Required list of documents for a license for educational activities. How to obtain a license for educational activities: where and what documents to submit

Educational activities in the Russian Federation are subject to licensing. The process is long and unpleasant, but only teachers who provide individual training services can avoid it. Institutions and individual entrepreneurs organizing a company with hired teaching staff are required to obtain a license for educational activities.

Who needs an educational license?

The procedure for licensing educational activities is regulated by a number of legislative acts:

  • Law on Education (No. 273-FZ of December 21, 2012);
  • Law on Licensing (No. 99-FZ dated 05/04/2011);
  • regulations on licensing of educational activities (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 966 of October 28, 2013).

State and non-state organizations providing training and education services through the implementation of educational programs, are required to obtain permission from the Ministry of Education. This applies to:

  • preschool institutions (kindergartens, baby schools);
  • general education schools (primary, basic, complete secondary);
  • vocational education (schools, colleges, universities, postgraduate education);
  • additional education for children and adults (courses, linguistic centers, etc.);
  • other forms of training and education.

Thus, almost all organizations related to education are subject to licensing regulations. But there are exceptions:

  • one-time lectures, seminars, trainings, after which certification is not carried out and “certificates” of education are not issued on official forms;
  • Individual entrepreneurs who personally give private lessons without the involvement of other employees (tutors, speech therapists, etc.)

Requirements for obtaining an educational license

The regulations on licensing educational activities establish a lot of conditions for applicants, which makes this process very labor-intensive and time-consuming. From the moment of registration of a legal entity/individual entrepreneur until the receipt of permission, it can take more than one month, and collecting the necessary documents here is not the most difficult thing.

Solving the problem of how to obtain a license for educational activities should begin with studying the requirements for premises, equipment, teaching staff, training programs and other nuances. They will depend on the type of institution, the age of the students, and the time that students will spend in classes. You will need sanitary and fire regulations, guidelines for the development of educational programs, preliminary schedule, staffed specialists. But first things first.

  1. It is not enough for an educational institution to simply have a legal address. He must have premises suitable for the purposes of training in accordance with all statutory standards. Depending on the type of institution, special requirements may apply to minimum size, the number of rooms, the presence of a separate entrance, territory for the site, etc. Arm yourself with SNiP and SanPiN, look for the standards for your type of activity and select the appropriate premises.
  2. To obtain a license, you will need all the title documents for the property. Even before concluding a lease or purchase and sale agreement, check whether everything is “clean” with the papers.
  3. Bring the premises into proper shape and in accordance with fire and sanitary safety standards. Make repairs using recommended materials, install an alarm system, provide fire extinguishing equipment, take care of proper lighting, comfortable temperature conditions etc. When everything is ready, invite employees of the SES and State Fire Supervision to draw up a safety report. Special attention: if students will receive meals, they will have to equip a kitchen and a place for eating, and obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor for this.
  4. Furniture, equipment, inventory must also meet safety criteria and sanitary standards. For goods purchased for children's institutions, request certificates.
  5. You cannot get a license without educational programs. If you are not familiar with this area, it will be difficult for you to independently develop documents that comply with state standards. Entrust this to your teachers. As a last resort, take the programs of other institutions as a model or pay for the work of an experienced methodologist. Approve each program with the signature of the manager.
  6. The teaching staff of the educational institution must be formed before applying for a license. The relevant education, qualifications and length of service of employees must be confirmed by relevant documents.
  7. Don't forget to purchase educational literature, methodological manuals, equipment and technology for conducting classes.

You are now ready for licensing. All that remains is to collect a package of documents, write an application and pay the fee - 6,000 rubles.

