A cool scenario for a New Year's corporate party without the Snow Maiden. Funny New Year's scenes for a corporate party (for adults)

Corporate new year parties are becoming increasingly popular. Therefore, it is worth preparing thoroughly for this long-awaited holiday, so that next year your employees will work with even greater dedication and enthusiasm. They will help!!!

Corporate New Year scenario

For the event you will need:
. Props for competitions.
. Prizes and gifts.

Event plan:
. Official congratulations.
. Banquet.
. Game "Memories".
. Contest of wishes for next year.
. Election of honorary Father Frost.
. Election of the Snow Maiden.
. Competitions and games.
. Astrological forecast For office workers.
. Dancing.

Official congratulations

The best way to start your holiday is with official congratulations company management (directors, heads of departments). Congratulations should not be drawn out; it is advisable to spend it with humor, jokes and New Year's poems. You should not use a congratulatory speech for an official report on the work done; it is enough just to briefly summarize the results of the year and be sure to thank all employees.

Depending on the number of participants and the premises in which the celebration is taking place, the nature of the banquet may change. Guests can be seated at one large table or small tables. Participants can take their seats immediately upon arrival at the holiday or after official congratulations.
On long holidays such as New Year, it is not recommended to have a buffet. Even if a general feast is not planned, it is necessary to provide a sufficient number of seats for participants.

Game "Memories"

This game can be offered during a feast. Any number of people participate in the game. Players take turns naming an event (preferably pleasant or funny) that happened in the company (or is directly related to it) during the past year. Anyone who cannot remember any event is out of the game. The last participant remaining in the game receives a prize.
The game can be stopped earlier by rewarding several participants. The best prize in the game will be a notebook.

Contest of wishes for next year

In addition, at the table you can hold a competition for the best wish for the company or your department for the next year. It is most convenient if the wishes take the form of toasts. A jury made up of the company's management selects the winners who are awarded prizes. The most suitable prize for this competition is a bottle of champagne or other wine.

Election of honorary Father Frost

After the bulk of the guests have had their fill, you can offer some more active entertainment. The presenter announces a competition for honorary Father Frost. Those wishing to take part in the competition are invited to the stage. The following competitions are held between them:


Each contestant receives a napkin and scissors. His task is to cut out the snowflake as quickly and accurately as possible. The authors of the best snowflakes receive prize points.

Frost Breath

For the next competition, players place their snowflakes on the table, and they themselves stand on one side of the table (if there are many contenders for the title of Santa Claus, you can move several tables). Their task is to blow away a snowflake from the opposite side of the table.
Participants try to do this as quickly as possible, but the prize point in the competition will be given to the player whose snowflake was the last to fly off the table. The host explains to the surprised players that this challenger has “the frostiest breath.”

Red nose

In this competition, participants are invited to drink a glass of vodka or other strong drink. After this, the audience chooses the contestant with the reddest nose. He gets a bonus point.
The candidate who scores the most prize points is declared an honorary Santa Claus. He wears a Santa Claus mask or a red Santa Claus hat. If several participants in the competition scored the same number of points, you can choose Santa Claus by drawing lots or appoint several participants to this honorary position at the same time.
All competition participants receive incentive prizes.
Despite the simplicity of these competitions, they are very fun in a certain festive atmosphere.

Election of the Snow Maiden

After the election of Santa Claus, the presenter announces that it is necessary to choose a granddaughter for Santa Claus, and invites everyone to take part in the Snow Maiden competition. The following competitions are held between the candidates:

New Year's song

The contestants take turns singing a verse of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” Santa Claus and the audience choose the winner of the competition, who receives a prize point.

Santa Claus's request

Santa Claus names 5-7 items that he needs. The participant who finds and brings these items before others receives a prize point
Items can be very diverse: fruit, jewelry, a glass of some drink, pieces of clothing (the intimacy of which depends on the looseness of the company) and shoes. Participants must ask other guests for the necessary things, find them on the festive table or among their own things.

Affectionate granddaughter

The contestants take turns complimenting Santa Claus. The winner of the competition can be the candidate who came up with the most words, or the participant whose words Santa Claus liked the most. The winner receives a bonus point.
The participant who scores more points than the others is declared the winner and appointed as the Snow Maiden. If several candidates for this role score the same number of points, the final word remains with Santa Claus.
All competition participants receive incentive prizes.
After the election of Father Frost and Snow Maiden, they can give all guests small memorable gifts (for example, boxes of chocolates).

Competitions and games

After the competitions, you can hold several games among those who wish. Simultaneously with the games, the feast continues; some of those present may start dancing.

North and south wind

To play, you need two participants and one snowflake, cut out at the Santa Claus competition. The snowflake is placed on the table, the participants take places on opposite sides of the table. At the leader’s command, the players begin to blow on the snowflake, trying to throw it off the table from the opponent’s side. The one who succeeds will receive a prize.
After several pairs of participants try their hand at this competition, those who wish are invited to do the same, but blindfolded. The draw is that after the participants are blindfolded, the snowflake is replaced with a saucer of flour, on which the participants begin to blow.
If you are not sure that the participants will perceive such a prank with humor, it is better to limit yourself normal rules games. In any case, it is not recommended to involve women in the drawing.

Rehash about winter

This game is best played during a feast. Participants can be divided into teams. Each participant (or team) takes turns singing a verse of a song about winter. The participant who finds it difficult to make his move is eliminated. The last participant (or team of players) remaining in the game receives a prize.

Also a game for feasts. Participants take turns naming any date starting from January 1st. In this case, the next participant changes the day or month in the date named by the previous participant, and the named date must be later.

For example:
1st player: “January 2.”
2nd player: “February 2.”
3rd player: “February 7.”
4th player: “June 7.”
5th player: “June 30”, etc.
Thus, the named dates are increasingly approaching December 31st. The participant who has to name this date loses and completes the penalty task assigned by the other participants.

Astrological forecast for office workers

To entertain guests, one of the participants can dress up as a fortune teller or astrologer. The simplest prediction option is to find zodiac horoscope next year (preferably humorous) and read it.

Another option is for the host to inform guests about a new discovery by astrologers and modern magicians. Everyone knows the zodiac, Chinese, flower and Druid horoscopes. But now a new horoscope has appeared - office workers (if this name does not quite suit the company’s activities, it is possible to modify the proposed forecasts, making them more relevant for the given organization).
Examples of a comic office horoscope:

Born from January 1 to February 20. Your symbol is “Table”
Next year you will become the best support for your work colleagues and loved ones in serious matters. However, try to at least sometimes succumb to worldly temptations, and not waste all your energy on work.

Born from February 21 to March 10. Your symbol is “Chair”
Next year you will be recognized as the most conscientious and responsible employee. However, be vigilant if morally unstable individuals appear among your friends.

Born from March 10 to April 20. Your symbol "Wardrobe"
Next year you will experience material well-being. And if you follow the advice and be more open and generous with others, your position in society will improve and you will make new friends.

Born from April 21 to May 20. Your symbol "Computer"
Next year you should Special attention pay attention to your health. Beware of viruses! Otherwise, your business will go uphill, and your abilities will be noticed by others and appreciated by your superiors.

Born from May 21 to June 20. Your "Fax" symbol
Good luck will accompany you throughout the next year. However, be careful to avoid gossip and backbiting.

Born from June 21 to August 10. Your "Telephone" symbol
Next year you will experience some troubles related to work. At the same time, this will be a year of new acquaintances and amazing adventures.

Born from August 11 to September 20. Yours, the symbol “Lamp”
Next year you will bring a lot of joy to those around you. Everyone will be glad to meet you and be your friend. However, try to avoid stressful situations and overload at work.

Born from September 21 to November 10. Your "Organizer" symbol
Next year you will find many useful contacts. Try not to miss a good chance that will definitely present itself to you.

Born from November 11 to December 31. Your symbol “Electric kettle”
The next year will be happy for your personal life and friendships. However, try to think about work at least sometimes.
The proposed horoscope can also be written on posters decorating the room. In this case, it is necessary to make appropriate explanations.

For active recreation, you can organize dancing or hold several more Games.
Source: http://www.jobway.ru/articles/articles/?id=127

Best script New Year CORPORATE PARTY

The cafe hall where the evening takes place is decorated in New Year's style. With all its New Year's decorations, there should be marine motifs here, since the theme of the evening is already stated in the title. What it could be: ropes, rope ladders, fishing nets, volumetric paper decorations(fish, stars, crabs, octopuses...). Bright colorful posters will also come in handy:

"In the New Year - seven feet under the keel!"
“On New Year’s Day, any sea is knee-deep!”
"Happy New Year's sailing!"
"Tailwind in the New Year!"

While the participants of the festive evening gather in the cafe hall, modern hits on New Year's and maritime themes are heard.

Spontaneous gaming attractions are held in the lobby and on the dance floor. Why spontaneous?.. Because no one is agitating for participation in them, no one is admonishing for compulsory participation. The gaming space and gaming action must be calculated so that guests, on their own initiative, take part in the proposed gaming attractions and amusements. Attractions are located throughout the free holiday space so as not to interfere with each other. Each game point has an animator who explains the rules of the game, gives out prizes (and possibly collects money).

"Autograph as a keepsake."

At the entrance to the hall, a blank Whatman paper is affixed in a visible place on the wall, with the inscription on top:

"Everyone who is here, don’t be lazy,
Sign here as a keepsake."
Blue and red markers are attached to strings on both sides of the Whatman paper. Ladies sign an autograph with a red marker, gentlemen with a blue marker. You can also leave your congratulations. And the most interesting ones will be read out during the evening.

During the evening, you can use the following information: how many guests are present at the evening; how many women (red autographs); how many men (autographs are blue).

