How much can you earn making soap at home. Soap making: how to create a successful business

In our city in one mall, soap is sold in a small department handmade. Once upon a time, I went to the smell - it smelled very pleasant - and bought a piece.

What else I liked about this soap, apart from the smell - it lathered well, the skin did not dry out from it and did not sting my eyes. And there was a very pleasant smell in the bathroom - you go into the bathroom and get a free aromatherapy session.

I remembered this soap a year later, when I stopped liking ordinary soap - it dries the skin, stings the eyes, the assortment in the store is simply meager (except for Palmolive, Saveguard and terrible Neva cosmetics - there is practically nothing).

I decided to start soap making at home (I don’t want to constantly buy soap for 200 rubles), but at the same time I studied the question of how others make money with it and how you can also turn soap making into your home business.

Soap making process

The process of soap making is not complicated. Now there are many ready-made components for sale, which you only need to mix and pour into molds - here you have the finished soap. All this can be done at home.

For example, a ready-made soap base is taken (sold in many online stores), melted in a water bath or in a microwave. Then fatty oil, dye and flavor are added to the liquid mass. And everything is poured into molds. During the day, the soap will thicken and you can use it (you can find more detailed recipes on the Internet or special books on home soap making; in particular, there are options for both hot and cold soap making; you can make cosmetic soap at home, or you can make medical soap ; there are soap shampoos, soap washcloths, scrub soap, anti-cellulite soap, dishwashing soap, liquid soap- the range can be created huge).

You can find more accurate soap making recipes on specialized sites on the Internet, on YouTube and in books:

Cost of homemade soap

Let's estimate the cost of the simplest homemade soap (to know how much you can earn from one piece).

Approximate composition of handmade soap:

1. Soap base (English, German costs 230 rubles per 1 kg) - 100 g, i.e. 23 rubles.
2. Fatty oil (for example, apricot kernel oil - 550 rubles per liter) - 1 ml, i.e. less than 1 ruble.
3. Dye (80 rubles per 100 g) - 4-7 drops, i.e. less than 1 ruble.
4. Flavoring agent (90 rubles per 1 kg) - 3 ml, i.e. 5 rubles.

Total, the simplest natural homemade soap can be made at a cost of about 30 rubles per 100-gram piece (I do not include the cost of molds and dishes in the cost of soap, since they can be used almost an infinite number of times).

And such soap is sold for at least 100 rubles (more often - 130-150 rubles per piece).

(showcase "Fair Masters" -

(Experienced craftswomen make the soap base themselves, so the cost of soap can be even lower for them.)

Where to get ingredients for making homemade soap

Go to Type in the search box what you need to find - and get a list of suppliers.

It happens that some suppliers sell only soap base, others - fatty oils, and others - food coloring. Look for what is more profitable for you, do not be lazy. Because the prices of different suppliers sometimes vary several times.

You can team up with several soap makers (by finding them, for example, on Vkontakte) and make a joint wholesale order (at a significant discount), and then divide the goods among yourself.

Where to sell soap

You can sell your soap:

1. To her friends and acquaintances (this is how Alena Radtseva from Barnaul began, who lost her job a few years ago and decided to survive on soap making. She gave the first copies of her soap to her friends. Those, surprised by the effect, told their friends. Thanks to word of mouth, Alena got her first clients.

2. Through the organization of master classes in your city. Then you will sell raw materials for making homemade soap to your own students at a small margin.

3. By participating in various festivals and fairs, as does one of the soap sellers at the Masters Fair - Joy and Soap - Read her blog on, see how she presents her products - it will be very useful to you.

4. Throwing house parties (see How to sell needlework? Throw a party!).

5. You can donate your soap to a suitable store for sale ( flower shop, gift shop, beauty department, etc.).

6. If you receive certificates for your products (like Alena Radtseva), you will be able to sell your goods in bulk - open your own department in the store (as it was opened by the representative office of Stenders in the shopping center of our city - and has been trading quite successfully for several years), conclude contracts with other stores, open your own online store.