List of documents for a license

To obtain a license for the educational activities of an LLC, you must present the following set of documentation to the Ministry of Education:

  1. Charter of the legal entity (notarized copy).
  2. State registration certificate (OGRN). Certificates of amendments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, if any. All copies are notarized.
  3. Decisions on the creation of an LLC, on making changes (copies signed by the director).
  4. Certificate of tax registration (TIN).
  5. Title documents for educational premises and territories (registered lease agreement, certificate of ownership).
  6. Curricula approved by the head. If necessary, agreed and certified according to the profile.
  7. Curricula: type of education, level, name of the program and terms of its completion, teachers.
  8. Information about employees: copies of diplomas and work records teaching staff.
  9. A certificate confirming the material and technical equipment of educational activities. The document is drawn up in the form approved by the Ministry of Education and Science (Order No. 1032 of December 11, 2012) and signed by the director.
  10. Sanitary report from Rospotrebnadzor on the suitability of the premises for educational events.
  11. Certificate of availability of conditions for nutrition and health protection of students (if necessary).
  12. Conclusion of the State Fire Inspectorate.
  13. If a license is obtained for a branch, structural unit– decision on establishment, certificate of registration, Regulations on the branch in copies.
  14. Payment order for payment of state duty.
  15. Inventory.

The head of the organization must submit the application with the attached documents and passport to the licensing authority. In the subjects of the federation, these are education management bodies - regional, republican, regional ministries, departments and committees. It is possible to send an application by mail.

Individual entrepreneurs working with the involvement of third-party teachers act in a similar way, with the exception of minor differences in the list of papers: they do not have constituent documents. Otherwise, everything is the same, but professional registrars claim that it is more difficult for an individual entrepreneur to obtain a license for educational activities than for a legal entity.

Licensing procedure

The licensing authority accepts the application according to the inventory, affixing a mark of receipt. The date indicated on the inventory is the moment from which the procedure officially begins:

  1. No more than three days, specialists from the Ministry of Education evaluate the applicant’s documents for completeness and correctness of completion. If any deficiencies are found, the papers are returned to the applicant for revision - the correction period is 30 days.
  2. If there are no complaints about the documentation, the inspection stage begins. The reliability of the information and the compliance of the applicant’s conditions with the licensing requirements are studied - both on paper and on site. On-site control is carried out in agreement with the applicant and in compliance with his legal rights.
  3. Approval or denial of a license by the supervisory department in educational sphere accepts within 60 days from the date of registration of the application. If, based on the results of the inspection, experts consider issuing a permit inappropriate, such a decision must be justified. The refusal is legal only for two reasons: provision of false information and conditions that are not suitable for conducting licensed activities.
  4. An issued educational license is valid indefinitely, but the Ministry of Education and Science has the right to suspend or revoke it if the licensee violates the established requirements.

Disagreement with a negative verdict, as well as actions of inspectors that go beyond the scope of their authority, can be appealed by the applicant in court.

Should I get a license?

Difficulties in obtaining an educational license give training organizations a completely understandable desire: to avoid this procedure. Commercial firms engaged in sublicensed activities without the appropriate documents fall under the article on illegal business. Responsibility for this offense is provided:

  • administrative sanctions in the form of a fine of 2000 rubles. For individuals up to 50,000 rub. – for legal entities (Article 14.1 of the Administrative Code);
  • criminal punishment - a fine of up to 300,000 rubles, arrest for up to 6 months, forced labor for up to 480 hours (Article 171 of the Criminal Code);
  • criminal prosecution for a group of persons - imprisonment for up to 5 years, fine - up to 500,000 rubles.

When it comes to non-profits educational institutions, they have no other choice but to work with the permission of the Ministry of Education and Science. But even here there are violations. They are subject to administrative liability for operating without a license: a fine of up to 250,000 rubles. under Article 19.20 of the Code of Administrative Offences, Part 1.

In any case, the punishment for not having a license is quite serious. The losses that occur as a result of administrative, and even more so, criminal prosecution, are not commensurate with the efforts that have to be made to obtain permits.

According to the Federal Law dated 04.05.2011 No. 99-FZ “On Licensing individual species activities", licensing is carried out in order to respect the rights, life or health of citizens, the defense capability and security of the country, as well as requirements for the protection environment and architectural monuments. If the activities of your company to one degree or another may violate the specified requirements, then obtaining a license is prerequisite business.

How to obtain a document, what is it and what requirements must a potential licensor meet? Look for answers in our article.