"New Year's fishing"

It is necessary to prepare the props: 2-3 fake fishing rods, on which a ring is attached instead of a hook (metal, a ring for curtains is suitable). You will also need a stopwatch or watch with a second hand and bottled drinks.

Task: players try to put a ring on the neck of a bottle from a set distance. If you manage to “ring” a bottle, you will receive it as a gift. Instead of “catch” items, you can use bottles with various drinks: mineral water, soda, beer, champagne, cognac...

Since there are usually a lot of people willing, we can set the following rule:

Non-alcoholic drinks - 1 minute of “fishing” costs 5 rubles;
alcoholic drinks - 1 minute 10 rubles.
"Underwater shooting range".

Props: a three-liter jar of water, at the bottom of which there is a small glass (glass).

Task: throw a coin into a jar so that it ends up in a pile. You can only throw rubles (not pennies). Hit the pile - get a prize. The coin flew past - the money remains in the bank.


Props: build a frame 1.5 x 1.5 m from slats; Stuff nails along the slats and pull the fishing line so that you get a grid of squares: number the cells horizontally with numbers (from 1 to 8), and vertically with letters (from A to Z). Thus, a playing field of 64 cells is obtained. You will also need two plastic balls connected by a short cord (5-7 cm). The diameter of the balls should easily fit into the cells.

Task: the player throws connected balls onto a vertical playing field so that the balls hang in some cell. The animator has on his tablet the same playing field, on which the different places 5-7 cells are “ships”. If the balls end up in the cell where the “ship” is located, the player receives a prize. If the attempt is unsuccessful - alas...

At the request of the organizers, the game can be “paid”: one attempt - 1 ruble.

Music is playing. Guests arrive and rent outerwear to the wardrobe and leave autographs, and some leave congratulations and wishes...

Someone has already become excited and carried away by the games. Someone is chatting nicely with each other, or watching the players...

15 minutes before the start of the program a musical cue sounds and...

Speaker. Ladies and Gentlemen! In 15 minutes, the New Year's regatta will begin its festive sailing! Thank you!

10 minutes before the start of the program, the musical beat and voice of the announcer sound again.

Speaker. Ladies and Gentlemen! In 10 minutes the festive New Year's regatta will start! Thank you!

5 minutes before the start of the program - musical cue and announcer.

Speaker. Ladies and Gentlemen! In 5 minutes we will go on a New Year's journey! Take your seats! Thank you!

So, the time has come for the start of the festive program. Solemn fanfare sounds...

Speaker. Ladies and Gentlemen! Attention…

Musical introduction. The presenter comes out with a song. It is possible that the song is performed by a vocalist.

Leading. One day a wonderful day comes to us,
And everyone is waiting for his arrival with hope.
This miracle happens again
And this is a miracle holiday - New Year!
And outside the window the fluffy snow sparkles,
A sparrow ruffled its feathers on a branch.
Let's get together with friends this evening
Celebrate your favorite holiday as soon as possible.

Chorus: New Year! New Year!
New Year is coming across the planet!
New Year! New Year!
The New Year will come with new happiness!
Leading. The cold snow turns silver,
The moonlight streams over him,
The stars dance in circles...
And the light, clear one approaches,
Majestic and beautiful,
The newest New Year!
He comes with a cheerful song,
It gets more wonderful with every step
He sings about joy.
There are ringing strings in every heart
They answer: “Hello, young
The youngest New Year!"
I want to say so much...
The road is bright ahead!
Time flies, life doesn't wait!
Hello bright, hello clear
Welcome guest, wonderful guest!
Hello, glorious New Year!
Leading. Good New Year's evening, dear friends!

How nice it is that we have a holiday that everyone enjoys. A holiday that knows no boundaries in time, space or age. Probably the only holiday of the year that promises us a miracle!

And it doesn’t matter whether it happens or not... The important thing is that we believe in it. And if this faith and expectation of a miracle does not fade away in us, it means that the greatest events in our lives have not yet happened.

Dear friends! Look around, pay attention, your friends and colleagues are sitting next to you - smart, beautiful, cheerful, festive... Let's smile at each other! Let's smile with all our hearts! And we all wish together:

"Happy New Year with a new happiness!".

Musical screensaver.

Leading. So, friends, the time has come,
At this festive table,
Fill everyone's glasses
Champagne rainbow wine!..
Toast. Champagne. Music. Banquet break.
Impromptu "Auction of "new" desires."

Leading. On these holidays, we wish each other only a new... New Year! New happiness! - if someone is not satisfied with the old... New friends! - although we must not forget that “an old friend is better than two new ones”...

What else do we wish each other new on the eve of the New Year?...

An auction of “new wishes” is being held.

Impromptu "Travel Dance Auction".

Leading. Thank you for the kaleidoscope of wishes, and joining them, I want to wish you all new travels. By the way, let’s remember what you can travel on. But you must not name your options, but show them. As soon as the music starts, one of you rises from your seat, and to the beat of the music shows a movement by which we will all understand what the people of our planet travel on...

A "Travel Dance Auction" is being held.

Impromptu "Captain, title, song."

Leading. So, we are convinced that there are many means of transportation for travel. But I invite everyone to go on a New Year's cruise on the waves of good mood, with wishes of a fair wind and “seven feet under the keel”... So, I announce the beginning of the “New Year's Regatta”.

Musical screensaver.

Leading. ___ crews are participating in the New Year's regatta.

The number of crews is determined by the number of tables.

Leading. Each crew, that is, each table in our festive space, chooses its own captain and comes up with the name of its yacht. At the same time, remember: “Whatever you name the yacht, that’s how it will sail.” And don’t forget about the accompanying song that you will present to us soon, that is, you will sing.

You have very little time, exactly as long as the song will sound. No questions?…

The song "Captain, captain, smile!" plays. The song can be performed by both the leader and the vocalist.

Leading. Stop! Time is money, and money doesn’t come easy to us... Which means we’re starting a parade-presentation of the crews of the New Year’s regatta.

Each crew introduces the captain, the name of the yacht, and a passing song.

Leading. Everything is ready to start! I hand over a shell to the captains, who will announce the opening of the New Year's voyage...

The captains are given firecrackers or boom fetti.

Leading. Captains, are you ready? Five! Four! Three! Two! One! Damn!... Give up the mooring lines!...

Firecracker explosions. Musical screensaver.

Impromptu "Raffle with champagne."

Leading. Before the start of the voyage, a bottle of champagne breaks on the side... But we won’t break it, but rather play it...

From the letters that make up the word “champagne” you can make up many other words, for example: shaman, scythe, chance... So you are given a unique chance to show off your intellect and “break” our “champagne” into many word fragments. The crew that gives the last word will become the owner of this New Year's drink. If there are no questions, let's begin...

A drawing is taking place. Word clues: pan, punk, juice, nose, con, shop, hat, shmon, sleep, veneer, catfish, mena, foam, etc.

Leading. The New Year's regatta has started! Along the holiday route, we will get acquainted with the New Year's traditions of the countries off the coast of which we will make intermediate finishes. For victory and active participation in the New Year's national competitions, the crews will be awarded an honorary flag-pennant. The more flags on board your yacht, the longer the New Year's flag garland. The longer the garland, the greater the chances of becoming the owner of the Grand Prix of the New Year's regatta.

In the meantime, a show-gastronomic break is announced...

Banquet break with show numbers and festive toasts and congratulations (15-20 min).

"Off the Turkish coast..."

Leading. Dear sailors and sailors! Our route took us to Turkey...

Turkish music is playing.

Leading. By the way. You may not believe me, but Turkey is the birthplace of the main New Year's character - Santa Claus. Although in different countries, New Year's old man is called differently. On the territory of this country there is the famous Church of St. Nicholas, who is the prototype of all New Year's grandfathers in the world. There is a very ancient true legend...

“The good miracle worker and persecutor of evil - the patron saint of kidnapped and lost children, lived in 300 AD. Once Nicholas of Merlikiy walked through the village past the house of a poor man. And there the father was going to send his daughters to “learn” the ancient profession. Nicholas did not like this, and at night he threw three purses of gold into the house through the chimney. They landed in the girls’ shoes, which were drying by the fireplace. The happy father bought a dowry for his daughters and married them off.”

The ringing of coins is a phonogram.

Leading. What else has Turkish country given to the whole world? We remember and call...

Participants name options for “Turkish gifts” - Turkish coffee, Turkish resorts, Turkish sweets, Turkish bistros, Turkish bath, etc.

The presenter invites those who named one of the “Turkish gifts” to the center of the hall.

Leading. (To the impromptu participants.) I have several wallets in my hands, but only one of them contains three coins. You select any of them, and then, at my command, check the contents. Whoever has three treasured coins in his wallet is the lucky one, as he will bring his team a prize flag to the future rating garland.

An impromptu performance is carried out: the participants take wallets from the presenter’s tray (they cannot be touched first), and at the presenter’s signal they open them - whoever has three coins, the crew receives a prize pennant flag.

"Turkish Night"

Leading. Anyone who has vacationed in Turkish resorts is familiar with the concept of “Turkish night.” The tables are set traditional dishes, national music sounds, local folk groups perform... That night in mandatory Turkish dances are performed.

One participant from each crew is invited to a master class on Turkish dancing.

Leading. Turkish dances are not easy to perform, but very simple. Everyone stood in one line. Look at me and repeat after me...

The presenter or animator-dancer shows the dance movements. Participants repeat after him.

