How to change the battery in a watch. How to roll cans with a seamer

When changing batteries, cleaning and other work with chronographs on their own, owners often face the problem of how to close the back cover of their watches. Do it while having dear Swiss Watches, it’s not very easy, since the mechanism is fixed quite tightly, in order to avoid leakage.


There are several types of back covers and each has its own characteristics. The most common are:

  • slamming;
  • screw;

Lids that can be slammed are easier to open because they have a flat. You can get hooked on it. However, if you do not know where it is, then it will be an order of magnitude more difficult to cope with the work.

Screw caps have a thread, hooking on which, you can easily unscrew it. In this case, you will definitely need tailor's scissors. You can find them at flea markets. True, a more reliable option would be to use a proprietary German key. These are available at any model shop and will help you on how to close the lid on wrist watch.

A rarer case is the bayonet lock. Their feature is a slight turning, after which the lid opens.


After finishing work with the chronograph, it is necessary to assemble the watch. How to close the watch cover if there is no necessary tool at hand? To do this, you need to do the following:

If screw type cover:

  • Check the integrity of the gasket to avoid loss of tightness.
  • Lubricate silicone grease all parts of the locking mechanism.
  • Using a vernier caliper, or any hard metal handy tool, screw the cap in until it is fully seated.

How to close the lid of a wrist watch with a slamming mechanism:

  • In this case, it is required to distribute the load over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe rear surface.
  • Place an object under the watch that will not scratch the glass, such as a magazine.
  • Align the groove with the time adjustment wheel.
  • The lid should lie very flat.
  • Now, using an object with a flat area, slowly and smoothly press on the clock.
  • After you hear a click, the clock is closed.

Now you know how to close the watch after changing the battery. If you have any problems, it is better to take the watch to a service where for a short time and produce a small price Good work without the risk of mechanical failure.

Time is one of the fleeting resources that humanity has. Wearing a watch helps keep track of it. Do not forget about one of the disadvantages of the accessory - the presence of a battery that can exhaust its limit at the most inopportune moment. Learn how to remove the batteries without damaging the device.

Is it possible to replace the battery in the watch yourself?

All people at least once used this simple device. A person values ​​time, is afraid to be late for an important meeting, to the hospital, on a date. Devices capable of counting help to control and correctly prioritize. There are situations when the phone or other equipment sits down and a person is left with only wrist walkers that help control time. They can get up too. What to do in this case?

There are two ways to replace the power supply: do it yourself or go to a workshop where experienced professionals know how to change the battery in a watch. If repair in such a place is impossible, then you will have to do it yourself. Replacing batteries requires care. One awkward movement can disable the accessory. Especially expensive is the restoration of Nick's Swiss or jewelry watches, memorabilia.

How to open a watch

The owners of any walkers know that the charging baby is located on the back of the device. Lid attached different ways: on bolts or by pressing. Given this fact, you need to remove it in a certain way:

  • In the first case, you have to take a screwdriver and disassemble by unscrewing the fasteners. Do not forget to put the accessory on flat surface and secure it to prevent falling.
  • In the second case, you should be more careful. To begin with, the device is fixed, then with tweezers you have to pick up the cover and remove it.

When the cover is removed, it remains to figure out how to change the battery in a watch. To do this, it is advisable to look carefully and disassemble the device in layers, whether it be a quartz or electronic version. Lay out the details in order and separately - on a fabric surface or a napkin. Previewing video materials, which should contain instructions, will help to avoid damage that could spoil the operation of the product.

How to change the battery in a watch

If "time" has stopped, how to change the battery in a watch is not an idle question. To avoid damage to the device, the power supply must be replaced with care and in accordance with step by step instructions:

  1. Remove the accessory from your hand.
  2. Lay on a flat surface, fix.
  3. Open cover. Loosen the screws, if any.
  4. Remove the old power supply with tweezers. Remember or write down its position.
  5. Purchase a new battery. Buy the appropriate type of battery.
  6. Insert a new battery into the recess.
  7. Close the lid. If bolts are present, they must be tightened.
  8. Start device.

How to close the lid of a watch

The problem of how to change the battery in the clock is solved. The old battery is removed and a new one is installed in its place. It remains to figure out how to close the lid of the watch. It won't be too difficult to do this. The main thing is to remember the opening system of the structure. If bolts were used for this, then you need to insert them into place and tighten. If there was a pressed cover, then it must be pressed tightly. You can use the board, because it wide surface distribute the load evenly. A click will notify you that the procedure was successful.

Video: changing batteries in a watch

Many housewives know how to roll up banks. In the season of ripening vegetables and fruits, the production of pickles, jams, various dishes begins, which are rolled up with iron lids. This increases the shelf life of products, allows you to eat delicious food from self-grown fruits. But not everyone knows how to properly close banks.

