A panel is not just a craft. Creating panels is a hobby for novice designers

This is one example of an artistic decorative panel made by the Creative Union Mister Decorator, i.e. us.........

Artistic panels play a significant role in interior design. A panel on the wall can give a room a completely new look, as well as solve many design problems.

Like paintings, they fill the space with life, give the interior a unique effect, and are business card home and its owners.

What are the advantages of artistic panels over wall painting directly on the wall?

Firstly, a panel, like a painting, can always be dismantled at any time and placed in another interior.
Secondly, there is no need to carry out all work directly on site. Decorative panels can be made in a workshop and in short period time mounted on the wall at any convenient time, especially if the room is already residential or work.
Thirdly, in terms of subject matter, this is a wide range of works in different styles, including photographs, which is very popular in modern interiors.
Fourthly, if the image is printed on a prepared textured base, it is cheaper for those who want to save money. And not only in money, but also in time, especially when it comes to business projects, for example, the design and decor of a cafe.
Fifthly, this is an opportunity to preview a sketch of the future interior decor, correct it and refine it.

Wall panel can do plain wall without furniture and other decorative elements central element room interior.
In addition, panels in the interior successfully perform the function of zoning a room, or visually changing its size. A wall panel, elongated horizontally, expands the walls, and a panel, elongated vertically, visually increases the height of the ceilings.

The panel usually becomes a stylistic accent in the design of any room, so it makes sense to demonstrate its aesthetic merits in the brightest light - directly and figuratively. Proper lighting can significantly increase its impact on the viewer.

There are clear classic rules placement in space: first of all, this is the art of large forms that requires space; how smaller room, the proportionally smaller the panel should be, otherwise there is a risk that it will optically eat up the entire volume of the room.

It is better to entrust the production of panels to specialists who have the necessary skills and experience.

We can help you decorate your premises (apartment, office, store, cafe, etc.) with artistic decorative panels or paintings that will add harmony to the interior. These can be printed reproductions of paintings by famous classical artists framed in baguette frames, as well as photographic works or collages printed on canvas and then placed on the wall without a frame (only on a stretcher) or pasted on the wall.

pannus - piece of cloth) - a type of monumental art, a pictorial work of a decorative nature, usually intended to permanently fill any sections of the wall (wall panel) or ceiling (plafond); bas-relief, a carved, molded or ceramic composition serving the same purpose.

Panels made on external walls buildings made of colored tiles or using the fresco technique are sometimes called murals.

  1. 1 . A smooth surface or with picturesque, sculptural images on the wall, ceiling, framed with ornaments.
  2. 2 . A painting on canvas that constantly occupies some space. section of wall.

    Deputatskaya street (left panno).JPG

    Voronezh (Deputatskaya Street)


    Majolica mosaic panel with the image of Iverskaya Mother of God on the wall of the church of the Vreden hospital. Saint Petersburg. Manufactured in 1906 in London by Doulton

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  • // Great Soviet Encyclopedia

An excerpt characterizing the panel

- Everyone will forget their time! - said the countess. “You know that I can’t sit like that.” - And Dunyasha, gritting her teeth and not answering, with an expression of reproach on her face, rushed into the carriage to redo the seat.
- Oh, these people! - said the count, shaking his head.
The old coachman Yefim, with whom the countess was the only one who decided to ride, sitting high on her box, did not even look back at what was happening behind him. He knew from thirty years of experience that it would not be long before he was told “God bless!” and that when they say, they will stop him two more times and send him for forgotten things, and after that they will stop him again, and the countess herself will lean out of his window and ask him by Christ God to drive more carefully on the slopes. He knew this and therefore, more patiently than his horses (especially the left red one - Falcon, who kicked and, chewing, fingered the bit) waited for what would happen. Finally everyone sat down; the steps gathered and threw themselves into the carriage, the door slammed, they sent for the box, the countess leaned out and said that she had to. Then Yefim slowly took off his hat from his head and began to cross himself. The postilion and all the people did the same.

Panels are one of the types of monumental art that is very popular in interior design today. With its help, any interior can be decorated in a stylish and modern way. The panel can be hung in an ordinary residential apartment or in a reputable office. It's stylish and modern way decorate any interior, which gives the room or office an unforgettable atmosphere. Moreover, it can be made to suit every taste and color. A little imagination - and any room will become part of a room where a unique and unforgettable atmosphere reigns.

