Managing your own attention.

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Attention management - in the book I described examples in which you can clearly see that everything in our life is built on attention. Thanks to attention, people fall in love, get sick and recover. Attention is used in everything. Your life depends on your attention. After all, attention is you.

Chapter 1 | Attention Management

The focus is on this book.

The whole world is arranged thanks to attention. Knowing the formula of "attention management", you can afford everything! Manage yourself first. People management. World Management.

If you know how to manage your attention, then of course you immediately gain freedom! Because your attention ... (and attention is you) - will be disconnected from the system! From society! From Matrix!

This is the state to which each of us aspires. Life has been leading us for many centuries to ensure that you all know this! For you will become God. You will be a motivator for the whole world!
Each of us from birth, gets acquainted with this attention. After all, attention is everywhere.

While you are reading this, I control your attention, and you will not even notice it if I tell you about it in the forehead!

I'll start a fictional story about our attention. Here I was born. My attention is focused on my body. On my thoughts and what I see and what I hear. To what I feel. All that I have listed are all blocks. But these blocks are still not enough, since I am a child, so I am very sensitive and perceive the World not as adults, but as children who have free attention, who are not completely “closed” yet.

And in my childhood, how attention appeared - I sit, draw, and time flies by so quickly, the whole day has flown by, and the feeling, as if I was drawing, is five minutes. So it can be for any occupation, if I am a child, then I completely immerse myself in it. That is, all my attention is going to one point, that is, it is focused on one goal.

Also, while I am small, and I have no blocks, and so much free attention, I am very sensitive to my relatives, to nature, to everything.

And I - the child needs attention, because all children need attention !!! And the child has already been rewarded with the gift of being able to provoke others so that they pay attention! I am now the same child that I am writing to you about. And I also continue to wish your attention, my beloved readers!

I will try to give you enough examples of my attention and what tricks exist!

So, I'm a child, I feel great, it's easy ... So far, there are no global household units. My attention is free, and where I focus it, I absorb it like a sponge! After all, why do they say that children with early age need to be taught? By the fact that he has free attention! And what is the key to success? - when you collect your attention in one point, and focus on the desired goal. And nothing else exists for you anymore.

God, how I love you all, I'm totally 100% focused on this book right now. I don't feel myself. There are no thoughts. No time. This is the true meditative state that everyone aspires to. But only a few in the world can really do it...
Let's go further. I am a child, if I get a sore, I start crying in order to attract the maximum attention of people, from which the wound heals faster in a child than in an adult. Such are miracles, although everything is science.

Then the system - the society - the matrix, begins to absorb me, a small child !! And I have blocks, thoughts about studying, emotions, swearing, TV, the environment ... It all falls on me. And my attention is all spent on this ... And when I was still a child, I had good dream and so it is with most children ... But in school times, children no longer have a healthy sleep ... After all, there were blocks, blocks are even thoughts in the head ... These thoughts haunt, all attention to these thoughts about studying, about parents, about friends and enemies. And suddenly mommy says to me, - if you can’t fall asleep, then count the sheep, - well, close
open your eyes and imagine how you jumped, then one sheep, then another one after it, and you will fall asleep ...

I'm sure many of you are familiar with this advice about counting sheep! So why did he work? Why does it help in sleep?! Because when I am a child, when I start counting sheep, I focus all my attention on the count ... On the sheep ... On the numbers ... From this, my distracted attention was freed from those blocks (thoughts) ... And from the fact that all attention was freed and focused on one point , then I fell asleep ... because sleep is one of the meditative states ...

I already managed attention at school, but somewhere I didn’t manage it. I'll give you an example. They gave us a verse to learn at school, I studied it for a week and could not learn it, and the girl, a neighbor on the desk, came to the lesson, and did not know that it was necessary to learn the verse, so she took a couple
once read the verse and told.

How did it happen? Yes. Yes. Yes. This is attention! My attention was so clogged with something that I couldn’t tune in to the verse ... Even if I read it a hundred times, I can’t even penetrate and understand
what is he talking about. I am so closed.

I see a similar effect when people watch my video lectures, those who are closed, who have many blocks, and zero attention do not understand my lecture. And if you are reading this book, and you understand what it is about, and you think that it is priceless, then you have a little freedom... Not much of your attention..! Thank you for this, because I release your attention, this is my goal. And now I'm a schoolboy, I'm starting, like all kids, to gradually sink into the darkness of this society. But it happens interesting situation. From my birth, I gradually lost myself, that is, my inner self, that is, my soul, that is, my attention.
And my attention, for example, was blocked by 30% of school everyday life, and 70% was me ... what remained ... and more and more closed every day.

And in my, let's say, in my 12 years, an event occurs, this event is positive, but it is so serious that all my attention began to separate from the blocks and began to gather at one point! From what, something happened in me ... Although I just opened up a little!

Chapter 2 | Attention Management

A couple of years passed and during this time I closed again, as much as 50%. And suddenly I have an emergency in my life, from which all my attention was separated from the blocks, and I freed up some percentage of my attention.

I feel you do not understand what I am trying to explain to you. Remember about the sheep wrote?! Assembling yourself into one point! This is what happens in life even in serious situations! Op, emotional stress, attack on me, op - and after that I became different.
I began to look and feel at everything differently, etc. Why? So because my attention was disconnected from the system ...
After all, if you analyze it, then a lot of brilliant people had an unusual fate. Why? Because they are only thanks to those stressful situations opened ... (freed their attention).

Why are almost all brilliant people considered schizophrenics?

Because they are not in the system like everyone else… Their attention was free for a certain percentage… this is what made them different and were brilliant!! Because of this, they looked at the World in a completely different way, and not like the mass of people who are enslaved by the system ...

So, back to the story about me baby. As a child, due to life circumstances, I opened a little, then, on the contrary, closed.