Dance combination:

“Two - put your left foot next to your right foot.
"Three" - step with the right foot to the right.
"Four" - place your left foot next to your right foot.
"Five" - ​​step with the right foot to the right.
“Six” - the left foot is placed on the heel in front of the right foot.
"Seven" - step with your left foot to the left.
“Eight” - the right foot is placed on the heel in front of the left foot.
Then everything starts again with the right foot to the right. The dance movement is performed in a line, moving in a circle.

Leading. Now let's try to perform all this to music...

The participants, together with the leader, perform a combination to the music.

Leading. But that is not all. If you have ever seen how the Turks themselves perform this, you will notice that in their right hand they hold a scarf, which they periodically wave. Instead of a scarf, we give you air balloons.

Participants are given balloons.

Leading. Now, attention. Conditions of our competitive Turkish dancing. Take the ball in your right hand and lift it up. The left hand is behind the back. Music sounds, we dance together. As soon as during the dance I say: “One, two, three, four, five! It’s time to throw the ball up!” At the last word of my simple rap, you throw the balls up. Whose ball hits the floor first gets to his yacht. And with other representatives of the crews, competitive dance battles will continue.

As soon as we have the last participant left, the winner will be determined - the crew of the impromptu “Turkish night”.

It is very important that you throw your ball on time, otherwise you will be removed from the dance ring.

A competition is being held. Participants dance with balloons in their hands. On the fourth performance, the presenter, in rhythm with the music, pronounces a “rap count.” At the end of the leader’s text, the participants throw all the balls up. Whose ball fell to the floor first, that participant is eliminated from the competition. The competition continues further. With each round there are one fewer participants. The game is played until a winner is identified.

Whose representative won the Turkish dance competition, that crew receives a winner’s pennant flag. It is advisable to give participants Balloons different color, this will make it easier to follow the results of the competition at each stage.

Leading. Türkiye is a wonderful country with interesting traditions and nice resorts. And we will end this sparkling New Year's “Turkish night” with a traditional belly dance.

Concert number "Belly Dance". It is advisable to use interactivity during this performance - the dancer, after performing the staged composition, “infiltrates the people” and provokes the participants to dance with her. It’s interesting when men take part in this impromptu performance.

Leading. We continue our New Year's Mediterranean route. Interesting meetings with European countries await us ahead. And now, dance and gastronomic break.

Banquet break with disco, toasts, congratulations and hot dishes (25-30 min).

"Greece has everything!"

Leading. We continue the New Year's regatta. On the way there is a country about which they say that it has everything. Greece!

Greek music sounds.

Leading. New Year at home Olympic Games- it's St. Basil's Day. Saint Basil was known for his kindness, and Greek children leave their shoes by the fireplace in the hope that Saint Basil will fill the shoes with gifts.

Greeks, going to their relatives or friends on New Year's Eve, take with them a gift - a mossy stone. Leaving it to the owners, they say: “May your money be as heavy as this stone!”

"Are walnuts tough?"

Presenter: I have in my hands a bag of walnuts that you need to crack, but not with the power of your teeth, but with the power of your intellect. I'm asking a Greek New Year's question. For the correct answer the crew receives Walnut. The more nuts, the greater the chances of winning this competition. Attention, question...

What is the name of the Greek New Year's grandfather, that is, the colleague of the Russian Father Frost? (St. Basil.)
Name the most prestigious competitions in which athletes participated Ancient Greece? (Olympic Games.)
According to one of the New Year's customs, at exactly midnight, the mother of the family goes out into the yard and smashes a fruit against the wall of the house. If the grains scatter throughout the yard, it means good luck awaits the family in the new year. What kind of fruit is this? (Pomegranate.)
What Greek folk dance is popular at our corporate parties? (Sirtaki.)
Do you believe that in Greece on New Year's Eve they bring a goat into the house and rub its horns? olive oil so that next year will be abundant? (No.)
In what year did Greece win the famous Eurovision Song Contest? (2005 year.)
Venue for a divine Greek party? (Olympus.)
For the correct answer, the presenter gives the crews a walnut; the one who has the most of them receives a pennant flag.

"Sirtaki in top-clap style."

Leading. Our next competition is a dance competition again and I invite one representative from each crew.

Participants of the competition are determined.

Leading. Sirtaki is a famous Greek dance that is known throughout the world. And we cannot ignore this dance masterpiece. First, let's learn the movements...

The presenter or animator-choreographer shows the participants a dance combination.

Dance combination:

“One” - step with the right foot to the right.
“Two” - place your left foot on your toes in front of your right foot.

"Four" - right leg place it on your toes in front of your left foot.

“One” - step with the right foot to the right.
“Two” - place your left foot on the toe behind your right foot.
"Three" - step with the left foot to the left.
“Four” - place your right foot on the toe behind your left foot.
"Five-eight" - repeat the combination.
Express training takes place to music; learning is done at a slow tempo.

Leading. Now each of you ties a balloon to your ankle.

The assistants hand the players balloons, which they tie at ankle level.

Leading. We hold hands and stand in a circle. The music sounds, you perform sirtaki, to the applause of your colleagues. When the music stops, you need to try to crush your opponent's ball with your foot, while keeping yours. You can't unclasp your hands. Whoever loses the balloon is eliminated from the dancing and stomping game. Remember, we step on the ball, not on our feet. So, let's dance sirtaki in the top-clap style.

A competition is being held. The players join hands and stand in a circle. To the music, they perform the movements that they have previously learned. When the music stops, the balloons burst. Participants whose balloons burst are eliminated from the game. For those remaining, the music sounds again and the game continues. Thus, the competition goes down to the last participant, who becomes the winner. The crew whose representative wins is awarded the coveted New Year's pennant.

Leading. Maybe Greece has everything, but we won’t linger here. Let's continue our New Year's sea voyage. We will find out a little later which country we will make happy with our visit. And now there's a break. We communicate, dance and congratulate each other in a free atmosphere.

Banquet break (15-20 minutes) Music, dancing, communication. At the end of the disco program of this break, it is desirable that Italian pop songs be played.

"Oh! This is Italy!"

Leading. So, Italy! A country of unique vocals, long, long pasta, and world prestigious film festivals.

Italian music is playing.

Leading. I do not recommend going close to the walls of houses. It just so happened that Italians throw old things out of windows on New Year's Eve - they fly onto the pavement flower pots, chairs, boots... It happens, and a huge ancient wardrobe collapses to the ground with a wild roar. The more things you throw away, Italians believe, the more wealth the New Year will bring.

Italians on New Year's Day
Opening the windows wide,
Without hesitation, without hassle,
They throw junk into them willingly.
This is the New Year's custom -
Good luck so that the year does not leave,
Italians are so used to it
Throw anything out of the windows.
"Getting rid of unnecessary feelings and emotions."

Leading. So now we will get rid of unnecessary trash. But not material, but spiritual-sensual. For each crew there will be a riddle that will need to be answered by the whole crew, that is, in unison.

The presenter reads a riddle for each crew, to which they, the crews, answer in unison.

Leading. So that we are lucky in everything,
We can easily throw away... (Evil.)
So that life seems fun,
Let's leave it forever... (Envy.)
A year that promises good changes,
It's time to give up... (Betrayal.)
So that life is heavenly manna,
Everyone needs to get rid of... (Deception.)
So that we are not overcome by storms and thunderstorms,
Let's eradicate mutual... (Threats.)
So that unwanted disputes disappear into existence,
Let's forget family forever... (Quarrels.)
So that circumstances are always successful,
Let's eradicate offensive practices from practice... (Expletive.)
"Garbageball in Italian"

Leading. And again the New Year's competition. But with an Italian flavor. And I invite one representative from each crew.

Participants for the competition are determined.

Leading. First, let's cast lots...

The assistant brings out a box with numbers, identical numbers on two cards - two “ones”, two “twos”, etc., depending on the number of crews. Participants take out numbers.

Leading. Who has number one? So you will compete with each other. Now we will master the New Year's Italian tradition, namely throwing garbage out of the window. Moreover, this competition will be held in the form of a championship. First, pairs determined by lot compete - the so-called 1/8 finals. Then the winners of the 1/8 compete in pairs. And so we reach the final game.

Now, pay attention! Conditions of the game. There is a “window” in the center of the playing field...

An assistant comes out with a “window” - a square is constructed from large spaghetti balloons; and stands in the center of the site.

Leading. On each side of the window there is the same amount of “garbage”.

The role of garbage is played by balloons scattered on the floor.

Leading. While the music is playing, players throw “garbage” through the “window” onto the enemy side. As soon as the music stops, the window slams shut and we count the “trash” on each side of the playing field. Whoever has more of him on his side will be eliminated from the round of the “garbage ball” championship. So, bypassing 1/8, 1/4, semi-finals, we will find out who will fight in the final.

If there are no questions?... Players number one, I ask you to come to the court...

A competition is being held. Music plays (30 seconds), at which time players throw balls from their territory to the enemy’s side through the “window”. As soon as the music stops, the assistant holding the “window” blocks it with his chest.

The number of balls is counted. Which side has more balls is eliminated from the competition. And the winner advances to the next round of the “championship”.

After all the pairs have played, the winners of the first round, that is, 1/8, begin to compete. Using the same technology, the game is played until the final, where the winner is determined, who is awarded the winner’s flag.

Leading. New Year is a holiday of fulfillment of desires and expectation of a miracle! We’ll find out a little later which country will be on our way next. A time-out is announced for New Year's sea travel.

Concert numbers and congratulations. Disco break (10-15 minutes).

"Under the sky of Paris"

Leading. Dear participants of the New Year's regatta, we continue our journey. Many people would like to visit the capital of this country. No wonder they say about this city: “See Paris and die...”.

The waltz “Under the Sky of Paris” or other French music sounds.

Leading. France is waiting for us, ladies and gentlemen! What's so special about it?...

