How to disassemble the interior door handle: remove the built-in latch, round lock, video and replacement. We disassemble the interior door lock: step by step instructions

The need for urgent removal of the locking mechanism is not so rare. You can lose or break the key, you can break the lock itself, you can find yourself in a situation where a room that is closed from the inside needs to be unlocked urgently - in all cases it is necessary to remove it. How to withdraw door lock with interior door everyone needs to know.

Types of locking mechanisms

As a rule, locks are installed on interior doors that are quite simple, so there are no big difficulties in removing them. Well, how to dismantle them, sometimes it becomes clear by design.

Most often, the following devices are used as a locking mechanism on the door.

  • Option with a fail tongue and a handle - the latter can be round or regular. When you press it, the tongue moves away and the door opens. In round - nobs, quite often there is an additional mechanism for blocking from the inside. In the photo - a variant of the device.

  • Latch - by default, it has a device that locks from the inside. Outside, there is a keyhole or a plug. As a rule, bathrooms and bathrooms are equipped with such a door mechanism.

  • A device with a secret is an analogue of a full-fledged locking mechanism for front door, only slightly simpler and lighter. It is rarely used, since it is much more difficult to remove it when blocked.

Dismantling the device with a handle

The do-it-yourself scheme of actions is simple, you just need to attend to the presence of a screwdriver.

  1. First, the handle itself is dismantled, for which the screw is unscrewed at the bottom or side with a key or screwdriver. For round models, you need to use a special key that blocks the spring-loaded pin.
  2. Then remove the cover and unscrew the fixing screws, as shown in the photo.
  3. Then you need to remove the lock handle from the interior door along with the pin. Thus, access to locking device. If you just need to open the interior door, wring out the tongue. If the device needs to be removed, proceed further.
  4. From the end side, unscrew the fasteners and remove the plate.
  5. Then the entire mechanism is removed along with the tongue: they push it inward, take it out through the received door leaf hole.

How to remove the lock from the interior door with a latch

The principle of operation is almost the same, so it's easy to do it yourself.

  1. From the side of the plug, the masking cap is unscrewed. Sometimes it can be fastened on a latch.
  2. Then all the remaining fasteners are unscrewed from one and the other side of the door leaf.
  3. Take out the mechanism.
  4. From the end side, unscrew the plate and remove locking mechanism pushing it inside. If the lock is connected to a latch, both parts will have to be completely disassembled.

The lever and cylinder mechanisms are removed in the same way, although their dismantling takes longer.

How to remove the lock from the interior door, the video shows in detail.

Latch lock is considered the best option latches suitable for interior doors. Thanks to this mechanism, it is possible to block the door from inside the room, and people outside the room will no longer be able to open the door. A latch lock can be produced as a separate mechanism, or as an additional component of a door handle.

Since the mechanism is used quite often, the latches sometimes cease to perform their functions. At the same time, it is not always advisable to repair them, and sometimes it is impossible at all. After all, it is much easier in terms of money and time costs to replace the entire door mechanism than to dismantle the latch of the interior door separately, especially if it is an integral element of the door handle. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to dismantle the old one yourself and then install a new latch lock.

Interior door latch repair

In the event of minor damage, you can, in principle, do without dismantling. For example, if the lock is too tight, it is enough to lubricate the mechanism with oil, and then turn it three to five times. Most likely, the latch will begin to function normally. If the actions described above do not bring the desired effect, it is necessary to remove only the latch or the entire handle.

The easiest option is to remove the entire handle. To do this, you will need to perform the following steps:

  • turn the handle so that the hole on it is aligned with the latch, which is located inside;
  • press the latch with a thin hole or an awl and pull the handle off the door;
  • remove the cap;
  • special bolts will be located under the cap, by removing which you will remove the latch itself from the door.

The last action is recommended to be performed only if it is not possible to determine the defects outwardly or if they are so significant that it makes no sense to poke around in the pen. Minor defects include: broken springs, chips in the details of the product, etc. The only solution that will help solve the problem is to replace the device element that has failed.

