Diet during drying. Sports nutrition for drying the body

From time to time, they switch to a 5-6-week sports diet to reduce body fat and, with the help of exercises, give relief to their pumped up muscles. The result is determined by: menu, cooking technology and diet. The principle is built:

  • on a smooth reduction of carbohydrates;
  • introduction into the diet large quantity protein and vegetables;
  • weekly correction of BJU;
  • 5-6 meals a day.

Low-calorie foods when dried lead to glucose deficiency and force the body to break down fats.

What foods should you not eat?

First of all from the menu completely exclude simple sugars, bakery products from white flour. Alcohol and other tonic drinks are prohibited when drying. You can drink coffee, tea and yeast-free drinks. On the menu do not include butter, mayonnaise, products from the permitted menu prepared by frying. Meat and fish:

  • baked in its own juice;
  • boil;
  • grilled;
  • stewed.

The eggs are boiled and the omelet is steamed or microwaved.

Dubious foods that you should avoid

To the question: is it possible when drying soy sauce there is no clear answer. Although this is indeed a low-calorie product that complements the taste of protein foods, it is useful only if it contains only natural products that have undergone a fermentation cycle.

This also applies cola zero drying. There is nothing in the drink except asparkam, which is much more harmful Sahara. Besides, no one knows the real recipe for the drink. What's wrong with rosehip infusions or herbal teas that supply natural vitamins and strengthen the immune system?

Honey when drying, replace with a handful of dried fruits. Is it worth doing this if it contains simple sugars? It contains up to 80% glucose, fructose and sucrose. In light varieties there are 380 kcal/100 g, in dark varieties 455. In addition, it contains antibiotics. It's better to replace the sweetness walnuts, cashews, almonds. Drying peanuts stimulates nitrogen production and nutrition delivery to tissues.

List of protein products for relief

Athletes increase their protein intake to 2.5/1 kg of weight. The share of animal protein is 70%. The body receives the rest of the organic matter from plant foods. List of products that you can eat 150-200 g per meal:

  • red meat;
  • eggs;
  • mushrooms;
  • turkey;
  • white meat chicken.

Useful dried fish, seafood, including seaweed. Vegetable protein source- nuts, seeds, sesame, flax seeds, legumes. Only in women's The body digests beans, peas, chickpeas, and lentils better and does not cause fermentation.

Is it possible to dry cheese and fermented milk products?

A glass of dried milk with a fat content of 1.5 contains 6 g of protein, approximately the same amount of carbohydrates, about 20 micro and macroelements. A warm drink will replace a snack and allow you to forget about hunger.

Those who have Problems with the breakdown of lactose, yogurt and kefir are added for drying.

For breakfasts and snacks Suitable low-fat cottage cheese, hard tofu cheese. Fresh or frozen blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries are added to dried cottage cheese with 1% fat content. In the first week A slice of regular cheese is allowed, but it is better to replace it with unsalted feta cheese, which contains 1.7% fewer calories, or a soy equivalent. The share of milk fat in daily ration exactly 2%.

What foods can girls eat when drying their bodies: list of carbohydrates

In the first week, the daily glucose norm does not exceed 200 g; in the 2-4 seven-day weeks the volume is reduced to 50 - 70 g; in the last week it is again increased by 2.5 times. However, these values ​​are approximate and the amount of complex sugars entering the body is determined by how you feel. In any case, you can’t do without slow carbohydrates at breakfast.

  • Dried brown rice and pasta made from rye flour, millet, quinoa, and buckwheat are the main suppliers of slow carbohydrates.
  • When drying, muscle cells receive energy from oatmeal, avocado, carrots, and dried fruits eaten for second breakfast or an hour before training.

What fruits can girls dry: allowed foods

Benefit green apples when dried is undeniable. But is it possible to dry watermelon and banana if they have a high glycemic index (GI)? In the pulp melons, including melon, up to 92% water, 7.5% carbohydrates and only 0.6 protein. But along with apricots, mango and watermelon contain a lot of provitamin A, which is necessary for myofibrils and the immune system. There are only 40-50 kcal in 100 slices.

Although bananas when dried undesirable because belong to prohibited starchy foods, but there is no other source of magnesium that relaxes muscles. The fruit affects the synthesis of tryptophan, which improves mood and satisfies hunger for 2 hours. Healthy fruits for drying:

  • Grapefruit, citrus, pears.
  • Sour berries - lingonberries, cranberries, currants.

What foods dry out the body?

First of all, these are fresh vegetables. The body loses more energy in their absorption than is contained in the products themselves. So, if a cucumber contains 14 kcal, it requires 16 units of heat to break it down. The list of body drying products for women for every day includes garden products:

  • all types of cabbage;
  • celery;
  • bell pepper;
  • zucchini;
  • green bean.

Useful when drying tomatoes, turnips, radishes, spinach, lettuce.

How to cook low-calorie food

The way they are prepared matters. Vegetables When dried, they are mostly eaten raw. If you put it out green beans, turnip and celery with vegetable oil or add a spoon to a salad, the energy value of the dish will immediately increase. In 1 tsp. (5 g) contains 45 kcal, in the dining room more than 180. However, natural vitamins and minerals are completely absorbed with fats, so 5 g of oil for salad dressing not prevent.

Beets and carrots are eaten only when dried fresh in complex salads. After cooking, their GI increases exactly 2 times. But what to do if not all permitted foods can be eaten without heat treatment? Stew in water or tomato sauce, pour in garlic-lemon sauce with herbs, or cook them as first courses. Soups for drying the body in lean meat broths - an additional source of protein and vitamins.

Significantly lower. There are much fewer muscle fibers in the female body, so each kilogram of mass consumes significantly less energy. With the same high-calorie diet, a woman will gain excess weight faster than a man.

