The key in the front door lock broke. How to open a door if the key in the lock is broken

Our life is replete with funny incidents, but it is one thing when such an incident causes everyone to laugh and lifts the spirits, and quite another when it turns into serious difficulties. When opening the front or garage door again, you can find yourself in a situation where one part of the key remains in the lock, and the second is in your hands. Usually, as luck would have it, you are in a hurry somewhere, hoping to jump home or into the garage as quickly as possible, grab some thing, in order to run further, but one careless movement and it turns out that there is no point in running.

Having broken the key, the most important thing is not to panic and not do anything stupid so as not to aggravate the situation. There is no need to push the fragment remaining in your hand into the keyhole, pushing the broken part even deeper; it is better to use the advice of experts on how to remove a broken key from a lock, we presented them in this article.

Why does the key break off when opening the lock?

Before considering specific tips for extracting pieces of a key from the secret of a lock, let's determine why such a key breaks. There are actually quite a few reasons for this. Let's define them briefly.

Whatever the reason for the key breakdown, the fact is obvious, it is broken, and something needs to be done about it. Many ways out of the situation have been invented. Lock picking experts kindly shared some secrets on how to remove a broken key from a lock with the least risk of damaging the lock. And we will definitely share this information, but first I would like to talk about how unnecessary it is to act when removing a stuck key.

Myths about the ease of removing a key from a lock

On the Internet you can find many information articles that vying with each other about simple ways removing a piece of key from the lock. In fact, everything is not so simple, because in most cases the key does not just get stuck in the mechanism, it gets jammed there. Moreover, it often jams tightly, and it is not possible to pull it out with superglue, as the authors of some articles suggest to us.

Experts, assessing the method of extracting part of the key using superglue, simply laugh, because this “method,” if I may say so, does not stand up to criticism. Firstly, the glue is not able to “grab” the two fragments well enough for the stuck part to be pulled out. And secondly, most likely the glue-smeared fragment that you push into the lock will smear the inner walls of its hole. And the second part of the key will safely stick to them.

The option with glue is also bad because careless handling of it can lead to chemicals getting into the secret mechanism of the lock, which will inevitably lead to its breakdown. Then you will have to look for a way to clean the lock mechanism from superglue, but why is all this necessary? There is also a mythical proposal on some forums to remove a piece of a key from a keyhole using a wire. I would like to ask the author of the method, has he tried to do a similar trick himself?

Experts say that theoretically, with the help of a thin steel wire, it is possible to remove the stuck part of the key, but this requires skill and this is possible only in a very limited number of cases.

We take out the broken part of the key by disassembling the lock

If the key in the lock is broken, then you need a quick and reliable way remove the broken part from the keyhole, preferably without damaging the lock. Reliable methods exist, but the speed of removing the damaged part will depend on your skill. Perhaps the surest way to solve such a problem is to remove a piece of debris from a disassembled lock.

But there is a problem here, because you need to get into the room and open the door to gain access to the lock body, and this is often inaccessible. Therefore, you can take note of this method, in case you manage to come up with Alternative option entering a closed space.

A self-tapping screw will help you remove the key

You can relatively quickly and efficiently remove a stuck piece of wood from a keyhole using a drill with a thin drill bit and a self-tapping screw. The work ahead is very delicate, worthy of the best jeweler. The task is to use a drill to get into the end of the stuck piece of the key, drill a hole in it and manage to screw a self-tapping screw into it; if you act carefully, this is quite possible.

Do not rush to pull the screw or twist it, trying to remove the fragment right away; it is better to spray WD-40 liquid into the keyhole and carefully shake the stuck part of the key. Only after 5-10 minutes of this “swinging”, you can try to very carefully “fish out” the fragment using pliers.

Let's use pliers

If a piece of key fragment sticks out of the key hole and is large enough to be grabbed with pliers, round nose pliers, or, as a last resort, sharpened tweezers, you should try to remove it using these tools. Again, when doing this, do not repeat the mistakes of thousands of “would-be-masters” who, grabbing a fragment with pliers, pulled it so hard and thoughtlessly that they broke it again, aggravating the problem.

