State program of preferential car loans of the year conditions. Family car program

A car loan is funds provided by a bank for... It is not necessary to make a down payment (only the bank sets the conditions), and the lending percentage will be reasonable. Also, a car loan can be classified as a group of consumer loans; it is a subtype of them. If the bank has approved the loan, then the funds can only be spent on a specific car. Moreover, the borrower will not receive the money in hand; it will immediately go to the seller’s account.

The loan can be taken in the amount of a partial cost vehicle, and in full size. If the car was purchased with credit funds, then until the full amount is paid to the bank, the owner cannot donate, sell or simply exchange the car. This cannot be done without the bank's permission. In order for the bank to have at least some guarantees, the bank keeps the registration certificate. If the entire debt is paid, the owner has the right to receive a certificate.

It is important to know that if a person buys a car, then he must also purchase an MTPL policy.

Car showrooms can accept direct participation in issuing a loan. This way, the car dealership can draw up an agreement with the bank, which will allow them to issue a loan in the future. In this case, there will be too much paperwork that the buyer must do.

Car loans are very popular. It is enough to deposit the initial amount, which usually ranges from 20 to 30%, the rest will be done by the bank with which the agreement was concluded. A car loan has a lot of positive aspects:

  1. Purchases can be made at short period time. Usually the bank issues a loan quickly enough, a couple of days are enough to consider it.
  2. You can choose any car. The more own funds from the buyer, the more expensive the vehicle can be bought.
  3. Funds are protected. The buyer's debt will be fixed and will not be linked to inflation.

Features of car loans with state support

In 2019, the state offers two lending programs. One of them is a car loan with state support. It is a loan given by a bank on preferential terms. Main principle the proposed preferential loan, that the state pays 2/3 of the loan refinancing rate. In principle, this results in a fairly acceptable amount that the borrower himself must pay. Car loan by state program has advantages.

  1. Any citizen has the opportunity to buy a car at a lower cost.
  2. Banks have the benefit of their own development and the opportunity to earn money.
  3. Dealers are encouraged to increase sales.
  4. With an increase in demand for the purchase of a car, the state begins to develop the automobile industry more.

Of course, any type of lending has its own positive sides, and negative.

  1. When issuing loans, the bank must be sure that the person is solvent. To do this, you need to provide a number of documents that prove that the client has a large wages, and white. Work experience in one place is also taken into account.
  2. The client will have to pay for the insurance themselves, since the state pays only part of the cost of the car itself.
  3. You have less time to repay a car loan than when taking out a regular loan.

Conditions for receiving benefits

Any citizen can take advantage of benefits from the state Russian Federation. In this case, some conditions must be met:

  1. A car loan is available to those citizens who want to purchase a vehicle worth no more than 1,450,000 rubles. Until some time, this amount was less and amounted to 1 million rubles.
  2. The bank may require you to make a down payment, but this depends only on the bank. Now the state no longer requires making first payments.
  3. If the car was released in 2017 or 2016 in Russia, then you can purchase it now and at the same time use preferential car loans.
  4. The bank issues loans only in Russian rubles.
  5. You are given exactly three years to repay the entire amount borrowed from the bank.
  6. The car must be “from scratch”, that is, new.
  7. In the Russian Federation, there are two programs that help you purchase a car. "Family Car" and "First Car". You can also use the ten percent discount that is offered when purchasing a certain brand of car.
  8. Only an official dealership can help you buy a car.
  9. The state transfers the funds to the seller’s account.

Typically, the bank provides a loan only for the purchase of one vehicle. However, nowhere in the law does it state that preferential lending provided once. Of course, you can try to contact the bank again.

As already mentioned, the state has developed two programs: “Family Car” and “First Car”. What is included in these programs and what you can expect:

  1. Family Car Program. Families can use it if they have two children, as well as more, who have not reached adulthood. They can also take advantage of an additional 10% discount.
  2. The First Car program. If a person has not bought a car before, then he can use this program. A 10% discount will be significant. For example, if a car costs 1.3 million rubles, then the discount amount will be 130,000 rubles. This discount can only be obtained once when purchasing a passenger car.

What cars does it apply to?

The cost of the car is not the only limitation. It is also worth knowing that subsidized loans are carried out only for the purchase of certain cars. You need to know what dimensions and brands of cars are suitable for preferential lending. The list of cars can be found on the banks' websites. The specified weight of the purchased vehicle is no more than 3.5 tons. Banks approve loans for the following brands of cars:

  • Chevrolet Niva;
  • Chevrolet Cobalt;
  • Citroen (but this does not include all models);
  • Kia Rio;
  • Lada Kalina;
  • Lada Granta;

It’s worth knowing that the car’s equipment is usually offered at the bare minimum, so you need to take this into account.

Rules for applying for a car loan

To avoid confusion, applying for a loan can be divided into several stages. What needs to be done?

