Losing weight in 90 days. What will we do if there is no fruit day? Stewed vegetable stew

So, the diet is designed for 3 months and is based on the principles separate power supply. There are 4 nutrition cycles per day, which follow one after another. Each day has its own allowed set of products. Swapping cycles and combining products from different menus is strictly prohibited.

The first day of the diet is protein. It is allowed to consume any meat and broths, fish and seafood, vegetables except potatoes, eggs, dairy products and pieces rye bread at lunch. Sample menu on a protein day it might look like in the following way.

Breakfast: 2 medium-sized green apples.

Breakfast in each cycle is standard: any two fruits of your choice.

Lunch: 250 grams of boiled or stewed meat, vegetable salad - 400 grams, a glass of broth and a slice of bread.
Dinner: 120 grams of boiled or baked meat or fish, 200 grams of salad fresh vegetables.

It is worth noting that you should not mix food on a protein day. For example, it is forbidden to eat eggs and meat in one meal; you need to choose one. And yet, it is recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

The next day is starchy. It is allowed to eat legumes, all grains, all vegetables, potatoes are no exception, vegetable broths, as well as a piece of rye bread. Sample menu starchy day could be next.

Breakfast: 2 bananas.
Lunch: a glass of vegetable broth, 300 grams of salad, 200 grams of beans or peas, bread.
Dinner: 150 grams of salad, 100 grams of beans or peas.

The third day of the cycle is carbohydrate. It is allowed to eat flour and cereals: buckwheat, barley, millet, vegetables and baked goods, but without adding milk and eggs. An approximate menu for a carbohydrate day may be as follows.

Breakfast: 2 pears.
Lunch: 200 grams of pasta or cereal with vegetables.
Dinner: You can eat one cake or 3 small cookies. 100 grams of ice cream are allowed.

You can choose any product for your last meal, but you definitely need to eat three slices of dark chocolate.

The fourth day of the cycle is a vitamin day. Any fruit is allowed to be consumed, both fresh and dried. As well as vegetables and freshly squeezed juices. It is not necessary to have specific meals on this day. It is recommended to eat every 2-3 hours or as hunger manifests itself.

On vitamin day, fruits can be eaten both fresh and baked. The best option is to eat fresh fruits with peel.

The four cycles described above will replace each other throughout the diet. Judging by people's reviews, we can thus conclude that the diet works. It’s easy to stick to it, since there is variety in the menu, and new products are consumed every day. Moreover, you can prepare interesting and tasty dishes from the permitted ingredients. For example, on a carbohydrate day, cook buckwheat with vegetables for lunch. For this you will need:

250 grams of buckwheat;
- 1 small zucchini;
- 1 carrot;
- 1 onion;
- 1 bell pepper.

Vegetables must be washed, cleaned of inedible parts, and cut into small cubes. Carrots, if desired, can be grated on a coarse grater. Then into a frying pan with non-stick coating lay out the vegetables and add a little water. For taste and aroma, you can add seasonings or dry herbs. While the vegetables are simmering, you need to rinse and boil the buckwheat. To do this, pour 0.5 liters of water into a saucepan and add the cereal there. Until the liquid boils, cook over high heat. As soon as the water begins to boil, reduce the gas. Buckwheat will cook for 15-20 minutes. The finished cereal is combined with vegetable stew and stewed together for 5-7 minutes.

With such simple, but at the same time delicious dishes You will be able to stick with the whole diet and lose weight.

Protein day

Cod with mustard. (from ValentinaV)
Ingredients: 500 g cod fillet, 1 root each of carrot, parsnip, parsley, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, 1 tsp. mustard, 1/4 lemon (or citric acid on the tip of a knife), herbs, salt, pepper
Wash carrots, parsnips, parsley (roots), remove the skin, chop into cubes. Cut the cod fillet into portions, put in a pot, add vegetables, season with vegetable oil, add salt, pepper and cook until tender. Dilute the prepared mustard with broth and add to the fish and vegetables. Do not bring to a boil! Place a bay leaf and sprinkle with lemon juice. Sprinkle with herbs.

Fish under marinade. (from ValentinaV)
Ingredients: 800 g fish fillet, 2 tbsp vegetable oil
For frying: salt, ground pepper
For the marinade: 4 onions, 2-3 cups of fish broth, 1/2 cup of a weak solution of vinegar or citric acid, 1 tbsp sugar, 2 bay leaves, 8 peppercorns, 8 cloves, salt.
Cut the fillet into pieces, add salt and pepper and lightly fry without flour in vegetable oil.
Add table vinegar or diluted vinegar to the broth citric acid, sugar, salt to taste, bay leaf, allspice and cloves. Put on fire and let the marinade boil for 3-4 minutes. Cut the onion into slices and place in the boiling marinade, stir, let it boil, and then remove from the heat.
Pour the marinade over the fried fish and boil over the fire for 5-10 minutes until cooked. When cool, place on a plate and refrigerate.
Little secret: in order to give the marinade a golden color, it is recommended to soak the vinegar for several hours glassware filled with onion skins.

Baked fish with mushrooms. (from ValentinaV)
Ingredients: 700-800 g fish fillet, 4 tbsp vegetable oil, 5-6 mushrooms, salt and pepper to taste, 1 glass of sauce.
Cut the fish fillet with skin into portions, place in a greased frying pan, add salt and pepper. Place mushrooms fried until half cooked around the fish, pour sauce over everything, sprinkle with heated vegetable oil and bake in the oven until golden brown.

Jellied meat (from ValentinaV)
Ingredients: 400 g boiled, fried meat, 500 g meat jelly, 1 carrot, 1 cucumber, 2 tomatoes, a bunch of herbs, salt, pepper
Meat in dark jelly has the best taste. Before cooking, fry the meat without fat, then boil and cut into strips. Pour a thin layer of jelly into a mold, cool, garnish with vegetables and herbs. Fill the mold to the very top with chopped meat, pour jelly over it. Cool. Before serving, lower the mold into hot water for a few seconds, turn it over and carefully place the contents on a plate. Decorate with greens.

Boiled chicken rolls (Lily recipes from my catalog)
Ingredients: 2 chicken breast halves, 1 medium carrot, 1 medium onion, vegetable oil for frying, 4 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, salt, pepper, cling film.
The breast needs to be cut, as if increasing its area on the right and left.
The breast needs to be cut, as if increasing its area on the right and left. Salt and pepper.
Finely chop the onion, finely grate the carrots and fry them in vegetable oil. Place 2 tbsp on the middle of the breast. spoons of sour cream, and chilled carrots and onions on it. Using cling film, roll up the roll and trim the ends of the film.
Place the finished roll across the film, roll it tightly, then twist the ends of the film very tightly and tie them.
Place the finished rolls in boiling water, “drown” them with a plate and cook for 5 - 10 minutes. Peel the rolls from the film and cut into slices. Bon appetite.

Baked trout with salad (from the book "The 90-Day Separate Diet")
Ingredients: 2 gutted trout, salt, white pepper, 1 lemon; basil leaves and stems; 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.
Ingredients for a refreshing salad: 2 tomatoes, 1 cucumber, 1 small onion, a bunch of dill, salt, black pepper, 1 tsp. olive oil, salad spice mix.
Stuff washed and dried trout (save one for dinner) with basil stems and leaves and lemon slices. Brush it with olive oil, white pepper, salt and fry on both sides over moderate heat, adding water if necessary. Place peeled, washed and chopped vegetables in a salad bowl. Chop the dill and mix with oil, vinegar, salt and pepper. Pour the resulting dressing over the vegetables.