The host listens to the responses of the party participants.

Leading. In this European country, the president is elected once every 7 years. France is also a country that annually hosts the most unusual stilt running competitions.

The French Santa Claus is called Pere Noel. He puts his New Year's gifts in the children's shoes. A large log, which is lit in the fireplaces of houses on New Year's night, is considered a symbol of prosperity and family hearth. For the festive table, French women prepare seven obligatory dishes, including cauliflower, garlic soup, snails... The Parisian New Year is, first of all, mass festivities on the Champs Elysees, where acquaintances are made and champagne is drunk right on the street.

And it was here, in France, that the first café-chantants appeared, that is, cafes where they sing.

"Frozen Songs"

Leading. We are not interested in a New Year without songs.
We sing them while sitting at the table.
About the horse from the cold, about the threats of winter,
We sing from the heart about a Christmas tree from the forest.
Friends, your help is urgently needed. It is necessary to “unfreeze” the songs. I call out the last words of the lines, you need to know the song and perform this verse.

The Christmas tree - grew - slender - was (Song "Christmas tree": "A Christmas tree was born in the forest, in the forest it grew...");
icy - creaky - wall - prickly (Song "Winter": "The ceiling is icy, the door is creaky...");
me - distance - horse - February (Song “Three White Horses”: “And they carry me away into the ringing bright distance...”);
an elegant one - lower it - with a chocolate one - treat us (Song “Christmas Tree”: “Lower the elegant branch, lower it, treat us with a chocolate fish...”);
frost - wires - blue - star (Song "Blue Frost": "Blue, blue frost, lay on the wires, in the dark blue sky...");
brought - Frost - I look - thank you (Song " It is snowing": "You probably brought my love to me good Grandfather Freezing…");
minutes - they sing - to the light - this (Song “Five Minutes”: “I’ll sing you a song about five minutes, let them sing this song of mine...”);
centuries - seas - bears - earth ("Song about bears": "Centuries float past, sleep under the ice of the sea...");
young - into the distance - palm - make a wish (Song “Snowflake”: “When a young year comes, and the old one goes into the distance ...”).
As soon as the guessed answer is heard, the music of the guessed song immediately sounds. And the crew who guessed the song performs a verse to the music. Whichever crew has the most guessed songs will be awarded a New Year's pennant-flag.

"Aerial bilbock"

Leading. I propose to get acquainted with the French folk pastime "bilboke", which was amazingly popular back in the 19th century.

Bilboke translated from French means “bil” - ball, “boke” - to hook on the horns. At its core, it is a children's game in which the player must catch a ball on a stick with a bowl attached to it.

The presenter demonstrates a toy - bilboke.

Leading. I invite two people from each crew to enjoy this traditional French pastime...

Players are determined.

Leading. On New Year's Eve, the most incredible miracles happen... Which we are waiting for, but we understand that miracles do not happen. In the famous Christmas tale, the prince was turned into wooden toy- The Nutcracker. So you have to turn into a toy, that is, into a billbok.

One of you will be the bowl, joining your hands in front of you in a ring. And the second will be a string tied to the bowl - you must always hold onto the “bowl” with your right hand.

The task is this: to drive the balloon into the “bowl”. The one who plays the role of the “string” drives the ball. You can move freely around the playing area, but the “rope” cannot be detached from the “bowl”.

Music!... Balls in the air!... Let's play!...

The game is being played. Pairs form a “bilboke”: one player joins his hands in front of him in a ring, the second holds the “ring” with his right hand, and free hand trying to push the balloon into the "ring". You cannot take the ball in your hand, you can only push it and toss it.

Couples can move freely around the playing space, but they cannot separate.

The game is played until the ball hits the ring for the first time. But if the goal is achieved very quickly, the game is played until three hits are made.

The number of balloons on the site must be half as many as the crews in order for there to be a fight for these balloons.

The winning crew receives a pennant flag.

Leading. We have a meeting ahead with New Year's traditions and customs of another European country. In the meantime, our regatta is moving into a freestyle format, that is, free style.

Banquet break (15-20 minutes). Feast, music, concert performances, congratulations, free communication.

"Vivat! Spain!"

Leading. New Year's Spain greets us!

Spanish music is playing.

Leading. The Spaniards use any occasion for a fun fiesta. Especially on New Year's and Christmas days.

Performed by a dance group - Spanish fiery dance.

Leading. In Spain, Santa Claus is called Olentzero. He is dressed in national homespun clothes and carries a flask of good Spanish wine with him so that the long New Year's working night will not be so difficult.

"Still life of wine and grapes"

Leading. Crews, attention! We present to your attention a New Year's Spanish still life...

Music. The assistant brings out a glass of wine, a bunch of grapes and a spruce branch on a tray.

Leading. Look carefully at our still life and try to guess: how many grams of wine are poured into the glass and how many berries the bunch of grapes contains. You are given 30 seconds to think...

The metronome keeps time.

Leading. I listen carefully to the answers...

The crews name their answers. Whose answer is closest to the correct one is the winner of the impromptu test.

The correct answer is sealed in an envelope, which is in the hands of the assistant.

The winner is awarded a pennant flag.

"Grape Macarena"

Leading. The Spaniards prepare for the New Year well in advance, decorating their houses, lampposts and store windows with garlands. At this time of year it is quite warm in Spain. The main action always takes place in the main square of the city. The opening of the holiday can be considered a traditional New Year's ball, in which children participate along with adults.

According to an established tradition, at 12 o'clock at night, the townspeople go outside to eat one grape with each strike of the tower clock, while making a wish.

And I invite a couple of participants from each crew for New Year's competition in Spanish rhythms...

Participants are determined.

Leading. I told you about 12 grapes. Did you know that the famous “Macarena” comes from Spain?... Then let’s dance the Macarena.

The presenter or animator-choreographer shows a dance combination of the Macarena dance.

Dance combination:

“One” - extend your right arm forward.
"Two" - pull out left hand forward.
"Three" - right hand on the left shoulder.
"Four" - left hand on the right shoulder.
"Five" - ​​right hand behind the head.
“Six” - left hand behind the head.
"Seven" - right hand on the right thigh.
"Eight" - left hand on the left thigh.
The dance class is conducted to the music.

Milanese walnut interior door
Leading. Now we combine the Macarena with 12 grapes. You dance in pairs back to back. At the same time, hold two balloons with your backs. You cannot help with your hands, as your hands must “dance.” Then, with each round, we will add two more grape balls to you. Whoever holds all 12 balls will become the absolute winner of the New Year's fun.

Remember that the balls must be held while performing the Macarena. Whoever loses at least one ball is eliminated from the competition. Do the sailors have any questions? In that case, maestro, music! Let's dance...

The game is being played. Couples stand with their backs to each other and hold two balloons with their backs.

Music plays and couples dance the Macarena. With each round, two more balls are placed between the participants. Whoever loses the ball is out of the game.

The winners are those couples who, while performing the Macarena, were able to hold 12 airy “grapes”. They are awarded prize flags and pennants.

For this fun, it is advisable to use small green balloons.

Leading. Dear friends! Our New Year's regatta is taking a reverse course! We are waiting to meet the main character of the main holiday! A little patience... And now, let's dance, dance, and dance again! So that no one gets seasick on the way back!

Disco break (15-20 minutes).

The presenter or vocalist performs the song "New Year's Waltz".

"New Year's Waltz"

rustling with serpentine shavings,
The New Year is coming to visit us!
Fragrant Christmas tree in toys,
Round dance of golden candles.
Magical New Year's Eve
The whiteness of the snow sparkles.
An unexpectedly wonderful fairy tale
Will come from a wonderful dream.
An unexpectedly wonderful fairy tale
Will come from a wonderful dream.
Frost, like a cheerful prankster,
Hastens with a picturesque hand
Decorate your favorite holiday,
Hanging out the ice pattern.
A masquerade of colorful colors swirls,
Old and young became the same age.
Unexpected gifts, surprises,
A cascade of fun and smiles!
Unexpected gifts, surprises,
A cascade of fun and smiles!
All the best things in life
Let it come true in the New Year!
The best thoughts will come true
Fate will overcome adversity.
Let the New Year's chimes strike
The countdown will give us happiness.

This is how the coming year will pass.
How will you celebrate New Year's Eve?
This is how the coming year will pass.
"We will meet Grandfather..."

Leading. Celebrating the New Year is impossible without an obligatory meeting, a meeting with...

Regatta participants, guess what?
Answer me seriously.
All of you answer in rhyme,
For my New Year's question.
He will make us laugh until we cry,
Good Grandfather... (Frost.)

Brought a bag of gifts
Good Grandfather... (Frost.)

Brought a lot of joy
Good Grandfather... (Frost.)
Only today our long-awaited New Year's guest is not just Santa Claus, but Grandfather Sailor!

The "New Year's song" of the Disco "Accident" is playing.

Enter Santa Claus, that is, Grandfather Sailor. He is in a traditional Santa Claus outfit, but instead of a hat he has a cap.

Grandfather Sailor. Hi all! Hello! Hello!
Are you waiting for me?...
Let's meet then!
I have... (Beard.)
There is a fur coat and a road,
Yes, with gifts... (A bag.)
Even though I breathe fervently in the frost,
Instead of a hat... (Visor cap.)
And under the fur coat is not a shirt,
And the striped one... (Vest.)
And my last question:
Who am I?... Grandfather... (Sailor.)

Grandfather Sailor. Yes, I am not an ordinary Santa Claus, but a real Grandfather Sailor. Since I travel across countries and continents by sea. So I’ve come to congratulate you on the upcoming New Year!

