Correct expression of thoughts. How to learn to express your thoughts correctly

Ecology of life. Life hack: Read more various literature: newspapers, magazines. A good option to read our domestic classics, which we were asked to read at school. You need to read slowly, think over each sentence. This will allow you to learn how to correctly build words into sentences and increase your lexicon.

Here are some rules that will help you improve your speech quality:

1) Read more various literature: newspapers magazines. A good option to read our domestic classics, which we were asked to read at school. You need to read slowly, think over each sentence. This will allow you to learn how to correctly build words into sentences and increase your vocabulary.

3) Be sure to follow the pace of speech. Monotonous speech causes an insane feeling of boredom. Pause and certain moments highlight emotions, but not strong ones.

4) Use various metaphors, comparisons, sayings during the conversation. This will greatly enliven your speech. And, of course, humor. To joke, including on yourself, if it is appropriate in this situation, it is useful.

5) In order to train your speech, you need to have a wide range of communication. In its absence, a radio and TV will do. You can try to imitate your favorite TV presenter: repeat his phrases, copy intonations.

6) There is another funny exercise. Take some household item, for example, a frying pan and try to talk about it in a beautiful way for 5 minutes literary language. At first, this process will cause you obvious difficulties, but each time it will become easier. Gradually increase the training time and complicate the topic. These workouts will help you soon learn how to choose the right words and you will be able to talk about this pan for an hour without repeating yourself in phrases.

This will be of interest to you:

Gradually replenishing vocabulary and using all this knowledge in conversation, you will notice that you have gained power over words and now they will serve you.

You need to draw information from everywhere: from books, articles, newspapers. Learn the meaning of unknown words, learn how to pronounce them correctly.

After a few months of such training, you will no longer have problems expressing your thoughts in a conversation. You can easy accessible language to explain the essence of complex things. published

If thought is electricity, and our tongue is a transmitter, then we need strong connecting wires. Without them, thoughts from the brain reach the language with interference, and even prepared speech can turn into a rambling jumble of words.

There is nothing wrong with that, just in some cases it can do harm. Any person evaluates your essence, and one of the criteria is the ability to communicate. Why do we need to scare off the "big shot" once again?

Therefore, in order to always be on top and learn how to correctly express our thoughts, we will immediately consider 3 directions for the development of our speech. We will act comprehensively, because these areas are strongly intertwined.

3 criteria for quality speech:

Quick wording

#1 Practice (fastest and 100% way)

Just as a muscle grows with exercise, so does the speed of formulation increase with practice. And if the muscle can still be pumped up with magic powder or an injection, then speech is no longer possible. And that means you have to put in the effort.

But there is a secret boring practice will only hurt us. Shtrudirovanie dictionaries, saving clippings from newspapers and standing in front of the mirror will only beat off the desire to self-develop. Therefore, it is necessary to take only what will be interesting. And you can try the following:

  • Take any word and define it

    For example, when you stand and wash the dishes, there is not much to do, both hands are busy and all that remains is to think. Just at this time you can practice.

    Oh spoon! A spoon is a voluminous, one-sided-convex object, endowed with the ability to send food to the mouth. Plate. A plate is a flat material body of a rounded shape, which serves as a reservoir of food for a person. And so on in the same way.

    With such foolishness the brain forms a cliché(pattern phrases) and then uses them to talk. He does not have to formulate - you have already done this in advance - he just needs to remember and put it on the tongue.

  • If you read at least a few pages a day, then one page can be read aloud. In this case, the brain will not only see, but also hear beautiful speech. Here again, the memory that forms template blanks works.

  • Start a diary or blog

    You have the same attempt when talking, so this exercise is as close to reality as possible.

  • Speak your actions

    Think of yourself as a cooking show host when you're making a sandwich, or as a driving instructor when you're driving. The more you talk and develop speech speed, the easier it will be for you to express your thoughts later.

  • Don't be afraid of discussion

    In a dispute, not only truth is born, but also the ability to express one's point of view. It's like chess: you analyze your opponent, attack his arguments, bring your own - in general, it turns out to be a good training session.

    Agree that training with a living person is much better workout with a "pear" (in our case, with diary entries). Try to take advantage of any situation, so do not miss the opportunity to participate in the dispute.

#2 Wisdom of all wise men

2 ears - 1 mouth. Listen more, talk less. Talk without thinking - shoot without aiming.

All these aphorisms come down to one thing: before you say something, you need to carefully listen and think over your speech. It's simple math: the less you say, the less likely you are to say something stupid. The more you listen, the you can think better.

