Seal the plastic tank. How to seal a plastic water tank (1 photo)

A plastic tank is a convenient water reservoir that ensures the preservation of liquid parameters for a long time. It is not destroyed by moisture and is not prone to rust, but can be deformed under the influence of external factors. What to seal with plastic tank for water? The choice of method depends on the nature of the damage and the type of polymer.

Causes of deformation and nuances of repair

One of the reasons for damage to plastic water containers is improper installation. An uneven surface and the presence of sharp objects can lead to changes in the geometry of the tanks, the appearance of cracks and leaks. Deformation can also be caused by mechanical influences, including impacts during operation.

Before sealing a plastic water tank, you need to know the composition of the material that was used to make it. Depending on the source raw material there are the following types polymers:

  • Polyethylene (PE-HD). It is characterized by a combination of hardness and ductility, which simplifies the processing of plastic. Polyethylene low pressure resistant to various organic and inorganic environments and retains its parameters at temperatures from -50..+80 °C.
  • Polypropylene (PP-H). It is characterized by increased hardness, tensile strength and chemical resistance.
  • Polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U). Withstands temperatures ranging from 0...+60 °C, as well as exposure to oxidizing environments and chemically aggressive substances. In addition, it has high performance strength and hardness.
The type of polymer influences the choice of method by which damage and leakage of containers is repaired. Repair of plastic water tanks made of plastic with different composition performed using certain technologies.

Damage repair options

Restoring the integrity of polyethylene containers is complicated by the low adhesion coefficient of the material, due to which the surface rejects epoxy resin, cold welding compound, adhesives and sealants.
  • From small crack You can get rid of it by sealing it with waterproofing bitumen tape.
  • Another option is to repair the damage using a patch made from a piece of plastic and special modeling glue. The main thing is to thoroughly clean and degrease the surface.

How to seal a plastic polypropylene water tank

You can use fiberglass patches that are secured with molten polymer. To do this, the surface of the container at the site of damage is cleaned and heated with a hair dryer.
Then they pour from the pistol liquid plastic and apply a piece of fiberglass of the required size.
To ensure a strong fixation, the repaired area of ​​the tank is again heated with a hairdryer.
When choosing a method for restoring polymer containers, you should take into account the water pressure during their operation. It has a significant impact on the deformed area and can increase the size of the damage.

Restoring tanks using welding

One of the effective ways to eliminate deformations of plastic tanks is welding. Its action is based on the ability of materials to transition from a solid to a viscous state under the influence of high temperatures.

To repair plastic tanks, there must be no water in them.

The container is emptied of liquid, and the damaged area is cleaned and degreased. Then perform the following operations:

  • heat the plastic in the deformed area, melting it to a certain depth; fill the crack with a heated rope or piece of polymer;
  • cool and clean the resulting seam from excess plastic.
The result obtained depends on compliance temperature regime and skills to work with special equipment.

Tools and accessories

In everyday life, repairs of plastic water tanks made of various types of plastic are carried out using a soldering iron and a hair dryer. When purchasing these tools, you need to consider the following criteria:
  • Power. For a soldering iron it should be at least 100 W, and for a hair dryer - 1600 W.
  • Maximum temperature heating
When choosing what to seal a plastic water tank with, you should also pay attention to comfort when using the devices.
It is advisable to give preference to soldering irons with wooden handle, because due to high temperature polymer can quickly melt.
The hair dryer should have several attachments and a smooth temperature control system, which will allow you to set the desired mode when working with different types plastic.
When welding, you will also need a polymer rod designed to reinforce the crack. Its quantity and diameter are selected depending on the size of the deformed area.
More significant damage is eliminated by fusing patches from a piece of plastic of a suitable composition.

However, the owners of the corresponding containers are spared from their characteristic disadvantages. These disadvantages include a certain fragility of the material.

