The figurative meaning of the proverb is afraid of the work of the master. How to understand the proverb “The work of the master is afraid

M aster is a strong and sonorous word with a slight renaissance flavor. Where the “master” came from in the Russian language is still not exactly known. Some sources suggest borrowing from German, others from Latin through Old French and Polish. Nevertheless, in the "great and mighty" the alien word has taken root perfectly. It also easily and very organically entered into . One of them is "The work of the master is afraid."

The meaning of the popular expression “The work of the master is afraid” is as follows - a person who thoroughly knows his business, craft, even difficult work will get along and succeed. It should be noted that the proverb is used not only as a reward for masterfully done work. Often, folk wisdom performs an encouraging function, thereby reminding the one to whom it is addressed that the one who has taken up the matter, even if he has a little doubt in his own abilities, has everything necessary - skill, skills, qualifications - to complete the task. The meaning of the proverb is quite understandable, but why do people believe so much in the power of the master?

That true image of a master, a person who has not only achieved the highest art in his work, but also is in constant creative search, with an indefatigable and inexplicable ability to put his soul even into routine work, can be found in the wonderful Ural tales of Pavel Bazhov.

Ordinary people, often having received only minimal basic knowledge, have learned to turn ornamental stones of the Urals into genuine masterpieces. Of all the heroes of fairy tales, the image of Danila the master most fully embodies the deep spiritual meaning of the word "master", its creative content. Being in a constant search for perfection, "Mining Master" Danila creates unusually elegant and complex things from the stone wealth of his native land, causing universal admiration.

Perhaps someone will object that literary characters, especially from works where the true story is subtly intertwined with fiction, are usually far from real people, and the search for idealized and slightly romanticized features of the hero of the story, even in a very similar real person, is a pointless exercise. But the prototype of Danila-Nedokormysh was a man who was called a master not only by the nature of his position, but also for his amazing ability to feel, see and understand colored and semi-precious stones extremely subtly.

The professionalism and skill of Danila Kondratievich Zverev, it was from this Ural miner that the image of the hero from the Malachite Box was largely written off, was not in doubt, scientists often turned to him for advice in assessing minerals.

In fairness, it is worth noting that in the Russian language there are proverbs not only praising the skill, dexterity, and skill of masters. Quite often there are folk expressions containing a dismissive and mocking attitude towards the master.

For example, even the Russian proverb under consideration has a continuation that is quite unambiguous in emotional coloring - “The work of the master is afraid, and another master of the case is afraid.” It is easy to guess that the proverb contrasts a true craftsman, whose competence and abilities create an excellent tandem with a creative approach to business, a simple worker who has received all the necessary knowledge, but does not feel the necessary attraction and love for the chosen occupation to be called a master not only formally, but only due to professional traditions.

"Love what you do - you will be a master." Behind simple words, as always, a great and deep meaning is hidden. Only love for the work itself, and not for fees, bonuses, other material rewards and preferences for it, contributes to the development of true mastery, which, in turn, is always valued and valued higher than just a well-executed work. A person who has found himself in business is happy, therefore the movement to higher levels of mastery is natural for him.

The one who, in addition to the above interpretations of “The work of the master is afraid,” will not be mistaken, he will hear in the Russian proverb a call for improvement, both professional skills and personal qualities. The fact that the master must constantly work not only in order not to lose his skill, but also to bring it to a new level, was very often said and written by the great doctor, the true Master of his craft, Nikolai Mikhailovich Amosov.

The legendary cardiologist believed that "the most important thing for a surgeon is to operate a lot", since only experience gives confidence. A simple and, at first glance, obvious rule for yourself and your colleagues, for all its conciseness, is absolutely synchronous - "Skill is improved in diligence, and lost in idleness."

Proverbs like the above are especially useful for the younger generation, as they teach to respect the knowledge and work of other people.

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On this page: the meaning (interpretation) of the proverb "The work of the master is afraid."


The proverb “The work of the master is afraid” appeared a long time ago and for good reason.
Today, for some reason, I wanted to reflect on its meaning.