And then I fell in love at the age of 15. This one was the most real love. And what happened - the girl paid me such natural attention that all my attention was separated from the system ... and everything gathered at one point ... There was no understanding of time, nothing bothered me around ... There were no thoughts at all. In addition, I felt all of her and so did she me. I read her mind as if I were her. From this life situation I was very open when she appeared, and also when she disappeared. After that, I began to look at the World differently ... At everything around ... I felt people so strongly that as soon as I thought about someone, I immediately felt everything that he felt. I felt very bad about it, I felt the sores of everyone, and also felt the emotions of people, thanks to which I read their thoughts.

The explanation for all this is attention management.
100% - closed person
10% - open

The first sign (when a person has free attention by 10%, then he is free by 10%, therefore this is he real. And then such a person begins to have something that will not manifest itself in 100% closed person… Interest in such things begins to show - who am I? Where I am? Why am I? Etc. A closed person who is in the system will never show interest to think about such issues)

20% - open

The first sign (so there is even more attention, then the person becomes more insightful ... More sensitive ... It feels like you see through people. These are stupid scientists who don’t know anything, they call it empathy)

30% - open

The first sign (such people are already faced with a choice! - where to go with such talents! Or not to tell everyone about it and go into business and politics, or call yourself a psychic. This is such a level when a person does not yet know who he is, where he is and why, and begins to think about how to present himself to people and is looking for a place in the system)

99% open

What I will write to you, because 99% is me. So I will write about myself. I'm no longer human. But like a computer. Like a calculator that solves any problem of life, sees all the formulas.

The miscalculation and analysis of everything is maximum. There are no emotions and feelings, no thoughts, everything is under complete control, every gesture and every word. Every action. There are no mistakes. There is no understanding of time at all, everything is one endless day.

Chapter 3 | Attention Management

I will now continue the story about how I experienced love, and how I opened up ...

I just focused my attention on a person, from the fact that there were almost no blocks, I could feel a person, energy and much more.

Then, when I let go of my love, what happened ... What happens to everyone who loved! It feels like you don't want to live... Why is that? Because attention was focused on her, and bam and the connection was interrupted ... And then what? It was like you weren't a part of you was gone... So just I was open and my attention was unstuck from outside world and focused only on her!! And therefore, when the connection was interrupted, it’s as if you were turned off and you are alone, no one is nothing ... And now you urgently need to put your attention somewhere, and I directed it to music ... And to creativity ...

Attention is present everywhere, for this purpose this material labyrinth was created for us.

If everyone wants to know how I differed from others in my childhood, then this is that this material world, it could no longer exert its influence on me, my attention was not hooked on the material labyrinth.

And it turns out that little surprised me, little provoked, little frightened ... And in general this world did not suit me, of course, in my childhood I described all this funny, and said that this world in which I am now, that it is old , everything around is old ... Especially all these rules, principles, stereotypes, etc ...

And already in 2008 I wrote in my diary about the fact that the time for change is coming, that soon everything old will go away, and there will be new ... Of course, I stated this on my own behalf and said that everything will change for me. That is, when people were surprised at how I know everything about the soul, about a person and what is happening in the world and what will happen, I felt it all, I just said what was happening to me, and the future is what I want ...

Chapter 4 | Attention Management

So, the story about my attention will continue, when I left home as a child, it became still much more interesting ... Imagine being separated from everyone external factors, and my attention gathered in one point ...

And as I called it at that time - it opened. From the fact that my attention was concentrated in one point, the perception of everything was very unusual ... Clairvoyance, clairaudience, I also felt all people and even what they think, so did energy ...

He showed a lot of tricks at that time, after which they began to call me an indigo child ... Although I simply said that I was real ...

All the people who appeared in my life, they separated me from all external factors ... And all his attention was on me, and mine on him. From this, people felt strange, of course, everyone perceived it differently ... Someone felt love, and someone seemed to fall into another world, into my world ... Of course, everything I write is all my memories and the distant past, now everything is completely different .

Then I did not know how to control it, and did not know what it really was, and called it funny words… This is meditation, which you all heard about, but only a few really experienced… After all, what is meditation, when a person turns off his attention from everything, even from his thoughts… But people know everything, the formula of attention… Therefore, they they do what they read somewhere and do it dryly, not knowing the basics and chasing only sensations ... People are used to the fact that if there are sensations, then everything works out ... You don’t have it at all ...

Of course, there are a lot of people who have come across practices like meditation, lucid dreaming, and astral travel ... After all, the essence is the same, the focus is on one point. Of course, you are ready to argue with me and say that meditation and astral and dreams are different things! But no! It's the same thing, it's just that you perceive the process of focusing attention in different ways, to the extent of your development. Someone makes a technique, and he needs something
it seems that he is traveling, although this is just imagination and nothing more ... And someone just feels sensations in the body ... Someone falls asleep and dreams and controls himself there ... Although this is nothing ... It's just a certain level on which you are ... If you bring an example in practice, how to check how much you are open or closed, then you need to stay in the room in complete silence and darkness in the evening, it is advisable to do this at night, and sit on a chair! Take off all things that can distract you, watches, hats, piercings, glasses, etc. Here you sit on a chair and sit on a chair with your eyes closed silently for 2 hours!

After two hours, you take a notebook and write down everything that happened to you ... And try to do this every day before bed for a week.

Of course, you must understand that the more open a person is, the easier it is for him to sit for 2 hours. And those who have a lot of blocks, they will be furious and annoyed ... A lot of leftist thoughts will also arise ... Also, those people who have some kind of addiction, it will worsen. That is, a person after two hours will really want to close himself, because it is natural for him open state not usual! And the person will immediately start smoking, or drinking, or
is, or to call someone, will try to somehow ground himself, that is, again scatter his attention to this society!

Chapter 5 | Attention Management

Now I'm flying on an airplane, and my attention is concentrated in one point, I don't know where I am now and what time it is and what is happening. I am completely with you.

Also pay your attention that my image and my books are a tool to gather your attention to one point ... And you feel very strange now while you are
in the world of my book...