Fried pork ribs with colorful salad (from the book "90-day split diet diet")
Products: 500 gr. lean pork ribs; salt, black pepper, cumin; 3 cloves of garlic, 300 ml. broth or water.
For a multi-colored salad: 1 small zucchini; 1 small head of any lettuce; salt, black pepper; vegetable oil, vinegar; greens for salad.
Rub the ribs with salt, pepper and crushed garlic, sprinkle with caraway seeds. Place the meat on a baking sheet and cover with hot broth or water. Bake for 50 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 C. Periodically baste the meat with sauce. Prepare a colorful salad from the ingredients listed. Eat with a slice of bread.

squid in a jar
Products: 500-800 gr. squid; 1 small carrot; 2 onions; 0.5-1 tsp. salt; 1/2 tsp. pepper; vegetable oil.
Pour boiling water over the squid, rinse, remove the plate. Cut into large pieces. Grate the carrots on a medium grater and chop the onion coarsely. Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix.
Place everything in dry 1.5 liter jar, cover the neck with foil. Place the jar in a frying pan and place in a cold oven.
Set the temperature to 220 C. Simmer for 1.5 hours.

honey crusted chicken breasts
Ingredients: 2 chicken breasts; 1/2 lemon; 1 tbsp. clear honey; 1 tbsp. dark soy sauce; spices.
Place the breasts in an oven dish and season with spices. Squeeze lemon into a bowl, add honey and soy sauce. Pour the sauce over the chicken and place squeezed lemon between the pieces (it will make the meat more juicy and add extra flavor to the chicken). Bake in the oven at 190C for 30-35 minutes. Serve with salad and garlic bread.

Squids in a pot
Products: squid; sour cream; mushrooms; onion; cheese; spices.
Fry the mushrooms with onions. Boil the squid for 5-7 minutes and immediately put it in cold water(so that they can be easily cleaned). Cut the squid into strips. Place squids, mushrooms and onions in layers in pots. Fill sour cream sauce, sprinkle with cheese, bake in the oven.

Assorted salad with fish (from the book "90-day separate food diet")
Products: 3 types of different lettuce (1 head each); a handful of cereal sprouts; 1 can of canned fish (sardines or tuna); vinegar, oil (can be from canned fish); a little salt, white pepper; bunch of radishes (optional)
Wash and dry three forks of lettuce. Then separate into leaves, chop and toss in a large salad bowl with a mixture of oil, vinegar, salt and white pepper. top with sardines or tuna. Radishes can be used for decoration. Eat the salad with a slice of bread.
Instead of canned fish, you can use zeitan, tofu or hard-boiled eggs, or grilled chicken sausages. Salad and a slice of bread are a must. Have dinner without bread.

Fried chicken thighs and salad (from the book "The 90-Day Separate Diet")
Ingredients: 2 skinless chicken thighs; salt, black pepper; 1 tsp paprika; 1 tbsp. vegetable oil; 500 ml. water.
For salad: 200 gr. frozen or fresh Brussels sprouts; 200 gr. frozen or fresh cauliflower; 200 gr. frozen or fresh broccoli; 1 tbsp. olive oil; salt pepper; vinegar; 1 tbsp parsley.
Rinse the thighs and dry with a paper towel. Prepare a marinade from vegetable oil, salt, black and sweet red pepper. Brush the thighs with marinade and place them in a Teflon frying pan, add water and simmer, covered, until the water evaporates, then fry the thighs on all sides. Prepare an assorted salad as a complement: kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower Boil in salted boiling water until half cooked and drain. Cool, pour in a mixture of oil, vinegar, salt and pepper. Sprinkle with parsley. Save one thigh for dinner.

Italian boiling legs
Ingredients: 1 tbsp vegetable oil; 4 chicken quarters or 8 legs (skin can be safely removed); 1 can (half a liter) of chopped tomatoes in their own juice; 1/3 cup tomato paste; 2 small bell peppers (cut into strips); 1/2 cup grated cheese; salt, sugar, vinegar; dry basil and oregano
1. Divide the chicken quarters in half into 2 parts, remove the skin, add salt and pepper, and fry in olive oil for 10 minutes, or until golden brown on all sides.
2. Stir the tomatoes tomato paste, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar, 2 teaspoons of sugar, salt to taste (our pasta is already salted), pepper and dry spices (within reasonable limits). Place 2/3 of the sauce in a deep frying pan, place the fried chicken on top and pour the remaining sauce over the chicken.
3. Cook for 20 minutes over medium-high heat under the lid, then 10 minutes without the lid. (check the doneness of the chicken!!!).
4. Place grated cheese on each piece, cover until the cheese melts (2-3 minutes) and immediately serve the boiling chicken. Rice, pasta, and mashed potatoes are perfect as a side dish.

"Obara" (from the book "The 90-Day Separate Diet")
Products: 3 chicken thighs; 1 small onion; bouillon; kohlrabi; 1 carrot; 1 large tbsp. peas; salt, pepper, a pinch of thyme; red pepper; tomato puree (optional).
Overcook by 1 tsp. vegetable oil a small onion, add the thigh meat cut into pieces. Stir until the meat is browned on all sides. Pour in broth. Add chopped kohlrabi, carrots, and peas. Add spices at the end.

Seafood with salad (from the book "The 90-Day Separate Diet")
Products: 400 gr. seafood; 1 small onion; 1 tbsp. olive oil; 3 cloves of garlic; 200 ml. broth; 1 tbsp. chives; a pinch of oregano; parsley; ingredients for seasonal salad.
Fry the onion in vegetable oil, add broth and let it boil. Add seafood, chopped garlic, some chopped parsley and chives. Cover with a lid and let the water evaporate. Just before cooking, add the oregano and the rest of the parsley and chives. Eat with a cucumber and tomato salad sprinkled with parsley.

Egg salad (from the book "The 90-Day Separate Diet")
Prepare a salad from various vegetables(your choice). Crumble hard-boiled eggs on top (2 eggs for lunch, 1 for dinner). The salad can be sprinkled with grated cheese (100 grams for lunch, 50 grams for dinner) or finely chopped chicken sausages (2 sausages for lunch, 1 for dinner).

Boiled chicken with salad (from the book "The 90-Day Separate Diet")
Ingredients: 1 small chicken (750 gr.); vegetables for soup; 1/2 onion; 1 clove of garlic; salt, 2 black peppercorns; 1 liter of water; ingredients for green salad.
Wash the chicken and cut into large portions. Place the vegetables in water, add salt and pepper. When the base boils, add the meat and cook over moderate heat for about 40 minutes. Remove chicken from broth. If you want, you can fry it in a Teflon pan without adding fat. Save some of the meat for dinner. Make a salad with the meat Chinese cabbage. Cut a small head of Chinese lettuce into thin noodles, add crushed garlic and 2 tbsp. chopped parsley. Season with vegetable oil, vinegar, salt and pepper.

Tender salad with tuna (from the book "90-day diet of separate meals")
Prepare a portion of a delicate salad with the addition of canned tuna. Pour some of the oil out of the can and add some to the salad. Don't forget the garlic. You can diversify the salad by adding chopped pickled cucumber. With a slice of bread, this dish will be more than wonderful!

Goulash soup (from the book "The 90-Day Separate Diet")
Products: 400 gr. beef; 1 large onion; 1 pepper; 3 cloves of garlic; 1 tbsp. vegetable oil; 1 tsp paprika; salt, black pepper; 800 ml. water; marjoram, thyme, cumin; 1 tsp apple cider vinegar; 1 tbsp. parsley; salad ingredients.
Fry chopped onion and chopped pepper in vegetable oil. Add chopped meat and fry it. Fill hot water and add seasonings, garlic, ground red pepper, salt, black pepper and vinegar. Cook until the meat is tender. Add chopped parsley to the goulash. Eat a slice of bread and, in addition: pickles or pickled Bell pepper(or some other salad). Beef can be replaced with three chicken thighs.

