Security systems for dachas: modern types of alarms and criteria for the right choice. How to choose an alarm system for your dacha

Installing a GSM security alarm in a country house, garage or private house allows you to ensure the safety and security of property. Control is carried out via telephone, and to install it yourself you need to master all the features of the system.

Operating principle of GSM alarm

GSM signaling is a complex of devices that are interconnected by the GSM network and interact via a signal. Elements of the complex are installed on site, and control and reception of signals is carried out using a stationary or mobile phone, located with the owner. This way you can receive alarm notifications about unauthorized people entering a protected facility. The system is controlled using the same principle, but to do this you need to send the necessary signal from your phone. As a result of this, it is possible to activate fire extinguishing systems at the facility, control electronic locks and other elements.

Appearance GSM alarm can be anything, but there are always several devices present

Scope of application of the security system

Security systems operating over the GSM network are diverse and widely used in private homes, garages, and cottages. The use of car alarms is effective, but such a system differs significantly from the complex for real estate. Small remote warehouses, production premises or other structures can be easily equipped with similar devices. A functional alarm allows you to respond in a timely manner to a fire or damage to property, and prevent other unpleasant actions by intruders.

Depending on the model, the devices perform the following functions:

  • security fire safety cottage, garage or other facility;
  • monitoring the availability of electricity in the network;
  • monitoring leaks and shutting off water valves;
  • gas pipeline leak control and system shutdown;
  • activation of the siren, as well as heating or watering in the area;
  • listening to the premises;
  • room temperature control.

The complex of devices can include various sensors, for example, to monitor the integrity of window glass or smoke sensors. This allows you to vary the functionality of the security system. Therefore, the GSM complex is optimal not only for a summer house, garage or private house, but is also used for greenhouses, private buildings under construction and other structures.

Device components for home and garden

A simple alarm option does not require the presence of complex devices, which allows you to create a security system yourself. In this case, it is necessary to understand the operating principle of the entire complex. As a result, you can create an effective GSM alarm system for your dacha or garage with your own hands. This makes it easy to avoid the cost of purchasing expensive equipment.

The following components will be needed for the alarm:

  • a simple push-button mobile phone in working condition;
  • ready-made sensor or reed switch + magnet;
  • switch;
  • installation wire;
  • soldering iron and solder;
  • SIM card

It’s easy to assemble an alarm system yourself

DIY system assembly

The security system complex assumes the presence of a control unit with outputs for sensors and sirens. The occurrence of emergency situations triggers commands that are pre-programmed. For example, if the integrity of window glass in a house is damaged, the system is able to send an SMS message to the owner. Listening to everything that happens in the house is also possible when calling a unit located in a guarded house.

First you need to determine what type of sensors are needed at the site. Devices that detect damage to window glass and are also sensitive to smoke and increased air temperature are in demand. Special motion sensors are also installed on the front door. After determining the types of devices, their location is selected.

A simple sensor placement option does not cause difficulties

The work package includes the following stages:

Video: alarm with motion sensor

A simple system with a minimum of parts is convenient, but a motion-sensitive alarm system is more effective. The system is easy to create with your own hands, and video recommendations allow you to master the work process.

Time relay system

GSM alarm schemes with time relays are different, but simple options easy to create with your own hands. In this case, a relay is necessary for the siren to sound, and the design may contain either two or one such element. In the first case, one relay activates sound notification, and the other element turns it off after a set time period. The element has two groups of contacts. If there is one relay, deactivation is carried out manually, that is, with the alarm disable button.

Video instructions for creating a time relay

GSM alarm system, equipped with a time relay, is functional and convenient. A video that presents installation features allows you to master the rules and principle of operation of the relay.

Disadvantages of a homemade system

Simple assembly, cost-effectiveness, easy operation and the ability to increase functionality are the advantages of a homemade alarm system for a country house, garage or private home. The system is not without drawbacks, which are expressed in the following:

  • easy blocking of the alarm by unauthorized persons;
  • malfunctions occur quite often;
  • a large set of functions is required correct installation each element;
  • a complex system requires careful planning.