  • Thanks to the storage mechanism (necessary for bearing a child), a woman’s body transfers excess carbohydrates into fat deposits much more easily.
  • Women use stored fat for energy needs more intensively than men. Nature has made sure that the female body works like an energy station, accumulating the energy of carbohydrates in the form of glycogen and fat reserves, and, if necessary, can easily spend these energy reserves. This is why a woman’s muscles are more willing to accumulate carbohydrates in the form of glycogen. This feature female body can be considered an advantage and used for proper drying of the body in combination with proper training. The main thing is to make sure that the simple carbohydrates you eat do not turn into fat.
  • Another feature of the female body is the relatively disproportionate distribution of muscles throughout the body. The muscular corset of the upper body in women is much less developed than in men. However, in the case of drying, changes in the upper body in women are usually much more noticeable, since first of all excess fat and the water drains from the face, arms and chest, and lastly from the legs and buttocks.
  • Drying nutrition rules for girls

    Based on the characteristics of the female body discussed above, we will highlight a number of principles of the female diet for drying:

    • Allowed for use (and in some cases especially recommended). Their share in the diet should not exceed 30-40%.
    • The recommended proportion of fat is 10-20% of the diet. It is highly not recommended to completely eliminate fats during drying in women in order to avoid problems with menstrual cycle, hormonal levels and general health.
    • The basis of nutrition during drying is proteins (50-60% of the total daily diet).
    • During drying, consume fiber. Sources - all types of cabbage, zucchini, cucumbers, greens, legumes, bran. Plant fiber quickly saturates and suppresses hunger.
    • Strictly monitor the quantity drinking water in the daily diet (recommended amount - 2-2.5 liters per day). At elevated temperatures and physical activity, increase the volume of fluid.
    • To avoid stress, a complete sudden refusal of carbohydrates is not permissible: start cutting by gradually reducing carbohydrates in the diet, replacing sweets and starchy foods with healthy fiber from fruits and complex carbohydrates from cereals.
    • It is not recommended to eat 1.5-2 hours before training and 1.5-2 hours after it. The exception is sports supplements that do not contain fats and carbohydrates.
    • Optimal weight loss during drying is 1.5-2 kg per week. If you start losing weight much faster, you're probably just losing water and burning your own muscle.
    • It is recommended to eat 5-6 times a day, dividing the daily diet into breakfast, lunch, dinner and two snacks.

    Features of choosing a diet for a man

    Selection effective diet for drying the body for men also depends on the characteristics of the body, which we will discuss later.

    Nuances of the male body

    The main hormone in the male body is testosterone. In a free, bioavailable form, it participates in all biochemical processes: it accelerates, affects protein synthesis and has a positive effect on the distribution of fat deposits, and slows down the aging process.

    Active muscle growth occurs only when the anabolic effect of testosterone exceeds the catabolic (destructive) effect of cortisol.

    The body of an adult male produces about 3-11 mg of testosterone per day. With age (after 35-40 years), testosterone levels gradually decrease by about 1% every year.

    Many men who work out in the gym, especially professional athletes, resort to using anabolic steroids to increase testosterone levels in the blood. However, there is important nuance: as long as you use synthetic hormones, strength and external data improve, but the constant use of testosterone and its analogues is dangerous due to serious dysfunctions of the body.

    Often, after stopping anabolic steroids, one’s own testosterone ceases to be produced in the required volume, and the level of estrogen (the female sex hormone) and prolactin (the female hormone responsible for lactation) begin to rise sharply, leading to severe hormonal imbalance and unwanted transformations. Therefore, experts recommend increasing testosterone only in natural ways, in particular with the help of a properly selected diet and proper training.

    A body-drying diet for men should not only quickly burn fat, but also have a beneficial effect on health.

    Based on the characteristics of the male body discussed above, we will highlight a number of fundamental principles applicable to diets for drying the body in men:

    • The basis of nutrition during drying is proteins, their share should be 50-60% of the total daily diet. Optimal sources protein under drying conditions - products such as: turkey, chicken, rabbit meat, lean pork, lamb, fish, chicken eggs, cottage cheese, hard cheeses with reduced fat content.
    • During drying, men are recommended to consume complex carbohydrates. Their share in the diet should not be less than 30-40%. Sources of healthy complex carbohydrates: barley, millet, oatmeal should be present in the daily diet. A significant reduction in the amount of carbohydrates during cutting can lead to a decrease in testosterone.

    For 200 grams of protein per day there should be at least 300-400 grams of carbohydrates. In this regard, the standard one, most often used for drying the body, loses to the zone diet, where the ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats is most optimal: 40/30/30.

    • Fats should make up about 15-25% of the diet. Give preference to unsaturated fats plant origin: olive oil, sesame oil, natural peanut oil, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, walnuts. It is recommended to eat fish rich in fatty acids: salmon,.
    • Eat foods rich in fiber and plant fibers. Such products include: cabbage of all types, zucchini, eggplants, squash, all types of lettuce, greens, legumes.
    • A diet for drying the body for men should not be too low in calories, since when the total caloric intake of the diet is reduced below 2000 calories per day, the risk of a decrease in the amount of testosterone in the blood increases. It's better to spend required amount calories in the gym.
    • Monitor the amount of drinking water in your daily diet (the recommended volume is at least 2.5-3 liters per day, and even higher in unfavorable climatic conditions and increased physical activity). Water not only speeds up metabolism, but also helps remove toxins from the body that accumulate in large volumes during a high-protein diet.
    • Eat at least 5-6 times a day, and the calorie content of each individual meal should not exceed 500 calories.

    A man's physical health, mental state and quality of life in general largely depend on testosterone levels. This is why it is so important to comply proper diet and carefully select products for drying so as not to disrupt male hormonal levels.

    Review of the best diets for cutting

    There are many ways to remove excess subcutaneous fat. We have chosen for you the 4 most effective options, described their basic principles and advantages.