Appetizer "Caprese" (from Ilara)
Serves 6
Ingredients: 3 small eggplants, cut into 1 cm thick circles; coarse salt; 2 small tomatoes, thinly sliced ​​350g fresh mozzarella, thinly sliced ​​1/4 cup basil leaves
For the sauce: 1/4 cup olive oil; 1 crushed clove of garlic; 1 teaspoon mustard with grains; 1 teaspoon sugar; 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar; salt pepper
Place the eggplant slices on a wire rack and sprinkle generously with coarse salt. Leave for half an hour, wring out or rinse clean water and dry.
Heat a heavy grill pan, grease with oil and grill the eggplant on both sides until tender.
Place eggplants, tomatoes, cheese and basil on a plate.
Prepare the sauce. Place all components in a jar with a tight lid and shake until a uniform mixture is obtained. Pour a third of the sauce over the vegetables, cover with cling film and place in the refrigerator for 3 hours.
Before serving, pour the remaining sauce over the salad.

Spicy pumpkin soup
Products: 1 onion; 1 clove of garlic; 1 tsp ginger; 1 kg. pumpkins, 1 liter chicken broth; salt pepper.
Fry finely chopped onion, garlic, ginger and pumpkin, cut into small pieces, in vegetable oil. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Pour in the broth and simmer for about 30 minutes until the pumpkin is done. Let cool and puree in a blender. Boil. Serve with sour cream, or grated cheese on top, or croutons.

Assorted meat
Products: 300-400 gr. pork; 600 g each eggplant, bell pepper, tomatoes, apples; 1 large onion; parsley, dill, cilantro, celery, pepper, garlic, salt; 0.5 tbsp. dry wine No. 3 tbsp. vegetable oil; salt pepper.
Cut the meat into cubes, cut the onion into rings. Chop the greens. Mix everything, add salt and pour wine. Leave for 1 hour.
In a large saucepan, bring the oil to a boil. Mix (lightly mash) the meat with your hands. Place in oil for 15 minutes (over high heat). Add tomatoes - eggplants - peppers - herbs - apples on top. Add each layer at intervals of 15 minutes. Do not stir.

Balkan-style egg dish (from the book "The 90-Day Separate Diet")
Products: 1 onion; 1 fresh pepper; 2 tomatoes; 2 cloves of garlic; 2 eggs, parsley; 1 tsp vegetable oil
Fry finely chopped onion and pepper, cut into strips, in oil. Add diced tomatoes and crushed garlic. Salt, pepper, add beaten eggs, sprinkle with parsley. Eat with a slice of bread.
If you love cottage cheese, eat it on this day!

Turkey chop with lettuce and carrots (from the book "The 90-Day Separate Diet")
Ingredients: 2 turkey chops; 3 carrots; 2 cloves of garlic; 500 gr. lettuce; salt, black pepper; 1 tsp olive oil; 1 tsp lemon juice; salad ingredients.
Season the turkey chops with salt, pepper and oil. Wash the lettuce leaves, tear off the leaves and cut the stems. Cut the carrots into slices. Chop or crush the garlic. Fry turkey meat in a Teflon frying pan without oil, pour in big amount water and simmer until done. Cover with a lid. In another pan, simmer lettuce and carrots, add garlic. simmer a little more. Lightly salt and pepper. add lemon juice. Make a green salad. Grate the carrots over the salad.

Omelet with vegetables (from the book "90-day split diet")
Products: 200 gr. vegetables; 2 eggs; 1 tsp vegetable oil
Finely chop the vegetables (of your choice). Beat eggs, mix with herbs and fry. Salt and pepper the finished omelette and sprinkle with parsley. If you're hungry, make a seasonal salad.

Fish with anise (from the book "90-day separate diet diet")
Products: 3 pieces of any fish fillet; 1 tbsp. vegetable oil; 100 ml. water; one large stalk of anise; 1 clove of garlic; 1 tomato; 1 lemon juice; a bunch of parsley; rosemary stem
Stew two pieces of fish fillet in water with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil. When all the liquid has evaporated, fry the fillet on both sides. Remove the fish from the pan. Stew the tomato with rosemary in a frying pan. When the tomato mass thickens, place the fried fillet on top. Separately, mix crushed garlic, chopped parsley and lemon juice. Pour this mixture over the fillets. Spice up your lunch with a seasonal salad or olives and a slice of bread.
Fish can be baked in foil. After gutting it, salt and pepper the inside, add garlic and rosemary. Wrap in foil and bake in the oven at 210C for about 30 minutes.

Spinach with eggs (from the book "The 90-Day Separate Diet")
Products: 500 gr. frozen spinach; 2 cloves of garlic; salt, black pepper; nutmeg (optional); not less than 100 ml. water; 2 eggs.
Place frozen spinach in water and let it boil. Cook over moderate heat, adding water if necessary. When the spinach thickens, add chopped garlic, nutmeg, salt and pepper. Along with spinach, you can eat 2 scrambled eggs, cooked in a Teflon frying pan without adding oil, and a slice of bread. Eggs can be replaced with sausage, a portion of lean meat or tofu. Low-fat cottage cheese also goes well with spinach.

Mushroom soup (from romaZZZka)
Products: porcini mushrooms; potato; bulb onions; carrot; garlic clove;
We cook the mushrooms - the more there are, the richer and tastier they are, during this time we saute the onion, garlic and carrots. When the vegetables are ready, add them to the mushrooms and add the potatoes too. Well, and greens, of course. With sour cream - you'll lick your fingers!

Pork chops with onion sauce (from the book "The 90-Day Diet Diet")
Ingredients: 2 lean pork chops; 2 large onions; salt, black pepper; bay leaf, ginger; 1 tbsp. chopped parsley; 200 ml. broth; 1 tbsp. mustard; 1 tsp vegetable oil; ingredients for coleslaw.
Rinse the chops, dry with a paper towel and fry on both sides until golden brown. Remove from pan. Fry chopped onion in the resulting meat juice, add ginger, bay leaf and pour in broth. Place the chops in the onion sauce and simmer for about 15 minutes. Finally add salt, pepper, mustard and parsley. As an addition, make a salad of sauerkraut or fresh cabbage.
Chops can be replaced with chicken or turkey meat.

Beef tenderloin with mustard and green salad (from the book "The 90-Day Diet Diet")
Ingredients: 3 pieces of beef tenderloin; 200 ml. broth; black pepper; paprika; 1 tsp olive oil; ingredients for green salad.
Rinse the tenderloin, pat dry with a paper towel and lightly fry on both sides. Pour in hot broth, pepper, add a little paprika, and simmer over low heat. If necessary, add warm water until the meat is cooked. When the water has almost completely evaporated, add mustard. Eat with a slice of bread and a green salad.
The tenderloin can be replaced with fried chicken fillet. Or fish, or fried tofu with herbs.

Tortilla with chicken
Products: 2 tbsp. flour, 1 tsp. salt, 1/4 tbsp. butter or margarine, 1/2 tbsp. warm water.
Filling: chicken breast, oregano, onion, garlic, pepper, tomatoes, lemon, cilantro
Mix flour and salt. Crumble margarine or butter. Add warm water. Knead the dough. Let the dough rest a little. Can be left for 30 minutes. in the refrigerator. Divide the dough into 12-15 pieces and roll each one very thin flatbread. You don't need to use flour when rolling. Place the flatbread on a dry, hot frying pan. Fry on both sides for 2-3 minutes. Place in a heap on a plate, cover with a towel, and serve hot with the filling.
Filling: Chicken. Cut the chicken fillet into long strips, add salt and marinate with pepper and onion. Add dry herbs to the marinade. It is advisable to fry the chicken first, then the vegetables. Pepper/onion. Cut the pepper into large strips, cut the onion into half rings. Salt, add vegetable oil, add lemon juice and a little water, marinate if possible. Fry over high heat before serving. Vegetables should remain slightly crispy. Salsa. Finely chop the tomatoes, add garlic, cilantro, green onions, chilli.
Place the hot filling in the middle of the tortilla and wrap it up. Family members who are not losing weight can offer grated cheese and sour cream as an additional topping.

