Carbonic waters in spa treatment. History, methods, indications

The world-famous resort of Kislovodsk gained popularity solely thanks to the narzan. People suffering from vascular and cardiac ailments flock to Kislovodsk sanatoriums in the hope that Narzan will finally help them get rid of significant health problems.

Narzan baths: effect

Narzan baths really do not deceive the expectations of vacationers, provided that this particular type of treatment is indicated for a certain vascular or heart disease. Baths are used not only to treat existing problems, but also as preventive measures.

The first results are noticeable after a few single baths. Narzan baths are able to produce significant changes in the body of a sick person and have a beneficial effect on the endocrine, nervous system and, of course, the cardiovascular system.

Narzan baths: benefits

Narzan contains carbon dioxide, radioactive emanations and a number of mineral salts. The skin, in contact with gases, actively absorbs them, therefore, the carbon dioxide contained in narzan enters directly into the blood, producing healing changes.

It freely penetrates into the bloodstream, activating cardiac activity and normalizing breathing. The capillaries of the skin and lungs expand, and the blood saturated with carbon dioxide actively moves through the small, and further, through the large circles of blood circulation, unloading the vessels from stagnant blood, improving the nutrition of literally every cell in the body.

Taking narzan baths feels light, quite pleasant tingling, accompanied by a feeling of warmth. The skin turns red and covered with droplets resembling beads. A bath lasting from 10 to 12 minutes can significantly improve a person's well-being. When taking a bath, the heart muscle is unloaded, pulmonary and cellular respiration improves, the condition of the joints improves, and neuralgic problems disappear.

In general, a course of 14 baths is recommended, which are taken immediately after a light breakfast. Treatment should last an average of 3 weeks, but the number of baths and their frequency will be prescribed by the doctor. The effect of the baths is quite persistent: up to six months. For best result the treatment course should be repeated twice a year. A stable result is observed already after 2 weeks after the completion of the procedures, however, if there is no improvement, it is likely that there are significant problems in the body that have accumulated on the current ones, which makes it difficult to notice the effect. However, it will still appear after 3 weeks.

Few sanatoriums can pamper their guests with delicious narzan baths. Today, this procedure is very popular, it heals the entire body and allows you to get rid of most health problems. It is impossible not to fall in love with Narzan baths, and from the very first procedure. If you ever experience the life-giving effect of mineral water, which is very reminiscent of the effect of soda, you will strive to feel it again and again.

According to patients, after the bath, the skin looks as if a good moisturizer was used, it becomes velvety.

The rich composition of narzan includes radioactive amanations, carbon dioxide and mineral salts. The skin actively absorbs all this and delivers it through the blood to the most remote corners of the body, while nourishing every cell.

The benefits of narzan baths manifest themselves in a beneficial effect on the heart, improving respiratory functions, and blood enriched with carbon dioxide helps cleanse blood vessels from various congestions. Reactions that are triggered in the acceptance process healing baths are mainly realized through nerve formations. Therefore, most patients experience drowsiness after the procedure, followed by a deep and restful sleep. Under the influence of narzan water, the skin on the body turns slightly red, this is due to the expansion of capillaries, and is also associated with the rapid production of histamine-like substances. There is an increasing diuresis, against which urea with chlorides are excreted from the body, which indicates the fact of healthy cardiac activity and dilated renal vessels.

In addition to the above, narzan baths perfectly reduce blood sugar and residual nitrogenous components.

Application features

While taking a mineral bath, warmth spreads throughout the body and an unobtrusive, pleasant tingling is felt. Droplets appear on the skin, similar to small beads. The duration of the procedure itself can vary from ten minutes to half an hour. During this period of time, carbon dioxide has time to nourish the skin and have a healing effect on all organs. The period of stay in the bath depends on the concentration of mineral water, its volume and pressure in the system.

The best option is a course of treatment, which includes fourteen sessions, on average, it is calculated for twenty-one days. Depending on medical indications, the number of procedures, as well as the interval with which they will be carried out, is specified by the doctor. Bathing is recommended in the morning after a light breakfast.

Narzan baths retain a lasting healing effect for up to six months, so the course of treatment must be taken twice a year. Already two weeks after the procedure, the first positive results will be noticeable.