7. You can open your group in Odnoklassniki or Vkontakte and sell your products to your classmates.

8. At the Masters Fair -
If you look at sales in the Handmade Cosmetics section, you will see that homemade soaps are selling quite well. It is sold not only as a cosmetic or medicinal soap, but also as a gift.

9. If you live in Western country, you can quite successfully sell your soap on the most popular resource for craftsmen I found one seller on, Dennis Anderson, who made over 33,400 sales of his homemade soap in 3.5 years!

Dennis Anderson in his office

Moreover, he started as an amateur, and began to sell from the first day of registration on (you can see the history of his sales on yourself). Today he is the owner of Anderson Soap Company -

Experienced Tips

I read an interview with soap businessman Dennis Anderson on ( , and found out that he hardly works offline (except for participating in various events and exhibitions where always gives out Business Cards and discount coupons for your product sold on, since there are a lot of orders online.

He sells mainly online through, as well as taking bulk orders from existing customers.

As he reports, it is very important for business development:

1. Have your own website, where you can always send a potential client (from the Internet or from reality).

2. News permanent job with its visitors by conducting mailing lists and participating in social networks.

3. Visit thematic forums - there you can find a lot of valuable information.

4. Take high-quality photos of your product.

6. Always look for new ideas for your product and ideas for its promotion.

I noticed, by the way, that on he always sells only one unit of his product. This allows potential buyer feel that the product you like is the last one (and you need to urgently buy it before someone else buys it). It also allows his product to appear frequently in top rows listing of new products.

You can also watch successful sellers (on or and see: what they sell, what price they set, how they present their product, what they write in their blog, what reviews buyers give them.

And do the same and even better.

Benefits of a homemade soap business

1. If in the West soap making at home has already conquered the market, then in Russia this market is only being mastered. You will be one of the first.

2. This is a business with almost zero investment.

3. The market has already been tested, the product is in demand. Feel free to start.

4. Soap is a consumable commodity. If your customer likes your product, he will become your regular customer.

5. You can not be afraid of stale copies of the goods. It can either be used for personal purposes or melted down and reused in other combinations.

6. Freedom of creativity - you can constantly experiment, find new types of goods that have the highest demand at the moment.

Update as of 11/11/13. I have long wanted to write my additional impression about homemade soap products.

I bought from Alena Radtseva (the heroine of this article) her home-made soap. Looks pretty, no doubt about it. And it smells natural. But it dries the skin and eats the eyes! I also bought hair soap from her - this is something deadly for hair. It is impossible to wash your hair and body with such soap. I think there's a lot of lye in there.

I also ordered soap (solid and liquid) from Dennis Anderson (via Etsy; the parcel arrived, by the way, exactly one month after the order). Solid soap is so-so, nothing special. Pretty, smells good. But the liquid soap, which he positioned as an organic remedy for everything, including washing dishes, horrified me. I tried to wash my pan with it - this liquid was so ingrained into the walls of the pan that I only washed it after two years. It feels like it's not soap, but oil ( yellow color). This viscous mass is not washed off by anything until it comes off on its own over time.

Yes, I found another needlewoman in my city via the Internet (she had her own online store, although it was more tears than an online store). She sold soap only to order. I ordered two pieces for her. Two days later, the husband went to her house, gave the money and received the goods. Brought home. I unrolled and got upset. This needlewoman stuffed homemade soap with artificial flavors (I dreamed of smelling natural soap). Such disgusting! (she probably thought that people could not tell the difference between an artificial smell and a natural one). I will certainly never order anything from her again.

So please be extremely careful with homemade soap.

It's not that safe.

Soap making has become a very popular hobby for many women today. Such an exciting hobby can easily turn into a means of generating income. The cost of starting a business will be low, and the profit will be high, which will quickly recoup the costs. In order for the business to be successful, one should have a good knowledge of the schemes and technologies of soap making, as well as develop a plan for the quantity and quality of soap produced. It is important to understand that there will be many competitors. Therefore, soap must have characteristic and original properties, as well as meet the needs of consumers.

The features of building a soap making business can be found on the Internet. Specialized sites contain maximum a large number of information about soap making, master classes introducing soap production technologies, video tutorials on how to start your own business and earn from the first days. The first step should be familiarization with the technology of soap production, its types and properties.