Chicken paprikash (from the book "The 90-Day Separate Diet")
Ingredients: chicken breast (or 3 thighs), 1 tsp. vegetable oil, 2 onions, paprika, garlic, pepper, bay leaf, marjoram, salt
Fry the onion in oil. Add the sliced ​​chicken breast (large, without skin) and fry it all for a few minutes, stirring constantly. Add crushed garlic, paprika, hot red chili pepper if desired, bay leaf and a pinch of marjoram. Pour in broth or boiling water (a little!) and simmer until soft. Eat with a slice of bread and salad of your choice.

Stewed hake with salad (from the book "The 90-Day Separate Diet")
Ingredients: 3 pieces of hake fillet, 1 tbsp olive oil, 1 tbsp. parsley, 1 clove of garlic, salt, black pepper, 100 ml. water, ingredients for tomato salad
Place 2 pieces of hake fillet in a frying pan, fill them with a mixture of water and vegetable oil and only then place them on a preheated stove. Simmer until the water has completely evaporated, then lightly fry on both sides, sprinkle with parsley and grated garlic. Season with salt and pepper. Serve with tomato salad and a slice of bread. For the salad you need: tomato, fresh pepper, onion, garlic, basil, salt, black pepper, 1 tsp. vegetable oil, vinegar to taste. You can sprinkle the salad with toasted sesame seeds. Hake fillet can be replaced with another fish fillet or chicken meat. Fried tofu is an excellent substitute for meat or fish.

cheese chops (from romaZZZka)
Products: Hard cheese, crackers, eggs, vegetable oil
Cut hard cheese into pieces 1-1.5 cm thick, then roll in breadcrumbs and egg, and again in breadcrumbs. Place on a hot frying pan and fry for 3-5 minutes, if the “chop” is thicker, then fry longer.

Salad from fresh tomatoes baked eggplant and zucchini with yogurt sauce
Ingredients: 2 tomatoes (small), 2 even medium eggplants, 2-3 medium zucchini or zucchini, olive oil for baking, coarse salt, black pepper,
For the sauce: 2 jars of regular yogurt, 3-4 cloves of crushed garlic, 2-3 tbsp. finely chopped mint (or parsley), 3 tablespoons olive oil, 1 teaspoon sugar, salt and pepper to taste
Heat the oven to 200 degrees. Cut the eggplants into thin slices and sprinkle with coarse salt. Leave for half an hour to drain the liquid, then squeeze and dry with a paper towel. Cut the zucchini into slices. Place eggplant and zucchini on a large baking sheet; brush with olive oil, salt and pepper and bake until soft and golden brown. Remove from oven and cool.
Cut the tomatoes into circles or slices, put them in a salad bowl, add eggplants and zucchini, pour over the chilled sauce and serve with fresh bread. You can place the vegetables on a plate and serve the sauce separately. But when stirring, the vegetables are better soaked.

Shrimp with vegetables (from Lilicook)
Ingredients: olive oil, mushrooms (champignons), sweet peppers, green onions, garlic, broccoli (optional), spices (black pepper, vigueta, soy sauce, herbs), sesame seeds, tomatoes, mustard (optional), shrimp
Heat a little olive oil in a frying pan (preferably Teflon). Add finely chopped onion and simmer lightly. Add fresh or canned mushrooms. Evaporate the water, add chopped bell peppers, finely chopped green onions, and garlic. Add shrimp. First, disassemble the broccoli into florets, place them in salted water for a few minutes and

The 90-day diet was invented by two friends from Slovenia. They understood clearly: many women do not try to lose weight because they know in advance that on a diet they will not only be hungry, but also...bored. This is how a new nutrition plan appeared, which cannot be called fast-acting, but you can’t deny it variety. By alternating priority nutritional components in comfortable cycles, you can pamper yourself with a huge amount healthy dishes and even have ice cream for dinner. Of course, there are restrictions on the 90-day diet, but compared to what is allowed, they don’t look at all intimidating!

Diet 90 days: principle of separate nutrition

Duration: 90 days or three months;
Peculiarities: cyclical diet, alternating protein, starch, carbohydrate, vitamin days with fasting days according to a special plan;
Price: comparable to normal family food expenses;
Result: from minus 3 to minus 25 kg, depending on the goal and initial weight;
Recommended Frequency: can be used as an ongoing meal plan;
Additional effect: adapted for fitness activities: for best result It is recommended to supplement the diet with regular physical activity;
The 90 day diet is not suitable: those suffering from diseases of the digestive and excretory systems, as well as pregnant and lactating women. Before starting a diet, you should consult with your doctor; if you are severely obese, lose weight only under the supervision of a specialist!

From the “Housekeeping” section to popular nutritionists!

The 90-day diet was invented in the early 2000s by two friends and colleagues from Ptuj, the oldest city in Slovenia - Breda Hrobat and Mojca Polanshek. Their book “The 90 Day Separate Diet” has become one of the most popular Slovenian export products in the new century - for short term it has been translated into many languages. At the request of fans from different countries The co-authors “followed up” by releasing the work “The Next 90 Days,” which collected many interesting and inventively composed recipes for those who follow a three-month separate nutrition plan, which, judging by the reviews, allows them to lose 18-25 kg.

By the way, it was from the compilation of healthy recipes that the idea of ​​Breda and Mojca, who worked as gastronomic columnists in Slovenian magazines, grew to develop their own nutrition plan that would allow modern women to noticeably lose weight without dooming themselves to starvation or a meager and boring diet. This is how the “90 days of separate meals diet” system appeared, which today has already won a huge army of fans and followers.

Now Mojca Polanšek continues to write about healthy food for publications in her homeland, and Breda Hrobat moved to Australia, maintaining friendly and partnership ties with her co-author and Slovenian culinary magazines. From time to time, friends meet at master classes and performances taking place around the world.

Diet 90 days: simple rules, quick results

The principle of operation of the 90-day separate nutrition diet is based on the idea that concentration on one (priority) nutritional component and periodic rotation of these components speeds up metabolism so much that it allows you to significantly lose weight without food discomfort. Breda Chrobat and Mojca Polanšek propose the following simple scheme:

Day 1 of the 90 day diet - protein
Day 2 of the 90 day diet - starch
Day 3 of the 90 day diet - carbohydrate
Day 4 of the 90 day diet - vitamin.

At the end of the four-day cycle, it should be started again, always with the protein phase. The authors of the diet prohibit changing the recommended order of dishes. Every seven four-day cycles (that is, every 29th day of a 90-day diet), it is necessary to carry out a fasting, or aqua-day, during which you cannot eat any food, only drink plain still water.

Thus, the 90-day diet consists of 21 full four-day cycles, three aqua days and one reduced, three-day cycle (protein, starch, carbohydrate days without vitamin day). A clear plan for alternating cycles and a meal schedule on a 90-day diet helps you adapt to a new food discipline and improve your “dining habits”: by thinking in advance about what and when you can eat today, you change the quality of your diet.