After thinking and pulling time, you will be fully equipped:

  • Are you prepared for the interviewer's questions?

  • You do not breed boltology, but briefly and to the point convey information

  • You express your thoughts consistently and it is easier for you to convince a person

In order to do all this, you need to write theses in your head - to determine what you want to say. Then, gradually cover them with sugar - arguments, justifications and answers to possible questions. And in the end, without unnecessary water, express your thoughts, explaining and illustrating if necessary.

#3 Crib

In some situations, thoughts do not fit on their own, so you must have a plan "B". That is, when you feel that you have lost the thread or gone off topic, you need to smoothly jump off the conversation or switch to an abstract subject.

To do this, you need prepared phrases. You can come up with them yourself, or you can take from the list below:

  • “Fuh, I've worked so hard that porridge is in my head. Let me tell you later…”(Honestly admit that you are talking nonsense)

  • “Well, this is the story, I don’t remember everything. You better tell me how Vovka is there.(Switch to the interlocutor, and then ask questions)

  • “Oh, look what car drove by, I heard from her…..”(Quickly switch to surroundings to come back and summarize)

  • "Well, it's all empty. Let's talk business..."(Reduce everything to stupidity and focus on another topic)

These are the simplest and universal options. To evade the conversation is not so noticeable, you can come up with versions for your environment.

Vocabulary and variety

To build a house, you need bricks. In order to formulate and correctly express your thoughts, you need words. Below we will consider methods for replenishing vocabulary.

#1 Food is obtained by hunting

The simplest and most obvious option is. And it's true: if you want to speak beautifully, you need to love literature.

But! Us rarely useful beautiful literary words . Much more important are ligaments, transitions and turns of speech. Therefore, you can read completely different books, the main thing is that you like them.

If you love the classics, the letters of great people will help well. In them they communicate with their contemporaries and some expressions can be borrowed for themselves.

Another option is to watch lectures. They are good colloquial style and having a narrator. Imperceptibly, you will adopt his manners: competently place accents, pause and use bright comparative turns.

Choose the field of activity you are interested in and a worthy speaker. In this case, you will chase two birds with one stone at the same time: you will improve your knowledge and learn to express your thoughts.

#2 Exercise Game

Write down the word and choose synonyms for it. You can do this in your mind, or you can arrange competitions between your family. In any case, no one will lose and only improve erudition.

#3 Environment

To learn how to express your thoughts and replenish your vocabulary, you need to immerse yourself in the appropriate society. Can this be done in real life and possibly on the Internet. For example, try to watch speeches by speakers (as a TED option), video lectures, webinars. The key is to do it consistently. so that the "wave of vernacular" does not absorb the rudiments of intellectuality

#4 Memory Development

Vocabulary requires a good memory. The catch is that it is quite difficult to train it on purpose and it will take a lot of time. Therefore, we consider memory as coming phenomenon.

What is the point? Not a memory needs to be improved for memorization, and memorize, to improve memory. Do not try to specifically “inflate the brain”, but try to fill it with useful information so that it inflates itself.

That is, if you want to remember a word, you must use it in speech as often as possible and the result will be an improvement in memory. The more words you learn and apply, the easier it will be to remember the rest.

Expressiveness and confidence

It is impossible to beautifully express your thought, languidly wagging your tongue. Just remember: at least once have you admired a person who is insecure and mumbling under his breath?

#1. During a conversation, do not concentrate on yourself, do not think about appearance. Focus on what you want to say.

Visualize the object, savor your knowledge. At first, you will have to make efforts to hold thoughts, but then it will be automatic.

With this method, you will reduce the level of excitement and fully invest in the conversation. The brain can only hold one thought at a time., and when you forget about the opportunity to make a reservation or blunt, the words will pour themselves. This happens because the brain focuses entirely on the conversation, which means it picks up offers faster.

#2 Voice recorder / camera

Record your speech on electronic media to listen to her from the outside. First - the voice will seem unfamiliar, second - you will immediately hear your shortcomings.

It can be:

  • Long pauses

  • A lot of "water" in the conversation

  • Once you recognize the problem, it will be easier to deal with it. You will know what to focus on Don't try to improve everything at once.

    #3 Feel the mood

    • Say goodbye if the person wants to leave

    • Change the subject if the person is bored

    • Show knowledge if there is an important person in front of you

    Be on the same wavelength with a person so that he remembers you as a pleasant conversationalist. Among annoying and boring storytellers, you will stand out.

    #4 Don't try to please

    The best confidence is not being afraid to be real. You will only harm communication if you bend and flatter.

