How and how to sharpen scissors for home, manicure, hairdressing, thinning, tailor's, garden, metal, sheep simply, quickly and affordable at home? How to sharpen scissors with a needle, on a sharpener, with a bar: instructions. How to sharpen your scissors

Sharpening your own scissors is easier than you think

A skilled housewife will be able to give a second wind to outdated things. If the scissors stop cutting, the material is crumple, but there was no male hand- do not immediately run to the master. This step-by-step instruction will show you how to sharpen any scissors at home.

What is the problem?

The first thing they pay attention to is why the blades have lost their sharpness? The reason can be not only the wear of the blades, but also the mount itself. Inspect the instrument carefully. If the blades do not fit snugly together, there is a pronounced gap between them, or there is other play - first fix this particular problem.

There are two types of fastening of such products - on a bolt and on a rivet. In the first case, it is worth tightening the bolt with a screwdriver. In the second - the scissors should be fixed on a strong flat surface, install a carnation in place of the rivet and make a couple of blows with a hammer. So, the rivet cap will flatten out and resume its former durability.

Twisting scissors is made in the open form. This is necessary to regulate the pressure and not overdo it.

Types of scissors. Individual approach

The defect has been fixed, but the scissors still do not cut. In this case, determine the product type. Each of them has its own way of sharpening.

regular scissors

They are intended exclusively for everyday life. Therefore, for such a tool, they are suitable simple ways sharpening, without fear of spoiling the thick blade of the tool.

Sandpaper use:

After that, wipe the scissors with a damp cloth to remove any remaining crumbs. This method is suitable for blades with moderate dullness.

With a grindstone

Modern whetstones (or whetstones) have two working sides - fine-grained and coarse. If the edge of the blades is very dull, it should be sharpened in two stages.- first on a rough, then on a fine-grained surface.

For high-quality sharpening of scissors with a whetstone, disassemble the tool itself. This is done to sharpen each blade individually.

Preparing for the process:

  • position the touchstone, limiting its mobility and sliding;
  • cover the stone with liquid soap base or water.

When everything is ready for sharpening, take one half of the scissors. Turn her inside to the touchstone (this is the flat side, without the edge). Find the correct line of contact with the grindstone. Do not change the sharpening angle, do not deviate from the existing angle of the tool.

The following actions:

    take the handle of the blade, pressing it over the entire surface to the grindstone (do not forget about the base);

    run the blade along the rough surface 10 times (the same number on the fine-grained side).

After the inner side is processed, proceed to sharpening the outer blade. Use both surfaces of the touchstone. The fine-grained part, in the end, will give the necessary smoothness.

When finished, wipe the blades with a damp cloth to avoid burrs. Now it remains only to connect the halves of the product and check its sharpness.


When sharpening, move the tool in one direction

To sharpen such scissors at home, you can use a diamond wheel. Determine the degree of wear of the blades. Pay attention to the cutting surface. With a lot of wear, rings or specks appear on it (the size of a millimeter). If there are a lot of them and their diameter exceeds 2 mm, then the product urgently needs high-quality sharpening.

The subject of sharpening will also be the usual diamond file. He will be in everyday life more often than diamond circle. To sharpen scissors with this tool, place the file on a stable plane and, firmly pressing the edge of the blade, draw along the rough surface, in one direction.

As a last resort, resort to sharpening nail scissors with grindstone. The method of action is similar to the previous ones.

Do not forget to wipe the product after sharpening. Manicure scissors require more attention to detail.


This type of blade is sharpened with coarse-grained timber. However, such scissors are a master's tool. And so, in order to achieve good result It is worth putting in motion another interesting method.

Purchase a special medium grain diamond paste. Take it smooth wooden beam, slightly longer than the length of the scissors. Work the sides with a moderate layer of paste. This method will help to perfectly sharpen hairdressing scissors. Over time, this procedure is repeated, as the wear of the diamond layer.


Compared to the rest, this is a massive tool. Its sharpening requires attention and effort.

Use a grinding wheel

Grinding circle. If not in the economy - it does not matter, there are other ways

Terms of use:

    remember: the circle should rotate only from the blade, not vice versa;

    when sharpening, do not change the angle, as in previous cases;

    in the process, the blade will heat up, so you should take care of an accessible container with cold water;

    so that the circle does not drive onto the adjacent blade, it is recommended to unwind the tool into two halves before work.