Studies have shown that the most sold is solid soap High Quality. It is on its sale that you can earn money for the further development of the business.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that after use, the soap should dry quickly. The appearance of soap should be attractive, “tasty”, and the smell should be pleasant. You should also study the market and familiarize yourself with the products of competitors.

What should you invest in:

  • Buying a soap base. Purchase can be made wholesale and retail. If there is no money for wholesale yet, then you can buy the base by weight.
  • Purchasing forms. Forms must be current and original. The most common are plastic molds They are high quality and durable. To diversify the assortment and to increase sales, you can purchase 3-D molds - they are often bought for themselves and as a gift.
  • Stock of fragrances and dyes. At the very beginning, it is better to buy dyes with standard and common colors, and fragrances - with familiar and popular flavors: berries, flowers.
  • Preparation of a set of base oils. They can be solid or liquid. For starters, you can choose not too expensive oils.
  • Think about the type of packaging. The idea for packaging design should be fresh and original. And take care of the purchase of materials for her.

The purchase of all ingredients and materials will require no more than $ 100. At the same time, many tools for making soap are already at home. It is also important to determine the workplace and its arrangement. It is also important to follow safety precautions.

How to start your soap making business: where to sell products

An important issue in establishing a business for beginners is to sell finished products, as well as the development of a base of regular customers. Here it is very important to start acting actively, somewhere even assertively. Many start their business by giving items to relatives and friends. It is better to immediately move on to sales and conquering the market.

Ready-made soap can be sold through free online sales platforms. You can post your work on them. It is important to upload only high-quality photos from interesting description goods. Popularity depends on the quality of the product and how much soap is for sale.

Where to make sales:

  • Social media. They provide the ability to create a page and group. This will help you find friends who are interested in soap making and its end product. Groups should be filled with photos of goods, descriptions for them, it is desirable that the group be updated every day, contain thematic information.
  • Conducting master classes. First, you can start with free master classes - this will attract new customers. Rave reviews will help attract new customers.
  • Implementation. Find stores and shops that will agree to take the goods for sale. It is important to consider that they will do this if they like the product and they can sell it profitably.
  • Opening your own point of sale. For starters, it can be fairs, kiosks or small points in shopping centers.

The soap business involves creative development, originality and continuous development and growth. A well-promoted business can provide a stable and high income. It is important that the very process of creating soap takes place in an atmosphere of interest in this business - you need to cook soap with love.

Business plan: soap making

Starting your own business is always difficult, because there are many questions and fears that something will go wrong. To do this, first of all, you need to draw up a business plan that will allow you to do the calculations, calculate the pros and cons, calculate the costs and expected income. It is important to know what problems may arise and how they can be solved.

To save money, it is best to start working from home and distribute the product among friends and acquaintances.

When the business expands, a new customer base is formed, only then can funds be allocated to expand the business. You can think of registering an enterprise and renting a special room for the production and sale of products. Costs can also be cut on the purchase of tools, but you should not save on the quality of the ingredients.

Business plan:

  • Calculate the costs associated with registering an enterprise.
  • Take into account the money that will be needed to rent or purchase premises.
  • Take into account the fact that the repair of the premises will require money.
  • Calculate the level of costs for the purchase of ingredients and tools.
  • Allocate money for the purchase of wrapping materials.

If a limited amount of funds has been allocated to start a business, you can save on employee salaries at first by selling products yourself. You can also not rent a room, but run a business on social networks. Cooking products can be done in the kitchen in the apartment or in a specially designated room.

Soap making as a business

In order to open a business, you need to study the market and understand whether it will be profitable and whether it will have to be closed soon. Today, handmade products are very popular. This also applies to soap.

Soap making is a business that does not require large initial investments, but it is very profitable if it is built correctly.

For a business to be successful, handmade soap must be not simple, but original, different from competitors' products. Interesting business ideas can be found on the Internet, but it is better to use them as a model, creating masterpieces on your own. When manufacturing, it is important to strictly observe the cooking technology.

Benefits of a soap making business:

  • Does not require large expenses;
  • The production of goods can be done at home;
  • You can promote and sell goods on social networks.