Winter of unprecedented beauty
The fields around are white.
On the dial, like a mustache,
Two arrows froze.
But the dial will smile,
He will close his mustache on his forehead,
The wine glasses will fly off the table,
And the New Year will come!
He will enter a thousand doors
And in a million hearts
And maybe a little kinder
We will finally become.
And maybe, and maybe
He will bring with him
We are happy to believe and love
Wizard New Year!

Parade across the country
He will rush into the distance.
Thousands of lights will light up
And the crystal will ring
And meet the holiday parade
People will reach out
Shouting: "Vivat, vivat for you,
Wizard New Year!

Leading. Grandfather Sailor, on this festive evening, the employees of the company ____ decided to celebrate the New Year by traveling. An unusual, competitive journey. Do you have it in your arsenal? fun task for our crews?...

"New Year's Eve Catch"

Grandfather Sailor. But what? Before handing out New Year's gifts, I want to do a test. Since I am not a simple Santa Claus, but a Grandfather Sailor, I love fishing. So we’ll organize a New Year’s fishing competition!

Each crew is given a small Christmas tree...

The musical theme of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” plays. Assistants distribute small souvenir trees to crew tables.

Grandfather Sailor. I also give each crew their own personalized fishing rods...

From his bag, Grandfather Sailor hands out small fake fishing rods: a stick with a string, at the end of which there is a hook made of a paper clip.

Grandfather Sailor. In the center of the hall I place a box with New Year's toys. And these are the conditions. In turn, each crew member arms himself with a fishing rod, runs up to the box, fishes for one Christmas tree decoration and returns to his yacht. A toy for the Christmas tree, and a fishing rod for the next participant.

Whoever has the richest catch of Christmas tree decorations will be the winner.

On your marks! Attention! March!

The song sounds New Year's toys". A game is played. Crew members, one by one with a fishing rod in their hands, run up to the box, catch the toy and return to their place. The fishing rod, like a relay baton, is passed on to the next crew member.

The game continues until the toys in the box run out. At the end of the game, the number of toys the crews have is counted and the winner is determined. The winning crew (or winners) are awarded a pennant flag.

Leading. This was the last New Year's test. Dear fishermen and fisherwomen, tie your flags into one New Year's garland and count the number of flags...

The results are being summed up. Which crew has the most large quantity pennants, he becomes the absolute winner of the New Year's regatta.

"Party Grand Prix"

Leading. We are starting the award ceremony for the winners of the New Year's regatta. The winner is the crew of _____!

Grandfather Sailor presents the Grand Prix of the party to the winning crew. Solemn fanfares sound.

Grandfather Sailor. Now let’s join a big round dance and sing a traditional New Year’s song!

General round dance "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

Grandfather Sailor. Happiness! Joy! Good luck!
The only way! And no other way!

Leading. I wish you excellent health!
Good luck for sure!
Grandfather Sailor. Success to your company!
Leading. And there is more laughter in the family!
Grandfather Sailor. Happy New Year!
Leading. With new happiness!
Disco. Tea table. Congratulations. Fireworks.

It is important for a person not only to be a good worker, but also to be able to rest properly. Colleagues who are used to seeing each other in a work environment sometimes need to have a good time and relax in order to maintain a positive attitude. New Year - you can't imagine a better reason for a party.

If you're already scratching your head about where to find cool script New Year's corporate party 2018, get ready to take notes! To implement the idea below, you will need to prepare some simple props, and the people involved in the performance will need to memorize the text.

How and where to organize a New Year's corporate party

The most interesting will be the evening, where participants will not only be able to take part in competitions, taste delicious food and drink, but will also become spectators of some kind of theatrical performance. You can choose party heroes from among your colleagues.

The corporate event venue needs to be decorated in accordance with the holiday. Don’t forget about the symbol of the year – the Yellow Earth Dog, whose image can be used to decorate the hall.

For a celebration, it is best to rent a cafe or banquet hall. If this is not possible, then try to arrange the event venue so that guests feel comfortable dining and dancing. The hall should have enough space to hold fun competitions.

Take care of the musical accompaniment. It is necessary to create the right mood. To implement the idea, a small music center or laptop with separate speakers is suitable.

New Year's party scenario for colleagues

At corporate parties, theatrical performances are not always used. But with them, the New Year celebration turns out to be more original, fun and interesting. Unique New Year's scenarios on the Internet are rare. One of them is given below.


  • Leading;
  • Father Frost;
  • Fox;
  • Dog.

Host: Good evening, friends! We have gathered here with you to spend the outgoing year and welcome the new one. Let's first remember the best moments of 2017.

Here you can mention significant events for the company, sum up the results, and recognize the best employees. It would be advisable to invite the director of the company or the head of the department to honor the distinguished employees.

Host: Tell me, who is the main guest at the New Year's party?

Guests: Santa Claus!

An employee comes out dressed in a Santa Claus costume.

Santa Claus: Well, hello! I see, I see that you have all worked conscientiously all this year...

Before he can finish speaking, Fox comes out to the accompaniment of music, shows off in front of those present, and stands next to Santa Claus.

Lisa: I, Lisa, am the main guest at the New Year's party!

Santa Claus: Why is this?

Fox: I am the symbol of the coming year!

Santa Claus: Yes? I don’t remember that you were among our symbols. What about the Year of the Dog?

Lisa: I’ll explain now. Am I beautiful? Gorgeous. Smart girl? Smart girl. And I can cheat when necessary. And I do everything for the well-being of my family! It's fun with me!

Here, if opportunities permit, the performer of the role can sing a song. And after that the next competition will be held.

“Tell someone else.” The presenter invites those interested to the center of the hall. There can be many of them. It's best to involve all guests. Participants stand in a row or circle (as convenient), the first of them is given an apple, a ball or any similar object. The challenge is to pass it to your neighbor hands-free. You can use your elbows, knees, chin - the choice is up to the participants. The one who does not hold the item is eliminated, and the game starts again. You can continue it until the bitter end or for as long as the New Year's party can allow.

Fox: Santa Claus, I think they are having fun. So I will be the symbol of the year, and the Dog, look, she didn’t even come to the celebration.

An angry, offended Dog enters.

Dog: Who locked me in the kennel?! Show me this impudent guy! I had to call the rescuers, they broke the door! I was late for the meeting!

The fox is embarrassed and pretends that nothing is happening.

Santa Claus: That's it! You deceived us, Lisa! How will you justify yourself?

Lisa: What about me? I know - I don’t know anything, to do - I didn’t do it. And this is the first time I’ve seen this flea bug!

Dog: Oh, am I the flea bug? And you are a red-haired witch!

With these words, the heroes try to start fighting, but Santa Claus stops them.

Santa Claus: So, ladies, calm down! Whatever one may say, I am in charge at this holiday! Am I frost? Yes sir! I light the Christmas tree with a staff old year I’m seeing you off, I’m starting a new one. I give gifts to children and adults, especially kind and hardworking ones. So now I will be in charge! So let's have some fun.

"Clothespins." The host invites guests to the center of the hall and divides them into pairs. One participant is blindfolded, and the second has clothespins attached to his clothes in different places. You can ask the participant himself to do this to save time. To the music, the half who is blindfolded must find and unhook all the clothespins from the other half. The one who gets the most clothespins wins.

Dog: I see that you are doing well with competitions, but still. What we shall do? I was told that the Fox claims that she is the symbol of the year.

Lisa: Why not? Look at her (points to the Dog), what can she even do? Unprepossessing, she has no imagination.

The dog gets angry and again tries to grapple with the offender.

Santa Claus: Calm down! I'll tell you what...

Dog: I don’t have any imagination? I have everything, I’ll show you now! Competition, gentlemen!

"Sing." The presenter gives one of those gathered a symbolic flag. This could be a New Year's candle, a snowflake or a decorative glass. While the music is playing, the guests pass it to their neighbor. The one on whom the music ended must sing the song. The most original singer is awarded a prize.

Santa Claus: So, I will say that the most important thing in our lives is a kind attitude towards each other! You, Fox, are beautiful, cheerful, and cunning. I wish you, dear guests, not to lose all these qualities in yourself. And you, Dog, are beautiful, smart, kind and reliable. Be the same (addresses the audience)! Dog, you are truly a symbol of the coming year. Help us with everything. And you, Fox, help the Dog if you really want to join the team. Friends! Happy New Year to all of you! Happiness and success to you! Hooray!

Music is playing, perhaps someone is singing to the participants.

Host: It’s good when disputes don’t lead to fights. So our festive corporate party will be friendly and the most fun. Now, get ready to solve riddles!

The presenter reads riddles based on the company profile. The presenter takes on further action. For a corporate party in 2018, you can select several competitions, and then arrange a disco.

A selection of competitions for a New Year's party

If desired, competitions and their number can be changed. To ensure that the evening goes off without a hitch, prepare the final version of the script for the New Year in advance. All characters must be aware of everything that is about to happen during the action.

So, several competitions and entertainment that will interest the organizers and please the guests.

  1. "I am the strongest." Several male volunteers are selected from the audience. The presenter invites them to inflate the balloon. Between each exhalation, the player must say the phrase “I am the strongest.” The winner is the one who inflates or bursts the balloon faster than the others.
  2. "2 glasses." Several guests participate in the competition. Each person is served a glass filled with juice or weak alcohol, a straw and an empty glass. The winner is the one who, using the proposed equipment, pours the liquid from one glass to another.
  3. "Bag of Fortunes" Prepare a bag in which there will be a variety of things: a book, a pacifier, a wallet, etc. The guests’ task is to pull out objects without looking and voice the expected prediction on the topic (wallet - increase in salary, book - advanced training, etc.) . If a participant cannot come up with anything, the presenter helps him.
  4. "Deaf." To play you will need a device with music and headphones (phone or player). The host invites two guests. One puts on headphones, the other must ask various questions. The interlocutor with headphones will not hear them, but must respond. It will turn out very quickly.