File sharpening

Choose the file size you need. Separate the halves of the scissors. If in the previous methods the blades were not fixed, then in this case the action is reversed. Fasten the blade with the sharp side up. Hold the file with both hands and repeat sliding motions along the surface to be processed. Maintain the same angle along the length of the blade. 10-15 repetitions is enough.

Zigzag scissors

Despite the clearly different edge of the blades, it is easy to sharpen such a product. Here, the standard method using sandpaper is suitable. Use the fine grain option. Having folded the paper in half - cut it into small strips, using the entire length of the blades. Do up to 20 repetitions, then test the sharpness on the fabric.

improvised means

If you don’t have sandpaper or a grindstone at hand, don’t put off sharpening your scissors. Use improvised means.

Foil sharpening method

Foil is widely used in almost every home, it is not difficult to find it. Take a small piece of aluminum foil and fold it over. Repeat the action until you get a sheet 10 cm long. Now proceed to sharpening by making cuts in the sheet. For best result- use a similar method in three approaches.

gypsy needle

The method is original, simple and accessible. Fix the needle at the very base of the cutting surface (the place where the two half scissors meet). Close the blades and push the needle towards the sharp tips so that you feel resistance. Use caution when using this method. Do not let the needle slip. Movements should be slow and gliding.

Are scissors. Many people believe that branded devices do not become dull, they should not be sharpened. Actually it is not. Even quality instruments long time do not require a point, but still there comes a time when it is necessary to improve their work. Sharpening hairdressing scissors is carried out with a special tool.

Features of hairdressing scissors

Hairdressing tools, compared to conventional ones, are distinguished by the presence of sharp tips for high-quality hair capture. Also they have high quality steel and sharpening angle. There are 2 straight and thinning.

Straight are used for cutting hair, beards, mustaches. You can use filtering techniques with them. Special thinning tools are used to reduce the volume of curls, thin out the tips, and better shape the haircut.


Professional hairdresser's scissors are expensive tools that require special skills to sharpen. It has many kinds. The tool for sharpening hairdressing scissors allows you to improve the work of various professional elements: drills, scalpels, knives.

During operation, the minimum layer of metal is removed. Therefore, numerous regrindings will be harmless for the fixture. Nippers after the procedure can be used for 150 manicures. Store ones require updating after 10 clients.

The cutting part of drills and scissors is flat, convex, concave. For example, thinning tools are sharpened only on one side, and a slicer is not sharpened, but polished with a disk. Hot scissors are sharpened by applying electric current to them.

fixture device

The machine for sharpening hairdressing scissors is presented in the form of an electric motor with a shaft, on which there is a faceplate and a grinding disc. There are 2 types of tools: with a horizontal faceplate and vertical. The former are best used for surgical, hairdressing, manicure devices.

Technological machines have a laser "sight" and a manipulator that allows you to set the angle sharpening drills. Even a beginner can work with such a device. It is possible to select the drive speed based on specific type fixtures. Thanks to the protective visor, harmful dust will not scatter in all directions.

Production and price

High-quality equipment is created in Germany, the USA. It is expensive. The most affordable device without a manipulator costs about 45 thousand rubles. The peculiarity of the equipment lies in the high requirements for mechanics. The runout of the spindle on which the faceplate is located is excluded.

It is important that the abrasive surface moves perfectly, otherwise the required accuracy will not be achieved. The beat rates are indicated in the passport and are equal to no more than 0.11 s. In the workshop, the apparatus functions throughout the day, so the accuracy of the rotation of the faceplate determines the speed and quality of work. A reliable device operates for a long period without wear of mechanisms and bearings. Sharpening hairdressing scissors with it is performed at the highest level.


Machines for sharpening scissors and hairdressing tools have the following characteristics:

  1. Parameters: desktop equipment.
  2. Reverse: option for finishing tools.
  3. Disc parameters: 150-240 mm.
  4. Speed ​​setting up to 3000 rpm.
  5. Electric motor: power is not more than 300 watts.
  6. Weight: 30 kg.