How I came to it ... I was just in a state of depression, that is, my attention was separated from external factors, and I listened to music, and I was so threatened by it that I began to feel strange sensations in the head area where the crown was, then I felt it all over my body and then just left. ”He went somewhere, then ... He stopped feeling the body, zero thoughts, just a white light, and there is no time ... I was there all night, although I felt
5–7 minutes.

After that, my consciousness changed a lot and the perception of everything that surrounds me ...

But this is just focusing on one point! So depression played a big role in this, and music, because I focused all my attention on music, and under it I went into space, as I called it as a child!

Now my growth makes itself felt, as everything is now scientific with examples and facts! And there are no miracles!

So, I felt the same energy between the palms, density ... Then I could also convey these sensations to people, I also treated my loved ones. It was just a focus of attention and nothing more! And there is no energy at all! And you will come to this in the future, but now don’t waste your time and attention on this… for you, there is energy and meditations, etc. For now, only attention remains for me, and attention is me… This is liberation…

As a child, I wrote in my book “Answer” that I appeared in the lives of those people who recently had an emergency, and I appeared to help them.

Now there is an explanation for this! Indeed, thanks to stress, people opened up, their attention became greater, and they got to another level, to my world. Well, I greeted them hospitably).

After all, notice and about anglicize. After all, in your world in which you live, and everyone has his own, you have your own worldview there, your own rules of life, your own people, etc. ... And I have my own ... And we don’t stop at all, only if I don’t come to you I'll go down...

Therefore, in order to be among you, I ground my attention ... To communicate with you ...
About hell and heaven...

Hell and Heaven are here!! On the Earth!! It’s just that someone is not well developed, someone doesn’t have free attention at all, and he lives among the violence of the poor, etc. and believes that the world is terrible and everyone is terrible, and even if he sees me and my book, he will say that it’s all terrible ...

Although I won’t even cross paths with him if I don’t go down to visit him ...

And when you are almost in paradise, then everything is completely different ... A completely different worldview, a completely different motivation, a completely different environment ... There is no fear, no death, no poor, no state of emergency and tragedy
diy… You live and create… You are the creator… And it already exists!!! Already!!! So if you are waiting for something global in the material world, as films were imposed on you, then you will not wait for this !! Everything is here and now... Of course, there are changes in the material world, but only for the purpose of developing you, kicking you, storming the creation, in order to unstick your attention from the material labyrinth at the nipples!!

Of course, each of you is now at your own level, but you must understand that esotericism, psychics, etc. This is the same as when everyone thought that the earth was “flat”!

But the life of each of you will lead to what we are all going to ... I am now giving you only one formula "attention management", but you must understand that there are many formulas. The goal, of course, is attention.

The material world is a labyrinth for attention! (To set him free)

Chapter 6 | Attention Management

But there is also your tight self, in addition to attention, This is a mask, principles, stereotypes blocks.

I'll draw it for you now and you will all understand what I mean. 30% is not knowledge, thanks to which the system kicks you and builds life circumstances, 30% is all yours
fears, blocks, principles, stereotypes! This is what you have to go through, what you have to realize!

70% is you! This is your attention! This is openness! This is philosophy! This is wisdom! This is your attention! Free!! Thanks to what, you can work miracles ordinary people that are still online. A lot of people make mistakes when they write on the Internet that they are the same as me, or that I was not surprised by anything, etc. When I told them a long time ago that I do not need their advice and their opinion and that they are wrong, they reacted very aggressively to this, like how do I know that they are nothing of themselves.

Although this explanation is simple. People who are already outside the system, and who have free attention, they also live differently. If they were on high level. First, they wouldn't waste their attention on my books and videos...they should already
to be creators and not consumers ... Also, they would not be on the Internet ... And they would go the other way, and they would not be led to provocations ...

Okay, back to my scheme where 30 and 70 percent. I'm in this moment for you I am a kind of life circumstance! And you are lucky, because the system, that is, God, is now
communicates with you without kicking you in order to free your attention, and now through me, according to ...

That's who I am, so you have an idea... I'm a tool. And I'm working for the system... It is now turning you off and making you free... We are going to replace God.

But it will take a long time to write about this... And not now... Until we learn attention...

Attention has its opposite, which is the enemy. If you remember that scheme of mine, then 70% is free attention. And 30% are your blocks, instincts!! animal instincts! when I made a discovery about attention, I came to human instincts!!! This is something that people cannot control... It's like bumps that the material world hits you and controls you!!! And you can’t remove these instincts yourself ... Until you open up !!! What are instincts, I will write about it briefly, in order to understand what is preventing you from living ...

An instinct is when you tell a person not to pay attention to the money that he sees, but he pays anyway, because he did not know this and this material program steals his attention and directs him wherever he wants ... Human instincts do not give you to see me as I am ... You will never even notice how instincts impose on you the perception of me.

This is my age, my appearance, my behavior, etc. from this, your instinct develops your further actions, how you treat me and how to communicate with me, etc ...

Chapter 7 | Attention Management

This book was a game for your attention, that's why everything here is so complicated and crookedly written, and there are so few pages! This is what it is. This is my age, my appearance, my behavior, etc. from this, your instinct develops your further actions, how you treat me and how to communicate with me, etc.

It turns out that I could open you, in no case should I provoke your instincts, not show how I live and with whom I really communicate, etc. you have the instinct of savages and you say that I have been snickering ... Although I have not thought about such material things since I was 15, maybe that’s all there is ...

And it turns out like if I showed myself that I am smart and brilliant and a millionaire, and I allow everything I want ... Then your instinct will begin to set you up for the fact that I am bad !!! And you will wake up, envy, aggression, doubt, etc...

But if I show myself as an unfortunate simple boy, and without help, who cannot even defend himself and answer ... Then of course all people will immediately reach out to me !!! But not consciously! People will assume that this is conscious, although your reaction was developed by instinct !!!