    The most popular among athletes is the low-carbohydrate diet. Formally, it is rather low-water, since a small amount of In practice, it is impossible to limit the intake of carbohydrates from food. When choosing a diet for cutting, many athletes choose the classic “no-carbohydrate” diet due to its effectiveness. The essence of the diet is clear from the name - limit the intake of any carbohydrates into the body.

    Authorized Products

    On a low-carbohydrate diet, you are allowed to consume:

    • lean meat: chicken, turkey, beef, lean pork, rabbit, lamb;
    • fish, seafood;
    • eggs;
    • green vegetables high in fiber;
    • dairy products: hard cheeses, milk, cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream;
    • drinking water (at least 2-3 liters per day).

    Operating principle

    The principle is based on the mechanism of gluconeogenesis - the formation of glucose from other compounds in the body in order to maintain metabolism. Without the intake of carbohydrates, the body begins to disassemble fats into molecules fatty acids and glycerol, and proteins into amino acids, from which it creates glucose. This process is very energy-consuming, and in the complete absence of carbohydrate foods it leads to rapid weight loss. But when adhering to such a diet, be careful, since an acute lack of glucose in the body causes the phenomenon of ketosis.

    Ketosis is the body's breakdown of previously accumulated fat to produce energy (glucose). With ketosis, the liver begins to actively produce ketonic acid, which increases the risk of poisoning with acetone products.

    If the accumulation of ketone bodies reaches maximum values, ketoacidosis may begin in the body - acute poisoning with decay products. A sharp acetone odor appears from the mouth, the general condition worsens, severe dizziness, nausea or vomiting occurs. With serious complications and lack of therapy, ketoacidosis is fraught fatal(especially if a person has diabetes mellitus or other metabolic disorder).

    And yet “no carbohydrates” - undisputed leader when choosing a diet for drying the body for many athletes, as it allows short time achieve excellent results in losing weight.

    An analogue is the Dr. Atkins diet, which traditionally takes place in four stages: the induction stage (preparatory), the active fat burning stage, the transition stage and the maintenance stage. Dr. Atkins' diet is a classic diet.

    Zone diet

    Often chosen by those athletes who train intensively even while drying. Thanks to the balanced composition of the diet (there is no strict restriction of carbohydrates), it allows you to train as intensely as possible without experiencing an acute energy deficiency (an integral part of low-carbohydrate diets).

    Operating principle

    The essence of the zone diet is to divide the daily diet into proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the ratio: 30/30/40, respectively. The zone diet requires an individual approach, since to create a menu it is necessary to calculate the individual protein requirement of a particular athlete.

    Principles of the zone diet:

    • The entire daily diet is divided into protein, carbohydrate and fat blocks. At the same time, one protein block contains 7 grams of protein, one carbohydrate block contains 9 grams of carbohydrates, and one fat block contains 1.5 grams of fat.
    • The ratio of protein and carbohydrate blocks should be 1:1.
    • The number of meals per day is at least 5: 3 main meals and 2 snacks. If you're training too intensely while cutting, you should increase the number of meals you eat, not the size of your portions.
    • The calorie content of a main meal should not exceed 500 calories, and a snack should not exceed 150 calories.
    • Between meals, breaks of more than 4 hours are not allowed.
    • It is better to choose low fat protein sources.
    • Fats in the diet should be unsaturated.
    • Carbohydrates should be low.

    The zone diet does not impose strict restrictions on the foods consumed. Only their calorie content and set of nutrients are controlled.

    Drying in such conditions may not be as effective, but in combination with intense physical activity, the results of the zone diet will not take long to appear.

    Paleo diet

    It is considered the most preferred among CrossFitters, since its creator is the founder of CrossFit, Greg Glassman. This diet is based on eating only high-quality protein sources: meat, fish, seafood, fiber-rich fruits and vegetables, as well as berries and nuts. In other words, only those foods that could be available are consumed. ancient man in the Paleolithic era.

    Principles of nutrition

    Paleo Diet Principles:

    • It is allowed to consume only natural products that have not undergone heat or other processing or have been subjected to only minimal exposure to temperatures.
    • Dairy products, grains, and all sugars are prohibited.
    • It is not recommended to subject it to prolonged heat treatment vegetables to avoid loss of vitamins.
    • When following the paleo diet, strictly follow the drinking regime: drink at least 2-3 liters of liquid per day.
    • During intense physical activity, it is permissible to increase the amount of carbohydrates in food by consuming sweet berries and fruits. The amount of protein in this situation is also allowed to be increased.

    Priority Products

    Paleo diet - definitely useful way nutrition, since by consuming a large amount of vegetables, fruits, berries and nuts, the body receives a lot of vitamins, macro and microelements, and the overall immune system is strengthened. In terms of drying, such a diet is also effective, since refusal simple carbohydrates and replacing them with fiber in any case leads to intense burning of fat.

    Fractional meals

    - another one popular diet for drying the body. The essence of fractional nutrition is to divide the daily diet into 6-7 small meals at intervals of 2-2.5 hours. The fractional diet is aimed at reducing single portions of food in order to improve performance. gastrointestinal tract, compressing the volume of the stomach in a natural way, improving metabolism and burning accumulated fat deposits.

    Principles of nutrition

    A fractional diet involves following a number of recommendations:

    • Alternate days of nutrition with days of rest: 5 days - fractional meals, 10 days - consolidation of the result.
    • During the first 5 days of fractional feeding, eat every 2 hours.
    • During the 10 days of rest, eat the same foods, just reduce the number of meals while maintaining its total volume.
    • The recommended serving size is such that after eating there is a slight feeling of hunger.
    • Don't forget about drinking water. At least 2.5-3 liters of clean drinking water per day is the key to successful drying.