Before you start “operating” the tool, you need to thoroughly lubricate the insides of the keyhole, and wait until the lubricant spreads, getting between the stuck fragment and the walls of the secret mechanism, and only then make attempts to pull out the broken part of the key. Act carefully and the chances of success will be very serious.

Exotic ways to remove a broken key from a lock mechanism

To summarize, we note that there are quite a few unusual ways removal of a broken key from a lock, offered by professionals. Let's consider them too, since they clearly deserve our attention.

A situation can happen to every person when, in the process of closing or opening a lock, the key suddenly breaks and remains inside. Most people don't know how to remove a broken key from a lock, so it becomes a real problem. The situation is really not a pleasant one, but there is no need to panic - if you approach this issue competently and calmly, you can recover the wreckage and avoid any losses. If the case is very severe, then the right approach Only the larva changes, but not the whole castle.

Why do keys break?

There are several reasons why keys break inside an element. The first is worn-out internal lock mechanisms, as well as a worn-out key. Nothing can be done about this - it is natural during operation. Keys also break due to dirt and debris getting into the secret mechanism of the lock. Often various foreign objects penetrate there. Often the key can break if they try to open the lock incorrectly - for example, it is not inserted into the hole completely, or they mistakenly try to open the lock with a different key.

Often a part can get stuck in the lock, and they try to turn it by force, using a handy tool. Naturally, metal breaks under the influence of pliers, hammers or steel pins. And finally, keys can be made from low-quality materials. Manufacturers often save money by using inexpensive raw materials.

Soft methods

So, we have a broken key in the lock and we need to get it out somehow. There are two ways to solve this problem - radical ways and more gentle methods. Often keys break due to dirt - the lock mechanism is literally clogged with debris.

In this case, you can clean the mechanism from dust and also lubricate the lock. Any available lubricants are suitable for this. You can use the popular WD-40, motor oils, silicone, lithol, whatever you have on hand. In extreme cases, it will even do sunflower oil.

It is convenient to lubricate locks with a syringe. The core needs to be washed. You may have to do this more than once until all the dirt comes out. Next, without sudden movements, you need to try to pull the fragment towards yourself with your hands or an improvised tool (for example, pliers).

We use oil

How to remove a broken key from a lock using oil? The mechanism is generously lubricated, and then, using tweezers or pliers, the protruding fragment is easily and safely pulled out. But this is true if there is a part of the key sticking out of the lock that you can grab onto.


This tool is considered one of the most effective and popular for solving such problems. In the process you will not need a whole jigsaw, but only the cutting part. The jigsaw blade must be inserted into the cylinder or core of the lock under the key. Next, carefully turn the tool so that its teeth are at the top. This way you can pick up a piece of the key and, using its contact with the teeth, pull it out of the mechanism.

Self-tapping screws

If you don’t have a jigsaw at hand, you can also use self-tapping screws. They are much easier to find. But this method is only suitable for fairly thick fragments. Using electrical or hand drill A small hole is drilled in the key where it was broken. Then a self-tapping screw is screwed into it. Then, after minor effort, the key can be pulled out.


Here's how to remove a broken key from a lock using the vibration method.

But it is effective only for disk locks. The first step is to lubricate the lock pins and then move them into the same position as the broken key. Then, on the other side, they knock down the lock with a hammer - due to vibrations, a piece of the key may come out. All that remains is to grab it with any suitable tool and pull it out completely.


Experts recommend a tool such as an awl. Locks are different, and the keys to them are different, but in most cases it is still possible to insert two thin awls into the gap between the key fragment and the hole. Then, by rocking, you can remove the stuck piece.


But how to remove a broken key from a lever-type lock? The keys to these elements are usually a cylindrical pin with various bits. You can remove the fragment using a brass or copper tube. The most important thing is the diameter of the tube. It must be suitable. The length is selected based on the part of the key that remains in your hands. The diameter of the tube should be such that it fits onto the lock pin with great difficulty.