Under the influence of a wide variety of external factors, careless impacts, impacts from sharp or heavy objects, as well as when certain heavy objects fall directly into an open tank, when a hydrodynamic shock is created, such tanks can be damaged.

Damage can be very small and pinpoint, such as from a prick with a sharp object, or extensive, which manifests itself in large cracks that can fall apart structures almost in half.

This sight is extremely deplorable and especially unpleasant when it comes to the largest tanks, since their price is not so small. However, it is not at all necessary to throw out the entire structure when such a problem occurs.

There are possibilities for efficient and convenient restoration of tanks with full return to their original functionality.

Features of the material
Many are accustomed to the fact that they consisted of an extremely slippery material that was resistant to any glue. It is called polyethylene; however, during repairs it is necessary to ascertain as accurately as possible the specific material from which the corresponding container is made.

In fact, containers can be made from three types plastics. First of all, of course, we should talk about polyethylene. This material perfectly combines hardness and ductility, which greatly simplifies the processing procedure.

Low-density polyethylene retains its functions and characteristics well in the range from -50 to plus 80 degrees Celsius.

Tanks with increased hardness, which can be felt even when touched, are most likely made of polypropylene. It is extremely tensile and has high rigidity.

Polyvinyl chloride structures cannot be used at temperatures below zero and above 60 degrees Celsius.

In addition, such blocks tolerate contact well with chemically aggressive environments at fairly high levels of hardness and strength. Typically, information about the material is indicated directly on the tank itself.

Based on knowledge regarding the material, the very principle of restoration of a specific container is actually chosen; there is a number of specialized technologies by which restoration is carried out.

Of course, first of all we will touch on polyethylene containers, which are the most widely used.

Many people are accustomed to the indispensability of plastic adhesives and epoxy compounds. However, in the case of polyethylene they are completely useless.

Small cracks and damage can be repaired using bitumen waterproofing tapes. Another possibility for gluing polyethylene tanks is the use of BF-2 and BF-4 glue.

This substance has the ability to dissolve external structures and ensure its adhesion to materials. Of course, in this case, you will need to clean all the relevant areas as thoroughly and efficiently as possible, as well as prepare patches from plastic pieces.

In this case, surface preparation, degreasing and ensuring maximum adhesion are key to efficient work glue.

Plastic tanks made of polypropylene can be restored by taking patches of fiberglass and pouring molten polymer onto them using a suitable glue gun.

In this case, cleaning is also required, and in addition, additional heating damaged area using a hair dryer. Always take into account the pressure of the water itself from the inside, calculate the required volume of the patch and the required adhesive material for reliable fastening.

Extremely effective method, which copes excellently with all types of plastics, is welding.

Considering that materials are freely capable of transitioning from a solid to a viscous state, it is quite possible to try to melt the plastic to a certain depth, and then simply fill the damaged area with the same heated plastic or specialized strands to a certain depth.

Of course, in this case, extremely thorough cleaning of the surface is also necessary. In addition, it is advisable to completely empty all tanks where restoration work is carried out.

Is it even possible to seal a plastic container or gas tank?

How to seal a plastic container? Nowadays, there are many invented ways to weld cracks, holes, burst seams, the equipment for such repairs is also varied, from a soldering iron to a hair dryer, whatever you need. It can be repaired with such tools, but where is the guarantee that it will not leak again. Such repairs will be simply decorative and the owner will incur new expenses in the future. Requires knowledge of the material and practice. Our craftsmen use professional equipment from a well-known Swiss company and provide a guarantee on the repaired container, tank, tank, or gas tank made of plastic.

Plastic containers are made mainly from materials such as polyethylene and polypropylene; it is almost impossible to stick anything to these materials due to their chemical characteristics, and trying to seal a container made of these materials is a waste of time. For large volumes of plastic containers of 2 cubic meters or more, this type of repair will not help at all; in this case, only welding with special equipment will ensure the container is sealed!