Soap making is an interesting and exciting job that can bring a steady income if the product is interesting, original and of high quality. For sale, it is better to cook soap from scratch. An example of work and recipes can be found on the Internet. You can use various fairs to expand your business. And to attract customers, organize master classes and lectures.

How and where to start a soap making business (video)

Soap making for sale is a fairly common business in our country. But this will not become an obstacle to starting your own business, if the master is passionate and in love with his work. You don't need a lot of money to start a business. But experience in soap making is desirable. It is better for novice masters to get acquainted with detailed information about soap making, technologies for making soap at home. It is important to take care of the quality of ingredients and beautiful packaging for finished products, then a good income will not take long.

Soap making is often perceived as just a hobby, but it can really be turned into profitable business. Many beginners face serious obstacles in the way of starting their own business and stop developing it. This can be avoided by creating a business plan and pre-forming a sales market. product quality, original design and skillful marketing will help you succeed in soap making and make good money on it.

Making soap from scratch at home

Soap is obtained by combining fat and alkali. Additional ingredients are also needed: soap base, water, dyes, flavors, base and essential oils, glycerin. As additives for decorative, cosmetic soap, seeds, dried flower petals, crushed berry seeds, minerals, oat flakes, mica.

Advice: to make high-quality cosmetic or laundry soap, it is important to remember that all ingredients must have the same temperature before mixing, otherwise the production technology will be violated.

Income from a business from scratch in soap making directly depends on production volumes and the sales market. You can start making a product in your home kitchen, but over time it makes sense to organize a mini-workshop in a separate room. Handmade soap is made by casting - the prepared soap base is poured into special molds. According to reviews, in order to succeed in this business, at first it is better to work on the basis of simple and proven recipes, accurately observing the quantity and weight of the ingredients, and over time it will be possible to create your own recipes and develop an individual design.

Over time, the scale of the soap business can be expanded and transferred from the home kitchen to a separate room (minimum area - 70 m²). When calculating the production for the year of 24 thousand pieces of soap 100 g each, approximately 245 thousand rubles will need to be invested in the project. for the purchase of equipment, the creation of industrial stocks of raw materials, materials, material and technical resources, the lease of premises. You also need to purchase:

  • base oil (used about 1000 liters per year);
  • essential oils(500 ml);
  • dyes (500 ml);
  • sugar (0.5 kg);
  • warm milk to dilute the soap mass (500 l);
  • strong alcohol (50 l).

The costs associated with soap making should also include payment utilities, wages, if employees are involved, rent of premises, taxes. The cost of 100 g of products based on a soap base, dye and fragrance will be approximately 30 rubles. (with an average market price of 100-250 rubles).

According to reviews, such investments in a business from scratch will pay off in about 1.5 years. If you make a product at home, you will need minimal costs (ingredients, molds, packaging) and you can quickly return them. To confidently engage in soap making, you should legally register your activities. To do this, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur, select a tax regime (general, simplified taxation system). The main documents that a future entrepreneur will need are a passport, a notarized application in the form P21001, a receipt for payment of the state fee. During registration, it is important to choose the correct OKVED code, which indicates the type of activity of the entrepreneur. After registration with the tax authority, an individual entrepreneur will be able to receive a certificate of successful registration with tax office. It remains only to make a seal and open a current account.

Equipment for the production of laundry soap

To create a business for the production of laundry or decorative soap at home from scratch, you do not need to purchase a lot of professional equipment, you can start if you have culinary appliances. But there are a few things you need to buy:

  1. Electronic balance.
  2. Cooking thermometer.
  3. Immersion blender for quick mixing of ingredients.
  4. Soap molds.

Advice: if alkali is used in the soap process, it is necessary to work with special glasses and gloves.

You also need to prepare some kitchen utensils: a large saucepan of stainless steel, a small container of about 2 liters, a frying pan that can fit a small saucepan, a large microwave bowl, measuring cups, 2 long-handled spoons for stirring (plastic, stainless steel), paper towels, a rubber spatula, a plastic basin for washing utensils.

If an entrepreneur decides to expand his business in soap making and open a mini-workshop for the production of cosmetic and decorative soap, then some additional equipment will be needed:

  • gas-electric stove (1);
  • professional dishes (2);
  • air conditioner (2);
  • casting molds (several hundred).