By expanding the end of the pipe by heating with any in an accessible way, it is put on the fragment with effort. When the part has cooled down, you can try to remove it from the lock hole.

Neodymium magnets

Today these products have become very popular. They are selling very actively. Of course, efficiency this method small. But the power of the neodymium magnet is quite sufficient to remove the broken key from the cylinder.

What to do with padlocks?

They break down more often than their internal counterparts. This can easily be explained by the fact that the mechanisms are constantly in contact with aggressive external environment. In addition, various vandals and hooligans have access to them. Let's see how you can remove a broken key from a padlock.

The first step is to knock on the lock, but it is important not to touch the handles. Vibrations can cause jammed parts to move again and the key to fall out. You can also sew oil into the slits. Due to this, friction will be reduced, and rust will not interfere with the operation of the mechanism as much. Also, due to lubrication, the springs will be able to straighten if they were compressed. Sometimes corrosion can penetrate into every element of the mechanism and the risk of breaking the key becomes especially high.

You can also dip the lock in a bath with any active chemical. Some use gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene, acetone, weak acid solutions, vinegar essence, Coca-Cola, Sprite. All these substances can affect corrosion products. But you need to remember that it is impossible to get results right away - it takes time. Sometimes the process can last from several hours to a day or more.

In most cases, after exposure to chemicals, such a problem as removing a broken key does not arise. The castle will give up the fragment. But if the mechanism does not want to give in, then you should try heating. If the product is made of stainless steel alloys or plated with nickel, then even an open flame will do. If the part is coated with polymer or painted, it cannot be heated with fire - it must be treated with boiling water.

Acts radically

We considered soft and gentle methods for removing the key fragment. Now let's see how to remove a broken key from a door lock if all else fails. You need to get the key along with the larva. If the door is also open, then everything can be done quickly and accurately. It is enough to unscrew the bolts of the lock at the end and pull it out. If it consists of a block and a base - a cylinder, then the larva is simply released. And to replace it, a new one is purchased for a lock of this type.

Next, the larva can be drilled out with a drill. These products are made of soft and light alloys and will simply fall apart under the influence of drills and drills. Then it is important to completely remove the remaining key fragment and cylinder from the lock. This is convenient to do with screwdrivers or wire hooks. After all this, it is recommended to completely disassemble the lock to thoroughly clean it and replace the cylinder.

Here's how to get a broken key out of a door lock using more barbaric methods. But even if professionals who perform autopsies work, the element will still have to be changed. They use the same tools - drills, screwdrivers and the like.


In order to avoid getting into unpleasant situations when keys break and remain in the locks, it is necessary to take certain actions. The element is thoroughly cleaned at least once a year by rinsing with gasoline or kerosene. You also need to remember to lubricate the locks. silicone lubricants- it will not only reliably protect the metal from corrosion, but will also not collect dust.

A special protective cover can be made over the larva. If the lock begins to jam, it is better to replace it before the key begins to get stuck in it. If the mechanism jams even slightly, this will continue. And then you will have to think about how to get the broken key out of the lock.

Keys must be handled with care. There is no need to use them like a mechanic's tool. Don't slam the door. You can also install a second lock for added security. It is recommended to make duplicates only in trusted workshops.

So, we found out how to get a key piece out of a lock using different methods.

As long as it works well locking device, many people don’t even think about what to do when the key is stuck in the door lock? Getting home becomes problematic, and if at the same time you do not know the phone number of a specialist who would help you, then panic may arise. In this case, we recommend that you study this issue in advance and be, as they say, fully armed.

Of course, this matter requires skill, but even basic knowledge of the reasons for the key getting stuck in the lock can help prevent or solve this problem. Let's look at some practical advice, which may save you from having to break down the door.