  1. First of all, the client must choose a car. In this case, the car must meet all the requirements that must be met in order to qualify for preferential lending. The make of the car, its price, as well as the year of manufacture are what you need to pay attention to first.
  2. The bank and the dealership from which the car was selected must cooperate with each other. You can find out this either at the bank or on its website, or at the salon itself.
  3. If the client can use any program (“First car” or “Family car”), then he must document this. For the first program you will need a certificate, which can be obtained from the traffic police. If a person wants to use the Family Car program, then he must have a birth certificate for his children, and two must be minors.
  4. When choosing a bank, it is worth considering that the conditions under which the loan is issued may vary significantly.
  5. When the entire package of documents is ready, you can send the application to the bank.
  6. After waiting for the bank’s approval, you can start preparing documents such as a car purchase and sale agreement.
  7. In the documents, the bank indicates the initial amount that the client must deposit.
  8. The car must be registered with the traffic police.
  9. , after concluding an insurance and collateral agreement.
  10. The next stage is concluding an agreement for a car loan.
  11. When funds from the bank arrive at the seller’s account, you can take possession of the car.

The person for whom the car will be registered is obliged to come to the bank to complete all documents. The bank has the right to determine how long it takes to collect all documents. Usually this period ranges from 1 month to 3. And the application itself can be considered in just a couple of days. It all depends on what form of lending the client needs.

List of documents to be prepared

It is possible to obtain a car loan for domestic cars provided that the client collects all the documents. Which package should I collect? Usually all banks require approximately the same documents:

  • To receive a loan you need to write an application;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • driver's license;
  • at work you need to take a salary certificate for the last three months;
  • It is necessary to have a certificate stating that the client has been working at his last place of work for more than a year. You can bring a copy work book or employment contract, certified by a notary.

Having chosen a bank, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the list that it requires. What other documents may be needed:

  • military ID;
  • certificate of insurance (pension);
  • Marriage certificate;
  • It’s better to make a copy of your spouse’s documents (passport).
    • Rosbank;
    • PrimSotsBank;
    • VTB 24;
    • Mitsubishi Bank;
    • Volkswagen Bank;
    • Sethelem;
    • Rosselkhozbank.

    Of course it's not full list. The state makes its own adjustments to the list of banks. Each organization must obtain accreditation. The bank is capable and can set the interest rate itself. As practice shows, this percentage is usually no more than 20. Most often, by going to the bank’s website, you can find a calculator that works online. There you can make all the calculations: what the monthly payment will be and the amount of overpayments. The bank determines for itself which companies and car dealerships to work with and which not.


    If someone decides to buy a car on credit with state support, it is important to know all the nuances. Having purchased a car, additional expenses will be required. A new car needs to be maintained, which entails quite a lot of expenses. Therefore, you need to calculate in advance whether it is profitable to buy a new car or not.

The purchase by the population of a car on credit under the existing state program in 2018 implies the purchase of a car on credit on special preferential terms. In order to support Russian automakers and increase car sales, the Russian state has developed an appropriate car loan program with state support, which is also valid this year. This state program was first launched in 2009, and in subsequent years the government allocated about 5 billion rubles to implement these tasks.

Now, for car owners who want to take advantage of such state support, as well as for banking institutions issuing car loans, certain conditions must be met.

A large number of citizens have actively started using car loans under the state program. The advantages are obvious - the state was obliged to pay part of the loan. For example, if a car loan in 2018 is expected to have a rate of 16%, then in fact you will have to pay approximately at a rate of 6-7%. The great demand was also explained by the fact that no additional collateral was needed - the car itself was used, and voluntary CASCO insurance was optional.

In order to take advantage of a loan under the state program, the following mandatory conditions must be met:

  • the price of the selected car is less than 1,450 thousand rubles;
  • car age - no older than 12 months;
  • car weight - less than 3.5 tons;
  • car loan term - 3 years;
  • the car must not have previously been registered with the traffic police;
  • the car must be unambiguously Russian - assembled on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Banks and rates

In the first years of the state program, strict requirements were established to determine participants in credit organizations. The main requirement for banks was that the state should have half the shares, and each of them should have an authorized capital of about 70 billion rubles. Only a few could withstand such requirements, so in subsequent years they were changed and weakened. Currently, in 2018, approximately 100 banks approved by the Russian government can provide loans under the state program.

Here are some of them:

  • VTB 24;
  • SberBank;
  • RenaissanceBank;
  • UniCredit Bank;
  • RosSelkhozBank;
  • Bank UralSib;
  • Bank of Moscow;
  • RaiffeisenBank and others.