Sales market and features of the implementation of decorative soap

To succeed in soap making from scratch and create a successful business out of a hobby, you need to responsibly approach the process of creating it. It is important not only to study well the technology of making soap, but also to preliminarily form a sales market, take into account investment risks. Even before the creation of the first batch, the entrepreneur must already know where his products will be sold. Where can I profitably sell cosmetic or laundry soap made by myself?

  1. Opening your outlet in a large shopping center, in the market.
  2. Sale via the Internet, including wholesale.
  3. Implementation in fitness centers with showers, spas, beauty salons, hairdressers.
  4. Participation in fairs, exhibitions folk art, festivals.

To increase sales turnover, local sales can be combined with the sale of soap through social media, or you can open an online store with the possibility of delivery by mail, find wholesale buyers. According to reviews, such actions will expand the development of business in the soap industry.

To get people to know about your products, you can use the following methods:

  • distribution of flyers, business cards;
  • ads in newspapers, the Internet, social networks;
  • creation of a thematic group in a social network;
  • distribution of product samples to enterprises, firms of the city.
  • creating your own blog, business card site or online store.

The development of investment and other risks, for example, low sales, unforeseen expenses, and an increase in the cost of the product, can prevent the promotion of a soap business from scratch. To avoid this, even before financial investments, it is necessary to form a reliable sales market, find wholesale suppliers and purchase materials. Before starting production, it is advisable to create a business plan that will take into account all costs, risks, and give a preliminary assessment of profitability.

Another direction of development of this business can be the production of promotional soap (in the form of key rings, souvenirs with logos, emblems). The main consumers of such products are, as a rule, enterprises, firms, companies, restaurants, dry cleaners, as well as individual orders. To increase the number of sales of handmade soap, it is advisable to use the original packaging: decorated bags made of natural fabrics, paper bags made of colored or kraft paper, cardboard packaging tied with a ribbon.

In addition to soap making, there are many more interesting ideas, which are successfully implemented even with minimal capital, for example, you can do it. You can also, this idea will be relevant for both large and small town. It is possible to find your niche in the business area even with the complete absence of investments (, Internet surfing).

Soap making as a business - reviews

I have been engaged in soap making for 3 months, sales are not very large, but regular customers have already appeared. I didn't think about marketing in advance, and this is probably my biggest mistake. Now I have begun to cooperate with several stores, I am preparing quite large batches for them. Of course, to make a business out of this, a more serious approach is needed.

I have always been interested in the topic of hand-made, but a few years ago I got the idea to create my own soap. There are practically no competitors in the city. I've been working in a home kitchen for a few months now. I don’t make large batches of soap yet, but I sell a few kilograms a week without problems and am satisfied with the profit. The plans include the creation of a mini-workshop for soap making.

Having read positive feedback, a few years ago I became interested in the topic of soap making and made a lot of souvenir soaps for friends. But you can still make money from it. My husband and I decided to open a mini-shop for the production of soap. Things are going well. We sell products not only in our city, but throughout the country (and we send products by mail).

It is possible only in the case of high-quality preparation for the start of your business. In order to succeed and make a profitable business out of soap making, it is important to first form a sales market and disseminate information about your products. To minimize the risk of investment risks, it is desirable to preparatory stage create a business plan or at least conduct economic analysis future project.

Many people have some kind of hobby: someone collects coins, someone embroiders with a cross, and someone prancing on a horse in their spare time. Few of these people did not think about the fact that they would like to have a job as their hobby. And the pleasure of such work, and money.

Some craftsmen overcome themselves and still start a business based on their hobby. And what? Handwork is now in high esteem. But many are already capturing the handmade market. Therefore, you need to hurry. Although a creative person is not afraid of any barriers.

The story of one such creative hobby (where the idea came from and how she organized her business) and will tell the magazine Reconomica Ekaterina, a resident of an ordinary village.

My name is Sidorova Ekaterina Maksimovna. I live in the village of Kalshali, Tuymazinsky district, Republic of Bashkortostan. At the time of starting the business, I was 26 years old. And it all started in January 2017. And my business is still running today.