How to seal a plastic tank

How to seal a plastic tank? Usually the issue is resolved with the help of a kit for repairing plastic containers, but remember, if you want to use this method for a long time, such repairs will not help you. All capacitive products in 95% of cases are made from two materials: polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE), which in turn have very low adhesion, that is, very resistant to chemical influences. Almost no glue sticks to them, and no patch with glue will provide a high-quality repair; professional repairs using welding are necessary!

How to seal a plastic gas tank?

How to seal a plastic gas tank is a serious question; not every car service center has specialists who can restore a plastic fuel tank and, moreover, give a guarantee for sealing! You can repair it yourself; for this, again, you need equipment and simple construction hair dryer It’s unlikely to help here, where will they give you a guarantee for their repairs? Our workshop both repairs and provides a guarantee for the repair of the fuel tank; specialists travel to the repair site if necessary by agreement.

Repair of plastic tanks can be divided into 2 types: extrusion and rod (soldering with a hot air gun). Other repair methods are not effective (glue, sealant, foam, etc.).

Soldering gasoline and diesel tanks (gasoline tanks) has its own characteristics. The gas tank of special equipment must be removed from the vehicle before repairs. Some gas tanks can be repaired directly on the car, depending on the nature of the damage and the location of the fuel leak.

When restored, polymer water containers do not require special preparation; they must be drained, the damaged area must be protected from liquid ingress and cleaned of dirt deposits (if any).

Extrusion is performed using specialized equipment. This method is used to repair loaded products (gas tanks of tractors, trucks and cars, containers with a volume of over 0.5 cubic meters and pressure vessels). After welding, products do not lose their operational and strength properties - the service life after repair is unlimited.

Heated air welding(using a hot air gun and plastic additive) less effective method, usually they are cooked not heavily loaded plastic parts. The service life after soldering is from 1 month (depending on the load). Due to overheating of the repaired area, this method is not as durable as the extrusion method, but its definite advantage is its lower cost.

Professional restoration of a plastic tank is carried out in as soon as possible, if necessary, with a specialist welder visiting the work site. Water tanks, fuel tanks, plastic expansion tanks, vertical tanks, storage tanks, large-volume plastic containers, as well as containers for reagents and other chemical compounds.

Most modern cars, tractors, and construction equipment are equipped with plastic fuel tanks, which, for a number of reasons, pierce, crack, and break. The cost of gas tanks is quite high, plus ordering and delivery of the product may take long time, the price of work allows you to avoid high costs and restore a damaged gas tank with minimal losses. Soldering fuel tanks takes about an hour of your time. An example of welding a fuel tank is the repair of the gas tank of a JCB excavator, shown in the first photo, the tank was pierced by iron fittings, after restoration, the properties and shape of the gas tank remained the same, the equipment works smoothly.

To weld a gas tank (fuel tank), the customer must provide certain conditions - the tank must be drained, dried of fuel (open the neck and other outlets for several hours, during transportation keep it open to allow gasoline or diesel fuel vapors to escape). We carry out soldering of gas tanks for trucks and passenger cars, snowmobiles, tractors, trucks, buses, truck cranes and other special equipment.

Independent restoration of polyethylene fuel tanks is impossible, if you are looking for something to seal a plastic container with, don’t try, there is simply no glue for polyethylene and polypropylene, and manufacturers who claim that glue or sealant can seal a crack in these materials are lying. Polyethylene or polypropylene can only be repaired by welding; if you need a guarantee and tightness of fuel tanks, then it can be achieved exclusively by extrusion welding. There are no special conditions for soldering a plastic water tank; it must be dry. Are you wondering how to seal a plastic tank? - take your time! Due to a number of their properties, polyethylene and polypropylene containers do not stick together, sealants, glue and epoxy resins will not help you solve this problem, and deterioration in surface quality due to unprofessional repairs can increase the cost of subsequent work to restore the product (see photo 3).