Car loans are provided by banks in all regions of the Russian Federation. Each credit institution has its own conditions: rates and down payments. When choosing, you need to consider each bank separately, because each has its own pros and cons. You should not rush to the minimum interest rate, because a number of banks lower it, but additionally charge fees for issuing loans. An absolute advantage will be the ability, for example, at the Bank of Moscow, to repay a car loan ahead of schedule.

For example, in the table below you can see the approximate rates of banks issuing loans for cars under the state program:

As a result, when summing up the annual results, three leading banks emerged that provided the most car loans: RusfinanceBank, VTB24 and SberBank.

What cars can you buy?

The state program gives the right to purchase only those cars that are assembled and produced in our country. They must be completely new, not registered with the traffic police. Today there are 3 brands that are in greatest demand: the domestic Lada, the French Renault and the Japanese Nissan. This year, the list of cars that can be purchased with a state car loan includes 50 car brands.

The following cars are allowed to be purchased:

1. Chevrolet Aveo, Niva, Cruze, Cobalt;

2. Fiat Albea, Doblo, Ducato;

3. Ford Focus;

4. Kia Ceed, Rio, Spectra;

5. Lada, Gaz, UAZ;

6. Renault Logan;

7. Scoda Fabia, Octavia;

8. Hyundai;

9. Tagaz;

10. Citroen C4.

The list of car brands can be changed in each credit institution individually. Therefore, before applying for a loan, you need to clarify information about the availability of a specific car from a given bank.

Who can use it?

Depending on the bank, the list of documents for citizens when applying for a car loan under the state program in 2018 may be different. Absolutely all banks still adhere to the basic requirements.

The conditions for obtaining a car loan for citizens are as follows:

1. Age of citizens: 31-65 years.

2. Citizenship: Russian Federation with permanent registration in the region where the car is purchased.

3. Documents: Russian passport. A second document is possible, for example a driver's license.

4. Confirmation of income: certificate 2-NDFL for 3 or 6 months. The work experience at the last place of employment must be at least 12 months.

5. Copy labor agreement and work book.

Some banks have begun to provide car loans with a minimum number of documents - a Russian passport and a driver's license. In such cases, as a rule, the conditions for purchasing a car are changed, for example, the down payment is increased to 25-30%.

Unfortunately, there are conditions under which banks can refuse a citizen a car loan. As a rule, this is either a bad and damaged credit history or women who are on maternity leave to care for their children.

How to get a car loan step by step?

In order to apply for a car loan and purchase a car, you must follow and complete all simple steps step by step:

  • Decide on the choice of the car you like.
  • Consider the terms and conditions for banks to provide loans and choose the one that suits you best.
  • Prepare and collect everything necessary documents and submit it to the bank.

Applying for a car loan is not much different from a regular loan or getting a loan. After submitting the documents, you must write a corresponding statement. The approximate time frame for reviewing and receiving a response from the bank is on average one or two business days. In some cases, it may be necessary to include a guarantor in the documents.

  • Conclude an agreement with the selling company. It is worth keeping in mind that when applying for a car loan, the citizen does not receive money. They are automatically transferred to the seller's account. The citizen immediately receives the chosen car.
  • Take out MTPL insurance.
  • To conclude loan agreement with the bank. To do this, you will need documents for the car (PTS, OSAGO), documents from the car dealership. The bank will provide a monthly payment schedule of when and how much to pay.

After completing simple and consistent actions, the citizen receives the selected car using a loan issued under the state program.

Pros and cons of a car loan under the state program

During the entire period of validity of loans under the state program, namely from the beginning of 2009, it was used by a large number of citizens. Nowadays, the demand for purchasing cars on a preferential car loan is constantly growing.

You can highlight the pros and cons of getting this car loan.


  • A car loan is issued at a preferential interest rate. The interest rate when compared to conventional consumer loans is significantly lower.
  • Full transparency and legality of operations of credit institutions, since it is a state program.


  • the maximum cost of a car is limited to 1,450 thousand rubles;
  • the choice of cars is limited, because cars must only be Russian;
  • it is required to provide quite a lot of documents confirming the borrower’s income;
  • Only citizens of the Russian Federation can take advantage of the state car loan program.

How can you get caught and get an expensive car loan?

Those wishing to buy a car preferential loan so many. Banks are only happy about this because they make money from it.

It is worth noting that the state regulates only the interest rate, and other possible commissions are not regulated.

In this regard, banks can use some tricks:

  • although the interest rate on a car loan may be low, and a fee may be charged for its processing and servicing;
  • mandatory registration of CASCO insurance, the cost of which is clearly overpriced;
  • the commission can be included when forming the insurance bank contribution;
  • Processing and approval times may only take a few minutes. This was done specifically so that when a citizen decides to receive a loan, he does not refuse dubious conditions and does not change his mind.

Over the entire period of state programs on preferential car loans, many Russian residents took advantage of and purchased cars. As long as there is demand from the population, these types of programs will continue to work.