First of all, I wanted to put an end to the "and" in the interpretation of two concepts - "work" and "master".
A deed most often means some kind of work, an activity being carried out, or just some kind of assignment that must certainly be completed.

Master is a person who can do something very well. This is not just a worker, it is a craftsman in some profession. He already knows pretty well what he has to do. Everything he undertakes is supposed to be done well and quickly.

Well, now back to our proverb. So, "the work of the master is afraid."

Case is an inanimate noun. And the verb "to be afraid" can actually be used with a living object. Someone may be afraid of something. To be afraid means to be very much worried while waiting for an action that should be directed to a “fearful” object.

Can a thing, being an inanimate "something" be afraid? Well no, of course not.

Why, then, did these two parts of speech meet in one phrase?

I would be very grateful if we all together offer different options for the meaning of this proverb.

Answer by Dmitry Z. from Volgograd

In fact, Russian proverbs are sometimes very difficult to explain, sometimes people even distort their meaning and apply it out of place. Take as an example the proverb “the work of the master is afraid” - what does it really mean, what is its real essence?

This saying is usually used when a person is praised for some quality work done. Also, the expression is appropriate when a person is just starting to perform, in his own words he shows that he can cope with the task.

Like, this matter is subject only to a real specialist, only he can perform this work with the appropriate quality. At its core, in the Russian language you can find many similar proverbs, albeit less well-known and used. As an example - "in capable hands, things are arguable."

It is worth mentioning the erroneous interpretation of this catchphrase, which is not so rare. Some believe that the meaning of the saying lies in the fact that any work avoids the master, bypasses him and falls on the shoulders of beginners.

Like, a specialist can do everything, he doesn’t get a decent job at all. Cases of such a misunderstanding are far from isolated, and any philologist and just a literate person will be able to challenge such a version.

In conclusion, I would like to note that it is very important to find your favorite pastime in life. And then you will not be afraid of him, but it will be you!


Goals : - education of junior schoolchildren respect for working people,

Interest in the professions of workers;

Achieve schoolchildren's awareness of the social significance of labor;

Familiarization of pupils with productive work


Registration: slide show equipment.

In preparation for the event, there are excursions to the workshops of the school, the school's cooking workshops; what you see is captured. This material is used in this lesson in the form of slides.


Good evening. Guys, today's lesson is dedicated to work and I want you to remember it for a long time.

Pay attention to the adults who surround you - they all work: technicians wash, plumber changes pipes, cooks cook, drivers transport goods, repair cars in garages, stokers heat buildings. Give your examples from life.

  • Guys, why do you think a person needs to work, because it's easier to lie down and do nothing? (buying groceries, paying utility bills, creating wealth).
  • What happens to a person if he stops working?
  • What professions do you like?
  • What would you like to be when you grow up?

Speech by children co-hosts: Blaginina's poems "Do not interfere with my work", "The Dressmaker".

Today our lesson will be held in the form of a competition. We will divide into two teams, for the answers in the competitions you will be awarded points. Whose team will give more answers and come out as winners? And we will determine this at the end of our lesson.

Competition "Fold a proverb"

The first task is to remember the beginning of the proverbs:

... redo ("Hurry to do - redo.")

... they will grind everything (“Patience and work will grind everything.”)

… so shall you reap (“What you sow, so shall you reap.”)

... do not know boredom ("Skilled hands do not know boredom.")

... fun - an hour ("Cause - time, fun - hour.")

The second task is to complete the proverbs that begin

On the word "one":

« One for all and all for one).

"There is safety in numbers).

“With one hand of the knot ...” (you won’t tie).

“One bee is a little ...” (he will drag honey).

Competition "Necessary Tools"

How many of you know how to start building a house? (The answers of the guys, most likely, will be: “From the foundation”, “From the walls”, etc.)You are right, but long before that, a drawing is created - a project of a house. So the house starts with a project. Architects begin work, and electricians, gas fitters, painters finish.

And this competition is dedicated to the tools that builders need.

The task is to solve riddles about tools:

  1. wooden river,

wooden boat,

And over the boat flows

Wood smoke.