Indications for narzan baths

Opportunities of mineral water the best way manifest themselves with the following health problems:

  • Violations at work nervous system. The effective effect of narzan has found its application in neurological practice, procedures with carbon dioxide are often prescribed for neuroses of various kinds.
  • Pathological conditions of the cardiovascular system. A course of narzan baths will be useful for most vascular and heart diseases. The main indications are ischemia, hypo- and hypertension, arrhythmia.
  • Problematic conditions of the skin.
  • Violation of metabolic processes in the body.
  • General weakness, lethargy, low tone, which are inherent in the recovery period after suffering serious illnesses.
  • Pathology of the genital and thyroid glands.

Remember that the most complete effect of mineral procedures is achieved with impeccable adherence to medical prescriptions. And, despite all the positive properties of taking narzan baths, you cannot prescribe a course of treatment yourself, as they have a number of contraindications and can be very dangerous for some.

Contraindications for narzan baths

Among the main contraindications for these healing baths are the following, but this is not a complete list:

  1. Impaired blood flow functions (I and II degree).
  2. Severe heart failure, some vascular disease, recent embolism and thrombosis.
  3. Complicated coronary blood flow (acute phase and chronic course).
  4. Complicated angina.
  5. Attacks of atrial fibrillation.
  6. Hypertension (II and III degree), stroke, recent heart attack.
  7. Pronounced neurotic states.
  8. Active phase of rheumatism.
  9. Inflammatory processes in the kidneys.
  10. The presence of neoplasms.
  11. Acute course of tuberculosis.
  12. Existing non-scarred postoperative injuries on the body.
  13. Acute stage of development of infections and inflammations in the body.
  14. Serious liver damage.
  15. Significant purulent and ulcerative skin lesions.

Iodine-bromine waters have become widespread in the last couple of years and have been used in every second sanatorium, clinics and other health resorts.


The hyperbaric chamber is a treatment with oxygen under pressure. The patient is placed in the chamber, it is hermetically sealed and pure medical oxygen is supplied under pressure.


The cost is from 4200 rubles per day.

Sanatorium located in a park, on the slope of Mount Zheleznaya, not far from drinking pump rooms. IN winter garden health resorts have a source of mineral water. Treatment profile: diseases of the genitourinary system, gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders, nervous system, sexual disorders, etc. Leisure: bar, billiards, swimming pool, dancing, fitness, sports, cinema and concert halls, children's playgrounds, excursions.


The cost is from 3040 rubles per day.

Health resort the highest category located on the shores of a picturesque lake, at the foot of Zheleznaya Mountain, surrounded by natural forest. Treatment profile: diseases of the genitourinary system, stomach, liver, pancreas, intestines, musculoskeletal system, metabolic disorders. Leisure: cinema-concert, dance, sports halls, swimming pool, billiards, cafe-bar, excursions.


The cost is from 2650 rubles / day.

On the vast well-groomed territory of Metallurg (more than 6 hectares), there are medical and diagnostic and modern dormitory buildings: 7-storey and 4-storey, connected by a warm passage, two "luxury cottages" and a catering hall.


The cost is from 2700 rubles / day.

Description: This a good choice for those who wish to combine rest with treatment and excursions around the city of Essentuki. The advantage of the resort is its good location, which makes it possible to quickly and conveniently get to the most popular tourist attractions of the city.


The cost is from 1725 rubles per day.

The sanatorium is located on the slope of Mount Mashuk, not far from the pump rooms of mineral water. The bottom station of the cable car is located on the territory. Treatment profile: diseases of the musculoskeletal system, stomach, nervous system, immunological, diseases of the male and female genitourinary system, endocrinology, metabolic disorders.


The principle of their action is based on the fact that during the session, carbon dioxide, settling on the body in the form of bubbles, penetrates into the blood, due to which the peripheral vessels expand. Breathing normalizes and becomes deep, the process of gas exchange stabilizes, lung capacity increases significantly. Pressure also stabilizes, nervous processes normalize. Such baths have a beneficial effect on the entire body. A special effect is to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, stabilize the work of the circulatory systems.