To prevent players from getting lost while having fun, you can prepare questions for them about the company profile in advance.

To make the holiday a success, find a separate person who will monitor the musical accompaniment. Make a large playlist in advance with songs that are interesting to your employees. Don't forget to include popular New Year's songs from Abba, Frank Sinatra, and tracks from Soviet themed films.

Costumes for heroes can be rented or made yourself from scrap materials. For performers of the roles of the Fox and the Dog, ears, tails and stylized collars will be enough, but the costume of Santa Claus should be the most complete.

Don't let your guests get bored; during breaks between skits and competitions, you can announce dances and raise toasts. Ask your employees to come to the corporate event in New Year's costumes to make the holiday mood more clear.

Props for corporate events

To implement the above scenario with all the specified competitions, you will need:

  • costumes for Fox, Dog and Santa Claus;
  • ball, ball or something similar;
  • clothespins, blindfolds;
  • symbolic flag;
  • an opaque bag and several random items;
  • air balloons;
  • glasses and straws;
  • player with headphones;
  • prepared riddles;
  • certificates, gifts and prizes for employees;
  • laptop or stereo with good speakers.

Try and do it to your colleagues good holiday. Impressions from him will remain in the hearts of people and will be remembered for a long time.

Most of us meet not only with our families, but also at work. Employees of reputable companies usually celebrate the holiday in a restaurant, funny scenario for a corporate event, a luxurious banquet and professional presenters are provided with them. And in simpler organizations they try to prepare the 2018 New Year’s corporate party on their own: they download a cool script from the Internet, and distribute roles among colleagues.

The first merry fellow and joker invariably gets the position of toastmaster. And difficult responsibilities: finding funny competitions for corporate parties, choosing and learning New Year’s toasts, persuading “actors” to perform comical scenes for corporate parties. We will try to help him.

A fun corporate party - without much hassle

The greatest difficulties arise when the team is of different ages, there are not many young people who want to entertain the audience all evening “one or two and you’re done.” No one wants to dress up as Father Frost and Snow Maiden either, they are embarrassed. We offer a humorous scenario for the New Year's holiday without these fairy tale characters, after all, in 2018 the Yellow Dog rules the show, although he will not be at the celebration either. On the eve of a winter holiday, getting a scarce Dog outfit is problematic, and inviting a real symbol of the year, a living dog, is expensive. In general, our corporate party scenario for the New Year includes only three characters.

And a funny scenario for a corporate party doesn’t require special decorations, even a decorated Christmas tree, just traditional New Year’s paraphernalia: garlands, tinsel, streamers, silver rain. Costumes for the participants in the “play” can be made in 15 minutes. For example, for a snowman - an orange carrot nose made of paper and a plastic bucket on his head, and for an African - a banana in his jacket pocket and a “Tumba-Yumba” badge around his neck. As incentive prizes for a comic New Year's corporate party 2018, the funny script advises using fruits (tangerines, bananas, oranges, apples).

Scenario for the corporate party “New Year 2018”

Host: Hello, dear colleagues! I invite you to a fun corporate party dedicated to the celebration of the New Year 2018. After all, there are only a few days (hours) left before meeting him...

With these words, into the middle of the hall (on stage) shouting “Help! Save!" A Snowman jumps out, followed by a picturesque African. They make a couple of circles around the entertainer, then stand to the right and left of him.

Host of the holiday: Snowman, what happened? Why are you running around like crazy?

Snowman: This strange citizen made an attempt on my life! I'm not kidding, he wants to eat me!

Host: Really? (Addressing the guest) Who exactly are you? And why are you hunting our Snowman Ivanovich?

Guest from Africa: (proudly) I have come on an important mission. I - eastern sign, symbol of the coming year. But I didn’t eat your Snowman, I just wanted to try it and lick the snow once.

Snowman: Yeah, now, I found a popsicle on a stick. Completely crazy, symbol of the year... Are you, symbol of the year? I don't understand anything.

Host: Indeed, why do you call yourself the symbol of the year? It seems that in 2018 the Earth Dog should be in charge. (Looks at the guest.) You are not at all like her. Relative?

African: No, the leader appointed me as her deputy. The cockerels are all hiding, they are afraid that such a safari has begun on them. Dragons, I remember, were also once symbols, but they floated away. Now only lizards are running.

Host: Well, dragons and all sorts of dinosaurs became extinct during the Ice Age. And we were expecting a dog to visit, we wanted to have fun together, celebrate (). And then we would send her back home to the African continent.

African: All the same, since my respected leader, guru, said, I am the symbol of the year, then so be it.

Host: Okay. Then, symbol, stop chilling and get on with your duties.

African: Friends! As the authorized representative of the Yellow (Earth) Dog, I congratulate everyone present on the New Year. Please do not relax, now an important operation will be carried out to find the person. My fellow tribesman disappeared and left in an unknown direction. However, our secret services established: he is here, in this room.

Host: Very interesting! Maybe you have a photo of him?

African: No, of course not. I will identify him by a special sign, by his height.

Host: And how tall is he?

African: Exactly 12 bananas.

Host: I see. Will seek. Men, come here, let's help the guest.

The scenario for holding a corporate party for the New Year recommends that the African not only measure the height of the stronger half using a banana, but also ask humorous questions about distant Africa in order to quickly find the fugitive. Finally, a suitable man is found, the rest return to their places. And the New Year's corporate party 2017, the cool scenario continues.

Guest from Africa: (looking at the found fellow tribesman) Tell me, friend, what were you missing? After all, your wife is a beauty (shows a comical photo). And you got the best car, the leader gave it to you (a wooden cart decorated with branches). Or maybe they weren’t happy with the housing? (Shows a photo of a hut). Or couldn’t afford a 150-year mortgage?

Host: And what kind of escape will he have? Will you take me back to the tribe?

African: No, our ruler is very kind, like a real father, he ordered the deserter to be released. And he sent news from his homeland. Here! (Hands out a bunch of bananas). Don't forget your roots, son.

Host: I see you have fun there in Africa.

African: Yeah. We hold competitions every week smart people They compete with the beautiful ones.

Host: (looks surprised) Don’t understand?

African: It’s simple: our men are all smart, and our girls are beautiful, some more, some less. This is revealed in competitions.

Scenario for a corporate party for the New Year: games and competitions

Funny competitions for corporate events are selected “to suit the company”, as well as funny scenes for a corporate event, the proposed game can be replaced with something else. The entertainer forms two opposite-sex teams of 4 people. Each participant is given one card with a number (6, 2, 1, 0). The presenter reads riddles and poems for a corporate party, team members immediately raise a sign with a number. For the correct answer - 1 point. If the opponents make a mistake, the right to answer passes to the second group.

The account has a point, they start from there.
But this number is simply not noticed.
It is invisible, it’s as if it doesn’t exist.
I'm sure you know the right answer! ("0")

Everyone knows this number
But from our hearts we wish,
So that you don't dial it,
They didn’t know what the numbers needed. ("02")

Readers want to understand:
There were a bunch of black kids,
Now no one is visible.
So how many were there in total? ("10")

People froze with wine glasses.
They are waiting for the “rooster” New Year.
Have you forgotten to make a wish?
How many times did the chimes strike? ("12")

You and I have been friends for a long time,
Where you go, I go too.
They say they ate a pound of salt.
In kilograms, how much did you overcome? ("16")

Reading the famous novel by Jules Verne,
You also dreamed of traveling, right?
He and I dived thousands of leagues.
And they swam... And at what depth? ("20")

There are many numbers in the cards,
We cannot count them all.
One thing stands out
It's called "point". ("21")

Host: The jokes at the corporate party are over. It's time to count the points and reward the clever winners. And next in line is a musical warm-up.

Incendiary rhythmic music sounds. For the New Year's corporate party 2018 (cool scenario), the toastmaster must prepare a dance, a composition of simple movements. He shows team members repeating. The most dexterous and artistic person is chosen by general vote. He receives a tasty prize - . And the scenario of the New Year's holiday continues with an “intellectual” game with the audience.

Sample list(question-answer) riddles with humor:
-What do they usually do when they see a little green man? They are crossing the road.
- There is a head, but no brain. , garlic (), onions.
- A hunter was walking through the city square. I saw the clock on the tower, took off my gun and fired. Where did you end up? To the police station.
- Who always sleeps in shoes? Horse.
- The goat is seven years old. What then? The eighth will go.
- A word that contains seven identical letters. Family.
- One hundred letters that stop vehicles on the road. Stop.
- Which peninsula “tells” about its area? Yamal.
- A flying city? Eagle.
- Can an ostrich call itself a bird? No, he can't talk.
- The capital of which European state is located on dried grass? France, Paris stands on the Seine River.

As you can see, it’s not at all difficult to organize a wonderful New Year’s corporate party 2018: a cool scenario can be supplemented with amateur performances and competitions. The festive evening will continue with a disco. Everybody dance! Happy New Year!

New Year's holidays are a time when every adult strives to again feel the joy of childhood, have fun in good company, and dream about the future.

For a close-knit team, it is important not only to experience the hardships of everyday work together, but also to celebrate joyful dates together - for example, the New Year.

In order to New Year's table despondency did not reign and endless conversations about work did not flow, it was not necessary to order a toastmaster - a good script and several active employees will easily cope with the task.

Hall (office premises) and characters

The hall can be decorated according to the aesthetics of the 90s, for example, chewing gum and bags of Yupi or Mivina are on the tables, the clothes of the presenters are chosen from fashion magazines of the 90s, and posters with stars of that time are on the walls.