  • 1 If you decide to radically take on your figure, then during all days eat only stewed and boiled vegetables, give up bread and minimize your consumption of fruits. If the goal is to lose weight a little and switch to a balanced, more varied diet, fried foods and relatively large portions are acceptable. However, the rules for combining foods and eating schedule remain the same!
  • 2 All other things being equal, always choose unrefined, minimally processed foods - whole grain pasta, “gray” flour, bran bread. For greater benefits, soak grains a day before cooking - the fermentation process will release hidden nutrients. And use less fat if possible—even the best quality vegetable oil adds extra calories.
  • 3 Experiment more in the kitchen! Self-cooking meals is a great way to enhance the health benefits of the 90 Day Diet, because only in this case can you be sure of the composition of the food. Moreover, the authors of the three-month nutrition plan are quite relaxed about the moderate use of salt, herbs, high-quality spices and natural original sauces such as Tabasco and Worcestershire.

What can you eat and drink on a 90 day diet?

The peculiarity of the 90-day diet is not only that its authors pamper those losing weight with gourmet recipes of approved dishes, but also in its rather tolerant attitude towards modern eating habits - for example, meat and vegetable broths are allowed to be replaced with a solution from a concentrate or cube, in protein days you can eat bread and allow yourself cakes and chocolate for dinner. True, all cases of consumption of “dubious” products are specifically stated and the menu for the days should be compiled without violating the recommendations.

Every day on a 90-day diet (except for the aqua day), it is suggested to start the morning with a glass of warm mineral water with 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon of honey, and then eat 1-2 any fruits and a glass of berries (also any) for breakfast. The rest of the diet is based on the following list as a cheat sheet:

Protein day on a 90 day diet

  • any meat
  • any fish, seafood
  • cheese, cottage cheese, any dairy products without additives (you cannot mix different types of protein foods and eat, for example, meat and cheese)
  • mandatory 300 ml of meat broth at lunch (after solid food)
  • all vegetables except starchy ones
  • no more than one slice of whole grain bread (only for lunch!).

Starch day on the 90 day diet

  • any legumes (including lentils and soybeans)
  • any cereals
  • any vegetables, including starchy vegetables and potatoes
  • one slice of whole grain bread and 300 ml of vegetable broth for lunch.

Carbohydrate day on the 90 day diet

  • baked goods: pasta, bread, crackers, vegetable pizza
  • buckwheat and barley groats, millet
  • any vegetables and tomato sauce
  • yeast-free baked goods without eggs
  • for dinner, be sure to: 1 strip of dark chocolate (20 g), maybe 1 cake, 3 scoops of ice cream or 3 small cookies.

Vitamin day on a 90 day diet

  • any fruit
  • any dried fruits (not candied)
  • fresh vegetables
  • fruit and vegetable juices
  • seeds and nuts (no more than 25 g).

On any given day, it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of plain water. You can also drink tea and coffee, but without sugar (milk can only be added to the drink on a protein day). In addition, dried fruits allowed on vitamin day can be pre-soaked and the infusion can be drunk. The authors of the 90-day diet consider juices, fresh vegetable, fruit and berry smoothies to be food, not drink, and if you want to please yourself with such dishes, they should be consumed accordingly - as one of the meals on days when the ingredients for the juice or mixture are allowed . You can’t drink alcohol - Breda and Mojca tactfully clarify that it interferes with weight loss.

Diet on the 90 day diet

Slovenian specialists in recipes for weight loss suggest that on their “90 days of separate meals” diet you will eat three times a day (one of which is breakfast, the composition of which is fixed once and for all for all three months of the “expedition”).

In cases where hunger between lunch and dinner is unbearable, eat one small fruit.

On protein days, at least four hours should pass between lunch and dinner; on starch and carbohydrate days, the interval is reduced to three; on a vitamin day, it is permissible for only 2 hours to pass between lunch and dinner. However, it is necessary to take into account that the last meal should be no later than 20:00.

When determining the size of portions, focus on the volume of lunch that is comfortable for you. Introduced? Now reduce it by half - this will be the amount of food allowed for dinner on a protein, starch and fruit day. On a carbohydrate day, don’t forget, in the evening you will have a belly feast and sweet treats. will help you better imagine what dishes you can prepare.

Results and the right way out of the 90-day diet

At the end of the 90-day diet, Breda Hrobat and Mojca Polanshek advise continuing to drink water with honey and vinegar on an empty stomach, eating fruit for breakfast and, if desired, increasing the amount of food consumed per day, while continuing to follow the basic rules of separate meals, for example, not eating protein foods together with carbohydrates, and trying to adhere to the meal schedule that has already become familiar. They claim that after three months of dieting, eating habits change, you want to eat less and less often, and the body gets used to a balanced menu and learns to distribute energy so as to remain cheerful all day long, good mood, and, most importantly, do not get better.

The authors consider their nutrition plan a diet with long-term results and promise the following minus on the scale: those who began to lose weight while slightly overweight will have to lose from 1 to 3 kg every month, and very obese people will be able to get rid of 18-25 kg.

It is no coincidence that the famous 90-day diet has become a real hit. It is popular not only among the fair sex, but also among gentlemen who want to lose extra pounds.

Its extraordinary popularity is mainly due to the fact that it helps you get rid of extra pounds without getting rid of food.

The basic principle underlying this regime relates to cyclicality.

The period from 4:00 to 12:00 is considered the time known as the body cleansing cycle. This helps to flush out all excesses and toxins. During this period, our body needs the least food and water.

The 90-day diet is based on the nutritional cycle of our body, starting from 12.00 at noon and ending at 20.00. This optimal time for food.

From 20.00 to 04.00 in the morning our body is busy with digestive processes.

We will introduce you to the exact principles of this regime and specific recommendations for its implementation in this material.

Now is the time to start a diet to stay in great shape this summer.

Why is she so in demand?

The regimen, known as the 90-day diet, is in high demand. The creators, two ladies Breda Chrobat and Mojca Polanshek, do not have medical training, and the fact that they recommend this regimen is based solely on their personal experience, is a reason to gain the trust of those who want to lose weight.

It does not require any deprivation, but the result is obvious from the very beginning.

How does the 90 day diet work?

The diet works on the principle of separate nutrition and food only from a certain group. This ensures optimal nutrient absorption and complete calorie intake. In addition, the regime helps burn fat tissue.

Weight loss is not sudden. The result is achieved gradually and this ensures that the figure is maintained for a longer period.

90-day diet and separate meals

Separate nutrition is the basic principle of the 90-day diet. Its observance is associated with several basic principles:

  1. certain types of foods are consumed only in strictly recommended combinations (we provide specific examples below)
  2. strict restrictions and hunger are taboo for the 90-day diet (however, this diet is not like the others and does not impose deprivation)
  3. Typically consumed foods are classified into groups and their consumption alternates (this ensures fat burning)

While implementing this diet, most people get used to the changes in eating style and it becomes part of their daily life.

Separate nutrition involves not only preventing the combination of products from different groups. But also compliance with some other rules:

  • The interval between meals is 3-4 hours (longer on the day of meals or more a short time taking fruit)
  • Time for eating - breakfast should be at 12.00 and dinner no later than 20.00 (this is a feeding cycle that ensures optimal processing of the food eaten).
  • A glass of water before bed.
  • Fruits are allowed in intermediate dishes.
  • Take in 1200 to 1500 calories per day
  • Drink enough water: the amount is calculated using the formula 30 ml per kilogram of body weight
  • Eliminate salt and sugar from the menu
  • Don't drink alcohol
  • Coffee is allowed, but must be without sugar

What is protein, vitamin, starch and carbohydrate day?