The set consists of additional abrasive discs, a wheel and polishing paste. There are on the legs rubber gaskets that dampen vibration.

Sharpening features

To sharpen professional hairdressing scissors correctly, you must use the following recommendations:

  1. Before use, the blades must be cleaned of accumulated dirt. For this, cotton wool or a cloth is used, which is wetted in a solvent. After cleaning, the blade will be sharpened better.
  2. For the main procedure, a file or coarse-grained bar is used. Then the result is fixed using coarse and fine
  3. At the end, it is necessary to tighten the bolt connecting the blades.

At correct execution work and care fixtures will last for many years.


In order for the sharpening of hairdressing scissors to be carried out efficiently, it is necessary to choose a quality device. This takes into account the scale of work:

  • For sharpening pliers and scissors.
  • For processing manicure and hairdressing devices.
  • A multifunctional device that allows you to edit a manicure hairdressing tool, drills.
  • For straightening clippers.

All equipment listed is considered professional. It is suitable for sharpening drills, tailor's scissors, tweezers, meat grinder knives, cosmetic needles, dental appliances, knives. It should be borne in mind that abrasive wheels from the manufacturer of the device must be on sale.

professional work

Professional sharpening of hairdressing scissors the best option because the master will do everything qualitatively. Since the devices differ in design and purpose, they can be used different types sharpening:

  1. Standard.
  2. Slicing.
  3. Pointing.
  4. Semiconvex.
  5. Convex.

If there are no skills in working with a sharpening tool, then it is better to give the scissors to the master. After that, the hairdressing device can be used for a long time.

Quality checking

After sharpening, you need to evaluate the type of tool. It is important to pay attention to how the canvases are adjacent to each other. It is necessary to check the progress of the devices. It is lightweight, without jams and jerks. If so, then the work will be of high quality and accurate.

Since hairdressing scissors are used for cutting, it is necessary to check the quality of sharpening by an appropriate method. For example, on your hair or artificial. A piece of cotton wool is used for testing. The result will be noticeable on the cut. A well-crafted fixture will last for many years, delighting with the results of work.

With prolonged use, any sharp objects gradually become dull, and they begin to cut worse. High-quality and professional scissors for cutting hair, for sewing and for manicure are quite expensive. Therefore, it is cheaper and more practical to sharpen products than to buy new ones.

Professional scissors are recommended to be sharpened every six months, universal - once a year. A suitable solution would be to contact a professional. But if you do not want to give the sharpening tool to the master, you can perform the procedure yourself. Let's look at how to sharpen scissors at home.

Universal way to sharpen scissors

The universal method is the use of a special grindstone or, as it is called, a whetstone. This method is available to everyone. To start sharpening, lay the tool on a towel or cloth and wipe the surface with oil (machine or special for scissors) or plain water.

After processing, unscrew the main screw with a flat screwdriver and disassemble the product into individual blades. Disassembly will help you sharpen quickly and easily. For maintenance when the blades are only slightly dull, use the fine-grained side of the whetstone.

If the blades are severely dull, work the surface first with the coarse or rough side of the whetstone and then with the fine side. First, sharpen the inside until the blade is sharp. Use movements only in one direction, moving from the spout to the handles. Don't sharpen your blades back and forth! When processing, keep the sharpening angle within 65-70 degrees.

After inner sides sharpen the outer and remove small burrs with sandpaper. After the procedure, assemble the tool back and check the result of the work. Clean the item with a tissue.

Five ways to quickly sharpen scissors

  1. Take aluminum foil and fold it lengthwise into six layers. Then start cutting the resulting thick foil strip with scissors until the blades are sharp. Cut along the entire length of the blade from base to tip. When finished, wipe the item with a damp paper towel and pat dry. This method is not suitable for manicure tools;
  2. By analogy with foil, you can use sandpaper. It is best to use fabric-based material with a grit value of more than 150. Fold the sheet so that the rough side is on the outside. Start cutting the sandpaper in the same way as you cut the foil until you get the desired result. After processing, wipe the blades with a dry cloth. This method is also not suitable for small nail scissors with curved blades;
  3. Take a hard metal kitchen scouring pad and use it the same way you would foil or sandpaper. Cut the sponge with scissors, but be careful as it leaves a lot of debris. Therefore, it is better to perform the procedure over a previously spread newspaper or trash can. Wipe the treated blades with a damp cloth and wipe dry;
  4. Use a glass jar that you don't need. Hold the product between the blades of the tool and start cutting until the latter is sharp and smooth. Position the jar so that it is as close as possible to the place where the blades are attached. Wipe the sharpened object with a damp and then dry cloth;
  5. You will need a sewing pin or a gypsy needle. In this case, the needle or pin is clamped between the blades of the scissors, as in the glass jar method. Start cutting and continue the procedure until the blades become sharp. Then wipe the surface with wet and dry wipes.

