smeared with soot. Coal from an extinguished fire, or one left on the walls of a pot, will do. Now place the spoon under the sun's rays, bring the toilet paper tube to it with the smeared side. If everything is done correctly and created necessary conditions, after a while there will be smoke, and then a coal will appear, from which you can light a fire.

Impact methods.

They will require you to apply physical strength, and require a certain skill.

12. We hit stone against stone in the hope of creating a spark that will fall on the tinder and ignite it.

13. Flint and a piece of metal (chair). We find a stone (flint, pyrite, etc.), hit the sharp edge of the stone metal object, thus cutting off thin layer metal and sparks are produced. They should be sprinkled onto the prepared tinder. It's much easier to have a flint with you! It is very convenient to light a fire with it; the main advantage of matches is that it cannot get wet.

14. Hammer, newspaper, nails and a flat piece of metal (preferably an anvil) - good tools to get fire. We place the nail on the anvil and press it, turning it periodically until the nail is warm enough, then bring it to the paper. True, you will have to try hard, even if nothing works out, you will warm up just fine. Also, in principle, the newspaper can be replaced with tinder, and the nails with something metal, the main thing is to heat it up, you will have a much better chance of success if the weather is warm and you are not working on this task alone.

Fire from power supplies.

It’s very simple - the main thing is that there is a power source and the necessary materials.

15. Starting a fire using a nine-volt Krona battery or a phone battery. We bring the power source to the piece of steel wool you have lying around. We see the resulting effect - flames on hot steel wool, it ignites.

16. An ordinary AA battery, baking or chocolate foil, cotton wool and scissors are what we need. Cut out a small rectangle of foil, approximately twice the height of the battery. Fold the rectangle in half, sharpening the fold, but so that the foil does not split into two parts. We straighten the rectangle and see that the foil is shaped like hourglass. Now we press one edge of the foil to the minus, the second to the plus, it will begin to heat up, and especially strongly in the narrowest place. Bring a piece of cotton wool and it lights up.

17. You can do without cotton wool if you use foil from under a pack of cigarettes, chocolates or candies - the point is that it already has paper on one side, which ignites, you just need to bring it to what we will ignite.

18. Car battery, I think the principle is clear. We get sparks using wires - connecting plus and minus, applying them to kindling.

We get fire by friction.

Enough ancient way receiving fire by a person, be patient.

19. We hold the stick in our palms and make rotational movements from top to bottom, resting it on the tree.

20. We make Indian onions, they are much more effective. Let's look at the photo.

21. The so-called “Fire Gate” operates on the same principle as an Indian bow. Only it is built the size of a human being (more is possible), and to get fire you need at least two people, an ax, and a good rope (rope) that replaces the bowstring, you don’t need to build a bow, you just pull the rope, first one way, then the other side.

22. Rolling cotton wool. We roll cotton wool between smooth pieces of wood.

Chemical method.

You can't do without chemical components.

23. We tear up pieces of paper (or use other tinder), sprinkle a little potassium permanganate on it, add a drop (two are possible, not too much) of glycerin. We wait a few seconds.


25. If the lighter runs out of gas, you can still start a fire, look:

Of course, there are other ways, write in the comments if you know them. Or describe your experience of using the above methods in our article. This is interesting!


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You never know what surprises life will throw at you. Therefore it is worth it. We present to your attention a post by Boris Zak, a lover of travel, trail running and running in general (who, by the way, has already told us about his own). Today Boris will tell you about 10 ways to light a fire. Some of them will seem useful to you, and some will probably surprise you. :)

A little theory. What is fire?

Fire is the main phase of the combustion process, which is accompanied by the release of light and heat. Fire can occur for various reasons: heating, chemical reaction, exposure to electricity.

So, to start a fire we need combustible materials, oxygen and high temperature.

Method 1. Start a fire using a condom

The condom is truly a unique thing; I think that all travelers have long appreciated this multi-purpose item. So, take a transparent condom and fill it with water.

Starting a fire with a condom

We use it as a lens, focus the beam on pre-prepared dry grass or paper, a little patience, and now smoke appears.

Method 2. Pepsi can

We polish the bottom of the jar and use it as a reflector. We direct the beam onto a sheet of paper or dry grass.

The bottom of the jar is an excellent reflector

Method 3. Photo frame and cling film

Take a photo frame and wrap it in cling film.

Frame wrapped in cling film

Place the frame on the stand and pour water.

Carefully pour water

That's it, the fire ignition installation is ready.