How to roll up banks: the main ways

Seaming uses metal lids that are tightly screwed to the jar. There are 3 options for closing with different devices.

Manual mechanism

The manual seaming machine appeared one of the first. It is found in most homes, where it is often stored and used since Soviet times. In the use of a screw device, the process is completely subject to a person, but it requires force to act on the cover. This option is one of the most difficult, since practical knowledge is required.

How to roll up a jar with a manual machine:

  1. It is necessary to install the lid on the jar, press it with the device, roll it up in a circular motion clockwise.
  2. Making several turns, the handle is rotated to reduce the diameter of the roller, then the process is repeated.
  3. Care must be taken not to damage the jar, but at the same time it is necessary to twist tightly so that tightness is maintained.

Main advantage - low cost and ease of use. It takes a lot of effort to work. Among the shortcomings, they highlight the need to expend energy, since there are modern models that do not require it.

snail key

It is an ordinary screw machine, but it does not rotate along the central axis. Instead, a spiral is created on the plane of the device. The mechanism of operation is similar: the lid is pressed tightly with one hand, and the second is rolled up, leading the device in a spiral. For tighter twisting, the handle is rotated clockwise, reducing the diameter along which the mechanism moves. When the probe moves as short as possible to the center, the handle is unscrewed counterclockwise, and the machine is removed.

The advantages are ease of use, and the main disadvantage is the time spent on seaming one can. Despite the ease of use, it is necessary to check the quality of the work performed in order to avoid product loss.


It is a conventional seaming machine with horizontal and vertical handles designed to hold and screw caps. A thread is made on the latch, along which the mechanism rotates, pressing the metal against the glass. To tighten, just install the device, turn it all the way.

The advantage of semi-automatic machines lies in the speed of processing cans: less than one minute is enough for each. Flaws - high price, the need for adjustment. Although the devices are sold adjusted, the balance goes astray after 200-250 cans. Re-configuration takes a lot of time, but is not always successful, which makes it necessary to purchase a new machine.


A fully automatic machine is an easier-to-use version of a semi-automatic machine with a complicated mechanism. It has two handles used in twisting. How to roll cans with a seamer:

  1. The device tightly press the lid.
  2. The key is turned 7-9 times until a characteristic click. During seaming, you do not need to turn the screw.
  3. To remove the device, turn the key fully in the opposite direction.

The advantage of an automatic machine lies in its ease of use, long work without breakage. Disadvantages - high cost, the need for a long time to spin the device in both directions.

Seaming Vacuum Pump

The vacuum pump allows you to roll up the lid without using a special machine. To use the device, special covers are needed that are inserted from below. Then the mechanism is put on the jar so that the lid clearly matches the neck. To complete the process, it is enough to pull the piston: the lid will press tightly, pushing the air away.

The advantage of the pump is the quality, speed of work. The disadvantages include cost, the need for skill.

How to check tightness

To make sure the quality of the seaming, you must perform the following steps:

  1. After rolling up the jar, turn it over, check if the lid is leaking.
  2. Take the jars to the room with room temperature, put upside down on a blanket, towel or blanket.
  3. Leave the containers for two days. Periodically check for wet marks on the fabric.
  4. After 48 hours, make sure that the lids are not swollen, and the jar is not cracked or chipped.

If everything is in order, send the banks for storage.

How to roll up a jar without a seamer

To roll up a jar, it is not necessary to use a typewriter. The first option: to store products, use the one described above Vacuum pump, although it is more expensive than conventional devices.

The second option is the use of jars and screw caps. Fill the sterilized container necessary products, cover with a lid, which is twisted with force until it stops. This option is not so reliable, but easy to implement. But is it possible to roll jars with screw caps? Technically, no, because special machines are used for seaming. Despite this, the result is almost the same.

How to properly seal jars with screw caps

To properly twist pickles or jam, you need:

  1. Make sure the quality of lids and jars, the absence of mechanical defects and other undesirable factors.
  2. After checking the parts, sterilize them to prevent uninvited guests in banks.
  3. While the lids and jars are being sterilized, prepare the dish you are going to store.
  4. Fill the containers with food, close the lids, twisting tightly.

After checking the tightness, send the jars for storage.

How to roll cans with a seamer: video

The following video shows the process of rolling a can with a classic machine:

If you constantly buy mayonnaise, sauces and other products in supermarkets in glass jars with screw caps, you don’t have to worry at all about containers for blanks for the winter. Forget about special seamers and additional costs for the purchase of cans. Why? Everything is extremely simple, because experienced chefs answer in the affirmative to the question of whether screw-on lids can be reused.