The easiest way to disassemble the latch at the door is to completely dismantle it from the door leaf. To dismantle, it is enough to unscrew the screws on the end of the interior door and remove the lock. If the handle head prevents dismantling, it must also be removed.

The principle of installing a latch on a door

The procedures for assembling the door handle and latch are in the reverse order of dismantling. You just need to repeat the whole process that you did during disassembly, but only in reverse order. Make sure that all the bolts are well tightened, otherwise the latch may wedge and the handle may play.

All basic procedures are described. In the article, we examined how to dismantle the lock-latch of an interior door, and then install it back. It remains only to prepare necessary tools and get to work.

Round door handles, called knobs, have many advantages - they are easy to use, quite reliable in operation, their cost is relatively low. Finally, these handles are unified - their replacement is simple: remove the knob, insert a new one and use it to your health - the fit dimensions will match, even if the handle is made by another manufacturer.

Without a doubt, in most cases, the actions do not look so categorical - it does not require a replacement, but only routine maintenance, you need to lubricate the lock or latch mechanism, or correct something. But before performing these works, the handle must be removed. There is nothing difficult in this process, you just need to know what to do - our illustrated guide will make it easier to remove round pen without damaging the doors and, which sometimes happens, the palms.

Removing the round handle

Round knobs may have different design and they are removed different ways. One of the most simple options displayed on the image. Explanations, in fact, are not required - we unscrew the two tightening screws, after which the handles with the entire mechanism can be removed. And by unscrewing the screws from the end side of the door, it will be possible to remove the latch.

However, sometimes not everything is so obvious - there are round handles with a button and decorative elements that hide the mounting screws. To gain access to them, you need to remove outer part handle, fixed with a special button, and then a decorative overlay.

How to remove a round knob with a button

The buttons that fix the outer part of the handles can also be structurally different - sometimes they are clearly visible, in other cases only a hole is visible. Our task is to find the release button and press it. Go!

On the handle INTERNAL SIDE doors we find a button or a hole under which it is hidden. If the button is not visible under the hole, then you should turn the handle in different directions, achieving the alignment of the hole with the button.

Having gained access, we press the button with an improvised object - a nail, a thin screwdriver, etc. Having sunk the button, remove the outer part of the handle, scrolling it a little from side to side and moving it away from the door (pulling it towards you).

Note. Sometimes it takes a lot of force to push the button in, especially if the handle is oxidized or clogged with compressed dust. When applying pressure, be careful - the tip of the screwdriver can easily come off the button and scratch the handle. It is easy to trace the further path of the screwdriver - it will stick into the palm or finger of the other hand holding the handle.

The outer part of the handle was removed (its slight oxidation is noticeable in the photo), go to the next step.

Now I need to take it off decorative element in the form of an overlay hiding the fixing screws of the round handle. To do this, pry it with a thin metal object- a steel technical ruler, a screwdriver with a wide but thin tip or a similar object. Prying should be done very carefully, trying not to scratch or damage the coating of the door leaf. It is advisable to place a metal thin plate under the prying object - a blade, for example, and only then remove the decorative overlay. You can fix the plate on the door leaf with electrical tape or tape.

Note. Some types of pads have special places for removal in the form of recesses into which the tip of a screwdriver is inserted. If the notches are semicircular, then it is advisable to pry the overlay with a round object - in extreme cases Phillips screwdriver. Typically, removable seats are located at the bottom of the decorative trim, and not on the side.

Having removed the decorative trim, all that remains is to unscrew the screws that tighten the lock ladles. The handle has been removed.

As additional information note that the above method removes the vast majority of knobsets both with round shape handles, and with bracket-shaped. The button shapes in the images are the most common, but they can look different.

Another option for a button.

And this form is...

And this one too - in the form of a bracket ...

It allows you to choose original and unique handles for any interior that can harmoniously fit into the design of the room.

Unfortunately, no matter how reliable they are, sooner or later the moment will come when the pen will fail or wear out. In such situations, it is extremely important to know. Since haste or lack of knowledge during dismantling will lead to damage to the door leaf, and then replacing the fittings is not enough. Will have to purchase new door. Therefore, in order to avoid trouble, we recommend that you spend a few minutes reading this article, which details how how to remove door handle on the door.