Method 4. Steel wool and mobile phone battery

Steel wool is a weave of very thin steel fibers that looks like regular cotton wool from a pharmacy. The steel itself is 98% iron and 2% carbon, the proportions may vary depending on the type of steel. We prepare a “nest” of dry leaves and grass, put cotton wool in it and run the battery contacts across the cotton wool several times.

Starting a fire using steel wool and a battery

Method 5. Battery and chewing gum foil

AA battery and chewing gum foil

Cut a strip of foil, fold it in half and sharpen the fold with scissors.

We apply the ends of the strip to the poles of the battery, and the main thing here is not to burn your fingers.

The same manipulations, only more clearly, are presented in the video.

Method 6. An interesting but expensive way to start a fire using IKEA products

Method 7. Ice

This method requires patience. Not only will you light a fire, but you will also stay warm. Take a piece of ice and, with light movements of the knife, shape it into lenses. Then we polish the surface of the lens with our hands.

Smooth ice works like a lens

Well, every child knows how to start a fire with a lens.

Method 8. Chemical reaction

Sodium is a silvery-white metal, ductile, even soft (easily cut with a knife), a fresh cut of sodium shines in the air and easily oxidizes to sodium oxide. To protect against oxygen in the air, sodium metal is stored under a layer of kerosene.

Sodium reacts very violently with water: a piece of sodium placed in water floats up, melts due to the heat generated, turning into a white ball that quickly moves in different directions on the surface of the water; the reaction produces hydrogen, which can ignite. This experiment is also called "dancing fire".

Sodium + water

Method 9. Flint

Sparks are struck using a flint. The tool is compact, lightweight and can be used in any weather. On the Internet you can find a large assortment flint Which one you buy does not matter, the main thing is to learn how to use this gadget correctly.

Making sparks is not difficult, you just need to prepare good tinder. To do this, use dry, flammable material.

Method 10. Fire Piston

This pneumatic lighter was invented around 1770. It works on the same principle as a diesel engine. With strong compression, the air in the cylinder heats up to a temperature of over 300 ° C, which leads to the ignition of the tinder located at the end of the piston.

Fire Piston

In order to achieve high temperature, you need a strong blow.

Ecology of consumption. Lifehack: Despite the fact that it is very difficult to imagine how you can find yourself in the wilderness with...

Making fire by friction

This activity is not for the faint of heart. And perhaps the most difficult. Exist different techniques friction, but The decisive factor in any technique is the type of wood, which you will use for the board and rod.

A rod is a stick that is used to rotate and create friction. If, by rotating the rod, you create enough friction between it and the plank that the latter begins to smolder, then you can light a fire.

The board is best made from poplar, juniper, aspen, willow, cedar, cypress or walnut wood.

Dry wood should be used for ignition.

Gimlet/hand drill This is the most primitive method, primitive and very complex.

All you need is wood, hands and unwavering determination. 1. Build a nest out of tinder.

You will need to pour the coals that appear from friction into this nest. The nest can be made from anything that burns easily: dry grass, leaves and bark. 2. Make a funnel.

Make a funnel in the fire board into which the rod will then be inserted; under the funnel you can make a cavity for tinder. 3. Place the bark under the funnel. Smoldering embers should be placed on the bark, which are formed due to the friction of the rod against.

wooden board 4. Start rotating the rod.

Place the rod into the funnel on your board. The rod should be about 60 cm long. Press down on the board and begin to rotate the rod, holding it between your palms. Move your palms in quick rotating movements along the entire length of the shaft. Continue until smoke appears. 5. Light a fire.

When you notice smoke, tap the board so that the embers that appear fall on the bark. Transfer the bark to the nest.

Fire plow

1. Prepare a fire board. 2. Cut a groove in the board.

It will serve as a path for the rod. 3. Rub.

Place the end of the rod into the groove. Start by pressing the end of the rod along the groove. 4. Light a fire.

Place a nest of tinder at one end of the board, and lift the board itself during friction so that the coals fall there.

Bow drill This is perhaps the most effective method

starting a fire. It allows you to achieve the desired speed and pressure necessary for the appearance of embers and smoldering much faster and, accordingly, make the fire faster. In addition to the rod and plank, you will need a block and a bow. 1. Find the block. It will be needed to create additional pressure

onto the rod that you will rotate with the bow. You can use a stone or another piece of wood as a block. For a wooden block, try to find a wood that is harder than the wood that will be used for the shaft. The bow should be approximately arm length. To create it, use a flexible, slightly curved rod. It should be strong enough. Pull the string onto the rod and you're done.

3. Prepare a fire board. Make a funnel and a cavity underneath for the tinder. Place the tinder directly under the funnel.