How to sharpen nail scissors and tweezers

Sharpening tweezers and scissors for manicure is more difficult than universal and stationery, scissors for cutting or sewing. This is due to the uneven blades of manicure instruments. With improper sharpening, it is very easy to spoil such products. in a suitable way in this case, it will be the use of a diamond rod in the form of a cone.

Before sharpening nail scissors, it is better to disassemble a small device. This will make the job easier. Then, with smooth and accurate movements, move the diamond rod in only one direction! Carefully remove the metal from the surface until the shiny stripes are reduced to 0.2-0.3 mm. Such strips appear in places where the blades rub against each other.

Work on each blade in turn, moving the diamond rod in one direction only. Then assemble the scissors and click into place with light force. Lightly sand the cutting edges again. For nail scissors, use a sharpening angle between 45-69 degrees.

For tweezers, take a small, narrow diamond block and sharpen the blades from the inside until the cutting edges are even. After internal processing the blades of the tweezers are slightly sharpened on the outside to correct the tips. At the end of the procedure, the blades must be polished with leather material or a special polishing paste.

What Not to Do

Scissors and other manicure tools should not be sharpened with folded foil or sandpaper. This method gives a feeling of sharpness of the blades only on a short time. However, due to this procedure, the products deteriorate greatly, the sharpening angle changes, as a result of which even an experienced master will not restore the devices.

For sharpening manicure tools, you can also not use a standard granular bar and whetstones. They leave rough marks on cutting surfaces. In order for such products to last longer, it is important to organize proper care. Let's look at how to properly care for different types of scissors.

How to care for scissors

For long-term use, clean the products after each use with a damp cloth and be sure to wipe dry. Regularly lubricate the rubbing elements with oil, while avoiding processing the blades.

Use manicure tools only for their intended purpose and store in a special case in horizontal position. You can store items only in a clean and dry form.

Try not to drop the products, do not expose the object to temperatures and mechanical pressure. Treat products with special or conventional engine oil to prevent rust and premature aging. But remember that the blades must not be lubricated with oil!

07/30/2018 1,555 views

Sooner or later, the scissors become blunt and begin to cut worse. Usually people prefer to buy new ones, because their cost is not very high. But some are interested in the question of how to sharpen scissors at home? It's quite simple and doesn't take much time. For this purpose, things that can be found in each apartment are used.

You can sharpen any scissors: manicure, construction, stationery. Depending on the type, methods of spicing differ. Apply sandpaper, a gypsy needle, special sharpeners. It is important to be careful when working, and carefully study the algorithm of actions. Preference is better simple solutions this problem.

How to prepare material for sharpening?

The easiest way to return sharpness to hairdressing and stationery scissors. Manicure option to put in order is much more difficult. Before sharpening, it is important to make sure that the reason is really that the tool has become blunt.

Sometimes the fastening axis is loosened, where a conventional rivet or bolt is used. In this case, they should be tightened. If after that the scissors do not cut well enough, you should sharpen the heel limiter. It is located near the hole with the bolt. Trying to close the blades is not necessary, as this will only increase the problem.

If a rivet is used in the connection area, it must be tightened. First, the scissors should be opened, put on any metal product.

After using the beard, flatten the rivet, check the closing of the blades. In the case when the situation has not changed and the tool still does not cut, it needs to be sharpened.

What is the best thing not to do in the process?

Nail scissors must not be sharpened with foil or sandpaper. The method will give the tool sharpness for a short time, while it will deteriorate, the sharpening angle will change. Even an experienced specialist will not be able to repair the product.