Characters: Presenter, Presenter, Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Bro, Flea Marketer.

Introductory part


We have gathered here today

To celebrate a joyful holiday

The Christmas tree branches lit up

These are the bouquets of lights.

Silent steps towards us

A year is creeping by - a wonderful, new one.

Don't yawn around -

The gifts are ready for a long time!

Among the gifts is ringing laughter,

And a multivitamin for stress,

In a huge basin - success,

A bucket of luck to boot.


Let the bright light shine

The smiles on faces never leave,

And the New Year is already around the corner,

And it will touch us with a warm edge!

There's music playing here, just

We celebrate like it was in the nineties!

"Who has a good memory"

All participants will have to remember as many things as possible related to the nineties. For example, bright leggings, shortages, Tamagotchis, game consoles, etc.

You can do the same, but remember the names of TV series or musical groups. For correct answers you can give a symbolic prize.

Main part


So, so as not to sit at the tables,

So that everyone wants to drink and eat,

We invite you after the first

Move your body on the dance floor!

"Let's Dance"

Dances to the music of the 90s are announced (“Hands up”, “Tender May”, Modern Talking and others).

It’s good if the room allows you to connect a dance machine, then the whole team will take part.

You can diversify the competition with funny tasks, for example, you have to dance as if you:

  • ballerina;
  • disco dancer from an Indian film;
  • kung fu master;
  • at the same time you pack a New Year's gift;
  • do you want to go to the toilet?
  • performing a complex acrobatic act;
  • looking all over the house for a second sock;
  • carry a glass of boiling water and the like.

In the midst of dancing, Bro and Flea Marketer appear from the hall. A bro in a tracksuit, a cap or a distinctive little cap, and flip-flops.

A flea peddler with a checkered plastic bag, seemingly stuffed with rubbish, with a man purse, in a warm hat and boots.

To make it more fun, you can assign a short girl to the role of the Bro, and on the contrary, an older, thin man to the role of the Flea Marketer.

They behave unceremoniously and arrogantly, take things from tables, bully and push colleagues, and are rude.


Hey you there! Why are you raging?


Young people, we are having a corporate party here, leave, you are in the way! Father Frost and Snow Maiden will come soon!


Gee-gee. Well, why have you lost your fear? I kicked grandpa a long time ago, and now I’ve worn out my jacket, hey, hey. They're dancing here... you don't even have a light on your Christmas tree.


What did you and Grandpa do? Who will congratulate everyone and hold competitions?


I'll call the police now!

Flea dealer:

So, Vasya, let’s leave, they’re having a corporate New Year’s party. There’s no one for you to bully here, everyone’s money ran out before the New Year!


Fedya, we’ll check this now! Someone hid a stash...

"Searching for a Stash"

A man and a woman are invited. A man hides a symbolic bill - a “stash” - in his clothes, and a woman must find it blindfolded within a minute.

Bro, counting money:

Oh, great rise!

Flea dealer:

Well, you screwed it up! I can also suggest a game, it’s called “Super Prize”.

"Super prize"

The flea dealer takes out a pre-decorated big box and announces that there is a valuable foreign prize there.

A person who wants to receive this prize is selected from among his colleagues. The flea dealer offers him a bribe.

Money can be taken from a toy store, or printed out in color leaflets on a printer.

Some kind of chocolate or candy is suitable as a valuable prize; it is important to hint in every possible way that the prize is foreign, obtained through sweat and labor, but it is better to take a bribe.

At the same time, you should not say in advance that the money is not real, this will add intrigue. Friends and colleagues sitting at the table next to each other, on the contrary, should shout “Prize!” in unison, as the Flea Marketer warns them about.

And you can take several of these boxes, with prizes of different values.


So the evening lasts, lasts, lasts,

And Santa Claus is lost somewhere!

What if something happens to him?

What if it’s only found in the summer?

Who will light the lights on the Christmas tree?

Will the New Year come to us?


I know who can help us!

Smart, red, not white-handed -

Slender and with snow-white skin,

Snow Maiden, Frost's granddaughter.

"I am the Snow Maiden"

Competition for the female half.

If there are no or few women in the team, they can be successfully replaced by men.

Players must complete the following tasks:

  • Come up with arguments for why she should be the Snow Maiden, for example, “I have cold hands and a warm heart” or “I am a natural blonde, and the Snow Maiden is a natural blonde.”
  • Take turns naming as many states of water as possible (snow, ice, fog, etc.).
  • Tell me what she would do if she were appointed Snow Maiden.


They are all so beautiful that it is absolutely impossible to choose one among the girls!


Why choose? Here is the real Snow Maiden!

Appears Snow Maiden:

Where in distant forests the snow is deep and clean,

Where from the witch oak trees the shadows whisper words,

I hurried here, I ran so fast

I was in a hurry to get here, I barely made it in time!

Happiness is hidden in every new second,

And with a smile he swings here, on the clock.

New Year tries on like a new dress,

This city, country, continent, heaven.

Let joyful expectations come true,

Let parents hug their children!

New Year, still hidden in dreams and secrets,

We will be touched by an openwork snow-covered edge.

The New Year is just around the corner, it’s already on the doorstep!

Hug each other if you are lonely

Don't forget to tell each other the most important things!

Flea dealer:

Wow! Where did you get this coat? Probably currency...


What trinkets! Girl, can you find a cigarette?

Snow Maiden:

Oh you hooligans! What have you done! I’m looking for Grandfather in hospitals, and it’s you who are mischievous! Well, watch out, he'll come and you'll get a beating!

The presenters offer to forgive and release Bro and Flea Marketer, because they helped and are now atonement for their guilt in every possible way.

Bullies vow to behave. The Snow Maiden leads the holiday. She is assisted by Bro and Flea Marketer.

Snow Maiden:

There's only a little time left before the new one -

Call him or don't call him.

So that my heart sings and laughs,

It's time to remember love!

Chewing gum “Love is”

Five to seven colleagues are invited, and everyone is invited to continue the sentence “love is...”, as is done in the candy wrappers of famous sweets familiar from childhood.

For example, “love is fixing her coffee machine,” “love is covering him with a blanket when he falls asleep at work,” and the like.

Snow Maiden:

Years fly by, but in our memory

The films of those years live to this day.

Let's untie our wallets for a minute,

We'll take a ticket from the last row.


Five men are called who are able to drink alcoholic beverages without destructive consequences.

The task is as follows - you need to remember the names of New Year's films from the nineties. Those who cannot remember drink the “penalty” fifty grams.

Snow Maiden:

Time flies quickly

There is no time to be slow!

The holiday is joyful and fiery -

We check your attentiveness!

"One glass"

The participants are three men with strong livers. Everyone is presented with a glass of clear liquid and asked to drink through a straw.

The audience's task is to guess which of the three had vodka in their glass. Vodka is poured for all three.

Snow Maiden:

Like birds, snow above our heads,

And we can’t freeze today!

However, we sat at the tables,

I invite you to dance, friends!

"Dancing on Ice"

Several couples are invited. Each pair is given whatman paper – “ice field”. To the music, couples dance on this field for 15-30 seconds.

The pair that steps outside the field boundary “fell through the ice” and is eliminated.

After the first round, Bro and Flea Marketer fold up the ice fields and give couples half the space to dance. This is repeated until one pair remains.


Oh, and the evening will soon end, and Santa Claus is still not there...


I talked with my colleagues, whispered and found out all the gossip, and so - Santa Claus is coming to us! Moreover, he is here!

Included Father Frost(the colleague playing the role slipped out and changed his clothes in advance). In the hands of Santa Claus is a staff with corporate party paraphernalia.

Every time he hears the word “bam,” he hits the floor with his staff. With the third strike, the lights on the Christmas tree light up:

Bam! Snow is falling from the heavenly roof!

Bullfinches huddle under the eaves!

If you went out without gloves,

Then you'll have to come back!

Bam! And I will paint the window panes

I surface with a joyful pattern.

This is the New Year, washed and light,

Wanders, curtained by a fence.

Bam! On my third strike the birds will flock

Blue. Catch and be happy!

I look at joyful faces

Be healthy and beautiful!


The clock told us - twelve!

And the New Year burst into homes!


Let misfortunes become a thing of the past!

There will be joy, and with it happiness!

Santa Claus invites everyone present to dance around the New Year tree. Dancing, congratulations, and presentation of gifts begin.

Soon after a small feast, the holiday can be completed. Happy New Year!

We offer for viewing another scenario for a New Year’s corporate party:

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The script contains an option with banquet hall, number of employees 20 people. If your event is for more people, then just add a few.

Characters: Santa Claus, Snegurochka (they are also presenters), employees.

Props: gifts for participation in the competition, scissors, colored ribbons, rain, tape, colored cardboard, marker, 4 scrapers, 3-4 hard-boiled eggs, cards with dance names and song titles, auction lots, men's shirts, men's gloves, glass jars , coins.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter the hall to the music.

Father Frost :
We came to you today
We'll have fun with you
I wish everyone, friends,
Smile and get drunk!

Snow Maiden :
Grandpa is joking, out of the way,
Apparently the old man is tired
Good evening dears,
The hour of miracles is now!

Father Frost :
The most important, first toast,
Your boss will say,
He brought you gifts
The most important leader!

(The director of the organization makes the first toast, with which he opens the holiday)

Snow Maiden :
They say it's the year of the rooster
It will be bright and cheerful,
Are your friends waiting for him?
Is the house full of gifts?

Father Frost :
I'm already waiting for this year
Maybe I'll find my grandmother
Maybe someone younger
I'll take it and love it!