The standard course of treatment involves taking from 6 to 12 narzan baths. Each session is carried out with an interval of one day. An important condition Such a course of treatment is the obligatory refusal to take mud applications on the days of treatment with narzan baths.

Indications: Narzan baths have a restorative effect on the entire body as a whole, however, their appointment is most often given in the following cases: unstable work of the cardiovascular system (coronary heart disease, hypertension of the first and second stages, hypotension, myocardial dystrophy, atrial fibrillation and others); diseases of the nervous system (all kinds of neuroses); metabolic disorders; skin diseases; the need for general strengthening and tonic procedures to normalize the functioning of the body as a whole.

Contraindications: It should be remembered that narzan baths directly affect the body and cause serious changes in its work. You should not consider such procedures as an exclusively pleasant pastime. Before you take such a step, you should make sure that the existing contraindications to the use do not affect you in any way. It is not allowed to take narzan baths in the following cases: infectious diseases in the acute stage; cirrhosis of the liver; cancers; recent operations; acute heart disease; crises; strokes; active stage of tuberculosis. This is not a complete list of contraindications. Be sure to consult with a specialist before signing up for Narzan baths.

Acceptance rules. A visit to the cycle of sessions of taking narzan baths should be carried out only after agreeing with the specialist on the appropriateness of such procedures. Before and after the session without fail you need to stop eating for at least an hour. Lying in the bath, the temperature of which should be 32-36 ° C, should be motionless. During the session, bubbles will settle on the body carbon dioxide you don't need to touch them. A nurse will monitor the correct preparation of the bath and the procedure at all times. Be sure to follow all doctor's recommendations. Narzan can be dangerous, so its dosage, as well as the time of the session, is strictly regulated. After taking a bath, remove moisture from the skin by blotting with a delicate material; sudden movements are prohibited. Also, any physical activity is not recommended for one and a half hours after the completion of the procedure.

Sanatoriums where NARZAN BATHS are used:

Zheleznovodsk: Beech Grove , Mountain Air , Oak Grove , Dubrava , Im. 30th anniversary of the Victory,

Carbonic waters may have been one of the first to be used in therapeutic purposes, because bubbling springs with gas bubbles settling on the body when immersed in such waters attracted the attention of weary travelers. Before the duel, Pechorin plunged into the “cold boiling water of narzan” and felt that his bodily and spiritual strength was returning to him. Narzan is the most famous water of this type in Russia. Carbonic waters are also found in other parts of the country. They are called "Arshans" in Transbaikalia, in Transcarpathia - "kvass" and "Burkuts", and in the Caucasus they call carbonic waters.

Carbonated mineral waters are natural waters with different ionic composition, salinity and temperature and containing at least 0.75 g/l of carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide - CO2).

“It's like just carbonic water that cures heart disease, but it's not so 'simple'. It's champagne spouting straight out of the ground. Natural champagne, exciting, slightly intoxicating... You sit in the bath, and the body instantly becomes covered with bubbles, as if with silver scales. These bubbles rise in streams from the bottom, more and more - the water just boils from the presence of a human body in it, and it seems that the body, in conjunction with the narzan, begins to radiate warmth, boils in the gentle needles of the narzan, ”wrote about these amazing waters Osip Mandelstam.

In the mechanism of action of carbon dioxide waters of various chemical compositions, the content and concentration of carbon dioxide are of primary importance.

Carbonic acid, carbon dioxide, or carbonic anhydride, or what we used to call "carbon dioxide" ( Acidum carbonicum anhydricum; carbonei dioxydum, CO2), is constantly formed in the tissues of the body in the process of metabolism and plays important role in the regulation of respiration and circulation. Carbon dioxide was the first among all other gases opposed to air under the name "wild gas" by the alchemist of the 16th century. Van Helmont, and his discovery laid the foundation for a new branch of chemistry - pneumatochemistry (gas chemistry). Carbon dioxide has been found in caves, mines, cellars, as well as in some mineral waters - "the waters of sleep give off wild air." The merit of determining the properties of carbon dioxide belongs to the English chemist J. Priestley. The English physicist and chemist G. Cavendish, true to his rule to determine everything by “measure, number and weight”, in 1766 discovered two characteristic physical properties carbon dioxide: its high specific gravity and significant solubility in water.