  1. They always work hard

Everything is alive and kicking.


  1. If you drive, I spin

It means I'm working.


  1. Himself thin -

Head with pud.

(A hammer.)

  1. Bowing, bowing -

When he comes home, he stretches out.


Showing slides about the work of school workshops with children's comments.

Competition "What do crafts smell like?"

You all know the poem by Giani Rodari “What do crafts smell like?” I propose to answer my questions:

  1. What does the bakery smell like? (Test and muffin.)
  2. In a carpentry shop?(Shaving and board.)
  3. What does a painter smell like? (Turpentine and paint.)
  4. Chauffeur? (Petrol.)
  5. Doctor? (Medicine.)
  6. Fisherman? (Fish and sea.)

We have already talked about many professions, but we forgot about one, quite important one.

Performance of children-co-hosts.

Sweet dream the children dream

A mustachioed cat sleeps in a ball.

Only the cook does not sleep -

The cook gets up at dawn.

Cooks, a very necessary profession, he cooks food: he cooks soups, twists minced meat, cuts vegetables and fruits for salads, fries potatoes and pies.

Slideshow of the work of school cooks. Children comment on each picture, calling the kitchen workers by name and patronymic.

The speech of the children-co-hosts (V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?»)

Dear friends! This is where our lesson comes to an end. You learned a lot about the work of adults and participated well. It's clear that you've put in a lot of effort. After all, it’s not for nothing that they say: “Skill is given to those who give their all to the cause.”

What is the meaning of the proverb: the work of the master is afraid? There is, for example, a case that you are interested in and want to see the result of the work. If the result turned out and the master himself liked it, this means that the case obeyed him. As in life, if a weak person obeys another, then he is afraid of him. So it is here, a work that was little known and practically inaccessible, but really liked - it turned out, that is, it succumbed to the master who performed it. Now the master has a beginning, because everything has its own beginning, starting from which you can work miracles.

Suppose a girl learned to sew. Then embroider with satin stitch and cross stitch small patterns and products. But she had a dream to embroider a whole vyshyvanka or a large tablecloth. So she grew up and she found time to embroider a large product. Having completed which, the girl still remained dissatisfied, since it took a lot of time, and the product turned out to be only the bottom. But then it turned out that there are embroidery machines that embroider a pattern very quickly and beautifully. Which was the girl's dream and goal. Now, having mastered the work of an embroidery machine with a computer installation, and having received the desired result, the dream has come true.

The girl embroidered quickly and whole pictures. She mastered the unknown, which led to a positive result. The girl gradually, working and learning new things, went to the big one - her dream. When everything began to work out for her, then she was no longer afraid of anything, even any business related to her favorite pastime. So the matter receded and succumbed.

So in any other business, if there is a goal, it must be achieved. Let it not be very significant at first, because this is the first stage of a little-known future in which we all have to live and work for the benefit of humanity and ourselves, making life better and more beautiful.

Composition of a reasoning on the topic The case of the master is afraid

"The work of the master is afraid" - this proverb is familiar to each of us from childhood. But has anyone thought about its real meaning? And what is meant by the word "master"?

I would like to start with the fact that the master is not only the one who knows his business well, but also the one who loves it with all his heart, is ready to devote his whole life to this. The master always does his work with high quality, putting a piece of his soul into it.

Probably, the duty of every person is to become a truly real master of his craft. Moreover, not just to learn and get a certain specialty, but to make sure that all the efforts invested pay off and bring worthy results.

Any person can be a master of more than one thing - such people are called comprehensively developed. But the case can be absolutely anything - it can be both creativity and work with technical devices. In choosing a business, it is important to listen to the voice of your heart.

To achieve mastery is quite difficult: for this you need to constantly improve your skills, invest as much effort, energy and time as possible into the business. It is time, because mastery will not come in the breeze, in order to acquire it, you need to work long and hard.

Summing up, I would like to say that it is very important for each of us to have our own business in life. The case brings not only recognition and financial support to the real master, but also satisfies him morally.

Composition for grade 7 according to the proverb The work of the master is afraid

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