    The following products are of priority:

    • The diet for a fractional diet consists mainly of low-fat protein foods: chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef, fish, eggs.
    • Dairy products allowed during the fractional diet include: hard cheeses with low fat content (no more than 35%), cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, and Varenets.
    • Most of the diet consists of foods rich in fiber. These include: cucumbers, all types of cabbage, greens, tomatoes, bell peppers, peas, bran.
    • Carbohydrates in fractional meals are complex, with a low glycemic index: oatmeal, buckwheat, barley, barley.
    • Fats - mainly of vegetable origin: olive oil, linseed oil, natural peanut butter.

    This type of nutrition is rightfully considered effective in order to effectively burn excess fat. In combination with physical activity, a fractional diet gives tangible results. It is perfect for athletes who plan to quickly and comfortably get rid of extra pounds.


    The choice of diet for cutting depends on your individual preferences, body characteristics and the nature of the training process. In any case, switching to a new way of eating should not cause discomfort or harm to the body. The diet will be safe and beneficial if you consult your doctor for contraindications before practicing.

    Greetings to all, dear friends! ?

    During our acquaintance, we have already achieved certain results: some of us have improved our already toned bodies, while others were able to get rid of hated fat deposits. However, all the ways presented up to this point to lose extra calories are various options weight loss and generally available dietary techniques.

    Today I would like to discuss a topic that is relevant for girls who have already learned to combine regular exercise in the gym with everyday worries, adhering to a proper diet. Such female representatives face a new problem - subcutaneous fat.

    Their figures are devoid of drooping sides and a protruding tummy, but it is quite difficult to get rid of the body’s reserves “for a rainy day” using classical methods.

    The only option is a special dietary method intended for experienced athletes, so now I will talk about what drying nutrition should be like for girls.

    I collected this information both for you, our dear readers, and for myself. After all, I also plan to carry out this procedure with my body, as soon as the schedule becomes a little easier. In addition to training and basic labor activity now, once again, ? I am undergoing training, but not in the field of nail service, but in a completely different direction. But I'll tell you about this later. ?

    Please note: "This effective method not to lose weight, but to remove excess water from the body and get rid of subcutaneous fat. It is better for beginners not to try this technique, because it involves physical activity during a stressful state of our bodies. An unprepared body may simply not withstand such a regime.”

    Top 15 cutting rules for girls: useful advice from nutritionists

    Familiarization with the advice of experts will help us to properly prepare for the start of the dietary method, having studied all the information necessary for this. I bring to your attention the top 15 rules that must be followed during drying:

    1. The amount of carbohydrates entering our body should be gradually reduced.
    2. Excluded from the diet dairy products foods containing more than 15% fat.
    3. Fractional system of eating in small portions (5-6 times during the day).
    4. We eat at least 80% of the daily requirement before 18:00.
    5. We eat our last meal 3 hours before bedtime.
    6. We eat 1–1.5 hours before and after training.
    7. We drink bottled water without carbon throughout the day.
    8. Helping your body with sports supplements for burning fat.
    9. Add 50 ml of lemon juice to 250 ml of water, which will speed up the metabolic process.
    10. Regular strength and cardio training - physical activity is an integral part of drying.
    11. Fats should be consumed in the body exclusively with protein foods (seafood, fish, meat).
    12. If it’s hard for you to give up sweets, then opt for honey or marshmallows (they should be eaten no later than 15:00).
    13. About 70% of the daily diet should consist of foods with animal protein (meat, poultry, fish, cottage cheese), and the remaining 30% should come from foods with vegetable protein (nuts, cereals, mushrooms).
    14. The consumption of any alcoholic beverages is prohibited (take care in advance that no grand feasts are planned during the drying period).
    15. Weighing takes place in the morning of every 3 days.

    Many of the tips are similar to the recommendations of nutritionists on proper nutrition, however, the drying method is a more stringent method - the most stringent protein diet, during which physical activity and cardio training are not excluded.

    Be sure to monitor your well-being - excessive zeal can cause irreversible consequences in the vital processes of the body. We want to become owners perfect figure. Right? ? Health should not suffer in any case.

    Be observant: “As you dry, keep an eye on your hair. A lack of fats or carbohydrates in the body will immediately manifest itself in this area - the curls will begin to split, fall out and begin to fade. This is the first sign that your menu requires urgent changes.”

    Sports nutrition: the current choice for a business woman

    Dear ladies, I understand perfectly well that in the conditions of the 21st century it is quite difficult to maintain a regime, so I suggest you Alternative option, helping to burn subcutaneous fat - sports nutrition.

    I have prepared a list of the most popular and effective food supplements that are absolutely harmless to health and can provide the body with the microelements necessary for life:

    • LIPO 6-X.
    • Olimp L-Carnitine 500 Forte Plus.
    • Muscletech Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite.

    Three drugs that are optimally suited for the female body. They will accelerate biological processes in our body, burning subcutaneous fat even during sleep.

    Advice from a professional athlete: “Don’t have the opportunity to eat every 3-4 hours? There is an exit. Take BCAA capsules or protein shakes with you on the road, to work, or in the car, made in advance at home.”

    We got acquainted with methods of getting rid of subcutaneous fat, learned about food additives, helping to quickly lose carbohydrate reserves. What is missing to start the course? That's right, dear girls - list of products:

    • Chicken and turkey loins (skin removed).
    • Fish (white meat).
    • Seafood (seaweed, octopus, crabs, oysters, mussels, squid).
    • Eggs (whites only).
    • Legumes (fresh, uncooked foods).
    • Vegetables (except potatoes).
    • Porridge (only buckwheat and oatmeal).
    • Granular cottage cheese (fat content no more than 5%).
    • Citrus fruits (grapefruits, lemons, oranges).
    • Fermented milk drinks (fat content up to 1%).
    • Apples, kiwi, pineapples (accelerate the metabolic process).
    • Greens (vegetation with which you can “enrich” any dish with vitamins).

    The list of products is quite large to consider the diet strict. However, an integral part of drying is the daily fight against by one's own desire if you are tempted to eat junk food – let’s hold on, girls, reminding ourselves of the path already taken and future results.