Snow Maiden :
Me too, I’m dreaming here,
To replace grandfather,
So that on a holiday with the newlyweds,
Come under my arm!
In general, I wish everyone
May your dreams come true,
Please accept my congratulations,
We are starting the holiday!

Father Frost :
And let's start with you, perhaps.
From menu selection to table,
You will compose it,
Well, I’ll help you eat!

Competition "New Year's Menu".
3 participants are selected. Everyone must name as many New Year's dishes as possible using the given letter of the presenter. For repetition - relegation. The winner will receive a prize.

Snow Maiden :
So, we decided on the menu,
You need to raise your glass,
And now the accountant will be
Congratulations to your team!

(The accountant says)

Father Frost :
This is what I thought, my dear Snow Maiden, how do you feel about the fact that I will give you my New Year’s gift in 2018?

Snow Maiden :
I don’t understand something, what does it mean that I have to wear an old fur coat for another year?

Father Frost :
But what difference does it make, they don’t value you for your fur coat!

Snow Maiden :
Maybe not for a fur coat, but that doesn’t mean a new one isn’t needed! And although, as you know, I’ll host the next corporate event naked, but what’s the difference?

Father Frost :
Don't get angry, otherwise you'll melt! There will be a fur coat!

Snow Maiden :
Why did you start the conversation?

Father Frost :
Yes, just to keep the conversation going! Somehow we got distracted.

Snow Maiden :
So, we have decided on the menu, it’s time to decide on the alcohol that will be on the festive table! But the whole difficulty is that in order to stage it, we need to solve the riddle.

(Alcohol riddles. Whoever gives the most correct answers will receive a prize)

Riddle options:
1. The national drink of all times,
Passed through copper pipes,
Often cooked on the stove,
Well, you name it.

2. Burns the mouth and throat,
But at the same time they drink together,
Usually served in glasses
But they also drink from glasses.

3. Subtle aroma, what a bouquet,
Beautiful color and tartness, sweetness,
Stays in barrels for many years
Well, have you guessed it yet?

4. Sometimes ladies drink a drink,
Adding juice and ice
And it contains something like grass,
Sometimes it hits my head.

5. Quenches thirst, gives a belly,
Goes well with fish
Everyone understands perfectly well
Malt will be included there

7. They often drink it with cola,
They also pour it into barrels,
The most important for pirates,
Sometimes it costs a lot.

8. Goes great with tonic,
The taste is sometimes unusual
Drink with lemon and ice
No friends, I'm not talking about rum

9. Rich aroma and color,
And we have no one closer to us than him,
It plays so easily in a glass,
And the stars always shine

10. Bubbles and gases,
They play in a glass,
We're like aristocrats
Well, who can guess

(Riddle options may be different)

Father Frost :
And now, my congratulations,
Friends will read to us,
Those who are also in leadership
And you can’t live without them!

(Toasts are made by department heads, or one on behalf of everyone)

Snow Maiden :
Stand together, stand in a circle,
You all join hands,
In a round dance you are friends,
Spin around in no time!

Competition "Moonwalking round dance".
All participants stand in a circle. One is selected and stands in a circle. The participant’s task in the circle is to squat down and, while everyone is dancing in a circle, move and repeat: “I am a little moonwalker.” Whichever participant laughs first will take a place in the center of the circle.

(The presenters announce a musical break lasting 10-15 minutes)

Snow Maiden :
And now, I give my word,
To all employees now,
We want to hear a toast from you,
At this moment and at this hour!

(Employees read out)

Father Frost :
There were rhymes and dances,
And now we are waiting for the show,
The most fashionable, New Year's,
Who are the ready friends among you?

Competition "New Year's Dress Up".
3-4 participants are selected. Everyone is given the same set: scissors, colored ribbons, rain, tape, colored cardboard, marker, 4 scrapers. The task is to make a rooster costume from a set and parade in it. Execution time 3 minutes. The best costume will receive a prize.
You will need: scissors, colored ribbons, rain, tape, colored cardboard, marker, 4 scrapers.

Snow Maiden :
Let's drink to the coming year,
So that everything will be fine with us,
So that the year was the previous one,
May we be lucky in all matters!

Father Frost :
So that there is a lot of money in our house,
So that caviar stands on the tables,
To make all the neighbors jealous,
Only ashes remain from failures!

Snow Maiden :
So that you glow with happiness,
So that love lives in the soul,
So that all wishes come true,
For this, let's drink to the dregs, friends!

Father Frost :
Oh, I feel so good, I’ll sing now!

Competition “I Sing on Cotton”.
The task is as follows: all the guests at the table begin to sing together, clapping, any New Year's song. On the second clap they stop singing, but continue to sing to themselves; on the next clap they sing out loud. It will turn out very funny, since many simply will not fall into the rhythm.

Snow Maiden :
I think it's time for us to dance,
We'll set the rhythm now
There will be hot rock and roll
Let's start lighting it up now!

(The Snow Maiden announces a musical break for 15-20 minutes. Before the musical break, you can hold a dance competition)

Dance competition for girls “I dance everything in the world”.
Cards with the names of the dances are prepared in advance. 3-4 participants are selected. Each of them draws a card with the name of the dance. You have 2 minutes to prepare. All dances are performed to Russian hits of the 80-90s. There is a prize for the best performance.
Dance options for cards: hopak, Russian folk, salsa, lambada, cha-cha, cancan, striptease. Options for musical compositions (write on a separate card): N. Koroleva “Little Country”, E. Belousov “Girl, Girl”, E. Osin “A Girl Crying in the Machine”, A. Varum “Winter Cherry”, Combination “Ksyusha, Ksyusha ", Na-na "Faina", A. Apina "The knot will be tied."
You will need: cards with the names of the dances and the names of the songs.

Father Frost :
Do you know who is the coolest in your team? So I don’t know, I suggest you find out!

Competition "There is no cooler".
Only men participate in the competition. 3-4 people are selected from all participants. Place a plate of hard-boiled eggs on the table (according to the number of participants). The host announces that one of the eggs is raw (although this is not the case). Participants must take turns breaking their egg on their forehead. The tension grows with each egg, and the audience's spirits rise.
You will need: 3-4 hard-boiled eggs.

Snow Maiden :
As this competition showed,
That everyone in the team is equal,
We drink to the dregs for equality,
You are all cool, well done!

Father Frost :
And now the auction
Let's organize it for you, friends,
We will distribute gifts
You can't miss the moment!

Announced " New Year's auction».
The presenter shows the lot and sells it for highest price. Each lot may have its own price and not always monetary.
You will need: lots.

Lot options (may be different):
1. A bottle of champagne with the inscription “Corporate party 2018. Thank you for being with us.” (Starting price from 50 rubles)
2. Day off during the week. (Starting price from 150 rubles)
3. The right to be in the role of director. (Starting price from 250 rubles)
4. Not going to work after winter weekends. (Starting price from 500 rubles, or fulfillment of the presenter’s wishes)
5. The opportunity to leave work 2 hours earlier.
6. Possibility of being late for work by 2 hours. (Starting price from 200 rubles)
7. 3 days off during the week. (Starting price from 600 rubles)
8. Daily praise from the director throughout the week. (Starting price from 700 rubles)
9. Dinner at the director’s expense in any restaurant. (Starting price from 1000 rubles)

(Such lots must be approved by senior management)

Snow Maiden :
Who knows how the Rooster crows?

(They answer her)

Snow Maiden :
Great. Let us all reproduce together! Since it’s the year of the rooster, you still need to respect the bird and make it happy!

Competition “I’ll sing, I’ll dance, I can do anything”.
3-4 participants are selected. The task is to crow a given song and at the same time walk like a rooster. Whoever gets it right will receive a prize.

(After this, a musical break is announced. 20-25 minutes)

Father Frost :
I suggest you drink for the New Year,
Let him bring with him,
Joy, happiness and luck,
Loot and good mood to everyone!

Snow Maiden :
Fun, passion, affection to everyone,
Let him bring wealth,
Let's have a drink with you, we are friends,
May good luck come to your home!

Father Frost :
But I’m wondering, how smart are the guys who work in this company?

Snow Maiden :
And this is what we will check now!

Competition "Nimble Fingers".
3 pairs are selected (man, woman). Men wear a men's shirt, and women are given men's gloves. The task of women is to button up their shirt while wearing gloves. Time to complete 1 minute. The one who can do it faster will receive a prize.
You will need: men's shirts, men's gloves.

Father Frost :
Let's drink to dexterity, friends,
We all always need it!

Snow Maiden :
Team spirit is always valuable
Let's check this out, gentlemen.
I ask you all to gather together,
It's time to prove unity!

Game "Coins".
Participants are divided into several teams. Each team receives a glass jar and coins (according to the number of participants). The goal is to toss your coin without using your hands or mouth. The team that throws in the most coins will win. Place jars at a distance of 2 meters.
You will need: glass jars, coins.

Snow Maiden :
I offer you a drink for you,
You are so friendly, so interesting,
May miracles fill every hour,
Always work together!

(A musical pause is announced in which you can spend musical competition. For example, you can hold a “Touch” competition. The conditions are simple. When there is a pause, the presenter says what needs to be touched. For example, touch your nose, tree, leg, green, etc.)

Father Frost :
Our holiday is coming to an end,
It's time for us to part,
I congratulate you from my heart,
Happy year of the bird - the Rooster!

Snow Maiden :
Lastly, you need to drink
To consolidate desires,
So that the Rooster brings good luck,
So that we can live well!

It is important to remember that the roles need to be played out, the hall decorated in accordance with the theme of the holiday, and that thoughtful musical accompaniment is the key to a fun holiday.

What else to read