Reviews from experts

Experts' opinions on effectiveness homemade devices are different. Important has the location of the object, as well as the type of system. The presence of a siren often makes an alarm a method of scaring off intruders, but before creating a system it is worth taking into account the feedback of specialists. Commentary on the effectiveness of homemade devices is sparse, but contains some key points.

When installing an alarm in an apartment with pets, it is worth considering the reviews of experts:

Motion sensors can be adjusted to a specific response height. If your cat does not playfully jump to a height of 2 meters, and the attacker does not climb on his belly (you can’t even open a closet in this position!), then an alarm is completely justified. The main thing is that the installation is carried out by specialists who understand the subject well.

Andrey Kotousov

Motion sensors can be configured to trigger only if an object larger than a certain size moves in the room. It can be configured so that when moving an object less than 10 kilograms, there will be no triggers. My relatives have an alarm system in their apartment, including motion sensors. They have 2 cats that walk throughout the apartment, and there were only 2 false alarms, and both times when the cats knocked over massive objects (once their 4-story house), the 2nd carpet was rolled up in the corner. So the main thing is to configure it correctly...

Mikhail Karpov

DIY Project: Yes or No?

There is no need to create a project when installing a homemade GSM alarm system. This is due to the fact that the system includes a minimum number of elements that are easily connected and interact with each other. In this case, it is worth determining the location of the main unit, as well as the placement areas of all sensors. A schematic representation of the entire system allows you to quickly make an alarm yourself.

Laser alarm

A homemade laser alarm system is an effective security system that is easy to operate. This uses more complex components than for GSM signaling. For example, it is necessary laser source, resistors and other elements. The principle of operation of such a security system is that when interrupted laser beam the voltage on one of the pins drops below the reference voltage on the other pin. In this case, the voltage level at the output of the first operational amplifier increases, and the resulting pulse can be used to turn on a siren, spotlight and other devices.

When the beam is interrupted, an alert signal is activated

Scheme selection

The alarm, the action of which is based on a laser beam, is created according to the scheme. There are many options of varying complexity. The choice depends on your electronics skills. For example, an effective system with a timer is quite simple and is actively used to protect private objects.

You should first master the symbols on electronic circuits

System creation

For installation laser alarm with your own hands you need to prepare the BT169 thyristor, laser, LED light bulb, capacitor, 47k resistors, photoresistor or LDR. Installation includes the following stages of work:

Pros and cons

Laser signaling has such advantages as efficiency, long range, reliability and rapid response to emergency situations. To create your own systems you need simple elements, which are easy to purchase. The source of the laser beam is a regular pointer that produces a beam of red or another color. The ready-made device makes the assembly process simple.

A conventional laser is used to create the system

The alarm system has such disadvantages as the complexity of the assembly circuit, which requires knowledge and skills in the field of electronics. It is important to correctly install and connect additional elements in the form of a timer or other devices to the system.

Video: installation of laser alarm

Detailed video instructions allow you to master all the features self-assembly. At the same time, the alarm will be economical, high-quality and effective in use.

Security GSM system or a laser complex can ensure the safety of property and the safety of the facility. It is easy to create a system with your own hands for a cottage or garage, but it is important to follow the installation rules and use high-quality components.

Each owner of such real estate begins to worry about different thoughts. Who will look after the dacha in his absence? Which things are best to take with you to the city, and which are not so valuable and can be left behind? Or maybe you need to install more powerful locks or stronger ones? Or is it better to negotiate with the local watchman or neighbor to visit?.. But will all these activities be enough, especially when the neighbors’ dachas are already being robbed all the time? Of course not! Therefore, in order not to worry about your property, it is better to buy and install a security alarm at your dacha. In addition, a high-quality alarm system costs the same as a mid-price smartphone.

Types, types, advantages

On modern market There is a wide selection of alarm models for protecting your home, and even the whole. Therefore, choosing the most suitable security system that suits your expectations in terms of cost, principle of operation and reliability will not be difficult.

For each protected object, be it a huge economic complex with a large territory, there is its own solution. And the principle of dividing alarm systems into types is based on the method of transmitting an alarm signal, autonomy and method of responding to intrusion into the premises.