What is licensing: the letter of the law

A license is a special permitting document that allows you to carry out a certain activity. Accordingly, licensing is the process of obtaining, renewing and revoking such a permit. The licensing procedure is regulated by the above law (hereinafter referred to as No. 99-FZ).

The presence of a license guarantees the consumer the safety and quality of services or work, their compliance with all standards established by law and other legal acts.

The license applicant can be either a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. Many government agencies issue licenses. Which one should I contact? It depends on the type of activity. For example, a license to provide many types of freight transportation services is issued Federal service for supervision in the field of transport, audit companies receive licenses from the Russian Ministry of Finance, licenses for the production of medical equipment and the provision of medical services are issued by Roszdravnadzor, and for a license to provide security services you need to apply to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. In total, in our country there are almost 30 government bodies involved in licensing activities.

They are responsible not only for issuing licenses, but also for their cancellation and suspension, maintaining registers of organizations that have received a license, as well as monitoring compliance with relevant conditions.

There are also private commercial organizations that provide consulting assistance in licensing - they help to collect a package of documents and go through all the bureaucratic obstacles.

It is important to remember that licensing activities is not an act of goodwill on the part of the entrepreneur, but a requirement of the law, for violation of which sanctions are provided.

What types of activities are subject to licensing

Today, the law identifies about 50 areas of activity for which obtaining a license is mandatory. In particular, the following are subject to licensing:

  • lending;
  • any activity somehow related to the protection of state secrets;
  • production and turnover ethyl alcohol and products containing alcohol;
  • communication services;
  • pharmaceutical activities;
  • services of private security agencies;
  • production, installation and maintenance of medical equipment;
  • exchange activities;
  • services in the field of customs;
  • Notary Services;
  • insurance services;
  • foreign economic transactions;
  • international passenger and cargo transportation;
  • sale of weapons and ammunition;
  • use of the results of intellectual activity;
  • television and radio broadcasting;
  • usage natural resources;
  • educational activities, etc.

This is just the bulk of the extensive list of activities that require a license to engage in.

The entire list of activities for which licenses are required is contained in Article 12 of the Federal Law of May 4, 2011 No. 99-FZ “On licensing of certain types of activities.”

Wanting does not mean getting a license: requirements for organizations

The licensing procedure is quite a difficult task and requires the applicant to meet certain requirements. It is necessary to have a technical base appropriate for the activity (and necessary equipment must be owned and have the appropriate documentation), premises, a staff of qualified specialists, a production control system, authorized capital of a certain size, absence of debt and much more.

On a note
According to Article 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, for most types of activities the state duty for obtaining a license is 7.5 thousand rubles. But there are exceptions to this rule. For example, to obtain a license to conduct banking operations you will have to pay 0.1% of the authorized capital, but not more than 500 thousand rubles. A license for the production of alcohol-containing products costs from 800 thousand rubles, and for the retail sale of alcohol - 65 thousand rubles per year.

There is no short and simple answer to the question of how to obtain a license, at least because the rules and conditions of licensing depend on the type of activity for which the license is obtained.

However, regardless of the type of activity, obtaining a license requires:

  • application for a license drawn up according to the form;
  • copies of documents indicating the license applicant’s compliance with licensing requirements (their list is determined by the licensing regulations specific type activities);
  • package of constituent documents of the company;
  • receipt of payment of the state duty for the provision of the license.

Procedure for obtaining a license

The licensing procedure involves going through several stages.

First, you need to pay the state fee, since the receipt for its payment is included in the package of necessary documents. Then you need to collect all the papers that are needed to obtain a license, and here you need to be extremely careful, since the absence of even one document will become an obstacle to obtaining a license.

  • name, legal form of the company, legal and actual address, email address and telephone number, state registration number of the legal entity and the name of the registration authority indicating its address;
  • TIN and details of the document on registration in tax service;
  • licensed type of activity;
  • details of the receipt for payment of the state duty;
  • data from documents confirming the licensor’s compliance with the requirements for the licensed type of activity.