And at the moment I am making this very unusual book ... Knowing your instincts and your attention, I can awaken any sensations in you ... At the beginning of the book, everything is so sweet, and now instinct will show you that now what you are reading, the devil writes who plays you!!! After all, mind you, the word game and money, this is something that many people have not yet known, and the instinct in people from these words will be something unpleasant in you !!!

I'll tell you one thing, I won't coddle people's instincts anymore. I will provoke everyone as much as possible until they kill me!

What difference does it make that I will now write an uncensored expression in a book and say that you are God's creatures, and that everything is in front of your nose! But you want a beautiful cover!!!

I am the keeper of knowledge. And what do you care who gives you this knowledge! So at least I'll dance naked, and send you far and wide! And if you fall for this and decide that I am bad, then you will continue to look for when you will be pleased with beautiful cover!!! But all the truth is hidden behind nonsense, and only a few people are not led by all this and come to me.

This book was a game for your attention, that's why everything here is so complicated and crookedly written, and there are so few pages! This is to get your attention! My book is unique. Therefore, if there is a desire to help me, God's creature, then PR my book in every way possible, print it out and distribute it to everyone, send it to all your friends on the Internet, do not be selfish, you yourself received information, so give it to others! World!!! And I will change your mind so much that you will forget
about everything!

Sincerely, Your great Alexander Korol! And God! 2012, my last year, where I can still snuggle with you!

And then the end.

Chapter 8 | Attention Management

Attention is the most important thing .. attention is you .. let's generalize .. attention is energy and you are and your psyche is ..

If you have a lot of attention .. but due to circumstances .. your lifestyle and circumstances around you have changed .. then some kind of check your attention is freed up .. because there is no example of that friend you spent 10 % of attention .. there is no work that occupied 20% of your attention .. and if you have freed up attention .. then you definitely need to occupy it with something .. and preferably with something useful and correct .. because many people get it this way bad habits and they start drinking or smoking or eating a lot .. in order to burn this extra attention .. extra energy .. calm down their psyche ..

A person may feel bad if he has a lot of attention, but he himself is not active and does not use it in any way.

Different situations in life can "intercept" your attention.
Suppose a person came to me to get a job, then he worries .. worries and his mind turns off .. he is in such a strange "as he thinks .. condition ..
and after that, a person wants to close down .. immediately Calls someone .. or does something familiar to him or just smokes if a person smokes .. and he seems to come to his senses ..
Why does it sit like that? This is the importance of situations..
when a person gets into a situation .. when his attention is turned off from everything, and he is going to one thing .. then the person is not very comfortable .. because there is a lot of attention .. and he does not know how to deal with it ..

You need to get used to when your attention is collected .. you don’t need to run away from it and close yourself .. you just need to accept and use your attention and energy!

Attention must be distributed correctly! And it is also important that attention does not stagnate.
After all, if your attention is always on only one thing .. then your roof will just go "
You need attention and concentration, but also give it a rest .. that is, at the right time you need to resettle it ..
a person starts to get dumb when he sits for many hours on documents and works .. you need to disconnect from papers .. do something so that your attention is disconnected from work for at least half an hour .. so that you just forget that you have things to do ..
To do this, you need to take a work break and watch a stupid movie, call a friend and talk about something, or a bunch of any other household tools can be sampled. And as soon as you disconnected from work, then everything, you can return to work and you will notice that you are looking at everything soberly again, your head is not buzzing, and again it turns out to concentrate!

Chapter 9 | Attention Management

Incandescent attention .. since attention is often considered both psyche and energy ..
That heated attention is when your attention is very strong and long in one situation .. and if you start to such that your psyche is already starting to stagger .. then there will be an emergency ..

Here, if you take life together with a partner or with family or friends .. there are often conflicts because of attention .. this is when there is no one to do anything .. all attention is accumulated in the apartment and at home .. then love begins to create conflicts out of the blue .. because human nature demands it..since you are too long and part together and deprive each other of attention..which makes you wadded..beat around the bush..and you may even notice that when you are can immediately make a bunch affairs and as if sobered up .. and you control everything and you can gather your thoughts ..

And when you are with someone for a long time .. then attention accumulates and you start to go into the fog .. lose control .. your psyche starts to strain .. and of course, if you don’t take action yourself, then everything will happen by itself a little later, when you just break the chain ..

Conclusion .. never be indebted to each other .. you need to take a break .. you need to stay at least one day a week ..

And if, on the contrary, you are a loner .. then you need to go from the opposite .. and whatever it is to extremes and whatever your roof goes, then pay attention to yourself, dilute it with some kind of company .. go somewhere or call someone visit!

That is, if I communicate with someone every day for a week, see each other or live .. then attention steals so much .. that it will not be so easy to write a book .. but if you take it and stay alone for a day, like op, and you come to life ..

But there is also the other way around .. if I’m alone for a week every day with myself and don’t communicate with anyone .. then, too, before taking on some business, it’s better to first dilute your attention with people, and then after a friendly gathering, you can take for business!

Chapter 10 | Attention Management

Your attention is closely related to what level of development you are at .. in what social stratum of society you are .. at what Rhythm are you .. at what frequency are you ..

After all, each of you .. attention sneaks on different things .. because someone walks down the street and pays attention to cars, someone to people .. and to a certain layer of people .. and everyone sees different cars .. and the same colors .. someone walks down the street and does not notice people and cars at all .. but looks at the lights .. someone looks at houses .. someone at the windows in houses .. and someone hears music and listens to himself ”and does not pay attention attention to nothing.

You pay attention to what is familiar to you, but it does not mean that you have known it .. everything that steals attention in general, you have to know it .. until you know it, it will steal your attention ..