    Use your imagination - any food can be cooked deliciously, healthy foods are no exception, but without sugar, using salt in minimal quantities.

    It should be noted that it is not recommended to adhere to this technique for a long time, so a 5-week course will be enough. Once every 7 days you can arrange fasting “holidays” for yourself, but be prudent - know when to stop.

    1. During the first week we use a simple formula - 2–2.5 grams of carbohydrates per 1 kilogram of weight. At this time, we gradually “pacify” the needs of appetite, switch to the upcoming regime, and prepare the body for a stressful state.
    2. In the second week, we reduce the amount of carbohydrates to 1 gram per 1 kilogram of weight, adding more pure protein (meat, poultry, fish) to our diet.
    3. The third week will be especially memorable, because the daily carbohydrate intake is 0.5 grams per 1 kilogram of your weight. It should be mentioned that physical activity continues from the very first day in accordance with a pre-established schedule.
    4. We use the ring method - we return to the rules of 2 weeks, increasing the carbohydrate intake.
    5. Full compliance with the first week.

    If your health allows, you can add another 7 days from daily norm carbohydrates – 0.5 grams. Dear representatives of the “beautiful” half of humanity, you should not “endure”, feeling weak in the legs and being in a faint state - the purpose of drying is to get rid of subcutaneous fat, and not self-torture.

    The effectiveness of the method lies in the accuracy of the calculations: “In drying, the menu is compiled individually for each person - it all depends on the characteristics of the body (weight, height). Girls, independently calculate the possible number of calories consumed per day, the % ratio of proteins and carbohydrates.”

    Video with Lyudmila Nikitina about body drying

    I hope that the tips given in this article will make the upcoming process easier for you, because the right approach to such a dietary method – 50% of successful results.

    If you have any useful and current advice, then in the comments we will always be happy to see recommendations based on personal experience. After all, it is much easier to cope with difficulties together. ?

    I wish you willpower and fortitude, dear ladies!!

    Nutrition principles and recipes

    From the ear of the body is a combination physical activity with a diet to reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat while maintaining muscle mass. This process is a serious test for the body, especially the female body, which cannot function normally without a supply of fat.

    However, a properly organized diet and attention to your body can only bring benefits to both men and women. The main condition for drying is the presence of muscles, that is, basic physical fitness.

    During drying, avoidance of carbohydrates is practiced. table salt and reducing fat intake to 10-15 g per day.

    To reduce the feeling of hunger, practice:

    • fractional meals - 3 main meals and 2-3 snacks;
    • drink plenty of fluids (up to 2 liters per day) - with the help of water it is possible not only to dull the appetite, but also to remove fat breakdown products from the body;
    • eating only with large portions of low-calorie vegetables.

    When preparing food for effective and safe drying of the body, the following products can be used in recipes:

    Recipes for girls who are drying may include:

    • boiled beets;
    • fresh carrots;
    • pumpkin seeds (5 g per day in salads).

    These products activate estrogen synthesis, maintaining normal hormonal balance.

    Instead of salt, most recipes use crushed dry seaweed, which helps burn subcutaneous fat in athletes.

    In dishes prepared for drying, it is prohibited to use:

    • sugar;
    • products containing starch - bread, flour, potatoes and others;
    • fruits.

    The exceptions are green apples and unsweetened pears.


    All dietary recipes for athletes who are drying are prepared from fresh, high-quality products that can be boiled, including steamed, baked in the oven or microwave.


    When preparing salads intended to activate metabolism, they adapt the recipes of familiar dishes, replacing fatty dressings with lemon juice, low-fat yogurt and Dijon mustard.


    Finely chop the cilantro, grinding it with dried seaweed. Then they cut:

    • pepper - small cubes;
    • cabbage - into thin strips.

    Mix cilantro with vegetables, vigorously kneading with palms. Before serving, top with yogurt and Dijon mustard.

    Dietary salads may also include protein components that are useful when dried - boiled meat, squid, fish.


    Cut the onion into half rings, pour boiling water over it, and then cold water, squeeze, mix with lemon juice, vegetable oil and dried seaweed.

    Cut the fish and egg white into thin slices and mix with the prepared onion dressing.

    Recipes for special fitness salads for girls in the first and last week of drying may include boiled beets.


    • leek - 20 g;
    • boiled beets - 100 g;
    • pumpkin seeds - 10 g;
    • boiled fish - 50 g;
    • lemon juice - 10 ml.

    Place grated beets in a circle on a plate and sprinkle finely chopped leeks on top. Place slices of boiled fish on top, sprinkle with pounded fish pumpkin seeds, sprinkle with lemon juice.


    Soups for drying are prepared on the basis of vegetable or protein broths. To prepare, chicken fillet, fish or vegetables (celery, leeks, carrots, cabbage) are placed in cold water, bring to a boil, skimming off the foam, simmer over low heat for 30-40 minutes, cool and filter.

    • hake broth - 200 ml;
    • peeled boiled shrimp - 80 g;
    • garlic, bay leaf - to taste.

    Rub a glass bowl for preparing soup with garlic, pour hot broth into it, add prepared shrimp, and blend with a blender. Heat the resulting mass. Before serving, you can add 5 ml of lemon juice to the soup.

    • vegetable broth - 200 ml;
    • chicken fillet - 100 g;
    • chopped dill, parsley - 10 g;
    • young white cabbage - 100 g;
    • vegetable oil - 5 ml.

    Instead of fresh cabbage, you can take sauerkraut, as it is more useful when dried, since it has a negative calorie content (more energy is spent on digestion than is received). Before cooking, rinse it with cold running water to remove salt.

    Chicken fillet is cut into strips and simmered until tender in vegetable oil with a small amount of broth. Then add cabbage, simmer until soft, dilute with the remaining broth. Sprinkle with greens before serving.