The application, along with a supporting package of documents, is submitted to the appropriate licensing authority. According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 16, 2012 No. 722 “On approval of the Rules for the provision of documents on licensing issues in the form electronic documents» submission of electronic documents is allowed.

By law, you will be informed within five working days whether the documents have been accepted for consideration. A positive answer does not mean that the license is practically in your pocket - it only means that the documents have been provided in full. It also happens that the licensing authority refuses to accept papers, as a rule, this is due to the fact that some document is missing. Then officials issue a notice about the need to eliminate the defect. 30 days are given for this.

If the documents are accepted for consideration, you will have to be patient. The licensing procedure takes 45 days, counting from the date of application. During this time, the licensing authority will check all the papers and the accuracy of the information specified in them, as well as the applicant’s compliance with the requirements. After this, an order to issue a license is issued. 3 days after signing the order, it is handed over to a company representative.

A license to operate is not only rights, but also obligations. Remember that government agency The person who issued your license will check you periodically. Inspections can be either scheduled or unscheduled.

The schedule and frequency of scheduled inspections depends on the type of activity; they are usually carried out every 1–3 years. If during such an inspection the controller finds violations, you will have 30 days to correct them. Otherwise, the license will be suspended, and data about this fact will be entered into a special register. If the businessman continues to ignore the requirements after this period, the license will be revoked.

Extraordinary inspections are carried out in cases where violations are detected during previous inspections, if the authority has received a report of such violations, etc.

Sometimes circumstances develop such that the license has to be reissued. Re-issuance of an activity license is required during reorganization legal entity, changing the legal address and name of the company or changing the actual or legal address of the activity. The procedure for re-registration is in many ways similar to the process of obtaining a license, however, the state duty in this case is less - from 600 rubles.

Although the process of obtaining a license may seem daunting, obtaining this paper is necessary. Working without a license is considered an administrative offense and is punishable by fines, confiscation of products, production tools and raw materials, and in some cases, suspension of activities.

Preparing to obtain a license is a difficult and painstaking task, requiring special attention. However, there is nothing impossible about this. If you are still not sure that you did everything correctly, it is better to start the procedure with a consultation with a reliable law firm that provides support at all stages of obtaining a license to operate.

The main regulatory document that regulates licensing is the Federal Law “On Licensing of Certain Types of Activities” No. 99-FZ of May 4, 2011. Also, the specifics of licensing each type of activity are established by regulations approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Obtaining a license to carry out a licensed activity is a legal requirement, so the question “why is licensing needed” does not arise, because Without obtaining a license, the state will not allow the enterprise to do business.

Let's figure out in what case and how to obtain a license.

When is a license needed?

The list of activities for which licenses are required is strictly defined in paragraph 1 of Art. 12 99-FZ. If an activity is not on the list, then permission is not required for its implementation.

A separate license is provided for each type of activity. which operates throughout the Russian Federation. You just need to notify the licensing authority of the region where you plan to expand.

The validity period of the license is unlimited, which means that it will not need to be changed unless the basic details of the organization or individual entrepreneur change.

Documents to obtain a license must be submitted immediately after state registration. Or before starting a licensed activity.

The requirements that an organization must meet in order to obtain a license and carry out activities are established by the licensing regulations for a specific type of activity.

For example, if you decide to engage in medical practice, then in order to obtain a license you must meet the following basic characteristics:

  1. the premises must be owned or rented;
  2. there must be medical equipment, devices necessary for the provision of services;
  3. managers and responsible employees must have higher medical education, appropriate qualifications and work experience of at least 5 years;
  4. agreements must be concluded with employees employment contracts;
  5. availability of quality and safety control.

There may also be restrictions on the organizational and legal form, for example, an individual entrepreneur cannot obtain a license for production and sale alcoholic products, licenses are provided exclusively to legal entities.

What documents are needed to obtain a license?

The following package of documents must be submitted to the licensing authority:

  • application in the prescribed form;
  • copies of the organization’s constituent documents, certified by a notary;
  • necessary documents that may be established by the regulations on licensing a specific type of activity;
  • list of attached documents.

The application form is established by the regulations on licensing a particular type of activity.