A plastic fuel tank is repaired by welding polymers using a welding extruder. Modern plastic containers are made from high-quality polymer raw materials. Welding technology allows us to repair containers and gas tanks made from almost all types of raw materials. Typically, polyethylene is used as the basis for polymer containers; it is known for its resistance to fuel and chemicals, as well as to shock and external loads. Polyethylene containers are distinguished by their durability in use, storage of food products in polymer containers and drinking water safe for human body, this is due to the fact that polyethylene does not emit toxic substances and practically does not decompose. Due to the unique chemical and mechanical properties of polyethylene and polypropylene, many manufacturers of agricultural, construction and special equipment have adopted polymer capacitive equipment to replace outdated metal equipment.

Buckets, basins, barrels and other household equipment are made of plastic. This material is practical, easy to use, but short-lived.

Any fall or mechanical impact may lead to cracks. And the container that allows water to pass through becomes useless. But seal a plastic water container It is quite possible that it will serve properly for some time.

It is quite possible to seal a plastic barrel at home. Let's consider two options for how to eliminate gaps in plastic barrels and other containers.

Option 1

To work you will need following materials and tools:

  • stainless steel mesh (you can take aluminum or copper),
  • scissors,
  • soldering iron 100 watt.

Operating procedure:

  1. Cut off a piece of mesh with scissors.
  2. We fix the mesh at the site of damage to the depth of the mesh thickness.
  3. Align it along the seam, moving along the entire plane. At the same time, we solder the mesh in parallel with a soldering iron, hold the free edge with a knife, and immediately after soldering we cool it with a heat exchanger (knife) - this important rule so that the mesh does not bristle.
  4. Using this method, we insert the entire mesh into the seam.
  5. At the end of the work, the seam is completely sealed and reinforced, which gives it strength.
  6. We repeat the procedure with reverse side containers.


Option 2

If you need to repair a container whose water is under pressure, you can resort to another method.

To work you will need:

  • patch made of flexible plastic,
  • construction hair dryer,
  • protective gloves.

Operating procedure:

  1. We wipe the damaged area and remove dirt.
  2. We start heating with a hairdryer at low power so as not to burn a hole or a defective area.
  3. We heat the patch with a hairdryer on the side that will be adjacent to the crack. We are already heating at a higher power.
  4. Apply the patch to the damaged area and continue heating it with a hairdryer, adding more power. You must wear protective gloves on your hands to avoid getting burned. It is important not to overheat the surface.
  5. Smooth the patch with your fingers and wait for it to cool. We pour water and check the quality of work.

Final sealing and smoothing of irregularities on the repaired plastic tank
The first method has proven to be the most effective in practice. The second one is more suitable as a temporary measure.

How to seal a plastic tank or water barrel - choosing an epoxy discount

If the defect is plastic container small, you can use epoxy glue. Two-component epoxy adhesive will help effectively solve the problem of a leaky plastic tank.

It is characterized by increased resistance to moisture and chemicals, polymerizes in just 1 hour, non-flammable.

Needs to be cut required quantity glue, knead clean hands until a homogeneous mass is obtained, fashion a cone out of it and insert it into the hole in the tank. Fix securely for a few minutes.

Then you need to wait 2 hours, after which the container can be used.

Features of epoxy adhesive “Contact”:

  • restores the shape of products and also hermetically fills voids,
  • is not afraid not only of water, but also of oils, solvents,
  • the repaired tank can be used at temperatures from -40C to +150C,
  • within 3-5 minutes the glue can be corrected, and after an hour it can be cleaned, ground and subjected to other mechanical stress,
  • The glue is sold ready for use.

Price of this composition from 150 rubles per package of 50 g.

They also have similar properties adhesives "General Purpos Permapoxy PERMATEX"(from 314 rubles for 25 ml) and “Plastic Weld Permapoxy PERMATEX” (from 320 rubles for 25 ml).

Buy epoxy adhesives Available at most hardware stores, as well as online.

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