Also, for a manicure set, an ordinary granular bar or grindstone will not work. Will leave marks on the surface. It is important to understand that individual methods are suitable for each type of scissors.

How to sharpen scissors with your own hands?

You will be able to sharpen the tool yourself if you have such devices at home as:

  1. Diamond circle. It is chosen for any scissors, but it is especially effective for large products. For example, a tool for shearing sheep or a garden. For a manicure device, it is worth using a rounded stone or a diamond file.
  2. Sharpening bar. The main difficulty lies in the selection of grain size. If it is required to sharpen very sharply, a fine-grained part is used, in other cases - a coarse-grained part. Hairdressing products are sharpened with coarse-grained timber, otherwise they will be very sharp, but it will not work normally to cut curls. The hair will slide off the blade.
  3. File. It allows you to handle difficult tasks. For example, with metal cutting products that have teeth. The main difficulty is the choice of size.

For private use kitchen scissors, it is worth purchasing a special device to change their sharpness. You can buy a device that is both a knife sharpener and a scissor sharpener; it will be indispensable on the farm.

If there are no devices, it is worth using improvised means. Sharpening is quick and easy. It is important to understand that the result will not be durable.

The sandpaper method is effective if the scissors are not very dull. You need to act as follows:

  • Put the sandpaper with the abrasive part.
  • Cut the paper into long strips so that the action takes place over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe blade. There should be about twenty movements.
  • Wipe blades to remove crumbs.
  • Make a check.

The method is suitable for zigzag scissors. It is difficult to sharpen such products with a beam due to the specific edge.

Foil is used from improvised means. For maximum spiciness, cut a large number of thin stripes. If you need a light undercut, you can make 2-3 wide lines.

Sharpen as follows:

  • Prepare a sheet of 25 cm. Fold several times along the length to form a dense strip.
  • Cut the foil on the line.
  • It is important that the blade is fully involved in the process.

When using a metal sponge, residues fly from it. There are a lot of them, so cleaning can be difficult. It is better that the process takes place over the bucket. Action algorithm:

  • Prepare a kitchen sponge. If possible, a softer version should be preferred.
  • Cut it with the whole blade. The sharpness of the scissors depends on the number of cuts.

A gypsy needle is suitable for small tools, for example, for a cuticle. You can use it to sharpen nail clippers.

To apply this method you will need:

  1. Cut the needle. Close the scissors, try to bring the needle along the blades.
  2. You do not need to make a lot of effort, it is better to carry out the procedure with light movements.
  3. Continue the process until you get the result.

The needle can be replaced with a screwdriver, sewing pin, knitting needle. It is important to cut through metal.

Using glass jar you need to choose an unnecessary option, as it will have scratches. For small scissors it is worth using a bottle with a narrow neck.

Action algorithm:

  • Cut the bank. It should move back, and the blade should slide.
  • The actions are repeated until the effect is noticeable.
  • Wipe the blades, as they remain invisible dust.

It is important to understand that folk ways designed for immediate results. To keep the tool sharp, you will need to constantly return to them. Therefore, it is worth using professional methods whenever possible.

  1. Pay attention to the angle of the factory sharpening. The procedure should take place along the angle specified by the manufacturer. Otherwise, the device will be hopelessly damaged.
  2. Sharpen "for yourself." It is important to monitor your own movements, not to act "back and forth." Scissors are sharpened from the end to the rings.
  3. Eliminate burrs. They are removed with a fine-grained abrasive. It should not be used for hairdressing scissors, as unnecessary sharpness is acquired.
  4. Do a job check. Cut surfaces for which a particular type of tool has been created. To check tailor scissors, you need to cut the material. A thin flap is taken, hung, cut. If the cuts are even, then the scissors are sharpened.

If possible, disassemble the tool by removing the fixing bolt. Sharpening blades individually is more convenient and efficient.


Experienced manicure specialists give scissors for sharpening to professionals. A rough method using large abrasive particles spoils the forceps and cuticle tools. Therefore, it is better not to sharpen an expensive device yourself. Often sharpening occurs with a laser.

Action algorithm:

  1. Prepare the diamond file.
  2. Slightly drive the file towards the ends.
  3. Make sure that the sharpening angle does not change.