Carbon dioxide does not just dissolve in water, but partially combines with it, forming carbonic acid. G. Cavendish was the first to draw attention to the fact that water solution carbon dioxide has a pleasant sour taste. He demonstrated at the Royal scientific society a glass of "extremely pleasantly sparkling (effervescent) water, hardly different from seltzer water" and received the society's gold medal for this discovery. It was the first practical use carbon dioxide.

The famous Seltzer water, which the ancient Romans called "dancing" - Aqua Saltare, - was the most famous natural carbonic water. After they learned to saturate any water with carbon dioxide, almost all artificial mineral waters began to be called “seltzer”. A bottle of seltzer has been an indispensable attribute of a still life or action scene in many novels. Carbon dioxide, according to P. Zhams, is a "passport for mineral waters."

Carbon dioxide waters are now recognized as one of the most effective methods resort therapy for diseases of the cardiovascular system. Meanwhile, the therapeutic effect of the waters of Nauheim in Germany, the most famous resort for cardiological patients, was already in the middle of the 19th century. not attributed to carbon dioxide, which is contained in these waters, but to salt, and for greater efficiency, mother brine and magnesium bromide were added to the bath water.

First official testimony to treatment with carbon dioxide waters - narzan - were published in 1893 by the Administration of the Mining Department, which was then in charge of Mineral water. Indications included atonic catarrhs ​​and bladder stones, changes in the sensory and motor spheres in case of neurosis, if the cause of the disease does not lie in lesions of the nervous system, chronic rashes with lethargy of the skin, a general decline in nutrition during prolonged treatment with sulfuric and alkaline baths, iodine, mercury and other drugs. By this time, narzan baths were already prescribed for women's diseases. Only in 1903, at the Second All-Russian Congress of Balneologists, diseases of the cardiovascular system were included in the indications for treatment. Since 1904, it began to develop as a cardiological resort, after a hundred years it was intended for the treatment of various, and first of all, gastrointestinal diseases. In 1959, the Scientific and Resort Council, together with the Balneological Institute, developed another version of the specified indications, which legalized the treatment of neurosis with a predominant violation of cardiovascular activity (cardialgia, angioedema, angina pectoris, cardiac arrhythmias).

The mechanism of action of carbon dioxide waters

The mechanism of action of carbonic waters when applied externally consists of temperature, mechanical and chemical factors, each of which is distinguished by its specific action due to the presence of carbon dioxide.

Mechanical action of carbon dioxide baths due to the difference in sensations, which is caused by simultaneous irritation of the skin with carbon dioxide and water. A kind of micro-massage of the skin with gas bubbles settling on it and coming off causes tactile skin irritation and is an important component of the therapeutic effect. Gas bubbles with a temperature of 12 ° C alternately stick to the skin and burst, in their place water enters more high temperature. While taking a carbon dioxide bath, even with a water temperature of 35 ° C, the body is in conditions of greater heat loss than when taking baths from fresh water.

Water temperature has a significant effect on changes in blood pressure. Baths at a temperature of 34-35 ° C cause a hypotensive effect during the procedure; when leaving the bath, systolic arterial pressure may increase, followed by a decrease within half an hour and a slow return to the original level. The opposite effect is characteristic of carbon dioxide baths of relatively low temperature (28-29 ° C). At the beginning of the procedure, there is an increase in blood pressure, which by the end of the procedure reaches the initial level or decreases.

Chemical action of carbonic waters is that during the bath, about 30 mg of carbon dioxide per minute penetrates the body. Carbon dioxide enters the body in two ways: with inhaled air and through the skin, resulting in an increase in its content in the arterial blood. Inhalation of carbon dioxide leads to its increased exhalation, the lungs are freed from its excess and more saturated with oxygen. At the beginning of immersion in the bath, ventilation of the lungs increases, and breathing becomes deeper and less frequent.

The effect of carbon dioxide bath on thermoregulation processes It consists in increased heat transfer due to the intensive expansion of skin capillaries, lowering the internal temperature of the body and venous blood. Cooling of the body is accompanied by a feeling of warmth as a result of intensive expansion of skin vessels, which makes it possible to carry out balneotherapy in more low temperatures. Carbon dioxide changes the conditions of heat exchange: it increases the activity of heat receptors and inhibits the activity of cold receptors, lowers body temperature, and increases skin blood flow.