How can I explain to you .. look .. because something stole attention in general that you are reading this chapter. And it will steal your attention until you know it .. because if a person doesn’t know something .. then he is interested .. but if he knows it, then that’s it .. it’s just there, but it doesn’t steal attention at all ..
A zombie man is one who does not know anything .. so his attention is scattered on everything that he did not know and everything needs to be known ..
But when you have already learned a lot of things .. not everything of course .. but at least elementary standard human things, then you become freer! You become more aware! After all, now you are doing all this household stuff so that attention has been stolen. And you yourself spend your attention on it as much as you need to do something and get it .. and when you don’t need it, nothing bothers you and doesn’t steal your attention ..
At this stage of development, it is not always good for a person .. someone has known all the everyday life and he is bored with life, and he is aware and does not know what to do because there is no such thing as other people that they are interested in something there .. because for you it is became nonsense! But it's not a dead end! You need to understand that now you need to take the bar higher, something that you have not yet known. And you have everything for this, since you, by nature, freed your attention from the routine of human everyday life ..

So, in order to become conscious, you need to know our external material world! And many people who are in a dead end and do not develop .. cannot recognize this .. and reject everything .. they do not know anything .. from what they have attention .. consciousness .. does not loosen up is not freed ..

Chapter 11 | Attention Management

Let's talk about addiction .. this is the lowest stage, when a person, well, cannot control himself at all .. that is, his attention ..

Let's say .. there are people who often fuss .. often sit on the phone and on the Internet .. always if they are at home, they are engaged in cooking or cleaning, even if it is not necessary ..
Such people themselves will never admit that this is also an addiction .. there are people .. online shopaholics who are always looking for something to buy ..
Suppose I, if I want to buy something, even fully dressed, I do it right away, ha, for some minutes .. since my goal is to buy, get dressed. But for shopaholics .. their task is different .. the task is to burn their energy as much as possible .. their attention .. to the fuss .. how long they choose and cannot choose a product ..

There are people who lose control of themselves and start to glitch when they are in big company.. a person becomes not himself .. and he does not even understand this ..

And in general, fussy people need to be calmed down a little .. and if you are like that .. then the first task:

How to learn at the first stage of cretinism .. control yourself and your attention ..

1. set an alarm to work every hour! And when it rings, you should leave for 7-10 minutes and be left alone. Retire. And do not sit on the phone at this time. And just stand or sit alone with yourself .. squeeze yourself questions. Where are you now, what are you doing now, what are you going to do, how are you feeling.
2. Another thing to do is before you start your day, In the morning, you need 30 minutes without a phone, sit alone on the floor, anywhere, in the bedroom, in the kitchen, on the potty .. in the shower .. just sit doing nothing for 30 minutes, you can think about your day as it starts. You also need to do such solitude for 30 minutes, when, when you need to rebuild from one rhythm to another .. that is, you came angry from work, and reboot yourself for 30 minutes so that you don’t attack your children and your husband ..
3. something you cannot do without, something you depend on.. all this needs to be replaced. It starts to cover you that you want to get into the phone or the Internet or turn on the TV .. or write or call someone again, and you take it and instead go for a run or do push-ups .. or get to know the expander ..
but the most important thing.. what should be done.. that when you have nowhere to pay attention to Lenya.. energy.. since you don’t burn it as before.. it’s better to turn on the song.. for example, the xx groups.. but you need to choose one track and do not change it and turn it on when you hold on so as not to go to smoke or not to go on the Internet ..
if you do this for a month .. every wife without a break .. then this Musical track will be the key for you! A tool, and it will always help you calm down and balance yourself..

Chapter 12 | Attention Management

For me, attention is associated with strength of mind.
When a person’s attention is not scattered like a “sun” .. but collected .. on you and often people imagine .. that he is a person in an energy flow .. as if standing in a waterfall .. this good comparison.. because people are not conscious.. they are like a puddle.. like a lake.. but a person is conscious and with a lot of energy.. he is like a river.. when water.. energy..always flows..

So .. the task is to stop being this lake ..
when you are a river .. when your attention is collected .. then such fortitude lived ”

That is, if you put a big healthy athlete man! And next to him is a little skinny guy.. then if this little skinny guy is strong in spirit, then he will kill this big guy! Because cute is not physical, the main thing is .. if you are strong in Spirit, then you can walk a bunch of kilometers .. and swim through an icy lake and be naked in the cold outside and you won’t get sick !! And if you are weak in spirit .. then it doesn’t matter what kind of spore you are there and that you have been on cereals and vitamins all your life .. take off your scarf hat and kerdyk to you ..

What the hell is this power of the spirit ..
This is sobriety consciousness .. this is your consciousness .. which is always collected .. this is you .. you always feel yourself and do everything consciously .. the mass of people cannot do this! It always does everything automatically without consciousness, so such people may not remember much where they put what and what they did or not ..
Such people do not see 90% real world.. unable to perceive new information and so on .. and in general such people without fate .. out of attention to society on people and everyone looks at each other and repeats .. and you fulfill the norm of your low values ​​..

A person who is with collected attention .. he is conscious .. and now the main thing .. why are there such and such people?

The 1st stage in the development of people is when they are in the system of society .. it is multifaceted .. and the system consists of different social strata of society .. each person belongs to some level ..
all these people are not conscious .. they just live like zombies .. in the distance of such a layer of society their values ​​​​and all people live in an illusion, thanks to which they somehow move .. and do something .. and all their thoughts and desires are not them .. all of them are interesting and fears are not theirs ..
That is, these people for me are not even really people .. but just the same zombies ..
and that's okay! It's not bad! They are not dumb! They are just in the first step! It's like children!

Stage 2 is when you know a certain amount of human life .. money, prelacy, love, care, ego, responsibility, humility, etc.. that’s all .. you become conscious .. and you can’t, like people of society, enjoy all this nonsense .. you are not interested in anything that is interesting to society .. you, as people of society, will no longer have something random that you will meet someone and build relationships and that work will find you .. and there will be crazy interest in everything ..
no!) this will not happen!! Because you are conscious, and you have to choose by yourself. And eat and do it yourself! And there will be no longer those illusions and euphoria and attractions that you are waiting for! No more drunken high school crush! Wake up!
And many suffer suffering who have become conscious .. but they cannot get used to the fact that you need to live no longer according to the rules of society like everyone else .. but that you are now individual and on your own ..
And such a conscious person, he himself must work on his attention .. on his consciousness .. to disperse or concentrate it himself ..