Possible reasons for a key getting stuck

Before talking about any specific actions to remove a key stuck in the lock, you need to find out the reason. One of the main reasons why the key could get stuck in the lock is its improper use. In this case we mean:

In addition, the causes of this problem may be:

  • a key that was poorly turned;
  • broken shape of the blank;
  • the lock pins are jammed, blocking the key;
  • door distortion;
  • debris getting into the lock hole;
  • the key broke inside the lock.

The key is jammed in a mortise or rim lock

What should you do if the key is stuck in the door lock and you can’t get it out? Probably only professionals know the answer to this question. The cause of such jamming may be mechanical damage to the lock, and most likely the spring has broken. As a result, the pins fell out, which interfere with the key's progress. Therefore, a specialist will be able to remove the key from the door lock without damage, but even in this case there is no 100% certainty.

If you cannot seek help, you can take independent action.

  • First you need to calm down and pull yourself together.
  • You can spray the keyhole with WD-40, which is based on kerosene. This product is sold in aerosol cans. If it is not possible to buy it, then use a syringe to pour in a little machine oil, or in extreme cases, sunflower oil. This will lubricate the old parts of the lock mechanism.
  • After some time, you need to swing the key from side to side.
  • Now spray the mechanism again and begin to pull out the key. In this case, you can swing it from side to side and at the same time pull it towards you. But you should not do this with excessive force, as this can break off the key. You can pull out the key using pliers, but also carefully.

If you managed to remove the key on your own, then the next thing you need to do is change the lock. The fact is that this problem will probably happen again, but it will be more difficult to remove the key; you will have to break the lock, which will cost you more. When the key cannot be removed from the lock and the door needs to be opened, you will have to remove the cylinder part of the lock. When knocked out with a special tool, the cylinder breaks into two parts, after which it can be easily removed from the lock. Then, using a screwdriver, you need to press on the lock plate and push in the tongue, after some simple manipulations the door will open.

In a situation where the key got stuck in the lock before the door was closed, you can painlessly remove the “core” of the lock. To do this, you need to open its housing on the inside of the door. Then you need to find fastener holding the cylinder and unscrew it. Now press on the cylindrical element and remove it. Paste new larva and secure it in the lock mechanism.

When the key bites in the door lock while turning when closing and opening the door, and when open door The lock works without problems, then the reason is a skewed door. Or rather, the tongue of the lock does not pass into its counterpart or touches it. In this case, it is necessary to bore the mating part using a file or drill. This situation often arises, especially in new houses where the foundation plays a role.

Preventing situations where the key is jammed in the door lock

To prevent and prevent this situation, it is necessary from time to time to clean the lock from dirt and lubricate it with kerosene or by special means against rust, dust and freezing. In addition, in order to avoid the problem of a stuck key and not worry about how to get the key out of the door lock, you can put a cover on the keyhole, which will prevent debris and dust from entering.

Another good advice, which you can take note of, is the installation of two locks independent of each other. This will allow you to use a spare lock if you bite the key when closing the door; you will not have to use a faulty one at your own peril and risk. Otherwise, when you return, you may not get home at all, and there is no time to change the locking device, which is where the second lock comes in handy.

Taking out the key from the padlock

When the door is closed padlock, in which the key unexpectedly gets stuck, there are two possible ways out. One of them is quite radical - take a hacksaw and cut the hinged part of the lock or the shackle to which it is attached. But what to do if you don’t want to spoil the lock, and you don’t have such a hacksaw at hand. In this case, you can follow all the same steps as with the invoice or mortise lock. After all, they internal mechanism may be no different and the reason for the key biting will be the same broken spring, preventing the lock pins from moving.

Perhaps the key got stuck in the lock before it was hung on the door, then you can try the following options:

  • soak the entire lock in kerosene or coat it with anti-rust liquid;
  • heat the lock well;
  • replace the cylinder part (cylinder) of the lock.

So, the question of how to remove the key from a door lock requires a thorough approach, and in practice it will also require skill. If you are not sure about own strength, then do not try to remove the key, you will break it, and you will not be able to open the door without damage. Contact the Ministry of Emergency Situations or a special service, where qualified and experienced employees will help you open the door and remove the key from the lock. And in the future, be vigilant and do not allow such situations to happen.