You can use standard methods, but you need to proceed very carefully. Nail scissors with curved blades are easier to buy than sharpen. But it is allowed to correct the bolt if it helps.

For a haircut

It is better not to sharpen yourself, otherwise the tool will be damaged. To create these products, rigid and durable steel is used. It is hardened, so it will be possible to do without sharpening for a long time. When it is required, special equipment is used - a machine with a laser sight, which has interchangeable disks.

Products for thinning are more difficult to put in order than others. They are non-standard, multi-bladed. There are two blades - one straight, the other serrated. The sharpening angle of the teeth is 70 degrees. At the top of the corner are grooves holding curls. Therefore, it is required special device. You need to contact a professional to apply a sharpener with an angle adjustment.

Sheep shearing shears are unusual. They are sharp to cut hair precisely. Needle and sandpaper won't help here. You need to use circles with small abrasive particles.

Action algorithm:

  • Open the tool, put them on a circle.
  • Turn on grinder, sharpen to the maximum result.
  • Repeat the procedure for the other blade.

For metal cutting

In this case, such popular methods as sharpening with a needle, sandpaper or needle file are suitable.


Experts advise processing gardening Tools at the end of the season. These are not only scissors, but also secateurs. Can be used grinding machine in the presence of. If it is not available, you should use standard bars sold in the departments for gardeners.

Action algorithm:

  • Remove dried dirt and rust from the tool.
  • Put the blade to the bar, start sharpening.
  • Do the same with the other blade.

Video: how to sharpen scissors at home?

To keep scissors sharp for a long time, the following rules must be observed:

  1. If the tool is used to cut material, it should only be used for that task. Do not cut meat, paper and other objects with it.
  2. Threads made of metal and lightning are cut by other devices.
  3. Kitchen, manicure or flower scissors must undergo mandatory disinfection.

You can’t boil the tool; you should use a regular antiseptic for processing. Otherwise, they will deteriorate - they will stop cutting, rust will form. Lubricate them once every six months.

The sharpening procedure is quite simple, but it is better to avoid losing the sharpness of the scissors. Moreover, with the help folk methods you will not be able to save the result for a long time. The main thing that can be done for this is to use the tool for its intended purpose.

Best Methods for sharpening manicure and other types of scissors with your own hands

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This is one of the most common cutting tools that every family has. all kinds of materials, does not always fulfill its tasks clearly enough.

The reason for rough work is improper sharpening of blades or imbalance in the movement of cutting edges.

Eliminating them is quite simple for anyone, having the usual set of sharpening devices. To do this, it is necessary to present the principles of creating a cut.

Article provides tips home master how to sharpen scissors and adjust their blades for correct operation do-it-yourself at home with an explanation in the course of the presentation of the text with pictures, diagrams and a video.

To understand the principles of sharpening and setting the tool, one should represent its design, the basics of cutting the materials being processed.

How scissors are arranged and work

The well-known children's riddle about two ends, rings and studs fully reflects the design and principle of operation of this tool.

Scissors consist of two symmetrical halves connected by a common axis of rotation. The cutting force is created due to the occurrence of a torque, the value of which is affected by the length of the lever.

Knife blades have working surfaces ending in a cutting edge. The ends can be of various shapes:

  1. sharp;
  2. rounded;
  3. combined.

The axis of rotation is usually performed by a screw mechanism with the possibility of a slight adjustment of the preload.

Blade geometry

Hairdressing scissors have the best surface shapes. They are made for fine workmanship for cutting hair, made of durable steels with well-sharpened cutting edges moving opposite.

The cutting edge of each half slides with one side along the common plane of the cut towards the material being processed. The cut is created due to the sharpness of the supply of the blades and their minimal approach to each other.

Blade sharpening, unlike a conventional knife, is created by a one-sided supply.

cutting force

It should be borne in mind that each tool is made to work in certain conditions. For example, hairdressing scissors are made even. The loads they experience are minimal. It is undesirable to use them for other purposes: it is easy to damage.

Garden shears can cut tree branches, and the surface of their blade is formed with three zones of developed loads:

  • the recess closest to the axis of rotation allows you to generate the maximum cutting force;
  • the next one is the average;
  • the rest is for cutting thin branches.