    Naturalness inspires confidence. The simpler and more relaxed you treat yourself, the faster you will join the conversation. And the easier it will be for you to express the desired thought.

    #5 Magnetism

    Your speech should attract attention in every way. Somewhere you need to stop, somewhere turn up the volume, somewhere insert a digression. Do not let the person fall asleep, let him feel your story.

    Here are a few quick ways beautify the conversation:

    • Actively gesticulate

    • Turn on facial expressions

    • Insert jokes or stories

    • Make accents

    • Break your speech into small paragraphs

    Most importantly, don't be shy! If emotion comes from within then you will only win. This will show your honesty and openness, which will play into your hands in the future.

    #6 And finally

    You can't learn to ride a bike without falling. Don't be afraid to make mistakes and don't focus on failures. The interlocutor has his own problems, and he doesn't care about your spans.

    A person will either understand you or smile. But in any case, he will forget about it in 5 minutes.


    Learning to express your thoughts is actually easier than it seems. Everything comes with a strong desire and performance. The main thing to remember: A chain cannot be stronger than its weakest link

    Be able to express your thoughts correctly is a skill that most of us have to master. In fact, at school they constantly tried to teach us this skill: do you remember what your homework was - to learn and retell a paragraph in the lesson? But it is clear that somehow we were taught wrong, if not everyone manages not only to retell the information they read or heard, but also to correctly express their thoughts. Clear and crisp.

    If you do not fully understand whether you manage to say what you want to others in a competent language, test yourself: see how other people perceive your speech, or record your speech on a voice recorder and then listen to it. Both tests will give an absolutely correct picture: do you need to train your speaking skills further, or will you realize that the result satisfied you.

    Yes, the ability to express your thoughts competently is a skill that must be trained. You must have met in your life interesting people whose speech was illiterate, uninteresting and boring. As a result, the impression of a person deteriorated, which, in fact, could happen in relation to you. Learning to speak in such a way that speech is competent, beautiful and convincing is not an easy task. Some people are given this gift by nature, while others have been trying to master this skill all their lives.

    Are you also familiar with this situation? Or another example: many people express their thoughts better in writing than in conversation. The ability to delete, correct bad places, and having time to think about a proposal makes this skill more accessible to many than engaging in dialogue or owning a monologue. But realizing that ours directly depends on this skill, we have to learn the secrets of the masters in order to learn how to correctly express our thoughts and reach a qualitatively new level of communication and interaction with other people.

    So, let's outline an important problem, because of which we may want to learn how to correctly formulate our thoughts.

    misunderstanding between people

    The ability to communicate is the ability of a person to express his thoughts. Analyze your communication with your surroundings. Do you often quarrel? Friends and relatives don't understand you? You cannot convey main idea at a presentation or in a conversation with the boss? It's time to change the situation, because the reason is not what you say, but how you say it. It's time to become a person who makes a favorable impression.

    All recommendations are practical and will definitely help you. learn how to express your thoughts. You need to understand that you should not expect a quick result, but the process is so interesting that from the very first days you will begin to notice the changes that will occur. The most important thing that you need to really want and achieve is the desire to communicate on an equal footing with a large circle of people and be an interesting interlocutor for them. Your life will sparkle with new colors!

    comments 33

      We had such a subject at the institute - rhetoric, which teaches how to correctly build a sentence, memorize other people's statements, take over the audience with the help of a “word”. The ability to speak gives confidence in life, communication, work ... For those who want to comprehend the art of oratory, I can recommend rhetoric courses. Expressing your thoughts competently is a truly valuable skill.

    1. Interesting article Elena! I know for sure that you can learn to speak coherently and not be afraid of the audience. Multiple experience in public speaking best school. Advice with a voice recorder is cool, it really helps to hear yourself from the outside, be horrified and start working on yourself).

    2. Good afternoon
      I seem to know a lot of words, but when I start talking with my opponent, my vocabulary ends abruptly))), I can’t find the words, it’s like I know what I want to say in my head, but I can’t get it with my tongue, I start to get nervous, I start to twitch and in the end I look like a person who cannot connect two words (((.
      All this affects my self-esteem, I begin to consider myself a loser, stupid (((
      At the moment I'm looking for a job, they invite me for an interview and I think I look insecure and notorious there.
      Please advise what should I do?