Carbon dioxide affects the receptors and effector apparatuses of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, contributing to the formation of active biological substances: active acetylcholine, histamine, serotonin and cholinesterase. Skin capillaries expand, their number increases, capillary blood flow accelerates. An important aspect of the action of carbonic baths is their ability to reduce the tone of venous vessels.

The effect of carbon dioxide baths on the cardiovascular system. In cardiac patients, a carbonic bath causes an increase in minute volume, the changes of which are not pronounced (up to 40-50%), which makes it possible to consider carbonic baths as a low-load procedure for the heart. Depending on the saturation of carbon dioxide in the blood entering the right or left heart, the minute and systolic volume of the heart changes, coronary blood flow, blood oxygenation and myocardial metabolism improve. Under the influence of a carbonic bath, blood pressure rises moderately for a short time (during the first 5 minutes of the bath), and then decreases. These effects are more pronounced in the aftereffect period. The course of balneotherapy leads to an increase in the oxidative functions of myocardial mitochondria, the mobilization of aerobic and anaerobic energy production.

Carbonic baths have a peculiar effect on the nervous system. Carbon dioxide is able to enhance the metabolism in the brain, resulting in an increase in the content of gamma-aminobutyric acid, adenosine triphosphoric acid, a decrease in the content of norepinephrine in the diencephalic parts of the brain and in the walls of the cerebral vessels, while improving the bioelectric activity of the brain, increasing mental performance. Unlike other mineral waters, carbonic waters increase the excitability of the central nervous system and have a tonic effect on the cerebral cortex. Under the influence of carbon dioxide baths, reactivity to physical and mental stress decreases.

Carbonic baths have a pronounced positive effect on the autonomic nervous system, mediated through the central mechanisms of regulation (hypothalamus, reticular formation of the brain stem, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system). As a result, the excitability of the sympathetic nervous system decreases and the tone of the parasympathetic nervous system increases, which leads to an economization of the activity of the heart, brain and other organs and systems, to an improvement in their nutrition and oxygen supply.

Carbonic baths and lipid metabolism. Under the influence of carbonic baths, lipid metabolism increases, the level of cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins in patients with atherosclerosis decreases, and the breakdown of fats and fat-like substances increases. Conducted experimental clinical studies indicate the prospects for the use of carbonic mineral waters in the primary and secondary prevention of atherosclerosis.

Carbon dioxide baths have a pronounced positive effect on various clinical manifestations of atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries and cerebral vessels: angina attacks decrease or stop, electrocardiogram parameters improve, systolic and diastolic blood pressure decreases, sleep improves, endurance to physical and mental stress increases, memory improves, or irritability completely disappears, headache, dizziness, lack of coordination.

Carbonic baths in sports medicine. When taken no earlier than an hour after a workout or 3 hours before the next workout, carbon dioxide baths increase the tone of the nervous system, have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, and improve metabolism. In addition, the excretion of lactic acid is accelerated, there is a faster recovery after physical exertion.

Carbonated baths. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the mineral water used for carbonic baths is from 0.5 to 1.5-2 g/l, the water temperature is 35-36 ° C, in some diseases (arterial hypotension, neurosis, neurocirculatory dystonia), the water temperature is reduced to 34-32 °C; procedures are prescribed every other day or 4-5 times a week, for a course of treatment 10-12 baths.

Drinking treatment with carbonic water

Carbonic acid makes mineral water palatable; carbonated water quenches thirst better. “Just scooped water (from the source) exudes from itself with a hiss, like the best champagne wine, a large number of small air bubbles... She pinches her tongue, hits her nose and, finally, becomes completely light ... This water hisses with all the wines. You can drink it as much as you want without disgust and harm, ”wrote in 1773 a member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences P.S. Pallas.

Carbon dioxide largely determines the therapeutic effect of complex waters. gas composition: carbon dioxide-hydrogen sulfide waters (, Zheleznovodsk,), carbon dioxide-nitrogen (Buryatia, Primorye, Kamchatka), carbon dioxide-arsenic (Chvizhepse -).