Painting and panel. Differences

The panel is an element for room decoration. It may become beautiful decoration walls, ceilings or even the facade of a building. So a natural question arises. What is the difference between a panel and a regular painting? After all, both decorate the interior. First of all, a panel is a decorative element, distinguished by special manufacturing methods. The painting is a work of pictorial art. The panel can be made of various materials: plaster, metal, plastic, mosaic, fabric, wood and others. Moreover, several methods of work are often combined in the production of this decorative element. For example, wood and stone go well together. Interesting solution can be an artistic combination of unusual materials. It all depends on the taste of the owner.

Several types

One of the advantages of such a design detail as a panel is the choice of material from which it can be made. This decorative element made of fabric is most often made in the form of embroidered paintings, tapestries or appliqués. Granite, marble or basalt are mainly used for stone products. A mosaic panel made from such materials looks luxurious and adds ordinary interior a touch of sophistication. Wooden paintings often have an abstract plot. They are carved from birch, oak or other species. There are rare cases when they are complemented with inserts of glass or jewelry. This solution is perfect for apartments in classic style. A ceramic mosaic panel looks like a picture made up of many pieces of tiles. This interior detail is perfect for a bathroom or kitchen. Graphic decor is made using new printing methods. This could be a photo print or a reproduction of a painting.

An original detail in the interior of any room

To decorate your home or office beautifully and modernly, you need to use your imagination. A wall panel can become an extraordinary and unique piece in the interior of a room. But to “hit the target” you need to think in advance where exactly to place it. Indeed, in accordance with the household purpose of the rooms, their decor differs. For example, a product made from ceramic tiles, wood or other natural materials. A decorative textile panel in the bedroom will give the room a calm and cozy look. And the use LED backlight, as an addition to the picture, will play a useful role as a night light. Bright paintings with images of the child’s favorite characters, for example, from a cartoon or fairy tale, look good in a children’s room. The panel is not only beautiful, but also effective part design. For example, in the bathroom they often use ceramic tile products that have practical properties. They can be washed and dried as they are resistant to moisture.

Unusual panels

For those who love everything original and unusual, the panel will become an indispensable detail in the interior of the apartment. After all, the variety of materials from which it can be made is simply amazing. So what extraordinary decorative panels are made from? There are several fresh and good ideas. In the manufacture of panels you can use seashells, cereals, grains, clay, pasta and other materials. To give them an unforgettable look, they usually use various paints, sparkles, and also complement the panel with multi-colored stones or glass. Such a decorative element simply cannot fail to attract attention. The panel is a universal solution for decorating any room. The plots of such a piece of design can be very diverse. You just need to show a little imagination and imagination. After all, as a result, you can turn an ordinary room into an unforgettable and original corner art!

Decorative panels are a special type of monumental art that appeared relatively recently. To be more precise, it was used in ancient times, but they decided to separate it into a separate style only at the beginning of the 20th century.

It is believed that the founder and discoverer of decorative panels for decorating facades is none other than Leonardo da Vinci himself. Naturally, history knows a lot of other examples when decor was done in the same way and much earlier. But it was he who created a fresco on the cathedral in this style, where he “embedded” the decor directly into the wall (on a Christian theme, by the way). Such wall decors and now can be found in Italy - in the Middle Ages this variation of sculptural art was extremely popular.

Directly “panel” as a term appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. Sometimes they are also called murals. By the way, this type of decoration of the facade of a room was extremely popular in the USSR, as well as in European countries, partly associated with the popularization of communism in them.

Modern decorative panels are made from:

  1. Stone;
  2. Metal;
  3. Clays;
  4. Textiles;
  5. Polyurethane;
  6. Frescoes (including ceramics);
  7. Stucco moldings (from any base).

And only later, around the middle of the 20th century, decorative panels began to be actively cultivated in painting and architecture. Now this term simply means a certain section of the wall, covered with a painting, ornament or mosaic with carvings.

Marine ideas for shell panels in an article on our website:.

Decorative stone panel: selection concept

A stone panel is a very unusual and very relevant fake today, often present even in the designs of famous interior designers. But in order to get an exquisite painting, you will have to prepare in advance!

In particular, we are talking about choosing the “right” pebbles, which can be found on the sea coast or purchased in a specialized store.

The main thing is that they all fit perfectly into general concept future panels and interior solution the premises where it will be stored. After all, if you follow these simple rules, your homemade painting will delight the eye for a long time!

How to make a decorative panel from polyurethane

Polyurethane is a material with a wide spectrum of action. It is used almost everywhere: in construction, household and industrial purposes, in heavy and light industry. It's time to use it unique opportunities and for artistic purposes!