4. Thread the string onto the shaft. Fold the string to form a loop and thread the rod through it. Place one end of the rod on a wooden board, and press the other end with a block.

5. Start sawing. Using the bow, begin to quickly move it back and forth as if you were sawing. We can say that yours turned out primitive mechanical drill. The rod must be rotated quickly.
Continue sawing until embers appear.

6. Light a fire. Drop the embers into the tinder nest and blow gently.

Flint (chair, flint, tinder)

This is an ancient technique. It never hurts to take a flint with you when going on a hike. Matches may become wet and unusable, but you can still get a spark using a flint and wood block.

If you don't have a flint with you, you can easily make one yourself, for this you will need quartzite and the steel blade of your folding knife. You carry a folding knife with you, don't you? In addition, you will need charcoal. Sparks will fall on the coal and it will smolder. If you don't have coal, use birch bark or tinder.

1. Take flint and coal. Clamp the flint between the large and index fingers. The tip of the flint should protrude 5-7 cm. Hold the coal between thumb and flint.

2. Hit. Use the back of the knife blade. Hit the stone with it several times. The sparks from the impact should hit the charcoal, which in turn will begin to smolder.

3. Light a fire. Place the coal in the tinder nest and blow gently.


This is one of the most simple ways making fire. Any boy who has ever melted plastic soldiers knows how it works. If you've never melted your toy soldiers, then read on.

Regular lenses

To start a fire, you need lenses to let sunlight through. A magnifying glass, glasses or binoculars - anything will do.

If the lens is moistened with water, the process of making fire will speed up.

Position the lens at an angle so that sunlight hits it and the beam is focused in one place. Place a nest of tinder in the place where the beam falls, and very soon you will make yourself a fire.

The only drawback of this method is that it only works in sunny weather.

In addition to regular lenses, you can use some other items to make fire using this method.

Balls and condoms

Filling a balloon or condom with water turns it into a lens.

1. Pour water into the ball or a condom and tie it. At the same time, they should take on the shape of a sphere (as far as possible). Don't make them very large or you will have a hard time focusing the sunlight.

2. Squeeze the ball so that it gives you a clear circle of light. Try squeezing the condom in the middle so that it forms 2 lenses of smaller diameter.

Balls and condoms should be kept about 5cm away from the tinder as their focal length is much shorter than lenses.

Fire from ice

The phrase reminds one of the themes school essay, but ice can actually help you start a fire. All you need is make a lens out of a piece of ice and use it as usual.

1. Use clean water. The ice should be transparent. If it is cloudy or has specks in it, you won't succeed. To get clear ice, pour water from a lake, pond, or simply put snow in a mug or some container. Let the liquid freeze. For this method to work, the piece of ice must be about 5 cm thick.

2. Make a lens. Use a knife to cut a lens out of ice. Remember that the lens is usually thicker in the center than at the edges.

3. Polish the lens. After shaping it, polish the lens with your hands. The warmth of your hands will melt the ice a little and make its surface smooth.

Place the end of the rod into the groove. Start by pressing the end of the rod along the groove. Point the lens towards sunlight. Focus the beam on the tinder and wait for the fire to appear.

Aluminum can and chocolate bar

1. Polish the bottom of the jar with chocolate. Just move the chocolate along the bottom of the jar.Then wipe the bottom clean with a piece of cloth. Chocolate - excellent remedy for a polish that will make the bottom of the jar shine like a mirror. If you don't have chocolate with you, toothpaste will do too. Repeat this several times.

2. Light a fire. By polishing the bottom of the jar, you get a mirror. The sun's rays will reflect off the bottom and create a focal point. The principle of operation is the same as in a telescope. Turn the bottom of the jar towards the sun. The rays, as in other cases with lenses, should be directed at the tinder. Place the tinder 2-3 cm from the focal point. The flame will appear in a few seconds.

Although it is very difficult to imagine how you could find yourself in the middle of nowhere with an aluminum can and a bar of chocolate, this method of making fire is simply wonderful.

Also interesting:

Batteries and steel wool

As with the jar and the chocolate, it's hard to imagine not having matches, but having batteries and steel wool. But nothing can be known for sure. In the end, just for fun, you can do this at home.

1. Pull out the wool. It is necessary to obtain a strip about 15 cm long and 1-2 cm wide.

2. Rub the battery on the wool. Take the wool in one hand and the battery in the other. Any battery will do for this job, but it is best to use a 9-volt one. PWipe the side of the battery with the contacts on the wool. The latter will begin to smoke and eventually catch fire.

3. Place the burning steel wool strip into the tinder nest. The strip burns out quickly, so hurry up. published

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