If you find yourself in a situation where the key in the door lock is broken and you don’t know what to do, further recommendations will definitely be useful to you. Unfortunately, everyone is at risk of encountering such a problem. Day after day, the castle wears out, dust gets inside, and not every owner provides proper care. In addition, the key can also cause damage if it is inserted incorrectly and accidentally breaks when trying to turn it. It’s good if the key is just slightly stuck and can be removed from the lock without damaging the lock. What to do if a piece of debris is lodged deep inside the mechanism and blocks access to the apartment?

The key in the lock is broken - such a nuisance can happen to anyone

Useful tools

It is not uncommon for a key to get stuck in a door lock. Everyone should know what to do in this case. There are many methods for eliminating this problem, but it is not always possible to have all of them at hand. necessary tool. What can help to unlock the mechanism and remove the fragment?

Useful tools and materials:

  • screwdriver;
  • awl;
  • hairpin;
  • jigsaw;
  • pliers;
  • nail puller;
  • tweezers;
  • hammer;
  • drill;
  • Bulgarian.

Necessary set of tools for removing a broken key from a lock

Using these items or their analogues, you can try to get a piece of the key and open the door. In this case, all methods can be grouped into three categories:

  • Gentle. In this case, the ability to function locking mechanism is preserved as much as possible. The main task is to remove a stuck or broken key without damaging the lock.
  • With lock damaged. If the fragment is too deep, there is nothing left to do but disassemble the lock. In some cases, it can be restored after simple manipulations, but often it becomes necessary to completely replace it.
  • Rough. These are extreme measures when nothing helps, but naturally It is not possible to remove the lock from the door. Then, most likely, you will have to not only change the fittings, but also the door itself.

It’s better not to let this happen and call a specialist who will carefully fix the problem.

Gentle methods

The least dangerous situation for you to gain access to your apartment is when the key remains intact, but is simply stuck in the door lock. It must be carefully pulled out without damaging the pins inside the secret. Most common reason in such cases, the mechanism is clogged with dirt. In order to get the key, you just need to clear away the accumulation of dust. To do this you need one of the following means:

  • WD-40;
  • machine oil;
  • grease;
  • liquid silicone;
  • lithol.

Just like a stuck key, it will be easier to pull out a broken piece if you lubricate the lock a little

As a last resort, take sunflower oil and pour it inside. It is very convenient to do this with a syringe. You need to literally wash the core. When the key is stuck in the lock, you cannot make sudden movements, carefully turn it with slow loosening movements and pull it out. If your hands slip, you can use pliers.

Sometimes the mechanism is blocked by broken parts inside the well. In this case, you need to lift the locking part using a pin or pin and release the key.

But how to get exactly the key fragment out of the door lock? To carefully open the apartment and not damage the mechanism, you can use the following methods:

  • Oil. The principle of operation is the same as with a whole key. You can use tweezers or pliers to grab it if the protruding edge allows you to grab it with a tool.
  • Jigsaw. This is one of the most effective and popular methods. Not the entire tool is used, but only its cutting part. The blade is pushed inside the core under the key and carefully turned so that the teeth are on top. Thus, you need to pick up the fragment and, through contact with the teeth, pull it out.
  • Self-tapping screw. This option is only suitable for thick debris. Using a drill, a hole is drilled in the scrap and a self-tapping screw is screwed inside. Next, you need to grab it with pliers and pull it out along with the broken part.
  • Vibration. This very unusual method is suitable primarily for the disk mechanism. First, you need to thoroughly lubricate the pins and move them together with the fragment to one position. Then with reverse side hit the lock with a hammer and, under the influence of the vibration created, the key should come out a little. Then pick it up and remove it with pliers.

To remove a broken key from a lock, you can try various methods.