    3. Hello! I write stories and poems very well, but after giving birth I was short-circuited, I can’t connect two words, even with friends I communicate with pauses, I try to remember the middle of a sentence, it’s generally some kind of brake, because of such a stupor, the birth has passed okay, or have I completely switched into the role of a mother, and my thoughts won't gather in any way? I don’t understand anything, I always communicated well with everyone! (

      Hello! I am 23 years old, I used to be sociable, I was in the center of attention in the company, I always found mutual language with people .. knew what to say and how to react. since childhood I have a problem in speech, stuttering, I didn’t pay attention to it before, everything was fine. a couple of months ago I changed my place of residence, it was very hard to endure the move .. in a new place I sat at home for days, of course, alone, waiting for my boyfriend, he is an officer. I didn’t have enough people, communication, fuss. .and this feeling remains .. I can’t connect two words, I want to run away and hide so that no one sees me .. stuttering has returned again, which does not please me. I began to devote a lot of time to books. but this does not help. me, I’m not feeling myself at ease, I want to get rid of this already, I want to become the former cheerful sociable girl. I’ll try to apply all the methods described in the article, I really hope that it will help ((((

    4. Elena good afternoon! My problem is that I do not know how to express my thoughts correctly. I'm not good at making sentences. When I try to explain something, apart from a huge number of words of parasites (well, damn it, I think, etc.), I can’t give anything away. I reviewed a huge number of different trainings, basically they teach you to be more courageous, they teach you how to present yourself correctly, they teach you to be self-confident. But I did not come across a single training where they taught exactly the formation of sentences, phrases. I have not seen a single training where they teach the correct language, which is spoken, for example, by announcers, news anchors, etc. I also saw such a suggestion-advice for those who want to learn oratory, read more books. But my problem is that I read a lot, but something doesn’t stick in my head. Perhaps this is related to my bad memory. I am a commercial manager in construction company, and when I communicate with clients, I very often lack the right and the right words that will hook the client, interest. Please tell me something that can be done. The only thing I see is to take Dictionary Russian language and learn all the words, but this is not realistic.

    Many are wondering how to learn how to correctly express their thoughts so that the idea in question is understandable to the interlocutor. Problems with the formulation of phrases can arise for each person for various reasons - from lack of concentration or preparedness, impaired diction, lack of sufficient vocabulary. At the same time, the skill of expressing thoughts can be quickly developed by performing simple recommendations and exercise.

    There are several factors that can significantly complicate the understanding of the interlocutor and his perception of words. These include:

    • excessive verbosity;
    • too little information;
    • poor vocabulary;
    • violation of the logic of the story;
    • excessive sarcasm (the interlocutor may not understand the meaning of the ironic remark and interpret it in his own way).

    These points need to be analyzed. This is especially important for people who have difficulty learning how to express their thoughts clearly. Without this, a situation may arise when it becomes simply impossible to reach mutual understanding.

    Components of Literate Speech

    Speech is considered literate and clean if it has the following qualities:

    The pronunciation should be even and confident. Make sure that your breathing is not knocked down.

    Important qualities for the correct formulation of thought

    People may not express their thoughts correctly for a variety of reasons. This is usually due to the fact that the speaker has a limited vocabulary, which is not enough to correctly pronounce the phrase. A person can choose synonyms that are not entirely unambiguous in meaning or use words that do not fit the style of the narrative. Speech variety is a determining factor in order to learn how to correctly express your thoughts in a conversation.

    In its absence, the selection the right word may take the speaker some time. So that there is no awkward long silence, you need to train the speech function. For this it is important to use the following methods(often they are cited in response to the question “how to learn to express your thoughts”):

    1. It is necessary to train the quality of memorizing information. To clearly express your ideas, improve attention, as well as memory, effectively learn poetry, memorize the longest sequences of numbers, learn the lyrics of your favorite songs.
    2. It is necessary to increase the volume of a person's linguistic reserve. Reading fiction can help with this. When a person reads books, he learns to correctly formulate thoughts that can then be spoken (this will help anyone who does not know how to learn to clearly speak phrases that can immediately arouse interest in the interlocutor).
    3. Increasing concentration of attention on a particular thought. It is important to be able to concentrate on what needs to be said - this will help to reproduce the thought aloud without inaccuracies, accidentally spoken words, erroneous expressions.

    It is especially important for the speaker not to lose attention and not weaken it, otherwise he may make mistakes in speech. To understand how to express your thoughts correctly, you need to eliminate the causes of the difficulties that have arisen.

    How to improve concentration

    Concentration management technique own attention not too complicated, but it can be effective topics who cannot find a way for themselves to learn how to express their thoughts beautifully. You need to repeat the following combination:

    • Mentally say the very word on which you want to concentrate several times, for example, "cat."
    • Resort to visualization of the object in question (for example, speaking of a cat, you need to present in detail the details of its image, size, color, coat structure, age, temperament). Mental visualization is a powerful tool for training concentration, which in turn will greatly help you learn how to properly express your thoughts.
    • Represent actions associated with this word, for what and how you want to use it.