Twist-offs and their advantages

Threaded jars designed for screw caps are a modern and very smart solution. Forget the unreliable seaming machines, which very often cannot press them tightly enough to the glass. The result - home-made preparations deteriorate, and all the efforts that were spent on their preparation become in vain.

That is why most housewives have long begun to use twist-off lids that will last several seasons. Yes, they are reusable, it is only important to keep them clean and follow certain rules before screwing them on the bank.

Since the products offered in glass container with screw caps, have different weights and volumes, you can easily choose options for any type of workpiece.

Terms of Use

How to use screw caps?

  • The first thing to do is rinse thoroughly. required amount. Look carefully for mold and rust on the inner surface.
  • The next step is heating, for this it is quite possible to use hot water, which products need to be poured for five to six minutes.

What is it for? Inner surface- environmentally friendly polymers that soften in a highly heated liquid and allow you to screw the lid tightly enough on a glass container. As the lid cools, it will gradually retract inside. This will be signaled by a characteristic click. Now a "vacuum effect" has been created inside the jar. Everything is very simple!

Advice. Do not screw the caps too tight, you may simply damage the threads. Before you start twisting, place them vertically. You should not overfill the jars with contents, be sure to leave about a centimeter of free space.

Storage of blanks in such containers is possible in a fairly warm place, some types of canned food should be placed in a refrigerator or cellar with a sufficiently low temperature.

If you follow the rules for using screw caps, they will last for several years. After the contents of the jar are eaten, rinse and dry them very thoroughly. Try not to use aggressive detergents.

The main quality of wristwatches on a battery is their convenience, the watch does not need to be wound. But, as a rule, the battery does not last forever and from time to time the batteries need to be replaced. There is a well-deserved question, where and how to replace it. The cost of the battery itself is cheap, but its installation in the workshop can be quite expensive. Then it becomes necessary to replace the battery in the clock with your own hands. When buying a battery, you should not save money, because a low-quality battery can lead to a complete breakdown of a watch. Battery good quality able to provide work for two or even three years.

Large selection of watch batteries: - ridiculous prices and frequent sales at AVSelectro.

How to open the watch cover to change the battery

The first thing to do in order to change the battery is to open the lid of this watch. As a rule, the covers are either screwed or pressed. Careful inspection will help determine this. If there is a small recess on the watch case, then the lid is pressed and to open it, you just need to pick it up slightly. To do this, you will need a small knife or a small screwdriver. The ideal option is a small watch screwdriver, but if it was not at hand, use what is at home. Insert the tool of your choice into the recess and pry off the watch cover. At the same time, hold the watch firmly, and press firmly enough, but at the same time and carefully, otherwise the watch may break.

In the event that there are recesses on the clock in a circle and there are five or six of them, then the cover of the watch is unscrewed. To unscrew it, you should have a caliper handy. Extend the tool to the width of the marks and tighten the bolt firmly. This is necessary so that the bar does not move. Then insert the caliper into the two recesses and slowly begin to unscrew the cap. You need to unscrew the cover to the left side.

Replacing watch batteries

Battery replacement is not difficult correct use tools. After the cover has been successfully removed, look carefully and try to remember the correct position of the battery, how it is secured and the polarity of the battery. The most important thing is not to confuse the plus with the minus. Next, you need to carefully remove the battery with tweezers. For this procedure, it is best to use plastic tweezers. The battery for replacement must be selected identical to the one in the watch. It is necessary to check whether the new battery, in terms of diameter, thickness, and voltage, matches the one that was in the watch before. If the battery is smaller, then there will be no contact, if, on the contrary, it is larger, then this will simply destroy the watch.

While inserting the battery, try not to pick it up with your hands. Do everything with tweezers. Be sure to remember the polarity. When the battery is inserted, make sure that the clock is running, and only after that you can start screwing the cover. If the clock does not run, check again if you installed the battery correctly.

How to close the watch after changing the battery

After you have made sure that the battery is inserted into the watch correctly, and it resumes its course, the back cover must be closed correctly.

The cover that you unscrewed will need to be tightened in the same way - with a caliper. Before screwing the cap on, it is necessary to check the gasket, and if it turns out to be no longer serviceable, it will be necessary to coat it with a little sealant.

In the case when you need to close a watch, in which the lid is pressed, you must do the following. Lay a small napkin on the table, put the clock on it and cover it with a lid. Make sure that the watch cover lies as flat as possible, and that the axis of the hand wheel is perfectly aligned with the groove. Then you need to take a flat small object, preferably made of wood. Put this item on the watch cover and press a little. Remember that you need to press on the entire plane. After that, the lid should close without any difficulty.

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