For a long time I thought about what to do so that my work would bring me pleasure and good finances. Since I live in the countryside, we have a hard time with work here.

And suddenly, quite by accident, the book “All About Soapmaking” falls into my hands, very beautiful and with vivid illustrations.

I thought: “It’s not a bad idea to cook soap and I will cook it only natural, with healing properties, and with a piece of soul. This is not a bad idea: soap is a good gift, and absolutely everyone on earth uses it. Well! We must act, especially since I am a creative person.”

Required Ingredients

After reviewing what ingredients I need according to the recipe, I realized that, of course, I need financial investments, although not very large, but I didn’t have them either.

I called my best friend, saying that I have an idea of ​​​​earning something interesting for her and me, but this requires money. She really liked my idea, since the soap will be natural, so the products for it too.

I found goose fat (this is the basis of our recipe) in the village. Having agreed with a neighbor, we borrowed 10 kg of fat for a month. At home, I had enough different medicinal herbs. I love to collect them in the summer and enjoy their fragrances.

A friend paid for my ticket, and I went with two huge bags with these trains to Moscow to a friend to jointly organize our business.

Let's get started

We were very happy with our idea of ​​making money. Additionally, for soap making, we needed to buy everything else:

  • 2 pairs of goggles;
  • rubber gloves - 2 pairs;
  • protective masks;
  • scales;
  • blender;
  • 2 pans;
  • rectangular soap molds;
  • 2 sharp spatulas (for cutting soap into pieces);
  • cling film (for ease of removal);
  • thermometer;
  • aprons;
  • alkali.

When we put all this on ourselves, people, seeing us on the first floor street, thought that we were some kind of scientists. And we were just novice soap makers, but from the outside it looked very funny. But positive emotions in soap making were welcome in our business.

Prescription costs

According to the recipe, we began to cook soap. Goose fat soap.


Goose fat + sodium hydroxide (alkali) + herbal decoction.


One kilogram of fat costs 200 rubles:

200 rubles * 10 kg = 2000 rubles.

Sodium hydroxide (alkali) - 25 kg = 2500 rubles.

Additional supplements purchased:

  1. glycerin 1 liter = 200 rubles;
  2. vanillin (for smell) 50 pieces * 2 rubles = 100 rubles;
  3. cocoa (for color) 100 rubles;
  4. cinnamon 60 rubles;
  5. poppy 10 pcs * 20 rubles = 200 rubles;
  6. dry cream 100 rubles;
  7. Bashkir linden honey 4 kg = 1200 rubles;
  8. confectionery essences: chocolate, strawberry, orange 160 rubles * 3 pcs = 480 rubles;
  9. packaging bags for soap 1000 pcs * 2 rubles = 2000 rubles;
  10. tape per package = 300 rubles (I don’t remember the quantity).

Soap labels were printed at home.

Total: 9240 rubles (starting capital).

The process is underway

It was something. The process itself was like some kind of witchcraft, and we were two fairies who cooked, added herbs and enjoyed our cooking process.

Hot soap, poured into molds, stood for a day before hardening. After the bar of soap was divided into ten parts.

We calculated the costs, and it was 230 rubles for the whole mass of hot soap. Each bar of soap when ripe cost 250 rubles. There were ten or fifteen such pieces (depending on weight). Soap was divided by eye, but the weight of a bar of soap was approximately 80-100 grams.

Soap matured for one month, but the longer it stood, the more expensive it became, just like expensive liquor. But it was worth it.

Soap ripened in a month. It had a subtle scent, a hint of herbal notes.

The foam of the soap was quite thick, and after washing with our soap, the skin became slightly moisturized.

Let's start the sale

We were content with our sorcery. Beautifully packaged, we decided to put it up for sale on the Internet. Some products were handed over for sale to stores, and some, having taken them in baskets, went to sell them.

Physically, our strength was not enough, and we turned to two of our friends for help. The guys had two cars. They acted as couriers for the delivery of soap.

My friend and I first offered to buy soap to our acquaintances and girlfriends. Those at work told their employees, the employees told their relatives. Further, we began to call schools and kindergartens to order wonderful soap for gifts.