Making figures from polyurethane will not be difficult for even the smallest craftsmen. However, it is very important to observe the manufacturing interval and wait until the material is completely dry. It will become very dense and will be reliably protected from mechanical stress and moisture. Immediately after drying, you can begin the most enjoyable action - forming the panel and giving it its final look!

Easy and simple: decorative clay panel

What could be better than a handmade souvenir? No gift, even the most expensive one, can compare with it! Especially if you want to prepare a surprise for a loved one or a very important person.

A clay panel is an excellent gift option that both children and adults can master without the slightest difficulty.

All that is required is the utmost attention and the desire to create tirelessly. As a rule, the most time is spent on preparing the blanks, from which the picture will be formed in the future. Decorating and transferring figures to the base is one of the most pleasant moments, allowing imagination to work in full force, sometimes creating real masterpieces.

Unique design: decorative panels in the interior of a modern home

In the interior modern house decorative panels can be used of both modular and traditional types, that is, when the installation consists of only one element. The main difference between this decor is that it must be created with your own hands. A kind of handicraft. Moreover, it can be made in any variation - there are no restrictions here.

Now, for example, panels from:

  • Papers;
  • Fabrics;
  • Trees;
  • Metal;
  • Glass;
  • Stone;
  • Plaster;
  • Polyurethane;
  • Food grade plastic (aka PVC).

If a person intended to create a panel with my own hands, it is recommended that the first thing you do is just look at the photos of such decors and understand what they are. Further, if you have no experience, it is better to consult with a designer to determine which panel option is suitable for the interior of the specified house. This is exactly what most people have difficulty with. It is worth noting that the panels can not only be placed on the wall. The floor is also a kind of “canvas” for placing decor.

What to choose: decorative panels for walls in the house

With these things are the easiest, since they can be purchased ready-made. This is, for example, modular paintings or some kind of abstraction made of beads in decorative wooden frame. Conveniently, such panels can be used to cover rough walls without finishing.

This option for using panels will be especially useful if a thick false wall was previously installed (for example, for leveling).

What panel options can you recommend for beginners? The simplest decor- This . Naturally, you will also need a board or wood board(Fibreboard, chipboard - not so important, because the weight of the structure will be quite small). Next, some kind of pattern is made from nails, along which the threads are then pulled. It turns out quite attractive, and most importantly - inexpensive.

If we talk about walls, then it’s for them best options panel:

  • Modular paintings (divided into several parts);
  • Wood carving (also in the form of a painting);
  • Textile ornament or mosaic.

Which option will be the best in this or that case - it is better to consult with the designer. It is worth noting that the panels can also be used to decorate furniture and fireplaces. And some use it to completely hide some defects or wiring. In general, the flight of imagination is not limited here.

The simplest decor: DIY decorative panels

The simplest panel decor is the most common painting and textile composition. The first is a painting, but you can decorate it not only with paints, but also with stucco molding, plaster and even dried puff pastry! The image will receive three-dimensional shapes, and at the same time it will look exactly like a mural. You can decorate all this precious stones, if it is possible to allocate such funds. And for more “modest” variations, simple jewelry, IPC (imitation drops), is also suitable.

So, the simplest version of the panel is textile. It will require scraps of fabric, as well as a wood base on which the fabric will be attached.

First things first:

  • We coat the wood sheet with varnish;
  • We mark how the flaps will be placed;
  • We sew them in the right order;
  • Glue it to the base.

The result will be a picture-panel made of fabric in a patchwork style. Cheap, beautiful, and fashionable. More difficult option– decor made directly from wood. Here you will have to base your wood carving technique. However, all this will still need to be supplemented, for example, with metal inserts, stones, ceramics, plastic and paints.

DIY decorative panel (video)

The main rule of creating panels is the absence of rules. It could be a painting, an entire sculpture or a forged installation. Their creation has become the main source of profit for many. But it’s better to at least try to do it yourself. There is nothing complicated about this.

Examples of decorative panels (photo)

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Using panels on the wall is a fashionable technique modern designers. Exclusive compositions made by interior artists or craftsmen will decorate your home and attract the attention of lovers of beauty. Today the editors of the site have prepared a review for you different options making this stylish and fashionable decoration. We will show you ideas that you can bring to life with your own hands, and provide recommendations from stylists on selecting panels for your interior.

A wall panel is a decoration that will attract the attention of your guests

A panel is a wall composition that can decorate not only the interior of a house or apartment, but also an office. In essence, this is an art object made in almost any technique using traditional or completely unexpected materials. The panel can be placed not only inside, but also outside the building, it can also appear on the ceiling indoors - why not?