The MAS Motors salon actively cooperates with many credit institutions in Russia (more than three dozen partner banks). Thanks to borrowed funds, buyers have access to significantly more the lineup foreign cars and domestic production than just with your own accumulated money.

Potential clients are offered not only standard credit products (consumer and car loans), but also Trade-In programs, installment plans, and government subsidies.

Terms and conditions of the First Car program

The new initiative to increase demand for new cars builds on the already existing programs state support. According to preliminary data, the state is ready to allocate up to 7.5 billion rubles. to support car loans. Below are only General requirements without taking into account any specific lending products of individual banks that will issue loans to the public.

Requirements for the vehicle being financed
  1. The cost of the car cannot be higher than 1.45 million rubles. (the amount fully corresponds to the updated parameters of the general government subsidy program for the purchase of new cars);
  2. Only new cars are credited (the year of manufacture must be at least 2016).
  3. The car must be assembled in Russia.
Buyer requirements
  1. The program makes the only mandatory requirement - the car purchased must be the owner’s first. This fact will be checked through the traffic police (whether the applicant has previously registered a car in his name) and through the Bureau credit histories(have you taken out a car loan);
  2. There are no age or income restrictions;
  3. State support applies only to citizens of the Russian Federation.
  4. The buyer must have a driver's license in hand.
Other parameters and restrictions of car loans under the “First Car” program
  1. Minimum down payment – ​​20%; it is possible without a down payment, but then the right to a discount on it is lost;
  2. The loan term cannot exceed 36 months (3 years);
  3. The bank's rate on a car loan should not exceed 18% per annum.

Purchasing cars at the MAS Motors showroom is very profitable, because we work not only with new cars, but also with used cars, we provide everything Required documents for the "Trade-In" program, purchasing cars in installments and on credit. Government subsidy programs (government compensation for part of the interest on loans) deserve special attention. The latter include new projects of the Ministry of Industry and Trade:

  1. "First Car"
  2. "Family Car"

ABOUT latest program below.

Since July 2017, the state has allocated 7.5 billion rubles. for the implementation of all state programs for subsidizing the purchase of cars manufactured in Russia.

Terms and conditions of the Family Car program

All government subsidy programs are based on Government Resolution No. 364 of April 16, 2015. It changes and is supplemented every year. This happened in 2017. The next amendments were made by Resolution No. 808 on July 7, 2017. According to the latter, additional benefits appear for certain categories of the population, namely for families with at least two children and for those who are buying a car for the first time in their lives.

Loans are provided by banks for standard conditions, but part of the interest on the loan is paid by the state itself, provided that the bank meets the mandatory requirements of the program (does not have shares of foreign companies in the authorized capital, is connected to unified system credit histories, has no debts, other subsidies, etc.).

The subsidy amount under the Family Car program is 10% of the cost of the car.

Requirements for the car

  1. In 2017, the subsidy program received an updated limit on the cost of the car. It cannot exceed 1.45 million rubles.
  2. The car must be produced on the territory of Russia (not only AvtoVAZ products fall under these requirements, but also foreign manufacturers whose factories operate on the territory of the Russian Federation, providing practically full cycle auto production).
  3. The year of manufacture of the product cannot be lower than 2016 (as required by the current amendments to the 2017 regulation).
  4. The car can only be new (that is, it was not owned by private individuals and was not registered before the current transaction).
  5. Full mass technical means should not exceed 3.5 tons.

Recipient requirements

  1. There are no fixed requirements for the age or income of citizens (that is, any citizen who has reached the age of majority can apply for a subsidy, but the bank can impose its own requirements on borrowers).
  2. The main requirement of the Family Car program is the presence of two or more minor children.
  3. The buyer is a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  4. The borrower must have a driver's license.
  5. After receiving the subsidy, the buyer undertakes not to purchase other cars on credit for a year.

Other parameters and restrictions of car loans under the Family Car program

  1. When purchasing a car on credit with a subsidy, the borrower must make at least 20% of the cost of the car as a down payment.
  2. The maximum loan repayment period cannot exceed 36 months.
  3. The maximum loan rate, which is taken into account in calculating the one-time compensation, cannot exceed 18% (that is, the bank can set a percentage higher, but the subsidy will be calculated only from 18%).
  4. The loan discount compensated by the subsidy cannot be more than 6.7% (previously the limit was calculated as 2/3 of the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation).

Benefits received under the program

  • If the recipient and the bank meet the conditions of the program, then the state will compensate 10% of the total cost of the car (up to 145 thousand, according to the conditions stated above).

How to get

In order to take advantage of this “Family Car” program, you need to visit the MAS Motors office and contact a loan specialist. We will select the most profitable proposition among several dozen partner credit institutions. You can start from the office of your favorite bank, we, in turn, will provide all the necessary documents.

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