    The vegetables are chopped, stewed in a small amount of broth with vegetable oil until tender, add the remaining broth, boiled rice and tkemali, bring to a boil, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

    Second courses

    When preparing second courses, not only protein products are used, but also buckwheat, since it has a low glycemic index, having a beneficial effect on the drying process of the body.

    • buckwheat - 50 g;
    • chicken fillet - 100 g;
    • one onion;
    • one medium tomato;
    • fresh zucchini - 200 g;
    • vegetable oil - 5 ml.

    Chop the onion, sauté in water with vegetable oil, add chopped zucchini, simmer until the water has completely evaporated. Then mix with chopped peeled tomato and 100 ml of water.

    Boil the chicken, chop and add to the vegetables.

    The resulting mixture is poured buckwheat, stir, cover with a lid, turn off the heat, and leave for an hour.

    Chicken in Georgian:

    Meat and peppers are cut into strips, salted, and marinated in lemon juice for an hour (more is possible). If desired, you can add chopped herbs to the marinade, onion or garlic.

    The marinated meat is seasoned with yogurt and placed in the oven for an hour at 160 degrees (the marinade is not poured out, it is mixed with the yogurt).

    Fish or chicken meat is finely chopped, mixed with whipped chicken protein, and “salted” with seaweed. Then mix with yogurt, place in cocotte makers, and bake in the oven for 10 minutes at 180 degrees.

    The proposed recipes may seem quite complicated, but they can be prepared in larger quantities and then frozen, after dividing into portions, so that dieting is not only tasty, but also convenient.

    Drinks and smoothies

    The most versatile drying drink is pure water, but for snacks and variety, the following recipes can be suggested.

    Green tea with milk:

    Pour 1 teaspoon of tea leaves with a hot mixture of skim milk and water, taken in equal proportions - 150 ml each. The drink can be drunk hot or chilled. It reduces appetite, activates fat burning, and improves tone.

    Green tea with lemon:

    Pour 1 teaspoon of tea leaves and a slice of lemon into 250 ml hot water. Drink chilled (with ice) throughout the day. Recommended in summer.

    • low-fat kefir - 200 ml;
    • cucumber - 100 g;
    • dill - to taste;
    • a pinch of salt.

    Beat all ingredients in a blender. The drink tastes like okroshka, is perfectly refreshing in the heat, and restores strength after a workout.

    Carrot smoothie:

    Peel the carrots, chop them with a blender and beat them with 100 ml of water, 100 ml of milk and cinnamon (at the tip of a knife). The drink activates intestinal motility.

    Carrot smoothie included mandatory list dietary recipes for girls when drying their body.

    Regular skim milk and kefir can be converted into delicious cocktails, adding spices to taste (vanilla, cinnamon, cardamom and others) and whisking after cooling for 3-5 minutes.

    Sample menu

    All recipes for athletes who are cutting their bodies are designed for men with a height of 175-180 cm and a weight of 80-85 kg. For girls, the amount of protein dishes and cereals when calculating their diet should be reduced in proportion to their weight using the BJU calculation - the amount of vegetables and fruits can be left unchanged.


    This meal should include animal protein and slow carbohydrates. Possible options are indicated in brackets.

    • 200 g - chicken fillet (grilled fish, fish or chicken julienne, 4 egg whites, cooked as an omelet);
    • 200 g - boiled buckwheat ( brown rice steamed with boiling water cereals);
    • one tomato;
    • green tea.


    For second breakfast or lunch, when drying the body, low-fat dairy products in combination with low-calorie vegetables are recommended.

    • Cottage cheese - 200 g;
    • bell pepper (tomato, cucumber) - 1 pc.;
    • green tea with lemon or milk.

    For girls, cottage cheese can be replaced with puff salad at this meal twice a week.


    This is the largest meal. It consists of soups (broths) and balanced main courses.

    1. Any soup from recipes intended for drying (kharcho, shrimp puree soup, green cabbage soup, various broths with eggs) - 250-300 ml.
    2. Georgian chicken or buckwheat with vegetables and chicken - 200 g.
    3. Cucumber smoothie - 200 ml.

    If there is not enough time, simply combine the broth with egg with boiled fish, chicken or shrimp for the second course - 200 g each. For optimal absorption, add vegetables - two leaves of Chinese cabbage and a tomato.

    Afternoon snack

    A glass of 1% kefir or cucumber (carrot) smoothie. The fermented milk drink can be replaced with tomato juice or the kernels of two walnuts.


    The evening meal should be quite filling, but light.

    • “Spring” salad (cucumber with tomato, Chinese cabbage With bell pepper);
    • 200 g of boiled fish (low-fat cottage cheese, shrimp);
    • tea with lemon balm.

    At night, drink a glass of kefir or eat a spoonful of cottage cheese.

    If hunger prevents you from falling asleep, then you can dull it with warm vegetable broth or any herbal tea(St. John's wort, thyme, lemon balm).

    The diet lasts approximately six weeks. So that this time does not become a serious test for nervous system, it is recommended to prepare for it by studying and testing carbohydrate-free recipes that are suitable for drying specifically for you.

    A proper combination of low-calorie vegetables, lean chicken and fish, dairy products and egg whites can delight you with a pleasant taste, giving good mood and a relief figure.

    People have always strived for beauty and slimness, resorting to the most sophisticated diets. But, as they say, there is no limit to perfection. Because everything larger number young people, and girls in particular, began to turn to drying in order not only to get rid of fat, but also to draw muscle definition. And if It’s not difficult to make up, but in a situation with the fair sex everything is just the opposite - the main task is to preserve women Health. To create a training program, you can contact a trainer. In this article we will talk about the main thing - the body drying menu.

    The effectiveness of the diet lies in the gradual reduction of the norm carbohydrate products. The calorie content of the diet should not exceed 1500 kcal.