Species Advantages Flaws Features of application
Autonomous simple design and easy installation; simple operating principle; when intruders enter, it emits a high-pitched sound signal; presence of motion sensors. does not connect to the security center; does not notify the property owner of a break-in by transmitting a signal to a mobile phone; can only record the fact of unauthorized entry. can be mounted on windows and doors. Most best option for a budget cottage.
Control rooms can have a wireless or wired connection to the main control unit; have a simple operating principle, which is based on the operation of special sensors installed along the perimeter of the protected object. They react to glass breaking, windows opening, gas entering the room, air temperature changes, etc.; connect to a centralized security console; The alarm signal is duplicated several times. because of high price It is better to install such an alarm at facilities where really expensive things are stored. Otherwise, its use will not be advisable; Maintenance of this type of alarm and payment for the services of a security company are quite expensive. involves installing a control panel and sensors in a certain area. When a thief enters an object, the sensors instantly determine the presence of an intruder. An alarm signal is sent to the security console and within 5-10 minutes. the rapid response team arrives.
Wired affordability; possible distance of sensors from the control unit – up to 400 m; no need to replace batteries or accumulator; Thanks to its simple design, in the event of a breakdown, such an alarm can easily be repaired independently. additional expenses for laying wires; possible reduction in signal strength along the entire length of the cable; there is a risk of damage to the cable by rodents or precipitation or wind; the presence of wires is a clue for robbers who can easily disarm the alarm. This type of home alarm is more attractive in cost than remote alarms and seems more reliable than stand-alone ones.
Wireless a minimum amount of visible equipment that does not spoil the interior and exterior; efficiency; provide convenient control; no need to drill holes; possibility of changing the location of equipment; ease of installation; independence from power supply; operation at temperatures from -45 to +90 degrees; SMS notification; the presence of built-in or remote microphones for listening; possibility of remote control. the need to periodically change the battery - depending on the type of battery, every 3-4 years; susceptibility to radio interference; quite complex and expensive repairs if necessary. this type alarms send a message to the owner after the sensors are triggered, and the subscription fee is not charged for this. But you will have to expel the thief yourself or call the police.

For summer residents, the question of ways to protect their property from intruders is always relevant. They put reliable steel doors, but the thief can get through the window or find another way. To protect yourself from unwanted visits, you should install an alarm. The choice of security devices is quite large; they have different operating principles and prices. The security system installed in the house does not protect the area, so your garden and garage can become easy targets. Let’s figure out how to choose an alarm system for your dacha so you can sleep peacefully by considering all the options and their features.

When deciding on choosing a suitable security device, we outline the main conditions that should be taken into account:

  1. Living conditions are year-round or seasonal.
  2. Location of the house on the site.
  3. The distance of the dacha from your place of residence and from the security organization.
  4. The cost of things in the house and garage.
  5. Allowable budget for the purchase of an alarm system.
  6. Local specifics.

GSM module – easy installation, reliable protection


Modern technologies of security systems make it possible to equip the device not only with sound and light signals, but also with prompt transmission of data to the owner and to the security console. To guarantee safety, it is better to use a high-quality alarm system from a reputable manufacturer. Installation of a GSM security device is characterized by ease of installation and other significant advantages:

  • The security system includes a whole set of sensors: motion, sound, vibration (for glass breaking), smoke, temperature, door opening.
  • The device promptly notifies the owner of the intrusion using an SMS message.
  • With the appropriate agreement, the alarm sends a message to the security console.
  • You can include a video camera in your security kit and record events on a remote server - this way, attackers will not be able to delete the video recording.
  • The built-in battery allows you to work offline from several hours to several days. It all depends on the device and the capacity of the battery installed in it.

Motion sensors are installed outside - this is the first barrier. Contact devices on doors and windows that respond to opening are the second line of defense for the home. Motion and sound sensors are also placed inside the room (these functions can be combined in one sensor housing), which will respond to strangers who have managed to enter the house. When one or all are triggered protective equipment the owner receives the message. Smoke detectors are just as important as other elements; they will serve as fire protection. When smoke appears, a signal will be sent to the control panel, and it will notify the owners. A prompt response will help prevent a fire in time and preserve property.