The popular 90-day diet consists of 4 cycles that determine the type of food you eat. These four cycles are actually the basic principles of the regime and look like this:

  1. Protein day is the first diet cycle during which only protein foods are consumed. Meat, milk, eggs, fish and vegetables with protein are allowed.
  2. Starch day is the second day of the diet; includes potatoes, grains, legumes and whole grain bread.
  3. Carbohydrate day - the third day of the diet; products with high value glycemic index. On this day of the regime, you can indulge in your favorite chocolate or dessert (what's better than that?! You lose weight without deprivation!)
  4. Vitamin day - mostly fresh, dried fruits, nuts, seeds, and freshly squeezed juices are consumed. You can eat fruits such as grapes, avocados, bananas and peaches.

After seven 4-day cycles (day 29), a fasting day is performed. It only involves drinking lemon water. No food is consumed.

How to achieve maximum weight loss?

The 90-day diet does not mean deprivation, but to achieve maximum loss, you need to include additional physical activity.

Yoga, swimming, gymnastics are a few options that cannot be ignored. Along with regular physical activity, take water and herbal infusions. Liquids are helpful in disposing of toxins and therefore in weight loss.

It is also important to heat the food - it needs to be cooked, baked or stewed. But don't fry. Of course the best option is to consume as many salty and harmless preservatives as possible.

Preparing your body for the 90 day diet

Before starting the 90-day diet, you need to prepare your body in advance. But in addition to purely physical preparation, the psychological factor is also important here.

If you doubt the effectiveness of the regime or are not motivated enough to lose weight, it is better not to diet.

During the regime, the stomach decreases in size. He gets used to eating less food. The most difficult are the first few days, after which the body adapts.

A few days before starting the diet, start the day with a glass of water at room temperature. You can also add a few drops of lemon juice. Half an hour after drinking liquid, you can go to breakfast.

The 90-day diet promises a loss of about 20-25 kg over a 3-month period. The regimen is suitable for people with metabolic problems and especially for those who have to lose more than 10 kg.

Once you reach desired result, don't forget to do fasting days several times a month.

If the results after finishing the diet are unsatisfactory, 3-4 months after finishing the diet, you can repeat it within 90 days.

Sample menu for a 90-day diet

For your convenience, we provide the usual list of allowed foods every 90 days of the diet.

Dishes of the day

We've also organized the menu into individual days in a table mode to make it easier for you to find what you're looking for. Below we will also offer specific recipes for every day.

Important rules to follow on your protein intake day during the 90 Day Diet:

  • Do not mix protein foods - for example, do not consume fish and eggs, or eggs and dairy products!
  • Soup can only be consumed if you have previously consumed solid food
  • Bread is allowed only at lunchtime, and the quantity is strictly defined - one piece. Don't exceed it!
  • During the cooking process, the use of aromatic spices is allowed
  • It's best to make your own broths and avoid using cubes, although this is also an acceptable option.

Squirrel Day

We offer a table of five lunch and dinner options for protein days in the 90-day diet.

During the starchy day of the 90-day diet, the following foods are allowed:

  • legumes - soybeans, peas, lentils, beans
  • cereals, in particular: rice, buckwheat, barley
  • vegetables, especially potatoes
  • a piece of whole bread and 300 ml of vegetable broth - optimal choice for lunch

Sample menu on starch day

Carbohydrate day, menu

The following foods are allowed on the carbohydrate menu day:

  • Pasta, cookies, wheat bread
  • The most recommended grains are buckwheat, millet and barley
  • Vegetables - no restrictions on type; tomato sauce is also allowed
  • Baked, but preferably without yeast and sugar
  • Chocolate is allowed - 3-4 cubes will not break your diet

Here are five more lunch and dinner options during this phase of the 90-day diet:

Fruit Day (vitamin)

The Fruit Day in the 90 Day Diet, also known as the Vitamin Day, includes the following foods:

  • Fruits - the quantity in which they are consumed is not limited; preferably fresh fruit.
  • Dried fruits - and they are allowed; a great alternative is to make compotes
  • Seeds and nuts - on this day the amount consumed should not exceed 25 g
  • Fresh vegetables

Here's what an example menu looks like during this diet:

Water Day, No. 29, Holiday

Every 29th day of the diet is a day to rest and unload the body. This day is only water and no food. This is one of the challenges for those on the 90 day diet.

Special cases of the ninety-day diet

We will also discuss two special cases of the 90-day diet, considering their features.

90 Day Vegetarian Diet

If you're on the vegetarian team, you're probably wondering if this diet is right for you. The answer is yes! You can calmly follow the regime. It's just that the amount of protein you need will come from vegetarian sources.

The peculiarity of the 90-day diet for vegetarians is that they eat the same amount of food at lunch and dinner. Here is an example menu:

  1. First day: for breakfast (unlimited fruit if desired), lunch (vegetable salad 300 g + 100 g tofu, possibly whole grain bread), dinner (same as lunch).
  2. Second day of the vegetarian regime: First meal: fruit (you choose one fruit and do not mix fruits), lunch - vegetable salad 150 g, sliced ​​bread, whole grains + 300 g of peas, beans or potatoes.
  3. The third day begins with breakfast for breakfast, 400 grams of spaghetti (to which you can add mushrooms, tomato sauce, pickles) or vegetarian pizza.
  4. On the fourth day, only fruits are consumed. However, consumption of fresh vegetables is also allowed.

What will we do if there is no fruit day?

For many who want to lose weight, fruit and water days are the biggest challenge in the 90-day diet.

Many nutritionists are wondering if this day can jump. In fact, it is a smooth transition to water for 29 days. During 4 cycles, the body gradually prepares for this.

But if you still have difficulty on this day, you can skip it and follow the first day of the diet cycle - protein day.

But in this case, the positive results of the diet will slow down and will not be the same as those obtained by a strict 90-day diet.

Another option is to add nuts to the fruits you consume, which keep you full for a longer period of time.

Diet mistakes

Many of those who want to lose weight are mistaken about the 90 day diet and are left wondering due to lack of results or unsatisfactory weight loss.

Unfortunately, the 90-day diet is often wrong. And most of the time, people don't even realize it.

The main mistake in implementing the mode is mixing various types proteins. Protein consumption is allowed per day. The emphasis is on them. But that doesn't mean we can mix proteins different types and eat them indiscriminately.

For example, if you eat eggs, you should not allow parallel consumption of meat and dairy products. This is completely wrong.

Another mistake that is often made by those who want to lose weight with the 90 day diet is to constantly consume bread. The fact is that this regime does not exclude bread. But this does not mean that it can be taken with food. Or even more so that it can be consumed in unlimited quantities.

A common mistake in the 90-day diet involves consuming greens. They are also allowed. But their consumption should not be at any time of the regime, but at a certain time.

Another common problem is the use of sugar in drinks. The best alternative white poison is honey.

It is allowed to take morning coffee or tea with a spoon of honey. But don't overdo it. This is only allowed in the morning and only for scoops of bee product, not for large quantities.

Consuming alcohol and carbonated drinks is another mistake made during the 90 day diet. Give up alcoholic drinks if you want to lose weight. No diet is effective in combination with alcohol.

Quitting the diet

The correct exit from the 90-day diet is the key to its success. Once you're done, start your day with a cup of hot water, mixed with half a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and a spoon of honey every morning.

After half an hour, the first meal, which includes the same fruits - two.

The amount of food consumed may increase. But it must be done smoothly. Within 90 days, the stomach got used to a different regime. Don't emphasize this with lots of food.

Continue to follow the basic principle of separate meals - do not mix protein with carbohydrate dishes. And the result will be saved forever.