The case turned around, it went very well. We did not even expect, there was enough work for everyone. I want to say right away that initially, no business plan was drawn up. The work was started with a creative, emotional attitude.

Results for the month

The process of making handmade soap was originally more for fun than for making money. Within a month, all our expenses paid off. They returned the debt to a neighbor from the village for 10 kilograms of goose fat, that is, 2000 rubles.

Most soap was taken in schools and kindergartens. By that time, the holidays fell on February 23 and March 8.

Feedback on soap from our customers was very positive, and people began to offer to make products according to their preferences (the composition of the soap was discussed individually).

Soap became more expensive. Now we are preparing soap absolutely to order, at the suggestion of the customer. From our friendly team, everyone began to do their own thing: courier boys - on delivery, business cards, flyers, and my friend and I - calling, cooking soap at night.

Then a friend suggested making a group in the social. networks "Handmade soap". She completely took over the work in the group. My presence here was already superfluous: the guys coped. And I decided to return to the village.


I came there with money. Since our products were natural, our money was consciously invested in the cause. With some of our money we bought goats and geese. Goat milk was added literally as an elixir of health and youthfulness of the skin, well, and geese - for the base fat.

I was engaged in milking goats, growing geese, collecting medicinal herbs. I also prepared soap for natural products and ripened in a dark room. Soap I could prepare many times more. And the ready-ripened soap was sent to my friend for sale.

Now my work was remote. Pleasant discounts and gifts were made for regular and wholesale customers: Bombs-geysers for the bathroom.

Our team income

Our work was coordinated and teamwork. Everyone did their jobs.

Our earnings for the first month were about 60 thousand rubles.

We spent most of this money on the purchase of components for soap (all kinds of molds, ingredients), and the rest - on animals.

For the second month, we continued to work, but some doubts were looming.

We calculated that if we make 50 bars of soap a day and sell them for 250 rubles, then by the end of the month, including expenses, we could earn 340.5 thousand rubles!

Something is wrong

But not everything is as great as it seems. Someone took on more work, and someone, in general, approached his work with reluctance.

As a result, in the second month they were able to earn only 179 thousand rubles.

And we all wanted our share. My friend and I wanted to split our income 50% each. Moreover, our couriers wanted their interest. Plus, the fact that I borrowed money from my girlfriend had to be paid back. And she sponsored everything. She wanted more income. Because of this, we quarreled with her and did not communicate for a long time.

It's been 4 months

After 4 months of our quarrel, we finally decided to talk and discuss everything about our relationship and our business. As a result, we came to the conclusion that it is best for us to split into two small businesses (one is mine, the other is hers), so that there are no quarrels about who sold more, who made more soap.

She began to make soap from not completely natural substances. Her soap base was not made from goose fat, but from a soap base bought from a store.

And I tried to do my own with my animals, with herbs and goat's milk. I came up with my own stamp to proudly put on my handmade soap work, and of course I shared it with my friend. Still, the business, although divided, is still common.

I also collected healing herbs and took them at the request of a friend. And in return she sent me beautiful packages and many different molds.

She started making her soap in the form of various animals, and in addition to soap, I also made bath bombs, which began to buy even more than soap.

No longer a business, just a hobby

Since that time, our business has become more of a hobby than a job. We made soap when we had free time.

Selling soap, a friend saved up 60 thousand for her studies in a month and a half and learned.

My hobby has already grown into selling bombs, but sometimes I make soap for myself, my family and my friends.

On bombs, I get an income of about 25-30 thousand rubles a month. I'll probably build a house soon!

If someone wants to plunge headlong into this business, then I have some tips for you that may come in handy. Most importantly, do not be afraid to try something new: suddenly something will work out.

If you put any flower petals in your soap, then most likely they will change their color and become ugly. Choose flowers whose petals do not change color, such as marigold flowers.

It’s better not to mix essential oils and fragrances, in case you get a completely different smell that you wanted.

But mix essential oils as much as you like, they have a beneficial effect on your skin.

And don't forget to enjoy your creativity! I hope you enjoyed my story and want to be part of the idea as I once did.

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