Methods for submitting documents:

  • personally
  • by mail with a valuable letter
  • by proxy through a representative

It is possible in in electronic format, with an electronic signature. But in practice this method is now little used.

Where to apply and deadlines for obtaining a license

Licensing authorities are determined by type of activity in the List approved by Government Resolution Russian Federation dated November 21, 2011 N 957. You must contact their regional departments. For example, the Ministry of Emergency Situations carries out licensing of activities to ensure fire safety, Ministry of Internal Affairs - security activities, Roszdravnadzor - pharmaceutical activities.

Within three working days from the date of submission of the application, the licensing authority makes a decision on consideration or return with a reasoned justification of the reasons for the return.

If the application reveals a violation of the requirements or the documents are not submitted in full, then within three working days the licensing authority will issue a notice of the need to eliminate. 30 days are given for correction.

Within 45 working days from the date of receipt of the application and documents, the completeness and accuracy of the information is checked and a decision is made to grant a license. The decision is formalized by order (instruction) of the licensing authority. Within 3 working days after the license is signed by the licensing authority, it is handed over to the company.

In practice, unfortunately, it is not always possible to meet the deadlines established by law; the licensing authority will certainly try to find inconsistencies, which will delay the process of obtaining a license.


Companies that have received a license to operate are monitored, so an entrepreneur needs to be prepared for scheduled and unscheduled inspections.

Scheduled inspections are carried out on the basis of the approved schedule. For each type of activity, the frequency of inspections is different, the terms vary from one year to three years.

An unscheduled on-site inspection may be scheduled if:

  1. the deadline for eliminating identified violations of licensing requirements has expired;
  2. the licensing authority has received appeals and statements of gross violations of licensing requirements;
  3. expiration of the period for which the license was suspended;
  4. if the organization requests that the licensing authority conduct an unscheduled on-site inspection in order to establish the fact of early elimination of violations by the licensing authority;
  5. by order (instruction) issued by the licensing authority in accordance with the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation or the Government of the Russian Federation.

You have decided to get a job as a security guard. What are the requirements for applicants for this position? Do I need a license, and if so, how to get it? What is needed for this? What documents are required and how to submit them correctly? ? The answers to all these questions will be discussed in detail below.

Some organizations providing security services do not require a license for security guards. But there are a minority of such people on the market, which means that in most cases, when hiring a security agency, you will need a security guard license.

  1. The first thing required to obtain a license is passing a medical commission and a fingerprint examination. After passing the medical examination, you should have a certificate in your hands in which the following specialists certify your health with their signatures: therapist, surgeon, neurologist, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist and dermatovenerologist, as well as a psychiatrist and narcologist.
  2. The second thing you need to do is choose the rank of security guard and the appropriate training program. There are three categories in total for security guards: 4th, 5th and sixth.
    • A sixth-class security guard is a highly qualified specialist; he has the right to use special equipment, civilian self-defense weapons and service firearms, which include shotguns, revolvers and pistols.
    • Security guards of the fifth category use in their arsenal special equipment and civilian self-defense weapons, which include gas and, as well as revolvers and barrelless pistols.
    • Finally, fourth-class guards can only use special equipment, namely handcuffs, rubber truncheons and body armor.

Security activities require security guards of all categories. If you have a valid category, you will be accepted into any security company.

It must be borne in mind that security companies are periodically inspected by the Department of Internal Affairs to confirm the compliance of the license of their guards.

  • Have you decided on the desired category? All that remains is to choose an educational institution to obtain a license. Typically these establishments operate on a commercial basis.
  • Training to become a security guard costs from RUB 8,000. up to 14,000 rub. depending on the desired category and the area in which the establishment is located.
  • To make the final choice, we recommend visiting the selected institution and familiarizing yourself with the training conditions on site and at the same time asking to look at the training license. Talk to security guards who are training or have already completed training at this institution. So you definitely can't go wrong.

If you have chosen an educational institution and completed training there, after completing the course you will receive a document such as a “Certificate of Qualification as a Private Security Guard.”