Attention plays a big role in our development and practice. Therefore, the strengthening of our power over attention, its management, carried out through the education of voluntary attention, never loses its relevance.

Here we would like to say a few words about the relationship and interdependence of mastering the control of the attention of other people with the control of one's own attention. Psychologist L. S. Vygotsky at one time put forward and substantiated the position that managing oneself is more difficult than managing other people. Therefore, the transition from managing others to managing oneself, from subordination to self-government, is a higher stage of personal development.

Before moving on to consideration of exercises for training attention and tasks for determining the degree of your attention, we would like to emphasize one important circumstance. Attention is one of the parameters of mental activity that are most difficult to train.

Remember, 3 months is the minimum period during which you will notice some shifts in your attention by doing the attention training exercises. At the same time, you must remember that by improving your attention, learning to manage it, you solve the complex problem of increasing the productivity of many forms of mental and physical activity.

Now let's analyze your attention on the four most important indicators:

Concentration of attention;

Stability of attention;

Switching attention;

The amount of attention.

Concentration of attention

It is known that qualitatively, i.e. accurately, quickly and accurately, any work can be done only if you are as focused and attentive as possible. Otherwise, all efforts may be in vain.

From the course of physics, you are familiar with the example of lenses. So, the sun's rays, collected with a magnifying glass to a point, are able to burn through a sheet of paper or ignite a piece of wood. Likewise, the quality of the work performed, the problem being solved can be significantly improved if we succeed in concentrating our efforts and energy on them.

Strictly speaking, absolute, total attention can exist only for a very short time. Experiments have established that the maximum concentration of attention is possible within 30 seconds, maximum - 90 seconds. After this period, attention is dispersed and it is possible to “collect” it, direct it to the task being solved at the moment only thanks to certain efforts, strong-willed and physical. Thus, the concentration of attention can be defined as an active opposition to its dispersion, dispersal. One of the most important characteristics high intelligence, as we already know, is precisely the clearly expressed ability to concentrate one's attention on the content of the problem under consideration.

Table 5

Test to determine the concentration of attention

Exercise. Determining the concentration of your attention and the possibility of developing this ability. You are offered a table form with 25 lines of numbers (Table 5). For 7 min. it is necessary to find in each row of the table and underline with a line from below all pairs of adjacent numbers, the sum of which is 10. For example:

A. 2 9 1 4 8 7 5 6 3 9 4 6 7 8 83 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 7

Then, gaps or incorrectly marked pairs of numbers are counted. One point is assigned for each mistake. Enter your result by series in the table. 6.

Table 6

The results of the test "Concentration of attention"

The task is performed in three series, with three forms. To do this, on three pieces of paper, rewrite all the numbers and letters from the table. 5 (be careful when doing work). There is a 3-5 minute break between episodes. After the end of each series, you need to write down the number of penalty points in the table. 6. Looking through the table, you should focus on the location of the numbers in the line so as not to miss the desired pair of numbers. Work as soon as possible. Do not go back to double check, it will affect your results. After 7 min. after starting work, stop and start counting passes.

Attention! If the work is not completed, the results are not taken into account.

Key for counting and analyzing results.

In total, there are 149 pairs of numbers in the form, the sum of which is 10. For each mistake - omission or incorrectly marked pair of numbers - one penalty point is assigned.

Table 7

Analysis of the results of the test "Concentration of attention"

Analyze your successes according to the results of the test in Table. 7. This task can also be performed to test the success of developing your ability to concentrate. For the first six months, it is recommended to perform it once a month, then repeat the check after six months, and the results should be stored for comparative analysis.

James Clear

Blogger, entrepreneur.

Concentration: what it is and how it works

Let's start with the most basic: what is concentration of attention? Psychologists define it as the act of directing interest or action toward a single goal. Yes, it sounds boring, but there is a very important idea hidden here.

What is concentration

To focus on one thing, you have to ignore everything else.

Concentration appears only when we say "yes" to one option and "no" to all the others. In other words, the exception is necessary condition for concentration.

What you don't do determines what you can do.

Tim Ferris, writer, public speaker

Of course, staying focused doesn't require an unchanging "no", it's important to say "no" now, in this moment. Later you can do something else, but for now you have to focus your attention on only one thing.

Concentration is the key to productivity. By saying no to any other options, you open up your ability to complete the one remaining task.

Now for the big question: what can you do to focus on the things that matter and ignore the things that don't?

Why can't concentrate

Most people don't have trouble concentrating. They have difficulty making decisions.

We can convince ourselves to focus on the task by removing all distractions from the path. Have you ever had a task that needed to be completed at all costs? You did it because the deadline made the decision for you. Maybe you are, but as soon as the case forces you to make a decision, you act.

Often, instead of making the hard decision and choosing one thing, we convince ourselves that multitasking is better. But this is an inefficient approach, and here's why.

Why multitasking doesn't work

Technically we can do two things at the same time. For example, watching TV and cooking dinner or answering incoming calls during a telephone conversation.

But it is impossible to focus on two things at the same time. You are either watching TV while stirring the pasta in the pot in the background, or you are cooking pasta and the TV becomes background noise. At every single moment of time, you are concentrating on either one or the other.

But no matter what method you use and no matter how serious you are, at some point the concentration disappears. How to stay focused longer? To do this, you need to follow two simple steps.

Measure your results

Mindfulness is often lost due to lack of feedback. Naturally, your brain wants to know if you are achieving your goals.

We all have areas of life that we claim to be very important to us, but that we don't track. This is fundamentally the wrong approach. Only with numbers and full tracking can we do something when we get better or worse.

  • When I started counting how many push-ups I did, I got stronger.
  • When I started to follow the habit of reading 20 pages a day, I read more books.
  • When I wrote down my values, I became more principled.

The tasks that I tracked remained the focus of my attention.