Carbonic-arsenic waters

Arsenic-containing mineral waters (As) - natural waters with different ionic composition, salinity, temperature and arsenic content of 0.7 mg/l and more, in waters for drinking treatment not higher than 0.2 mg/l. They belong to rather rare varieties of mineral waters. In arsenic carbonic waters, arsenic is found mainly in the form of arsenous acid, which is due to the corresponding redox conditions. The use of carbonic arsenic mineral water gives a high therapeutic effect in common diseases, in the pathogenesis of which there is a violation cell metabolism. These waters have a pronounced preventive and, to some extent, therapeutic effect in case of radiation injuries. The participation of arsenic in the processes of hematopoiesis determined the appointment of these mineral waters to patients suffering from various anemias. Under the influence of carbonic arsenic-containing waters, the general tone increases, night sleep, headaches, irritability disappear, metabolism and ovarian function normalize, glucocorticoid function of the adrenal glands increases. Arsenic has a beneficial effect on the hematopoietic system, as well as the functions of the liver and skin. Arsenic carbonic waters are most often used for external balneological procedures. Indications: diseases of the circulatory system (atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, hypertension, rheumatism); diseases of the blood, skin, nervous system, musculoskeletal system, stomach, intestines, nervous and endocrine systems. Contraindications: general, excluding the direction to the resort.

Meanwhile, the building of the Main Narzan baths has more than a century of history. The complex was erected for the 100th anniversary of the Kislovodsk resort: in 1803, Emperor Alexander I declared Kislovodsk a healing area by a special decree. The building erected a century later, no doubt, would not have upset the monarch himself: the complex of the Main Narzan baths amazed visitors with Indian color, bizarre turrets and openwork stucco. Oriental elements of decor gave the ensemble lightness and airiness, playfully emphasizing the resort character of the city and its inherent freedom.

The resort theme was played up not by chance - during the period of the appearance of the building of the Main Narzan baths, Kislovodsk gained incredible popularity. TO late XIX century, the resort was one of the most visited places by the Russian aristocracy. Many factors contributed to this. The first and main of them are unique natural conditions: to the purest mountain air and warm weather (number of sunny days in Kislovodsk is about three hundred per year), numerous underground sources of mineral waters have been added. Kislovodsk narzans contain copper, iron, manganese, silver, iodine, bromine, radon, as well as phosphoric and boric acid; this composition is very rare and provides mineral waters with high medicinal properties. Resorts of the Caucasus specialized in the treatment of cardiological diseases, disorders of the nervous system, metabolic disorders and the functioning of the digestive system.

Also, the popularization of the resort in the late XIX - early XX century was facilitated by the developed in 1885 by the German doctor M.I. Ertel method of treatment with terrenkur - dosed ascents along marked routes. In the advanced resort, the novelty was immediately taken into development. In 1901, local doctor N.N. Oblonsky laid the first health path route along Mount Tupy, and after scientific study it became widely used in all resorts. This method is also very useful for the heart, blood vessels and the digestive system.

By the end of the 19th century, the construction of two lines of communication between Moscow and Kislovodsk was completed at once: a highway and a railway line. Of course, this contributed to an increase in the influx of patients. In addition, fashion also had its influence: going to the resort "on the train" in those days was considered incredibly prestigious. And only wealthy people could afford this - a one-way ticket to Kislovodsk for one person in modern money cost about 30,000 rubles.

By the end of the 19th century, the number of vacationers in Kislovodsk, compared with the beginning of the century, had almost tripled. In addition, the public began to understand various methods hydrotherapy and demand the most progressive, improved forms of it. There was an urgent need for a new building equipped with the most modern equipment for narzan baths.

A place was chosen for the complex on the former Poplar Alley (now Kurortny Boulevard), since there was a small narzan lake there. The project of future baths was entrusted to civil engineer A.N. Klepinin. He decided that in terms of spirit and architecture, a large two-story building would be ideal for Kislovodsk, the lower floor of which would be intended for narzan baths and pools, and the upper one for hydrotherapeutic procedures. There were supposed to accommodate massage rooms, saunas, insipid showers. various types and a special massage bath "wellenbad", in which special hole flow in the wall hot water. Moreover, Klepinin thought out the location of the baths in such a way that the narzan would flow into a special tank of the engine room on its own - due to the fact that the building was located just below the level of the main source. The construction of the complex according to the Klepinin project began in 1901 and lasted four years - until January 1905. The complex cost the state 393 thousand royal rubles, which would now amount to a little more than 400 million rubles.