When eating after the 90-day diet, you need to follow some rules. However, in this case, nutrition is not a dramatic process, because the diet does not involve serious deprivation. Here are the basic rules for the 90-day diet:

  • Continue the cycle in food - give your body time to process it; Eat after 3-4 hours
  • Keep the same breakfast - eat fresh fruit
  • At lunchtime, include beans, protein or carbohydrates, but not a combination of the three types.
  • The days of fruits and water fall out - only after the first month after the diet you can include a day of fruits for unloading
  • Don't give up on sports
  • Continue to have lunch early and do not eat after 20.00, just a glass of water before bed
  • Both dairy and sugary foods should be consumed in moderation and are best avoided
  • Forget about alcohol and all bad habits

We offer several tips that will ensure you achieve your goal faster:

  • Be motivated - without motivation, no diet is effective. Buy a dress in a smaller size and hang it in a visible place.
  • Get into food discipline - keep a food diary in which you note not only what you have already tried, but also what you want to try. This will make planning your menu easier.
  • Weigh yourself and measure your waist before starting your diet. Do this every week and record the results. Seeing the impact of your efforts will make you more motivated.
  • Hunger between meals can be satisfied with an apple or orange.


The 90 day diet isn't always the right option. If you want to follow it, you must first find out about the possible side effects of its use and contraindications.

Although the body is not deprived of vitamins during the implementation of the regime, in some cases it can cause harm.

People with chronic illnesses should stay away from this diet. It is prohibited for kidney, liver, intestinal and heart diseases.

After surgery, after illness, this diet should be avoided. This can lead to weakening of immune defense and relapse of chronic pathologies.

Sick diabetes mellitus and people with high cholesterol are also not a suitable target group. Children, elderly people, pregnant women, teenagers and nursing mothers fall into the same category.

Patients in these age groups have an increased need for additional calories. In their regime, it is unacceptable to have days when only fruit or water is consumed. The menu of these groups should be balanced and nothing should be left out.

The diet is also not suitable for people who exercise.

Side effects: headache

As side effect 90-day diet is also observed headache. This is probably a decrease in blood pressure. This regimen is absolutely contraindicated in patients with hypotension.

But it has an extremely beneficial effect on hypertension. Hypertensive patients can expect long-term improvement after the first week of adherence.

Danger of anemia. Other disadvantages

The risk of anemia after a 90-day diet is not insignificant. This is the main risk not only from this regimen, but from all diets. They are known to lead to malnutrition.

But this is not the only danger of our diet. Unfortunately, very few of those who follow it share this deficiency.

Fascinated by its effects, most people do not even notice the negative health effects, and they do not understand the disadvantages of the regime. Instead, they recommend it online and to their friends.

Diluting the cycle and its gradual cessation is another negative of the 90-day diet. 90% of women who followed the diet for a year experienced this effect.

The yo-yo effect should also not be underestimated, although most dieters say they do not have such negative effects. In fact, the effectiveness of the regime is due to fruit and water days. This also has disadvantages.

As a result of the yo-yo effect, many women complain of the appearance of hated stretch marks and cellulite.

Good recipes for diet

To make it as easy as possible, we offer recipes on the days of each 90-day diet cycle.

Recipes for a protein day

Dietary chicken chop is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • 500 g chicken fillet
  • 1 egg
  • 2 onions
  • 1 head of garlic
  • a little salt

Chop the onion and garlic. Add chopped spices to the broken egg. Fry them with a non-stick coating.

Another recipe for fried fish on protein day includes the following:

  • fish fillet - 1 kg
  • cheese - 100 g
  • two bows
  • sour cream - 200 ml
  • tomato - 1 pc.
  • fish spice mixture

Marinate the fish fillet in cream for 30 minutes, where you add spices and chopped onion + garlic.

Then remove the fillets and place them in a greased tray. Each piece is poured into the rest of the cream. Add chopped and grated tomato cheese. Bake at 200 degrees for 30 minutes.

Tomato sauce can also be eaten on this day. To do this you need the following:

  • kilogram of tomatoes
  • 250 g not too fatty minced meat
  • spoon of flour
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • bow - two heads
  • two tablespoons of oil
  • bay leaf and other spices that are not spicy

Add half of the onion, which you previously chopped, to the minced meat (red pepper, a little cumin).

Cut the chopped tomatoes into the rest of the onions and garlic, which need to be cooked in a little fat in advance. Rinse with water and add flour. Stir constantly to prevent it from becoming clumps.

Stir the buttermilk into the simmering sauce and cook until tender. Another option is to place the meatballs in a tray and pour the sauce over them, then bake at 200 degrees.

Recipes for a starchy day

We offer a starch-rich soup option. For cooking you need the following:

  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • rice - 50 g
  • carrot
  • canned peas
  • liter of vegetable broth
  • spices to taste

Cut finely chopped carrots and rice, simmer in a little fat along with the rice. Add potatoes and rice with carrots and onions to the boiling broth. Boil the soup for 10 minutes, then add the canned peas

Carb Day Recipes

On carb day, you can enjoy a cheesecake made from the following:

  • one egg
  • 200 g cottage cheese
  • spoon of honey or sugar
  • vanilla
  • rice or corn flour
  • a little vegetable oil

Mix first 4 ingredients. Add flour to them. Make flattened balls from the mixture. Fry them a little in hot oil.

On carb day, you can also consume nutritious oatmeal made with the following ingredients:

  • 300 g corn flour and oats or millet
  • fresh milk - 700 ml
  • water - 600 ml
  • 100 g dried fruits - raisins or apricots

First, boil the millet in water. Then drain it. Place the milk in a saucepan and add the remaining ingredients. Leave on the hob for 20 minutes.

Vitamin day recipes

An excellent option for vitamins is the following fruit salad, containing:

  • pure yogurt - 3 spoons
  • 1 banana
  • 1 (can be replaced with two tangerines)
    1 apple
    100 g chopped nuts

Cut the fruit, mix with yogurt and sprinkle with nuts. Fruits may be included in the salad depending on the season.

The creators of the 90 Day Diet also wrote a book. The mode was originally added by them as a review in the women's edition. The book that covers it all is called The 90 Day Diet Cooking Journal. Available in two parts.

Reviews, reviews, comments. Positive and negative

Here's what users are saying about the 90-day diet.

Lisa writes:

I do not advise anyone to follow this diet, although thanks to it I lost 4.5 kg. But there is nothing permanent in this regime, i.e. the kilograms go away, and after finishing your diet you return to the previous weight. I don't see any point in this diet and don't recommend it.

Marina commented on the 90-day diet with mixed feelings:

I found this diet easy to follow. But after correcting some inaccuracies in it. I advise you to never take fruit on an empty stomach unless you want to cause permanent damage to your stomach.

The best option for fresh fruit is two hours after consuming cereals.

If you strictly adhere to the restrictions in your regimen, you risk a sharp drop and a sharp rise in your blood sugar levels.

I only support protein days. Fibrous grains (buckwheat, millet) help effectively process animal fat throughout the day.

Elena followed a diet after the birth of her child and said:

This diet is simply divine. Well balanced and I had no problem following it from the start. My review is positive - not only did I lose weight, but it also did not damage my skin and hair, as some ladies claim.

This regimen helped me lose just over 11kg, and I achieved this without feeling hungry at any stage of the diet.

Irina is also happy with the diet and says the following:

I'm glad I came across the 90 Day Diet at a time when I decided to take drastic measures and return to my previous number on the scale.

This balanced program combined with active training helped me achieve my cherished goal. I have no hesitation in recommending the diet to my friends. As well as anyone who wants to get rid of these 15 kg.

Natalya is also pleased with the result. Here's what she says:

I'm currently in the middle of the diet and I've already lost 12 kg. I can't wait to finish and see the results. I will definitely change my wardrobe. I hope to maintain the results because I feel great in my new body.

Lyudmila says:

I have been following this diet for two months and I just lost 3kg. I follow the recipes strictly. I even started doing exercises every day, although I am not completely satisfied with the results. But I still don’t lose hope and continue the diet. I do not give up. I believe that I will succeed!