A reasonable question: how does a panel differ from? The first difference is the execution technique.

Idea No. 4. Ceramic patchwork

Interesting and lately A very popular idea is to create panels from tiles with different patterns. Bright, original and unexpected compositions can decorate not only the kitchen, but also the dining room and living room. The main thing is to choose the right one so that the diversity does not turn into chaos.

Mosaic panels in the interior

Mosaic wall paintings have been known since ancient times. Luxurious examples of ancient art still amaze the imagination. Such products can “live” for hundreds and even thousands of years.

Idea No. 5. Mosaic

If you want to decorate your home in this way, pay attention to decorations from natural stone and colored glass. Original compositions can be found on sale or made with your own hands from broken ceramic tiles, river pebbles or shells. The highest aerobatics in this direction is the creation of large frescoes from the smallest elements.

Mirrors and glass

Ultra modern trend luxurious interior– mirror and glass panels.

Idea No. 6. Mirror panels

For small rooms And narrow corridors mirror inserts on the walls – great solution. They visually add space and reflect light. Mirror compositions can simply consist of identical tiles or have a complex pattern with a play of matte and reflective surfaces. Such compositions look good in natural and artificial lighting. Fashion designers use the technique of artificially aging mirrors. A mirror panel on the wall can be bought in specialized stores or made to order in a mirror workshop.

Idea No. 7. Stained glass windows

Stained glass is another example decorative design. Products in this style can be placed not only on windows, but also on doors and internal partitions. Glass panel You can do it on the wall yourself, using special stained glass paints.

Decorative plaster panel

Idea No. 17. Wallpaper in frame

Pieces of canvas with an expressive pattern that matches the tone of your textiles and furniture will be a good addition to overall design. Frame such panels to match the color of the furniture, and all the elements will come together into a single, thoughtful composition.

Salt dough products

Bread and dough are ancient symbol prosperity in the house. You can make very original wall compositions from salt dough.

Idea No. 18. Bread pictures

The dough is easy to give the desired shape, and after drying it becomes unusually strong. Dough products can be painted and decorated with different decorative elements. The only thing worth remembering is that such panels do not like direct sunlight and high humidity.

Other ideas for wall panels

Ideas for panels can be very different.

Idea No. 19. Disposable tableware

Plastic spoons, forks and plates – cheap material to create original artistic compositions. All you need is a can of spray paint and a glue gun.

Hand embroidery always looks beautiful and expensive.

Idea No. 20. Embroidery and weaving

Whether you know how to embroider with satin stitch, cross stitch or ribbons, any version of this type of work will look great in your interior design. Woven rugs can be placed on the floor. Bright pictures made of wool or fabric stripes will decorate the headboard of the bed or the wall in the country-style living room.

Idea No. 21. Installations from spare parts and parts

For the loft style, you should select man-made compositions. Mechanism parts, gears and levers - all this can be assembled in one panel.

Idea No. 22. Natural materials

River pebbles, seashells, twigs and leaves - all this can be used to create original design. The more complex the pattern and plot, the longer you will not get tired of the product.

Some rules for placing panels indoors

In order for the decoration on the wall to fit organically into your interior, you need to follow some simple rules:

  1. The composition on the wall should be in harmony with the furniture in the room. It is not necessary to select frames to match, just some overlapping elements are enough.
  2. The panel should be placed on a wall free from other furnishings. It should not be hidden by the back of the sofa or lamps.
  3. The theme on the wall decoration should match the style of the room. Still lifes are appropriate for the kitchen, landscapes and landscapes for the living room. story images, for children’s – doll pictures.
  4. The colors on the panel should be repeated in some other decorative elements. This is the only way you will get a single composition.
Advice! If it turns out that you made a little mistake with the selection of the overall tone of the interior, for example, you made it too cold, add bright colors, including wall decoration.

How to make a panel with your own hands from newspaper tubes

Newspaper tubes- the basis for creating a wide variety of wickerwork. Boxes, baskets, souvenirs - all this can be made from old newspapers.

Idea No. 23. Weaving

To make a tube, you need to cut a strip of newspaper about 8 centimeters wide and the length of the entire sheet. Then a strip of paper is placed on any flat surface, a knitting needle is applied to the corner, and a tube is rolled along it. The tip of the newspaper strip is secured with ordinary glue. The ends of the tubes are inserted into one another, and you can weave anything from them, including panels. Newspaper tubes can be painted immediately desired color, because finished product painting is more difficult.


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