    General idea of ​​drying

    This is the final stage of preparation for competitions for bodybuilders, accompanied by training and diet. It is preceded by a long gain of muscle mass, during which nutrition should be dense, tasty and almost without restrictions. In this case, weight is gained not only due to muscles, but also due to fat.

    Preference is given to protein foods, but carbohydrates and fats are no less a priority for athletes, because this is the main source of energy for training. They just use them at the beginning of the day.

    Drying for girls is no exception to the rule. Before you start burning fat, you need to gain a certain amount of muscle mass and have experience training in the gym. Otherwise, there will be nothing to “dry”.

    In addition, you should understand that this is not just a diet, but a whole program aimed at efficient combustion fat while maintaining muscle mass. What to save if it’s not there?

    Drying food for girls

    A girl's body is structured somewhat differently than a man's. Therefore, both the menu and the approach should be less strict. So, ladies are allowed to consume a small amount of vegetable oil. In addition, the diet should be decorated with a wide variety of dishes from sea ​​fish

    , rich in polyunsaturated fats. Fat deficiency is dangerous for a young girl’s body; it can cause absence of menstruation, affect reproductive function, and lead to loss and deterioration of hair, nails, and skin.

    The statement that it is necessary to completely abandon carbohydrates is also erroneous. The body needs them no less than fats and proteins. Forget about no-carb diets! Just eat the right foods, namely whole grains, vegetables and fruits.

    A step-by-step program for a month will allow you to consider, using an example, what nutrition should be like when drying the body for girls.

    Drying program for a month

    To achieve an effective result, the duration sports diet to burn fat and develop muscle mass should be from 6 to 12 weeks. The exact period depends on the initial weight, desired result and characteristics of the body.

    Over the course of a month, the diet menu undergoes a number of changes, which directly determine whether you will succeed. And now about each of them.

    Body drying menu for girls for a month

    First week

    At the very beginning of the journey, the daily carbohydrate intake should be 2.5 g per 1 kg. weight. As their source you can take brown rice, vegetables, fruits, buckwheat, rice. The basis of the diet should be taken:

    • any fish at least 3 times a week;
    • clean chicken fillet;
    • cottage cheese and kefir, occasionally cheese;
    • greens, salad leaves, vegetables.

    Also, do not forget to season your salads with olive oil and lemon juice.

    , rich in polyunsaturated fats. And remember: starting drying abruptly is strictly prohibited! This may have a negative impact on your health.

    Body drying for girls for the week that opens the monthly program:


    • 1st meal: 150 g sea bass, a bunch of greens, 30 g buckwheat, 50 g grapefruit.
    • 2nd reception: 2 hard-boiled eggs, 100 g of milk.
    • 3rd meal: 190 g steamed chicken and rice quenelles, 3 tomato slices, 3 olives.
    • 4th reception: 250 g of cottage cheese, 100 g of orange.


    • 1st meal: omelet (3 eggs), 100 g of milk.
    • 2nd meal: 150 g turkey, vegetable salad, 20 g berries.
    • 3rd meal: 170 g perch, 140 g broccoli, 3 lemon slices.
    • 4th reception: one and a half glasses of kefir.


    • 1st meal: omelet (3 eggs).
    • 2nd meal: 150 g of pike perch, a whole grapefruit, a bunch of greens.
    • 3rd meal: 100 g steamed veal cutlets, 30 g rice.
    • 4th reception: 300 g of cottage cheese, 1 carrot.


    • 1st meal: 160 g of steamed poultry cutlets, 70 g of buckwheat, 50 g of orange.
    • 2nd meal: 200 g pike perch with vegetables, 50 g rice, 20 g tomatoes.
    • 3rd meal: 150 g of vegetable salad, seasoned with flaxseed oil.
    • 4th reception: 150 g of kefir, 50 g of grapefruit, tea with honey.


    • 2nd meal: 250 g cabbage soup without sour cream, 70 g boiled beef, a bunch of greens.


    • 1st meal: 30 g oatmeal with dried fruits (20 g raisins, 3 dried apricots).
    • 2nd meal: 300 g fillet, 30 g Greek salad.
    • 3rd meal: 40 g fresh cabbage salad, boiled pike perch 170 g.
    • 4th meal: 150 g orange, 200 g cottage cheese.


    • 2nd meal: 30 g of brown rice, boiled fillet, a bunch of greens, 100 g of juice.
    • 3rd meal: 200 g of seafood with lemon.
    • 4th meal: 300 g of cottage cheese with berries, tea with honey.

    Second week

    At the 2nd stage, the main change that the body undergoes is drying - the menu becomes more strict in carbohydrate content, up to 1 g per 1 kg. weight. However, most of them should be consumed before dinner. The rest of the diet is the same.

    Dinner is mostly protein and light. Perfect option- kefir and cottage cheese.

    , rich in polyunsaturated fats. Don't forget to drink fluid - 2.5 liters per day!

    And consume vegetable fats to avoid health problems.


    • Body drying for girls: menu for week No. 2:
    • 1st meal: 300 g of cottage cheese, 300 g of tomato juice, 3 hard-boiled eggs.
    • 2nd meal: 150 g vegetable salad, 180 g fillet, 100 g drinking yogurt.


    • 3rd meal: 200 g of boiled pike perch, 200 g of juice.
    • 1st meal: 150 g cottage cheese, 20 g nuts.
    • 2nd meal: 210 g chicken fillet, 90 g cauliflower, 200 g juice.
    • 3rd meal: 20 g buckwheat, 180 g pollock fillet, 20 g orange.


    • 4th reception: 200 g of kefir.
    • 2nd meal: 300 g fillet, 20 g tomato, 20 g brown rice.
    • 3rd meal: 150 g of seafood with lemon juice.


    • 4th reception: 300 g of cottage cheese.
    • 1st meal: 2 hard-boiled eggs, 200 g of kefir.
    • 2nd meal: broth (300 g), 180 g chicken quenelles with rice, 60 g tomato.
    • 3rd meal: 150 g perch, a bunch of greens, 20 g buckwheat.