That's not all. To obtain a security guard license, you now have a direct route to the Licensing and Permitting Department (LRO). At the LRO, you submit an application for a license, attach the necessary documents, and if the head of the LRO makes a positive decision to issue you a license, you will become a licensed specialist in the security services market.

It should be noted that some security companies do not outsource the training of security guards, but carry them out themselves; in this case, the private security company must have the appropriate license for training in the security specialty. Or a security company may send you for training at an educational institution entrusted to them when hiring you.

Therefore, it is better to start your employment with companies - private security companies or private limited companies, in this case you have less risk of running into a training company without a license and, accordingly, in this case, obtaining a legal license will not be delayed for a long time.

What documents must be brought to the licensing and permitting department to obtain a security guard certificate?

For your application to the LRO you will need:

  • A copy of your passport.
  • Conclusion of the medical commission.
  • Certificate of security guard qualification that you received after training.
  • A copy of the certificate of completion of the professional training course will be given to you along with the qualification certificate for the course.
  • Photos 4x6cm – 2 pieces.

The application is considered by the LRO for 10 days. The response to the review will be sent to your postal address specified in the text of the application. Once the application is approved, all you have to do is pay the state fee and come to the LRO with a payment receipt and pick up your completed license certificate.

In what case can LRO refuse to issue a license? Refusal may occur due to incorrectly filled in data in the application, errors, blots, or corrections in documents.

This is unacceptable, so please fill out the application with all responsibility.

Is it possible for all citizens to work as a security guard?

Security activities are licensed types of activity, so not all citizens are allowed to participate in them. Who cannot be employed in security activities?

  • Minors and incompetent persons.
  • Persons with diseases that impede the performance of security activities; this category includes persons with visual impairments and mental disorders, including those associated with drug use.
  • Persons with a criminal record for an intentional crime.
  • Persons dismissed from the state for abuse of power and for professional incompetence. organs.
  • Persons who, for any reason, did not pass or refused to undergo a fingerprint examination.
  • Former employees of security structures who were repeatedly brought to administrative responsibility and, as a result, lost their security guard license.

If you do not find yourself on this list, then you have no restrictions on conducting security activities; you can undergo training at a licensed educational institution, pass a medical examination, a fingerprint examination and obtain a security guard's license at the LRO.

What legal provisions govern security guards and security companies in obtaining a professional license?

For this purpose, there are the following regulations:

    • the federal law No. 99-FZ “On licensing of certain types of activities” dated May 4, 2011
    • Law No. 2487-1 “On private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation” dated March 11, 1992.

These laws clearly state the need for security companies to be licensed to conduct commercial security activities. And if a security company requires its employees to have a rank, then a citizen entering such an enterprise to work must undergo training and obtain the appropriate license.

How to obtain a weapons permit, what documents are needed for this, and where to apply for a license for a traumatic gun, firearm, gas pistol and other types of civilian weapons - you will learn about all this in this article.

Obtaining a weapons permit (Federal Law “On Weapons” No. 150)

This is a rather lengthy process. It takes at least a month, taking into account the collection of all necessary documents and the period for reviewing the application for a license. In order to submit such an application, you need to contact the local police department at your place of residence and find out where to get a weapons license, in which licensing department (LRO), and where it is located.

The procedure for obtaining a weapons permit consists of several steps:

  • Decide what kind of weapon you need.
  • Check with your gun store to find out what kind of license is needed to purchase a weapon.
  • Buy a safe to store your guns.
  • Contact the linear permitting department with an application and a package of necessary documents.
  • Pay the state fee in the amount established by sub. 136 clause 1 art. 333.33 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Provide a receipt for payment of the state fee and pick up the completed permit (license).

Before you can get a gun license, you need to purchase a safe to store it. If you already know the size and type of weapon you will be purchasing, the safe is purchased and installed before submitting the application. The safe must match the type of weapon and its dimensions. It is also desirable that it be with a small margin in width. During the consideration of your application, the district police officer is obliged to check the storage conditions of the weapon for which you want to obtain a license, then draw up a report on the inspection. If there is no safe or it does not match the type and size of the weapon, this may serve as grounds for refusal to obtain a weapons permit.