Pay attention! Remoteness suburban area enters its requirements into the characteristics of the security device. Rarely visiting the house in winter leads to a decrease in temperature, which means that the equipment must be designed to function when the thermometer is negative.

After the signal is received and before your arrival, a lot of time will pass, the criminal will have time to escape, good option ask for the opportunity to check the dacha of close neighbors or immediately sign an agreement with the security point. This procedure is expensive, you will have to purchase multifunctional system and pay a monthly subscription fee. But if you have valuable things at your dacha, then precautions will not be superfluous.

GSM alarms come with various functions. Some models can be connected to sensors with microphones installed in them. When noise occurs, they are able to record the conversation. When purchasing a device with a video surveillance camera, it becomes possible to visually monitor the situation in the room and on the site. Along with the intrusion signal, an MMS message with a photograph of the criminal is sent. A system with a video camera in 3G format broadcasts video footage. The devices have infrared illumination and can take pictures at any time. By installing a webcam, you can view the broadcast in real time on your computer. Modern devices You can remotely rotate in the desired direction, change the angle, and enlarge the image.

Pay attention! Video surveillance – effective remedy protection. Firstly, not every intruder decides to break into a house, knowing that his actions are recorded by a camera, and secondly, the recording helps to find the criminal in the event of a theft.

GSM alarm installation

The control panel is installed in a convenient place. Cables are laid from it to each sensor installed in different rooms. Safety requirements recommend laying wires in the walls, at a distance of 25 cm from the ceiling. If after repairs you cannot make grooves, use special channels for cables. The alarm system is installed using a KSPVg cable and a UTP computer wire.

Pay attention! If it is impossible to lay a cable, you should consider purchasing an alarm system with wireless sensors.

System programming is performed using a computer connected by a cord (GSM Universal, for example). In some models, control is recorded on the SIM card. It already has preliminary settings; by inserting the card into your phone, you can change them and set the numbers to which messages will be sent. The algorithm for making additional settings depends on the model, the entire scheme is described in the instructions, you need to follow it exactly. After the procedure is completed, the card is inserted into the control panel. Next, all sensors are connected; work should be carried out with the power off.

A test run is performed to check the functionality of the system. An electronic key is brought to the reading device and the alarm is switched to security mode. The functioning of each sensor is tested separately. During operation, the alarm can be turned on and off both from the panel keyboard and from the remote control or from a mobile phone. To do this you need to enter a secret code.

Wireless alarm

Often a loud, unexpected sound is enough to scare away thieves. Wireless security installation with an infrared sensor configured for movement within a radius of six meters, it will become optimal choice. The system base is made of durable plastic, it houses the control panel and power supply. Switching on in progress remote control. The kit includes two such devices. The motion sensor activates the siren and sounds a signal that neighbors can hear and call law enforcement. The sound level reaches 105 decibels; for comparison, the sound volume of an orchestra is 110 decibels. The time and sound power are set when programming the system; it can be up to 10 minutes. The remote control is powered by AA batteries. The autonomous alarm model works without electricity. At small quantity sensor batteries of some models provide power to the system for a year.

When choosing a wired alarm with a bell, you will need to lay cables to each sensor. When the power is turned off, the equipment operates for up to 20 hours on a battery charge.

The layout of the sensors depends on your priorities; the howler can be taken outside or placed opposite front door to stun uninvited guests. The warning light is always installed outside under the roof in a visible place, it should indicate the presence of protection. Programming is performed before connection electronic keys and setting up motion sensors. The alarm is designed for any operating conditions and can withstand low temperatures in an unheated room.

The cost of an alarm depends on its characteristics - sound (with a bellower) is the most affordable, security system, which reports a violation of the perimeter, costs 3 times more; the highest cost is the remote alarm system, which transmits a signal of intrusion to the security console.


For an overview of the Sentinel Light wireless GSM alarm system, see below:

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