Unfortunately, we often avoid measuring results because we fear the numbers will be unimpressive. Understand that measurement is not for judging yourself. It's simple Feedback, which is necessary to understand at what stage you are now.

Measure to discover, learn, understand. Measure to know yourself better. Measure because it will help you focus on the things that matter to you.

Value progress, not results

The second thing you can do to keep your attention longer is to focus on the process, not the events. Too often we think of success as something that can be achieved and completed.

Here are some examples.

  • Many people think of health as an event ("If I can lose 10 kilos, I'll be in great shape").
  • Many people think of entrepreneurship as an event (“If our business were featured in the New York Times, we would be successful”).
  • Many people think of art as an event (“If my paintings were exhibited in a big gallery, I would become famous”).

These are just a few examples of many where we define success as a single event. But if you look at people who are focused on their goals, you will understand that it is not the events or results that matter, but the concentration on the process itself. These people love what they do.

And the funny thing is, focusing on the process will allow you to enjoy the results anyway.

  • If you want to be a good writer and have a bestseller, that's fine. But the only way to achieve this result is to love writing.
  • If you want the whole world to know about your business, it would be nice to be featured in Forbes magazine. But the only way to achieve this is to love the process of promotion.
  • If you want to be in good shape, you may really need to lose 10 extra pounds. But the only way to achieve this result is to love healthy eating and do exercises.
  • If you want to become much better at anything, you have to love the process itself. You have to fall in love with building the image of a person who is doing business, and not just dreaming about the desired results.

Focusing on goals and results is our natural inclination, but focusing on progress results in the long run.

Life hacks to improve concentration

Even when you are genuinely in love with the process and know how to stay focused on your goals, daily practice can wreak havoc and hurt your mindfulness. Here are a few additional ways increasing concentration.

1. Choose an anchor task

Choose one (and only one) priority for each working day. Although I plan to complete other tasks during the day, my priority is one non-negotiable task that I must complete. I call it the "anchor task".

With a single priority, we start building our lives around that commitment without thinking.

2. Manage your energy, not your time

If a task requires your full attention, schedule it for a specific time of the day when you have the energy for it. For example, I have noticed that my creative energy is highest in the morning. I am awake in the morning, write better, and make better strategic decisions for my business. So I plan all my creative tasks for the morning. And I postpone all other work matters to the second half of the day: meetings, answers to inboxes, phone calls and chats in Skype, analysis and processing of numerical information.

Almost every productivity strategy includes better advice. But time itself is useless if you don't have the energy to complete the task.

3. Never check email in the morning

Concentration is the elimination of all distractions. A Email may be the biggest distraction.

If I don't check email at the beginning of the day, I can make my own daily routine, rather than adjusting to someone else's daily routine.

I understand that many people do not make sense to wait for the second half of the day, but I want to throw you such a challenge. Can you wait until 10 am? Or until 9? Before 8:30? Exact time restrictions don't really matter. The bottom line is that you can make time for yourself in the morning when you can focus on what matters most to you.

4. Leave your phone in another room

5. Work in full screen mode

Every time I run a program on my computer, I use it in full screen mode. If I read an article on the web, the browser takes up the entire screen. If I write notes in Evernote, I use full screen mode. If I'm editing images in Photoshop, the program window is the only thing I can see. I set up the desktop so that the menu bar automatically disappears. When I'm at work, I don't see the time, app icons, and all the other distractions.

It seems a trifle, but in terms of concentration, this is a very important action. If you see an application icon, then from time to time you are tempted to click on it. However, if you remove the visual signal from your field of vision, then the desire to be distracted disappears after a few minutes.

6. Remove all tasks that interfere with your concentration in the morning

I like to do the most important things in the morning, because at this time there is no rush yet. So I moved my first breakfast to noon to free up some extra time in the morning for work rather than cooking.

No matter what strategy you follow, remember that when the world distracts you, all you have to do is stick to one thing. At first, you may not succeed. But you just need to start.

Our attention and our psyche are like a leaf that sways in the wind. We are constantly distracted by gadgets, colleagues, friends, unnecessary thoughts. Our attention belongs to anyone, but not to us. So how do you learn to concentrate on modern world and learn to control your mind. The famous psychiatrist Edward Hallowell wrote the book Don't Distract Me, in which he talks about several tricks.

  1. We get rid of electronic slavery

    In order to be calm and focused, you will have to bring a whole range of things into your life (and, of course, take it out too). And, first of all, you need to minimize the harm from gadgets. The easiest way to do this is to start by keeping a diary where you can keep track of the time you uselessly spend on your gadgets. After you see the big picture, ask yourself:

    • What time of day do I spend the most time on gadgets? Why?
    • How can this time be reduced?

    Another good way stop being distracted by gadgets is to make a list of small things that you need to do, but your hands do not reach. For example, call your uncle in Syktyvkar, tidy up the closet, read a book that has been waiting in the wings for several months.

  2. Add sports

    Without a good physical tone, you will not shine the ability to be concentrated. It is not necessary to immediately start going to the gym. It is enough just to take walks for at least half an hour a day. Find a friend who likes to go out, get a dog, or listen to audiobooks while you do it. In general, think of something to spend at least 30 minutes a day in the fresh air.

    By the way, remember that combining business with pleasure is a new trend. Many businessmen meet and discuss their business while walking or jogging together. Keep up with the mighty of the world this.

  3. Meditate

    It has been proven that regular meditation improves many psychological functions. In addition, meditation helps increase the amount of gray matter in the brain and improves leadership skills. Many believe that in order to start meditating, you need to learn some special techniques and techniques. This is wrong.

    You just need to find a quiet room, a net on a sofa or chair, close your eyes and calm down. Now just breathe. Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. Concentrate on your breath, let thoughts flow calmly past you. Even if you meditate twice a day for 3-5 minutes, you will not only improve your concentration, but your blood pressure will decrease.