Tatiana supports on the forum:

I have always believed that healthy means losing weight, which can only be achieved at a slow pace.

For myself, I can say that the 90-day diet is exactly that - healthy way lose weight. Thanks to her, I managed to lose 10 kg, and I am completely satisfied with the result. Several months have passed since the end of the regime, and I have not gained an ounce. I feel very good and recommend this diet to everyone.

Julia, who has not yet completed the 90-day diet, says:

I follow the 90 day diet in the second month. I have lost 7 kg and I feel very good. I realized how wrong I had been eating before. I think this is my program and my body is already well adapted.

And after finishing, I intend to continue eating, following its basic principles. I feel very good and I am convinced that my weight and my good mood are due to this diet. I love her!

Stanislav is among the opponents of the 90-day diet, and he does not recommend taking it. According to him, the regime is effective only for a person who is satisfied with temporary results - slimness after a diet, but not maintaining the result in the long term.

Eating only a certain type of food deprives our body of important macronutrients, and this creates a calorie deficit. According to Stanislav, losing kilos does not mean that we are saved from accumulated fat.

He also disapproves of the time intervals we must maintain during the 90-day regimen.

Dmitry, a fitness trainer, also disagrees with the 90-day diet. He does not deny the fact that it helps you lose weight. But, he says, this is not because of the diet itself, but because of the severe calorie deficit it creates.

Our bodies are designed to require daily macronutrients every day. Nutrition without protein and fat is incomplete. This slows down the absorption of carbohydrates.

He does not underestimate the yo-yo effect and claims that after the regime, lost kilograms not only return, but also increase. After the end of the diet, people fall into two extremes - either they continue to adhere to the same calorie intake, or they indulge in uncontrolled consumption of food that they were deprived of during the diet.

Both options are neither normal nor healthy, the fitness instructor is adamant. He advises consuming important macronutrients daily. The only requirement is to consider the calories you are getting.

Dmitry advises building proper nutrition and a workout program in order to have a slim and beautiful figure.

We hope you found this 90 Day Diet resource helpful. Our goal is not to convince you to start or quit a diet. We have tried to present information on this topic in a version that will help you as much as possible.

Many people make mistakes when it comes to dieting, so we paid attention to this aspect. Everything related to the 90-day diet is important to know. Therefore, share the material on in social networks so that everyone who needs it receives information. Thank you in advance!

  • Efficiency - 8/10
  • Safety - 7/10

Women cannot maintain a diet most often because of the painful feeling of hunger, which is what leads to breakdowns. Also, a monotonous and strict diet quickly gets boring, causes psychological discomfort and stress in the body.

The 90-day diet from Breda Chrobat and Mojca Polanshek is the radical opposite of complex and boring weight loss systems. Two friends who worked as gastronomic columnists in fashion magazines decided to invent a varied, interesting and “full” weight loss method that has already helped many women lose from 3 to 25 kg.

Slovenian experts suggest that women get rid of fat not by fasting, but by stabilizing metabolic processes in organism.

The diet is designed for 3 months, which means that weight loss will occur smoothly, and you will not gain back everything that you lost while losing weight. You need to eat small meals, at least 3 times a day, but if you really want to have a snack, then you are allowed to eat several fruits for lunch and afternoon snack.

You also need to determine your portions according to a special scheme. You take as much food as you are used to constantly eating at one time, and divide it by 2. Half a serving will be enough to provide the body with everything it needs nutrients. In addition, the diet is so varied and complete that it is completely compatible with physical exercise.

Girls whose plans include only getting a little slimmer can even eat fried foods. But those who need to get rid of tens or even several tens of kilograms will have to give up these delights.

It will be necessary to significantly reduce the amount of fruit in the menu, since they contain a lot simple carbohydrates, turning into extra centimeters on the waist and hips.

In general, the diet is quite interesting and varied. You will need to take turns taking protein, starchy, carbohydrate and vitamin foods. This simple rules separate nutrition, which have a very good effect on weight loss and help speed up metabolism. It’s best to prepare food yourself and it will be quite simple, because the authors of the diet offer not only detailed diagram meals, but also interesting recipes for every day.

Diet plan for 90 days

The schedule for alternating food from different groups must be followed in strict sequence; this is the only way to achieve all your goals. We start losing weight with protein foods, followed by a starch day, then a carbohydrate day, and then a vitamin day. We go around the circle exactly 7 cycles and arrange a fasting day on water without gas.

Breakfasts for each day of the diet will be the same, not counting the fasting day. After sleep, you need to drink special water with the addition of 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon of honey, eat your favorite fruits, no more than 2 pieces, and one glass of any berries. This will be the start of every day of your weight loss.

Nutrition for protein days

On these days you can consume:

You will have to follow the same rules of separate meals. This means that you cannot mix products from different groups at one time. If you eat meat for lunch, you don’t need to snack on cheese or wash it down with kefir. Bread is allowed to be consumed only at lunch, as well as broths.

During the entire diet, you need to consume the most food at lunchtime, but dinner should be as light as possible. The break between meals is at least 4 hours, not counting snacks.

Sample protein day menu:

  • Having breakfast standard set products for every day.
  • If we are really hungry, we can snack on fruit, but not a banana, since it contains a lot of sugar.
  • For lunch, we eat a piece of turkey fillet baked in the oven, prepare steamed vegetables (non-starchy) as a side dish, then drink a glass of meat broth, eat a piece of toasted whole grain bread.
  • We have an afternoon snack with grainy cottage cheese or a glass of kefir.
  • For dinner we eat half the lunch portion, excluding broth and bread.

Nutrition for starchy days

On this day, you need to focus on eating cereals, cereals and legumes, any vegetables, including potatoes. At lunchtime, be sure to drink a cup of broth cooked with vegetables and eat a piece of toasted whole grain bread. The break between meals is at least 3 hours, excluding snacks.

Sample menu for starchy days:

  • Breakfast is standard.
  • If you really want, you can have a snack with fresh tomatoes or cucumbers.
  • For lunch, we eat a portion of buckwheat porridge stewed with vegetables without adding oil, a salad with fresh vegetables, and finally drink vegetable broth with a slice of whole grain bread.
  • If we feel very hungry, we can have a citrus snack for the afternoon.
  • Dinner will consist, as last time, of half the lunch ration, with the exception of broth and bread.

Nutrition on carbohydrate days

These days it will be especially pleasant for those with a sweet tooth, since you can treat yourself to something delicious for dinner.

The basis of the diet should be complex carbohydrates in combination with vegetables - they will fill the body with energy, but at the same time they will not have time to turn into excess fat. The time interval between meals is 3 hours, not counting lunch and afternoon snack.

Sample carbohydrate day menu:

  • We have breakfast as on all other days.
  • You can eat fruit for lunch.
  • We have lunch with pizza made from wholemeal flour without adding yeast; you can use tomato sauce as a filling; you can complement the meal with yeast-free pastries and vegetarian pancakes.
  • For an afternoon snack we also satisfy our hunger with fruit.
  • For dinner, we treat ourselves to yeast-free pastries, a few scoops of ice cream and always a strip of dark chocolate with a high cocoa content; if you don’t like sweets, you can eat a portion of durum wheat pasta with tomato sauce and basil.

Nutrition for vitamin days

On this day, it is allowed to consume any fruits, dried fruits and vegetables, dishes and drinks prepared from them, seeds and nuts (no more than 25 g at a time). However, it is worth remembering that any fresh juice or smoothie is food, not drink; take this into account when planning your diet. The break between meals can be at least 2 hours.

It will not be difficult to create a menu for every day from the proposed products. You can experiment with recipes and discover something new. But trying exotic foods while losing weight is not recommended, as this can negatively affect digestion.

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