    Concentrating in a public or crowded place is much more difficult. During a conversation, extraneous circumstances that do not depend on the speaker may interfere: it may be noisy at the place of conversation or the listener may make a distracting movement.

    Knowing how to maintain attention, as well as not lose the thread of the story, a person will be able to express his thoughts and phrases competently in any situation, regardless of the presence of distractions.

    How to Improve Good Communication Skills

    To speak beautifully at a professional level can be taught in acting classes. In such circles, the skills of correct stage speech, placement of intonational accents, and pure diction are formed.

    How to improve speech quality with poor pronunciation

    If a person wants to learn how to correctly express his thoughts on his own, he can use tongue twisters and special exercises from speech therapists if the problem is poor pronunciation.

    First, tongue twisters need to be spoken clearly, not quickly, so that the sound being trained does not merge with others and does not disappear. Gradually, you can increase the reading speed to work out diction.

    Complex speech therapy exercises includes simple steps aimed at staging sounds, increasing the mobility of the tongue. The following are most commonly used:

    1. To improve the mobility of the tongue during speech, it is recommended to translate the tip of the tongue several times alternately into 4 positions: rest it first on one cheek, then on the other, then move it to the palate and bring the tip of the tongue closer to the root. Exercise increases the activity of the tongue during speech - its correct position must be worked out in order to quickly learn how to correctly express one's thoughts.
    2. You can also sing all the vowels in turn, smoothly moving from one to another. This will improve the quality of the pronunciation of the trained sounds.

    After a short time, a person will improve diction, will speak more clearly. This is the answer to the question “how to learn how to correctly build phrases” if you have problems with pronunciation.

    General Ways to Improve Speech Quality

    There are several general advice, which can help a person learn how to correctly express his thoughts:

    Exists useful exercise which helps you quickly learn how to speak and express your thoughts correctly. Its essence lies in the fact that every day you need to take a simple object (cat, table, house) and literally describe it for several minutes, including means artistic expressiveness, ignoring the vernacular. With each new attempt, the monologue will lengthen and improve. Facial expressions can additionally be controlled in front of a mirror.

    To control changes and shortcomings, you can record speech on a voice recorder - when you listen to what was said again, all inaccuracies will be heard. Structuring the statement helps to express your thoughts beautifully - highlighting the goal and main thoughts in the story. This will allow you not to say minor things, as well as to repeat yourself.

    With a monologue, you need to be confident in yourself - then speech will become cleaner automatically. It is important to express yourself in simple, accessible words so that listeners do not have problems understanding - for this, you need to learn how to correctly express your thoughts.

    You can also start a personal blog on the Internet or just a diary and describe the events there - this will help you learn how to formulate thoughts.

    How to clearly express your thoughts in a letter, on the phone

    The main difference between letters and oral speech is that the content of the message and the speech in it can be thought out in advance. In order to write down a thought clearly and competently from the first time, to effectively use the writer's technique - to imagine that a letter is a book that should be popular and successful. The quality of speech depends on the assessment of the written, and, therefore, its popularity.

    This is especially true when writing work messages. It is often when writing formal messages that people wonder how to learn how to correctly express ideas and proposals.

    It is important to follow the logic of the narrative, without being distracted by lyrical digressions, commenting on what was said and emotions. Each proposal should have its own significance and value, carry useful information explaining the statements in the previous sentences. To check the text for euphony and literacy, you can read it aloud. This is important in order to develop the skills of a clear narrative and understand how to correctly express your thoughts so that the interlocutor does not have problems with interpretation.

    When communicating by phone or Skype, it is also advisable to think over the conversation in advance, structuring the main information by points on a piece of paper - this will help to avoid unnecessary digressions.

    It is important to strike a balance between conciseness and capacity - it is better to say a little, but to cover the subject of the conversation as fully as possible, without missing important details: so it will be easier for the interlocutor to delve into the thought and interpret it correctly. You need to control the situation and ask the interlocutor questions to assess whether he fully understands the thought.

    To correctly express your thoughts, you need to be not only well-read, but also to have good diction, facial expressions, be literate, self-confident. Only then will people perceive speech easily. For the development of literate speech skills, there are specialized courses. Through the implementation simple exercises, reading books and saying tongue twisters can improve communication skills and diction at home. Everyone can learn to express their thoughts well.

    What else to read