Removing the lock

If the key in the lock is broken, and you cannot get it out using the methods described above, you will have to resort to dismantling the mechanism itself in order to open the apartment.

The methods for removing the secret are different for all types of locks. The easiest way to deal with cylinder varieties.

Let's look at how you can remove the key and the lock itself from the door:

  • Knock out the cylinder. To do this, you need to remove the armor plate from the back of the door, if there is one, remove the screws and tap the protruding cylinder with a hammer.
  • Pry off the core. You can use an awl, a thin screwdriver, a hairpin and other available items. The tool is inserted into the hole and then lifts the pins in the secret to release the debris and open the flat. At the same time, the mechanism is very easy to break, so you need to do everything extremely carefully.
  • Drill out the cylinder. This is the standard way to open doors. The cylinder is drilled above the borehole, rotated slightly and pulled out.
  • Twist the lock. To operate you need a gas wrench. The protruding unscrewed cylinder must be grabbed with a tool and rotated 90 degrees, and then pulled out.
  • Remove from the end. If the door remains open, you can simply remove the lock from the canvas and disassemble it piece by piece. In this case, the fragment should not interfere, that is, stick out of the well.

For complex cases If the key gets stuck, resort to dismantling the locking mechanism

Extreme measures

Extreme measures to open door lock, if the key accidentally breaks in it, it is unlikely to suit any owner. However, sometimes you cannot do without them. If all of the above methods have brought absolutely no results, and you need to get into the house very urgently, then grit your teeth and break down the entrance.

One way is to cut off the lock bolts. To do this, they must be visible in the gap between the canvas and the box. A hacksaw or grinder is suitable for the job. You can also cut out the lock, but in this case the door will become unusable. True, the metal can be welded in the form of an insert and bring everything back to normal. Another option is to cut off the loops. This is not always possible, since modern designs have special protection and anti-removal bolts.

To avoid getting into such a situation, you should regularly inspect the mechanism and lubricate the lock. If jamming is detected, the lock must be repaired immediately. Also pay attention to the condition of the key: if it is bent or broken, trouble is not far off and it is better to throw it away.

They say: “the lock is jammed - move the key.” And many do just that. This often happens in rented apartments. Use the key back and forth, and lo and behold, half the key remains in the keyhole. How to remove a broken key from a keyhole? Some recommendations will help you do without a specialist, with minimal financial costs.

The process of removing a broken key from a lock

If the key in the door lock breaks, there can be many reasons, even unnoticeable defects in the lock or on the key itself become main reason broken key.

Whatever the reason for the broken door opener, there is only one solution to the problem - remove it from there.

Tools for the procedure for obtaining a piece of the key

In order to remove a broken key from a door lock, you will need some tools, which you can borrow from a neighbor if this is not a private house with a garage.

There are 3 methods of how to get a piece of key from a keyhole in a door: the loyal method, the method of opening the locking mechanism, the rough (cardinal) method.

How to get a broken key out of a lock safely?

There are options when the key gets stuck in the keyhole, the owner does not get into the house or apartment. In this case, you should do everything to carefully remove the key and not damage the lock mechanism.

The main cause of this problem is dust getting into the mechanism, which, when mixed with lubricant, turns into dust. In order for the key to come out of the keyhole, you should apply lubricant:

  1. WD-40.
  2. Processing (drained oil from a car engine).
  3. A little grease.
  4. Application of liquid silicone.

The most extreme case is the use of sunflower oil.

Lubricating the lock to remove a broken key

You need to take a medical syringe and pour oil into the lock. The key hole must be thoroughly treated (rinsed) with oil. If the key gets stuck, you do not need to use force or sudden movements, carefully move it left to right and slowly pull it towards you. If your fingers slip, use pliers. Sometimes the key may be blocked protective system

castle Then a paper clip or hairpin may come in handy.

The process of opening a lock with a paper clip

What to do when a piece of the key remains in the lock? Then:

These methods are applicable at the very beginning of solving a problem. If they have not solved the problem, then you should proceed to removing the lock.