    • 4th reception: 250 g of cottage cheese with berries.
    • 1st meal: omelet of 3 whites and 1 yolk, 50 g of berries.
    • 2nd meal: 250 g cabbage soup without sour cream, 170 g boiled beef, a bunch of greens.
    • 3rd meal: 200 g seafood, 50 g orange.


    • 4th reception: 300 g of cottage cheese, 50 g of grapefruit.
    • 1st method: steamed omelette of 2 eggs, grapefruit.
    • 2nd meal: 100 g of Greek salad, 180 g of poultry quenelles, 100 g of drinking yogurt.


    • 4th reception: 300 g of cottage cheese with berries.
    • 1st meal: 3-egg omelette, orange.
    • 2nd meal: perch fillet, 80 g Greek salad, 30 g buckwheat.
    • 3rd meal: 150 g of seafood with lemon juice.

    3rd meal: 300 g fillet, 1 grapefruit.

    Menu for the third week

    The carbohydrate intake is reduced even more - to 0.5 g per 1 kg. weight. The diet remains the same, but it’s time to completely eliminate fruits.


    • Drying menu for girls for the week:
    • 1st meal: omelet (3 eggs), 280 g of cottage cheese. olive oil, a bunch of greenery.
    • 3rd meal: 200 g of seafood, 2 slices of lemon.
    • 4th reception: 300 g of kefir.


    • 1st meal: 2 boiled eggs, half a tomato.
    • 2nd meal: 200 g steamed veal cutlets, 20 g buckwheat, 20 g green salad.
    • 3rd meal: 200 g lightly salted salmon fillet, a bunch of greens.
    • 4th reception: 250 g of cottage cheese with 5 g of nuts.


    • 1st meal: 200 g steamed fish cutlets, 20 g rice.
    • 2nd meal: 300 g broth, 300 g fillet, a bunch of greens.
    • 3rd meal: 200 g of seafood, green salad.
    • 4th reception: 250 g of cottage cheese, 300 g of kefir.


    • 1st meal: omelet (3 eggs), tea with honey.
    • 2nd meal: 150 g steamed turkey cutlets, 80 g broccoli, greens.
    • 3rd meal: 250 g perch, 20 g buckwheat, 20 g tomato with oil.
    • 4th reception: 300 g of kefir.


    • 1st meal: 3 hard-boiled eggs.
    • 2nd meal: 300 g fillet, 20 g brown rice, a bunch of greens.
    • 3rd meal: 200 g of seafood, a leaf of green salad with oil.


    • 1st meal: 300 g of cottage cheese, tea with honey.
    • 2nd meal: 300 g cabbage soup without sour cream, 150 g turkey cutlets.
    • 3rd meal: 200 g lightly salted salmon, lettuce.
    • 4th reception: 300 g of kefir.


    • 1st meal: omelet (3 eggs), tea with honey.
    • 2nd meal: perch fillet, lettuce, 20 g buckwheat.
    • 3rd meal: 100 g vegetable salad, 300 g fillet.
    • 3rd meal: 150 g of seafood with lemon juice.

    Menu for the fourth week

    Carbohydrates are almost completely prohibited, only 6 liters are allowed to diversify the diet. porridge for the whole day. Carrots are excluded from the product range.

    Nutrition for drying the body for girls: menu for the fourth week:


    • 1st meal: 3 hard-boiled eggs.
    • 2nd meal: 500 g broth, 180 g veal cutlets, 20 g tomato.
    • 3rd meal: 200 g perch with herbs, 10 g porridge.
    • 4th reception: 300 g of cottage cheese, 200 g of kefir.


    • 1st meal: 150 g salmon, tea with honey.
    • 2nd meal: 300 g fillet, 150 g vegetable salad.
    • 3rd meal: 300 g of seafood, lettuce.
    • 4th reception: 300 g of cottage cheese with 10 g of nuts.


    • 2nd meal: 200 g poultry quenelles, 10 g rice, a bunch of greens.
    • 3rd meal: 250 g perch, lettuce, 20 g nuts.
    • 4th meal: 250 g low-fat yogurt.


    • 1st meal: 2 boiled eggs, 100 g fillet.
    • 2nd meal: salmon fillet 200 g, lettuce leaf.
    • 3rd meal: 150 g steamed turkey cutlets, 50 g Greek salad.
    • 4th reception: 300 g of kefir, 200 g of cottage cheese.


    • 1st meal: 3-egg omelet, tea.
    • 2nd meal: 400 g poultry broth, 150 g perch, 30 g broccoli.
    • 3rd meal: 300 g fillet, 50 g Greek salad.
    • 4th reception: 300 g of cottage cheese with 10 g of nuts.


    • 1st meal: 250 g fillet, 20 g rice.
    • 2nd meal: 300 g salmon, lettuce leaf.
    • 3rd reception: cottage cheese 400 g.
    • 3rd meal: 20 g buckwheat, 180 g pollock fillet, 20 g orange.


    • 1st meal: 3 boiled eggs, tea with honey.
    • 2nd meal: 150 g of chicken quenelles with rice, a bunch of greens.
    • 3rd meal: 250 g perch with lemon, lettuce.
    • 3rd meal: 150 g of seafood with lemon juice.

    “Exit” from fat burning mode

    If you follow the drying menu diet for a longer period, stick to the diet for the last week. If the result has already been achieved, start moving “up the weekly steps” in reverse side. With a sharp return to your usual diet, the weight will quickly return.

    You shouldn't stop training completely either. You can simply free up your schedule a little by reducing their frequency.

    And don’t forget, each person has a different initial weight, muscle mass, body characteristics, and health status. In this connection, the body drying menu for girls should be developed individually.

    Therefore, you should start a diet only after consulting with your fitness instructor and, most importantly, your doctor!

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