For the design engineer, this building, apparently, became main job in his life. Six years after the grand opening of the complex, Klepinin turned to the director of the CMV with a personal request to add a marble plaque to the facade of the building with the inscription: “Designed and built by engineer A.N. Klepinin. 1901-1903". The wish was fulfilled, and this tablet informs residents and guests of Kislovodsk about the creator of narzan baths to this day, and the building designed by him received the status of an architectural monument of federal significance.

It is worth noting that in the time of Klepinin the complex had a different name - it was known not as “main”, but as “narzan carbon dioxide baths”. The building received its solemn name in Soviet time. The party leadership not only decided to continue the Russian tradition of rest and treatment in Kislovodsk, but to make the resort even more popular and crowded. The building of the complex was reconstructed, the number of baths increased significantly. After that, the name also changed - the baths officially acquired the status of "main". The elite was sent here for treatment Soviet Union- Academicians, scientists, writers. So, in 1935, Samuil Marshak tried to improve his health with the help of narzan baths in Kislovodsk. "I am feeling better. Started writing. I am currently translating English poetry, but I’m thinking of writing a children’s book called Nedralitet, the poet wrote from there to his son.

During the years of the Great Patriotic War development of the city as a resort stopped. Almost all sanatoriums were converted into hospitals, local residents worked as orderlies, nurses and military doctors. Their work was not in vain - after the victory, the city of Kislovodsk was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree for selfless work on the treatment and restoration of the health of soldiers.

Kislovodsk literary

For many residents of Russia, the very word "Kislovodsk" evokes extremely romantic and literary associations - mountains, duels, walks, young ladies in dresses and with sun umbrellas. The image, on the one hand, is far-fetched, and on the other hand, to some extent justified: in terms of the number of famous guest writers, only Moscow and St. Petersburg can compete with the resorts of Kislovodsk. IN different times people have visited here, without whom it is impossible to imagine Russian culture. Lermontov, Pushkin, Chekhov, Leo Tolstoy mentioned Kislovodsk in their works and diaries, and Solzhenitsyn is a native of this city.

But still greatest place Kislovodsk occupied Lermontov's work, and it is this poet that everyone who comes to these places immediately remembers. Lermontov visited the Caucasus for the first time as a boy of ten years old - he came for treatment with his grandmother - and fell in love with his peers. Since then, the Caucasus and romance have been inseparable for the poet. “The mountains of the Caucasus are sacred to me,” wrote Lermontov. He returned here, however, only 14 years later, in 1838 as part of the Life Guards of His Majesty's Hussar Regiment. This was the poet's second visit to the Caucasus; the third, and last, began two years later, and the reason for it was extremely dramatic - exile due to a duel, by the personal decision of the king. Impressions from his stay in the Caucasus became the basis for many of Lermontov's works; among them are Demon, Mtsyri and, of course, Hero of Our Time.

Pushkin visited Kislovodsk twice - in 1820 together with the family of General Nikolai Nikolaevich Raevsky (the poet lived in the Kislovodsk fortress) - and in 1829. These were his only two trips to the Caucasus. During his stay in Kislovodsk, Pushkin even visited mineral baths - however, the complex of the Main Narzan baths did not exist then, and the poet used the Ermolovsky ones.

Leo Tolstoy visited the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody in the summer of 1852 and 1853. but most the then future great writer spent time in Pyatigorsk; he went to Kislovodsk on a study visit.

Chekhov first came to the Caucasus in 1888 and was stunned. “There are many impressions. If I lived in the Caucasus, I would write fairy tales there. Amazing country! he wrote in his diary. True, the writer urged his friends to avoid resort towns "like Kislovodsk." But at the same time, it was Kislovodsk, according to legend, that inspired Chekhov to write one of his most famous works. In 1896, the writer's notebook stated: "I arrived in Kislovodsk on August 24." And right under this note is the phrase: "Lady with a pug."

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