When you come to the LRO, you must be provided with a blank form and a prescribed sample application for a weapons permit, which must be written to the head of the police department. When 10 days have passed after submitting your application, the licensing and permitting department will either accept it for consideration or send you an official refusal.

Reasons for refusal to obtain a license in accordance with Art. 9 of the Law “On Weapons” can be different:

  • Incorrect personal information or failure to provide such information.
  • Failure to provide a medical certificate indicating the absence of diseases and contraindications for which the issuance of a license is prohibited (epilepsy, somatic disorders, depressive state, drug addiction, brain tumor), etc.

It is also unacceptable to issue a license to persons who are or have been registered with a psychiatric or neurological dispensary.

  • Having a criminal record for committing an intentional crime, as well as an expunged or expunged conviction for a serious or especially serious crime committed with the use of a weapon.
  • Serving a sentence for a committed criminal act.
  • Committed more than 2 times in a row in a year administrative offense, encroaching on public order.
  • Absence permanent place accommodation.
  • Failure to submit to the LRO a certificate of completion of training courses on handling weapons (they usually last 2-4 months).
  • Not enough safe conditions storage of weapons (lack of a safe, for example).

Documents for obtaining a weapons permit

If you need to obtain a weapons permit, you will need the following documents:

  • Application, in which, in addition to passport data, you must indicate whether you have weapons.
  • Photocopy of passport.
  • 2 photos 3x4.
  • A certificate confirming the absence of medical contraindications to owning a weapon from the following institutions: psychiatric and drug treatment clinics, the local clinic to which you are assigned at your place of registration.
  • A copy of the hunting license (if the license is issued for a hunting weapon) (See. How and where to get a hunting license of a unified federal standard (2017-2018)?).
  • A report signed by the district police officer who checked whether you had a safe.
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.

If you are obtaining a license for the first time and not renewing it, you will be required to pass a test on your knowledge of the rules of handling weapons and their use in various situations.

When obtaining a license for a hunting weapon or sporting shotgun, you will also need to submit documents indicating that you have the right to hunt. Such documents are usually issued by the hunting association in which you are a member.

All copies of documents submitted to the LRO must be accompanied by originals, so you must always have them with you.

Weapons without a license or permit

There are only 4 types of civilian weapons that do not require a license or permission to store and carry weapons:

  • Mechanical aerosols (gas cartridges).
  • Air guns with caliber up to 4.5 mm and muzzle energy less than 7.5 J.
  • Stun guns.
  • Some types of ancient weapons (including knives, blades, etc.).

Weapon license cost

The total cost of a weapons license includes payment for:

  • Training courses in handling weapons (4000-5000 rubles).
  • Medical examination (1200 rubles).
  • State duty (500 rubles, in some cases - 2000 rubles).
  • Form of the license itself (50 rubles).
  • Obtaining a hunting license (from 500 rubles and above, depending on the region).

All prices, with the exception of the state duty, are indicative.

Where to get a weapons license. A license for any type of weapon is issued by the licensing and permitting department, where the application is initially submitted.

Obtaining a weapons permit is a labor-intensive process, but mandatory if you plan to store and carry weapons included in the list of prohibited for open sale. In addition, obtaining a license and a permit are most often interconnected, since some types of weapons require both the availability of a permit and the receipt of a license.

How much does a gun permit cost?

The cost of a gun permit depends on who will do it. If you are independently dealing with the issues of obtaining a weapons permit and all necessary documents- the cost of permission will be much lower, but you will have to run around. If you contact a company that provides legal assistance in obtaining such a permit, then prices will start from 9,000 rubles and above, depending on the type of weapon.

How to get a weapons permit? In short, you need to do the following: decide on the type of weapon, visit a gun store to clarify the type of license, ensure safe storage of weapons (buy a safe), undergo a medical examination, provide an application and the necessary certificates to the line permit department, wait for the police officers approval of your permit application. Follow the instructions given in this article - and you will succeed.

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