Different on the outside but similar on the inside

Before, how to remove door handle, carefully inspect it and find a small slot, which can be located both on both sides of the handles, and only on one, the inner one. In this place there is a special pin that fixes the product in the door. To get rid of it, use a thin, sharp and durable object that should be pressed on the pin.

In some models, which can be installed on both thin and thick ones, it is customary to use a special screw instead of a pin. In order to start dismantling the handles, the screw must be unscrewed. Usually a standard screwdriver is used for this, but in some cases it is necessary to use a special wrench that comes with the pen model.

If an expensive, modern product is installed, some people have a lot of questions, how to remove door handle, since the locking pin or screw is covered by a small pad. For an inexperienced craftsman who has never encountered such models, it is sometimes difficult to determine exactly where the screw is located. To release access to the locking pin, the pad must be slightly turned in left side. It is enough just to press on it with your fingers, but in some cases you will have to initially pry off the trim with a thin screwdriver.

When the pin is removed, you can remove the remaining components of the handle - , handles, internal mechanism with latch. To carry out the last action, you need to remove the through metal rod. It goes through door leaf. Handles are put on it, fixed with a small screw. When the pin is removed, unscrew the screws on the bar installed at the end of the door and pull out the mechanism.

Removing handles from interior doors

Much easier remove the door handle located between the rooms inside the apartment. To dismantle such products, it is enough to unscrew a couple of small screws.

But with a little more difficult, because they have a device mounted inside the canvas that allows you to lock the door. Such models are most often installed in bathrooms and bathrooms. In general, the algorithm for dismantling round models with a latch is almost completely the same as that given above. With minor changes. Given the presence of a locking device, it is necessary to have a special key that allows you to disassemble the handle. A special stopper will be placed under the decorative trim, removing which you can remove the handles by gently pulling them towards you.

That's all the instructions how to remove door handle. Good luck with your work!

Dismantling various door hardware has its own characteristics. For example, a conventional, stationary handle can be removed without any difficulty. However, many are interested how to remove latch handle. Because it has certain structural features. In particular, with outer side, a key is used to lock and unlock it, and a rotary handle is used on the back of the door leaf.

Before, how to remove latch handle, prepare certain tools. They are available in every home - a screwdriver and a special mounting key, which is sold complete with a handle. Although in some cases you can do without it. It all depends on the features of the attachment.

A few minutes for complete dismantling

It will take only a few minutes to remove the latch handle, even if you are an inexperienced craftsman or even started this procedure for the first time.

On one side of the handle there is a special stopper that ensures secure fixation of the product on the door leaf. Press down on it with a thin screwdriver or other hard, thin object. While holding down the stopper, pull the handles. This will allow you to extract it. Remove the two screws securing the handle. This will allow you to dismantle the fittings both on one side and on the other side of the door leaf.

The next step in the process how to remove latch handle- this is the removal of the bar from the end of the door, which is also fastened with two screws. Unscrew them and pry the bar with a screwdriver. Perform the last step carefully so as not to damage the coating on the door. Pull the cover, with which it will be possible to remove the internal mechanism of the fittings. Everyone, now you know how to remove latch handle. There is nothing difficult in this and it does not require a lot of time.

Installing a handle on a door is not difficult. You will have to do it anyway. Do not leave the door leaf with holes for the handles, but without fittings? All pens of this type similar. In addition, given the peculiarity of the structure of the handles, only exactly the same model can be installed in their place.

The reassembly process involves the reverse sequence of actions. First you need to insert the internal mechanism of the handle into the door leaf, and then screw the bar. Please note that the beveled part of the latch is turned towards the closing of the door leaf. Install decorative overlays, then put on the handles. Check their operation and fix with screws. This completes the installation process. Now you know not only how to remove latch handle, but also how to install it back on the door leaf. The whole process will take from ten to twenty minutes, and only if you have really never done anything like this.

We wish you good luck in your work!

In the product catalog there is a price for latch handles..

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