  4. Forget about multitasking

    Scientists have repeatedly proven that multitasking is a myth. Of course, if you are talking on the phone with an uninteresting interlocutor and at the same time ironing a shirt, then perhaps you can combine these two things. But if you're on the phone with a smart person and you're trying to compile your annual report, you're unlikely to succeed without sacrificing the quality of those two activities.

    Our brain cannot instantly switch from one activity to another. For this, he needs time. So the easiest way to get things done as quickly as possible is to do things in sequence.

  5. Unload your brain

    If something constantly disturbs you, then, for sure, this will prevent you from managing your attention and your psyche. Take a piece of paper and a pen and throw out everything that you have accumulated. Write down everything that worries you, and then divide the list into two parts. In one part, let there be things that you can influence, and in the other, let there be things and events that do not depend on you.

    Start dealing with the cases from the first list immediately, and just let go of the cases from the second list, and let the Universe “resolve” them.

  6. Don't worry alone

    If you are very worried about something, then do not worry alone. Find people who can listen to you and help you. If you stew in your problems for a long time, then they can turn into a real nightmare. When the other person listens to you, you become more calm.

  7. Add Structures to Everything

    When there is structure in our lives, we become more focused. Here are a few variations of the structure that Edward gives: “A diary with a schedule of meetings; closed door; opened door; routine written in verse; turning off the device; rest day; grammar; alarm; code of laws; egg timer, standing next to with your computer.

In general, any order is good example structures. So it’s quite possible to start with just cleaning the room and at the desk.

Being determines consciousness. And consciousness directs attention. It turns out that where you direct your attention ultimately depends on who you are and what is in this life. Agree, a sufficient argument in order to master the basics of attention management.

Many people think that attention is like the weather: it cannot be controlled. But it's not. Our today's article is devoted to the basics of attention management.

What is attention

Attention is the focus of consciousness on an object that has a stable or situational value for the individual.

We hear about attention every day, but do not think about the essence of this concept. This is a whole selection system that helps us filter out unnecessary information and perceive what is needed. Psychologists distinguish different types attention and classify its properties.

The opposite of attention is distraction.

Types and properties of attention

Types of attention:

  1. External. Aimed at the environment.
  2. Internal. Focused on a person's own emotions and experiences.
  3. Involuntary. Helps to survive from prehistoric times. Rustles in the apartment at night, suspicious sounds and smells we notice all this through involuntary attention.
  4. Arbitrary. Attention, which we direct by an effort of will. For example, reading a book about quantum mechanics.
  5. Post-voluntary. Let's say you're tense and focused on something. IN certain moment voluntary attention becomes arbitrary. This means that you no longer need to hold it by force.
There are three things that will always attract attention: food, danger and sex. And it's completely natural. For example, people always look at car crashes. The thing is that the brain on a subconscious level pays attention to things directly related to survival.

Attention properties:

  • concentration, direction, stability. Attention is heterogeneous, its level is constantly changing;
  • volume. Attention has volume - this means that several objects can be in the field of attention at once. For an adult, the normal attention span is 4-6 objects;
  • switchability. Every 20 minutes (approximately, each person has his own characteristics), attention switches to a new object.

Attention can be controlled

How to manage your attention

Let's be clear. If you know how to manage attention, then you are unlikely to read this. Most likely, you are more familiar with the following situation.

You need to do a term paper, you cheerfully write an introduction, then you accidentally remember about cats on the Internet and you become interested. Suddenly you are already on Wikipedia. As a result, you finish at three in the morning on the topic "Caribbean crisis", and the kursach, as he was not ready, is. But it was worth it not to be distracted. In words it is easy, but if you try, you can do it in practice.

Attention is one of the parameters of the activity of the psyche, which is the most difficult to train.

  1. You need to be able to consciously catch the moment when attention wants to switch.
  2. Ask yourself if you really need to switch to something else right now. The key word is "need".
  3. If not, then with an effort of will, hold your attention.
  4. At the end, when the job is done, reward yourself with something nice.

Here is an example:

Imagine that you are doing what you love. Of course, write coursework.

Attention! For our readers, there is now a 10% discount on .

Suddenly the thought slipped through: "Let me better see what's new on facebook?" At this moment, you need to catch yourself on this thought and answer the question: "Do I need it?"

If you've been writing for a good 40 minutes, then it really makes sense to switch, relax and take a break. Well, if only one word is written, then pull yourself together and continue. For example, until you write a paragraph section or a page. It will take some effort, so go and have some candy at the end.

The ability to manage attention and concentrate helps to successfully cope with tasks in crisis situations and under stress.

What else will help you concentrate? Healthy sleep, meditation and comfortable conditions. Lack of sleep, noise and general dissatisfaction are detrimental to attention. Breaks between couples were also invented not in vain. Attention needs time to rest. Therefore, do not force yourself to work for hours without a break.

Hypnotoad - knows a lot about attention management

How to control other people's attention

This is a slightly different area of ​​expertise. To attract and hold the attention of other people, you need to interact with them in a special way. There are ways to keep your attention. You don't have to be a psychology professor to know these tricks:

  • eye contact. When you look at someone, especially intently, it is sure to attract attention. True, here you need to know the measure. Do not openly stare, otherwise you will be considered a strange subject. But a periodic look into the eyes during a conversation will help to make sure that you are listened to;
  • voice accents. As we have already said, a person’s attention constantly fluctuates and wants to switch to something more interesting. If the speech is similar to a monotonous boo-boo-boo, then the interlocutor will rather begin to get bored and count the crows in the window. You can keep your attention by changing the pace and nature of speech: louder-quieter, faster-slower;
  • pauses in words. Before you say something important, you can deliberately endure a dramatic pause. Waiting will increase the concentration of the interlocutor to the maximum;
  • style. Eccentric behavior and clothing style has always attracted attention. True, this technique is well suited if you are a rock star. But at business meetings and important negotiations, it must be used very carefully.

No one knows how to control attention from birth. So that your attention does not control you, learn to control it, and any course work will take you half the time. And if you want even faster, leave a request in a professional student service.

Here is a great example of attention management.

What else to read