In this case, the effect of creating a bending moment through the lever is used: the approach of the processed material to the axis of rotation increases the shear force, and the removal decreases it.

Typical defects

Any scissors can work poorly for two reasons:

  1. blades parted;
  2. the cutting edge of the lead has blunted.

How does the gap arise?

If the scissors are made of soft alloy steel, then when creating large loads on the blade, the latter can be deformed, move away from the cut plane. In this case, they will additionally bend the material, and not cut it.

Such a defect is easy to detect if you look at the gap between the shifted blades.

How to adjust blade travel

The reason for the divergence of the surface of the edges can be:

  1. loosening of the screw clamp of the axis of rotation;
  2. deformation of the metal due to the application of increased loads;
  3. combined manifestation of both faults.

In the first case, it is enough just to tighten the screw: the scissors will cut normally. If there is a bend in the plane of a thinner blade (they are most often created different thickness), then it should be given its original shape.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to bring hairdressing scissors in this way to an ideal level. However, household models designed for cutting paper or fabric can be adjusted by making a convex bend in the surface so that when processing the material, both blades come into contact while being in a common cutting plane.

Cutting edge violations

The metal of the blade of a scissor blade, like that of a knife, wears out over time.

Periodically, its sharpening is required, the formation of the surface of the cutting wedge of the supply. Depending on the purpose of the tool, the edge is formed:

  • ordinary sharpening;
  • or additional polishing of its surface.

Hairdressing scissors do not polish the edges during sharpening. Thin grooves from fine-grained abrasive materials, located on the supplies, hold the hair well when cutting.

Sharpening methods

A professional approach angle is formed on special machines in the factory. It must be preserved and supported. The article does not consider factory technology, but publishes simplified methods available to the home master to bring household models into working condition.

Scissor dressing tools


The blades of the scissors are bred and alternately dragged through the slot prepared in the tool. The supply metal is ground with abrasive materials. Rotating discs can be used for this. All notches and irregularities are removed to a single level.

Various types of sharpeners can be purchased through Chinese online stores.

Diamond file or file

When sharpening, scissors should be well fixed or held tightly in your hand, resting it on some stationary object, for example, a table surface.

The cutting surface of the file must be located in only one plane. This technique provides the same sharpening angle along the entire length of the blade. Its factory value must not be violated.

If there is a large notch on the surface of the file, then additional polishing of the approach with another tool may be required.

Bar, whetstone, whetstone

It is desirable to disassemble scissors, but it is possible to work in assembled form. The technology is the same as . The supply is placed on the surface of the grindstone, the blade is led in one direction, all the time they maintain strictly one angle of inclination. The abrasive material is periodically moistened with water, removing particles of cut metal.

The photo shows work on a homemade grindstone,

If the shape of the blade differs from a straight line, having a convexity or concavity, then the direction of sharpening movement is changed by 90 degrees.

improvised means

Consider the most affordable sharpening tool:

  • sandpaper;
  • foil;
  • steel washcloth;
  • the neck of a glass bottle;
  • steel wire.


Choose varieties with the smallest grains - zero. Cut it along the entire length of the blade. The abrasive material of the sandpaper, passing under the cutting edges, sharpens them.

Foil food or technical thin

The material is folded in several layers, cuts are made along the entire length of the blade.

Foil kitchen scourer

This method works on the technology of the previous one. Scissors should work along the entire length of the blade.

Glass bottle

Grasping the neck with both blades, they make cutting movements along their entire length in both directions. Surfaces are being polished. Therefore, the plane of the inlets is placed in the optimal direction for their alignment.

Needle, screwdriver or steel wire

Squeezing and unclenching the scissors, they are simultaneously treated with force along the entire length of the blades with an inserted needle.

A characteristic feature of this tool is the curved blades of a curvilinear shape. It is better not to start processing them without good locksmith skills and round fine-grained diamond-coated files.

If nail scissors began to work poorly, then first try:

  • tighten the screw fastening of the axis of rotation;
  • inspect the gap between the cutting edges of the leads;
  • polish with a needle.

If you have any questions, then ask them in the comments.

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